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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Opening his hand carefully, Tatsuki releases the soul from his grasp. The pale white light flickers slightly as it rises slowly into the darkness. High above the cloak of rebirth glitters brilliantly, each little light another soul waiting to be reborn. Letting out a small sigh Tatsuki walks slowly backwards out the great doors leading to the world beyond. The great rough hewn doors swing slowly shit before him, making not a sound as they vanish from sight. Reaching up he scratches behind an ear, a huge yawn escaping his lips.

'That one was almost a mess. I hope I have some time for some rest before they send me another one like that' Tugging at his bangs a bit Tatsuki says a little prayer for the soul he'd harvested before turning on his heel and starting off down the cobblestone street. As a shinigami, collecting souls is the main part of Tatsuki's job, and he loves his job. Scuffing the ground with his foot he smiles slightly as he recalls the look on the boy's face as he had gathered his soul, taking it away from his sick and failing body. It's smiles like that that make his job the best in the worlds.

A slight shiver passes through him as the cool pre winter wind finds it's way through the thick fabric of his sweater. Curling his arms about him Tatsuki glances about, seeking some place to take shelter from the breeze. The old Japaneses village has an air of age and despite the obvious western influences here and there. His own clothing are from the western world, having just come from a job in England before being rushed off to this small village for a quick job. Rubbing his shoulders he walks on. To his left is a tall wooden wall surrounding the local Lord's home, while to the right is mostly small shops and carts.

At this time of night, there is no one around, but it's still a bit unsettling for the young shinigami when one of the spirit world's messengers suddenly materializes out of nowhere on the street before him. Instinctively he looking around, just in case anyone happened to be around to see the messenger’s arrival before marching forward and holding out his hand. The black clad messenger, it's eyes barely visible from underneath it's hood glitter unnaturally as it hands over Tatsuki's next assignment. As soon as the small bit of parchment touches his hand it vanishes and the words written upon it sear themselves into his mind. The messenger then bows and vanishes to the sound of cloth caught in a high wind.

With a sigh Tatsuki runs his hand through his hair and starts off towards his destination. 'A hot springs inn huh? And six days until it's time. Good, I can check in and relax a bit before the big day' A smile creeps on to his lips, and with a last look around the street he steps into a small crack in space, appearing an instant later a few yards away from his destination. He peeks around a tree to make sure no one is around. Spotting no one he walks towards the rather large complex setting against a wall of rock.

He takes in the sight of tactfully colored wooden walls, a beautiful arch over the main doorway. His keen eyes spot the steam issuing from behind the main structure and his smile widens. 'Nothing like a good soak' Reaching into his pocket he pulls out the money purse provided to all shinigami, one which issues forth a never ending stream of whatever currency needed. He checks to make sure the money has converted properly before slipping it back into his pocket and making his way to the front door. Sliding the door open he calls out politely, “Pardon me.” Sliding the door shut, he revels in the warmth now enveloping him.

Sanada Shigetoshi watched the sun set from the front porch of the Inn. Shigetoshi ran the Inn up on the mountain all my himself. He used to run it with his father when he was younger, but that was over six years ago. During the summer months the young man would rarely think about his father. He was too busy with the stream of guests. Luckily once most got rooms and settled in, they didn't want much from Shigetoshi other than meals, which he made three times a day. The young man leaned back on his elbows and sighed, extending his long, lanky body. He leaned back his head exposing his throat, and semi prominent Adam's apple, to the sky. He closed his black eyes and focused on the feel of the setting sun on his skin. His long body was covered in a traditional kimono. While some of his patrons came dressed in clothes influenced by the foreigners, he maintained loyalty to the old ways, mainly because it was good for business. He kept his Inn clear of outside influence and decor, and stuck with things from the early Edo period and before.

When the sun finally descended too far below the trees, the black haired Asian stirred. Dinner would be done soon, and everyone would want to eat. There was the Ito family, mother, father, two children under the age of six. Mr. Yamazaki. Ms. and Ms. and Mrs. Fujiwara, three sisters, one widow. Finally there was the older couple, the Elders Inoue. In total? Ten. With himself, eleven. Eleven people to cook for. He had rice, noodles, and vegetables. Of course there was the sake.

Shigetoshi, at night, after dinner retreats to the isolated spring on the west side of the Inn. It was blocked off and only accessible from the Innkeeper's room. It was a nice private addition Shigetoshi's father, Naoki had added for his wife. Before Naoki walled the area off, it had been open for the public. Now, it was all Shigetoshi's. The young man usually took a dip late at night before he went to bed. However today he was stopped by the sound of a bell. A bell installed by one of Shigetoshi's ancestors, who name he couldn't recall at the moment. It was attached to a string that ran the length of the Inn and attached to the front doors. When the doors opened, the bell would sound.

Shigetoshi groaned, quietly to himself. He hurriedly dressed back into his kimono and walked quickly to the entrance. Shigetoshi turned the corner and was honesty surprised to see a young single man standing there in the Inn's entry. The man was probably younger than Shigetoshi if his looks were anything to go by. Maybe he was a relative of one of the patrons. For there was usually no reason for a single young man to come up the mountain alone.

However, Shigetoshi doesn't let his curiosity get the better of him. He greets his guest properly and introduces himself. "I am Sanada Shigetoshi, owner of this Inn." The young man bowed at the waist and straightened. "Welcome." He smiled brightly, even though he was tired. "One room?"

After taking a few deep breaths to let the warmth settle in, Tatsuki takes an opportunity to check out the entryway. Like many traditional Japanese buildings there is a step a few feet in front of the entrance so that one has to actual step up to enter the front room proper. Lined up along the step are sandals for the guests to slip into after taking off their street shoes or sandals. The floor is made of a light colored wood, and the walls are of rice paper and bamboo. Both paper and wood are artfully decorated with beautiful Japanese art work, full of flowers and mythical beasts.

'I think I'm going to really like this place. It feels cozy, and it's a treat for the eyes' To the left of the entry way there is a desk, while to the right is a long hall. Taking another deep breath Tatsuki catches a whiff of the nearby hot springs. Deciding to wait by the desk he slips out off his dark shoes and long socks and slips into a pair of waiting sandals. Carrying the shoes and socks in one hand he just gets his foot on to the step when a young man comes around a corner near the desk.

Looking the boy over a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. 'I get the feeling I interrupted something here' Tatsuki bows back a little less deep. “Thank you for having me.” He stands back up, stepping up the step on to the wooden floor of the Inn. “Yes, one room will be sufficient, Shigetoshi-san.” Scratching behind his head he looks from side to side. “I will be staying for six or seven days.” He looks back at the Innkeeper and smiles ever so slightly as his had drops back to his side.

Shigetoshi watched the young man in front of him as he entered the Inn all the way. When the man addressed Shigetoshi a little informally, he blinked, but otherwise did nothing. Different people have different customs he reminded himself. He didn't allow himself to be offended, after all this was a paying customer. Then again, the slight could have been accidental. Many people assumed he wasn't the one running the Inn. That his family was here helping him. That even his father of something ran the Inn. It wouldn't be the first time someone called him by his first name because of this. He usually broke them of that before it caught on.

Shigetoshi opened the guest book and made a note of the duration and verified he had the correct amount in mind. "Since our Inn is rather isolated we serve three meals a day which is included in the price." Shigetoshi named the price in Tokugawa coinage [I'm no historian so I'm not mentioning an actual price]. "I serve both breakfast and dinner, however the Fujiwara sisters here have been kind enough to make lunch for everyone." Shigetoshi usually made it a point to ask his female patrons if they were willing to pitch in for a slight discount. Most were, sometimes he even had a male patron pitch in. It was a pity that this week only the sisters were willing to help out and only for lunch. "A sleeping kimono is provided in the room, along with shoes and a day kimono." He gave a small, almost sheepish smile. He couldn't help but take the extra time to admire the younger man and for the first time notices the western clothing in full. Especially the pants, which were made of some sort of material Shigetoshi didn't know of. "They're nothing fancy though." Not like your clothes. He mentally added.

"If there is anything extra you might require, ask." The black haired man smiled brighter once more and pointed. "My room is down this hallway to the very end. You can call on me any time if there's trouble."

Tatsuki nods, smile still on his lips as Shigetoshi explains about meals. Pulling out his money bag he pulls out the right amount of coinage runs it through his fingers as the boy talks. 'He's very polite. I guess that's standard in his line of work. He seems rather sincere He can't help but smile a little wider as he notices the young man looking over his foreign clothes. He gives another little nod as Shigetoshi finishes speaking. “You have the guests help you cook? How innovative.” Tatsuki says, striding forward to stand beside the font counter. Reaching out he stacks the payment for the room and services on the guest book.

“I'm sure the kimono will be more than adequate. It's been some time since I've worn one. I remember them being rather comfortable.” He says. His eyes trail down the hall where the young man indicated his room was. “I must say it's kind of you to offer your personal attention to the guests any time. However, I will try not to disturb you. Even Inn owners have their own lives to live, no?” He turns his eyes back on to Shigetoshi. He takes a moment to look the young man directly in the eyes. In that moment he takes in the boy's life, checking for anything that may endanger his mission. Finding nothing he blinks and looks away.

'A sad life, but he's dealt with it well. I hope the death here does not hurt the Inn's reputation' His mind drifts for a moment before he mumbles. “Cooking. . . .” He turns back to Shigetoshi. "So is it only female patrons allowed in the kitchen? I have cooked for myself from time to time, an many different countries. Perhaps I could prepare some foreign dishes for you and the other guests.” He smiles, showing off his pearly whites. “But only if you don't mind of course.” His voice is a bit teasing, but not patronizing.

Shigetoshi took the proffered coinage and checked it deftly. It was best to make sure the correct amount was there right off from the start. Or else it lead to him getting stiffed and some very interesting yelling. He had learned some very new curses from those days. Then he changed his ways to make sure he wasn't getting cheated. When the man mentioned innovation Shigetoshi paused in his count and blushed a little. This patron wouldn't be the first person to call him out on it. But the truth was, Shigetoshi couldn't do everything himself and there was no one else to help out because he couldn't afford it. When someone offered to aid him making food, it took a lot of pressure off.

"Thank you." The young man murmured and finished counting the money and with a practiced flourish started on the receipt. When he looked up he found himself looking the younger man directly in the eyes. When the other man looked away Shigetoshi took a deep breath. The other man was attractive, but that wasn't enough to hold him entranced with a look. However the Innkeeper mentally shoved it away and passed over the receipt. He explained that this was only for what was up front. If there were any additional charges they would be added on when they occurred.

When the younger man mumbled Shigetoshi almost missed it. He opened his mouth to ask his patron what it was he had said when the other man started over. He blinked, sure his mouth hung open a little. He had assumed this man had only lived in Japan, not in other countries, even if his clothes gave a different impression. That fact made sense to his earlier statement about not wearing a kimono in a while. Shigetoshi blinked, realizing he was staring and stuttered out a reply, one far different than the answer to the younger man's question.

"You've been to other countries?" Shigetoshi himself had never been off the mountain apart from the rare case he needed to visit the town. The idea of leaving was unimaginable to him. Then, as he realized he was being rude, he gathered himself and finally replied correctly. "If you want to help out with the cooking, I wont tell you no." He almost added in that in Japan men could cook just like women, but didn't because he didn't want to be even more rude. Though he did offer a genuine smile that slipped as an idea dawned on him. "Though I'm afraid I don't have a lot of different ingredients."

A small polite smile plays on Tatsuki's lips at the look on the young man's face. He can tell the boy is a bit stunned and turns his eyes a way a bit as to not make him uncomfortable. His smile widens a it at the inquiry about his being in other countries. 'I suppose to the average person, in any country, traveling to another country would be a big thing, let alone more than one. I suppose it's dawned on me before how my travels have numbed me to the newness of other places on the planet. It's so natural to me now. . . .'

“Thank you.” He murmurs when Shigetoshi gives him permission to use the kitchen. He looks back at the young owner. “And don't mind about the ingredient. I am good at improvising. Anything I need and I can't substitute I can get from the village.” He looks down, leaning against the front desk on an elbow. “It will give me something to do during the day. I'm not one for sitting too idle.” His free hand comes up and settles on the desk. 'It's strange, but true. I know I said this would be a good chance to relax, but I can't see myself lazing about here all day'

Looking back up, gazing past the young man to a design on the wall behind him, he starts talking half to himself. “Perhaps I can pick up some local literature. Compare it to the stuff from the places I've traveled. . .” His voice trails off as he looks to Shigetoshi. “From what you said before I don't suppose you've traveled much Shigetoshi.” His voice carries no hint of question to it, a simple stating of fact. Smiling again he perks up slightly. “It's not often I have someone to pester. If you would not mind, during your non-busy times, would you care to hear about the places I've been?” His eyes seem to almost glaze over slightly.

“I've been so many places, they've all become a blur to me. Perhaps telling another about them will renew my spirit a bit. . . .” His focus comes back and he looks down the hall again. “But, this is only if you're interested. Forgive me, sometimes I talk too much. It's a character flaw.” Reaching up to rub the back of his neck with his free hand a slightly sad smile comes to his lips. 'I guess that last one is hitting me harder than I thought. Here I am, in one of the best places in the world to relax, and I'm laying my troubles at the feet of a youth who's spent his entire life on a mountain in Japan. I really am feeling this one worse than I thought' He continues to gaze down the hallway.

Shigetoshi was still blushing when the younger man thanked him for the use of his kitchen. The innkeeper fiddled with the writing implement he had just finished using. Being stupid was one thing, but have the other person act like it was nothing, made Shigetoshi feel worse. Compounded upon the fact the patron was younger than himself, but somehow felt older made things worse. Though now that Shigetoshi knew he had traveled a lot, it explained why didn't feel as young. What must it have been like to see so much at such an age.

As the other man continued talking, Shigetoshi had to lean in in order to hear better. When it became apparent the younger man was just talking to himself, Shigetoshi pulled away, only to stop when spoken to once more.

From what you said before I don't suppose you've traveled much Shigetoshi. It's not often I have someone to pester. If you would not mind, during your non-busy times, would you care to hear about the places I've been?

Shigetoshi almost couldn't believe his ears. Would he care? He'd love to. To hear about places far away from his little Inn from someone who had experienced it first hand? That would be the best. "I wouldn't mind." Shigetoshi said after a second to compose himself. It wouldn't be good for him to trow himself all over the customer with his excitement. He was a professional. As the other began to glance down the hallway, Shigetoshi got the hint.He had a job to do. And he was feeling the time of night a little himself too.

"I can show you to your room if you would like. It's down the other hallway in the back, close to a hot spring. All hot springs are public use. Though if there is a request we do cordon off one for the women folk to use away from the men." Shigetoshi slipped out from behind the counter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
Avatar of PopeAlessandros


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With a nod Tatsuki murmurs a “Thank you.” before following the young man down the hall. The smell coming off the hot springs is strong, but not strong enough to completely mask the smell of the varnish on the wooden walls, or the scents carried on the faint breeze that floats in through a slightly cracked open window. Once they reach his room Tatsuki looks Shigetoshi once more in the eye and murmurs, “Good night, Shigetoshi-san. Sweet dreams.” With that he slides the door to his room open behind his back and stops into the room smoothly, closing the door after him. A faint yawn makes it's way past his lips and he raises a hand to cover his moth as he turns to look at the room.

His ears follow the Inn owner's footsteps as he walks away and his eyes trail over the room taking in it's beauty. A large comfy futon is folded up along the left wall with a soft pillow and thick blanket set atop it. On the wall itself is a elaborate scene from some battle long ago outlined in sakura blossoms and branches. The window on the wall opposite is a classic sliding design with a circle pattern in it and black cross bars. A small dresser sits against the right hand wall, made of dark woods and the bottom part painted a tactful bright red to match the rest of the room.

Stretching he turns dresser atop which lay the promise kimono, folded neatly with the obi draped across it. Setting his socks and shoes down next to the dresser he lays a hand gently on the soft fabric and feels a little jolt as his mind is flooded with old memories. He bites a lip, dripping his hand to his side. “I really need sleep I think.” He says to the silent room. Shucking off his clothing he drops it all in a heap by the dresser and lays out the futon and settles atop it, wrapping himself in the blanket tightly. The soft pillow quickly does it's work and his mind slows to a crawl. In no time, he passes into the world of dreams.


The next morning Tatsuki wakes to the sound of birds at his window, and sunbeams trailing across his covers. Rolling over a few times he eventually convinces himself to get out out of the warm little bundle he'd rolled himself into. Standing he makes his way to the window, and after cracking it open an inch to check that no one is there, throws it open to let the chilly morning air shock him completely awake. “Ah, nothing like a frosty breeze to get the blood pumping!” He declares softy to himself, then shuts the window tight. After donning his Kimono, taking a few extra minutes than necessary because he needed to recall how to tie the obi, he makes his way out of the room and towards the smell of food. 'Smells like breakfast is still on' He hums softly at the smell of fried rice and eggs.

Upon entering the community eating area, he swiftly locates the food and makes a beeline for it. He does his best to ignore the stares he's getting from the rest of the patrons, the females especially. He can feel hole boring into his back as he scoops up a serving and makes his way to a corner of the room. He tries to scout the room for his target, who is defiantly there, but almost as soon as he sits down a few of the other patron some over and try to strike up a conversation with him. He eats slowly, replying only when necessary and always with short answers. After a few minutes he spots Shigetoshi walk into the room and casts a faint smile followed by a pleading glance in his direction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shigetoshi was more than happy to lead the way. He enjoyed this part of the job. It was tomorrow morning he was dreading. He'd have to be up early to start the fires in the kitchen and get the food prepared and cooking before anyone even awoke. When the patron thanked him Shigetoshi turned to go. He was stopped by one last addition, the young man wished him a good night and sweet dreams. The young Innkeeper flushed and stammered out a reply. Then he kicked himself mentally. Moron. He needed to get a grip before they met again in the morning. He didn't need to be distracted by his customers, even if they weren't bad looking. Mind on task.

In the morning, Shigetoshi had got an early start as he had planned. He got the fires up, the rice cooking and the miso reheating. The seaweed and the vegetables were already prepared for the meal. All that was left was to start the tamagoyaki, or the omelets. Fare at the Inn wasn't fancy, he didn't serve any fish for it was too expensive to have for breakfast and he wasn't close enough to the ocean to get it cheap, or get it himself. He also looked over the hot springs for any debris invading the carefully cultivated landscape and checked the water temperature. It was common for one pool to get too hot on occasion, so he always made sure they were safe and blocked off any if they were not.

After he laid out breakfast, the earliest of the risers appeared. The elder couple, the Inoues. They were followed shortly by Mr. Yamazaki and one of the Fujiwara sisters. Shigetoshi ducked his head as he served meals to hide a smile. It appeared as if the widow might not be widowed for much longer. The two married Fujiwara sisters came in not much later, talking loudly about their families. The Ito family was a bit later, but with their entrance, Shigetoshi had to run back into the kitchen to fetch more food. When he came back he noticed that everyone was no accounted for.

Shigetoshi soon finds himself being hailed by the Ito family. The father launches into his plans for the day, which involve checking out. Shigetoshi agrees to make all the necessary arrangements and secretly he is relieved. The Ito children were allowed to wander and to get into everything. As it was, he wasn't making any money off the Ito family. When he is finally able to peel himself away he's noticed some of the patrons have already left. He turns around to see if Tatsuki still needed "rescuing" from the overly friendly Fujiwara sisters, the married ones.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shigetoshi is hailed by another patron and Tatsuki's pleading eyes “fall on blind eyes” so to speak. He follows the young owner's movements for a few seconds before dropping his gaze back down to his meal with a deep sigh. One of the girls seems to think that he wants more attention because she shuffles to sit down right next to him. “What's the matter Tatsuki-kun? You sound like you're suffering from a broken heart or something.” She practically coos at him as the other girl her sister as he's gathered from listening to them talk. With his head still down he rolls his eyes so they can't see it before responding automatically.

“No. No broken heart, just an overworked spirit.” His voice reflects his words perfectly, sounding very much the aged being he is. The two girls almost seem to shiver, responding to the line far too strongly. Tatsuki surmises that their hubbys must not pay them enough attention. Being the most personal and honest thing he's said about himself thus far, the girls clamor for more about his burdened soul and what makes it so overworked. He gives them a few more overly poetic lines and watches as they seem to get completely taken in. After a few minutes he notices Shigetoshi diverting his attention in his direction and without another word he stands.

The girls object in rather whiny tones which grate on him a bit. Reaching up to scratch his ear with his free hand, he makes his way to the young innkeeper’s side. His lips curl up into a sincere smile as he reaches the boy. “Ohayou, Shigetoshi-san.” He murmurs. His eyes glide over the tables where a few of the guests have left their dishes. Gesturing to them with his free hand he says, “Allow me help you clean up.” He jerks his head slightly to indicate the girls now getting to their feet, their eyes still locked on Tatsuki's back and adds, “Please.” in a slightly pointed tone. Without waiting for a response he moves off towards one of the tables just as the girls get close enough to try and strike up a conversation again. He rolls his eyes openly while facing away from them as he hears dual sounds of disappointment from them.

As a shinigami, Tatsuki has very little opportunity in his existence to learn to relate to someone attracted to him. Before he became a shinigami he knows he had romantic relationships, but those memories are rather faded now. He was told early on after becoming what he is now that some emotions should be avoided to make the job easier. In the case of attraction he understands very well how it could cause problems. If one was to become involved with a target, the shinigami would be torn about taking the soul and may fail in their duties, or worse, fight to stop others from doing it for them. Tatsuki has become rather skilled over the years at avoiding situations that may elicit such feelings, however it bothers him to no end how some humans seem to become infatuated over something as simple as a pretty face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shigetoshi suppressed a smile as Tatsuki indeed still needed "rescuing". The younger man practically had to peel the married Fujiwara sisters off in order to make it to Shigetoshi's side. The Innkeeper noticed though, the faces the the sisters made. As if it was his fault or something. His preference wasn't known and the young man was a patron and therefore off limits. Anyways, the chances were that Tatsuki did swung his way were slim to none, just how it should be. He didn't need a more complicated life.

"Good morning." Shigetoshi greeted back. "Thanks." The Innkeeper adds as the younger man scoops up a few dishes with the offer to help. He didn't even have to add in the distressed 'please' to be allowed to do so. Though this time Shigetoshi didn't hold back a chuckle. When the trio started to get into the complicated avoidance dance, Shigetoshi decided it was time to step in, if only to keep the harmony of the Inn intact.

"Fujiwara-san and Fujiwara-san." Shigetoshi slipped between the two women and their target. "You two are still planning on making lunch today, correct?"

Caught in the trap of politeness the married women couldn't do anything but agree, that yes, they had planned on helping with lunch. Shigetoshi beamed. "Great." He sidestepped to keep between them and Tatsuki. "The Ito family is going to check out before lunch, so that's four people we don't have to cook for. However, there is the new guest, so it still adds up to eight people, plus enough for anyone who shows up at lunch time."

The two sisters exchanged looks. Shigetoshi wondered what that meant for him. However he. himself, was saved as the widowed Fujiwara sister came up with Mr. Yamazaki. The widow thankfully gathered her sisters, leaving Shigetoshi, Tatsuki, and Mr. Yamazaki behind.

"Need any help?" Mr. Yamazaki asked, obviously spotting Tatsuki helping out.

Shigetoshi looked around, and upon seeing most of the dishes already taken care off, shook his head. "I think it's already been taken care of, thank you though." Shigetoshi and Mr. Yamazaki exchanged a bow as the latter left. Shigetoshi shook his head again, this time at the memory of the married Fujiwara sisters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
Avatar of PopeAlessandros


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Moving quickly across the room, Tatsuki quickly scoops up the dishes closest to the sisters. As soon as he's far enough away he slows down. He keeps one ear turned in the direction of them as an early warning system should they try and corner him, but a faint smile crosses his lips as he hears the voice of the young innkeeper from their general direction. 'I owe that boy From his tone I can tell he's running interfearance for me' Glancing over to the small groups he smirks as he watches the skillful blocking move of the kimono clad youth. 'He's a good lad' Almost without thinking he balences all the dishes on one hand, stacking them rather high.

By the time he notices that he's doing something rather odd the room is clear of all but he and Shigetoshi. Looking over at the young man he catches his eye and smiles. Scooping up the last of the dishes he weaves through the room, the high stack looking unusually steady for being held the way he's holding it. Stopping a few paces short of the young man he gives him a little bow with a grateful smile. “Thank you Shigetoshi-san. You didn't have to got out of your way like that, and I am in your debt.” Glancing over at the stack he inquires, “Where should I bring these? I would very much like to see the kitchen before I try my hand at cooking in it.” He chuckles slightly and follows the innkeeper.

As they walk Tatsuki keeps a step behind Shigetoshi but he shifts the stack to his other hand so there nothing between them. “I was thinking of heading into town tonight and picking up some ingredients. I'll need to check the cooler to see how much room there is for my meats and such.” Once they reach the kitchen Tatsuki wanders over to the sink and carefully breaks the stack into smaller ones and puts them next to it. The kitchen has a few modern touches, like a refrigerator and an overhead light, but much of the cookware is traditional. The bamboo utensils make Tatsuki smile. [i]'After spending so much time in the modern world of metals and plastics, this is a comforting change to what I once knew. Turning to Shigetoshi he smiles warmly.

“This place takes me back. I was in a kitchen like this once, maybe a touch bigger, in a palace several years ago. He was a minor lord, but it still felt so grand.” Looking around his eyes soften. “This place feels warmer however. More inviting.” He rolls his eyes at his own sentimentality and grins sheepishly at the young innkeeper. “Forgive me if I ramble.” The smells from breakfast still permeate the room, and Tatsuki takes a deep breath, letting them sink into his mind. He wants to keep this place in his memory, and smell is the best for that. Leaning against the counter beside the sink he examines everything in view, calculating what he can make with what he has access to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
Avatar of Blue Demon

Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shigetoshi turned to Tatsuki after Mr. Yamazaki left. He sees the younger man smile and can't help but return it.

"I see you've managed to make this a lively place." The Innkeeper can't help but comment. Other than the Ito children everything had been normal and boring, one might say. For Shigetoshi it was just how he liked it. Though he couldn't deny the added thrill of breakfast having to come to the rescue of the newest patron. "It wasn't a problem. No debt involved." He chuckled. "And the kitchen is this way," He gestured to the door he had come through earlier. "I can show you."

The Innkeeper picked up the rest of the dishes before leading the way down the skinny corridor. They really couldn't walk side by side, but close enough to make Shigetoshi aware of their close proximity. He was glad when they reached the kitchen and he could move away a little. Shigetoshi lets the other man go to the sink first before adding the last of the dishes to the pile.

"Thanks." He said with a smile. "Though the closes village is a ways away by foot. The coolers are over in the corner. If you want to make it back by dinner time, you probably better head out here as soon as you can." Shigetoshi kind of trailed off when he noticed Tatsuki's distant look. Though that was explained when the younger man began talking again. Shigetoshi smiled at the sheepish grin.

"No, it's fine. I've lived up here my whole life. I love to hear everyone's stories and experiences. It feel as if I too have been there. Or at least I can see things as they see them." Shigetoshi paused as Tatsuki leans against the counter and gets another far away look. "Um, I have to check out the Ito Family. If you'll be okay in here...?" Shigetoshi looked towards the main door to the kitchen, the one that didn't lead to the dining room. If the younger man need anything else, Shigetoshi would wait, but he'd rather not have the Ito's made at him for delaying them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Hearing the boy's questioning tone Tatsuki turns with a smile and gives him a little bow. “Indeed, I shall take stock of the place, maybe get a feel for it. Then I shall be off to the town.” He rises from his bow, still smiling wide. “Thanks you again Shigetoshi-san. Despite what you believe, what is nothing to one, can mean the world to another.” He closes his eyes into the smile then turns to the kitchen at large. He moves through the opens space between the outer appliances and the large central preparation table. Despite breakfast happening not too long ago, the area is surprisingly clean. 'I wonder how he keeps things so tidy with so little time to do everything. Perhaps he cleans as he goes?' He smirks at a vision in his head of Shigetoshi, several extra arms coming out of him at odd angles to do all of his work at once.

Shaking his head he moves over to the fridge and pulls it open. The cool are sends a chill down his spine and his brows furrow while he examines the contents. 'More than enough for everybody. He must have someone deliver his goods. I don't see young Shigetoshi hauling back huge bulging sacks of food on his back every time he gets a sudden influx of guests' He takes stock of the veggies and meats, mostly fish, and with a nod he decides what he wants to cook. Decision made he swings the door closed and makes his way out of the kitchen. Moving in long strides he turns slightly as he passes the older man from earlier. With a little smile he breezes past and ducks into his room. Staying only long enough to scoop up his money purse, he's soon outside and on the road to the town.

The fresh cool air ruffles his hair as he makes his way out of sight of the Inn. As soon as he's sure no one can see him he walks off the road and into a stand of bamboo. “This stuff is so nostalgic.” he mutters before opening a rip in space and walks through. The roadways between spaces in the world are rather dull and colorless, stretching on for miles in every direction. The only thing breaking the endless horizon is the occasional sign post. Placed there for beginners, Tatsuki ignores them as he walks down one of the droll paths until he reaches where he wants to go. 'The walk to town on the real road would have been prettier, but I don't want to be rushed, or miss dinner all together' Reminding himself not to get back too early he raises his hand.

Pressing his fingers to the air in front of him as if there's something invisible to touch there he looks out into the world to check for anyone around. Once the way is clear he steps out into another stand of bamboo. However this particular patch is less than a five minute casual walk from the village. Stepping out from between the tall stalks he smirks as a passing group of village girls let out a series of yelps of dismay at his sudden appearance and rush past him. Following their path as they snuffle off his gaze moves past them, trailing up over the trees, and finally settling on the mountain barely visible over the canopy. 'I don't know why, but a part of me weeps when I think of how what I did is just part of my every day life, while a little boy at the foot of a mountain, having lived his life never going further than his feet can take him, would be overjoyed to see even two more towns over' The faint tug in his chest makes him sigh. Turning away from the mountain, he tucks his hands in his sleeves across his chest and walks slowly into town.


The first touches of twilight begin to set in as Tatsuki returns to the Inn with his groceries. Not wanting to run into either the sister or the young Innkeeper, he waits until he's sure the kitchen is completely clear before walking strait in from the roadways. 'I don't need those sisters delaying me. I want to get some spring time in before dinner, and Shigetoshi would probably want to help me carry this stuff. He's busy enough as it is' He tries to reason with himself as he slides up to the fridge with several bags attached to one arm and a several large wrapped pork strips in the other. Placing most of the stuff in the fridge, he puts the rest in the pantry. 'This should be tasty tonight. I hope they like it' Hunting down a sheet of paper and writing utensil, most likely used to write down what the inn needs when the keeper took stoke he guessed, Tatsuki writes a little note that he'll be going to the hot spring, and that Shigetoshi should come get him there when it's time to start cooking dinner.

Tacking it to the prep table with a small cooking knife the Shinigami makes his way back to his room to change into a soaking towel. As soon as he's ready he snatches up a drying towel and makes his way tot he hot spring. His eyes narrow and he peeks in to check for other bathers. Spying none he relaxes, a faint smile on his lips. 'Thank the gods that those women aren't about. I can see the whole mess now' Looking down at his fit, attractive body, Tatsuki considers making himself look older or more homely. After a second of contemplation he casts the idea aside and sets his towel on a rock at the edge of the area. 'Nah, I'm comfortable in this. Most Shinigami have fun messing with their looks for each case. I like the way I looked in life' With a nod to nobody about his decision he moves past the lush foliage around the spring and sits down beside it. As his legs slide into the steamy waters he lets out a long sigh and his eye flutter shut. A faint moan escapes his lips as he slips slowly into the water, coming to settle atop a fairly flat stone right along the edge beneath the surface. Leaning back, he lets the spring work it's magic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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"You're welcome." Shigetoshi said sounding slightly confused by what Tatsuki said, but assumed it was a compliment. Or at least he hoped it was. With Tatsuki just fine in the kitchen, Shigetoshi headed out to the main counter. Mr. Ito is already waiting for the Innkeeper and the young man hurries up a little so he doesn't make him wait more. The family man is eager to get going because he wants to check out right then. However Shigetoshi has to bid him to wait.

"I'm terribly sorry for the delay. But I haven't had a chance to tally your final total. If you could wait but a few minutes, I'll have it to you as soon as possible." The harried Innkeeper said finally. Mr. Ito frowned, but finally nodded his head. Wiping the mental sweat from his brow Shigetoshi did the calculations as fast as he could. The young business owner came up with a total, double check it, wrote it down and passed it to Mr. Ito. The other man looked at the total than back at Shigetoshi. The look in the other's eyes was all the warning Shigetoshi needed. Mr. Ito was going to contest the total.

About an hour later the Ito family finally left. Shigetoshi slumped down onto the counter and groaned. Elsewhere he could hear the Fujiwara sisters laughing. The Asian sighed out a thousand years worth of happiness in one go. He had broken even on the Ito family despite his best try to earn some money. The father was a penny pinching scoundrel. He wouldn't take responsibility for anything his children did. What was the world coming to?

"Tough time?"

Shigetoshi looked up into the the crevice filled face of Mr. Inoue. The older man was smiling gently. "I cannot say I am sorry to see those four go." Shigetoshi picked himself off the counter and made a noncommittal noise. It wasn't good to talk ill about customers, even if they had paid and gone. Mr. Inoue seemed to pick up on that and dropped the subject. "I was wondering if you were free, I need your help."

Shigetoshi nodded his head. He reached under the counter and pulled out his tools and followed Mr. Inoue back to his room. By the time he was finished repairing, it was after lunch. Thankfully the Fujiwara sisters had taken care of that as promised. They even saved him some food since he had missed the main meal. The married sisters did take advantage of him and quiz him about Tatsuki. At first he had tried to keep Tatsuki's privacy, but they had ways of interrogation that would make the Shogunate and the Samurai envious.

After they got every possible ounce of information out of him, which wasn't much, he was able to escape. He busied himself by cleaning rooms, both occupied and unoccupied. He checked the hot springs water temperature and for cleanliness. By the time the sun began to sink below the horizon, Shigetoshi was tired. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night, mainly because of Tastuki's late arrival. Though he didn't pay that any attention. He was more worried about Tatsuki. Was he back? Did he get there okay? If he had been quick, the younger man should be back soon. Letting his worry move him, Shigetoshi went to Tatsuki's room, then the kitchen. He was in neither place. Then he saw a small paper pinned to the table with a knife.

The black haired man drifted over and pulled out the knife after seeing his name. He smiled a little at the note and his worry went away. He was back and safe. He didn't have to go after the other man. It was a relief. He can't resist, at this point, poking around the kitchen to see what had been procured for dinner. He's a little dismayed at the quality of ingredients and amount of meat. He mentally tallied how much it would have cost and how much he needed to give back to Tatsuki for reimbursement. The Inn wasn't wealthy and neither was Shigetoshi. Though he would make due. After all, it was better to make the customers happy. He'll just be a little more frugal in the future.

Shigetoshi washed the rest of the dishes left over from lunch and made sure everything was in order before going to fetch Tatsuki. He opened the door to the public hot spring with enough noise to alert anyone of his presence. "Tatsuki-san?" Shigetoshi asks as he steps into the cool dark outside.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The night sky overhead proves to be almost as soothing as the spring itself as the familiar constellations bring about a bout of nostalgia. 'The memories are so faint. But I can remember watching the stars. I remember a warm body at my side as we picked out the known constellations.' He chuckles aloud, 'And made up a few of our own. Of course, back then, the constellations were a bit different. It was so long ago. . . .' So lost in his memories, Tatsuki doesn't feel the time slip right by him. He startles slightly as he hears his name being called. 'Huh, mus be time to cook dinner already' He muses, turning to look over his shoulder. His eyes cut through the light darkness, the lamps around the hot spring having not been lit yet.

As his eye fall on the figure of the innkeeper Tatsuki smiles slightly. 'He's such a good lad' He chuckles again at his own old man sounding thoughts before calling out, “Over here Shigetoshi-san.” Standing he climbs carefully out of the soothing waters into the somewhat chilly evening are. The coldness is much less around the pool than on the outside of the inn due to the steam and heat coming off the water's surface, however Tatsuki still shivers as he makes his way over to where his towel is. Scooping it up off the rock he quickly removes his soaking cloth and wraps his towel firmly around his waist. Turning he smiles at Shigetoshi. “Time to cook already?” He looks down at his state of undress and his smile widens. Locking gazes with the boy again he adds, “I suppose I should put on something a little less comfortable, no?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Shigetoshi called for the younger man once more before he saw something in the darkness move. The young Innkeeper made a mental note to make sure all the lanterns were lit at night, so no one slipped and fell. When Tatsuki called back, the Asian was finally able to pinpoint where the other man was. Of course that was also the instant said other man stood up. Now, Shigetoshi wasn't a prude. He had seen people naked before. But this time was by surprise. The Innkeeper was suddenly happy it was dark so the other couldn't see how flushed he had gotten.

"Yes." Shigetoshi replied to the question. He prided himself that his voice was normal sounding, and now even his embarrassment slipped away. Even when Tatsuki draws attention to the towel covering him, Shigetoshi is able to smile. "I should hope you'd want to. Although Mrs. Fujiwara and Mrs. Fujiwara would love you without it." Shigetoshi wiggled his eyebrows at the guest, barely able to keep from laughing. The mental image he had conjured was hilarious.

"Sorry though." Shigetoshi added. "For not lighting the lanterns." The stars were nice and all, but it was dangerous without more light. "I guess I got caught up in cleaning. I'll make sure if you want to come out later that they're all lit." In fact, that was going to be what he'd do right before everyone was done with dinner. It wasn't safe to have the lanterns lit without supervision, they were only paper after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Tatsuki smiles warmly as his shinigami sight allows him to see the other man perfectly through the darkness. 'I did not mean to make him uncomfortable. I simply forgot about the covering myself for a moment. However I'm glad Shigetoshi-san seems to have enjoyed the peek' He lets out a very audible groan at the thought of those clinging sisters getting a look at him in just a towel. “Don't even joke about that Shigetoshi-san, it's just too terrifying.” His tone is low and half joking, but he manages to pull a very haunted look at the thought. When the innkeeper mentions the lanterns Tatsuki looks around the area, seeing everything just fine with his enhanced sight. His eyes move back to the young man before him and he gives him a reassuring look.

“Don't worry Shigetoshi-san, I was in no danger. My night vision is very good.” With that the towel clad man walks towards the door leading out of the hot spring area. As he draws even with Shigetoshi he stops, leaning close so he can whisper in conspiratorial tones. “Besides, it's easier to hide from prying eyes and view the beauty of the heavens when they are the only lights to touch your eyes and flesh.” Giving the young man a wink he continues towards the door. As he slides it open, flooding the area just inside the spring with artificial light he calls over his shoulder, “I'll get changed and head to the kitchen. The meal shouldn't take too long to make so if you like I can help you set out the dishes for the other guests while the sauces set!”

Slipping out of the spring are Tatsuki makes his way as quickly as possible to his room. Visions of the scary sisters practically put wings on his feet and he mutters a brief apology as he darts past an elderly woman who simply blushes in response. As soon as he's in his room he mostly drys his hair and pulls his bang back, clipping them in place so they will be out of the way while he cooks. As soon as he's ready he makes his way to the kitchen, taking the long way to avoid the sisters who are heading to the hot spring. As soon as he reaches the kitchen he pulls out the meat, veggies, and all the tools he'll need and sets to work. His movements are precise and quick, his hands seeming to move faster than humanly possible at times.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Shigetoshi couldn't help but chuckle at Tatsuki's response to his words. The younger man looked properly horrified by the idea. Which was indeed a horrifying concept. When the younger man got closer, Shigetoshi's breath caught. He suddenly remembered the other without the towel and had to resist leaning in or moving backwards. When Tatsuki kept moving in Shigetoshi was immediately concious of his own appearance. Even though it was dark he probably smelled of cleaning supplies and wasn't all the clean. He needed his own dip in a hot spring.

Shigetoshi blinked as the younger man pulls back and heads for the door back inside. The absence was acute and the innkeeper shoved the thought away. He was not lonely out here and he was not entertaining the idea of... no. "That's a good idea." Shigetoshi forced himself to say. When the door slides closed the man sighed in relief. He took a moment for himself before heading back inside to clean up a little and head to the kitchen. By the time he arrived at his first destination, he was able to control himself. Though he was properly annoyed at himself. He wasn't a horny teenager anymore. He was an adult, aged twenty four years at that.

Shigetoshi stripped, took a bath in the spring, taking extra care to make sure his hands were free of the cleaning chemicals. When he was done he pulled himself out of the warmth, dried off and changed out of his cleaning clothes. He headed out to the kitchen to check on Tatsuki and to see what time dinner would be ready. When he found that out, he'd let his guests know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Cracking several eggs into a bowl he whips them with one hand while dropping in spices with the other. Scooping up some leeks he chopped up into fine splinters he adds those too to the egg mix before moving over to the stove with a twirl. 'They had a nice selection for such a small village. This should turn out very good' Setting the egg mixture down he sets to work on the breading for the meat. 'A little of this, and some of that for a bite' His mind casts about as he works, recalling where he learned each move. Cooking became a passion for him some time ago when he came tot he realization that it is a way to stay connected. 'Though time may pass, and kingdoms fall, cooking is something that not even the harsh mistress of memory can erase. From the first man putting meat on a stick over an open flame, we have learned and grown by what we eat, and how it's prepared'

Feeling a little nostalgic he doesn't notice the young innkeeper right away. The breading finished he moves back to the prep table and picks up a filleting knife. The blade cuts through the meat like butter, separating the strips of gristle and such before cutting them into hunks about the size of his palm. “There should be one for each person, and that would make. . .” He casts about to make sure he remembers how many people are at the inn correctly but the boy's proximity makes him pause. Looking up at Shigetoshi he smiles. “Oh, forgive me, I didn't see you there.” His hands bend back to the task at hand and his gaze drops to the cutting board. “You told me that we may need extra. Did anyone else check in or should I make exactly eight?” He glances up for a moment. “Any extra is going into another dish, so I need to know when to stop slicing, and start dicing, heh.” Rolling his eyes at his own bad joke he picks up the tenderizing mallet and begins beating the one's he's already sliced into the right size.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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The young guest was busy when Shigetoshi walked into the kitchen. He hung back next to the door and watched the man work. He was quick and efficient. It was obvious this wasn't the first time he had cooked, or even cooked for so many. Shigetoshi wondered if it because of all the travelling he did. If you traveled more, did you cook more? Shigetoshi also wondered if it was polite to ask. He didn't want to pester the guy about his travels and become like the married Fujiwara sisters. But then again. Tatsuki did say that he wouldn't mind telling the Innkeeper stories about his travels. He wavered about his confliction until the other man noticed him.

Shigetoshi smiled at Tatsuki's apology. "It's okay. If I wanted to have interrupted you, I would have." Taking Tatsuki's awareness of his presence, the Asian moved in closer to watch what was going on. The dish looked quite similar to one of the dishes Shigetoshi had had once. Katsudon, it was called. But the order of the preparation made it obvious it wasn't the same dish. That, and Tatsuki said he would make a foreign dish. Perhaps it was a Chinese dish, since the ingredients were what he was used to.

You told me that we may need extra. Did anyone else check in or should I make exactly eight?

Shigetoshi looked up from what Tatsuki was doing and nodded his head. "No one else checked in. It's okay to just make eight." He smiled at the guest and his joke. Or Shigetoshi assumed it was supposed to be a joke by Tatsuki's eye roll. Shigetoshi watched the guest use the mallet for a few second before he asked the original question which had sent him here in the first place.

"Do you know when dinner will be ready?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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When Shigetoshi tells him that he only needs eight he nods and finishes pounding up the already cut ones and pulls the hunk of pork back towards him. Slicing off tow more strips he sets them aside and begins cutting the rest of the meat into cubes. He pauses for only a second to calculate out how long it will take him to finish cooking before picking up the mallet again and beating the last two slices. “Well, that depends on whether or not you can lend a hand after telling the guests the time.” He casts a glance as Shigetoshi and flashes a smile. “If you can help, twenty minutes, and if you can't, thirty-five.” With another faint smile he places a knife and some tall stalks of celery to the side and goes back to cubing the pork. “See you when you get back Shigetoshi-san.”

Doing his best to suppress a chuckle he begins dipping the tenderized meat in the egg mixture before rolling them in the breading. 'Something tells me that he's not going to let me do this all by myself. He's such a good host, and it's kind of obvious that he doesn't like burdening his guests' Throwing the breaded meat in a pan of oil to fry he starts up another pan to cook the cubes in. While it heats up he pulls out a large pot and fills it with water. From his supplies he pulls out several lobster claws and sets then next to the pot of water. While the water works on boiling he pulls out a few sauce pans to begin on those. 'I hope they all like these dishes. I've known a few people who baulked at foreign food' Strong and pleasant smells of cooking food begin permeating the kitchen and Tatsuki takes in a deep breath. “This will be good.” He murmurs to himself and sets about mixing his sauces.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Having been supplied with a time frame Shigetoshi bids Tatsuki goodbye for the moment and heads out to inform the guests when dinner would be ready. He gives the young guest a bit of leeway and add a few minutes to the estimate, just in case. The Fujiwara sisters, the married one, were thrilled that dinner was being made by Tatsuki. They pulled Shigetoshi into their room and quizzed him on what was being made. Since he really had no idea other than what he had seen he was only able to tell them about the breaded pork. For some reason this seemed to disappoint them. Perhaps it was too similar to Japanese cuisine? When the sisters finally released Shigetoshi he hurried back to the kitchen. He would be happy when he stopped being in the middle of whatever that was.

"Still want my help?" Shigetoshi asked as he stepped into the kitchen rolling up the selves of his outfit. He smiled crookedly at the guest before moving closer to see what was being done. He had been gone for a fair amount of time so he wasn't sure if there was much else to be done, if anything. "Or do you have everything taken care of?" He found himself slightly disappointed at the prospect and gave himself a mental kick. Again, he wasn't a love struck teen. He needed to get over himself and stop acting only a little better than the married Fujiwara sisters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Tatsuki works quickly, humming to himself softly to keep his rhythm. 'Just to be on the safe side, I won't go too exotic, but I'm sure it will be okay' In his head he begins going over all his dishes, marking down what he's making, what is done for each dish, and what still needs to be done. 'Cutlets are fried, and their mushroom sauce topping as well as the shredded beats on stuffing to go on the side of them. I still need those noodles to finish boiling for the pasta dish, and the sauce still needs diced celery. I can have Shigetoshi do that when he gets back since they need to be added right near the end of cooking and I'm not quite there yet' He casts about real quick to locate the innkeeper and chuckles as he finds him surrounded by the girls who had him pinned earlier in the day. 'Too bad I can't go rescue him, then we could be a little more even'

Placing one of the sauces on the back burner to simmer he moves over to the pan with the cubed pork in it. 'Keeping these evenly cooked but not over cooked isn't easy, but they are coming along nicely' His hand flies over the pan as he sprinkles in some flavoring. The flavoring lands on the meat and in the butter surrounding it, turning the yellow liquid faintly orange as he tilts the pan around, mixing in the seasoning. He begins flipping the cubes just as he feels Shigetoshi walk in. 'Ah, perfect timing' he thinks with a smile. Without missing a beat in his flipping he responds to the boy's inquiry while keeping his eyes on he meat sizzling in the pan. “You most certainly can help. That celery on the table, I need it diced, about five stalks should be good, them stirred into that red sauce on the back burner.” Slipping around Shigetoshi he checks the noodles and with a nod moves on to the sauce for the final dish.

“Once you’re done with that it will need to simmer a few more minutes. While it's doing that I need the noddles here drain and placed on the table so I can finish up on them, and after that, if you could take that red lettuces and make little bowels with the leaves for this last dish here.” He pauses a moment and glances over at Shigetoshi. “Just take three of the leaves, lay them on atop the other in a circular fashion without laving a gap in the middle. I set out separate plates for them. We'll need one bowel per group, so four or five depending on if you will consent to eat with me so as to keep me from getting cornered again.” he adds that last part with a smile and turns back to the thick mixture in the pot before him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Shigetoshi was more than willing to chop celery and stir it into a red sauce. He shifted closer to the preparation table and looks over the table. Most everything is ready he noticed. There's only a few things left to do. The young Innkeeper is impressed. He had honestly thought dinner would be late tonight because of Tatsuki's late start in cooking. However, he was quite happy to be pleasantly surprised. The smell that permeated the kitchen was delicious and he hoped the food tasted as good. After all it would be his first taste of what life would be like off the mountain. (No pun intended)

"Alright." Shigetoshi agreed to the orders and set to work. "I can eat with you." He added as he registered what Tatsuki had meant with the last part. He smiled easily. "It might work both ways." He winked and grabbed a knife to begin chopping. It only took him a matter of seconds to chop the celery and add it to the appointed pot. He had been cooking for years and a simple chop didn't phase him. It was simply a matter of letting his body take over a action it had done a million times. When he dropped the last slice of celery into the pot he gave it a quick stir and smiled a little at Tatsuki before slipping off to prepare the plates with the leaves. Wrapping things in lettuce wasn't uncommon, he was beginning to wonder how similar the world outside was to his on the mountain. But since it was practically the only familiar thing that was around, Shigetoshi didn't think it would be very similar. Again he wondered if Tatsuki really was serious when he offered to tell about his travels, after all, they'd be eating together.

"All done." Shigetoshi proclaimed as he stepped back to make sure everything was in order. All the plates were laid out with appointed bowls. The innkeeper frowned as he mentally pictured the eating arrangements in the dining room. He'd have to move tables. He sighed and looked over at Tatsuki. "Are you almost done? I should probably go rearrange the tables."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Casting a grateful smile over his shoulder Tatsuki gives him a nod. “Yup, almost finished.” Concentrating on the food on the stove for a minute as soon as he's sure Shigetoshi is out of the room, the shinigami goes back to moving at rather supernatural speeds. His hands and body are almost a blur as he does the final set-up for dinner, and all the while he hums to himself. When at last he is finished he begins dishing everything out. 'Cutlets next to the stuffing with shredded beats and fried green beans, Alfredo on a bed of red lettuce with fresh chives over the top, and last but not least, Au gratin next to some cheesy mashed potatoes and a bowl of my own personal creation, the red dipping sauce, all lightly crisscross with the celery and tomato sauce with Italian spices' Looking proudly down at his creation he looks everything over with a critical eye, shifting a few things here and there so they look better before finally letting out a sigh and stepping back.

“Looks good.” He murmurs. With a nod he looks around to find the serving boards. It takes him a few seconds but at last he finds a couple next to the fridge. 'Well, this is definitely helping me feel better. There's nothing like cooking to make you feel fulfilled' The dishes all fit perfectly on both boards and as soon as he's done filling them he moves over to the sink to wash up. 'I must have set some sort of speed record with that potato mashing. I'm just glad the masher I bought held up to that rapid movement' Turning around Tatsuki dries his hands on a cloth and looks over the mess he made. 'Ah well, I can just help Shigetoshi-san clean up later' With another contented sigh he leans against the sink, setting the cloth aside and crossing his arms while he waits for the young innkeeper. 'And I must remember to let him know about dessert so we can serve it up at the right time'
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