Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The shouts of joy as the younger children ran through and kicked up the snow could be heard all around campus, followed by the sounds of car horns, motorcycles vamping, and the bus that many took as they could not get other rides. School was back in at Midnight Private Academy and many of the first to show up were the younger children, the ones in first grade up through eighth grader. The older children, the high schoolers and college students, knew better than to show up this early.

Suitcases could be heard hitting the ground and rolling down the sidewalks. Mainly parents made their way into the dorms, heading to their children's rooms to put away their suitcases as the children themselves rain through the drifting snow. Parents, recognizing each other from the first day, stood inside the door of the dorms, hugging their arms around themselves and talking as they watched their little angels through balls of fluffy iciness against the backs of unsuspecting security guards. Not that the security guards didn't mind.

It came time, after ten to fifteen minutes of watching the children, for the parents to leave. There were not many tearful goodbyes, as they knew that they would see them soon again, in about five months after they got out for summer break. The sound of cars could be heard taking back off down the slick mountain path and the children, now only slightly more tame, watched the line of cars disappear. All was silent in the mountain... for about a minute.

Whoops and hollers could be heard out the windows of another stream of cars making their way up, though these cars were here to stay. Squeals came from the little children as the high schoolers, excited to be seeing their friends again, hopped out of different cars. Girls yelled each others' names, calling greetings across the parking lot, guys sprinted out of their cars and managed to tackle each other across the field of soft snow. On one side of the parking lot that could be seen was one of the younger college students, headphones in, and making her way toward the fine arts building. She rolled her eyes at the other students' craziness, but she didn't mention anything about it to them.

Two guys, one slightly Asian looking and the other very European looking, climbed off the back of a motorcycle, the brown haired brown eyed European gripping his arms tightly. "You just had to choose your motorcycle didn't you," he said, a light British accent flowing out with the words. "You couldn't have been normal like everyone else and chosen a car with heated seats or, you know, actual covering?"

"Chill out, Will," the black haired, dark eyed fellow responded, running a hand through his hair. "You'll be thanking me once I drop you off at the airport for summer vacation." The Londoner, Will, just shook his head and made his way toward the dorms. He smiled at waved at people, before disappearing inside the dorms.

Rai, on the other hand, walked toward some of the football players that were gathering. He didn't smiled, but instead smirked as they called out a greeting to him. The sound of greetings echoed over the snow banks, right as three chimes could be heard. "All students, make your way to the theater. We will have our beginning of semester meeting before you are allowed back to your dorms." The voice over the intercom was an elderly woman's, the Headmistress's, one would think. The elder students letting out a groan, many turned to head into the Fine Arts building. Will came back out of the dorms immediately, following the large crowd, and made his way to a seat. Not far off, the girl with headphones sat, her feet kicked up on the back of a chair. Rai didn't sit too far from Will either, but he was talking with his other football buddies and waiting for the speech to begin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Davina Valerie Lexandria

Academy ~ Room 1512 (Her room)

Davina was like always one of the firsts to get back to the academy, very unlike all the other late-arrivers in her age. Ever since her sister decided to study abroad, she had less things to get excited about during holiday times. Of course she met up with red haired Anna, but since her little sister studied in Europe she always came to America a little later and had to leave a little earlier. Giving the blonde big sister a whole day of doing nothing.
Because of that, she decided to get back to the academy early. She arrived at the campus yesterday. It was not new to the janitor to let her in a day earlier than all the other students. It's slowly become to a routine for them.
She greeted him politely and he helped her carry her luggage up to her dorm room. He was a really nice man and Davina thanked him often for letting her in a day earlier.
She used to dance in the long hallways as they were empty and she sung aloud with no worry someone might overhear her. The day before everyone came back was a good day for Davina. Many would have been bored to death, but not her. She let out her dancing soul and performed heart breaking, strong vocal songs on the theater stage. Once the janitor danced a waltz with her and they both laughed to no end.

Now Davina was lying in her bed, pretty bored as all the younger students arrived loudly. She was pretty bored and thoughts were roaming in her head. Actually only two thoughts. Homecoming ball coming up soon. And Lettie. The one girl she couldn't stop thinking about. If only she had a chance... But no. Not the slightest. Scarlett aka Lettie was not even aware she had the slightest feelings for the woman. And it better stayed that way! Maybe she would bring up the courage to ask a girl out to homecoming... Definitely not Lettie, she wouldn't humiliate herself like that. But maybe someone else. She just didn't know who. But homecoming was something she'd worry about when it knocked on her door.

The only two girls she was thinking about in any sexual matter at the moment, were Lettie and her friend Danni. Slash sex partner.
Thinking about Danni... It was time for the older students to arrive now too. Soon the speech of the year would be given. Urghh! But thinking about Danni, there was something else coming to her mind. An aching feeling for physical contact. Lips on her body, hands on her skin, heavy sweating. Has Danni arrived yet?

She just then heard footsteps outside her door on the hallway. Familiar footsteps. Davina got up and opened her door just to see another one down the hall close. Room 06. Danni!
She rushed over to the room number 1506 and didn't bother knocking. Davina felt quiet invited in this room at all times, so there was no need to knock for her. The blonde swung the door open and stepped inside, the door closed behind her. Davina didn't hesitate to appreach her friend.

"Danni", she said in a portentous voice. She stepped up to the girl with graceful silent steps... only in socks.

The young woman went closer to the other girl until she was forced between the table and Davina. Davina could smell the fresh outdoor air in her friend's hair. A smirk appeared on her face. She slowly leaned in towards her neck, softly nibbling on it. She whispered. "I have missed you so much, Danni." Her usual scent mixed with only a tiny bit of perfume, that could only be described as 'winter breeze', lingered in the air, forcing Ariadne to breathe in the oh-so-familiar smell. Davina could feel how the other woman tensed around her. She liked that she had such an effect on her friend.

Slowly she moved her soft hands over Danni's waist and pushed her top up the slightest bit, her fingers on her skin softly stroking over the sensitive spot of flesh. The skin felt nice under her fingertips. Davina let out a breath. Her sexual tension was building up in a rapid pace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wicked Axel
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Wicked Axel

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ariadne Everett
School Dorms~ Room 1506

Ariadne put the last of the pictures, that she had brought with her on the wall opposite of her bed. She had taken loads of pictures with her dad and gram this break. There was also lots of pictures from last semester. Mostly of her and her friend Davina. She considered the blonde to be one of her closest friends.
She rubbed at one of her earrings She was wearing, that was in a shake of a snowflake in honor of her friend. She had gotten it after they had started to become more than friends...not girlfriends.. But friends with benefits. Ariadne had a crush on her friend for along time, but her friend seemed to be very oblivious to her feels. Mostly because Davina had a crush on someone as well. She was wrapped up in her crush she didn't even notice danni's feeling for her.
"Danni" She heard a familiar voice call to her. She turned around to find the blonde, that she was thinking about right behind her. She took in a deep breath tensing a bit as she smelled the blonde's perfume. She leaned against the table behind her as the blonde moved closer to her. "Davina..." She whispered as the blonde leaned forward and started to nibble at her neck. Ariadne shivered in pleasure as Davina pushed up her short and rubbed at her bare skin.
She knew that she would probably let the blonde have her way with her. But she could hear the the intercom being turned on, than the headmistress's voice came through saying"All students, make your way to the theater. We will have our beginning of semester meeting before you are allowed back to your dorms." Signing, Ariadne pulled away from Davina and smiled apologetically. "Let's go to the meeting. Maybe, you can score a seat next to Lettie" she said, smirking slightly as the blonde started blushing pretty. Glancing down at her friend's feet, she moved out from between Davina and the table. She entered her closet and pulled out black boots and handed them to her friend. She waited for her friend to put on her boots. Before grabbing her hand and pulling Davina along as she walked to the theater.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 7 mos ago

School Dorms-Room 1407

Galahad pulled up to the school parking lot in his dark red Volkswagen Beetle. The paint was flecked immaculate, and possessed a sheen that one could only get from having a very nice car wash. As Galahad pulled into a parking spot and climbed out of his car, his phone buzzed in his pocket. With a sigh he fished out the device and answered it, putting it to his ear. Yes Mum? Yes I got here safe. I'm fine really. We have this conversation every time Mum! I'm going to be twenty soon! You need to find your zen, for the sake of both our minds. Yes I love you too. Okay bye. Tell Dad I say hi." Galahad hung up with a smile, and popped the trunk of his car to grab his bags.

As he made his way to Room 1407 he passed out the usual greetings to friends. In his past year and a half at Midnight Private he'd become friends with many of the other students. It helped that when anyone needed advice, they came to him. He just had that sort of reputation. It was a shame that he was going into the film industry and not psychology. He'd really excel at the latter.

He pushed open the door to his room to find that it was nearly just as he had left it. The navy blue blanket that normally adorned his bed was strewn across the floor, along with an assortment of clothes. He smiled and shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the hook by the door. "Welcome home Galahad Cross. Welcome home," he said to himself, his slight British accent shining through. It was then that a voice came over the intercom, announcing the meeting in the Fine Arts building. Thankful for a reason to not unpack, Galahad grabbed his coat again and made his way to the building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 6 mos ago

Mood||Oh No! – Marina and the Diamonds
Midnight Private Academy – Courtyard

“What wig should I wear?”

The steering wheel felt comforting in her hands as she gripped it hard, twisting her hands back and forth in thought. The still car rumbled beneath her, electricity still filling in her speakers despite being parked, and expensive gas twisted its way from the exhaust pipe. Madigan reluctantly let go of the wheel, her hand snatching at the keys in her car, jerking it and yanking it from the jagged hole. The music abruptly stopped, the enchanting voice become an ugly, cutoff memory. Madigan fell backwards, her head softly hitting the headrest and she closed her eyes, pressing the phone harder against her ear.

“You should wear the pink one, with the straight bangs.” Madigan answered and she heard her father’s boyfriend, Daniel, sigh with accompanying clanks of hangers.

“But that one makes my head look big.” The Drag Queen said finally and Madigan sat up, reaching over herself and clicking the button that kept her chained to her freedom. The seatbelt slid across her body, halting when it meant resistance in the form of her arm, and she disentangled it.

“It’s not the wig that makes your head look big.” Madigan smirked, ramming her door open and stepping out. She was wearing greasy stained jeans and a button-up with a disgusting vest over it plus a tie (she had lost a bet with her father and the result was her poor choice in first-day-back school outfit).

“Watch it, Diggy.” Daniel jokingly muttered, his bitch voice being used. Madigan could hear him pouting his lips with his words, trying to appear more feminine as he applied his lipstick.

“What about that brunette wig? You can layer it with the other one.” She said instead of the insult readied on her tongue.

“Goddamnit. I dropped the back of my earring.” Daniel swore and Madigan smiled, distantly she could hear the announcement on the comm and the smile dropped. Madigan ran a hand through her red hair, her face appearing momentarily exhausted.

“I have to run. Take care of my dad for me, yeah?” Before Daniel could answer, Madigan pressed the red button, ending the call. She stuffed her smart phone into her jacket and begun to walk towards the assembly.

When she arrived, the thought crossed her mind to look for someone to sit with, but she decided that she didn’t particularly care enough and instead collapsed into a random seat. If anyone wanted to sit with her, they’d find her – she didn’t feel like making an effort today. Something loomed in the air, the feeling of herself clicking back into routine, and Madigan nearly snarled in frustration.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BreakingMe
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BreakingMe My whole existence is flawed.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

School Dorms - Outside

The long stretch limo pulled up to the Academy’s dorm building. Lettie sighed before reaching for the door handle. She didn’t bother to wait for the driver to open it for her. She was anxious to get back to her room. She had spent all morning going over paperwork, yet again, for her parent’s estate. After three years, she was hoping things would be settled but now she wondered if they ever would be. She pushed on her sunglasses, adjusted her skirt as she stepped out of the vehicle. Her driver made a motion to carry her suitcase but she turned to him, “Don’t worry about it. I can take it up.” she said. He hesitated slightly. She had never offered to take care of it herself before. He set the bag down cautiously, afraid she’d chastise him for following her directions. Instead, she moved over, grabbed the bag handles and walked into the dorm without another word. She glanced at the students in the hallway as she made her way toward the elevator. A few of them waived or said hello. Most of them just moved out of her way. She didn’t acknowledge any of them and held her chin high. When she reached the elevator, she stepped inside, holding her hand up to stop to younger girls from following inside. “I take the elevator alone,” she smirked as the doors closed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Midnight Private Academy - Her Room, 1601 - Fine Arts Building
Ariana's limo had made its way onto the inside towards the academy. She smiled while looking outside of her window, seeing the younger generation happily bouncing up and down and also seeing some of her friends. Ariana's smiled quickly faded away when she even saw some of her enemies but she hoped that things would be much better this year. Her father eyed her then spoke as the limo had stopped. "Why didn't you let me drive again?" She asked him though still looking out of her window instead of at him. "Because, I know how you like to take special drives at random times." He father responded. "Yeah but you will not be here so I'll just borrow someone else's." Ariana fired back with the shrug of her shoulders as her father frowned at her.

"Ariana..." He said. "Daddy..." She quickly responded back towards him then rolled her eyes with a scoff. "Fine. Fine." She waved her hand in the air then got out of the car and eyed the academy. Nothing has changed. Her father got out as well and brought her in for a tight squeeze, which she groaned at. "Dad. Okay. Alright!" She shouted with a squeak then straightened herself out again. "Gosh, good thing you didn't ruin my Gucci dress." She said while flipping her hair then smiling towards him. She ran up to him and gave him a big hug. "I'm going to miss you, daddy." He smiled when she said that then kissed her on the top of her head. "I'll miss you, too." They both released each other then stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Ariana wiped at her eyes.

"Hope my makeup isn't ruined." She laughed a little as he father shook his head, getting back into the limo. "See ya', pumpkin." He waved his hand through the open window then she watched as the limo drove away and her five bags of luggage were sitting right beside her. "I have to take them up to my room myself?" Her eyes scrolled the campus as she waved her hand at two guys coming her way. Her heels clicked against the pavement below her as she walked over towards them. "Excuse me, can you guys give me a hand?" She batted her eyelashes as the males looked at each other then back at her, shrugging their shoulders as one of them said sure. "I need my bags..." She pointed to the five luggage bags then turned her gaze back towards them. "Carried up to my room, please?" She asked sweetly then turned heel, standing beside her luggage and supervising them.

Ariana led the guys to the elevator and up to her room. Her eyes gleaming with sheer delight as the two boys were a bit cute, if she had to say so, herself. When the elevator dinged, she stepped out then waved at the boys, telling right this way. She opened up the door to her room then let them in first then scurried her way in, clapping her hands together and giggling. "Thank you, boys. Oh!" She opened up her wallet and handed them each a ten dollar bill. "For your troubles." She smiled then directed them outside of her room as she closed her door.

Just as she was fixing to unpack her things, a voice came over the intercom and said something about a meeting at the Fine Arts building. Of course, she groaned. She hated these little meetings because they were so long and so boring. She often wondered why she couldn't do the welcoming over the intercom. While only unzipping her luggage, she stood to her feet now and grabbed her wallet purse, tucking it underneath her arm and walking out of her room. She made her way back over to the elevator then downstairs. She was walking well on her towards the Fine Arts building, waving and stopping to have mini conversations with people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lillian Johnson
School parking lot/Dorm 1403

Lillian stepped out of her father's dark blue car, a couple of books held to her chest with her left arm. Cheers and yells from other college students echoed through the carpark. Lillian usually knew better than to turn up so late but, with her luck, they got stuck in traffic. Michael, the family's butler, took to opening the car boot as Lillian had got out of the car before he.

"Your father did want to come Lillian he just..."

"I know, he's busy," she intervenes "I'm used to it," she says with a smile as the old butler lifts her large purple suitcase from the car's boot.

"Would you like me to take it your room?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you. Bye Michael, I'll see you in the Summer" and with that Lillian drags her case through the oh-so-familiar school grounds, tripping over a bit of concrete path hidden under the thick winter snow before straightening her posture and continuing onward to the dorms. Not much had change in the years. To the left sat the Performing arts centre in pristine condition, as usual. Lilian watched it for a while before tripping over her feet again, dropping her books.

"Damn," she mutters to herself looking around at the few snickering faces of a couple of college students, maybe a senior high school student or 2, before lifting her books and holding them close to her chest once again with her free hand. She hums sweetly to herself, no song in particular, as she wanders to the dorm building. Her mind races as she thinks of the large library that made residence in the education area.

"I take the elevator alone," came the voice, Lettie, warning the younger kids, yet again, who to fear. Lettie couldn't be all bad, right? Well, at least, that's what Lillian wanted to believe. She watched a couple of younger kids squirm as she approached the elevator, most likely expecting her to do something similar but Lillian just expelled a slight chuckle, waving them on the next elevator and taking the one after it to the 14th floor.

Wandering the corridors felt odd without Sam by her side. He was her only close friend but career opportunities took him to new places, the pair were still quite close but that didn't kill the odd feeling of not hearing his footsteps next to hers. Neither of the two felt anything more than the love supplied with friendship for one another, however that never stopped the rumours.

Finally reaching room 03 Lillian slipped her key into her dorm's lock. The room was just how she left it, tidy. The double bed sat to the right, neatly made with her blue and gold blanket folded neatly at the end of the bed. Her mahogany desk sat on the left of the room, her stationery placed neatly to the side, last year's textbooks neatly stacked to the other. A small bookshelf sat in front of the bed near the door. 2 parts of the shelf holding books and the other 2 empty, awaiting folders and papers from her classes. She knew it wouldn't be long before her room didn't look so clean but at least it was nice to come back to a clean room. The smal white fridge sat in the farthest corner, next to her desk, a kettle, a couple of mugs and a box of teabags placed on top. She put her books on her bed, pushing a lock of hair that had come loose from her messy ponytail behind her ear and was just about to unzip her suitcase before the intercom turned on giving the same message every year, for all students to meet at the hall for the start of year speech. With a groan Lillian exits her room, shutting the door behind her before joining the group of kids, teens and young adults walking to the elevator.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Headmistress was the only one to be seen on stage, standing behind a small podium. Her legs did not shake, nor did she sit down. She was quite the intimidating figure, unless you knew her well, which her husband, the Headmaster, did. He approached the stage carefully, maneuvering a chair out from behind the curtain to sit down at the edge of the stage, watching his wife. Unseen by anyone but him, her eyes flickered back and forth nervously, as if she was memorizing and recognizing any of the students that were beginning to sit before her. She turned her head in the slightest toward the Headmaster and he smiled reassuringly at her. A soft smile came up on her face before she tapped the microphone.

"Students, if you would please listen up." Her voice rang out over the large theater. Almost all of the seats were full. She could see the differences in the way people were sitting, as the older students sat more together and the younger students sat more to the front and patterns such as that. "I would first off like to start by welcoming you all back to Midnight Private Academy for the 2016 Spring semester." She cleared her throat and said, "Let me start with the basic rules. No one is allowed into the forest without any adult supervision. High school students, you are not adults, you do not count." Groans rang through the air and she held up her hand. "Classes start tomorrow at eight a.m. for the younglings. The rest of you start when you have signed up. No boys in girls dorms after midnight and no girls in boys after midnight either. We will be having a homecoming ball a week from now, so please prepare accordingly." Excited chatter filled the air and she held up her hand again. "Please be careful and safe in the snow. You may head back to your dorms or do as you wish. The cafeteria opens up at six for dinner. Thank you."

The Headmistress turned away from the podium as the students began talking again and heading out the door. She turned her eyes and they rested on a few of the college students that were laughing and talking. She raised and eyebrow and turned to look at the Headmaster. He saw the familiar look in her eyes and he shook his head. "Not yet... You will know when they are ready and they are not. Be patient." She took a deep breath and nodded before heading out the door after everyone had left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Necromancy
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Necromancy The Blackest of Arcane Arts

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nathaniel Demarest

Mood \m/ The Rooling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Midnight Private Academy ~ Parking Lot/Courtyard/The Fine Arts Building

Blue drove through the school gates in a beat up black Ford F-150, whose old school skull-and-flame decals had worn down over years of rough treatment, to say nothing of it's once shiny finish. It had probably looked cool about 15 years ago. Now it just looked old. And mean. And Blue was just fine with that. He knew that if others hadn't yet learned not to judge a book by it's cover, then they were probably not very interesting anyway.

Suddenly he got this wild shine in his eye and started to increase his speed exclaiming in the voice of a rather frustrated Han Solo to noone in particular (which was appropriate, since noone was there.) "Punch it, Chewie!" followed by the sound of the wookie's response. And then he was off.

He sped like a maniac down the road towards the parking area honking his horn at those who apparently hadn't learned to look before crossing a road. His speed only increased as he pressed his foot long o the floor. Charging passed stretch limos that were leaving and zooming by the main buildings. He laid on the horn whenever he saw anyone who looked like they were even thinking about crossing. By the time he approached the student parking area he was going 90. And then he hit the breaks and turned the wheel, sending his truck into a series of spins that left circles on the pavement and nearly flipped itself over. Fortunately he knew how to control his vehicle.

There was a slight sort of recoil when he came to a full stop. But that and the loss of some rubber from his tires were the worst of it. He then proceeded to park, exactly as if nothing had happened. He decided to leave his bags in the truck for now. He wanted to walk around and get a feel for the place. Y'know, check it's vibe out, man. Check the scene. See what's Hap! PAh! Nen!

Anyway, he got out of the truck, locked it and started following a random student, doing his best to mimic his movements  and look as if he knew exactly where he was going. He did this for a while beyond the parking lot before abruptly changing direction completely and following someone else in the the exact same manner. This time it was a preppy looking girl and he launched into a series of exaggerated movements to actively mock her. He pretended to be chewing gum, looked at his nails and tossed his hair back like a rich model. Until he got bored of her, then he changed direction again and started doing it to someone else.

He did this about 15 or 20 times, until eventually everyone seemed to be going in the same direction, before he saw someone who looke genuinely interesting. A cute looking redhead who appeared to be ending a cell phone conversation. This girl he followed, but he did not mock, and instead started writing to her in his mind. He watched as she sat alone, and rehearsing the idea in his head sat directly behind her. Students were still entering, so it was noisy enough that he could speak his poem for her to hear without distracting many others.

And then, without warning, the actual orientation started and the headmistress took the stage by storm. Just as Blue was about to speak a poetic introduction to a beautiful young lady, this woman barges into center stage like some kind of creepy old witch with a lovely singing voice at a halloween party who just jumped on stage and started performing "I put a Spell on You". Blue just sat there like a statue as the sheer frustration of this grandiose cockblock from fate seethed inside of him. In the end he didn't even talk to the girl. The mood had been ruined.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 6 mos ago

Midnight Private Academy – Assembly

Madigan was impatient – always was impatient. And waiting on the shoddy bench-seat, her ass aching with the cheap hardness of it, Madigan was on the verge of pulling her hair out. She wished the headmistress would just start her speech already, but, seeing as the place was halfway empty, she doubted that she would start it anytime soon. When a minute went by – though it felt like twenty – Madigan began to shake her leg, letting it bounce up and down eagerly. All she wanted to do was get back to her dorm room and fall asleep until she had to go to school. Or maybe even attend a party, as those were pretty popular on the days back to school.

Pulling Madigan from her thoughts, her phone buzzed crazily in her pocket, vibrating her ribs. The redhead frowned, twisting slightly so she could retrieve the smartphone from her jacket. It was a text message, from her resident douchebag friend, Ethan Chevalier.

From: Chevy
running late what am i missing?

“Of course you’re running late.” Madigan muttered under her breath, punching in a reply with barely audible whooping sounds that the smartphone’s company seemed to favor. She clicked send, alerting Chevy of the assembly.

It was then that the headmistress began to talk and Madigan stuffed her phone into her pocket once again, staring mindlessly at the front. Though she seemed to be paying attention, Madigan let her mind roam, thinking of trivial things such as food and a nice, hot shower.

Midnight Private Academy – Courtyard

That morning had not been a good one for Ethan Chevalier. He had driven into town the night before, but rather than stay in his dorm, Ethan decided to stay at a rundown motel in order to avoid the prison he would be subjected to tomorrow. He even went to a bar and had a couple of drinks – brought a girl to the motel and showed her a good time. However, that morning, when he woke up, she was still there. Worst yet, she had bought him breakfast and was asking him to come get coffee with her. Ethan was, of course, very much against the notion – but she was and older woman with money probably and so Ethan, with the promise of free food and drink, went along with it.

At the café, the woman (whose name Ethan had forgotten) bought him some black coffee along with a donut to go along with the breakfast they had earlier. He was sitting there, enjoying his food and ignoring any attempts at conversation that the woman wielded, when a buff dude came in. Naturally, it was the woman’s husband. He started yelling at Ethan and the woman (whose name ended up being Denise, it turns out) and demanding what was going on. It ended with Ethan getting a good punch in the face. By the end of the altercation, Ethan was late and had to shoot a text message to his friend Madigan who he knew would reply without fail.

Now, he was getting out of his expensive sports car and stumbling towards the assembly, rubbing his swollen cheek. He had received Madigan’s text message earlier in the car and felt dread build up when he realized he would have to sneak into the assembly, probably. He creaked open the door and bent low to the floor, closing the door quietly behind him. He snuck down the aisles until he found Madigan, staring aimlessly into the distance. He grabbed a seat next to her and yanked on her hair to grab her attention. Madigan turned and slapped his shoulder before returning to look at the headmistress who was wrapping everything up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Fine Arts Building/Courtyard

Galahad was strolling slowly through the crowd of people, towards the Fine Arts Building, when a hand firmly latched onto his shoulder. He spun around to have a look at who it was, only to grimace at the sight in front of him. The owner of the hand was none other than a high schooler by the name of James Hastings, and also one of Galahad's least favorite people at Midnight Private. "Awwww come on Gally don't give me that look," the other boy said, as he let a smirk cross his face. "First off, don't call me "Gally". That is a name reserved for friends, and you are not a friend. You're a pestering child who just wants someone to do your work for you," Galahad replied, his words colder than the snow that was starting to pepper his hair. "But Gally we are friends. Now here's the thing. I need some help. I have this paper due tomorrow and I haven't started. Which I know comes as a - the boy's plea for help was cut off by a harsh look from Galahad. "Alright, alright. I'll check back again tomorrow. It's not due until three in the afternoon anyway." And with that Galahad was left in the middle of the walkway.

Left with a bitter taste in his mouth after James' departure, Galahad figured he'd like to sit with someone who wasn't in the business of mooching him for free tutoring. A lot of people seemed to think that just because Galahad offered up free advice (as well as the occasional bit of alcohol for those going through some really tough stuff) he offered up help in all areas of life, including school work. As he was looking for a suitable place to sit, he spotted Lillian, a girl in his year who he considered to be a friend. He made his way over to her, smiling as he took the empty seat next to her just as the Headmistress got up to speak. When the speech was through, Galahad turned to Lillian. "So I trust you had a decent winter break?" he asked, a friendly smile on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lillian Johnson
School Theatre

Lillian didn't particularly want to go to the start of school assembly in the theatre. It was never very different from the last, the headmistress would take her place on the podium, watching as the students streamed into the the theatre filling row upon row of seats before silence would befall the student body and the headmistress would welcome everybody and run over some school rules and such. Repetitive but, however, not acceptable to miss. Lillian was one of the very few students who, in her many years at Midnight Academy, haven't gotten themselves in the headmistress' bad books at all and Lillian was persistent for it to stay that way. That's why she allowed herself to be swept away with the crowds toward the performing arts centre.

Slowly Lillian made her way to the theatre with the crowd, offering kind smiles and short, cheerful greetings. She turns to walk down an almost empty row of seats near the rest of the college students, watching the headmistress at the podium who was watching the multitude of students. Just as silence began to spread through the crowd Lillan heard footsteps before a person sat next to her. Lillian looks to her left to see Galahad. A friend of hers in her grade. She turns to offer him a smile but before she could say anything the headmistress starts her speech.

"Students, if you would please listen up." The headmistress' voice rang throughout the theater. "I would first off like to start by welcoming you all back to Midnight Private Academy for the 2016 Spring semester." She stops to clear her throat, "Let me start with the basic rules. No one is allowed into the forest without any adult supervision. High school students, you are not adults, you do not count." Some of the older high schoolers groaned "Classes start tomorrow at eight a.m. for the younglings. The rest of you start when you have signed up. No boys in girls dorms after midnight and no girls in boys after midnight either. We will be having a homecoming ball a week from now, so please prepare accordingly. Please be careful and safe in the snow. You may head back to your dorms or do as you wish. The cafeteria opens up at six for dinner. Thank you." Chatter filled the air as students started leaving the theatre while others, like Lillian and Galahad stayed in their seats.

"So I trust you had a decent winter break?" Galahad asks, showing her a smile.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad. Dad was going to be home for a few weeks but he got held up so I spent the majority of it home alone but it wasn't too bad. How were yours?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Adeline Styker

Outside the Dorms

As the assembly released, Adeline walked with her head down and her hood up on her heavy, black winter parka. She hated winter and everything about it. It was too cold for her. She had an iron deficiency which always made her cold regardless of the weather so she didn't need piercing winds and three feet of snow to help her condition. It was always dark and everything was dying. How was winter enjoyable for anyone? The only excuse anyone ever gave her was the old "Its cuddle weather." Well that would be true but when you hadn't had a boyfriend in three years like Adeline, that wasn't a valid response.
Her thigh high, wedge heeled black boots sunk into the deep snow with every step she took back toward her dorm room. She was excited to be here, but she was sure her countenance did not show that. She didn't talk to very many people and the only friend she had, had recently shunned her just because their opinions on a certain subject had differed. So coming back to this school, she was friendless. And to be honest, she couldn't care less. She was sure there were plenty of other people like her here that would eventually befriend her. She usually didn't approach people first.
As she entered the front door of her dorm building, she wondered what her Dad had done with her suitcase. She was sure he had put it in her room but where? As she rode the elevator up to her room alone, her phone went off and sure enough, it was her Dad telling her that her suitcase was under her bed in her room. As she approached the door to her room, it was not locked which surprised her. She walked in and already couldn't wait to start customizing her room. That was the one thing she enjoyed about moving. She plopped down on her bed and suddenly began missing her cat immensely. She would head over to the cafeteria at six for dinner even though she wasn't hungry. Maybe she would just hang around and people watch.
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