@Shawdus <3 bae
I've read some of his character sheet, and it is obvious that he is certainly a complicated character. The reason I say 9v2 is because the amount of clones grants the possibility that you always could use it, even if it wasn't a larger brawl. I guess that could apply to the fact that I don't know you and it's quite possible you'd pull out all of them in battle.
I could understand wanting to use Tetsue because he's simpler. I just think that it struck a chord given how the battle had been going. Also, I'm not even sure if characters can be switched mid-battle, especially since you mentioned Tetsue dying (Correct me if I'm wrong) in your intro post. Although, I'm assuming that you'd just start the battle over again, so that's just me rambling I guess.
I can also understand being semi-retired, because I am semi-retired as well. This is actually my first "official" RP battle in over a year, haha. But even with all of this, both Terror and Gun are friends of mine. I may not know much about the situation, but coming at them in that way (more specifically Terror) made me really want to step in. I don't think Terror was ever particularly hostile, and even when he was, he was respectful (again, correct me if I'm wrong).
@LeeRoy Let's run away and eat popcorn together <3
Edit: Place your bets here! How many posts till someone else joins into the fray! Who will it be? Likely candidates are Melonhead, Skallagrim, and Rilla! Place your bets here, place your bets!