mofo's done. his history ends weird but just ignore that ;D

They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me.
-Nathaniel Lee
Sexual Orientation
Grade Level
Social Class

"Yeah I'm a genius of sorts, what of it?"

"Hey babe, nice ass! Why don't ya back it up over here?"
Favorite memory
Least favorite memory

"What'd you call me, punk?"
Astrological Sign
Twitter Name

"Just cause I'm from Jersey doesn't mean I'm super aggressive, you fuck."

They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me.
-Nathaniel Lee
Albert Kyle Nolan
" Al " - The typical nickname for anyone with the name 'Albert'. He was first called this by some kindergarten bullies, and while he thought it was an insult at first (after all, they ONLY insulted him back then) the name later grew on him until he instructed everyone to use it. Al prefers this name to any other title given to him, and insists that all of his closer friends and even enemies refer to him as such.
" Noll " - Taken from his surname, Al was often called this by teammates and acquaintances. He has nothing to sya about it, and merely thinks it to be a simple, underused nickname.
" Fuckhead/Fuckboy/Dick/Asshole/Waste-O-Space " - These are all various names Al is called on a daily basis.
" Noll " - Taken from his surname, Al was often called this by teammates and acquaintances. He has nothing to sya about it, and merely thinks it to be a simple, underused nickname.
" Fuckhead/Fuckboy/Dick/Asshole/Waste-O-Space " - These are all various names Al is called on a daily basis.
Sexual Orientation
Grade Level
Social Class
Gifted - Though Al was born to a lower class family, he was able to enter Caelbury thanks to his unique Eidetic Memory. Al is able to remember almost anything with intense clarity if he reviews it at least ten times, and thanks to this he was able to stay at the top of his classes with minimal studying. Countless IQ tests and local news articles contributed to Albert's rise to popularity in the academic world, and he was eventually accepted into the prestigious school of Caelbury.
Al is considerably attractive despite his incredibly foul mouth. Square-jawed and bright eyed, if not for his belligerent personality he could have been a much more popular teen. He stands at about 5'10", though often looks much shorter due to his horrid slouch, and is rather well-built thanks to his daily morning jog. Narrow eyebrows frame his handsome face, and his eyes are often wide and glaring with a horribly-hidden intelligent light. He is often seen wearing a killer smile, though shadows of sleeplessness clearly stand on against his pale skin, and though he clearly knows he is a man worth looking at he rarely does much to adjust his appearance.
Dirty blonde hair is often hidden beneath fashionable snap-backs and his bruised arms are always covered with large, obnoxiously colored sweatshirts and jackets. Al tries his best to afford clothes that suit his fashion taste, but due to his frugal upbringing he is not one to spend too much money on apparel. Though many people consider his tastes to be rather eccentric (or gaudy), Albert clearly pulls it off well enough to gain some attention, and that's enough to keep him working towards his fashion goals. Other then all that, Al has a few old scars from childhood scrapes, and he can sometimes be seen wearing thick reading glasses when studying.
Dirty blonde hair is often hidden beneath fashionable snap-backs and his bruised arms are always covered with large, obnoxiously colored sweatshirts and jackets. Al tries his best to afford clothes that suit his fashion taste, but due to his frugal upbringing he is not one to spend too much money on apparel. Though many people consider his tastes to be rather eccentric (or gaudy), Albert clearly pulls it off well enough to gain some attention, and that's enough to keep him working towards his fashion goals. Other then all that, Al has a few old scars from childhood scrapes, and he can sometimes be seen wearing thick reading glasses when studying.

"Yeah I'm a genius of sorts, what of it?"
Albert has always been considered aggressive. As a child he held tight to a loud, rude howl and hefty fists, and his attitude towards other grew as his body did. He had always been an odd child, one who didn't seem to fit into any particular 'clique' for some parts of his life. First he would be an average bad boy, a rude-mouthed white boy with a harsh view on the world, and then he may swap over into his more thoughtful state, where his eyes trace lines ten whole times as a test for his own abilities. Intelligent is something many people consider Albert to be, but really he is just "spewing out what he's read before". Though his mind stores knowledge like a memory bank, he usually has no need for it in social situations, and as such he often comes off as a bit dim when speaking casually. Albert often says he has no filter, which is rightfully so. He speaks his mind whenever given the chance, and doesn't even seem to realize this until it is too late. Of course, this makes him an extremely honest kid, but his bluntness can lead to severe relationship damage.
Though Albert lacks any sort of tact, he is considerably loyal to his friends. Life running around with rowdy boy groups and gossipy gal pals in Jersey has definitely strengthened his belief in trusting those who pledge to be a friend. Though his times with his Jersey pals have since been snipped away thanks to his massive move to Caelbury, he looks back fondly on the few friends who cared for him, though he would never say that out loud.
In public Al is withdrawn and prickly, shooting down any shady individuals with sharp glares and harsh words. He is especially abrasive when alone and surrounded by strangers, and is quick to insult those who even slightly rub him the wrong way. An aura of distance glows from him, and even closer friends know of his generally repressive ways when it comes to emotions other than anger, annoyance, and contentedness. This is Al's way of coping with his general self-loathing and insecurities, of course. He has an intense vendetta against himself and his mind, and he is often at odds with himself mentally, though he often takes time to make himself feel better by pointing out the imperfections of others.
Bully-like and oddly witty, Al enjoys making snide remarks at those who have either wronged him or look like they may wrong him. He never forgets a face (though he does have trouble putting names to those faces due to his ever busy mind), and if he is taken advantage of or made fun of by a certain looker he will gladly return their spite ten fold. Despite this, Al has often protected those he deems 'worse off than him' and seems to have something against bullies who take out their frustration with thoughtless violence. Life is constantly against Albert, well, that's what he thinks anyway, and as such he is stupidly cynical whenever he's got the choice to be, and because of this he has trouble making friends. Those who do end up enjoying his company, though, may find Albert to be a smarmy, playful kid, with a thick Jersey accent and a mouth that could rattle off the most useless information the world has to offer.
Though Albert lacks any sort of tact, he is considerably loyal to his friends. Life running around with rowdy boy groups and gossipy gal pals in Jersey has definitely strengthened his belief in trusting those who pledge to be a friend. Though his times with his Jersey pals have since been snipped away thanks to his massive move to Caelbury, he looks back fondly on the few friends who cared for him, though he would never say that out loud.
In public Al is withdrawn and prickly, shooting down any shady individuals with sharp glares and harsh words. He is especially abrasive when alone and surrounded by strangers, and is quick to insult those who even slightly rub him the wrong way. An aura of distance glows from him, and even closer friends know of his generally repressive ways when it comes to emotions other than anger, annoyance, and contentedness. This is Al's way of coping with his general self-loathing and insecurities, of course. He has an intense vendetta against himself and his mind, and he is often at odds with himself mentally, though he often takes time to make himself feel better by pointing out the imperfections of others.
Bully-like and oddly witty, Al enjoys making snide remarks at those who have either wronged him or look like they may wrong him. He never forgets a face (though he does have trouble putting names to those faces due to his ever busy mind), and if he is taken advantage of or made fun of by a certain looker he will gladly return their spite ten fold. Despite this, Al has often protected those he deems 'worse off than him' and seems to have something against bullies who take out their frustration with thoughtless violence. Life is constantly against Albert, well, that's what he thinks anyway, and as such he is stupidly cynical whenever he's got the choice to be, and because of this he has trouble making friends. Those who do end up enjoying his company, though, may find Albert to be a smarmy, playful kid, with a thick Jersey accent and a mouth that could rattle off the most useless information the world has to offer.
- Music (classical and hip hop)
- Money
- Cats
- Picking fights
- Driving
- Cold weather
- Hats
- Alcohol
- Other drivers
- New Jersey
- Beaches
- Loud, sudden noises
- Math
- Loud music
- Smoking
- Super bitter foods
- Loud noises (Bells, gunshots, ect.)
- Deep water/oceans
- Sharks
- Being alone in a crowd
- Complete darkness

"Hey babe, nice ass! Why don't ya back it up over here?"
- Academically Inclined
- Honest
- Protective
- Blunt
- Cold
- Insecure
Albert Nolan was born in a nice house to a couple that was rotten together but fine on their own. He remembers the house briefly, oddly enough. It stands out like a broken light compared to the other thoughts he can't seem to get out of his head, and any time spent in that home has quickly been out shined by the divorce of his parents when he was a mere first grader. At that time, his mind was yet fully developed, and he could only remember certain sections of the events that followed after. One of those sections being his big move.
Paterson, New Jersey isn't what one would call a nice city. Scaffolding, barred stores, and trash heaps, this is what Al remembers most from his hometown. Shirley Nolan, his mother, had decided to move back into her mother's apartment after the divorce due to her current mental issues and lack of work. Gloria Nolan was a woman with a harsh tongue and small-minded views. She loved her daughter dearly, too dearly maybe, but seemed to have some kind of vendetta against Al. Perhaps she could only see the man who broke her daughter's heart in him, but whatever it was that led to her distaste for Al remained mostly under lock and key.
Albert excelled in two things during his elementary and middle school days: Making enemies, and academics. His mother often called him a 'little brainiac', though she was obviously a bit concerned as to how he could be so gifted in subjects like reading in math with his attitude and views towards school. His abilities weren't truly realized until a contest in his sixth year of schooling. Dubbed "The Memory Contest" by his middle school, the point of it was to memorize a piece of literature picked out by the judges and recite the whole thing for a small monetary prize or a few gift cards. Albert, of course attracted by the thought of money, signed up immediately and brought the news to his mother, who in turn helped him study. Everything seemed normal at first, until, of course, Albert recited the whole piece after only looking over it nine or ten times.
Needless to say, Al won first place in the contest, astounding both his family and the judges alike. The local paper spoke of his accomplishment briefly, but word got out to some interested doctors who eventually came to Al with some memory tests to take. He passed with near flying colors, and his mother was later informed that he possessed a photographic memory. Albert loved the attention he was getting, of course, and took the time to show off more of his skills with more contests and tests, until he was a well known topic around his neighborhood. There were times even his grandmother was impressed, but they were fleeting and often ended with Al getting more verbal abuse.
Caelbury's first letter came in his freshman year of high school. His mother ran to him with tears in her eyes, flailing the envelope in front of him as she cried: "My baby's a genius, a damned genius!" The prestigious school had kept tabs on Al's sudden fame in the academic world, and had offered him a full ride to their school for the remaining three years of his high school career. Brief discussion with his mother son lead to Albert getting in contact with the school, and a year later he was shipped off across the state, leaving behind gangs of friends and enemies alike in favor of California sun and high-class cafeteria food.
His first two years were spent brooding away, studying half the time and partying the rest. He started to miss the Jersey slums after his first month, and he found that all the pretentious rich kids that swarmed the campus couldn't beat the poor mates back home. Keeping with his theme of being a dick to most, Al made few friends and many enemies, but despite all that he stuck around. Couldn't hate living in style, after all.
Paterson, New Jersey isn't what one would call a nice city. Scaffolding, barred stores, and trash heaps, this is what Al remembers most from his hometown. Shirley Nolan, his mother, had decided to move back into her mother's apartment after the divorce due to her current mental issues and lack of work. Gloria Nolan was a woman with a harsh tongue and small-minded views. She loved her daughter dearly, too dearly maybe, but seemed to have some kind of vendetta against Al. Perhaps she could only see the man who broke her daughter's heart in him, but whatever it was that led to her distaste for Al remained mostly under lock and key.
Albert excelled in two things during his elementary and middle school days: Making enemies, and academics. His mother often called him a 'little brainiac', though she was obviously a bit concerned as to how he could be so gifted in subjects like reading in math with his attitude and views towards school. His abilities weren't truly realized until a contest in his sixth year of schooling. Dubbed "The Memory Contest" by his middle school, the point of it was to memorize a piece of literature picked out by the judges and recite the whole thing for a small monetary prize or a few gift cards. Albert, of course attracted by the thought of money, signed up immediately and brought the news to his mother, who in turn helped him study. Everything seemed normal at first, until, of course, Albert recited the whole piece after only looking over it nine or ten times.
Needless to say, Al won first place in the contest, astounding both his family and the judges alike. The local paper spoke of his accomplishment briefly, but word got out to some interested doctors who eventually came to Al with some memory tests to take. He passed with near flying colors, and his mother was later informed that he possessed a photographic memory. Albert loved the attention he was getting, of course, and took the time to show off more of his skills with more contests and tests, until he was a well known topic around his neighborhood. There were times even his grandmother was impressed, but they were fleeting and often ended with Al getting more verbal abuse.
Caelbury's first letter came in his freshman year of high school. His mother ran to him with tears in her eyes, flailing the envelope in front of him as she cried: "My baby's a genius, a damned genius!" The prestigious school had kept tabs on Al's sudden fame in the academic world, and had offered him a full ride to their school for the remaining three years of his high school career. Brief discussion with his mother son lead to Albert getting in contact with the school, and a year later he was shipped off across the state, leaving behind gangs of friends and enemies alike in favor of California sun and high-class cafeteria food.
His first two years were spent brooding away, studying half the time and partying the rest. He started to miss the Jersey slums after his first month, and he found that all the pretentious rich kids that swarmed the campus couldn't beat the poor mates back home. Keeping with his theme of being a dick to most, Al made few friends and many enemies, but despite all that he stuck around. Couldn't hate living in style, after all.
Favorite memory
Being accepted into Caelbury. Though he may be exaggerating, Al believes his acceptance was the best moment of his life, and being surrounded by rich, somehow similar assholes folks has really helped Al grow into his abilities and new found interest in school. Though this is his favorite memory, Albert rarely speaks out about his love for Caelbury, and when asked about his opinion on the school now a days he merely shrugs and says the first insult that comes to mind.
Least favorite memory
His parents divorcing, which ultimately lead to him moving into a shitty neighborhood with his depressed mother and verbally abusive grandmother. He will always remember the day he saw his father walk out on them,and he won't forget the tears in his mother's eyes when she realized their once pristine marriage was finally over.

"What'd you call me, punk?"
March 3rd, 1998
Astrological Sign
Twitter Name
@Ally$Cat - Twitter
Al_Nolan - Instagram
Albert K. Nolan - Facebook
jer$eyb0i - Snapchat
Al_Nolan - Instagram
Albert K. Nolan - Facebook
jer$eyb0i - Snapchat

"Just cause I'm from Jersey doesn't mean I'm super aggressive, you fuck."