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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

The times of the Light Side are over. It was on the that day, that battle, against the Galactic Empire that changed it all. The panicked mission again their foes to defend what little they had left to fight for over the Rebel Alliance's base on Yavin IV lead only to the unforgiving showcase of what the Imperials were capable of. Their newly constructed Station, infamously known as the Death Star, destroyed the moon with ease, wiping out almost every part of their opposition in one shot. It wasn't just a victory. It was a reminder to the Galaxy that no determination can keep you alive when anyone faces ultimate power.

Eleven Years had passed, since the only resistance available was broken down, and there's near-to-No one willing to take on Palpatine's wrath. Those who attack Imperial Personnel in their homes and villages are quickly 'Dealt-with', whereas those who don't support the movement of the Empire are oppressed with great force until fear drives them into knowing acceptance is the only aspect of survival. There's nothing to compete them, nothing to go against them...for now.

On the desolate plains of Tatooine, driven by fear and pushed on by danger, a small band of unfortunates embark upon the only chance to ensure survival. Eager to find a form of escape, shelter and companionship, these runners, brought only together by misfortune, have to be prepared to face everything to avoid certain death...

This Star Wars Roleplay is a complete reboot, sort of, of the amazing Galactic Hero's own Star Wars idea: Outcasts. His version was the complete credit of this Roleplay, which needs to be respected. Due to his random and unknown disappearance [Including being online, yet having no response to anyone], the majority had to come to the hard decision to leave it in hopes we could revive it here. All credit for this idea, though slightly different, and overall concept goes to the original GM, as none of us hold any ownership to the overall plot [However, minor details and aspects have been changed to ensure it isn't a complete copy]. The Roleplay will work on similar aspects, or at least as closely as we can get to it.

So this Roleplay is first set on Tatooine. That's right, there's going to be a lot of space involved, eventually, in this one. Co-GM Ghost Shadow gave the idea of using Land Based Transport, mainly a Crawler [Which I will either provide or choose someone to provide], for the first segment, to be the main focus of hospitality for the group. It is all about avoiding the Empire, as well as danger as a whole, and getting to an area where they can escape. How they come to meet one another, will most likely be due to a Forced Labour based reason [I will say it involves doing manual labour, then using the small vehicle they are provide to escape a transport job-emplacement. Basically, being sent to do work with other prisoners, then the driver using the opportunity to piss off into the desert. This gives them the reason to be hunted down.] to ensure they have a reason to have some medium bounty over their heads. The key to this Roleplay is player choice. Whether you decide to work for the Hutt Cartel in hopes to earn small amounts of money, or create them as an enemy, is highly your choice. You could turn yourself in to the Empire, acting as a somewhat-relevant informant. Simply run, and face starvation, poverty or the wrath of local Tuskan Tribes. Trade with Jawas to receive better equipment, or simply set up a makeshift home in the wreckage of a Rebel Alliance Cruiser. These overall decisions will decide whether your character lives or dies, showing that every action might have a severe consequence. From avoiding patrols to perhaps launching small-criminal based robberies in hope they can stay in one piece could be included in this Scenario, however that is your decision.

Note: To do with Lore wise, many of the main antagonists from the original series are still in fact alive. The events of Star Wars: Episodes I-IV are considered canon, as noted by Galactic Hero, and those after are not. Though Darth Vader and Palpatine are still alive, they may be mentioned, yet might not make an appearance.

Here, we go off by a Strike Rule. Usually two or three strikes, depending on the seriousness of the breach. It can link to one, if so bad, yet I doubt we'd have that problem. Sanctions include both being evicted from participating and sometimes handing over your Character to another person for death. Handing over a character, however, does not require death if you choose to leave the Roleplay. If you do happen to feel like you want to leave, inform the GM or any Co-GM, then choose someone to take over the character for you. No unnecessary suicides just because you feel bored. That shit is a bit...crap?

These Rules go by the same format, because perfection, as Galactic Hero's, so here yah go.

-Posting: As it makes it more easier, medium to high casual is the sort of ability of writing we are looking for. Good Grammar is something we want, not expect. As long as it is readable, at the least understandable, then it is fine. If it is beyond the levels of understanding, then I assure you should attempt to improve it. This does seem a little unfair, because not everyone perhaps can provide an excellent piece of text, however RPs planned for a longer-term can get quite frustrating when we cannot read/comprehend what you are trying to say. If, however, there's a reason for maybe grammar that seem fair, then this rule Can be bypassed...for a bit. To be fair, I'd say 6 Sentences at the least for a post [Which should be at least a paragraph] which would be measured in compound and complex length. Anything longer than that is perfectly acceptable, though anything less would fall under the Three strike system.

-Character Creation: A Character is a character [No kidding.]. These aren't Jedi Masterminds, nor are they Rebel Heroes. These are the refugees of oppression and life, either driven towards small-crime or simple fear. Moving and running, and such. To make a Character, realistic storylines are available. Realistic is what I call Not being a complete Tank. Yes, by all means make an interesting background, but don't make it so they are the Special-Snowflake amongst the group. They can all be different in their own ways, and hopefully they'll be great for development. The Original Cast of Galactic Hero's thread have their characters, which might need to be reposted or edited slightly, are pretty much clearing this rule already. These characters cannot be ultimately kitted out with equipment far beyond a survivors gear. Blasters, clothing and other weaponry is up for grabs, just as long as they aren't ridiculously over-powered. Cybernetic replacements [Much like Luke's] are limited to two characters. One, of which, has been chosen as mine from the last Roleplay, yet if someone requests a simple replacement limb, and can provide a good reason for having it, then you are welcome to ask. The Age limit is 18-29...no older nor younger.

-Character [In Roleplay]: A character doesn't have to be likeable. They don't have to do what everyone else wants them to do. However, you must know that your actions can have consequences. Maybe not doing a job given to you could result in having the Crawler break down. Your attitude can be random, but uniqueness is what creates a good group. The mixture of kind-hearted, sorrowful, blunt, solitary, hyperactive [etc.] souls make great character engagement. Speaking of engagement, you might want to keep the interaction with other players at a high rate. You can collaborate, if you desire, or even just keep long dialogues between one another. Make sure you don't drag it on for too long, and make sure you do not hold anyone up. If you are doing something with somebody, and are about to be gone for a few days and such, inform the group, your buddy especially, and tell them in advance if possible. After 5-8 days of not hearing anything in regarding to a disappearance, the person you were doing the event with has complete permission to use that character and finish the scene, within reason. Which means killing a character whilst they are absent is not acceptable, unless they have been gone for more than 2-3 weeks without contact to anyone.

-OOC Posting: Now we want to keep this thread nice and peaceful. Any arguments go into Private Messaging; any concerns about another Roleplayer or action committed [Behaviour, Roleplay moves, character design etc.] come to me through PM as well. Spamming the chat, as in filling it with unnecessary topics over a short space of time, will not be tolerated and will fall under a Two Strike System. Just because it isn't in the IC doesn't mean it can't get you banned. The OOC is to be a peaceful place, though you can give mild criticism if it is helpful and constructive. Don't demand someone to do something either...unless you are me...so this part is irrelevant.

-Guidelines and Superiority: Every person here has some length of freedom within the Roleplay. Yes it is limited to a certain extent, but their ideas are welcomed to be shared [Even if they are the most awful ideas created by a single human]. No one is to negatively, so with hate or despise, against another's opinions here in this Thread. If you want to, however, over-rule somebody else, you'll breach this guideline. Co-GMs have and will use their superiority over standard Roleplayers when necessary, however I over-rule them. Unless instructed to, all important concerns about plot, others and issues come to me. I might not be able to respond immediately, but I will try to sort things out. Co-GMs will be there for smaller concerns, however their decision making will be monitored by me. They can decide if something is needed to be done, in their mind, however if I do not like their decision then I can disregard their authority in that scenario. You, as roleplayers, have to understand and comply with the vast majority of things we put into play. So respect one another, especially by authority.

-Enjoy Yourselves: If you don't...just tell me what's up, or a Co-GM, and we will see if the issue is resolvable in a way that not only benefits you, but the majority.

No one is to post into the Character Tab except from me. Therefore, I'll need to see your Character Sheet. If you mention me above the sheet, then I'll see it and can decide whether it is worth accepting. Only accepted characters are to post into the IC. The way to get accepted is to follow the guidelines. If you are having trouble creating one, look at some of those who created one's in the last thread. If anyone is willing to create a villain of any sorts, then ask me and I can send you the Character Sheet for side-villains to include within the story.

Unlike the last thread, however, I will not be including Force-Sensitive opportunities. This is, however, prone to change. I will not certainly include the opportunity to claim the position, as I would have to pick a character if I did put it into play. Only one person would be granted this role, if I decide to. Now, feel free to lay out the Character Sheet in whatever way you want, but make sure the vast majority of the valid information is set into the Sheet.

Once again, credit for the Character Sheet Template goes fully to Galactic Hero, even with the small changes.

Thank you so much for reading through this, and leave your interest down in the OOC if you desire to join. I'd like to thank, again, Ghost Shadow for helping me assemble the idea of this and assisting me in this reboot. I'd also like to give my appreciation to Galactic Hero, of course, for bringing us this unique and surely interesting idea. Feel free to ask any questions and we'll be glad to do our best to answer them!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 8 days ago

Definitely interested. I'll get a CS up today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Caasicam
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Caasicam made mostly of bees

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Definitely interested. I'll get a CS up today.

Ditto, CS might be a bit later than today, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

@Plank Sinatra@Lauder@CaasicamExcellent...we have at least four other people from the last one coming over too.

I'll post my CS to give you a rough idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

Oh, yeah...the age limit is between 18 and 29, Rouke being the only exception.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shivershiver
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shivershiver Supreme Chancellor Skelly

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

I have noticed my mistake. Seeing as it is nearly a direct port over from the old thread, I does say he uses his weapon. The weapon you say he/she has in your CS that he/she uses, that'd be the weapon they scavenge whilst running...not their starting equipment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I am intimidated by the size of the amount of things you guys have on those characters and my own. It is a lot... Less. @LetMeDoStuff I hope it is enough ^^

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

@Lauder It's fine. As long as we can clearly understand it, it's cool. The only things I generally need large detail for is History, and maybe Personality
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I don't think it helps that I only have my phone to do this XD
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

@LauderI'd say that looks good enough. If you want to add any extra information, just ask me and I can update it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alright, I may add more in the future but as of now my writing energy I all gone
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey, I'm here from the other thread. I'm pretty interested, but it may be a while before I make my CS. No promises of me joining, but my hopes are high.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

@SpookySquidIt's all fine. And yes, I know you were from the old Thread XD

This may not be as exciting as Galactic's, as I had to change it to make it not a complete copy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 9 mos ago

To be honest, I find it a mistake to limit the RP that much in the locale. Tatooine is a pretty boring planet and I'd see the issue that, in like 100 posts or so, we will run out of things to do. Limiting the RP certainly does make sense, but it does need to be a bit of a bigger area, say, the Outer Rim.
I mean...: swgalaxymap.com
Just look at that map, that's what Star Wars is about, isn't it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

@PyroDash888Well...fine then...I'll change it, I guess. : /

I was going to give the opportunity to move if they'd came across the Hutt Cartel, but I guess I could come up with something different. Sincere apologies for the big mistake
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@PyroDash888Well...fine then...I'll change it, I guess. : /

I was going to give the opportunity to move if they'd came across the Hutt Cartel, but I guess I could come up with something different. Sincere apologies for the big mistake

I hope you're not offended... ;-;
It's just, I thought it's gonna get boring after being stuck on a planet. Also, the Hutt Cartel's not really that active on Tatooine. The main hub for the Hutts is Nal Hutta and its moon, Nar Shaddaa.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 3 days ago

@PyroDash888 It's okay. I will admit I was kinda pissed because it meant my major plot point had to be scrapped, but honestly I know I was in the wrong.
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