Name: Linus Carpenter

Ignore the Modern Clothing; Custom Anime doesn't provide many options for Medieval Wear that isn't Armor!
Age: 1200 years old.
Deity: Well...this is a bit complex. Linus was born not through normal human reproduction, or normal Human-Divine reproduction, but was rather born from the Spilled Blood of Yeshua bin Yosef (yes, him) when he was crucifed in Golgotha, and the tears of Mary Magdalene. This technically makes him the Grandson of God.
Divine Blessing:
Stats: (level (exp))
Strength: H (1)
Constitution: G (10)
Agility: H (2)
Speed: H (1)
Will: G (10)
Power: G (10)
Change Water to Wine (Custom Spell) - Wine, despite the bad rap it gets, is a natural disinfectant, and in an age where water is normally dirty and carries all manner of nasty diseases, the ability to turn water into wine means that you can turn even swamp water into something drinkable. H level.
Loaves and Fishes (Custom Spell) - Linus takes a piece of solid food and splits it into several parts; each part then grows to the size of the original piece, increasing the overall amount of solid food. This can be done as long as Linus has Mana. H level.
Divine Skills: (2 skills which you are supernaturally gifted in.)
Carpentry, including the use of Hammers.
Equipment: (Mundane materials, like steel, have a higher maximum strength/speed level that they can be used with, but a lower magical power level. Natural items, like wood, have a higher magical power level, but a lower max strength/speed. For example, a steel sword would have a max strength use of G, but a max magic level of H. If you exceed this level, the item will be destroyed.)
- Pouch of Medicinal Herbs, most of them edible so as to work with Loaves and Fishes.
- Leather Carpentry Apron enchanted to withstand steel (Magic Level G)
- Hammer (Strength Level G)
- Wooden Sword (Magic Level G)
- Nails
- Five Loaves and Seven Dried Fishes
- Waterskin
Mundane skills:
Linguistics, Literate, Charisma, Fireworks Making.
Personality: Linus, being born from blood, tears, and earth, used to feel distant from humanity, but has grown to love them, due to his long centuries of experience. However, despite said long centuries, he still hasn't grown out of adolescent rebelliousness, and although loyal to his family and their cause, is a bit harsh towards their Earthly followers, with the Catholic Church, despite being his main allies, getting the brunt of his annoyance, due to their acquisition of money and power and certain...interpretations of the holy writings.
History/Bio: Linus was born, fully formed, clad in a white robe, some time after the burial of Yeshua bin Yosef, but his emergence into the world was overlooked because of the great events that happened some days later - at the same time that the Ressurection happened, Linus was already wandering upwards to Syria and Asia Minor, seeking answers to the question of his existence. Several years later, he reemerged in Greece, at the city of Corinth, where he was part of the fellowship of Priscilla and Aquilla in the early Christian Church, before leaving to wander east, towards Parthia/Persia and India, finally reaching China a century or two later, where he fought with Sun Quan and the Kingdoms of Shu and Wu in the Battle of Red Cliff.
He stayed in China for a few centuries more, then, after hearing rumors of what happened to his family's Church in Europe, raced back there, taking several decades to reach the region, where the Western Roman Empire had fallen and the East was in dire straits. Apparently, Judaism had split into three religions, each claiming to be the true voice of his Grandfather, and which were warring with Polytheists and Zororastrians and Machineans. Each of the religions had their own merits - and that's all he would say about that - but he was rather annoyed with the successors of Priscilla and Aquilla, the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, who despite praising Priscilla as a Saint, completely and utterly forgot that she was a female leader as well, one who held power over men even after 1 Timothy was written.
Swallowing his irritation at this, he put himself in the service of the Catholics, doing charitable jobs for the Church and fighting bandits, sometimes non-lethally, sometimes not; he wasn't his father. That said, though, another source of his anger were the rumors that his mother was a prostitute, but that was dealt with by a pact with the Church - they would stop spreading those rumors, in exchange, and this was also to keep the balance of power in Europe - he would bestow the Church's Holy Relics with the largest portion of his power, reducing him temporarily into the level of an Initiate-rank Demigod.
He still has doubts about that deal. But for now, though, best to see what this 'Rogue' business was all about.

Ignore the Modern Clothing; Custom Anime doesn't provide many options for Medieval Wear that isn't Armor!
Age: 1200 years old.
Deity: Well...this is a bit complex. Linus was born not through normal human reproduction, or normal Human-Divine reproduction, but was rather born from the Spilled Blood of Yeshua bin Yosef (yes, him) when he was crucifed in Golgotha, and the tears of Mary Magdalene. This technically makes him the Grandson of God.
Divine Blessing:
Stats: (level (exp))
Strength: H (1)
Constitution: G (10)
Agility: H (2)
Speed: H (1)
Will: G (10)
Power: G (10)
Change Water to Wine (Custom Spell) - Wine, despite the bad rap it gets, is a natural disinfectant, and in an age where water is normally dirty and carries all manner of nasty diseases, the ability to turn water into wine means that you can turn even swamp water into something drinkable. H level.
Loaves and Fishes (Custom Spell) - Linus takes a piece of solid food and splits it into several parts; each part then grows to the size of the original piece, increasing the overall amount of solid food. This can be done as long as Linus has Mana. H level.
Divine Skills: (2 skills which you are supernaturally gifted in.)
Carpentry, including the use of Hammers.
Equipment: (Mundane materials, like steel, have a higher maximum strength/speed level that they can be used with, but a lower magical power level. Natural items, like wood, have a higher magical power level, but a lower max strength/speed. For example, a steel sword would have a max strength use of G, but a max magic level of H. If you exceed this level, the item will be destroyed.)
- Pouch of Medicinal Herbs, most of them edible so as to work with Loaves and Fishes.
- Leather Carpentry Apron enchanted to withstand steel (Magic Level G)
- Hammer (Strength Level G)
- Wooden Sword (Magic Level G)
- Nails
- Five Loaves and Seven Dried Fishes
- Waterskin
Mundane skills:
Linguistics, Literate, Charisma, Fireworks Making.
Personality: Linus, being born from blood, tears, and earth, used to feel distant from humanity, but has grown to love them, due to his long centuries of experience. However, despite said long centuries, he still hasn't grown out of adolescent rebelliousness, and although loyal to his family and their cause, is a bit harsh towards their Earthly followers, with the Catholic Church, despite being his main allies, getting the brunt of his annoyance, due to their acquisition of money and power and certain...interpretations of the holy writings.
History/Bio: Linus was born, fully formed, clad in a white robe, some time after the burial of Yeshua bin Yosef, but his emergence into the world was overlooked because of the great events that happened some days later - at the same time that the Ressurection happened, Linus was already wandering upwards to Syria and Asia Minor, seeking answers to the question of his existence. Several years later, he reemerged in Greece, at the city of Corinth, where he was part of the fellowship of Priscilla and Aquilla in the early Christian Church, before leaving to wander east, towards Parthia/Persia and India, finally reaching China a century or two later, where he fought with Sun Quan and the Kingdoms of Shu and Wu in the Battle of Red Cliff.
He stayed in China for a few centuries more, then, after hearing rumors of what happened to his family's Church in Europe, raced back there, taking several decades to reach the region, where the Western Roman Empire had fallen and the East was in dire straits. Apparently, Judaism had split into three religions, each claiming to be the true voice of his Grandfather, and which were warring with Polytheists and Zororastrians and Machineans. Each of the religions had their own merits - and that's all he would say about that - but he was rather annoyed with the successors of Priscilla and Aquilla, the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, who despite praising Priscilla as a Saint, completely and utterly forgot that she was a female leader as well, one who held power over men even after 1 Timothy was written.
Swallowing his irritation at this, he put himself in the service of the Catholics, doing charitable jobs for the Church and fighting bandits, sometimes non-lethally, sometimes not; he wasn't his father. That said, though, another source of his anger were the rumors that his mother was a prostitute, but that was dealt with by a pact with the Church - they would stop spreading those rumors, in exchange, and this was also to keep the balance of power in Europe - he would bestow the Church's Holy Relics with the largest portion of his power, reducing him temporarily into the level of an Initiate-rank Demigod.
He still has doubts about that deal. But for now, though, best to see what this 'Rogue' business was all about.