Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bassummoner
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Final Fantasy X
The Crystals Awakening

500 years have passed since the defeat of Sin. Spira has grown immensely; its fear of Sin being replaced by its acceptance of Machina. Yet, the world is still divided into the same two groups. The Yevonists, and the Al Bhed Faction.
The Yevonists believe that Yevon was always a holy deity and that his teachings are law, even though there is no evidence that he exists anymore. The new Church of Yevon believes that it has the divine right to rule because it aided in the destruction of Sin in the old world and held the country together in such trying times.
The Al Bhed Faction, on the other hand, are academics and scholars who believe that sin and the pilgrimages are a myth perpetuated by the Yevonists to stake their claim for monarchy. The Al Bhed believe that Yevon is a foolish, outdated concept. The vast majority of Al Bhed believe in sciences and the furtherment of humanity, rather than focusing on a deity that doesn’t presently affect their lives in any way.
The use of Magic has dwindled since Sin has been defeated. The few who still practice magic have to work extremely hard to get half as powerful as mages once were. The sending ritual for spirits has been discontinued. Unsent spirits are no longer turned into fiends; instead, they are forced to linger in a purgatory on Spira between life and the Farplane.
As an all-out Holy War begins to break loose between the The Yevonists and the Al Bhed, two great beasts rise from the land and sea, wreaking havoc amongst all of Spira and its large cities. The two groups are forced to put aside their differences and fight for their lives against the all-powerful beasts.
Just when all hope is about to be lost, special, rare crystals are found in the old ruins of the temples of the Fayth. These crystals seem to enhance the power of anyone’s magic skills. This is useful of course, but only very rare, special people can unlock the full power of the crystals. These people must be chosen by the crystals. Those who are chosen are given the ability to summon Aeons that haven’t been seen since the time of Sin.
It is up to the Summoners, Mages, Al Bhed, and Yevonists, amongst other groups alike to fight for survival against the great beasts ~ and whoever may be behind them.


- Follow the guidelines of RoleplayerGuild (so no Godmodding, etc.)
- As GM, what I say goes. I'm not typically very hard to deal with, and as long as everyone is respectful to everyone else, everything should be fine.
- Inactive characters WILL be killed off
- I'd prefer nice grammar with decent detail and Character development. I'm just asking for at least a paragraph or two per post, at least.

I need one Summoner, and I'd like for anyone who would be interested in a villain role to message me for details.

Character Sheet:

Faction(Yevonist/Al Bhed/Other(Explain)):
Weapon of Choice:
Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):
Character Flaws:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bassummoner
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Righty-o. I need to get some sleep at the moment, but I'll work on something later on! ^-^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bassummoner
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Same, haha. @Ogobrogo
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 33 min ago

I'm gonna go ahead and use the same character I was gonna use when we were planning this to be a 1x1 X3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bassummoner
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Daxam accepted, of course. :)
I'll post it in the character section when I'm on my laptop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 33 min ago

I'll go ahead and do that, myself ^^

Oh, if you're in need of a co-GM, I'm available :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bassummoner
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@daxam I think I'm just gonna remain GM and control the fiends, npcs, behemoths actions, etc.

If it proves to be too much I'll let you know. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Member Seen 8 days ago

So how's it going, party peeps?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bassummoner
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It's going good! I'm hammering out a few more details and making sure that we don't have anyone else who wants to join. I'd love it if we had a few Yevonists or a Summoner character who wants to join, so if you guys have any peeps who are FFX fans, feel free to recruit!

If anyone has any input or ideas for this, just let me know!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Ahh, most of my pals on here are strictly anti-jrpg. So my well is dry T-T
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Lunhamm(Loon-ham) Corrigan (Core-eh-gan)


Bedohl - The original name for the race of the Al Bhed, created by the machinist Alb, as such, Lunhamm refers to his race by their original title, due to his upbringing.


Standing at a eight of 6 foot and 4 inches tall, with a fairly athletic and muscular build, light tan skin, with a set of green spiraled Al Bhed eyes, and Al Bhed blond hair, which is stylized as a pair of tied swept back dreadlocks, clipped with silver metal balls to hold them back, reaching the middle of his back.

As for his clothing, his attire consists of a pair of steel square shaped machina goggles upon his eyes, infused with Al Bhed technology, a device he can use for aiming, and scanning other lifeforms when in Spira. They can also be used to zoom in, activate night vision or heat sensory effects, they also keep an eye on his own vitals.

Lunhamm Wears a jet black sleeveless shirt, with metallic steel bangles around his biceps. A silver belt tied around his waist and a pair of armored black bell bottoms with a simple pair of lightweight mechanical silver boots on his feet.


Al Bhed


machinist - Skilled in the art of using machina for combat, as many Albhed are, Lunhamm specializes in the creation and use of heavy weaponry, meaning anything that can cause a hefty amount of destruction. These range from grenades, to cannons, to turrets and machine guns with enough bullets per second to turn beasts to swiss cheese in moments. Slower than others due to his use of heavy weapons, but makes up for it with defense and strength. Possesses no magic. A weapon crafter with a joy for showing off his new toys.


Born and raised from some of the most knowledgeable of the old traditions of the Bedohl, Lunhamm can appear as incredibly narcissistic and overzealous of the might and prowess of the Al-Bheds routes, seeing them as the greatest race to help protect the world of spira, though don't take his narcissism too harshly, the truth is, he doesn't hate the other races of spira, instead, he simply wishes to return his race to their previous state of power, and desires that the Bedohl be the ones to protect the world from harm, so that the other races may live peacefully, willingly being protected by them.

As such, Lunhamm is protective, eager to throw himself into the fray to protect even those he has no knowledge of, though he won't throw himself into the fire should it mean his death for no mighty positive trade off for the world. While he is protective, his narcissism can get the better of him when conversing with those of Yevon, and will get incredibly violent in their presence, never holding his fists back to bludgeon but not kill any Yevon scum who anger him. Growing up knowing the way Yevon exiled and mass genocide the Behodl and bastardized their name to the "Al-Bhed" made Lunhamm sick.

Lunhamm will only speak in "English" with those who he cares about who do not know the language, people he either sympathizes with, or people who understand his situation though will mostly speak in Al-Bhed or simply express himself with a wide variety of gestures or complete silence. At times he can even appear kind and loving, rather romantic should the mood be right! So its easy to categorize him as a gentle giant who won't hesitate to fight for his beliefs.

Weapon of Choice:

Grenade box - A steel containment unit on his hip containing his wide array of explosive materials to freeze, ignite or electrify his foes, among other elements. Useful for hitting over a wide area or applying status effects.

Cannon - A large explosive machina attached to Lunhamms left arm, taking the appearance of something like a tank cannon, this machina engulfs his entire arm, and can either be used as a powerful and heavy blunt weapon to crush his enemies, or when charged, can fire incredibly powerful blasts from within, akin to something like a Overdrive.

Turrets - 4 feet in height, made of Al-Bhed machina, these turrets can quickly fire like machine guns to rattle foes and protect over a wide area, allowing Lunhamm to deal constant damage to enemies in the vicinity who come close to him and his companions.

Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):

Bedohl specialization - Due to being part of the Al-bhed, Lunhamm is skilled in the use of machina as many are

Blitzball fanatic - And actually happens to play for the current Al-Bhed team, as a powerful defender! As such he can hold his breath for longer, and is great at taking hits from opposing fighters. He also loves Blitzball, ofcourse.

Character Flaws:

*Slow movement means he can't always hit fast speeding enemies or opponents who fly around too much in the air with his cannon and grenades.
*Slow trusting - especially with Yevonists - and will most likely never trust or ally with them, making him difficult due to his past.
*Narcissism - Feeling like he should be the one protecting people he sometimes buts himself in danger unnecessarily to prove a point


Al-bhed potion
Frost grenades
Flame grenades
Lightning grenades
Steel bullets for turrets
Old Bedohl textbook


As stated above, for many years, the Al-bhed, formally refered to as the Behodl's were driven and executted in a mass genocide by the Yevon community many years ago. While the Al-bhed are still recovering to try and return to their former glory, Lunhamm was raised by a tribe of Al-bhed, who lived elsewhere, away from Home 500 years ago, who held onto their original heritage strongly - The Behodl tribe.

The differences between the Al-bheds of Home and the Behodl's are not very large, they are but the same race, but live in different places, and hold different ideals. The Behodl's lived underground, away from the reach of Yevon, and were self sustained in mining and recovering what they lost. Holding their ancient history close to their hearts, the Behodl's were created to excell in what mages could not, raw power, in using the planet itself as a weapon, and as much, made them vastly unique and different to other residence of the planet. Lunhamm considers these gifts, as by using the resources given to them by the planet itself, they can use it to protect it from those who wish to hurt it.

Though due to knowing Yevon's actions, all his tribe had a very violent vision of the Yevon, and would not hesitate to fight them to uphold their glory and strength, and being born in this tribe is what nurtured his hate for Yevon and their teachings.

Ofcourse, they didn't just simply stay underground, that would be silly. They walked around like normal people, referring to themselves by their original names, and hoped to build a name for themselves. Lunhamm when growing up, was fascinated by the technology surrounding Blitz, and trained for applying alongside his training for making Machina, and thus became skilled in using both to the point where eventually, not only would he have crafted his main weapon, his pride and joy, the cannon attached to his arm would become his pride and joy, a symbol of the power the Behodls have, but he was eventually accepted into the Al-bhed Blitzball team, as Defender, and used his position to win over the crowd and desires to make his tribe popular again. So while his strength will prove it physically, Blitz will help persuade others mentally, to show that the Behodl's have not been forgotten, and that they will return to their original strength, and protect Spira from all harm.


Nothing I need to make note of I think? Unless I got something wrong, in which case, sorry XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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@Happy Go Lucky
Oh boy xD
Jim Sterling is the man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bassummoner
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Happy Go Lucky Accepted!

Alright, so I think that's all the Al Bhed characters that we need for now.
If anyone still wants to apply, we could still use a summoner.
I'm gonna wait a bit longer before posting the intro as I got called into work tonight. I'll get it up as soon as I can.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 33 min ago

I'm still working on editing Zac to fit with your CS ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 8 days ago

So a pirate, a blitzball player, a moogle, and a half-breed, eh? What a motley crew xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 33 min ago

I've finally finished editing my CS XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnLemon108
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So a pirate, a blitzball player, a moogle, and a half-breed, eh? What a motley crew xD

Agreed. I mean........Yarrr
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnLemon108
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I freaking love this moogle though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 33 min ago

I'm honestly very glad we're gonna have a moogle in our party XD
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