@Catchphrase@Andromedai@Lord Coake@Vahir@Sarpedon@agentmanatee@Bright_Ops@Agent B52@TenlockSo, the low-down thus far;
Everyone has taken casualties, some more than others, but now the order has been given by HQ for
all regiments that are able to converge upon the central-most point of the city, the Cathedral. It is in the centre of the hab-district, and there are four large roads leading to it; there are currently the 'wandering' platoons of Tushiena holding it, but everyone should get there eventually.
If you wish to fight your way through the Orks, get ambushed or the like, then that's perfectly fine, as long as you get there in the end.
@Vahir, please post something, anything, to either contribute to this RP or to inform me of why you've not posted again; as I have consistently stated, I
do not mind as long as
you tell me!
That goes for you too,
@Catchphrase, do not come into my thread and then disappear, please...it really pisses me off.
@Andromedai I'm going to assume you're no longer interested in this and scratch you from the role.
I'm guilty of it myself at times, but I'm trying my best to keep this RP together, for both myself and the participants.
Right, that just about covers everything, I'll be getting the Second Wave in as soon as everyone gets to the cathedral, and then we'll head toward the end-game and a new chapter in our little roleplay.
As always, please do ask if you have any questions. Thank you.