Year 2205, almost one hundred years ago, Earth underwent a massive change. The human were, as per usual, going about their typical wars and feuds, over resources, revenge, dominance, or anything they could think of. Even with their advancements in medicine and technology, peace seemed so far away.
Russia, the new leader in space travel, was about the send off their very first inter-galactic ship to explore other galaxies. This occasion, unbeknownst to mankind, would mark Earth as a new class of planet: one that had the ability to reach, and therefore threaten, other worlds.
There are two types of planet: Civil and savage. Civil planets seek out peace and the end of war. Savage planets openly incite it. Earth, at the time, was considered to be savage. Their closest lifeform planet, Altoran, was tasked with keeping tabs on the humans in case they should ever reach this point in their technology. And sure enough, once humans set foot outside of their solar system, the Altorans invaded.
Known for their telepathic abilities and peaceful dispositions, the Altorans were not looking for a fight. They merely sought to reshape the Earth to prevent an intergalactic war from tearing it apart. They informed the leaders of Earth that if they did not end their warmongering ways, that Earth would be destroyed. Fortunately, they listened.
Over the next 100 years, Earth became a civil planet, and the Intergalactic Space Alliance, or IGSA, was formed. Now, instead of fighting among each other, the humans form voyager ships and seek out other civilizations to form bonds with. We will follow the journey of one of the voyager vessels, the IGSA Jubilee, as she continues on her 5 year mission to explore and form alliances with other planets in the name of Earth.