<Snipped quote by Gwendolyn>
But she prefers “Gwen”
Warrior Monks
<Snipped quote by Gwendolyn>
Gwendolyn isn’t the tallest girl around, standing at only about five feet five inches (167.64cm) with an athletic build. Weight? Don’t ask. Asking is likely to get you a shield to the jaw. Take our word on it. But enough with that, let’s go over some details, starting from the top. Atop her head lies a ginger mop of medium length, more often than not pulled up into a side ponytail. Bright blue eyes full of youthful optimism burn with determination from beneath her fiery locks. A light smattering of freckles run across her cheeks and nose.
As for her attire, Gwen prefers a slightly modified version of the standard traditional uniform donned by the Warrior Monks. The chestpiece is cut smaller, offering a bit less protection, but it restricts her movement less. Everything else remains pretty much the same. Though she does opt to don a sword and shield as well as the usual rifle. The former is much more likely to be seen on her than the rifle though.
<Snipped quote by Gwendolyn>
Gwen, calm down. Gwen, cut it out. Gwen, chill out.
And thus goes the symphony of Gwendolyn’s life. The girl always did have a bit of a bounce in her step, an extra spark of energy if you will. But that tended to flow both ways. The long and short of it is simple: Gwen’s an emotional girl. Highly emotional. When she’s happy, the world’s all sunshine and rainbows, puppy dogs and moogle tails. But when she’s down...well, she gets extra bummed out. She’s blue da ba dee da ba daa. And when she starts tipping one way or another, oh boy. Everything seems to compound with her trigger.
But the worst would probably be that temper. The girl’s got a hair trigger on that anger. Just about anything could set her off, and when it does, oh boy, watch out.
Despite her rather, unsavory temperament, Gwendolyn takes her job as a Warrior Monk seriously. Well...perhaps that’s a bit of a reach. It’s not that she’d a hyper-focused workaholic...she’s just extremely passionate about protecting others. The young, the elderly, the weak, the strong...even an Al-Bhed if they happened to honestly be innocent, Gwen just can’t bear standing around doing nothing. If somebody needs help, she’s stepping in. Maybe it’s a hero complex. Most likely...but that’s just the way that she’s always been, even as a young girl.
So when she’s not at the mercy of her emotions, or plunging headfirst into danger on behalf of some poor mook, Gwen’s an alright person. Not the best, by any means. She tends to just speak her mind, not taking a moment to think about how her words might be taken. On one hand, it keeps her pretty honest. On the other...well...the girl has a habit of lodging her foot firmly in her mouth.
It doesn’t take much to amuse, Gwen. Not that she’s stupid. Not by any means. It’s more of a...youthful fascination with the world. The simple things delight her to no end. Wild chocobo roaming the fields, the mighty Shoopuf doing its thing, so on and so forth. While if asked what she wanted to do with her life, she’d answer that she would want nothing more than to protect the weak, there would be a small moment of hesitation. And it is in this hesitation that Gwen’s mind would flash to a dream of seeing the entire world, discovering secrets long forgotten by man, or perhaps never encountered at all. But that would be just a dream.
Always a dream.
And nothing more.
Character Flaws:
<Snipped quote by Gwendolyn>
Patience may be a virtue, but Gwen never got around to learning it. She’s always eager to just jump into the action. Planning, plotting, strategy, she’s got no stomach for any of it. Whatever happens is Yevon’s will, so why worry about it? But that impatience, along with her already emotional nature, leads the girl to making hasty or rash decisions quite frequently. In the heat of the moment, she follows her heart, acting off instincts. While it hasn’t gotten her killed yet, surely she can’t keep being lucky...right?
Being a devout follower of Yevon, Gwendolyn has little tolerance for heathens. The Al-Bhed being prime examples. Sure, they may be alright people, but for them to completely turn their back on Yevon? That’s not right. She values her religion quite highly, and will fight to protect it via words or swords. Obviously, she does have a preference…And as she does have a strongly Yevonist view of the world, she’s utterly helpless when it comes to machina. She just doesn’t get it, man.
Gwendolyn’s not exactly the most knowledgeable of the world, most of her knowledge of it coming from old books that she was forced to read, or, and much more prevalent, from the other Warrior Monks. Unfortunately, a lot of this information was either very much outdated, or just plain wrong. But it’s a source of pride for the girl, in the knowledge she thinks she has. And with her being rather...stubborn, she’s not quick to admit that she’s wrong. In fact, she reacts rather poorly to being called out on her so called “Spira Knowledge”. By all means, go ahead and do it to get a rise out of the girl. Just uh...don’t get mad with us when she beats you down with a shield. It’s not pleasant.
Special Abilities:
<Snipped quote by Gwendolyn>
It’s not exactly common place for Warrior Monks to use swords and shields. Most have moved on to firearms, with good reason. Distance and ease of use allow for just about anybody to become an effective fighting force, provided they can aim. Therein lies Gwen’s main flaw in the eyes of the Monks: she can’t aim to save her life. She’d miss the broadside of a barn even if she could literally put the barrel of the gun against the damn thing.
So, sword and board it was. At least with that, all she had to do was swing her arm. That she found to be much easier. Learning to do it in a skillful manner though, that was significantly less easy. But she did it. The girl isn’t too shabby with the ol’ long razor. She even learned some basic magic attacks. Well...in a way. She wasn’t exactly conjuring up the elements like the mages. Hers was much smaller, simply channeling an element into her weapon, Gwen can focus her limited magical ability to cause a very small, localized spell at the point of contact with her sword.
Weapon of Choice:
<Snipped quote by Gwendolyn>
Sword and Shield
For a girl who can’t aim, there’s not too many other options. Her current sword and shield were a gift from her instructor. Just something from an old woman to keep a brat out of trouble...
<Snipped quote by Gwendolyn>
Beyond her sword and shield, Gwen carries a number of small potions in the pouch on her belt. But uh...she’s not exactly the neatest person around. Or most organized. As such, she’s ended up with plenty of vials full of stuff...with no labels. So it’s always a bit of a gamble when taking something from here. Oh well...more fun, yeah?
<Snipped quote by Gwendolyn>
Looking for some sort of tragic backstory? Well, sorry to disappoint, but that’s not the case here. Gwendolyn was a born to a widow whose husband had passed in an accident just months prior. The woman and her husband had been devout followers of Yevon, with he being a member of the Warrior Monks and she a humble priestess, so it’s not much of a surprise that Gwen ended up being raised in the temple. Which was fine, really. All things considered, her upbringing was fairly normal. She was even able to get an education. The young redhead never had much of an interest in books though, and it became increasingly unlikely that she would make it as a priestess.
Rather, she was much more drawn to physical activities. Indeed, the girl would practically bounce off the walls, and getting her to sit still was a bonafide miracle. But that worked out just fine. Yevon was always looking for more of the devout to pick up arms in the name of the Holy. Gwen’s mother protested a bit at first, but ultimately agreed. The girl was just following in the footsteps of her father, after all.
Training was...rough. But damn if the girl didn’t pour her all into it. She gave it 110% and it showed. While no, she wasn’t the greatest around, she could hold her own and was always eager to get to it. This did not go unnoticed by her instructor, an older woman who prided herself on training some of the best of the Monks. She made it a personal mission to see Gwen become a fine young warrior. And despite all the girl’s many faults, the old woman in the end felt as if she had accomplished her goal. And thus she passed on her own sword and shield to the little punk and shortly after, retired to live out the rest of her days in style on one of Besaid Island’s beautiful beaches.
Gwen hasn’t been a full-fledged member of the Monks for long, so she still carries a sort of pride and eagerness that tends to wear off as time passes by. And while she is only a low ranking monk, she dreams of greatness...especially in proving herself worthy of joining the ranks of the prestigious Chocobo Knights.
Maybe then she could fulfill her secret dream of seeing the world...
Character Sheet:
Name: Kali Zorah
Race: Human
Faction(Yevonist/Al Bhed/Other(Explain)): Yevonist
Job: Black Mage/Scholar
Personality: Despite her appearance, and job, she is actually a very down-to-earth and sweet character; although sometimes it does come out in her more than occasional sarcasm. She jokes often, even if some of the jokes are a little…. Dark... But she does try to remain as serious as she can because she was always taught to, if she ever wanted to be a good Black Mage. She doesn’t know much about the world because of her upbringing, especially the Al Bhed side of the picture.
Weapon of Choice: Magic Staff (shown in picture)
Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):
Character Flaws: Low Charisma, Little knowledge of the world outside of Yevonist beliefs
Inventory: Her staff, a few healing potions, Phoenix Down, status effect healing potions
Bio: A newborn, giggling baby was found on the doorstep of a Yevonist Monastery. She was taken in by a high priest of Yevon who raised her like a daughter. He taught her everything she knows about Black Magic (Except for what she learned in the books that she was constantly told to study.) She remembers when he would tell her of the brave Yuna and her guardians who defeated Sin and created an everlasting calm. She wanted so much to go on her own pilgrimage and see Spira as Yuna had; The beautiful Macalania Woods.. The peaceful calm lands.. She wanted so badly to get out and see everything so that she could be just like Summoner Yuna; but her father preferred she stay away from the corruption of the outside world. And so, he kept her from it. He instead urged her to study to strengthen her magic skills to distract her from her curiosity of Spira. As kind as he was, he was also very serious and strict. He wanted nothing but the best for Kali, and so he thought she should be the best.
When she got older, she became the Monastary librarian. She loved her job, mostly because she got unlimited book access. She developed a love for reading, especially when she found old books that were published about Yuna and her guardians defeating Sin. They were her favorite. She always pined for her very own Ifrit; she wished so badly that summoners still existed, even with Sin being defeated.
Name: Kali Zorah
Race: Human

Faction(Yevonist/Al Bhed/Other(Explain)): Yevonist
Job: Black Mage/Scholar
Personality: Despite her appearance, and job, she is actually a very down-to-earth and sweet character; although sometimes it does come out in her more than occasional sarcasm. She jokes often, even if some of the jokes are a little…. Dark... But she does try to remain as serious as she can because she was always taught to, if she ever wanted to be a good Black Mage. She doesn’t know much about the world because of her upbringing, especially the Al Bhed side of the picture.
Weapon of Choice: Magic Staff (shown in picture)
Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):
Character Flaws: Low Charisma, Little knowledge of the world outside of Yevonist beliefs
Inventory: Her staff, a few healing potions, Phoenix Down, status effect healing potions
Bio: A newborn, giggling baby was found on the doorstep of a Yevonist Monastery. She was taken in by a high priest of Yevon who raised her like a daughter. He taught her everything she knows about Black Magic (Except for what she learned in the books that she was constantly told to study.) She remembers when he would tell her of the brave Yuna and her guardians who defeated Sin and created an everlasting calm. She wanted so much to go on her own pilgrimage and see Spira as Yuna had; The beautiful Macalania Woods.. The peaceful calm lands.. She wanted so badly to get out and see everything so that she could be just like Summoner Yuna; but her father preferred she stay away from the corruption of the outside world. And so, he kept her from it. He instead urged her to study to strengthen her magic skills to distract her from her curiosity of Spira. As kind as he was, he was also very serious and strict. He wanted nothing but the best for Kali, and so he thought she should be the best.
When she got older, she became the Monastary librarian. She loved her job, mostly because she got unlimited book access. She developed a love for reading, especially when she found old books that were published about Yuna and her guardians defeating Sin. They were her favorite. She always pined for her very own Ifrit; she wished so badly that summoners still existed, even with Sin being defeated.
Name: Rowan Talbain
Race: Human

Faction: Neutral, Former Merchant/Chef turned Sky Pirate
Job: Sky Pirate/Restaurant Owner/Gun Mage
Personality: Up-Beat and jolly, Rowan is always looking on the Brightside. Despite his obvious failings he is an optimist a dreamer. He’s also naturally charitable and rarely greedy (a rare trait in a pirate) often letting others eat at the Lucina (His airship/restaurant) for free in exchange for work or for information.
Weapon of Choice: Anchor and Pistols

Special Abilities: His Trap ability can steal and use the abilities of any creature he defeats. Also his Magic Bullet ability lets him find specific weaknesses in his enemies. However, before his Gun Mage abilities are awakened by the power of the crystals, he is already a proficient fighter with his large main weapon and dead-eye aim.
Character Flaws: An idealist, and far too brash and forward. He’s an open book with no secrets. So in other words, he may be a great warrior and an accomplished rogue, but he’s honestly a terrible pirate.
Inventory: A few potions, fire and smoke grenades, Phoenix Down, various cooking supplies (spices, chef knife, spoon, fork)
Bio: Rowan was born a poor child raised as a scrapper in the Sanubia Desert. He spent his child hood dreaming of the life of the sky captains that they traded with. They were always so clean, and well fed. As soon as he was old enough he joined up with the crew of a vessel headed for Luca, but before their ship could reach its destination, it was boarded by pirates. He was taken prisoner, and forced into labor yet again as the kitchen boy. He took to his new job however, learning exotic recipes and how to use ingredients from all around Spira. Soon he was more popular on the airship than the Captain, and the Captain was not pleased. The two argued, and a fight broke out, but by that time the Captain was older, and the hard work endured all of Rowans life finally paid off, as he was victorious. He begged the crew to save the old Captain’s life, but before he could parley any further, the old Captain threw himself overboard to his death. With a heavy heart Rowan took over the duties as Captain, turning the Galley into most of the lower hull, and becoming the first Mobile restaurant/Pirate airship. (Mostly to pay the bills since he’s actually a lousy pirate)
Race: Human

Faction: Neutral, Former Merchant/Chef turned Sky Pirate
Job: Sky Pirate/Restaurant Owner/Gun Mage
Personality: Up-Beat and jolly, Rowan is always looking on the Brightside. Despite his obvious failings he is an optimist a dreamer. He’s also naturally charitable and rarely greedy (a rare trait in a pirate) often letting others eat at the Lucina (His airship/restaurant) for free in exchange for work or for information.
Weapon of Choice: Anchor and Pistols

Special Abilities: His Trap ability can steal and use the abilities of any creature he defeats. Also his Magic Bullet ability lets him find specific weaknesses in his enemies. However, before his Gun Mage abilities are awakened by the power of the crystals, he is already a proficient fighter with his large main weapon and dead-eye aim.
Character Flaws: An idealist, and far too brash and forward. He’s an open book with no secrets. So in other words, he may be a great warrior and an accomplished rogue, but he’s honestly a terrible pirate.
Inventory: A few potions, fire and smoke grenades, Phoenix Down, various cooking supplies (spices, chef knife, spoon, fork)
Bio: Rowan was born a poor child raised as a scrapper in the Sanubia Desert. He spent his child hood dreaming of the life of the sky captains that they traded with. They were always so clean, and well fed. As soon as he was old enough he joined up with the crew of a vessel headed for Luca, but before their ship could reach its destination, it was boarded by pirates. He was taken prisoner, and forced into labor yet again as the kitchen boy. He took to his new job however, learning exotic recipes and how to use ingredients from all around Spira. Soon he was more popular on the airship than the Captain, and the Captain was not pleased. The two argued, and a fight broke out, but by that time the Captain was older, and the hard work endured all of Rowans life finally paid off, as he was victorious. He begged the crew to save the old Captain’s life, but before he could parley any further, the old Captain threw himself overboard to his death. With a heavy heart Rowan took over the duties as Captain, turning the Galley into most of the lower hull, and becoming the first Mobile restaurant/Pirate airship. (Mostly to pay the bills since he’s actually a lousy pirate)
Name: Zacary Yoxall
Age: 22
(Only difference: his eyes are your typical, Al Bhed green)
Faction: Al Bhed
Weapon of choice: A simple handgun

Bio: 120 years have passed since High Summoner Yuna and her allies defeated Sin for the last time and, since then, mankind has flourished. The small beach villages of Yuna's time were fewer and more far between. In their place stood large cities, as if testaments to the kind of place Zanarkand once was before it became the pile of rubble it remains, even to this day. However, even though an Al Bhed helped Lady Yuna, who was part Al Bhed, herself, there was still plenty of prejudice against the race. And it was this prejudice that Zacary Yoxall, an Al Bhed Machinist, had learned to live with.
Zac was born to a human father and Al Bhed mother (which would explain his dark hair, atypical to the blonde hair all pure-blooded Al Bhed share). When he was a child, his father had disappeared, leaving his mother to raise him on his own. Over the years, his mother, who worked in an automotive shop, let Zac watch her work, which inspired his love of working on machines. After turning 18, Zac moved out of his mother's home and into a loft apartment, having desired enough room to continue his tinkering, but he continued to work with his mom in her shop.
Personality: Zac is what could be best described as a care-free individual. In general, it takes a lot to get him down, even when talking to someone who doesn't really care for his people. He tends to be at his best when working on machines, something even his mother had admitted he was better at than her. However, even considering how happy he was working on machines, he still catches himself hoping something exciting would happen from time to time.
Age: 22

(Only difference: his eyes are your typical, Al Bhed green)
Faction: Al Bhed
Weapon of choice: A simple handgun
Bio: 120 years have passed since High Summoner Yuna and her allies defeated Sin for the last time and, since then, mankind has flourished. The small beach villages of Yuna's time were fewer and more far between. In their place stood large cities, as if testaments to the kind of place Zanarkand once was before it became the pile of rubble it remains, even to this day. However, even though an Al Bhed helped Lady Yuna, who was part Al Bhed, herself, there was still plenty of prejudice against the race. And it was this prejudice that Zacary Yoxall, an Al Bhed Machinist, had learned to live with.
Zac was born to a human father and Al Bhed mother (which would explain his dark hair, atypical to the blonde hair all pure-blooded Al Bhed share). When he was a child, his father had disappeared, leaving his mother to raise him on his own. Over the years, his mother, who worked in an automotive shop, let Zac watch her work, which inspired his love of working on machines. After turning 18, Zac moved out of his mother's home and into a loft apartment, having desired enough room to continue his tinkering, but he continued to work with his mom in her shop.
Personality: Zac is what could be best described as a care-free individual. In general, it takes a lot to get him down, even when talking to someone who doesn't really care for his people. He tends to be at his best when working on machines, something even his mother had admitted he was better at than her. However, even considering how happy he was working on machines, he still catches himself hoping something exciting would happen from time to time.

Unaligned. Mogryo hasn’t been traveling long enough to be too exposed to the various factions of Spira, what with the Moogle Village isolated deep within a remote forest.
Mogryo the Moogle stands at about two feet six inches (76.2cm) and weighs only about thirty-nine pounds (17-18kg), kupo. He’s got fuzzy white fur, with a little ruffled tuff in the middle of chest. He’s got rather short limbs and his purple bat-like wings aren’t very large either, kupo. Moving upwards, one will notice that Mogryo has a very cute, button nose. Like most others of his kind, regardless of tribe, Mogryo’s eyes seem to permanently be closed or squinting. Topping everything off are a pair of adorable little ears and finally, a red pom-pom atop a black antennae, kupo. Yes, it is cute. No, you may not ruffle it. Barbarians, kupo.
As for clothing...well...Mogryo usually goes au naturel. Moogles don’t usually feel the need to wear clothes, kupo. Pants are always out. Cute shirts and awesome hats, on the other hand, have a little more wiggle room. Mogryo enjoys dressing up from time to time, kupo!
Many moogles find themselves called to the thrill of exploration, the Mogryo is no exception. Wanderlust, the dreaded illness that has claimed many a poor moogle, has finally gotten him in its clutches, kupo. The little guy yearns to see what’s beyond the Dark Forest and his people’s village, to meet the strangers that walk under the same stars. There’s just a certain excitement that feels a moogle when he sees someone or something new, kupo. So Mogryo’s likely to be friendly, perhaps overly so. He’s rather excitable and rash, often getting swept away by the passion of the moment. His rather sheltered life in the village has left him rather trusting and gullible, likely to take a person at their word, kupo.
The moogle is of a playful sort, not taking things too seriously. If something can be made into a game or competition, count him in, kupo. He’s a bit of a ham, so get him going and he’ll play something up until it collapses under itself. But it’s all in good fun, kupo! The more laughs the better. People are always at their best when they smile.
When it comes to danger, Mogryo would prefer that nobody gets hurt. He might play it down, but he really cares about the wellbeing of his friends. If there’s a peaceful option, then he’ll find it, kupo.
Character Flaws:
Mogryo’s not exactly the toughest guy around. He’s got a rather fragile body and not much mass to him. His physical attacks aren’t likely to do much outside of being annoying. And if he starts getting smacked around? Oh, kupo...
Lightning freaks him out. He doesn’t use lightning magic, and he’s not exactly too fond of it being used on him. There’s no tragic reason behind this...the little guy just isn’t used to it. His eyes aren’t prepared for large flashes of light and his poor widdle ears hurt from the loud crack, kupo...
While adorable, Mogryo’s stubby limbs actually render him with a horrible reach. He’s got to get much too close for his liking if he wants to use his Fist of Kupo and Justice (fancy name for a slap, kupo!) and really if he’s resorting to that, he’s in for a world of hurt.
Naivety, thy name is Mogryo. The young lad, having spent the vast majority of his life in the secluded paradise of the Moogle Village, a place mostly free from corruption, evil, and the like, is not accustomed to the sly folks making up the rest of the world. He’s almost foolishly trustworthy and gullible. He’s not stupid, kupo, he just doesn’t get why anybody would want to lie to him. So go ahead, abuse his innocence! It’ll be fun, right? The dim little thing won’t know any better, kupo...
Special Abilities:
A moogle’s got moves, kupo. When the music turns up, Mogryo gets down. Dancing is just a fact of life for the guy. But the moogle’s mad moves aren’t just for picking up the ladies, kupo! He studied under the best dancers within the moogle community, picking up many of the Forbidden Dances. These dances can be enacted to inflict nasty status ailments on foes, or provide support to his allies. But at what cost, kupo?
All information pulled from here.
Currently knows:
Darkness Dance
Samba of Silence
Sleepy Shuffle
Magical Masque
Currently knows:
Darkness Dance
Samba of Silence
Sleepy Shuffle
Magical Masque
The little guy sure is quick, kupo. But when one is as small and cuddly as Mogryo, it’s a necessity, kupo! Unless ya wanna be lunch for some nasty! Not that that really helps him in combat so much but hey, retreat is a valid option at times.
And while it’s not exactly combat related, he sure can cook a mean kupo nut, kupo!.
Weapon of Choice:

Mogryo isn’t much of a melee fighter, but even he knows not to rush into a fight empty handed. Well, truth be told, he’s not likely to rush into a fight in the first place, kupo! But if things are out of his hands, Mogryo’s got his handy-dandy mallet nearby to bop trouble back into place. It’s...just a mallet. Made of wood? It’s a bit smaller than a normal mallet. More...moogle sized. Go figure, kupo.
1x Handy-Dandy Wooden Mallet
1x Journey Journal
2x Chocobo Feather Pen
5x Bags of Fresh Kupo Nuts
1x Small Primitive Backpack
The world of Spira holds many a mystery. Some large, some small. One of these mysteries, one perhaps on the smaller size, would be the disappearance of the moogle. Creatures of pure fantasy, once thought to be fiends but later disproven, that up and disappeared hundreds, if not thousands of years ago, kupo. Well, they didn’t exactly just disappear, according to some. Those people claim that the moogle was hunted to extinction for its adorable pom-pom and fur. But many more simply believe the creature to be nothing more than a folktale at best, and a cheap marketing ploy to sell stuffed animals and moogle merchandise at worst, kupo.
Truth be told, they’re all wrong.
While yes, the sighting of a moogle in the modern world is practically unheard of, it wasn’t due to the fuckery of Spira that caused them to fly under the radar, kupo. The mighty Moogle people were the cause of their own demise. For within their community, there were two major tribes, differing only in the size of their pom-poms. The small pom-poms DESPISED the large pom-poms and the opposite was true. Kupo. It goes without saying that war was inevitable, the the two tribes nearly wiped the race off the map. And would have, if not for the Guardians, a small number of mighty Moogle warriors that rose up and banded together to stop the fighting. They succeeded, but were much too late. The majority of the people lie dead or broken. The land was bathed in blood...but they were not completely gone, kupo! Thus the Guardians led the remaining Moogles in a long, long pilgrimage, far away from the rest of the world where the Moogles could rebuild and regrow, safe from the prying eyes of the other races. They would cultivate a new Moogle people, completely ignorant of the war and strife which had plagued it so, kupo!
That’s where our Mogryo comes in!
Deep, deep in the Dark Dark Forest, to the left of the mossy log, right of Laughing Stone, and just before that one cave that you’re pretty sure is the home of a bear, there lies a secluded village, home for the furry little creatures that call themselves Moogles, kupo. These Moogles are the descendents of the few that managed to escape the Great Fall some odd centuries ago. Their numbers are rather few, but steady.
Mogryo just so happens to be the youngest Moogle in the village, by all means still just an adolescent in his people’s eyes. It was understood that Mogryo would stay with his village until he reached maturity, and then he would be given the option of either staying in the happy isolation, or leave to see the world, as follows tradition. And of course, he would choose to stay, like almost everybody before him. And that would have been fine with him, kupo. Here he had all the kupo nuts he could stomach, plenty of beautiful music, and his family. Why, what else could he possible need?
But that changed one day, kupo.
The kupo nuts didn’t set his taste buds alight with the same glorious explosion of deliciousness.
The fresh, funky music didn’t feel him with the same electric beat.
He had even grown grumpy with his family.
It made no sense. That is, until the Council of Elders performed the Dance of Meditation for three full days and three full nights. Then the answer became clear.
Young Mogryo had been afflicted with Wanderlust. It was unusual to say the least. Wanderlust had not been seen in a moogle since before the first refugees arrived in the village. Sure, there were a few Moogles who would forsake the villages to go try to make it in the outside world, but that just happened from time to time, and always with mature moogles or those suspected to be a touch mad. Mogryo was just a kid, kupo.
But Wanderlust cannot be ignored. To leave it be is to doom the Moogle to Heartbreak, kupo, a fate worse than death. No, there is but one cure. The afflicted Moogle must leave their village, and travel forth to see the world. Meeting new people, seeing new sights, these were the only ways to cure Wanderlust. Such was the terrible curse of the Moogle people.
It was a sad day, the day that Mogryo left the village. The music played at only half gusto. Many Dances of Farewell and Dances of Goodluck were performed. The feast even failed to cheer up the little furry guys, kupo. That wouldn’t do. So Mogryo put on a smile and made a promise to everyone, that he would see all there was to see, that he would meet everyone there was to meet, and that he would one day return to the village, kupo.
And then he left, knowing that he, like all who leave the Moogle Village, would never lay eyes on the happy village again.
But the moogle took his first step into the unknown. And then another, kupo. And just like that, Mogryo’s story had begun.
Name: Lunhamm(Loon-ham) Corrigan (Core-eh-gan)
Bedohl - The original name for the race of the Al Bhed, created by the machinist Alb, as such, Lunhamm refers to his race by their original title, due to his upbringing.
Standing at a eight of 6 foot and 4 inches tall, with a fairly athletic and muscular build, light tan skin, with a set of green spiraled Al Bhed eyes, and Al Bhed blond hair, which is stylized as a pair of tied swept back dreadlocks, clipped with silver metal balls to hold them back, reaching the middle of his back.
As for his clothing, his attire consists of a pair of steel square shaped machina goggles upon his eyes, infused with Al Bhed technology, a device he can use for aiming, and scanning other lifeforms when in Spira. They can also be used to zoom in, activate night vision or heat sensory effects, they also keep an eye on his own vitals.
Lunhamm Wears a jet black sleeveless shirt, with metallic steel bangles around his biceps. A silver belt tied around his waist and a pair of armored black bell bottoms with a simple pair of lightweight mechanical silver boots on his feet.
Al Bhed
machinist - Skilled in the art of using machina for combat, as many Albhed are, Lunhamm specializes in the creation and use of heavy weaponry, meaning anything that can cause a hefty amount of destruction. These range from grenades, to cannons, to turrets and machine guns with enough bullets per second to turn beasts to swiss cheese in moments. Slower than others due to his use of heavy weapons, but makes up for it with defense and strength. Possesses no magic. A weapon crafter with a joy for showing off his new toys.
Born and raised from some of the most knowledgeable of the old traditions of the Bedohl, Lunhamm can appear as incredibly narcissistic and overzealous of the might and prowess of the Al-Bheds routes, seeing them as the greatest race to help protect the world of spira, though don't take his narcissism too harshly, the truth is, he doesn't hate the other races of spira, instead, he simply wishes to return his race to their previous state of power, and desires that the Bedohl be the ones to protect the world from harm, so that the other races may live peacefully, willingly being protected by them.
As such, Lunhamm is protective, eager to throw himself into the fray to protect even those he has no knowledge of, though he won't throw himself into the fire should it mean his death for no mighty positive trade off for the world. While he is protective, his narcissism can get the better of him when conversing with those of Yevon, and will get incredibly violent in their presence, never holding his fists back to bludgeon but not kill any Yevon scum who anger him. Growing up knowing the way Yevon exiled and mass genocide the Behodl and bastardized their name to the "Al-Bhed" made Lunhamm sick.
Lunhamm will only speak in "English" with those who he cares about who do not know the language, people he either sympathizes with, or people who understand his situation though will mostly speak in Al-Bhed or simply express himself with a wide variety of gestures or complete silence. At times he can even appear kind and loving, rather romantic should the mood be right! So its easy to categorize him as a gentle giant who won't hesitate to fight for his beliefs.
Weapon of Choice:
Grenade box - A steel containment unit on his hip containing his wide array of explosive materials to freeze, ignite or electrify his foes, among other elements. Useful for hitting over a wide area or applying status effects.
Cannon - A large explosive machina attached to Lunhamms left arm, taking the appearance of something like a tank cannon, this machina engulfs his entire arm, and can either be used as a powerful and heavy blunt weapon to crush his enemies, or when charged, can fire incredibly powerful blasts from within, akin to something like a Overdrive.
Turrets - 4 feet in height, made of Al-Bhed machina, these turrets can quickly fire like machine guns to rattle foes and protect over a wide area, allowing Lunhamm to deal constant damage to enemies in the vicinity who come close to him and his companions.
Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):
Bedohl specialization - Due to being part of the Al-bhed, Lunhamm is skilled in the use of machina as many are
Blitzball fanatic - And actually happens to play for the current Al-Bhed team, as a powerful defender! As such he can hold his breath for longer, and is great at taking hits from opposing fighters. He also loves Blitzball, ofcourse.
Character Flaws:
*Slow movement means he can't always hit fast speeding enemies or opponents who fly around too much in the air with his cannon and grenades.
*Slow trusting - especially with Yevonists - and will most likely never trust or ally with them, making him difficult due to his past.
*Narcissism - Feeling like he should be the one protecting people he sometimes buts himself in danger unnecessarily to prove a point
Al-bhed potion
Frost grenades
Flame grenades
Lightning grenades
Steel bullets for turrets
Old Bedohl textbook
As stated above, for many years, the Al-bhed, formally refered to as the Behodl's were driven and executted in a mass genocide by the Yevon community many years ago. While the Al-bhed are still recovering to try and return to their former glory, Lunhamm was raised by a tribe of Al-bhed, who lived elsewhere, away from Home 500 years ago, who held onto their original heritage strongly - The Behodl tribe.
The differences between the Al-bheds of Home and the Behodl's are not very large, they are but the same race, but live in different places, and hold different ideals. The Behodl's lived underground, away from the reach of Yevon, and were self sustained in mining and recovering what they lost. Holding their ancient history close to their hearts, the Behodl's were created to excell in what mages could not, raw power, in using the planet itself as a weapon, and as much, made them vastly unique and different to other residence of the planet. Lunhamm considers these gifts, as by using the resources given to them by the planet itself, they can use it to protect it from those who wish to hurt it.
Though due to knowing Yevon's actions, all his tribe had a very violent vision of the Yevon, and would not hesitate to fight them to uphold their glory and strength, and being born in this tribe is what nurtured his hate for Yevon and their teachings.
Ofcourse, they didn't just simply stay underground, that would be silly. They walked around like normal people, referring to themselves by their original names, and hoped to build a name for themselves. Lunhamm when growing up, was fascinated by the technology surrounding Blitz, and trained for applying alongside his training for making Machina, and thus became skilled in using both to the point where eventually, not only would he have crafted his main weapon, his pride and joy, the cannon attached to his arm would become his pride and joy, a symbol of the power the Behodls have, but he was eventually accepted into the Al-bhed Blitzball team, as Defender, and used his position to win over the crowd and desires to make his tribe popular again. So while his strength will prove it physically, Blitz will help persuade others mentally, to show that the Behodl's have not been forgotten, and that they will return to their original strength, and protect Spira from all harm.
Nothing I need to make note of I think? Unless I got something wrong, in which case, sorry XD
Bedohl - The original name for the race of the Al Bhed, created by the machinist Alb, as such, Lunhamm refers to his race by their original title, due to his upbringing.
Standing at a eight of 6 foot and 4 inches tall, with a fairly athletic and muscular build, light tan skin, with a set of green spiraled Al Bhed eyes, and Al Bhed blond hair, which is stylized as a pair of tied swept back dreadlocks, clipped with silver metal balls to hold them back, reaching the middle of his back.
As for his clothing, his attire consists of a pair of steel square shaped machina goggles upon his eyes, infused with Al Bhed technology, a device he can use for aiming, and scanning other lifeforms when in Spira. They can also be used to zoom in, activate night vision or heat sensory effects, they also keep an eye on his own vitals.
Lunhamm Wears a jet black sleeveless shirt, with metallic steel bangles around his biceps. A silver belt tied around his waist and a pair of armored black bell bottoms with a simple pair of lightweight mechanical silver boots on his feet.
Al Bhed
machinist - Skilled in the art of using machina for combat, as many Albhed are, Lunhamm specializes in the creation and use of heavy weaponry, meaning anything that can cause a hefty amount of destruction. These range from grenades, to cannons, to turrets and machine guns with enough bullets per second to turn beasts to swiss cheese in moments. Slower than others due to his use of heavy weapons, but makes up for it with defense and strength. Possesses no magic. A weapon crafter with a joy for showing off his new toys.
Born and raised from some of the most knowledgeable of the old traditions of the Bedohl, Lunhamm can appear as incredibly narcissistic and overzealous of the might and prowess of the Al-Bheds routes, seeing them as the greatest race to help protect the world of spira, though don't take his narcissism too harshly, the truth is, he doesn't hate the other races of spira, instead, he simply wishes to return his race to their previous state of power, and desires that the Bedohl be the ones to protect the world from harm, so that the other races may live peacefully, willingly being protected by them.
As such, Lunhamm is protective, eager to throw himself into the fray to protect even those he has no knowledge of, though he won't throw himself into the fire should it mean his death for no mighty positive trade off for the world. While he is protective, his narcissism can get the better of him when conversing with those of Yevon, and will get incredibly violent in their presence, never holding his fists back to bludgeon but not kill any Yevon scum who anger him. Growing up knowing the way Yevon exiled and mass genocide the Behodl and bastardized their name to the "Al-Bhed" made Lunhamm sick.
Lunhamm will only speak in "English" with those who he cares about who do not know the language, people he either sympathizes with, or people who understand his situation though will mostly speak in Al-Bhed or simply express himself with a wide variety of gestures or complete silence. At times he can even appear kind and loving, rather romantic should the mood be right! So its easy to categorize him as a gentle giant who won't hesitate to fight for his beliefs.
Weapon of Choice:
Grenade box - A steel containment unit on his hip containing his wide array of explosive materials to freeze, ignite or electrify his foes, among other elements. Useful for hitting over a wide area or applying status effects.
Cannon - A large explosive machina attached to Lunhamms left arm, taking the appearance of something like a tank cannon, this machina engulfs his entire arm, and can either be used as a powerful and heavy blunt weapon to crush his enemies, or when charged, can fire incredibly powerful blasts from within, akin to something like a Overdrive.
Turrets - 4 feet in height, made of Al-Bhed machina, these turrets can quickly fire like machine guns to rattle foes and protect over a wide area, allowing Lunhamm to deal constant damage to enemies in the vicinity who come close to him and his companions.
Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):
Bedohl specialization - Due to being part of the Al-bhed, Lunhamm is skilled in the use of machina as many are
Blitzball fanatic - And actually happens to play for the current Al-Bhed team, as a powerful defender! As such he can hold his breath for longer, and is great at taking hits from opposing fighters. He also loves Blitzball, ofcourse.
Character Flaws:
*Slow movement means he can't always hit fast speeding enemies or opponents who fly around too much in the air with his cannon and grenades.
*Slow trusting - especially with Yevonists - and will most likely never trust or ally with them, making him difficult due to his past.
*Narcissism - Feeling like he should be the one protecting people he sometimes buts himself in danger unnecessarily to prove a point
Al-bhed potion
Frost grenades
Flame grenades
Lightning grenades
Steel bullets for turrets
Old Bedohl textbook
As stated above, for many years, the Al-bhed, formally refered to as the Behodl's were driven and executted in a mass genocide by the Yevon community many years ago. While the Al-bhed are still recovering to try and return to their former glory, Lunhamm was raised by a tribe of Al-bhed, who lived elsewhere, away from Home 500 years ago, who held onto their original heritage strongly - The Behodl tribe.
The differences between the Al-bheds of Home and the Behodl's are not very large, they are but the same race, but live in different places, and hold different ideals. The Behodl's lived underground, away from the reach of Yevon, and were self sustained in mining and recovering what they lost. Holding their ancient history close to their hearts, the Behodl's were created to excell in what mages could not, raw power, in using the planet itself as a weapon, and as much, made them vastly unique and different to other residence of the planet. Lunhamm considers these gifts, as by using the resources given to them by the planet itself, they can use it to protect it from those who wish to hurt it.
Though due to knowing Yevon's actions, all his tribe had a very violent vision of the Yevon, and would not hesitate to fight them to uphold their glory and strength, and being born in this tribe is what nurtured his hate for Yevon and their teachings.
Ofcourse, they didn't just simply stay underground, that would be silly. They walked around like normal people, referring to themselves by their original names, and hoped to build a name for themselves. Lunhamm when growing up, was fascinated by the technology surrounding Blitz, and trained for applying alongside his training for making Machina, and thus became skilled in using both to the point where eventually, not only would he have crafted his main weapon, his pride and joy, the cannon attached to his arm would become his pride and joy, a symbol of the power the Behodls have, but he was eventually accepted into the Al-bhed Blitzball team, as Defender, and used his position to win over the crowd and desires to make his tribe popular again. So while his strength will prove it physically, Blitz will help persuade others mentally, to show that the Behodl's have not been forgotten, and that they will return to their original strength, and protect Spira from all harm.
Nothing I need to make note of I think? Unless I got something wrong, in which case, sorry XD
Character Sheet:
Faction(Yevonist/Al Bhed/Other(Explain)):
Weapon of Choice:
Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):
Character Flaws:
Faction(Yevonist/Al Bhed/Other(Explain)):
Weapon of Choice:
Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):
Character Flaws: