Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Huleez eyed the lightsaber that Siador revealed. It wasn't too surprising to find them on Korriban, but there was strangely quite a few people actually wielding them in this room. Her master had taught her to be wary of coincidences, and she intended to be. She would certainly report both saber users to Master Starsea when he returned, hopefully soon.


Despite Siador's warning, Huleez took up the job. She felt she could get the hang of using her rifle. Indeed, her aim wasn't bad at all, she had merely been overcome by the droid's own defenses and blaster fire. She went to work with the rest of the group, and took watch posts with Kilgaris when she could. She wanted to keep an eye on him, but despite the lightsaber he carried, she never found anything that suggested he was Sith. But then, it was possible he had suspicions about her. She found her senses clouded here on this planet, and this subterfuge was tiring and confusing. She found herself wanting guidance, but having no way to talk to her Master all she could do was continue was she was.


The YT class freighter dropped from hyperspace into an orbiting pattern above Korriban. David exchanged a few messages with the landing control for the archaeological colony, including a chuckled quip about how much money he was making ferrying migrant workers there. He received permission to land, and started his ship on a course to the docking bay he was assigned.

David turned the chair sideways, to speak to his newest apprentices. "This is the place. My people there will know you when they see you leave my ship, just go to work and wait to be contacted. Don't draw attention, and leave your lightsabers here. Siador Dren," he pressed a button and brought up an older picture of the man, "Is my prime suspect. From what I can tell from records, he's been here on Korriban for a long time. If he's Sith, or believes himself to be anyway, he may sense your Force potential and try to seduce you to the Dark Side. Be wary, he may be mad. Korriban... isn't known for its mental health benefits. One more thing," he brought up a holo of the Gungan who had attacked him, taken from R-30's memory banks after the event. "This one I know is an enemy, and a strong one. Don't try to fight him alone, no matter what happens. If you find him here, return immediately. I'm going to stay docked for a few days, to 'make repairs,' so that should give us some time."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 6 days ago

The promise of fear was honestly something that Emilliana looked forward to right now, as she sat and listened to the mission that was presented here. Wow. She had been the apprentice of this Jedi for less than a day, and she was already sent to hunt for a very dangerous Sith that could most likely decapitate her with a single thought, without a lightsaber. The girl obediently put her saber aside, looking at David calmly as the mission was presented. This was honestly exciting. Questions? Sure!

“If we happen to be confronted by the Sith and he attempts to seduce us, what do we do? Politely decline? I don’t suppose he’d react too kindly to that?" Emilliana giggled just the slightest. "… What I’m getting at is, what do I do in case of emergency?” She clarified, as a little idea brews in her mind. Oh, she might have fun with this situation yet. “Hm. I wonder if mister Siador has any need of pilots? Otherwise, I suppose mechanic will have to do.” She considered her skills and what job she might apply for under cover, waiting a bit for if David felt like responding to her question or if Nira had any questions as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Don't do anything to put yourself in danger, but I think it unlikely that he will tip his hand that blatantly. If someone tries to bring you over, they will start subtly, probing about your allegiances and desires. In an absolute emergency, do what you need to to deflect suspicion. Lie, pretend to join if you must until you can come back to the ship to report to me. I won't let you be taken. If you don't come back, I will come find you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Two days earlier Saidor had shown everyone around the compound and had rooms assigned to them. After that he had assigned them various jobs around the compound, which they had performed satisfactorily so far. Hopefully the new security chief would have them set up in the system by now. He didn't want a droid to mistake them for the enemy, and they wouldn't automatically protect anyone that wasn't in the system.

He was glad the new employees had shown up, as they would allow him to get to work on his next excavation soon, but he had an uneasy feeling about them. In a way, these new people showed too much promise. His "Master" had told him that it likely meant that either they were plotting against him, or they were Force sensitive. Either way, he had to be careful what he did. So many showing up at once and on the same ship might mean that the Jedi had found him whichever one it was. He supposed it was also possible that the Force itself might be aiding him, and if so he needed to seize the opportunity. He just needed to keep his senses open for any new hints as he dealt with them.

The one with the lightsaber showed promise, even if he wasn't in tune with the Force, so he would have to make sure to train the man. But that, of course, would all be for naught if he didn't keep up appearances, so he was out by the landing area performing a final inspection of a shipment of "artifacts". None of them had any real tie to the Force, so he didn't really need to keep them around.

Just as he closed the next to last crate a ship started landing on the pad and he felt that same uneasiness. Force Sensitives, or conspirators? he thought as he walked to the edge of the field to greet the newcomers. He also radioed the security chief so that he could be there as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Copy that, I'm on my way." Rokun put his communicator away and started out towards the landing pad, wondering what was different about this ship. Over the last few days his small security staff had handled any number of incoming freighters, usually bringing in equipment for his dig sites. As an extra precaution, he grabbed his blaster rifle from the weapon locker on the way out.

Out on the landing pad, Rokun nodded briefly to Saidor, then gestured towards the freighter, questioning... "Sir?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nira had nothing new to say, and David stepped around them out of the cockpit and into the ship's common room.

"If you're ready," he said, turning, "There's a welcoming party coming now. May the Force be with you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Emilliana smirked at the little announcement that David would come back for her if she didn’t come back. Oooh, her own little hero, eh? That almost tempted her to hide for a while just to see if he’d actually come for her… Almost. So, if David was supposed to not even be here, then she supposed that she had to have found some other reason to arrive here. Mining place. Wonder what lie she should come up with should she be asked why there of all places? Eh. Emilliana honestly didn't know much about this planet, so it was somewhat troublesome to think about it, buuuut... Unless she was asked, a lie wouldn't be necessary~! Assumptions are useful things~!

“Alright! Force be with me, then!” Emilliana announced happily to David as he turned and walked. She was about to walk too, when a strange little thought occurred to her. Making sure neither Nira or David saw, the rebellious young Force Sensitive grabbed her lightsaber and hid it within her clothes in its appropriate location. Of course, this meant that David would know she did because it wouldn’t be there when he looked for it later, buuuuuut… She’d already be on the planet then, wouldn’t she? Better safe than sorry, and hopefully she wouldn’t be searched~! Why, isn’t it wonderfully more exciting with something to hide?

With this, a rather overly happy Emilliana smiled as she and Nira descended down from the ship in a calm manner to see what kind of welcoming party had been talked about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In between patrols Kilgaris had been trying to find time to sneak away unseen to see if he could discover anything..... interesting that might make him more powerful or lead him to any remanents of sith or jedi, however the patrols had kept him too busy. He had a hunch about the Siador guy but he decided that if he was a sith or jedi then Kilgaris would let Siador come to him. The girl Hueez made him a little uncomfortable as she was nearly always around him almost as if she were prying. Something also.... didn't feel right about her.... anyway she made him nervous. He saw the ship land in the distance but paid it no heed watching out for anything dangerous. It was times like these he thought about his sister and their order. He knew what he had to do and although in his heart he knew it was unpleasant he could ignore his heart and do his duty...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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It had been a couple of days and Mia had settled well into the new establishment. The droid repair room almost becoming her residential quarters. Though she still shared a resting room with her sibling. He had nothing but been distant ever since the initiation test. Always shying away from a conversation or being generally sneaky. Mia had genuinely wanted to connect with him but decided to let him be. She wasn't sure but Kilgaris didn't seem like he needed her and that now they were out of Mustafar he also didn't have any reason to be with her.

Disappointed a bit, she had immersed herself in getting accustomed to the job she had applied for. Siador, for underplaying his role and skills, had quite an impressive collection of droids, for just a researcher. While the regular droids needed mundane repair and maintenance. Mia had made it a pet project to try and fiddle with the two droids that the Dathomiri siblings had destroyed. Most parts on hers were not salvagable, hers had been a display of brute strength and a rabid anger while Kilgaris had been more clinical in his disposal of his droid.

So it was decided that the frame would be from Kilgaris's droid since it was mostly undamaged and Mia would try and put on the undamaged core she had pried from hers. She also wished to install two more laser blasters at its back to give it all-round firing capability. Though it seemed crazy but Mia had a lot of time on her hands and it also looked like Siador had hardly any interest in her combat abilities. She played around with parts tying to fit in the other core, hoping a whiff of inspiration may do the job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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"Copy that, I'm on my way." Rokun put his communicator away and started out towards the landing pad, wondering what was different about this ship. Over the last few days his small security staff had handled any number of incoming freighters, usually bringing in equipment for his dig sites. As an extra precaution, he grabbed his blaster rifle from the weapon locker on the way out.

Out on the landing pad, Rokun nodded briefly to Saidor, then gestured towards the freighter, questioning... "Sir?"

"That ship came here with workers a few days ago. It's suspicious that they've returned so soon. If they have more workers, we'll need another orientation. Also, run a security check on the workers they've brought in and the ship and crew. If they've rounded up more workers this quickly, it may be a ruse. One of my competitors may be trying to set me up."

He waited for the passengers to disembark.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Emilliana would look over the two individuals waiting for her and her companion. Yupp, that was Siador, and they were both sturdy men as could have been expected. Far more physically capable than she was. She smirked a little, imagining the implications of if a fight were to break out. Well, worst case scenario, she had a very capable thief with her that could probably outmaneuver at least one of them! … Unless they were both Sith, then probably not even Nira would be able to confuse them. In any case.

“Hello. My name is Emilliana Ireni Narive.” She offered a gentle smile and a small curtsy to the awaiting men. “And this is Nira. We heard that this was the place to go for potentially gaining work, so we took the offer to get a ride here. You wouldn’t happen to have use of a capable pilot or mechanic? Oh, and I’m pretty sure Nira would make for a capable guard, given the right tools.” Considering she knows everything about getting PAST guards. Emilliana smirked a little about how that worked out, looking towards them to see if there was answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Huleez had been shadowing Kilgaris again, at least until she saw the Yit coming down toward the settlement. It was good news for her, most likely, but she was careful not to register anything on her face in case someone was watching.

Still, she did make her way to the landing pad, where she stood toward the edge, behind Dren's back. Two girls she didn't know got off. She inclined her head at them, but said nothing. Were they new students of Master Starsea? If so, she didn't want to question his judgement, but it seemed a little soon to trust them to come here. Either way, she needed to try to talk to him, at least to report her findings so far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kilgaris turned round after looking into the deep forests of Korriban only to see the girl (@Gisk) leaving. He looked around to see if there was any immediate danger and followed after here not bothering to be silent. Once she reached the ship he cleared his throat and asked her from behind in his deep gruff voice "And why did you leave?". It wasn't quite an accusation or a question just a suspicion of what this ship meant to her. He told himself that he would confide in somebody about her seeming connection to the ship. He looked around to see if he could spot his sister, unable to he laughed silently to himself. He needed to do as his father said and stop caring for her. She would be one of the people who would put his 'brothers' back into slavery on a world wide scale and she MUST be stopped. He gripped his lightsaber within his cloak for reassurance drawing on the symbol of Maul's dathomirian strength. He awaited the girls reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

By way to answer, Huleez pointed to the ship. "That's the one I came in on. Thought I might say hello to the captain if I see her." Everything she said was careful when Siador was so close by.

She saw him reach for his lightsaber. It wasn't a threatening motion to her, it looked more like a security reflex. "Where'd you get a laser sword from?" She asked, not disguising her observation. "They're not terribly common, are they? Old Jedi weapon, if you believe the stories."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Gisk Kilgaris snorted at the mention of the jedi, she spoke of them almost as if she had met them, most people he had met dismissed them as legends but the way she spoke of them... it was strange. His voice was guarded, he didn't like talking about the lightsaber as he had been told by his father to keep it obscured. "The old trinket? Well it was given to me a while back." He then looked over at the ship again curiously.
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