Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gheeda


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gheeda


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The story takes place in a realm known as "Aldaria", a land that for ages has been under constant war among the several empires and feudal lords that share this world, bloodily war that resulted in the deaths of countless soldiers and civilians that got caught up in the carnage. All over cultural differences and resources, this era of the war is however under the shadow of the second era of this war

"The War OF fortune" it was called, originally called "The war of Differences" This spoof of a title was created after the war was gone on for centuries when the military of practically every royal faction started to become increasingly small due to all the blood shed and little progress made in the wars, stuck in a constant stalemate. Rulers would also try arming peasants but this led to a giant uproar in communities across the realm, being forced into this war to die in their pointless war in exchange for nothing

Due to this shortage of military power, bands of mercenaries comprised of mostly armed peasants trained by AWOL soldiers start appearing in the thousands across the realm from all races and cultures they raise and offer their services. The royalty of the realm only saw them as ungrateful peons trying to "move up" in this world rather than stay in their modest lifestyle..But they needed troops and if theses people are willing to kill themselves for a few coin, why not? So the nobility play along and even offers some groups their own land if they work for them, maybe even make them royal knights if they prove their worth. So they sent them to fight their vanity war and kept their actual troops inside their walls for their protection.

To say the least theses rulers never kept their promises and ended up slaughtering entire bands when they come to receive their reward, refusing to honor their agreement and pay up to some lowly peasants. Of course this does not end well and they realize the error of their ways and see that they are without a army again. Then one of the more influence rulers of the realm, King Hale IV, a human ruler then called for a end to this chaos among each, to put a end to the slaughtering of their people that their foolish ancestors put them in. The various empires and kingdoms agree to this and wish to try for a era of peace. but they want to make it spectacular , not just some verbal agreement among messengers. No what they wanted this to be a amazing event. A grand citadel was constructed smack dab int he middle of the continent of Alderia, After its construction each royal house would send their son or daughter as a envoy to a gathering held in this citadel, each accompanied by a hundred royal knights each to the grand structure to sign a peace treaty on behalf of their nation...In their own blood, as a sign how they will honor this agreement.
The Players of this Rp would play as theses heirs as they attend the gathering to issue in a era of peace.

Or...Is it that simple? No, Of course not...
You see during the "War of Fortune" the people of Alderia stepped on the toes of a giant. West of Alderia is a continent not as large as Alderia..But despite its size there us a long history on this piece of land. This continent is known as "Celdrin" to the natives, the natives of this land were also caught up in their own war, but compared to the wars waging in Alderia, the wars in Celdrin were far "cleaner" and "Honorable" if there was ever such a thing. five factions are native of this land, children of each are bred for war and can't wait for the day they can fight. The Factions here did not fight for land or Vanity,they fought because they see it as the ultimate test of Skill, Discipline and honor. Everyone is trained for combat and those deemed "dishonorable" are enslaved to work on their farms to pay for their crimes and eventually upgrade from slave to a Laborer and live as a citizen with rights..banned forever from fighting however.

The people of both Celdrin and Alderia have known about each others existence for awhile but never really bothered with each other during the "Vanity War", the Celdrin did not see it as their war and that they should stay on their land and keep to their honorable warfare, but they did however do trade with some of the rulers of this land for food and sometimes even purchase prisoners to work on their fields as slaves. However when the "War of fortune" comes around and see the need for mercenary bands as a "inventation" to be apart of the war, the five factions of Celdrin see the need to band together to combine their epic trained forces as one massive army to take on the larger war happening in Celdrin.

They sent some of their best to Alderia to represent what true warriors look like, looking for honorable Combat and a fortune they make way to Alderia to take part int he epic battles they hear stories of that happened in Alderia. Sadly they did not get what they expected, they got battles but they fought against untrained peasants that used dishonorable tactics that sacked villages and are only doing this mercenary gig because they were mistreated by their former masters due to their corruption and their Vanity war.

They were also betrayed by their employers, nobility saw them as equal to the mercenary bands made of peasants, and thus treated the same, not getting their end of the agreement and disrespected by the "Mighty" Royal bloodlines of the land.

The forces of "The Celdrin Union" boil with disgust and anger at the of Alderia, labeling the royalty as "Dishonorable savages" that need to be put down, that plagued this land with their own selfish desires. A council meeting made of the leaders of the Five factions of the Celdrin Union to discuss a drastic move, to purge the land of Alderia of this "Royalty" and bring more "Civilized war" to Alderia. When they learn of the peace treaty signing in Alderia, the Union of Celdrin only want to destroy them more, seeing this as them trying to run away from their dishonorable actions for a few years before going back to their savage war.

The Union of Celdrin does not even see this as them declaring war on Alderia..More like a "Purging" it and building on the ashes a new future. With the armies of Alderia small and feeble, and the well trained and massive horde belonging to Celdrin; its would be very easy to take them out. So they plan to make their mark and attack the Citadel after the signing of the treaty, if they truly mean to stand together then let them show it.


The Rp is about a fictional realm known as "Alderia" that is ruled entirely of royal houses that rule over its people with a iron fist, the land has been in a age of war for centuries until one point their forces are almost if not all depleted from the never ending bloodshed. They then call for peace and build a massive structure together in the middle of the realm together as a symbol of their new found unity and will have a peace treaty signed at this landmark. The royal houses send their children to attend this gathering to sign the treaty in their blood to seal the deal of peace.

However the Peace meeting is disrupted by a foreign faction with the goal of whipping out the smug nobility from the world.


So the PCs of this Rp will take the role as Princes or princess who are sent on behalf of their Royal house to sign this peace treaty and issue in a new era of peace but the Celdrin union attacks the gathering to start their war on all of Alderia with their massive forces.

The PCs will have to work together to escape the citadel alive and try to find safety somewhere with a pissed of legion of warriors hellbent on whipping them out hunting for them. Will they put aside their past transgression and honor the peace treaty? Or will they have in fights and lead to their demise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

Member Seen 3 days ago

I'll have a CS up tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Don't wait on me, as my interest has dropped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gheeda


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ah .-.

Well that sucks :c
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Miakardia
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Miakardia Written at Dusk

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll get a CS up tonight :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gheeda


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feel free to invite your friends @__@

By the time we have enough people to start i will have straighten out the Celdrin Union info...gonna make it FAR more condensed and easier to read, cutting out all the really shitty lore i put into them and simply just explaining who they are and what they are good at...
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