Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by snowblzr


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tim clenched both of his fists, and tip-toed over to the imp attacking Rainer, and charged an open palm strike into the back of his head, pushing its face into the ground, while planting his feet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tim suddenly went forward and aimed a palm strike at one of the imps, attempting to help Rainer by trying to not only attack the creature, but knock it down as well. Tim tried to sneak up upon the imp, but unfortunately it wasn't good enough of a stealth attempt since Tim was near Rainer when the Imp attacked. Not only that, but Tim didn't actually do a good job of sneaking anyway. Still though the creature was a bit occupied with fighting Rainer, but did try to dodge the palm strike towards its head by moving out of the way.
Tim's Pam Strike (Fisticuffs): 70 - 4 Fisticuffs = 66

Imp Dodge: 73

Damage Dealt: 3 Damage

Attempted Knockdown Affect: Resisted
Tim's palm strike connected, hitting against the Imp's tough hide. However, despite Tim's less than stellar amount of physical strength he did manage to do some damage, a red 3 floating appearing above the Imp's head the moment it connected. All of the Gamers could see this red three, and those with basic gaming experience could deduce that this was how much the attack did. How much HP these creatures had though was hard to say, since none of them knew much about what was going on though. Still, one thing was clear. These creatures could be fought and they could be hurt, even with the strike of someone with as much physical strength as Tim.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lucian tried not to laugh in his own frustration, he had hit the imp with the coin he had flicked, but in doing so managed to learn a skill he wasn't too sure if we was happy with. "What the hell, I learned how to piss things off," he muttered low and chuckled. With the angry imp lunging at him though, something become more real and clear to Lucian.

The Imp has sharp claws, much sharper than his skin is willing to take, as such a direct hit will certainly hurt. I don't think I am going to fair very well in a 1 v 1 with this imp. What else can I do? I have a few more coins in my pocket, he felt the jingle in his pocket, possibly three or four coins...But that didn't do any damage last time..."Guys, I think I pissed it off. Help?" He looked at the angry little red imp, Think...think...what else could I use to fight it, my shoe? No, I can't lift my legs past my waist, so kicking is a no go, taking the shoe off would just be silly, so no point in that either...If this is like a game I should be able to fight something one to two levels higher than me, but I usually have equipment in my games and I guess I should expect to get hurt, but I don't really like pain...this sucks... He stepped back and heard the jingle in his pockets again, this time the jingle in his pockets got him thinking though, my keys!

He pulled out his keys this time and quickly lined them up in between his fingers so that they would stick out. I wish I knew magic... He decided to press his luck and try to take a swing with his second improvised weapon, he also mentally braced himself for the counter attack he assumed would follow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


Member Offline since relaunch

Watching the Imp run towards him, Rainer had time to register the claw swinging towards him. He knew if they connected the best he could hope for was an excruciating scratch… If he was lucky.
Holding his ground, Rainer brought his hand swinging around and away from himself in a forward stance midsection block in an attempt to knock the Imp's claws away whilst also leaning his weight back onto his back foot, lifting his forward knee in an attempt to catch the Imp under the jaw with a front kick.
It was also during this time that one of the other Gamers, Lucian from the name over his head, was calling for help and another Gamer, Tim, was attempting to help, striking the Imp as Rainer attempted to land his kick, apparently dealing 3 damage. With any luck, Rainer hoped to deal enough damage to the Imp in conjunction with the damage Tim had dealt to either knock out the Imp or knock it back far enough to allow him to turn to face Lucian's Imp, in an attempt to charge it and possibly deliver an assisting blow. For know however, Rainer focused on his kick, listening for the snap of his jeans to tell him if he'd executed the kick as perfectly as he had trained to.

"HYAAAAH!!!" Rainer cried, almost reflexively, the way he had always been trained, not only to expel enough air to allow his kick to maintain force, but also as a tactic to catch his opponent off-guard and startle them with what could almost be described as a battle-cry of sorts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thinking that a weapon is better than no weapon, Lucian went for the keys in his pocket. They were probably as effective fighting bare handed, but they were also better than nothing anyway. Putting the key between his thumb and finger, he slashed at the imp, hoping that the somewhat sharp, but not all that sharp in reality, keys would deal some sort of damage to these Imps.
Lucian Key Attack (Melee Weaponry): 4 (Critical!)

Imp Dodge: 97 (Fumble...)

Critical Strike!

15 Damage!
The seemed to be in such a rage from Lucian hitting it with the coin that when it had suddenly calmed down it was caught off guard when a Key was suddenly bearing towards it. The Imp tried to get out of the way, but stumbled right as Lucian swung. Even though the creature was 3/4ths the height of an average human, its stumbling backwards combined with Lucian's downward swing to hit the creature managed to allow Lucian's key to slice its neck. The creature let out a loud shriek of pain as it stumbled backwards, text appearing over the creature's head.

In bold red text appeared 15 Critical! For those who had game knowledge, this meant that Lucian scored some kind of critical hit or some very powerful strike nonetheless as this attack seemed to hurt the creature alot. This also alerted the other two imps, the two creatures actually backing away some for the moment, not seeming to want to get near the humans now that some human with such a tiny weapon managed to deal such a heavy blow, judging by their fellow Imp's loud shriek anyway as the imp stumbled backwards. It was still alive and there was no blood on the wound, but these creatures were also not human, so they may not have had any blood in the first place.

As the imp stumbled away Lucian would see three windows appear in front of him, each reading thus.

After those three windows appeared they soon vanished, two new windows appeared. Unlike the three before which were light blue, these were light red like that skill window that appeared when Lucian learned Coin Flick. These two windows read as such.

Rainer, in the meantime, would be dealing with another Imp. After seeing Tim's successful Palm Strike at the beast Rainer would attempt his own powerful kick attack towards the creature's head, aiming to shut it down for good, letting out a battle cry for good measure and more explosive power, his kick seeming to be stronger and more accurate thanks to the stance he was in, probably because of that skill he had received just now. The Imp wasn't right in front of you, so you wouldn't be as close as you'd like, but you were still close enough to where the kick would still be somewhat accurate nonetheless.
Rainer's Kick (Fisticuffs): 56 - 5 (Stance) - 16 (Fisticuffs) = 35

Imp's Dodge: 39

Damage Dealt: 13

Attempted Knock Down (Attacker STR vs Defender DEX): Resisted
While the kick wouldn't knock down the beast, it still managed to make it react very negatively. It let out a shriek of pain, although not as loud as the one Lucian sliced with the key, as it was kicked in the head by Rainer's powerful, trained kick. A red 13 appeared above its head when it was kicked. It was completely clear now that the amount of damage done to a foe appeared over said foe's head whenever an attack was done, this meaning that group could beat these things since none of them had gotten hit yet. Still though, these creatures were not down for the count, but niether was the group who in these few seconds had a couple people who had yet to act.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Valeric


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Her attempt to make contact with the Imp was ignored. They were much more irritated by the coin one of the guys flung at them, it seemed. Two Imps charged forward, menacing claws swaying side to side. Sasha braced herself, but neither of them came after her. They lashed out with their claws at the other gamers. With their clumsy approach and telegraphed attacks, none of them were struck. In return, the gamers began fighting back. It soon became an all-out melee.

Not wanting to miss out on the action, Sasha quickly joined in the fray. Taking advantage of their divided attention, Sasha crept around them and approached from the back. She decided to help the guy facing an Imp alone. Sasha wondered how she was about to do this. She wasn't horribly inept at physical activities, but she certainly had not been in a fight of any kind before. Shunting her doubts away and acting on instinct, she reached forward and grabbed the unaware Imp by the head with her left hand. She twisted it sharply to the right, aimed the pepper spray right at the creature's face, and held down the trigger. Hopefully that would be enough to incapacitate it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha proceeded to sneak around the Imp, hoping to be able to get in on the action and help out her new team mates, pepper spray bottle in hand. Sasha was easily able to sneak around the Imp thanks to not only her pretty good stealth ability, but also the Imp being too distracted by its new fear of Tim with his deadly Key that just sliced its neck to high hell. So when Sasha suddenly grabbed its head and attempted to twist it to the right it was needless to say that the Imp was caught off guard and not expecting the sudden motion.

Even with Sasha's weak strength she was able to twist the creature's head around, most likely thanks to catching the beast off guard. She managed to twist it just enough to be able to spray a blast of pepper spray into the creature's face, which wasn't entirely that easy since the beast, despite being short, was pretty strong to say the least. Still the creature fell back from both Sasha and Tim, letting out small screeches as it held its eyes, falling down onto the ground in its blindness and pain, which would give Sasha the perfect opportunity to act.

Taking this opportunity, with luckily the Imp being just short enough, Sasha would raise her knee in an attempt to bash the blinded creature in the face, it being in too much pain to notice the knee attack coming straight for it.
Sasha Knee Attack (Fisticuffs): 38 - 8 Fisticuffs - 25 (Point Blank Range) = 5 - 1 LUK = 4 (Lucky Strike!)

Imp Dodge: 38

Damage Dealt: 7
Sasha's knee made direct contact with the creature's face, causing it to be knocked back. In red text above the creature's face rose '7 Lucky!' It wasn't in bold text like Lucian's Critical was, but it must have meant something. Still, since none of them would know what the Lucky meant since they didn't know much about the game system of their power it was hard to say what this meant, but it clearly was good since it meant that even someone with such weak physical strength like Sasha, not that everyone knew each others strengths, could deal what looked like pretty decent damage. The moment the imp fell back though it seemed to vanish now, which probably meant that the creature's HP was at 0 now.

Right after the creature was vanquished a light blue window appeared in front of her face now and it read as thus.

That window disappeared after Sasha read it and another light red window appeared now, this one being light red in color, this one giving an explanation of her new skill.

With one Imp vanquished there were only three left, and one of them so far seemed to have taken a pretty good beating from Tim and Rainer in the few seconds it took Sasha and Tim to kill the Imp they were fighting. The other two still didn't seem to be acting, and appeared to be quite shocked actually, as if not expecting humans to do so well against them. Still, they weren't interfering for now, which was a good thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jester Acharis
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Jester Acharis Overlord

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It became apparent very soon that whatever romance trouble Zahira was having, it was the least of her worries; it started with what seemed to be a blackout, continued into the unsettling discovery of nobody being around the mall no matter where they looked, and escalated into...

"W-what are those? Eww!" Zahira gasped at the monsters, 'imps' according to their tags, as they staggered into the group's view. Their tag said lv4, but Zahira had no idea what that entailed. After all, she had yet to figure out what her own lv1 meant, either. All she knew was that these things were not pleasant to the eye. The others, including a new, very pretty girl who also appeared to be a Gamer, instantly readied themselves to take on the creatures, with varied success. There were red numbers flying about the creatures' head whenever they were hit, and that made Zahira narrow her eyes and bring a thoughtful finger to her chin.

Hmm, numbers when they are hit... could it mean... points on how stylish the attack had been?! Ah, no, but then the keys would be cooler than the palm attack thingy! Uh... Wait- then, how much it hurt them...?

In the time it took her to try and figure everything out, one of the imps had already disappeared, having gotten pummeled by the collective strength of three of the gamers. She blinked. Did that mean it was... defeated? Gone? Not hurting her eyes anymore? Yay! Wow, the others were amazing. And she... was being useless.

Feeling her cheeks redden, equal parts from frustration at having done nothing to help and equal parts embarrassment for not having even thought to do something before, the girl curled her palms into fists. W-well, she would do something now! She felt strangely brave, anyway. Rainer was still facing off alone with one of the monsters, so Zahira decided she was going to offer a helping hand - even if he didn't really seem to need any right now.

So, Zahira kicked herself to a run towards the imp, eyes fixed on its wobbly, tiny form, only for her to realize three seconds before she reached it that she didn't really... have anything to hit with it. She didn't have a plan. Oh no, quick, quick, something that might hurt, something that might hurt-

Her indecision almost caused her to stumble in her heeled run, drawing a pained "ow" from her. And then she got it. Her heels! Anyone who'd worn them before knew how much they hurt sometimes! So then, then, maybe it would cause similar pain when being hit with? Her logic was pathetic at best, but she herself seemed to consider it perfectly sound as she slid to a stop, quickly pulled down the zipper of her boot and, yanking it from her leg, grabbed it with both hands and heaved the heeled end at the monsters, closing her eyes and praying for the best.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Tim and Rainer were fighting the remaining Imp that had approached the group Zahira suddenly ran forward, wishing to contribute. After quickly removing her boot from her foot she slammed it at the creature, hoping to do some damage to it while helping the others in this tough situation.
Zahira Boot Attack (Melee Weaponry): 51 - 8 Melee Weaponry = 43

Imp Dodge: 33
Unfortunately a boot was a pretty ineffective weapon. As Zahira lunged forward, wielding her boot its ineffectiveness as a weapon and the Imp's own basic reflexes allowed it to easily dodge out of the way, making the boot a rather ineffective attack. The Imp hissed at Zahira after it attacked her, but it was also focused somewhat on Rainer and Tim as well. Still, Zahira with her boot made for the easiest target, something that this creature seemed to take advantage of. Since Zahira was right next to the Imp after trying to hit it with her boot it suddenly lashed its claws at her, then once at Tim who was also right next to the Imp as well.
Imp Claw Attack: 57

Zahira Dodge: 40 - 10 Acrobatics = 30

Tim Dodge: 2 (Critical)
Luckily the creature was still hurting from both Rainer's kick and Tim's palm strike and it was also highly agitated, thus its swings were very wide. Zahira was able to nimbly dodge out of the way, but for Tim it was a different story. He was able to dodge very easily, through a combination of both incredible reflexes, observation, and pure chance. It was as if the dodge was as easy and fast as taking a breath. In fact, Tim's dodge was so smooth that right after his dodge he was able to spot an opening on the Imp right after its attack, which thanks to his quick footwork in his dodging he was quickly able to follow up with a very quick counterattack.
Tim Free Strike (Fisticuffs): 1 (Critical!)

Imp Dodge: 90

Damage Dealt: 15
The strike using Tim's bare hands was straight on, his counterattack causing the Imp to fall back onto the ground and vanish, the same sort of text appearing over the Imp's head that also appeared over the Imp's head when Lucian got his Critical, a bold, red 15 Critical! appearing over its head right when the attack connected. After that the Imp fell down and vanished, the creature being defeated. Right after it was defeated a window appeared in front of Tim, this one being light blue in color. It read as thus.

After that window appeared, it disappeared moments later, only to have another light red window appeared. This one explained the new Skill that Tim just received and like all the other windows that Tim could see, this one was invisible to everyone else.

The other two imps, a little shocked that a small group of humans suddenly defeated them charged forward, these two looking pretty angry, chittering angrily, or so they were about to. Still, they were not charging, as they actually appeared to be backing away. It seemed they were very surprised by the abilities of the humans, and suddenly the imps vanished, chittering very angrily as they did so. It appeared that there were no more imps nearby, which meant that the group, who surprisingly got out of that completely unwounded, could rest. Or could they?

"To think that ordinary civilians could defeat those creatures... or are you all something different?"

If the group turned around, they would see a figure standing before them. The text above this figure's head was light blue, like the text that appeared over the heads of every other person the Gamers would see. This meant that this person probably wasn't an enemy as he didn't appear to attack. Of course, what was over his head was a bit strange. His name was Jin, just Jin. Next to his name was Lv. ??. The only other clue to his identity was above his name and level he had <Messenger of Gaia>, which was a strange thing indeed. Still, he wasn't an enemy. His voice as he spoke was very calm and sounded like the voice of a male in his twenties or thirties, but still seemed full of timeless wisdom.

"Tell me, what manner of people are you? What abilities do you possess that allows you to vanquish creatures whose strengths are greater than those of ordinary humans".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by snowblzr


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Huff.. Puff... Huff.. Puff...
Tim was panting, he had quite a small amount of energy when it came to physical activities. But the criticals, and counter, made him want to do more mele, despite him always having had an interest in ranged characters in MMORPGs, and D&D.

Then the voice. He turned to see this "Jin, Messenger of Gaia". Gaia was Greek for Earth, so what that <Messenger of Gaia> mean? He racked his brain for any Ancient Greek mythology. Whatever he came up with, he ignored at that moment. He panted for a few more moments then responded, "Why could we do that? Well, first off" he panted once again, then coughed before continuing, " We're all <The Gamers> and well, that's gotta count for something. Two," another pant, another few coughs, and then he produced several dice from his pocket, his spares for D&D. "I got my d50, and that's definitely gotta count for something."

Se grinned, as stupid as the second part sounded, he pretty much believed it. Then he saw something. Lv ?? ? What? He tried to think about that for several moments.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Rainer watched on, half in disbelief, half in awe as Zahira tried to clobber an Imp with her boot. Granted, it was better than the coin the other guy had thrown, and it showed that both Lucian were quite resourceful, but there was still a part of him that wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Rainer never got the chance, however, as 'Tim' was able to dodge under the retaliatory swipe of the Imp and land a counter strike with enough finesse that Rainer, a black-tip preparing for his black belt grading, was impressed!
The defeat of their comrade also seemed to send the other Imps scuttling back to... Wherever they were from, vanishing into thin air. It seemed the conflict was over, until a voice addressed them from behind.

Spinning on his heels and snapping into his forward stance once more, Rainer spun to face what could possibly be a new assailant. He had hoped to knock back the Imp's in such a way to allow them all time to escape, but that wouldn't work so well if they'd been flanked. Facing the newcomer, Rainer was slightly confused. According to the text above his head, he was 'Jin'. Whether that was his name or his class, like the 'Imps' remained to be seen. His text was blue, suggesting he was just like them, but his Level was obscured by question marks.
Rainer found himself thinking back to Quest Givers in MMO's or even the character Elminster from the Baldur's Gate games, a character so powerful and so high level that even using console commands to cheat didn't help!

Eyeing this new stranger cautiously, apparently a "Messenger of Gaia" from his name, although Rainer didn't know what the spiritual personification of the earth had to do with anything, Rainer answered 'Jin's' question with slight, guarded reserve.

"We don't posses any abilities," Rainer said, somewhat truthfully, "It's just a simple matter of self-defence. Some of us have martial arts training, others like to beat things with boots, coins and car keys."

Rainer intentionally withheld the information regarding their 'Gamer' titles. Firstly, he didn't particularly see it as an ability, anyway, since it seemd to be little more than an Augmented Reality HUD right now. Secondly, Rainer's 'Quest' involved finding other Gamers, and Jin didn't seem to be one. There was no telling what was safe to tell him or whether he'd think they were nuts. Sure, it was a bluff, but it all depended on how you worded it, sort of like lying by omission...

...And then 'Tim' blew it, spilling the beans about their Gamer titles.

Rainer studied Jin closely, hoping to gain some insight into the strangers motives or alliance, as well as his reaction to Tim's confession
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

One boy stepped forward first, the man raising an eyebrow as he heard the rather interesting explanation as to how they could have beaten those Imps. Of course, they couldn't see him raise that eyebrow since his brown cloak obscured his appearance completely. This person was clearly hiding something, which another older person stepped forward and clearly revealed, as well as pulled out some dice used in some game. What caught Jin's, or at least that appeared to be his name from the tag floating over his head that the Gamer's could see, attention was the words 'The Gamer'.

"So, more natural ability users? Five of them nonetheless, all with a very... interesting ability". He appeared to be in deep thought for a moment as even though his hood obscured his face, the party could almost feel his gaze looking not only at them, but into them as well, as if searching their very beings. "It seems you all recently obtained your new power...and are probably here seeking an explanation". It was a guess, but it was strangely on the mark for just a guess. "While I would be glad to give you information, my time here is running short. Go to Gekkoukan Gakuen in the Port Island district. You should find someone who has your same ability, but has had it for longer".

Suddenly the figure slowly began to fade, his voice becoming more distant as he spoke. "Until we meet again..." With that final farewell, he was gone. The area was now incredibly quiet, the lights were still off, and no one else was around. Suddenly after the man had left a window appeared for each of the gamers and it read as thus.

After that window disappeared the window for the Quest, Others Like Me, appeared. It now appeared to say something different now.

The Gamers had a new objective now for their Quest, but still no sign of anyone or any lights. Around a few seconds later though the area around them began to crack, like cracking glass, white light pouring through the cracks. Within a few more seconds the cracks expanded, then suddenly the area around them shattered like glass. Now the Gamers were definitely back in the Septemberes Western Courtyard as there were people walking around, going in and out of stores. Lights were on, and the surroundings now seemed normal again.

Would they go to investigate this new objective though? Or go home and pretend that none of this ever happened?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It all happened so fast, Lucian was surprised that he took it all in. The new skills which he had learned from his attack on imp, the imps defeat by him and some girl, The others defeating the other imp, and finally the imps disappearance.

The feeling though, of dragging the keys in the neck of a living creature, though there was no blood, was still on Lucian's mind. Such a sickening feeling, yet the feeling of such triumph at defeating such a beast. It was truly a bittersweet, and he did not know what to make of it.

Before he realized it though, another man had appeared, and his companions had already begun to speak to him. One choosing to lie, and hide the truth, the other just kind of dumping it all out, no strings attached. Even though They had all just fought together, had some strange connection through the "Gamer" power, He still didn't really know the others too well. These differences in how Tim and Rainer approached the mysterious man Jin, Lucian took note of it. Tim might be an idiot, Rainer might be overly cautious? Though, I too would of bluffed in one form or another... He watched the man as he spoke, unable to see his facial expressions, Hard to read your face if I can't see it... He had wanted to see if he was going to give off any facial signs of a bluff, but to no avail. Before he knew it, the man was done speaking and left, but not without something else happening right after. The quest had been updated!

"Well, I for one am for going to out what is going on. Next train leaves in twenty, anyone else going?" He turned to the others and sarcastically asked, he already knew that at least one of this motley cru would likely be curious to find out what was going on. But as the words left his mouth, he heard, and saw, the sky shatter as if it were glass. Instinctively Lucian curled down to cover, but nothing fell. Standing upright again, and confused, he awaited a reply.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Valeric


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Fuck yeah!" Sasha screamed as she delivered her knee into the Imp's face. She had honestly no idea what she was doing, but it worked. The number "7" flashed in the air when she connected. The Imp staggered back and dissipated into thin dust. "Holy shit what was that?"

Her opponent down, she looked around and saw the other Imp being defeated by the other Gamers. Her gaze swiveled towards the remaining Imps with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. She could hear her heartbeat throbbing loudly in her ears. This was fun. Very fun. Like a hungry wolf she advanced towards them. The Imps visibly cowered from the group, probably shocked at the demise of their two comrades. Before Sasha could reach them they vanished into thin air.

"Damn. Too bad," Sasha muttered in disappointment. She realized there was something happening behind them and turned around. A strange person was talking to some of the Gamers. By the time she moved within earshot the man was leaving, right after he gave information about a senior "Gamer" who might know more about the situation. That was good, Sasha thought, but she was only thinking about the Imps. Where could she find more of them?

Moments later the world itself cracked. When the shards faded away she found Septemberes restored to normal. It was all very surreal, as if it was lifted straight from a movie or game. Sasha shrugged.

"Sure, count me in," she said in response to Lucian's invitation. It took her a second to remember that she was in the middle of a group of strangers. "Oh, I'm Sasha. Nice to meet y'all."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by snowblzr


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sasha finally introduced herself, a pretty lady, but not as good looking as the other girl, who had already left them without even saying a good-bye.

"Hello, Sasha. Now if you guys don't mind, I-" he was approaching the words of "I'll be headed home to take a rest." but the opportunity to learn more about the powers, was just too good to pass up. He really wanted to learn how to cast spells and such.

"Screw it, I'm going to see that other <The Gamer>," he said, creating airquotes as he mouthed <The Gamer>, "Jus let me take a quick breather."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


Member Offline since relaunch

Rainer watched as the 'Messenger of Gaia' disappeared before staring in awe as the world started to crack and shatter around them, placing them back in a mall filled with lights and people. At this point everyone, including the new girl, Sasha, appeared keen to find out more about their situation. Rainer, however, couldn't help but rub his eyes. The entire affair was confusing and, for the most part, they were left with more questions than answers. He felt that such a thing needed to be pointed out.

"I don't know about you guys, but maybe we should approach this with a level of caution..." he said, addressing the other Gamers equally, "I mean, we got pretty lucky with those creatures. If I were in an actual video game, taking on higher level opponents mostly unarmed seems pretty risky, not to mention we don't know what kind of 'game' we're playing." he said, making the obligatory rabbit ear quote marks with his fingers as he said 'game'.
"I mean, is this PvP? Co-Op? Are we playing a Final Fantasy game centered around an adventuring party or are we in a Halo-style Deathmatch? Whoever this other Gamer is, he's been around longer and knows more. This isn't a Level 4 AI Imp NPC we're talking about, this is another Gamer! I don't know about you guys, but I've been unlocking 'Skills' whenever I do certain actions, how do we know this guy isn't unlocking new Skills by defeating or even killing other Gamers?"

Rainer stopped for a moment, looking up at the mall ceiling, linking his hands behind his head and sighing. "I'm all for finding this other Gamer and getting some answers, but I just want to make sure we're smart about it and prepared for things if they go south."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Valeric


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Okay, so what are you suggesting?" Sasha retorted. Rainer, one of the "Gamers", was trying to dissuade everyone from following everything the mysterious person had said. There was sense in his words- Sasha had been too hyped from the thrill of battle and the promise of answers that she hadn't been thinking straight. Just an hour ago she was cautious enough to bring along a pepper spray, and that had paid off well enough. Who knew what dangers might lurk on this next trip?

"We could... arm ourselves. Or test our skills more. I saw you just now. You looked like you knew how to fight?" Sasha made a mock kung-fu stance with her hands. "Maybe you could teach us how to do that?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Rainer thought for a moment, considering what Sasha had said about teaching them to defend themselves. It made sense and was a lot better than giving the group knives or firearms. People had a tendency to panic in high stress situations and he didn't want anyone hurting themselves or each other. Rainer had seen Sasha attack an Imp with what seemed to be pepper spray during their Imp battle, a fact that suddenly impressed him. So far she had been the only one of them to have the foresight to bring protection just in case anything went wrong. Rainer chuckled internally, if this was an adventure party based game, she would almost certainly be considered their support at that moment.

"That's actually not a bad idea…" Rainer mused, "But I can't just teach you all front kicks and side kicks in a quick thirty second lesson in a mall. I could teach you all some blocks, though, that might might help you out. Sometimes the best martial artist knows how to defend themselves long enough to get away from a fight, and a good block could mean the difference between escaping unscathed or a serious injury." Rainer looked over to the rest of the Gamers, "Whaddya say?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lucian was starting to head towards the direction of the mall exit that would lead him quickest to the train, but stopped and turned to hear all that the other Gamers had to say, "Sounds to me like you are worrying too much, did you not see that man's level? Now think of games that you play where the uber boss guy doesn't just kill you right away, because that man could have. Now then, even if he wishes to do us harm, usually the villain will first send us on a series of quests which will inevitably aid us, and give him some form of benefit. I don't see it being useful enough for him yet to do us harm, if that is what he wants to do." Realizing that he spoke a lot, and thinking of all the confusion that they had al just gone through, and were continuing to go through, he decided to sum his opinion up, "In short, stop worrying so much, and don't be doing that kung fu in the mall, you will probably just get yourself in trouble." He started to head off again, "So, you coming?" He scratched the top of his head, feeling that he had made his point clear, and hoping that he didn't offend Rainer, not that he would really care, but better to have allies then enemies in this strange game of life.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
Avatar of Renose


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eventually a form of agreement to go see the other Gamer would be reached, a few in the party possibly being more reluctant than the others. So with that they all headed off to the train station, making it just in time thankfully as they managed to catch a train to the Port Island District, which was the only way to get to Gekkoukan Gakuen, where according to Jin they would be able to meet the other Gamer. It would take a bit of walking, Rainer probably knowing the way more than the others since Gekkoukan would be the highschool he went to if he attended school regularly (Ill leave that knowledge up to you Dingo), but soon enough they would reach it at about 1:00 PM.

Luckily there were still students there, some chatting, others heading to clubs, and others probably heading to the library. They all had the same floating names above their head, most of them reading their names with Lv 1 next to them. Above their names and levels read <Student>, which could imply that things like <Student> or <Gamer> or even <Messenger of Gaia> meant a person's class, at least to Sasha anyway who managed to view her windows and discover that her class was <Gamer>. To the others it would probably be unclear what those tags were exactly.

As they entered the front gates though suddenly, once again, the surroundings of the area seemed to fade. No lights were on, although it was still light out thanks to it being day time, and no people were around. No people like before back at the mall. There were no monsters in sight though and instead there was just one person. Off to the side of the path that lead up to the front of the impressive looking school was a boy wearing the male school uniform for Gekkoukan Gakuen sitting under a tree, playing a PFP. Above his head it read Ren Hitori Lv. 9. Above that read <Gamer>.

This could imply that this person was the other Gamer that the Messenger of Gaia was talking about, especially since this person was Level 9. Upon seeing this person a window suddenly appeared in front of each Gamer, each Gamer only able to see their own window that appeared for them. The window read the following.

This other Gamer might have seen it as well as he seemed to look at the air in front of him for a moment and tap the air, as if pressing a button, probably the button meant to close the new window that appeared. He then stood up and walked over to them, stopping about five yards away from the group. He was indeed quite a strange looking boy upon getting to look at him from this distance. Different colored eyes, white hair, and a somewhat soft looking face as well as somewhat pale skin. "So there really are other Gamers after all...just like myself. And here I thought that I was the only one".

As he spoke his voice was very quiet and distant. As he talked though it seemed like he wasn't speaking to him, but instead speaking quietly to himself. The boy's different colored eyes gazed at the group, reading each of their tags above their heads. "All Level 1. Im guessing you all must have gotten this power recently or have had it for a while and don't know how to Level Up". Now it did seem like the boy was talking to them, although somewhat apathetically, as if he really didn't care for their company too much and was only speaking to them out of necessity. "So, how did you all know I was here?"
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