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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

The message that David sent was short and, he hoped, indecipherable to anyone but his apprentices.

"Take the Yit home. Waste no time."

He didn't dare send anything longer, or let them respond, lest the signal be traced back. They would get the idea. The Yit was the YT-2550 light freighter that the Jedi Order used. Home was the docking bay at the Starsea Shipyards that he left reserved for whenever the Order needed a private place to retreat to. It wasn't as secluded or inaccessible as the temple on Ilum, but it's lack of privacy would serve him now, as his assassin wouldn't dare follow him here, even if he knew where it was.

He was already in hyperspace, the trip would be long, Corellia was on the other side of galactic center, and one needed to fly somewhat roundabout to safely navigate from Ilum to more normal hyperspace routes. But the voyage gave him time to apply the Force to healing his wounds.


When he arrived, David landed the antique star-fighter into the hangar bay and disembarked. It was a large space, guarded from the vacuum outside by a force field, and mostly empty. There were a few supply crates scattered about, but the X-Wing was the only ship here. On the far left side of the hangar, there was a series of offices, originally for whatever company was renting the space. David had converted them into living quarters, for when the Jedi needed to stay here. It was their base of operations when they needed to be close to Galactic Center.
He had lost blood, but his wounds were stable and he felt he just needed to rest. He had a head start on his apprentices, but the Yit was faster than the X-Wing and he expected them to arrive within an hour of him. He went to the offices in the hangar that had been converted into quarters, and lay on a bed, ruminating on his next move.

There was a Sith. Was he acting alone? Always two, that's what his master had taught him. But then, his own master had been alone for a long time too. The Jedi would need to investigate, there was no getting around it. Their isolation would be broken. Already had been broken.

He wasn't sure where to go first, he would discuss it with his apprentices. Dantooine, perhaps. It was their next choice for a temple now that Ilum was compromised. It was Outer Rim, but not as isolated. But, he knew how to get into some of its secret places already.

Or, maybe they would cut to the chase and fly to Korriban. If there were Sith alive and well, he needed to know if it was an isolated cell, or a rebirth of their old empire.

He waited for his apprentices.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Saidor Dren turned off the holographic communicator. His apprentice had failed in his mission, and failed badly. With the Jedi Master now aware of his existence, or at least the existence of a new enemy, he would have to be especially careful. His contacts had done well in tracking down the man he had felt in the Force, but it would be difficult to find him again. No doubt he would be weary of situations in which he could reveal himself. At least he knew that the man frequented Corellia, and that gave him an advantage. He'd have to keep his apprentice away, however, in case the Jedi came to Korriban or Dantooine looking for answers. That is why he had just sent Pim to Nar Shadaa to take care a a Senator instead of having him return to train.

Saidor didn't need to worry about it, though. He sensed that the Force was about to give him a gift, though he didn't know what it would be. He'd have to be sure he was mindful of the present, instead of letting himself get caught up in the future. Otherwise, he might miss what the Force was trying to tell him.

He sighed and got up. His new Chief of Security would be here soon and he would need to be there when the man landed. Once the man had accepted his new position Saidor could begin the excavation of the ruins of Dantooine, confidant that the workers here wouldn't be killed by a random encounter with a pack of Kath hounds. He opened the door and made his way out of the ancient tomb. Once outside he stood beside the landing pad, waiting for the man's arrival.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rokun carefully settled his battered old shuttle down on the Korriban landing pad noting the robed man waiting at the edge of the pad. I hope this isn't some sort of cult job... that could get tiresome. After making final checks of his ship, he had heard something shaking loose during the decent after all, he took a moment to give his equipment a once over. First impressions are important, if I want the job I need to not look like something that just squidged it's way off of a hutt. Satisfied, he adjust his armor on himself and grabbed his blaster and proceeded down the now lowering ramp with military posture and presicion.

Rokun approached the man waiting for him, glowing red eyes scanning everything around him, mentally mapping out the area, in case of emergency. He gave the man a short nod by way of greeting and bringing his gaze full to bear on the man and said, "Saidor sent for me, please take me to him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prince Potter
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Prince Potter Wandering Soul

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Altarae was right to come to Korriban. Simply being on the planet seemed to fill him with strength and energy, brightening his senses and increasing his endurance. He had found a man named Siador Dren, who seemed powerful and intimidating. Having tried to look into the man’s mind with the Force only once, he found himself utterly rejected. He had then pledged himself to the man then and there, revealing the rusted hilt of the lightsaber he had brought with him.

Siador had aided him in reconstructing the lightsaber, and he had been given his own red colored sith crystal. Altarae was then given an entry level position working for Siador as an Archaeologist, to help explain their relationship and time spent together. They trained with their lightsabers as often as they could, and his skill has slowly begun to grow, though it is obvious that he’s much stronger with the Force than his weapon currently.

Today he was leading a small excavation team on the surface, not far from where his Master was waiting for the new Chief of Security. His small team scurried about in the dust wiping and dusting at long ancient artifacts. The youth on the other hand, supervised, and kept an eye on his Master. Altarae had to admit, he was also curious to get a look of this new guy. He wasn’t sure many would have the fortitude to endure such a planet. Watching a Chiss make his way down the rampart, he nodded slightly to himself. He’d never met a Chiss before, but he’d heard the Ascendency was ruthless in its efficiency.

This could be interesting…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Silence and darkness were his friends, stillness helped him let loose of the anchor his physical body represented and allowed his mind, his spirit to ascend and disperse within the intricate network the Force was. His master taught him that the more he would ignore the tiniest of distractions created by his body or the surroundings, the better he would feel the presence of the Force flowing through his body and interconnecting with the world around him; within this serene slip of the mind, he would be able to left massive objects and haul them anywhere he would wish, so long he would remain focused and strong. He was still far from achieving any extraordinary feats, but he knew that through perseverance he would eventually become just as good as his master, if not surpass him.

Suddenly, there was a ripple within the weave of the force that passed through him, feeling as though it was a signal beckoning him. The peculiar event drew him back to reality, where his eyes opened up wide; he looked left and right, to catch his bearings, but he quickly figured out that he was still in his own, cramped quarters aboard Master Starsea's YT-2550 frigate. He stood up and rushed over to the personal terminal, where he immediately saw that there was a recorded message that arrived not too long ago; it was even more troubling to him that it was a very short, distraught and cryptic message.

"Take the Yit home. Waste no time."

He instantly recognized Master Starsea's voice, but it took Aleko him a few more moments to think through exactly what he meant. It didn't take him too long to figure out exactly what the man meant, as within the next moment, he stormed outside his quarters and jogged down the cramped, pipe-ridden corridor that lead to the cockpit, where he crashed into the pilot's seat. He figured out that, if the Master was careful enough to send such a cryptic message, he wanted his ship along with his apprentices at "home" as quickly as possible. His fingers danced over the sea of switches, knobs and levers, mechanically repeating what he was taught in order to launch the medium frigate into hyperspace. Once he had established a safe and quick route that would reach the Shipyards, he pulled the large lever on the right side of the seat, then, activate one final switch. He looked up, only to see the universe slowly grow distant, then, the white dots that represented the stars in front of him elongated until the critical moment where there was no more darkness, but only a flood of light as the ship transcended to superluminal speeds.

The cargo bat ramp opened slowly, the hydraulics hissing as the metal lip just tapped against the Starsea Shipyard floor; from within, a tall, brunette human with green eyes brandishing a stern, but calm expression descended with careful steps as to make sure he would not slip and tumble on the hangar's floor. He knew his Master had arrived before him as he immediately spotted his star-fighter safely docked, relief immediately washed over him when he also spotted the seasoned man waiting for his apprentices. Aleko accelerated his pace, his light-grey robes flowing behind, revealing his dark blue Jedi clothing hiding beneath, a simple yet elegant hilt lightly tapping against the belt clip that held it in place. As soon as he was a few feet away from David Starsea, Aleko bowed his head and tapped his own chest with his right fist.

"I came as soon as your message arrived, Master" he said, his baritone voice as calm as his presence and demeanor "the message troubled me, but it is a relief to see you well. I believe I've even felt a slight disturbance in the Force."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rokun carefully settled his battered old shuttle down on the Korriban landing pad noting the robed man waiting at the edge of the pad. I hope this isn't some sort of cult job... that could get tiresome. After making final checks of his ship, he had heard something shaking loose during the decent after all, he took a moment to give his equipment a once over. First impressions are important, if I want the job I need to not look like something that just squidged it's way off of a hutt. Satisfied, he adjust his armor on himself and grabbed his blaster and proceeded down the now lowering ramp with military posture and presicion.

Rokun approached the man waiting for him, glowing red eyes scanning everything around him, mentally mapping out the area, in case of emergency. He gave the man a short nod by way of greeting and bringing his gaze full to bear on the man and said, "Saidor sent for me, please take me to him."

"I'm Saidor Dren," he said. "You must be Rokun. I know I don't look the part of a Corporate head, but I only started the company about a year ago and still consider myself more of an archaeologist than an administrator. If you'll follow me, though, I'll show you the base and explain what your job will be. In short, you are chief of security."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rokun nodded at the robed figure once more and fell into step beside him. Glancing to the side, he noticed the work site and saw one of the workers staring up at them. Something about him twigged his instincts as someone to watch... though he couldn't say why. Turning back to Saidor, he began in a business like tone, "If I am to be security chief, there is some information that I require. I will need a full layout of current security measures, equipment, any other security officers, workforce, and schedules. I will need to know what sort of threats that are posed to this site. I will also require your assurance that should any situation arise that I deem a security issue, everyone here, yourself included, will follow my orders, when I give them and to the letter. As far as pay is concerned, I will need a 500 credit retainer, and 50 credits a day, plus any expenses I feel needed, which I will give to you in an itemized list for your approval. Any questions?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

David had risen from the bed and walked out of the office when he'd heard the starship pass through the forcefield into the hangar. Aleko was coming down the ramp almost before it had come down. David could sense his fear dissipating. He had been concerned for his Master, and maybe his relief caused his excessively formal greeting. But then, maybe Aleko was just like that.

"Disturbance would put it mildly, I think."

David peered around Aleko and saw one of his other apprentices, Huleez, walking more serenely down the ramp. She quickened her pace(though not was much as Aleko had) when David beckoned her. He gestured at his wounds, pausing the conversation at hand for a moment.

"I did my best, but maybe you could try..?"

His right arm was the worst, still barely usable, the wound on his other arm and leg were minor. Huleez, shorter than both and the only alien in the new Order, went to work, putting her hands without hesitation on David's body, starting with his arm. He made no indication that he felt anything, pain or relief, from her ministrations.

"Where's Fiona? This is important and I need you all here."

(( @nano627 ))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rokun nodded at the robed figure once more and fell into step beside him. Glancing to the side, he noticed the work site and saw one of the workers staring up at them. Something about him twigged his instincts as someone to watch... though he couldn't say why. Turning back to Saidor, he began in a business like tone, "If I am to be security chief, there is some information that I require. I will need a full layout of current security measures, equipment, any other security officers, workforce, and schedules. I will need to know what sort of threats that are posed to this site. I will also require your assurance that should any situation arise that I deem a security issue, everyone here, yourself included, will follow my orders, when I give them and to the letter. As far as pay is concerned, I will need a 500 credit retainer, and 50 credits a day, plus any expenses I feel needed, which I will give to you in an itemized list for your approval. Any questions?"

"I will see to it that you get all of that information, however I can give you a brief overview right now. We have little in the way of actual security. All of my employees are armed any time they are outside of the main building, and I have sixteen ancient battle droids, 12 walkers and 4 rollers, all armed, which patrol the site and the the main building, stopping anything that threatens beings and machines marked as "friendly" in its database.
The main threat here is wild animals, packs of Kath hounds, Shyrack, or the occasional Hississ, a large local reptile with the ability to camouflage itself. We do have the occasional theft or assault, and one time a pirate ship landed and attempted to steal a shipment, but as a general rule we aren't a violent colony.
As for strict obedience to your commands when we are threatened, my people value their freedom too much to agree to such a thing, out of fear that you will abuse your power. Even if they agreed to it, they likely wouldn't follow the agreement. Instead, I could absolve you of any responsibility to protect those who don't obey you in the contract. That way you would not feel obligated to protect an idiot archaeologist who decides to take on a threat that's too big for him to handle.
Lastly, the pay is not a problem. I will set up my computer system to automatically deposit the money into your account every day, and I will deposit the retainer myself as soon as you sign the contract. I will also look into your requests for further security equipment and officers as soon as you give me a list of what is needed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nano627
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fiona was meditating in her room when the Yit took off, the sudden jolt almost disrupted her far-sense.
She had been gazing at her old home, Endor. She hadn't been there for a few years and it was comforting for her to check up on everyone.
But suddenly she sensed a flash of darkness cut though and drag her attention to her master his force seemed to collide with a darkness she had never seen before. As they seperated she attempted to follow it but it quickly slipped away, almost as if it had felt her gaze. She cursed her failure and frustration caused her control of the force to slip away.

Fiona sighed and stretched annoyed at her failure to maintain control of her emotions. She breathed deeply for a few moments calming herself by rationalising that she had only begun her training a few weeks ago and the lessons had mostly been focusing on the art of the saber rather than the force. She knew that the Jedi of old had started training from childhood and still took years to master the force because of that it was childish to believe that she would take any less time.

It was only after she had calmed down that she noticed the Yit has landed and heard her Master's voice.
"I am here, Master" she said bowing in greeting as she spoke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"Good," David was stretching his right arm, the flesh knitted back together, but still visibly pink and tender through the gaping hole in his flight suit. "I would assume most of you have felt it already, the Dark Side force I came against this morning," morning, of course, was relative in space travel. "I was accosted immediately as I fell out of Hyperspace. It was an alien I didn't recognize, amphibious, eyes on stalks. Probably male, but I don't really know. It was strong in the Force, obviously, but worse than that, I think it was Sith. Or, it thought it was Sith. It only fought with a vibroblade, but it uses Sith tactics. Strangling me with the Force, taunting me into anger. And it knew I was Jedi. Called me so, cursed me for it."

He had one hand over his mouth in his own thoughts as he let this sink into his students. They knew what Sith were, an old counterpart to the Jedi. Wielders of the Dark Side of the Force. They channeled the Force with anger, thinking it made them stronger. And greater power was all that concerned them.

"So, I think we'll have to investigate this. I know you're all early in training, but we can't let the Dark Side rise unchecked. I've had R-30 check for any recent known activity on Korriban, but to my knowledge it's mostly wasteland.

"Well?" he asked, giving a small smile, "How do you all feel about this... adventure?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nano627
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fiona's back ran cold as she shivered at the thought of fighting the Sith.
She had spent years learning about them and their terrible deeds. She remembered how they had ruled empires sometimes as two Sith, others as entire orders. Which meant that there was no telling how many of them there were. Her blood ran cold at the thought of facing such a dangerous foe. But the Sith knew of the Jedi already which meant they couldn't run or hide. Which left her only chance avoiding fighting being to leave the Jedi before it was too late.

No!, she thought to herself. Being a Jedi was too important for her to leave. Before she was an isolated person, one who had no idea who they were or what they could do. She had only just arrived and there was so much to learn. She couldn't bring herself to leave, which meant she was going to have to fight. She steeled her resolve before speaking up.

"If it is what you consider our best option, I shall follow you Master." Apart of her mind screamed in horror at what she'd just done, but it felt like the right thing to do. All in all she'd have prefered it if the Sith would've waited untill her training properly began, to show up out of nowhere. But she wasn't going to back down, just because of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Jedi turned his head back to see Huleez pop up behind him, then, glanced at an approaching Fiona. Here they were: a ragtag Jedi Order, a small project still under heavy construction. The Kashyyykian was rather impressed by the cultural difference between all members of the Order and how everyone wanted to work together under the same code. The Order itself was nowhere near as big and important is had been thousands of years before the great battle over Yavin. From those glorious years to the modest rebirth today marked a dark chapter in the history of the Galaxy, but the chapter had finally ended.

Aleko's eyebrows arched when he saw the wound, his face transfigured into a frown when David revealed the details of the encounter. It visibly troubled him as it seemed that their area of expertise had just gained more depth. Playing police was one thing, but facing against other Force users with malevolent intentions raised a very important issue: the Dark Side was much easier to comprehend than the Light Side, since all living beings within the Galaxy face strong emotions from which they could draw power, rather than trying to empty their spirit and allow the serenity within the Light Side to give them strength. They needed more recruits and fast, which meant Aleko also had to improve quickly so that he could be of great use to his Master.

"That alien sounds much like a Gungan to me, judging by the description. I suspect that he or she was nothing but a puppet, since it brandished only a vibroblade. If they were a true Sith with a hand-crafted lightsaber, I suspect your wound would have looked completely different, maybe the outcome would have been drastically different too." He lowered his head as to inspect the wound closely as Huleez Force healed it.

"Adventure", Aleko echoed, a small smile finally contorting the stern look on his face, a smile that revealed a more playful side to the relatively young Jedi "I don't think the word "adventure" is written in our contract. But seen as you are the Master and I am your apprentice, I am forced follow your trail and get in your way a lot. Like it or not."

"But seriously, I think that this Sith hunt is risky business. I like that." His smirk turned into a coy grin. "You have my saber, Master."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Soon the Yit was in hyperspace, on as direct a route to Korriban as was possible. David had found himself unsurprised to discover that an archaeologist had a pet project there. One Siador Dren. It was suspicious, but even Huleez had been unable to discover anything when trying to farsee. But that didn't mean much. Korriban was so steeped in the Dark Side that it would obscure any attempts to discern it.

Even so, David was suspicious, and he wanted to play cautiously. He would stay aboard the ship at first, as his Padawans disembarked under the pretense of filling job openings at the dig. Someone knew his face, he hoped they didn't know anyone else's.

As the ship descended, David left the controls to Arthur and went to the ship's common room to see his apprentices off. They were dressed inconspicuously, no robes here. Even Huleez who dressed in Mirialan clothes most of the time was garbed as a spacer. She looked uncomfortable in her clothes, or perhaps it was the blaster rifle slung across her back that unnerved her.
David had wanted at least one of them to take up a security position, so they could get a bigger picture of the operation. Huleez was far and away the worst choice in most regards, but she was the best shot with the rifle, and he needed someone who could shoot straight if he hoped for her to actually get the job.

"Alright," David said to them. "I don't know exactly why we're looking for. A Gungan would be a nice start. We'll need to trust in the Force. Feel, don't think. Come back to the ship to report to me, no comms in case they're intercepted. You're ready." The last part was a confident declaration rather than a question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finally, Mia was away. Away to her own machinations and her own destiny. Born with the powerful blood of Dathomiri, she had a headstart in survival against a good many of the other species but it was infact that she was away from her controlling mother that she felt relieved and alive. The stories tend to get a bit grating at times. She sympathized with getting the lost glory back but the more she gathered the snippets on Mother Talzin's empire, the more she could see why the Sith never really held their bargain.

It was all very wasteful and they stood to gain nothing from it. She saw how her mother treated Kilgaris and his family and she was none to please in that cattle like treatment. Not that she wasn't cruel or fierce like a typical Dathomiri girl but she never understood the concept of Nightbrothers and the massive waste that tradition made of their potential.

In secret she had seen her so called brothers grow stronger in the implements of the Jedi, it was all an empty daydream and the order was lost with time, no one wondered much about it. The times had changed and like many things, they had been forgotten. But lightsabers fascinated Mia and the glimmer and hum of the one that Kilgaris practiced with in shadows, away from the prying eyes of her mother really mesmerized her.

She acted like her shadow for the risk of being term rebellious, no matter how she hated the dogma and long boasts, she still loved her mother to death. But having grown up with a rather resourceful father, she just couldn't figure out the concepts that her mother harped about.

But now, nothing of that mattered. She had heard of an excavation on Korriban and she had immediately grown excited. Though the Sith were long gone, it was only through sifting through their playground that she could salvage something that could entice her. Her cousin was heads and shoulders above her but she knew that given a guiding hand she was confident that her blood may give her the advantage.

She sat silently on the space carrier, calling in some favors on her mother's name she had been able to get a ride to Korriban, all that was left was now to be included in the team.


As they broke through the atmosphere, she saw another ship near the docking bay. The Muun incharge silently took the credits and left her with her bags at the station. His exit as eventless as his entry. With a bag up on her shoulder, she walked silently towards the building that seemed like the base of operations for the archaeological squad coming upto a dismayed Chizz, armed with a blaster.

"I am here to meet Monsieur Dren, there seemed a vacancy for a mechanic for his little squad." she said to the Chizz, with a slight smile. Her silver eyes looking him straight into the eyes.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sitting with his cousin Miavenna through the journey he wondered about the things he could learn on Korriban and whether he might be able to discover any traces of the old sith or jedi orders. He had been sent as Miavenna's aide, a servant of the nightsisters. But he had no plan to stay in that role for very long. Now he was away from Mustafar he could do whatever he liked. He was however pleasantly surprised at the way Miavenna was acting. She seemed nothing like how she was in front of her mother or her mother herself. He fiddled with his lightsaber hidden deep within his black cloak. Korriban felt.... different, he was unaware of how but it certainly did. Walking behind his cousin as they walked to the building, his eyes keeping a constant look out for anything he might need to use his blade to protect against. He kept silent as Miavenna spoke thinking about how he might get away and look for his own answers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

((Collab between TheUnknowable, DiabolicalRhapsody, Minimum, and Galgarion))

Having cleared the two incoming ships on his sensors, Rokun nodded to Saidor, "They are clear sir, safe to approach, and I've given them landing pad 2."

With the chiss standing a couple meters behind him, Saidor greeted the two landing ships full of people. "I am Saidor Dren, owner of the Dren Archeology company. This is my chief of security." Rokun nodded, "What brought you to this back-water planet?" He had sensed them coming. Strange, he usually didn't sense incoming ships without meditating on finding them. Something must be different about these two.

Miavenna saw a tall human approach them with deathly poise, or perhaps that was too strong an expression but she could feel his power. A force of character if you may. He introduced himself and the Chiss who was as she had guessed, a chief of Security. Not surprising given the talents of the people.
"Ah! Monsieur Dren. I am Miavenna Makhala and this is Kilgaris" she said pointing at her brother.
"We are looking to fill the vacancies as technician and guard respectively." she said with a slight wink towards her brother. The Dathomiri tattoos were visible on the male but Mia was pretty much without them. A single long tribal flare running across her right shoulder. She hadn't earned them in yet according to her mother.

"We could use people in both positions," Saidor said to the two...Zabrak? No, some sort of hybrid, maybe with humans. "But I need to run background checks on you first. After all, we deal with some pretty valuable artifacts here."

Mia just smiled at the human "Sure, we wouldn't have it any other way."

Rokun waved them forward, "If you well please follow me, I will take you to the security office, and we can begin the paperwork." Rokun led them to his office where he gestured them to a terminal, "Please place your hand on the scanner and speak your full name, and we will get you placed in our system."

Mia silently walked behind the Chiss, twidling her thumbs as Kilgaris followed. Once they were inside what seemed to be his office they faced a computer, a Decatron-10x, not military grade but still sufficient for the nascent mining business. She placed her hands over the terminal as the Chiss began giving instructions.

Rokun paused to stare at the two new arrivals for a moment, "We aren't exactly a military compound here, but we do handle dangerous mining equipment, so I will be expecting you to check out all equipment with me before use, and for the love of all that is holy... don't be an idiot, and we will get along fine."

"Well you hardly met us and you call us an idiot ~hehe~, it would be fun working here. Just so you know, back on my planet the idiots always die horribly so I don't plan on being one. I understand the responsibility of your station but I would need a bit of breathing space." she said to him with a wink.

"Miss... I served in the military for most of my life... and it has been my experience that civilians, more often than not, tend to act like damn fools. It's nothing personal, just safer if I assume everyone is until proven otherwise."

"Point taken but I have a few experience with wild animals and treacherous situations. So take it easy, captain." she said with a mock salute.

"You will also be issued a blaster and vibroblade once he is certain that you know how to use them." said Saidor, "Some of the wild animals around here can be quite dangerous."

"Not to be too demanding but can I get a Shock staff, if you have one. I'm not too good with blades. Kilgaris though can handle them rather well." she said pointing at her brother.

"Certainly," said Saidor. "I have shockstaffs, as well as other melee weapons available if you have the proper training to use them."

"Our families gave us weapons when we were still pretty much toddlers so I think if you can guide me right, I can do seemingly well to look after myself."

"And I will be testing you, extensively." Rokun interjected, Mia just smiled back at the Chiss.

"Tell me,can either of you fly a ship? Training is available for all employees, as I just purchased several flight simulators and fighters, but it will soon become mandatory for security personel, in case of pirate attack."

"I can fly a bit but I'd rather not if someone's life depended on it." she added honestly. "Though I can fiddle around to give your jets enough teeth to bite through Imperial starships if they were still around." she added with a giggle.

"I might have you do that, but for now, let's see what you can do with a blaster rifle. The creatures here are a bigger threat than ancient battleships."

Kilgaris shook his head at the man. Hed never needed to fly and had never learned.

"I'm sure they are."

Rokun looked at the siblings for a long moment, then smirked, "Well, if you're so confident, let's see what you can do," and he led them out to a large basin where he had set up a small console one end and several storage containers holding a few training droids on the other. Off to one side was a small weapons locker with an array of weapons. Rokun stood behind the console and gestured towards the locker, "Choose your tool and stand in the center, then we can begin, try not to worry too much, these are set on stun."

Mia silently followed the Chiss on this new declaration, a bundle of excitement coiling her stomach. She had always fancied her chances against the wilderness of Mustafar but Droids were something different. With all that AI bundled in she couldn't fight them on instinct alone. Also, this was testing something else, how good she was without Kilgaris's help. Till now, his family had silently followed the edicts of the tyranny of her mother but if she wasn't strong enough there was no point. As the Chiss brought them to the basin where the match was to be held she eyed at Kilgaris, giving him a genuine smile before looking towards the center.

He followed his sister. 'finally something to do' he thought in his head as he followed the Chiss. Kilgaris decided to go for a blaster. Not normally his weapon of choice and certainly not something he excelled in but it would serve its purpose for the moment as he didn't need to be accurate. All he'd need to do is pull the trigger. He smiled back at his sister, probably the first genuine smile he'd done in years as he moved away from her to give her room to chose a weapon.

"I'm going to show you, brother. We are more than what my mother dictates." with this she went to the little locker and pulled out a staff. With it held at her back as she crouched low like a panther ready for what was coming. She had only practised it in the wild and through the various manuals that she had found in her father's room. She wasn't sure if her makeshift training prepared her for a combat with a droid.

He raised his eyebrow at the comment but decided to ignore it as there wasnt much sense in him wondering what she meant at this particular time. He had never actually witnessed Miavenna training so he was anticipating how she will take on this droid. He then held the blaster up vertically and waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
Avatar of Gisk


Member Seen 28 days ago

The Yit was disembarked a moment after the ship with the two Dathomirans, thanks to David's pep talk. Huleez walked in the forefront of the three, her face stoic and impassive, and her stride steady. Aleko practically swaggered after her, with Fiona gliding at his side.

They approached the man who remained on the landing pad, and Huleez raised a hand in greeting.

"We're answering a help wanted ad," her voice was quiet and blank. It was strange that she, appearing to be a younger girl, spoke for the group with two older and taller humans behind her. But they had wanted to give her the appearance of a hardened spacer, and it wouldn't do to have her sitting meekly in the back of every encounter. The ruse was surprisingly effective, she gave off an air of mystery that would give one pause when they met her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

With a button press from Rokun, the Droideka steps out of its containment chamber and pauses for a moment before balling up and rolling quickly right past Miavenna, aiming to end up behind her.

The advantage in battle always lay with the one who manages to strike first and Miavenna hoped to capitalize on that, she charged at the Droideka with her staff aiming a thrust at its mid-section as soon as it stood up, hoping she may get in a lucky strike before its blasters came into play.

[Die rolls courtesy of Gisk:
Droideka, Speed Roll 6: 21
Mia: Shock Staff 7: 29
Mia strikes for eight damage. Droideka is wounded.]

Kilgaris just stared 'judging' her.

As the fight ensued, three more joined the Kilgaris to watch. Huleez, Aleko, and Fiona, all having submitted to the security check and been briefed. Huleez watched, as impassive as ever, with Aleko standing hands-on-hips to one side, and Fiona behind her. Inwardly, Huleez felt awkward in the front, but she didn't allow this to show. It wouldn't do when they were this deep in their ruse to suddenly change to a shy girl.

As it may seem, the luck was on her side and the shock staff penetrated the shield like a hot knife through butter, effectively striking its spine though the force wasn't as much as Mia would have wanted. She had aimed for a one hit kill and failed, well it was a failure as per her mother's standards. Sensing an opportunity to finish this in another strike she side stepped to his flank and went for a thrust to his maw this time aiming to knock its head off if successful. She felt a bit confident that she may leave a good impression on her brother or she may end up antagonising him further seeing how their relationship was, due to her mother.

[Mia, Shock Staff 7: 22
Droideka, Blaster 6: 26
Droideka lands for 4 damage. Mia is wounded.]

It won't be wrong to say that she had underestimated the speed at which these droids operated, her sidestepping wasn't enough to get her out of its range as the Droideka swivelled to shock her right in the mid riff. She winced at the jolt of pain and bit her lip to keep of the surge of anger that blasted forth in her mind. Putting even more force in her swing she went for the overhead slice, aiming to smash the droid to pieces.

[Mia, Shock staff 7: 4-5-1-5-2-2-6=25
Droideka, shields 5: 1-1-1-6-5=14
11 points damage to droid, It's destroyed]

Perhaps advanced AI had made it more foolhardy and human like, for it instead of trying to roll away, the Droideka pumped its shield to try and repel the malevolent strike, failing miserably at it and ending up destroyed. Mia kicked at its metal leg as she turned holding her abdomen, the shock still affecting her, her red eyes glowed momentarily with anger as she walked back to Saidor.

"I'll repair that for you later." she said before walking back to Kilgaris.

"I think it’s your turn, brother." she said, eyeing the newcomers that had joined them on the test ground, giving them a dismissive glance before looking back to the stage hoping to see the results of Kilgaris's training.

Kilgaris nodded and walked into the ring. Holding the blaster ready he waited for another droid to show up. He didn’t know how well using a blaster would work as he’d never used one before in his life. But hey, all you had to do is point it in a direction and pull the trigger.

The Droid rolled into the middle of the training area and unfolded itself, deploying its shields to deflect any blaster fire that was directed at it.

Kilgaris started flipping using his acrobatic skills to get behind the droideka and dodge blaster fire. He then pushed the gun through the shield and fired.

[Kilgaris acrobatics 5 (Minus one for multiple actions): 5-1-5-5 = 16
Droid blaster 6 (Minus one for multiple actions): 1-4-3-2-1 = 11
Droid shields 5 (Minus one for multiple actions): 4-1-6-5 = 16
Kilgaris blaster 2 (No trained skill, and minus one for multiple actions) : 2 = 2

No damage done this round

Deftly flipping and flying around the battlefield, Kilgaris manages to stay ahead of the droids tracking sensors, but when he gets closer to try and take a point blank shot the droids shields easily deflect the blaster shot and push his weapon away from the torso.

Seeing the various weapons available for him to choose Mia was surprised that Kilgaris picked the blaster. For all she knew, her uncle excelled in the use of the Vibroblade and Kilgaris would surely had received the same training. Plus, there was a hint that he practised with a lightsaber in the shadows, away from the prying eyes of her mother. So, Mia was more confused by his actions.

She felt a bit anxious about the way this fight was going. The blaster wasn’t the best weapon to give account of his robust skills. She took a step towards the inventory, ever so slightly so as to avoid notice. If she could get her hands on a Vibroblade, maybe Kilgaris can end this with a single strike.

[Mia stealth roll Perception 2 (no trained skill): 4-3 = 7
Rokun spotting roll 4: 4-3-2-2 = 11]

Rokun spots Mia edging towards the weapons bay and fires a blaster shot at the ground around her feet, shaking his head sternly, “Don’t…”

A shot that nearly blew her big toe, she wasn’t sure if he had aimed it this close or if it was mere luck but that stopped her cold in her tracks. She just hoped Kilgaris had enough juice to get selected. How the fight was panning out, she wasn’t impressed with his presence of mind or maybe he had some trick up his sleeve, since she knew he was strong in the force like her.

Kilgaris felt annoyed. His idea had been to push the blaster through the deflector shield and fire but it seemed that he had moved too quickly thus stopping the blaster going through. He then did a flip backwards to get some ground then puts his hand in his cloak and takes it back out, this time holding a lightsaber which ignites (one end) in his hand. The red blade hums as Kilgaris waits for the droideka to make the first move.

The droideka pauses to assess this development, but has no data on this new weapon and simply opens fire.

[Droideka, blaster and shield, penalty of one to each:
Blaster: 19
Shield: 17

Kilgaris, blade skill, rolls twice to beat the blaster, then the shield, penalty of one to each roll:
Blade against blaster: 22
Blade against shield: 20
Both success. Total of 6 damage, write your part appropriately]

Siador smirked at the use of a lightsaber. Sure, it was probably a family heirloom, but maybe he actually had some training. Maybe even training in the force? Maybe he was strong in the Force, but that was unlikely. Besides, anyone could learn to use a lightsaber with the proper training. He would have to wait and see.

A fierce smirk appeared on Mia’s face. Finally the skeleton was out of the closet. So Kilgaris indeed had training in the lightsaber and her uncle was training him in secret away from her mother. She felt sorry for the paranoia that her mother had but wasn’t too happy with the sneaky nature of this development. Here she was hoping to give their relation a chance and on the other hand, Kilgaris maybe be secretly wanting to get rid of herself and her family. She’d just have to wait and see. The lightsaber was a wonderful blood red hue, she had no knowledge of the design or anything, she had only heard stories of the Jedi of the last age and how their own had squared off against them and the Sith from time to time, ultimately betrayed by the sith. She saw the sweet movement and ease with which Kilgaris moved, it was as if he had transformed. She waited for the result with bated breath. Maybe showing a Sith weapon on this planet be a blessing in disguise.

[Huleez, Perception, untrained Stealth: 7…
Everyone who was free to see spots it]

When the Dathomirian ignited his lightsaber, Huleez took a step back, letting her arm nudge Aleko.

The droideka now had a damaged blaster which was now unoperational. Kilgaris then lunged aiming his lightsaber at the shield generator hoping to destroy it and maybe even shut down the droid.

[Kilgaris, Lightsaber 7: 20
Droideka, shield 5: 14
6 points of damage. 12 damage, droid is incapacitated. Fight is over.]

After the lightsaber came out, Rokun stopped the test, looking over at Saidor for his reaction, “Test weapons only, please confer with Saidor for your test results.”

Kilgaris grunted kicking the now useless pile of scrap a bit to the side. “Its destroyed isn’t it?” in a deep gruff voice as he walked towards Saidor putting the lightsaber once again back in the hidden pocket in his robes.

It was Huleez Dryne’s turn. She had a blaster rifle, a weapon she wasn’t terribly familiar with. But the Force was with her, and she was good with her hands, so she had some confidence as she stepped forward.

Another droideka rolled out to meet her. Having watched Kilgaris’ fight, she tried to blast it before its shield deployed.

[Huleez, Dexterity untrained 5: 17
Droideka, shield 5: 12
5 points of damage.]

The blast struck home, but the shield went up afterwards, blocking her other attempts. She knew even the best shields weren’t perfect, so she tried to hit them repeatedly in a close formation, but the droid was firing now and she was dodging to keep from getting hit.

[Huleez, Evade 7 -1 for multiple moves: 18
Droid, blaster 6 -1 for multiple moves: 15

Huleez, Dex untrained 5 - 1 for multiple moves: 18
Droid, shield 5 - 1 for multiple moves: 19
Reflected. One damage to Huleez.]

Her rapid fire may have worked, but one of the blaster bolts reflected and grazed her arm, halting her fire momentarily. But she started again, tirelessly dodging, her barrel’s aim scarcely leaving a spot on the droid’s shield.

[Huleez, Evade 7 -1 for multiple moves: 18
Droid, blaster 6 -1 for multiple moves: 19
Hit, 1 damage to Huleez

Huleez, Dex untrained 5 - 1 for multiple moves: 14
Droid, shield 5 - 1 for multiple moves: 21
Reflected, 7 damage to Huleez. 9 total, incapacitated.]

Her rapid volley bounced back her way, peppering her with blaster fire. It was lucky that it was diffused by its contact with the shield, but she was still burned badly. She sank to her knees with the pain, and put a hand up in a weak warding gesture against the droid.

Rokun shut down the droid before the test could go any further, and stepped out onto the field, assessing her wounds clinically while he commed for a med tech, satisfied that there had been no critical damage, he proceeded to wave Saidor over to give his assessment.

Saidor looked at the new woman. “It seems you need more practice with you blaster. I’m sure Rokun can teach you to properly use one, as it seems you haven’t yet had any training. It’s ultimately up to him as to whether you passed or not, but I believe you need a bit more training before you are certified to carry a weapon.”

Saidor then addressed the horned man. “Interesting, that you would choose to use a lightsaber. I assume it is a family heirloom. May I examine it?”

Kilgaris stood silently, he didn’t want to part with it as it had taken decades for his family to acquire it and it would be no good if he gave it away. Plus the fact he felt a powerful connection to it. He finally decided to give it to be examined. If things went the wrong way the man didn’t look that strong (although he does understand that sometimes looks can be deceiving) so he assumed it wouldn’t take much to get it back. He slowly pulled it out and handed the metal stick to the man.

Saidor examined the lightsaber. “Interesting, late First Republic, maybe early Imperial age, though I’d go with the first, as there were far more Jedi at that time. A family heirloom?” he paused for a second, looking at Kilgaris, then continued. “Either way, a valuable artifact.” He handed it back to Kilgaris. “I’d make sure I held onto that if I were you. Impressive work, though. I see no problem with you using it.” He moved his robe to the side at his waist, revealing an ancient lightsaber. “As you can see, I also use one to defend myself. If you like, I can train you further in its use.”

Kilgaris didn’t answer any of the questions or fill him in with the blades history because he didn’t feel like the man needed to know, when he saw the lightsaber however he nodded saying “Yes that would be… appreciated” as he hid the lightsaber back into his robe.

“Very well, then. I’ll give everyone a tour of the facilities now.” He motioned to the group. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you the colony.”

Kilgaris walked back to Miavenna waiting for her to follow Saidor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
Avatar of Gisk


Member Seen 28 days ago

Walking into the docking area of the spaceport Nira Murray, the infamous wanted thief, wanted across the galaxy for several accounts of theft, was simply tossing a pouch full of credits up and down. She was just like any other person on the planet of Nar Shaddaa. No one noticed who anyone was on Nar Shaddaa, and on top of that, one could always gamble no matter who they were. Since at least half the planet was made up of criminals, it wasn’t a true question of why at that point. The big thing was that Nira didn’t go to gamble. She would do a little bit to fit in, but the trick was to swipe everyone else of their credits while they were drunk, high, or just flat out not paying attention. It was a small time game, but a fun one that Nira always enjoyed doing, even if she already had a good amount of credits from the jobs she had already done.

Unfortunately she was waiting to hear from a client soon and she knew she’d be leaving the scum filled planet shortly after. Thus she was at a spaceport, at the docks, and waiting. So it was here that a sigh escaped the young lady who was leaning on a railing. Her shuttle due to arrive in half an hour. Normally she would pass the time by swiping stuff off of people, but no one looked promising enough to bother with, that is until one man stood out. His posture, his walk, even his appearance screamed significant. That was rare on this planet, and it definitely piqued Nira’s interest.

At that moment she finally had her mark. Nira slipped the pouch of credits into her pocket before casually walking on an intercept path for the man. It was a classic play, but Nira always loved the simple classics, and largely because they still worked. As she passed the man she would briefly bump into him as she passed him just long enough to snatch whatever she could find, and this time she had found something more valuable than ever before. As per the usual she continued to act casual and walked off like nothing had happened though until she found a nice and quiet location to study her newest reward.

As Nira entered an empty cargo hanger she finally looked down at her reward. She had never imagined she’d find such an object, at least never so soon. The last time she’d seen anything like it had been on a display case in an old museum of artifacts. The slim frame, the curve of the handle, the gray plating and silver and gold rings, nothing could create doubt in her mind of what she held, a lightsaber. She could fence it for a fortune! Well maybe not a fortune, but a very nice amount.

Nira couldn’t help but to laugh softly at this ever so small victory. How many people could say they swiped a lightsaber off of a person? As she enjoyed the moment Nira tossed the lightsaber into the air and as she caught it she gave it a fancy little twirl and it was then that the blade ignited to Nira’s surprise. She had no idea how she had done it, there had been no switch, no button. It made no sense at all to the young woman. Being the curious individual that Nira was though she couldn’t help but to test the new prize. She slowly danced a bit practicing with the blade. It was so much lighter than any vibro blade she’d ever held, and the hum of the energy that it created sounded, well it sounded right to her, and it was then that she also realized she wasn’t alone anymore and she spun on her heels.

“I'll need that back,” David told her calmly. He was dressed as any other spacer, but the lightsaber he held in his own hand, unignited, belied his true nature. “Unless, you like the feel of it in your hand?”

Staring at the man for a moment and then back to the ignited lighsaber in her own hand, Nira finally spoke with a small smile on her face as she continued to look at the ignited blade. “It feels perfect, almost like it belongs in my hand, but of course wouldn’t anyone say that?” Nira’s eyes glanced back up towards the man in front of her. The blades energy glowing off of Nira’s pale skin as she spun the blade once more. Trying to get used to the light weight of the weapon was a bit odd, but in the end everything still seemed right about it. More importantly though was who this man before her was. How was he able to find her so easily? Not to mention the fact that he sounded as if he might be offering to just let her keep it? What was with this guy?

“Many would. I might let you keep that,” he said, as if reading her mind, “Only it doesn’t belong to me. Traditionally, in fact, one builds their own. You could, if you were a part of that tradition…”

Nira spun the blade a few more times smiling thoughtfully as she tilted her head. “Tempting...But why shouldn’t I just keep this one and walk away?” She looked back down at the blade for a moment before looking back at the man from the corner of her eyes.

“Because I can take it back,” he answered simply. His grip adjusted on his own saber, slightly but pointedly.

Giggling slightly Nira changed her posture a bit with the blade out to her side. “Such confidence...Alright then, let’s see what ya got.” She teased.

She was playing, he thought. Holding a weapon and confronted with a master and this was a game. Fine.

His own saber ignited with no visible movement from him. Its blade was green. He stepped forward and swung with it, aiming at her stolen saber, meaning to disarm.

[David, lightsaber 6: 24
Nira, swordplay 4: 14
Damage of 10, but David refrains from striking her.]

Nira had begun to swing the lightsaber up only to stop with the man’s lightsaber about to strike her hand. Which caused her to smile in admitted defeat. “Okay fair enough...So about that tradition you mentioned?” She offered innocently as the lightsaber finally unignited.

David extinguished his saber in kind, and held a hand forward. The stolen lightsaber jumped from her hand to his. He waved it in front of her with a sly smile.

“I suppose in your work you may have heard of the Jedi Order?”

Nira chuckled sheepishly at that. “The name might have crossed my plate when I stole an artifact from a museum once.” She closed her empty hand and left one finger up in a ‘now that you mention it’ sort of way. “I take it you’ve heard of my art then?” Nira inquired while spreading her arms a bit in question.

“Why else would I be giving you this opportunity?” He asked, spreading his hands in a magnanimous gesture. He meant to imply that she had only stolen from him because he allowed it. “I am a Master of the Jedi Order. I see potential in you, but it would mean ending your life of crime. Well,” he smiled, “Unless we need something stolen.”

Nira couldn’t help it. After raising an eyebrow for a moment she burst into laughter for a few moments before calming down. “So let me get this straight. You’re offering to teach me some ancient mystical stuff, and all you want from me is to, oh yeah, abandon my art, my work, and my life? Oh and let’s not forget, I’m allowed to use my talents, but only if it suddenly because helpful to you?” Nira then put her hand up to her mouth while putting the other other arm under her elbow to support her pose. “So tell me again, what exactly is in it for me besides a handy lightsaber, which if we’re honest with ourselves, I could steal one from some spoiled rich guy who wanted one to decorate his office?” She stared at the proclaimed jedi master questioningly.

He raised an eyebrow, “What is your art? The crime, or the means by which you accomplish it? I only ask you to abandon the former. I mean to teach you more about the latter than you ever knew existed. Do you think it’s your pure wit that’s allowed you to thrive as you have? It’s not. Whether you like it or not, my ‘ancient mystical stuff’ is already a part of you.
“You could get by with what you have. But why? When I can show you so much more?”

A grin crept up on Nira face as she chuckled. “You know, you might have a point about my art. Not many would recognize the difference between it and my job. So, when do we get started?” Nira spread her arms out invitingly still smiling eagerly.

He pulled yet another lightsaber from a pocket of his jacket and tossed it underhand to her. It wasn’t the elegant electrum plated one she had picked from his pocket. It was old, pockmarked and gouged. But when she touched it, she could feel it vibrate with hidden Force potential.

“I thought you were waiting for something? But I suppose maybe you don’t think a new job matters? Come with me,” he swept back toward the door, knowing she would follow. “I know you. It is time you know me. I am Master David Starsea of the Jedi Order. We are not the myths most believe us to be. We are real, and we were once trusted to keep peace in the galaxy. We were almost completely destroyed by the Dark Side, betrayed by our own.

“The Dark Side will try to tell you that you can achieve peace through destruction. Order through domination. And justice through vengeance. The worst thing you can say for these beliefs is that they are not lies,” he looked at her as they walked. He was making his way toward his own hangar now. “An important thing to realize is the difference between what is true and what is right. But I can see some of what you are, I know you don’t want the morality lessons.” He slowed down as he approached the bay he was renting. He waved a hand at a guard who stepped forward to check identification, and the guard stepped back without getting what he wanted.

“Something’s wrong,” he murmured as they passed through the door. The old Corellian YT was docked here, fitting snugly in the space allotted to it. He spoke again, louder and to the whole room.

“Who’s there? You can’t hide, I think you’ll prefer it if you don’t make me look for you.”

Earlier, this single girl had been walking through the crowd of Nar Shaddaa, her neck raised looking up as she was seeking towards a single target. This was all so new to her. She had previously just killed the object of her hatred, and since doing so her spirit has been as if it was floating! And everything was so vibrant! She was so happy! She was even able to use her Force power to feel things far, far away... and she felt it. A strong presence near her. It was most likely a coincidence that this individual appeared here on Nar Shaddaa with this timing. However, Emilliana only found the ship he had come in at the location. But, the man would return eventually. Hm, wonder if... Thinking this, Emilliana had used her knowledge from mechanics to sneak onto the ship and hide.

Back to the now… Oooh, she had been found, Emilliana thought to herself. A little grin appeared on the girl in a fugitive’s robes, as she crawled out of a hatch that really shouldn’t have been opened, using which she could have stowed away on the ship. “Amazing. You sensed me just like that, just like I sensed you.” She’d jump down onto the floor, possibly display her less than competent athletic prowess while doing so, breathing out as she managed to prevent herself stumbling, before smiling at the man.

This man… he had to be a Jedi, right? Either that, or just someone like herself. Excitement filled her veins, happy at finding someone more similar to herself, though she held her hands together in patience. She looked at him, inspecting him a bit. My, isn’t he handsome. And with a young little one on his tail, probably a trainee. Emilliana was a little one as well, but that’s a different matter. “This is a really nice ship. With some modifications, it could be the perfect smuggler’s vessel. Though, you’d need more than one pilot to use it to it’s full potential.” She giggled a bit.

“So, what can you tell me… about myself?” Emilliana was excited about how much this man might be able to tell about herself through the Force, assuming he was a true master.

David walked around her, toward the ship’s docking ramp, but he did not go in.

“You know of the Force already, but you are not trained. That’s obvious, I don’t need to sense anything… You are happy, very happy. I don’t see why.” He closed his eyes and reached a hand, as if to touch her, but he stopped short. “You carry something old, and in tune with the Force. It has a connection to you... familial.” He opened his eyes, “You are a descendant of the Jedi of old. But not an apprentice. You have the Force, but don’t know fully how to use it.”

“Oh, wow. That’s amazing.” Emilliana would state, staring in amazement at David. “You’re perfectly correct. My name is Emilliana Ireni Narive, and I believe that the Force guided me here, I assume for a reason. So, what do you think? Can I be worked with?” She’d give a light giggle and smile happily at him, while turning her head and giving Nira a little wave for a greeting before turning back to David.

David considered her, guarding his feelings against a subject he knew could try to read him. She would have to unlearn her half baked ideas of the Force, and that was already a strike against her. But might she be more dangerous left to her own devices? Very likely it was best to keep an eye on someone like this.

“You have no one to leave behind,” it was only half a question. “You will need to learn to control yourself. You emotions can't be as easy to read as they were. She is no stranger to conflict,” he indicated Nira, “But you must know that this is a life that might bring you into danger. Are you up to this? Are you afraid?”

Emilliana smirked, a little flash of determination going through her as she heard the first requirement. “I can get behind that.” At the second, she giggled a little. “Tihi. I’m an open file, aren’t I?” She’d then nod with a smile. “Sure, I could go for some control.” Then there was the last part. Emilliana closed her eyes for a bit, amused by him warning her of danger in her life. She had already lived as a smuggler, had bounty hunters sent to pick her up and all that… She didn’t feel afraid at all. In fact, the notion of danger… it excited her further.

“I’m aware of the danger. However, I do not intend on leaving behind this opportunity of developing my powers for a cause which has been presented to me, danger or no!” Emilliana said, perhaps more cheerfully than the notion of danger should have, but so she did.

“Hm… not afraid? Well… you will be.”

They flew. Emilliana was correct, the Yit was much easier to handle with a copilot, and she filled the roll quite well. But once they had started their course, David set Arthur to fly it and gave them as much of a lesson as he could in the ship’s small common room. He told them of the Force, the energy field that binds all living things in the galaxy together. Of how great an ally it was, and how the Dark Side perverted it and twisted it against itself for the user’s own gain.

While they flew, he inquired after the Force artifact she held, suspecting it might by a lightsaber. He was right, and he set them to drills, and taught them to block blaster bolts from a remote. First with their eyes open, and then blindfolded.
As they trained, he told them about the enemy of the Jedi, the Sith. He had touched briefly on the Dark Side with Nira, but expounded on it here. He told them that the plane they were going to now was the Sith’s homeworld, and that he suspected there may be new Force users taking up the old traditions.

Soon they were approaching Korriban. Neither was ready for a real trial, but they had little choice. His apprentices’ operation among the suspected den of Sith was too important, and too delicate. Besides, they were strong, and he sensed good in them. They would be alright.

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