Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SweetOwlette
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SweetOwlette Grow Wise Little Owlette

Member Seen 2 mos ago

On September 9th, 2015 the CDC brought alive a 30,000 year old 'giant' virus since the last Ice Age. Scientists discovered a prehistoric virus called Mollivirus sibericum in the Siberian permafrost sometime within the last few weeks. The virus is classified as a "giant" virus because it's visible by light microscopy. Mollivirus sibericum carries a complex genetic structure that houses more than 500 genes, yet the influenza virus, in comparison, has only 8 genes. When waking this virus up, scientists thought they verified that it can't harm humans and animals, but ended up being terribly, horribly wrong.

At first, nothing came of the initial infection. No indication that the giant virus harmed people. Scientists went weeks without any symptoms, until the initial the person who activated the virus. 4 weeks after initial contact with this virus, patient zero started to develop baseball size blisters. These blisters showed up everywhere besides the face, palms of the hands and feet, and genital areas. Very painful to touch or even move the body. Patient zero was complained of a burning feeling around the areas the blisters were not present, feel hot with no fever, and continuously taking fluids in, with no output.

After a while, blisters busted open, sending the gooey red fluid all over the place, painfully causing a open wound looking like a rose bud. When the blisters popped, it was a loud sharp popping noise. At the time, a nurse was in the room with patient zero when the blisters began to opened up. Nurse was wearing full protective gear, however, the gooey red fluid burnt through the protective gear and right into her skin. The nurse didn't tell anyone that she had became infected with patient zeros fluid.

That nurse went home that every night to her family. Covering the areas with just band-aids and antibiotic ointment. Within weeks, the nurses and the family was experiencing the same thing patient zero was going through, while patient zero and the nurse were both dead. With little information known about the virus, the world started to panic, and for good cause. The world was experiencing something new, and had no clue how to handle it.

Within 6 months, no cure was found, but something interesting was going on with the dead. 64.83% of the population was dead. 24.35% was still infected while 10.82% of that population was uninfected and in hiding from the infected, and the dead.

Something made the dead, come alive again. The dead wasn't the typical "zombie". The dead could walk among themselves without needing basic needs. However, you come into contact, the dead started to become enraged with fear and just attack the living till they killed or knew the healthy were infected. Once a healthy become infected, they could walk among the dead. However, very little is also know about the dead.

Welcome and I hope you enjoyed. This is a Post-Apocalyptic story. Our story will begin with a each individual somehow runs into each other, and we become a fighting group, for whatever cause we see fit.

This story is vague because it has room to grow and become something amazing. Everyone's ideas and goals will play a factor into the output of this story. We will either all die, letting a prehistoric virus killing us, or we will become successful in finding a way to surviving this giant virus.

This is based on a loosely true story. Meaning, this is a real virus that was really found this year and woken up a few days ago. However, it has been really proven that it won't harm human/animals. I just put my own twist on this virus to create a RP.

Anyways, now that is cleared up. I am looking for a group of 4-7 people to make this group. Our characters will face some tough stuff. We may end up losing out characters and have to create another one, or we maybe able to save them all. I ask that you have a minimum of one character, up too three max characters at any given time. I don't care how young or old your characters are. You can be as detailed or vague with your character. This story has room for potential and we can figure out your character as the story continues.

If you are serious about this please submit a character sheet (below), with the questions filled out so I know you read it.


--Thanks for reading and can't wait to get this started!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name:Jack mills
Hair Color:light brown, greyish
Eye Color:Indigo

Past (You do not have to any answer this portion)
Marital Status:N/A
Lose Anyone? And How?:he has lost many close friends to the rose plague(I love that name), but he hasn't told anyone

Personal Items?
Jack keeps a notebook and pen to draw in when bored(at start it will have 2 pages used)

Bow and 30 arrows(when silence is needed), scoped rifle and 90 round(when silence is anything but needed), pocket knife.

Clothing:Jack always wears a dark blue jacket,running shoes and jeans, but keeps a t-shirt in his bag

Inside your backpack:
-Rifle-3 lb
-x90 Rifle rounds-1 lb
-x150 Matches-1 lb
-x4 Granola bars
-Flashlight-Uses 2 AA batteries
-x20 AA batteries

Surviving (You do not have to any answer this portion)
How did you survive?
jack has survived by laying out what he considerers to save lives
-Always assume that unexplored building pose threats
-Take nothing that has to be kept frozen
-Keep quiet in unfamiliar territory

How did you end up where you are?
Jack doesent often stay in one place, he often just stays long enough to clear an area out, be it supplies, people, or the unfortunate souls lost to the plague

Did you have to hurt or kill anyone?
jack has killed people before.

If yes, who and why?
almost everyone he has killed was infected with the rose plague, not for his sake, but for theirs, he feels sorry for them and puts them out of their misery, the same way a priest would kill a vampire and "put it out of its misery", the only other person hes killed is his closest friend, and he refuses to explain why
Is it out of pleasure?
jack hasn't killed a single person for his own enjoyment

Do you know any information regrading the Rose Plague?
jack knows for a fact that it is unwise to be in the deads line of site, or near anyone that is infected
Question One: Where was the virus found?

Question Two: Who is patient zero?
the first patient to be infect, hence the term patient "zero"

Question Three: How long for the infection to set in?

4 weeks, or 28 days
Question Four: How large is the blisters and what happens to them (basic detail!)?

a baseball
Question Five: Who caused the infection, patient zero or the nurse?
neither, the virus caused it, but both patient zero AND the nurse spread it(zero spread it to the nurse who went home to her family)

Question Six: True story?
the virus itself is true, but the part about the rose plague bringing the dead to their feet is not
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll have my character up tomorrow, my brain is fried right now.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SweetOwlette
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SweetOwlette Grow Wise Little Owlette

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@BlizzIf you like, send me a link to the characters picture, and I can get it posted for you!

Bare with me, I am running a bit slow this weekend, but it's coming together. Hopefully we will get more interests!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@SweetOwlettewe will bear with our through this unbearably grizzly time
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@SweetOwletteare we stil up for this? I saw that you have been MIA but has anything came up to derail this pestilent masterpiece?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Kraken
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The Kraken Sea Beast Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Forgot that this was getting rebooted. I'm interested again, with the same character, provided this hasn't already crashed again
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So, I am terribly sorry I disappeared on you but I have come to a decision. I have realized that I tend to take on too many rp's than I am able to handle and then I get over-whelmed and when that happens I generally loose my muse for rping and I stop replying to things. I have decided that for now I am only going to focus on the two group rp's my friend really wants to GM with me and the two rp's I am doing with a friend through pm's. I'm sorry if this causes trouble for anyone, I really wish it didn't. But I would prefer to drop out now rather than continuously saying I will post then not doing so.

In the future I hope to roleplay again with you all but for now I feel this is the best thing for me to do.


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