@pkmnb0y since i noticed in your app's skills there was one for an 8 strike combo i guess that means skills equivalent to say SAO's sword skills (i think that's what their called? when they concetrate and their weapons glow?] are skills all in them selves? So like moves like a Rogue's Eviserate in WoW is a skill that would/should be documented?
I'm still working on her, so there's that. But a little teaser has never been remiss before :p
Also, I need to know if my character is to over powered either by equipment or skill.
Name: Emily Greene Gender: Female Appearance:
Age: 20 IGN: Laurel Greenethorne Race: Human Avatar:
Cursed blessing (Cursed)-An outfit. A black leotard, with golden metal decorations from knee to chest over pantyhose. Includes arm and leg decorations. This outfit takes both clothing spots top and bottom. It cannot be removed, but can be customized (only magical, no physical changes) it does have the positive effect of doubling both physical and magical defense, however the cost is a 50% increased susceptibility to all negative status effects. (Poison, sleep, pretrification, slow, etc.)
The Accursed Mentor (cursed)- A simple black headband. Takes the place of an accessory. A teacher had a student that hated how long it took to learn new things, after the student complained one time to many, the teacher made this lovely piece of work. It cannot be removed, but can be customized. (Only magical, no physical changes) it basically doubles the amount of experience earned for skills, at the cost of cutting HP, MP, and Stamina by 25%
A lady's heels- A pair of fashionable heels! Can be customized both physical and magical.
Black scarf- A fashion item that's all the rage these days. Get yours while supplies last ladies! Can be customized both physical and magical.
Black Scythe- A simple blavk war scythe. Can be customized both physically and magically.
Four equipment slots available: Head, gloves, and two accessories.
Level: 67 Skills:
Weapon proficiency(General) Pole arms- weapon proficiency in pole arms (long handled, bladed weapons such as glaives, Pan Dao, Scythes, etc.) rank B.
Magic Mastery (General)- Allows player to cast magic. Rank B.
Weapon Proficiency (Specific) Scythe- Weapon proficiency in scythes Rank C
Headhunter-Finishing scythe move, costs entirety of MP and Stamina, instant kills enemies with decapitation if they are 15% or less health, common chance of failure doing critical damage instead. Rank C. (Rank B cost 75% MP and Stamina, and 20% or less health. Common chance of failure doing critical damage instead.)
Sweep- AoE attack deals damage to all enemies within the swing's reach. Reach of attack is equal to length of weapon used. Rank C.
Pyromancy- Allows player to cast magic using fire as the base element. Rank D.
Blacksmithing- Allows user to create weapons, armor, customize items, etc. Rank C
Cryomancy-Allows user to cast spells using ice as the base element Rank F.
Enchanter-Allows character to imbue magical properties, effects, statuses, etc. To equipment. Requires components relating to effect desired, plus some MP (depends on effect and strength, plus Rank in skill) (Hidden skill, prerequisites Magic (general) Rank A, blacksmithing rank C) (This is how I learn about hidden skills IG) Currently unranked, (will gain Rank F by second or third post in IC)
Personality: Emily is a somewhat shy, and socially awkward girl. However she's cheerful, and friendly if given a chance to get to know you. She's fairly laid back, except in high stress situations, at which point she can ramble a bit, stumble, have difficulty meeting anyone's eye's. She also has low self esteem issues. Not horrendous, but they're present. While stuck in the game world, she comes out of her shell a little more, isn't as shy. However, she will have bouts of depression and anger due to her situation. For the most part though, she's kept her head high and her upper lip stiff, this situation has given her a chance to prove herself, to herself.
History: Emily has been playing RPGs for several years now, however she wasn't ever really interested in playing a MMORPG, but her brother was off at college, she was bored, and so she decided to check out an MMORPG. Googling up MMORPGs, brought a list up, clicking on one of the links brought her to a home screen talking about a massive patch that was going to be added to the game, offering more skills, and a whole new land to explore. Excited about finding it, she clicked register, which populated both the register screen and the log in screens. The username and password were filled out, saved to the computer's memory. 'What luck' she though...erroneously. She played for several days prior to the patch going live, unsure if she wanted to make her own account. She decided that she'd check it out after the patch and if it was any good, then she'd make her own account. Excited she finished for the day, not returning until the day the patch came out. She went to play, pulling up the site, and loading it up, but then she got the shock of her life. She was stuck in the game. Thus started her adventures in figuring out what the hell happened, and how to get home. In the meantime, She'll work on collecting some of these skills, because that's what got her into this mess, and she might as well do it.
Pets?: Lady Lenore, type: "Witch's Familiar" Sub-type: Black Cat. (The cat in the Avatar picture.) Lady Lenore increases magical power by 50% within any magical subset skill so long as skill level is greater than C-ranked. (If Character reaches EX rank in specific magic branch it is increased to 75%) raises magic defense, and while out can absorb three low level magic attacks per day. (So basically a simple magic attack. And it's per day, not per battle.) Can harvest magic component cat's hair from the familiar. Has no attack capabilities.
*Edit* if everything else is fine I'll write out personality and history. The only things I think I'm missing still. (Cause those are the hard parts.)
@Bigg Slamm: Yes, more similar to the way they're executed in MMOs today (so, you know... No being too flashy unless it's part of the skill).
@OneStoryToMany: Magic is a bit too... General, I guess. Magic Mastery would up damage, though, so I assume that's what you meant. That's... Actually all I got.
@PKMNB0Y got you. So power strikes like a cleave or golf swing is fine but something like a whirlwind attack or a thunderstomp are seperate skills? I will remember that. thank you. :3
@onestorytomany remember their are schools of magic. Pyromancy, cryomancy, geomancy, druidic, illusion, arcane, runic, holy, demonic, and many more. :3
@OneStoryToMany: Nah, I just needed a bit of clarification on that one thing. No need for specific spells unless they're... Well, 'unique', I guess. Yeah, figured as much.
And I was trying to make them more general sounding, to me elemental fire magic = pyromancy, and elemental ice magic = cryomancy. Though i don't mind using the real names for them. This character was built to be a scythe wielding magic user (cause I saw a picture of a scythe and was like AWESOME!!!) But the player who uses the character is going for jack-of-all-trades.
right right ignore my post I hadn't seen your sheet fully yet so I was basing my advice on your questions. now that I see that you were actually being more specific than just writing magic able in your sheet my advice is null. so it seems your alright. ;3
Tried to keep it on the short side so I assume some stuff will still need explaining. Let me know if questions arise.
Form: Name: Xander Yang Gender: Male Age: 23 IGN: UNIT- 385 - 174 - HARNESS ( Cracked the game code once he needed to use the avatar so it displays as Han. Dispelling an illusion reveals the avatar's real name. ) Race: Daimonion ( A NPC race of powerful demons introduced in the new patch. Because of his past he is unable to use their power. ) Avatar: Equipment: Shadow robes ( living cloth that obeys its user, forming different shapes and repairs itself over night ) Shadow daggers ( Useful for both hand to hand and range combat, the perfect tool for an assassin and poisoner. Light, cheap and easy to use but not very durable. ) Has a backpack for herbs and materials but no bag for gold since he can't carry any. Level: 1 Skills: Shadow arts D: The ability to use the shadows and darkness based illusions. Can manipulate it in to basic shapes ( shadow chains ) or use it as shadow clones and fading in to darkness. The darkness is fragile and is easily broken by light based skills and even natural sunlight, becomes much more strong and lethal in places with no natural light. Void Sense D: Pierces the veil of "reality" and time to commune with a different plain of existence. The space where summoned beings and sealed away creatures reside. He can use it to speak with creatures there and forcefully summon lesser beings that are a mirror of his inner alingment and intent. ( When angry summons blood thirsty demons, when calmly meditating summons sentient beings of knowledge. ) Harness SS: Hyper-Acute-Resonating-neurological-energy-supplying-synthesizer. Taps in to a willing subjects mind and removed their limiters. For one minute the target of this skill becomes max level and all his skills are boosted to their limit. Once the minute is up, the target returns to normal and is healed and restored to normal condition. The caster of this skill suffers the full damage and backlash of the skill, rendering him in a near death state and helpless until he rests for at least 8 hours. He can not use any skills or fight until then. This skill can not be used on the caster. Corrupting presence D: Passive. A natural aura of uneasiness and death. Life is slowly drained and fades from nature around the user. His targets slowly suffer corruption and debilitating buffs by his presence. Slowly heals him over time as life is stolen. Spontaneous crafting SS: Crafting basic and some advance items with supernatural speed. He must have necessary materials or equivalent gold, no tools are necessary unless crafting a complicated item. Noble Art Sixth Rebirth EX: The ability to bring back a spirited away creature from the Void. Once used the user is reduced back to level one. The caster must be no less then level 100. The caster remains level 1 permanently until he slays the Arch Demon who's spell the caster undid. Personality: Trickster and self proclaimed laziest person when it comes to the oddest of things. He would rather spend 100 hours creating a cheat to get an item then 5 hours farming for it. He loves having fun at other people's expense and thinks nothing of making their life hell out of spite. His silver tongue and manipulative skills are both sharp but he never uses them for any grander scheme then to amuse himself. Has a deep fear of his own shortcomings. His nature has always made it hard for him to get close to people but since he got burned once he has completely shut himself emotionaly out of fear of getting hurt again. People are just toys, he wants to see them dance. History: Do to his weak constitution in real life computers are his life. He was already a well respected hacker in real life before he turned to gaming. He was asked to develop and mod new things, illegally of course, when he got trapped in the game himself. Unfortunately that posed a lot of complicated problems on him. His presence and that of his dummy bots in game. He could not build his character as he wanted and most of his skills are inconveniently influenced by factors he can't control. He can't hold any gold because the system would detect him as an oddity. Despite how the world is he fears that may cause his character to be banned and permanently destroyed or worse, since he is not sure what will happen he is forced to always walk around broke. The other problem is his dummy bots that may be traced and expose him, so he is trying to find and destroy them. Some of them seem to have gained a sort of sentience and have different goals of their own. Xander used to be one of the highest level players in game. That changed when the Daimonion creatures were introduced in the new patch. His current body was modded to try and steal their powers but he failed. At the time he had two people with him he knew from real life, both of them were taken to the void and spirited away. Since they are not dead they can not respawn so they were going to be permanently trapped in there. Xander used what little power he stole to release one of the two people and they ran away from the Arch Demon. Later his friend blamed Xander for freeing him and not the third person, that was the last time Xander saw his friend. A permanent level 1, Xander is now looking for a way to slay the Arch Demon, free his friend and remove all dummy bots he left behind. To do so he is forced to rely on the only power he has left, his shadows and his wit.