"Underestimating me will be the worst mistake you ever make!"
Basic Information
Name: Haruhi Suzumori
Aliases: Haru
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Haruhi has a personality that is unlike the stereotypical gloomy Hidden Mist personalities one would assume to find. She has been faced with death, lost a few of those most close to her, and has speant many nights crying herself to sleep. Despite it all, Haru has managed to keep her same bubbly personality that keeps people wanting to know her. She is tough at heart, determined, and stubborn, If she dosent get what she wants right away, she will fight and fight, never letting up until she gets it. She hates few things and loves a lot of things. Though it once was easy to upset her, or get her to cry, it is much more difficult now. After years of trying to learn patience and control over her emotions, she had finally succeeded in such and is more laid back than she used to be. Within her are a perfect molded together combination of one sensei's fierce fighting style and the other's casual and fun personality. Haruhi is a quick thinker, unpredictable, and she hits hard every time, never letting up when faced with tough challenges. She refuses to ever let down her teammates, village, sensei's, etc. and is extremely loyal. She can be trusted to follow through with tasks without hesitation, and no longer does she second guess herself. When she is not training, sleeping, or on missions, she can be found dragging often unwilling close ones out to eat before using her adorable charm to get them to pay. Not once has she failed with that.
Likes/Dislikes: She likes food, training, sleeping, and making friends. She dislikes blood, little kids, heights and noodles.
Dreams/Aspirations: Haruhi's dream is to one day become the Mizukage. She wants to be powerful and feared for her strength so that no one may hurt the ones she loves ever again. She knows that unless she reaches a Kage level, she will never be able to truly protect her friends.
History: "I've grown up... I know now that death comes with being a shinobi... There are times when death is hard for me to accept, but if I don't get over it, there's no future..."
At a young age, Haruhi was seen by medical ninja after a near death experience. Her heart has always been weak as she grew up, and as a result, her mother would oftentimes shield her from doing anything dangerous. As a result she grew up staying at home alone most days or roaming the streets watching academy kids run around and train. Her father, Shougo, was a Hidden Mist shinobi, working as an academy teacher in fact, and it was always a dream of hers to be an amazingly strong shinobi like her father. At the age of 8, Haruhi lost her dad. She came home to see her mother crying about her father's death from an illness and Haruhi was sad but found even more determination to become strong. At the time, she didn't find it strange. There was no burial, no body...in fact, the last time she saw her dad was when he told her he was going away on a top secret mission and would be back in three days time.
He lied.
His last words to her, with a light pat on her small head was, "Take care of your mother while i'm gone, okay? And don't be afraid of anything. Your super strong, never doubt that. Being a Suzumori means you never give up, no matter what."
It were those words that would guide Haruhi through her life as a beginner shinobi. Going into the academy at the age of 10, Haruhi's frail mind, body, and spirit held her back from graduating for a long time. She was picked on by younger kids her were in her class, made fun of for being older and weaker. Made little jokes about how stupid she was for thinking she could ever be a real ninja. Even the teachers would whisper, even the medic nins would tell her after she collapsed from pushing too hard, that she wasn't suited to be a kunoichi. Despite it all, Haruhi pushed through all those years, not letting anyone see her cry but her mom. Finally, just after her 14th birthday, she would graduate and be assigned to Mika Hayashi's Team 14 along with her teammates Rai and Chou. Time would pass and what started out as an unlucky placement in a team of jerks, would change into a team that Haruhi would be proud to be in. Though the three would likely not admit it, they all learned to tolerate each other and become friends of sorts.
It was when her sensei gave her a small Bingo Book that a series of events would occur and result in the slow changing of Haruhi's life. She found out her father hadn't really just died of sickness, but was killed by the rogue ninja Zakito Hon. She had also found out that not only was her father a criminal wanted for everything bad under the sun...her mother knew about it and kept the truth from her for years. Angry and spiteful, she left home in search of security she ended up finding with her sensei, Mika. Together they planned a new goal for her, a new ninja way, and a new reason to keep fighting harder than she did back at the academy. Determined not to let her grief consume her, Haruhi got back up, only to be hit by another setback. The Six Tailed Bijuu would be sealed into her against her will, and again she felt betrayed by not just her sensei, but by her entire village. It was if everyone was trying to make it harder for her. Kicking her while she was down and throwing impossible scenarios at her at every turn. She would eventually meet Takeshi Shun who along with Mika would train her and help her in her quest to reach her ultimate goal of becoming strong enough to protect her village. Also seeking to make things right with her mother, Haruhi would go to her and tell her about her beast. Her mother would scorn her and cast her out. Claiming she was a monster and no longer her child. Days later, Haru would find her mother dead at home, her rotted corpse later analyzed and determined she committed suicide. Angry and hurt beyond belief, Haruhi ended up losing control a short time before Chunin exams, and threatened the safety of the villagers as she began changing form into her tailed beast.
Again her sensei's would help her through it, and again she felt lost, broken, and wanting to give up, but with arms outstretched from Takeshi and a firm grip on her hand from Mika, Haruhi would eventually fight her way out of that pit of darkness too and continue on her path to greatness. Now a Chunin, Haruhi is one step closer to reaching her goal of taking on Zakito Hon. She doesnt know what she will do once she meets him face to face, but is confident that she would one day be able to defeat him and put an end to his path of death. Though the time is still far from when she will be skilled enough to even be in his league, Haru is hopeful that one day she will beat him and finally prove what she always throught to be true.
"I'm Haruhi Suzumori and that doesn't really mean a whole lot just yet. But one day, I'm going to be strong enough to protect my home village, and everyone will trust me. They won't think I'm weak, and no outsider will ever try to hurt the people I love. After I get stronger and I beat Zakito, I won't stop there. One day, I'm going to be Mizukage!"
Ninja Information
Clan: Suzumori - She is the last of her clan and is the only one in the world who possess their trademark Purple Lightning Kekkei Genkai.
Kekkei Genkai: Komurasaki - Suzumori clan
Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai: This is a physical Kekkei Genkai that manifests itself in the coloration, shape and nature of the chakra within the body of a Suzumori. Rather than the typical blue or rare black lightning chakra colors, the chakra of a Suzumori is a deep purple. In addition to this, the shape of the chakra when visible is a bit different. It appears similar to the wild sparks of normal lightning chakra, but around the edges there are purple flames emanating from the sparks that give off intense heat. This is further confirmed when one is hit with a jutsu. Even after the sparks of the chakra fade, purple flames can burn the enemy, causing further damage. The chakra when can be very dangerous, even to the clan member. Thus, special arm gloves are worn that protect against the intense heat of the chakra.
Chakra Nature:

Chakra amount: Above Average 6/10
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 1
Intelligence: 3
Endurance: 5
Luck: 1
Chakra Enhanced Punch
Chakra Enhanced Kick
Name of Technique: Komurasaki: Tiger's Paw
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Short
Nature Type: Lightning
Handseals: None
Description: Used in tangent with her chakra enhanced strength, Haru coats her hands or feet in chakra to deliver even deadlier blows to her enemy. The chakra takes the loose form of a Tiger's Paw, hence the name.
Weakness: N/A
Spider Web Jutsu
Thunder Binding Jutsu
Lightning Cable Jutsu
Purple Panther
Name of Technique: Komurasaki: Eagle
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Short to Long
Nature Type: Lightning
Handseals: 5
Description: Haru gathers a large amount of chakra around her arms (or body) until it forms the shape of eagle wings (or an entire eagle) with a span of up to 10 feet. Then she runs forward with her arms outstretched acting as the 'wings', cutting down/setting fire to anything that the wings touch.
Weakness: She can only hold the jutsu for about 15-20 seconds before the chakra would start to harm the exposed parts of her arm or body.
Name of Weapon or Item: Haru's Sword
Description: A simple sword Haru uses in tangent with some of her lightning style jutsu. The metal of the sword is a great conductor of the Suzumori's lightning chakra, and it turns a light purple when she channels her chakra into it.

Haruhi is the current host of the 5 Tails. Due to Gobi's resistance and Haruhi's stubbornness, she is unable to do more than occasionally speak with the beast. Haru has no intention of using the beasts power, in fear she may hurt someone she's close to, and Gobi doesn't plan to share any either. She sees Haru as just another... temporary cage.

Name :
Kokuō - Gobi
Nicknames :
The Five Tails, The Deceiving Beast, Gobi-nee-chan
Personality and manners :
Kokuõ is a cunning beast. She doesn't lie, but bend her words in a way that may give the wrong idea to anybody that speaks to her. It hasn't been confirmed yet why that Kokuõ does this, but it's assumed that it's either of self defense or because she enjoys this. Kokuō is other than that a very cautious creature, not loving to risks or gambles, but rather playing it safe. She also doesn't show her emotions, giving the false look that she is somehow always calm and friendly. Though it's clear that she cares more for herself than for anybody or anything else.
History :
Soon after the Bijuu were created, Kokuō started to wander what is today the Earth Country. Around that time, Kokuō was like some other beasts curious to this world and simply wanted to learn and wander around. However, off all the Tailed Beasts, she was the first one to be sealed inside a human body. Only to be free after ten hours, due the weak seal. The human host exploded, making it clear that the Shinobi should develop stronger seals to seal a Tailed Beast. Ever since then, Kokuõ has been cautious for any human and developed a cunning personality to try to keep out of their hands. Some tales that resolve around are that she tricks and fools humans to do what she wants, while gaining nothing from it.
Though she has been sealed in all kind of hosts from villages, Kokuõ has always managed to get the better out of it. Likely due her nature, she has been able to deceive and manipulate her hosts in a way that it would aid herself and sometimes resulting that it would also harm another tailed beast. After all, for Kokuõ, there is only one thing important.
For now Kokuõ is sealed within Haruhi Suzumori of the Hidden Mist. She had the most hosts of the Tailed Beasts, but due her deceiving personality, she never got close with a host. And seems she has not really the intention of getting close with Haruhi now or ever.
Cares for :
- Herself,
- Freedom,
- Creativity
- Likes to plot, even when it hasn't any meaning or effect on her or her host.
Dislikes/Hates :
- Being outsmarted,
- When her freedom is being threatened.
- When another beast is able to fool her plans.