
Pre-Intro Disclaimer: I DO NOT SUPPORT THE NAZI REGIME, OR ANY OF ITS ACTIONS. But it does make a rather tired genre significantly more interesting.
The German Supersoldaten program won them the war. It also altered the world forever.
When the experimental "Super Human" program was tested by German forces against the allied landings at Normandy, a total and brutal annihilation of allied forces was a stunning victory for the Axis powers. With the Westerners crippled, the full might of the Reich and their new Ubermensch was turned against the Soviet Union. With Europe gripped in the Iron fist of Germany, invasions of the United States followed in 1947. Cities flattened by a single person. Entire states burned to a crisp. The Germans didn't even have to invade directly. In typical German egotism, they swept back onto their own allies, crushing the Italians with the same violent swiftness as everyone else. It took the detonation of a nuclear-Ubermensch to secure a Japanese surrender, but achieve one they did.
Swiftly following, Nazi ideals were instituted across the globe. Nearly a billion people were extinguished over the course of the next 10 years. Rapid technological advancements meant the moon was serviced by a full governmental colony in 1961, and World Order prevented violence across the globe. Crime fell to nearly nothing. And, of course, speaking out against the government was tantamount to suicide. It was a paradise guarded by the black hand of evil. The Supersoldaten were freed from service at the end of the war in 1953. At first, they were hailed as heroes, but slowly, they came to be looked upon with envy and hatred. The government protected them, as did their abilities. But many sought a normal life. But given their efforts in establishing the oppressive world regime, few would accept them. They spread and bred, as all humans do, across the globe, and new children were born with powers even more amazing than their parents.
Now it is 1989. The Ubermensch are divided. Some stand ready to support the World Order and the Reich. Others, to take their rightful place as the master race of the planet. And the majority, simply want to live their lives as normally as they can. Will you make a mark on history to change the world?
Okay folks, this is going to be an interesting ride. This should start out as a superhuman/slice-o-life style RP. Your characters interact with each other and NPC's, and you guys basically decide the early flow of the story. As we go, things might get a little...bumpy. Oh and there's Nazis. As a matter of fact YOU are technically a Nazi. I'm gonna be pretty lenient with what and how you do things, just so long as you follow a couple rules:
1. Follow all guild rules (no godmodding, keep it clean, etc.)
2. That being said, this IS the Nazis, so things are gonna be grim, be prepared for it.
3. I don't want any drama, keep it to yourself or PM
4. No ridiculously OP superpowers. Also, no repeat powers, if somebody has something, you come up with something else
5. While this is casual, its more High Casual, I expect at least a paragraph or two every post, with decent grammar (it doesn't have to be perfect, but put in some effort).
6. If you have any questions, feel free to ask
Important story info:
-The World Order: The name for all land controlled by Berlin, essentially everywhere outside of continental Europe. Each region of this massive empire is controlled by a different division of the Wehrmacht (army) or SS (you know what that is). Certain regions are more...dangerous, than others. All parts of the World Order must conform to Reich ideals.
-The Greater Reich: Continental Europe, all land directly controlled by the original regime. Essentially a more tightly controlled version of the World Order. All parts take orders directly from Berlin, though sub-leaders are established throughout.
-The Führer: Is currently Horsch Braunhardt, a stern man of 57. He is respected by most as intelligent and strong, and not nearly as fanatic as his predecessor, Hermann Goebbels. He will be in office until his death.
-The "Ubermensch": Superhumans, they are protected from persecution by Reich law, and are permitted to defend themselves against attack. A section of the SS is devoted to their protection and control (to prevent them from rising up). Normal citizens often secretly or even openly express dislike, spawned from jealousy, of these people. Your character is one of these Ubermensch.
-Untermensch: "Sub-humans", a majority of these people have been...removed. The Regime quickly realized that not all could be exterminated, so those of African origin are allowed to reside anywhere off the Eurasian continent, though they pay a tax depending on how close to the Greater Reich they are. Non-perfect Aryans (Europeans or similar that are not of Germanic descent) do not have access to certain high-government functions, but are otherwise treated as regular people.
Okay, sorry about all that unhappy stuff, but it's important to understand for the story.
Lastly, the Character sheet. You are allowed up to three characters, but make sure you can handle them (I'd prefer if you had 2 at most), I couldn't get the formatting to work, but just make each category header the color you want for your character. Submit all characters to OOC before putting them in the Character tab.