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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alliminum, pronounced Ally-min-um, worried the string of her bow with wax. The metal monstrosity was death incarnate. Yet it also gave life. The young girl frowned at her hands and tucked the wax away into one of the various pockets she had on her person. The endless plains that stretched forth were warm. Warmer than the forests her tribe had just gone through. Ally lifted an arm to shield her eyes from the sun.

The finger guards, lifted into her vision, made her even more unhappy. Her golden eyes narrowed at the offending hand guard before focusing back on the landscape in front of her. This was no ordinary hunt. Ally had been roped in because the machines and animals were mingling. Which meant there was more danger. Which meant Ally was here to help even though she had been labelled as useless.

Ally pulled back her lips in a feral smile. If their definition of useless was refusing to commit murder, than she was quite useless. Ahead the grazers where contently munching on the long grass. To the left there were the Watchers. The sun glinted off their blue eye giving away their position. The Tribe covered all their metal so the sun would never betray them. And everyone knew that somewhere there was a Thunderjaw. They always lurked around herd animals, or machines. A protector and a predator. A wall that occasionally ate you.

And in all that there was a herd of normal animals, deer. Deer that would provide meat and leather and bones, and well, you got the picture. The trick was to scatter the to herd different directions while not startling the Grazers or deer which would alert the Thunderjaw and then they'd have the run of their lives. Running and probably dying was not something Ally was prepared to do. So the girl stayed put and did what she was told, to watch the Watchers who had moved closer to her.

Ally lowered her hand and ducked back down into the grass and shifted another few feet before peering back over. Now there was a good gap between her and the machines. Perfect. She checked the knife in her boot and the tie around her hair before settling back in. Soon her twin, Taellana, and the other hunters would initiate their coordinated attack, driving the two herd different directions and allowing them to grab a few deer and return to the tribe. Who knew, maybe they'd even gather a few other essential resources.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Koda
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The thrill of the hunt. It never grew old. Never grew stale. In this world where survival was of the fittest, few luxuries were afforded to those that survived and co-existed with the creatures that roamed the lands. Taellana accepted that simple truth and lived by it. However, the hunt was not a chore for her. Not some obligation due to her being a hunter. She loved it. While many questioned her balance of the harmony between the self and mother nature, she knew where she stood. She was a hunter blessed by the Paragon of the Hunt to provide for the tribe. What others thought was inconsequential.

Every kill was a celebration of life. An brutal contradiction Taellana admitted. Taking a life was never easy in the beginning; however as Taellana grew older, her opinion of the act changed. She didn't hunt for the simple pleasure of taking a life. That was the sign of simple madness. She killed to survive, to take the technology that each living game had and use it in a productive manner. While she took life, she celebrated the game's life by using everything from it. From meat to technology. Every part was honored by finding purpose by the tribe. It was this way of thinking that allowed Taellana to shrug off the gossip concerning her. However, those voices - as foolish as they were - resided in the minority. All in the tribe were prepared to do whatever it took to ensure the tribe's survival.

Hearing a cry from the distance, Taellana responded with a response of her own. She crept closer to the mixed herd as she clutched her bow. It was almost time. In a matter of moments, explosive powder that the shaman created would send the docile creatures into a frenzy. The catch was that the explosives meant for the grazers, watchers, and thunder jaws needed to go first before the explosives intended from the organic grazers went off. From there, it was the usual hunt.

Another cry from afar filled the air. Taellana inhaled then exhaled. Seconds later, sulfur saturated her sense of smell as her body shook. Hearing shrieks from the machines, Taellana watched as they scattered towards the direction the hunters had intended them to go. Ducking even lower into the tall grass, the heavy footfalls from the thunder jaws shook the ground as several followed the mechanical herd. Before the deer could follow, another explosion went off from afar.

When she heard the next signal, Taellana shot out from her hiding spot after the deers. The other hunters followed suit. Her legs pumped harder and harder as Taellana made it to her top speed. Her responsibility wasn’t to kill the game but to herd them. There was another group of hunters waiting for them. The twin silently prayed that her twin was in position. Alliminum and a few hunters were providing overwatch for the hunters on the ground. Taellana hoped her sister could at least do that job. She was useless as a hunter.

Nearing the killzone, Taellana signaled to the other hunters as her group separated to the far sides of the herd's path and eventually disappeared into the nearby foliage. They continued pursuit in case there were any stragglers.

Before the deer could get too much further, a volley of arrows flew out from the trees as several deer cried out and fell to the ground. The barrage continued until the bulk of the herd disappeared leaving their wounded brethren to die.

Breathing hard, Taellana came out from the forest foliage and quickly made her way to one of the animals and gave it mercy. The other hunters started to emerge and dealt the same mercy.

“Not every day a plan like this goes well,” said Kolton. A senior hunter. “The other group should be back soon. Spirits, I hope they didn’t have any trouble with the jaws.”

Taellana grunted as she cleaned off her knife and placed it back in its sheath. “Veteran hunters were tasked to this hunt,” she said. “They’ll be fine.”

Kolton grunted. “Let’s hope so. Signal the overwatch to bring the carts. The village will eat well tonight.”

Walking towards the edge of the killzone, Taellana signaled to the overwatch group as she looked around the clearing. Something didn’t sit well with her at all. A shudder traveled down Taellana’s spine. That was always an ill omen. She pushed the thoughts away though her vigilance never wavered. She respected the forest and creatures too much to not fear them. Those who lacked that respect died first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ally fingered her dagger as a Watcher neared. Her heart wasn't in her actions, but if it came to it, Ally didn't know what she would do. One creature over his tribe?

Ally listened to the hunting calls of the tribe's hunters. Ally could have sworn one of the voices she heard was her sister's. But in all actuality there was no way to tell. She let one bare knee drop to the ground to support her crouch. She wasn't wearing much apart from a fine layer of dirt. Just a pair of shorts, bindings across her breasts, various pouches, and arrows.

Another cry came from the hunters just before an explosion rocked the ground. The Watcher nearing Ally made a small startled cry. It felt from the noise, nearly bolting over her crouched figure. Luck was with her that she was already further down in preparation. Else she might have gotten more than even she wanted from the Watcher in a full on collision.

Once the Watcher was over her, Ally was up and moving. The Grazers were running. Already she could hear them coming her way, set to pass by her with more than enough room to spare. Ally didn't approve of wholesale slaughter and she dreaded returning to see the dead deer. Their lifeless eyes echoing their fear. Just a few minutes earlier they had been contently munching on the grass. Now they were dead. It wasn't fair.

Ally slowed to a trot and slung her bow over her shoulder. Now that she didn't have to worry about hiding she could easily see the hunting party standing tall against the waist high grass. The girl slowed even more and let loose an explosive sigh. She could almost feel the presence of her paragon, peace, with her. But she couldn't. Hadn't been able to since she had awoken. Death always made it go away.

Ally wiggled her bare toes in the dirt and looked back over at where the Grazers had stopped. They were barely dots now. The herd happily content once more. Simple minds they were, but it didn't condone mass slaughter. Her lips pressed into a thin line. With the bounty, it would take the tribe a few hours to be ready to move again. At which point it would be dark. Which meant they'd leave tomorrow morning. There was no reason for Ally to return so soon. No one would miss her. In fact they might be happy to see less of her for an afternoon.

Mind made up, Ally turned away from her tribe and back over the grassy field. She picked a cluster of rocks at random and began to venture over to them. It wasn't a fast journey. Ally kept getting side tracked by interesting plants which she tucked into her pouches before she continued.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Koda
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The over watch team arrived quickly. Regardless of which group each hunter was in, speed was of the essence. While the thunder jaws were busy following the herd, who knew when they'd come back? The machine and organics were creatures of habit. Once they found a grazing ground, they always came back until it was freshly cleaned out. From Taellana's experience, this was the conclusion she came to. However, she had no desire to test that hypothesis. Get in and out quickly. That was the name of the game.

Helping the others load the game into the carts, Taellana looked around. It didn't take her long to notice what was missing from the gathering of hunters. Her mirror self. Alliminum. Where was she? Was she okay? Did she get separated? Numerous thoughts and scenarios played through her mind as she found the nearest over watch hunter. "Where's Ally? She was with you, right?"

The woman shrugged as she looked around. "Last time I saw her, she was watching a watcher," the hunter said. "Not sure why the elder wanted her to come along. In insult intended."

Taellana shook her head as she walked over to Kolton. "Ally's missing. I need to go look for her," she said. She checked her supplies. "I'll meet you all back at the village. Think you can manage a hunter down?"

Kolton scoffed as he nodded to the group. "We'll manage. There's extra jerky and water in my bag. Help yourself."

"I won't be gone for long."

The veteran hunter frowned. "No matter how trivial your outing, never underestimate the forest. When one drops their guard is when she'll lash out."

Taellana should've known that. She sighed as she reached into Kolton's bag and retrieved the provisions. "My sister. My worry for her trumps reason," she said. "I tried to get her out of this hunt. Unsuccessful as you can see."

"We do what we must for the village."

Taellana nodded. Checking over things, she began to head towards the over watch area. "May we meet again."

"May we meet again," Kolton said. "Come back safe. The two of you."

Taellana smiled. "We will."
It didn't take long for Taellana to reach the position the over watch team took. Seeing a number of tracks, she looked around until she saw foot depressions in the grass leading away. The hunter sighed to herself. Ally wasn't her, she just wandered off like a stupid putz.

Following the footsteps, it didn't take too long for Taellana to find her twin looking at plants and what not. Trying to reign in her temper - failing miserably - she approached her twin. "By the Paragons! Ally. Really?" Taellana walked up to her twin and turned her around to face her. "Wandering off to look at plants? Wandering off while the others are working to get the game back to the village? Do you want people to starve, sister? Our harvest wasn't good this year! And wandering off by yourself? Ally, you know what lurks out here. Dangerous things! What if a thunder jaw came back? What would you do?"

Releasing her grip from her sister, Taellana took a deep breath as she looked around. "I hope your little nature walk was enjoyable," she said. "We've leaving. Now. We hurry along, we can catch up with the others. Paragons, Ally! Honestly."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"By the Paragons! Ally. Really?"
Ally nearly jumped a foot into the air when she was twirled about and shouted at. Face to face with her disapproving sister only made Ally's black mood worse. She listened to her twin rant with a barely contained anger. When she was released Ally took a few steps away from Taellana.

"No." Ally said mulishly. "I'm not going back." She shook her head, feeling her long braids shake from the momentum.

"They aren't leaving until the morn. And there're hours left until sundown. Why should I go back. They don't want me." Ally punctuated this with a stop of her foot.

"Don't worry about it reflecting badly on you though. They think you're the perfect daughter. Mom. Dad. Our Brothers and sisters. Even all our aunts, uncles and cousins."

Tears collected in Ally's eyes and she angrily dashed them away. "Well, fine. I don't like them either." She spat out before turning on her heels and fleeing away from this world. The ugly world that her family inhabited. It scared her. Far more than any Thunderjaw did. Not that any of them saw it that way. Their Tribe was their whole world. Their small, stupid little world that was so black and white. Their way or no way at all. But Ally saw a different path. So what is she was the only one? That wouldn't stop her. Nothing could, not even Taellana.
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