Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Character you have created: The Aquilifer
Alias: Dennis Connolly

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Yellow, Georgia

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret. Not yet public knowledge

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): 24 years of age. Lazy, born-loser. Has a massive inferiority complex to his dead brother and sizeable self-confidence issues. Cares too much about what other people think, compared with doing the right thing. Unemployed, drinks, has partaken in what his mother calls “the pot” and is just completely ill-equipped to inherit the legacy of a super hero...

But other than that he’s a nice enough, personable type. Just not someone you’d trust to loan money too, let alone significant power or responsibility.

Dresses fairly casually usually, although will tend to wear a leather flight suit jacket lined with down to protect from wind-shear with only an emblem of wings over the breast-pocket as evidence of his “eagle-bearer” legacy. An old flight helmet with a decal of eagles wings and jeans when he intends to go into action.

Origin Info/Details:
In the 1920s and 30s the United States had their own golden era of heroic figures. People who would prevent bank robberies, retrieve cats from trees (if asked politely, as all would do in the salad days of yore), put out fires, save people who fell whilst cleaning high rise windows (hey! It happened more than you may think) and otherwise making the world a better place. Whilst never looking to get involved in global politics. (Because, gosh darn it, hard working types had earned those positions and had more experience and were doing the work they were best suited for in those roles).

Then came the ‘30s. And Nazis. The Attack on Pearl Harbor awoke a sleeping giant. And suddenly the U.S. was unable to stay out of the war.

And the earliest heroes suddenly realised where their efforts would best be suited.

Amongst these heroes, was one man. The Aquilifer. Who named himself after the ancient Roman standard bearers who carried the symbol of the eagle. Armed with the Golden Rod, a powerful technological device years beyond anything mankind could surely have devised – possessing a power that surely could have come from God himself, the Aquilifer quickly forged a name for himself as a symbol for justice, righteousness and freedom from tyranny.

Eventually, the good guys won the day. Soldiers, both powered and otherwise came home and returned from making America and the free world safe from rat-zi jackboots, and set to work once more in their role of making the country the best place possible to live. The Aquilifer returned to his home town of Lost Haven and looked to use the Golden Rod to do just that and more. While the Aquilifer set to work in that regard, a gentleman by the name of Alan Coghlan looked to achieve the same goal himself... by providing a new technological renaissance, CoghlanGears grew into a large company coming up with many patents and tremendous innovations that were years ahead of their time.

In the late ‘40s during a battle with one of the Liberty Legion’s great foes, Tempus Flare the Time Pirate several members of the Liberty Legion, including the Aquilifer, disappeared. It was a dark day for the nation and the lost members were honoured in the Hall of Heroes at the Museum of Supers in Lost Haven, which had quite a large representation of members of the group, and in numerous other memorials in cities ranging from New York to Washington D.C.

Strangely it was around this time that the founder of CoghlanGears, Alan Coghlan, also disappeared. Apparently seeking a life of solitude and meditation.

It was with great jubilation that the world saw these missing heroes return in the sixties. It appeared that instead of dying or being lost for eternity in the terrible time tunnel of the Time Pirate, they had merely all “been misplaced” and jumped forward over 20 years until they had successfully taken down the dastardly Tempus Flare.

Many of the heroes struggled to adjust to the changes they had seen in the American culture after their lost twenty years, and many settled down presumably to families or perhaps a well earned retirement. The Aquilifer continued to strive for justice, albeit in an increasingly limited capacity for the following ten years.

Around the same time the elusive Alan Coghlan had been discovered. Due to his unreliable absence over the years his company had moved in other directions from the conscientious board of directors who had assumed control in his stead. A nice suburban house in the Little Ulster quadrant, with a white picket fence and a second chance with the wife he had unthinkably left behind all these years were suitable enough payment for his years work in constructing the company he had abandoned. It was around this time that his wife Margaret fell pregnant to Alan and gave birth to a daughter; Helen.

The ‘70s saw the retirement of the Aquilifer, who had undoubtedly deserved a peaceful retirement after decades of service.

The mid-to-late 1980s saw Helen (now Connolly) Coghlan have her own two children, both sons, named Sean and Dennis Connolly (nee Coghlan).

The early nineties saw a tumultuous period in the U.S. and the world as a whole. Desert Storm, the L.A. riots, Waco and the bombing of the World Trade Center saw a re-emergence of the Aquilifer of sorts. Despite clearly being a different man than the last Aquilifer, this man was a little harder nosed than the last. A different hero for a different age, his methods were at times swifter and more shocking than the previous Aquilifer. However in an age when several heroes were taking more drastic measures in response to darker threats, the Aquilifer was a steadying force and generally not in favour of needless wanton acts of violence.

The Golden Rod saw many changes itself over the years in the hands of this new Aquilifer, and also developed new tricks and uses for the Rod as well as different ways of utilizing its new features.

Meanwhile, Helen Connolly raised her boys through high school in Lost Haven, before moving across the country to Seattle to join her husband who had until this point been putting off starting his own business. Sean was doing well, was Valedictorian and also starting quarterback for his final two years. Sean received several offers from fairly big football schools but chose to stay in Lost Haven, the home he’d always known, because he couldn’t see the NFL being in his future. Dennis... was also still around. Dennis decided to go the junior college route before attending the Rockefeller Community College before eventually getting his degree in English literature. The two boys would remain in Lost Haven watched over by family in the absence of their mother and father.

The modern Aquilifer had a strong determined streak and would push himself to his very limits. But the years started to get to him by the late ‘00s, his fateful inevitable demise came in 2012, where Tempus Flare got his revenge. Traversing through time and appearing out of thin air, attaching a device to the wielder of the Golden Rod whilst the Aquilifer aged to dust on national television.

A private will-reading saw the Golden Rod bequeathed to science, however through what must have been a terrible accident on behalf of the man who was the Aquilifer, he bestowed it on the former owner of CoghlanGears, Alan Coghlan rather than the company itself.

A new, considerably younger Aquilifer appeared almost immediately after the funeral. Presumably after the elderly and disorderly Coghlan misplaced the Rod.

The new Aquilifer was a breath of fresh air, bringing back a sense of joy and whimsy to the role whilst also possessing strength, stature and intelligence. It was his inexperience however that was his downfall after the beloved hero was lured into a trap and slaughtered by Miz Demeanour and the Fel-honeys after Demeanour misrepresented herself as a rape victim. The Aquilifer eventually recognised his attackers but by then it was too late, they had him trapped, outnumbered and were armed and prepared for the specific defences of the Golden Rod.

Sean Connolly was found deceased on the scene and it appears that he had discovered the Golden Rod after his grandfather had misplaced it and had the foolhardy thought that perhaps he could use it himself.

The funeral temporarily brought the entire family together, but the parents have since left back for their Seattle home. The sole surviving son Dennis still resides in Lost Haven with his grandfather.

Few fear Dennis might have similar benevolent thoughts of flying out and changing the world should he ever stumble upon the Rod...

Hero Type (Select one):
Regular human wielder of the Golden Rod. A tech-based “energy weapon” of so-far unknown origin, which is far more than just a weapon.

Power Level (Select one below):
City level/World level

Powers (Be Specific):
The Golden Rod is a tech based energy weapon which has a myriad of uses:
Energy absorption
Anti-gravity fields that allow flight or for objects to be moved/lifted
Defensive force fields
Energy blasts to a range of roughly 75 metres
Heat emission
Light emission
Solid constructs of energy

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: Normal Human, but the Golden Rod allows him to lift 10 tons.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human reaction time, able to fly at 400 mph (straight line at a high altitude with no fear of hitting birds) but with a cruising speed of 75 MPH (remember, while the Golden Rod allows him to fly at subsonic speeds, he's still a guy holding onto it with regular human reaction times, so he seldom gets the opportunity to "open up" and push it to it's limits).

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, but the Golden Rod never requires any form of recharging. The upper lengths of it’s endurance falls upon that of the wielder. At this stage Dennis is in somewhat less than peak condition.

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: At this stage untrained

Resources: His own resources are minimal, but he has a supporting benefactor in his grandfather; whose own resources (assets) are average, but his resourceFULNESS is large.

Weaknesses: Psychological – Dennis has large self-confidence and inferiority issues to his late brother,

Has numerous self-destructive bad habits.

Still just a regular guy, who has access to a remarkable tool.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
Alan Coghlan, grandfather – Alan was the original Aquilifer, from a different time. Having lost 20 years of his life had a traumatic effect on the old Golden Age hero, and the heavy adjustment to just how much the world had changed in those years have taken their toll. Now more than ever Alan believes the role is necessary... and he’ll mould Dennis into someone suitable even if it kills the both of them.

I’ll list more as the character develops.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yup.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

“Mmmm-eah?” he grunts into the phone.

“Oh thank God you’re OK! It’s all over the news!”

“Geez, ma. Calm down, what’s all over the news?”

“Wait, where are you? Are you home? You can’t be home if you don’t know what I’m talking about... Where’s Grampa Alan?”

“Ma, calm down. It’s too early for this. Now slow down. I am home, what’s all over the news?”

“Go check on Grampa Alan...”

“Alright, I’ll check on Grampa Alan. I’m going now, I’ll call you right back.”

“No! Don’t hang u--! Clik”

Dennis threw on some pants and a tee, to make the small trek from the accessory apartment he lived in to the main house which was his grandfather’s. Strange that his mother would call on his cell. It’s an expensive call from Seattle, she’d normally call the house number. But for all he knew, maybe she had and he slept through it. He was a pretty heavy sleeper after a night on the town, so it’s not unheard of that he could have slept through... oh...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Hound55 Kinda curious now, if he's "Non-conductive to magic" That would apply to magical artifacts as well? Like Excalibur? Although it still is an actual combat ready sword even without the magical enchantments. Would Excalibur cease to exist should it come into contact with Vigilante? Or would it's magical and cosmic properties allow that as an exception?

Good question. Excalibur is a physical object which has been given magical enchantments and mystical properties... so unlike the demons from Demon Day (which were inherently magic creatures... beings of magic given physical properties as they come across to our dimension) it would presumably NOT be torn from existence. It would just cease to have those magical properties.

Now whether they would once again have magical properties once that contact was broken... I guess that would depend on the artifact and the person wielding it. A person who is adept in magic may be able to re-cast the original enchantment or it could be something that re-generates its own mana.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Basically, he flies in the face of "the laws of magic" (just like there are "laws of physics").

Sword's physical properties remain. Magic properties gone (whether permanent or temporary).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

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<Snipped quote by VATROU>

Good question. Excalibur is a physical object which has been given magical enchantments and mystical properties... so unlike the demons from Demon Day (which were inherently magic creatures... beings of magic given physical properties as they come across to our dimension) it would presumably NOT be torn from existence. It would just cease to have those magical properties.

Now whether they would once again have magical properties once that contact was broken... I guess that would depend on the artifact and the person wielding it. A person who is adept in magic may be able to re-cast the original enchantment or it could be something that re-generates its own mana.

Well it was forged from the scales, and bones of a Dragon by powerful mages and given to the Lady of the Lake to seek a suitable wielder. Now Dragons are Cosmic beings and so are their artifacts, they are considered lesser gods, demi gods for many of their kind. And any artifact from them has a considerable amount of power, add on the magical abilities and it's something truly cosmic altogether. So with that in mind it could probably generate it's own mana. Plus the sheathe also is imbued with powers as well. So I do think it's safe to say it can regenerate plenty to restore the enchantments.

Of course the user is fully human and a normal one at that. While it is a cosmic/legendary artifact it is still an over glorified sword, whilst it has cosmic powers at best a normal human can only be a city level hero. There are some things I'll reveal over the course of the RP, and Eva my character will be gaining other magical and legendary artifacts so they will boost her power level artificially. And of course there is Merlin, my alternate Merlin from another world, Merlin the Boar's Sin of Greed who has knowledge of forbidden magics among other things so in the worst case scenario she could restore the sword or help in doing so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yeah. Just to be safe, I'd keep the sword away from Isaac and only bring it out for Show and Tell...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'll have Alexa receive the invite for the orgy in the woods.

I'm just assuming it's going to be an orgy because lets face it-

No event in the woods being hosted by the Greeks can be anything but.

Kali to go Grant Morrison meta and write herself into the arc feeling up Arachne...

Sorry, just catching up on the OOC too...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Kalistar>

Kali to go Grant Morrison meta and write herself into the arc feeling up Arachne...

Sorry, just catching up on the OOC too...


Don't give her any ideas!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hound55>


Don't give her any ideas!

I doubt I'm giving her any she hasn't already had, flicking through the OOC...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

I doubt I'm giving her any she hasn't already had, flicking through the OOC...

Very true, although it is probably for the best if we don't remind her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay! Now that the holidays are ALMOST over, I can get back to posting more regularly. @Athinar, I will have a post coming for you either tonight or tomorrow, and that is a guarantee!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

Guess we'd best get through the formalities first...

Character you have created: The Vigilante
Alias: Isaac Fontaine

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): When it comes back up, courier new, regular white on black with bold. Without bold for “thought quotes”.

Character Alignment: Hero with shades of grey

Identity: Secret and paranoid about keeping it so.

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations):
Mid-to-late 20s but has been fighting crime in his way for well over a decade. Slight frame but well cut as a former light middleweight amateur boxer in school. Not a big man for someone with his “hobby” – slightly over 6 feet and put in a lot of work just to get to 180lbs – but gets by through intimidation and reputation which leads people to believe he’s a bigger man than he actually is when they see him in person. Was the sole heir to a very wealthy family but lives/eats like a bum – a lot of microwaveable food, and quick-to-prepare meals. Everything about him screams of “Practical over aesthetics” from his straight black costume, to his unkempt appearance in his other life. He’s someone who plans his actions thoroughly, but will often lash out speaking his mind thoughtlessly with little concern for the consequences. That doesn’t mean that he is beyond remorse, merely speaks brashly.

Fontaine is more about effectiveness than style, as such everything he takes/wears has to be justifiable. He wears a black balaclava, generic black tracksuit top and pants, strapped with duct tape at the wrists and ankles to avoid leaving DNA evidence, wears rubber surgical gloves under leather gloves allowing him to remove leather gloves for greater dexterity.

Origin Info/Details:
Born in the mid-80s, his was a remarkable situation. A very rare condition saw his mother’s body treating the foetus as a disease/obstruction, her immune system attacking the baby and leaving the mother dramatically weakened and needing an extremely pre-mature c-section. In what was previously thought to be a zero survival rate case, Isaac Fontaine the miracle baby was born in uncomfortable silence. His nerves fused in such a way as to not allow the sensation of pain to travel through to the receptors in his brain as his body managed to somehow naturally adapt to prevent the foetus dying of shock. Due to disuse and redundancy his brain’s pain receptors atrophied away to nothing. His mother’s body however was ravaged and weakened by the birth, dying in the hospital. Her body died fighting the baby her mind wanted so badly. The father named the child Isaac, as was his mother’s wish and he raised the child as she would want, despite some deep-seeded resentment towards the child for being the cause of death to the woman he loved so much.
The boy and his father would eat at the dinner table with the evening news on in the background, and his father would comment on it with the problems of the day (his father was a brash, opinionated man, just as the son would be – he was also grooming him to one day rise to fill his shoes in the corporate world). A liberal government combined with the news would lead to great rants from the conservative father, about the government being out of touch and needing to crack down on the criminal youth element (gangs and organised crime were becoming increasingly prevalent in Terraria through the 90s-early 2000s). One phrase which was repeated often which would resonate in the younger Fontaine’s ears: “Something has to be done”.
Fast forward a few years, and a young Fontaine is playing soccer, representing his boarding school, the young Isaac was taken out via a slide tackle from a vastly bigger boy from a rival school with a bullying reputation. Isaac got to his feet and shoved the bully who countered by punching Isaac in the face. Isaac had his feet set and took the brunt of the blow, returning fire with a shot that broke his nose and sat the behemoth on his arse. The following season he was urged into boxing as word passed through the school of the soccer incident. That next winter he also moved into rugby as he grew to love the positive response and reputation he got as a fearless, loyal teammate who would throw himself in to play support regardless the odds for success… coming out on top more often than not.
His first vigilante moment came at 16, when he saw an old man get mugged by 5 punk kids who stole his wallet and, seeing that nobody around was looking to oppose them, kicked the old man in the chest and walked away laughing. Fontaine’s dark scowl reflected his posture as he hunched in an intimidating fashion over the wheel. Observed the 5 walk to their car and trailed them back to a house. Fontaine picked off the residents one or two at a time, found the wallet and fled. From the security of his car he saw the wallet had been picked clean of cash, after a brief stop he returned the wallet plus $200 to its rightful owner after knocking on the door and leaving the wallet on the step whilst checking from a safe distance. The old man’s heart dangerously skipped a beat when he found it brimming with currency, but all was well and a hero was born.
A year later his father was mugged and bled out in a backstreet after leaving through a backdoor avoiding current affairs reporters who had been harassing their way to the top due to the poor behaviour of a comparatively lower down representative of the company. With this event a hobby mutated to obsession as his father’s words echoed with meaning now greater than ever.
With access to new wealth from his passing father, an empty house to work towards his fixation and the additional alibi of taking some time off to mourn the passing of his father added to his rapidly improving methods and the cool, fearless head which led to many calling him “Iced veins” Fontaine, Isaac now threatens to be the biggest blight on crime yet… if the police and a Premier seeking re-election don’t take him down first.

Now in the last year or so his life has become quite a bit more chaotic... but that isn’t his origin.

So far in this part of the game he has travelled to this "new dimension"...

Due to interdimensional hi-jinks (he kicked an alternate world version of himself out of his own world - along with the device which provided him with his only way back) he is a "man with no destiny", and "non-conductive" to magic. This point helped him immensely in Lost Haven's recent D-Day (short for Demon Day) disaster, where he was remarkably efficient in fighting demons; literally tearing through them in mass quantities like they were nothing. He was instrumental in helping to close the portal (of magical origin he was able to punch through it, disrupting the integrity of the portal and providing a flaw that other heroes were able to exploit and overload the portal with energy).

He then passed out due to blood loss (having had a finger torn off his hand) and was rushed to a confidential emergency health clinic known by the Lost Haven hero Icon.

Having taken his leave of the hospital (with what limited documentation they had pertaining to him) he spent a few days recovering before enrolling in Lost Haven University. He has not been seen in costume since D-Day...

And we are about to find out why...

Hero Type (Select one):
Leans closest to Normal, with slight aspects of muscle, acrobat and intelligence.

Power Level (Select one below):
Going by the level of his actual powers you would say 1. By definition he watches over his home city though.

Powers (Be Specific):
Inability to feel pain. Very minor healing factor that allows him to heal perhaps 50 percent faster than regular people. "Non-conductive" to magic (not by his own will). What this "non-conductivity" means is that magic and or magical creatures can not exist in his presence/to his touch. Magic can not be used directly on or against him (although technically could be used indirectly - for example if a magic user were to levitate a large mass of the ground underneath him, it could work. Levitating Isaac himself, would not).

Strength Level: High level human. Pain no factor.

Speed/Reaction Timing: High level human.

Endurance at Maximum Effort: Above regular level human since not held back by pain barrier.

Agility: Held to human level.

Intelligence: Borderline genius intellect by human terms. Particularly suited to his own lifestyle.

Fighting Skill: Heavily influenced by boxing where he gained experience as a high school amateur boxer. Will kick, but generally when opponent is exposed. More power than finesse, will occasionally break his own bones/harm himself trying to take out opponents. Knows some counters in other martial arts but is far from a master in any. Looks to intimidate. Not opposed to inflicting serious injury to self or opponents in combat. Better at fighting against knives than with one himself, since training low and he’s largely self-taught from a decade of crime-fighting. Not a good marksman due to his inexperience/fear of possible harm to innocent bystanders and largely abhors guns in general.

Resources: Large but not obscene to Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark/Danny Rand levels. Family was wealthy as father was banking high-up and left with vast inheritance. Rents numerous places in Lost Haven as “safe houses”, this allows/results in him living in a number of places and not really considering anywhere in this new city home.

Equipment: Nightsticks (previously jimmy-sticks), grappling hook gun/bolt gun (which he carries both piercing bolts and “concussion” dulled-head bolts), “flash-bang” grenades, balaklava, $500 in cash, spare cable/hooks, duct tape, Omni-tool (a swiss-army knife like small handheld device which has a cutting tool, lock-picking set, lighter and numerous other basic functions). Will occasionally carry light pack with other ordnance/equipment.

Weaknesses: Poor marksman, but doesn’t really use firearms anyway. Is very intelligent, but needs it focused to be applicable. Quite (extremely) socially maladjusted; too frequently speaks his mind. Is only human in a world of superhumans. Inability to feel pain results in more serious injuries since he pushes his body to further and further extremes. "Non-conductive to magic" - while this can be a strength, it also leaves him at a disadvantage at times around those people who do utilize magic. In previous continuity he had relied heavily on a magic-based teammate who was a healer. In his current state, this would no longer be possible.

What can you bring to the RPG: The same thing I bring every season, Pinky...

Sample Post:

Headquarters of The Agency – Lost Haven

Isaac left Flux’s quarters and walked down a hall way towards his own private room. He strove to put her drive her words from his mind with every stride. He needed a distraction. Someone to hit, a problem to solve, something to do. Anything.

Or failing that, solitude.

Entering his room and closing the door behind him, he felt it all wash away with a soothing tic-tic-tic sound which had been growing ever more on him. A warm smile crossed his face, a rarity of its kind, as he let his defences drop as much as he could allow in this building. They were raised again when his hand brushed against a foreign object resting on his bed as he sat down.

It looked like a toy gun of sorts. Made of clunky ostentatious yellow plastic, written on the gun in light purple writing when he held it up to the light to show it in better relief it said:

From Megan –
Do not tamper with inner-workings.
Keep in this world.
Hope you enjoy.

Examining it closer he saw that it wasn’t a decal, it was comprised of yellow plastic and light purple plastic, never separated and not painted. Those were its colours. With no visible join.

“She had to have made it.” He muttered to himself. He didn’t have a microscope handy but he was willing to bet it was indeed constructed down to a molecular level. He rubbed his jaw in contemplation. “Keep in this world”. Sounds both foreboding and intriguing. What could she have meant by that?

One thing’s for certain he didn’t intend to tinker with it. When a god-like entity, even in the form of a little girl, gives an instruction like “Oh, and don’t eat that fruit” or “Mind you don’t open that box, Pandora” it’s generally a good idea to leave well enough alone and play by those rules. Besides, he probably wouldn’t know how it works even if he did crack it open and something about the “Keep in this world” suggested to him that it was one of those situations where letting others know about it would probably be a bad idea. “Hope you enjoy” suggests it’s a present and for him alone.

He strolled around his bed, looking at it and swapping it from hand to hand, letting these thoughts swirl in his head. His mind was already made up, he leaned against the door to his quarters in case someone heard something and tried to come in. Raised the gun, flinching away from it, not knowing exactly what to expect and pulled the trigger.

A loud sound like material tearing was heard and a whirling bright white wormhole appeared. It seemed to produce its own energy to counterbalance the effect of diffusion, meaning nothing was being pulled into the portal. There was no wind, not even a gentle breeze. The normality of a hole leading somewhere, probably “another world” by Megan’s note made him more nervous than if pulling the trigger had sucked him through. He walked around the other side of the portal and it was transparent, he could see the door to his quarters. It was only visible from the side you could enter it from. He considered putting his hand through the wormhole from the other side just to see what would happen and then thought against it. It didn’t seem like something to be trifled with.

He looked back through it from the regular side and watched as it started to flicker slightly dimmer. It was weakening. He waited and the portal kind of fizzled out. Collapsing upon itself.

He put his hand over his mouth and rubbed his chin again. “Geez-us f***-ing…”

He opened the door and surveyed the hallway. Nothing. Apparently it hadn’t been loud enough to raise anyone’s attention. He closed the door again.


This time the gentle sound didn’t help him any, because he’d already made his mind up.

Leaning against the door a second time, he pulled the trigger. The vertical white portal showed itself in roughly the same place as the last one.

He breathed deeply and stepped through.

And as the portal closed all that remained was the gentle ticking.


You're good, I never took you off the active roster. I knew you were coming back. lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago


Character you have created: The Aquilifer
Alias: Dennis Connolly

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Yellow, Georgia

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret. Not yet public knowledge

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): 24 years of age. Lazy, born-loser. Has a massive inferiority complex to his dead brother and sizeable self-confidence issues. Cares too much about what other people think, compared with doing the right thing. Unemployed, drinks, has partaken in what his mother calls “the pot” and is just completely ill-equipped to inherit the legacy of a super hero...

But other than that he’s a nice enough, personable type. Just not someone you’d trust to loan money too, let alone significant power or responsibility.

Dresses fairly casually usually, although will tend to wear a leather flight suit jacket lined with down to protect from wind-shear with only an emblem of wings over the breast-pocket as evidence of his “eagle-bearer” legacy. An old flight helmet with a decal of eagles wings and jeans when he intends to go into action.

Origin Info/Details:
In the 1920s and 30s the United States had their own golden era of heroic figures. People who would prevent bank robberies, retrieve cats from trees (if asked politely, as all would do in the salad days of yore), put out fires, save people who fell whilst cleaning high rise windows (hey! It happened more than you may think) and otherwise making the world a better place. Whilst never looking to get involved in global politics. (Because, gosh darn it, hard working types had earned those positions and had more experience and were doing the work they were best suited for in those roles).

Then came the ‘30s. And Nazis. The Attack on Pearl Harbor awoke a sleeping giant. And suddenly the U.S. was unable to stay out of the war.

And the earliest heroes suddenly realised where their efforts would best be suited.

Amongst these heroes, was one man. The Aquilifer. Who named himself after the ancient Roman standard bearers who carried the symbol of the eagle. Armed with the Golden Rod, a powerful technological device years beyond anything mankind could surely have devised – possessing a power that surely could have come from God himself, the Aquilifer quickly forged a name for himself as a symbol for justice, righteousness and freedom from tyranny.

Eventually, the good guys won the day. Soldiers, both powered and otherwise came home and returned from making America and the free world safe from rat-zi jackboots, and set to work once more in their role of making the country the best place possible to live. The Aquilifer returned to his home town of Lost Haven and looked to use the Golden Rod to do just that and more. While the Aquilifer set to work in that regard, a gentleman by the name of Alan Coghlan looked to achieve the same goal himself... by providing a new technological renaissance, CoghlanGears grew into a large company coming up with many patents and tremendous innovations that were years ahead of their time.

In the late ‘40s during a battle with one of the Liberty Legion’s great foes, Tempus Flare the Time Pirate several members of the Liberty Legion, including the Aquilifer, disappeared. It was a dark day for the nation and the lost members were honoured in the Hall of Heroes at the Museum of Supers in Lost Haven, which had quite a large representation of members of the group, and in numerous other memorials in cities ranging from New York to Washington D.C.

Strangely it was around this time that the founder of CoghlanGears, Alan Coghlan, also disappeared. Apparently seeking a life of solitude and meditation.

It was with great jubilation that the world saw these missing heroes return in the sixties. It appeared that instead of dying or being lost for eternity in the terrible time tunnel of the Time Pirate, they had merely all “been misplaced” and jumped forward over 20 years until they had successfully taken down the dastardly Tempus Flare.

Many of the heroes struggled to adjust to the changes they had seen in the American culture after their lost twenty years, and many settled down presumably to families or perhaps a well earned retirement. The Aquilifer continued to strive for justice, albeit in an increasingly limited capacity for the following ten years.

Around the same time the elusive Alan Coghlan had been discovered. Due to his unreliable absence over the years his company had moved in other directions from the conscientious board of directors who had assumed control in his stead. A nice suburban house in the Little Ulster quadrant, with a white picket fence and a second chance with the wife he had unthinkably left behind all these years were suitable enough payment for his years work in constructing the company he had abandoned. It was around this time that his wife Margaret fell pregnant to Alan and gave birth to a daughter; Helen.

The ‘70s saw the retirement of the Aquilifer, who had undoubtedly deserved a peaceful retirement after decades of service.

The mid-to-late 1980s saw Helen (now Connolly) Coghlan have her own two children, both sons, named Sean and Dennis Connolly (nee Coghlan).

The early nineties saw a tumultuous period in the U.S. and the world as a whole. Desert Storm, the L.A. riots, Waco and the bombing of the World Trade Center saw a re-emergence of the Aquilifer of sorts. Despite clearly being a different man than the last Aquilifer, this man was a little harder nosed than the last. A different hero for a different age, his methods were at times swifter and more shocking than the previous Aquilifer. However in an age when several heroes were taking more drastic measures in response to darker threats, the Aquilifer was a steadying force and generally not in favour of needless wanton acts of violence.

The Golden Rod saw many changes itself over the years in the hands of this new Aquilifer, and also developed new tricks and uses for the Rod as well as different ways of utilizing its new features.

Meanwhile, Helen Connolly raised her boys through high school in Lost Haven, before moving across the country to Seattle to join her husband who had until this point been putting off starting his own business. Sean was doing well, was Valedictorian and also starting quarterback for his final two years. Sean received several offers from fairly big football schools but chose to stay in Lost Haven, the home he’d always known, because he couldn’t see the NFL being in his future. Dennis... was also still around. Dennis decided to go the junior college route before attending the Rockefeller Community College before eventually getting his degree in English literature. The two boys would remain in Lost Haven watched over by family in the absence of their mother and father.

The modern Aquilifer had a strong determined streak and would push himself to his very limits. But the years started to get to him by the late ‘00s, his fateful inevitable demise came in 2012, where Tempus Flare got his revenge. Traversing through time and appearing out of thin air, attaching a device to the wielder of the Golden Rod whilst the Aquilifer aged to dust on national television.

A private will-reading saw the Golden Rod bequeathed to science, however through what must have been a terrible accident on behalf of the man who was the Aquilifer, he bestowed it on the former owner of CoghlanGears, Alan Coghlan rather than the company itself.

A new, considerably younger Aquilifer appeared almost immediately after the funeral. Presumably after the elderly and disorderly Coghlan misplaced the Rod.

The new Aquilifer was a breath of fresh air, bringing back a sense of joy and whimsy to the role whilst also possessing strength, stature and intelligence. It was his inexperience however that was his downfall after the beloved hero was lured into a trap and slaughtered by Miz Demeanour and the Fel-honeys after Demeanour misrepresented herself as a rape victim. The Aquilifer eventually recognised his attackers but by then it was too late, they had him trapped, outnumbered and were armed and prepared for the specific defences of the Golden Rod.

Sean Connolly was found deceased on the scene and it appears that he had discovered the Golden Rod after his grandfather had misplaced it and had the foolhardy thought that perhaps he could use it himself.

The funeral temporarily brought the entire family together, but the parents have since left back for their Seattle home. The sole surviving son Dennis still resides in Lost Haven with his grandfather.

Few fear Dennis might have similar benevolent thoughts of flying out and changing the world should he ever stumble upon the Rod...

Hero Type (Select one):
Regular human wielder of the Golden Rod. A tech-based “energy weapon” of so-far unknown origin, which is far more than just a weapon.

Power Level (Select one below):
City level/World level

Powers (Be Specific):
The Golden Rod is a tech based energy weapon which has a myriad of uses:
Energy absorption
Anti-gravity fields that allow flight or for objects to be moved/lifted
Defensive force fields
Energy blasts to a range of roughly 75 metres
Heat emission
Light emission
Solid constructs of energy

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: Normal Human, but the Golden Rod allows him to lift 10 tons.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human reaction time, able to fly at 400 mph (straight line at a high altitude with no fear of hitting birds) but with a cruising speed of 75 MPH (remember, while the Golden Rod allows him to fly at subsonic speeds, he's still a guy holding onto it with regular human reaction times, so he seldom gets the opportunity to "open up" and push it to it's limits).

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, but the Golden Rod never requires any form of recharging. The upper lengths of it’s endurance falls upon that of the wielder. At this stage Dennis is in somewhat less than peak condition.

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: At this stage untrained

Resources: His own resources are minimal, but he has a supporting benefactor in his grandfather; whose own resources (assets) are average, but his resourceFULNESS is large.

Weaknesses: Psychological – Dennis has large self-confidence and inferiority issues to his late brother,

Has numerous self-destructive bad habits.

Still just a regular guy, who has access to a remarkable tool.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
Alan Coghlan, grandfather – Alan was the original Aquilifer, from a different time. Having lost 20 years of his life had a traumatic effect on the old Golden Age hero, and the heavy adjustment to just how much the world had changed in those years have taken their toll. Now more than ever Alan believes the role is necessary... and he’ll mould Dennis into someone suitable even if it kills the both of them.

I’ll list more as the character develops.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yup.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

“Mmmm-eah?” he grunts into the phone.

“Oh thank God you’re OK! It’s all over the news!”

“Geez, ma. Calm down, what’s all over the news?”

“Wait, where are you? Are you home? You can’t be home if you don’t know what I’m talking about... Where’s Grampa Alan?”

“Ma, calm down. It’s too early for this. Now slow down. I am home, what’s all over the news?”

“Go check on Grampa Alan...”

“Alright, I’ll check on Grampa Alan. I’m going now, I’ll call you right back.”

“No! Don’t hang u--! Clik”

Dennis threw on some pants and a tee, to make the small trek from the accessory apartment he lived in to the main house which was his grandfather’s. Strange that his mother would call on his cell. It’s an expensive call from Seattle, she’d normally call the house number. But for all he knew, maybe she had and he slept through it. He was a pretty heavy sleeper after a night on the town, so it’s not unheard of that he could have slept through... oh...

This one is still good also
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

<Snipped quote by Hound55>

Very true, although it is probably for the best if we don't remind her.

Oh, she's already written in. She showed me. Whether she posts it or not, that's a whole other story
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Hound55 Kinda curious now, if he's "Non-conductive to magic" That would apply to magical artifacts as well? Like Excalibur? Although it still is an actual combat ready sword even without the magical enchantments. Would Excalibur cease to exist should it come into contact with Vigilante? Or would it's magical and cosmic properties allow that as an exception?

So glad Racheli's is alien based... mainly because of a virus so while her powers seem like magic, there's some science base to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Oh, she's already written it. She showed me. Whether she posts it or not, that's a whole other story

Oh god. Good thing we're sending Radiance with Lyger to recruit Raptor, Wasp, and Bast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Onto the last page now... should start working on posts tonight.

Some great stuff, guys...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Onto the last page now... should start working on posts tonight.

Some great stuff, guys...

Breathe Hound and climb that text wall. *tosses rope to help*
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 21 days ago

<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

Oh god. Good thing we're sending Radiance with Lyger to recruit Raptor, Wasp, and Bast.

Honestly, do you think that'll stop her?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Honestly, do you think that'll stop her?

To be honest... What stops any PC really?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

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<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Honestly, do you think that'll stop her?

I don't want to stop her, no sir. UNLEASH THE ORGY!!
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