Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Once Nieldun was sure the others had all left, he let his guard down and allowed his parentage to truly shine. His purple eyes became glowing red, magnificent curling red horns extended from his head, batlike wings emerged and his teeth became fangs. He approached the cage and looked the beast right in the eye.

And the Fiend, for the first time stopped assaulting the bars and slowly started to back down, though the cage prevented it from running. It was definitely scared, who knows how it would react in front of a demon, or maybe an archdemon.

"Thank you my lord!" The Grandmaster said smiling to Nieldun. "I mean this as no insult, but probably anyone would be scared by you right now." He said and smiled.

"We will send those orders for the weaponry as soon as we can!" He says. "May you have a safe trip, King Nieldun!"


And when home he came, a raid was given on the troops guarding the borders, but it wasn't rogue Wolasran soldiers, it was a small band of Domani riders, raining arrows on the Sequini forces.

As soon as the Sequini soldiers recover from the shock, they charge their own cavalry at them and follow them, however, no word came of this pursuing force, it as if it had vanished in thin air.

Result: Domani Minor Victory


Tar Sequinus: 1000 spearmen, 800 swordsmen, 600 archers, 800 cavalry(Missing in action, presumed dead).

Domani: No dead, a few wounded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Nieldun brought his guard back up and looked human again. "No offense taken. We should look for lore to see how demons and shadows have interacted in the past to see if it is a learned fear or instinctual. I'll let you know if I find anything. Best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you." With that, Nieldun returned to his bodyguards and went home to Nastrond.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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However, only days later a host of 60.000 troops arrive in Kamran in Ashkanian, though seemingly with no ill intention. They belonged to the Shogun of Sha'an Tzien and claimed they came in support of them with the Shadows.

Another force of around 60.000 as well came to Shag Ekur, they belonged to the vassals of the Sha'an Tzien also claiming they have arrived to help. However, when both cities opened their gates, they stormed the cities slaughtered the garrison and took control of the cities.

With their fall in leadership, the Order of the Shadows retreats to Delaram with whatever forces still remained with them and sent word for the populace to grab arms and resist the invaders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

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Khan Isand Noyan sat back in his throne. The man was right - there was little chance that they would be seen as anything but savages. But whether or not, they must be seen as at the very least willing to try diplomacy.
"I am aware they will not receive us, Nõuandja Graf." The aged Khan responded in his slow, careful voice "But we must prove we are not the savages they claim we are. We shall send diplomats to some of the major cities in the Region. We should go to Tar Sequinus, Nastrond, Sylvannyr and Anqallyt to start with. Send Kujutama Boyar to each of these places in order. If they are willing to receive us, we negotiate. If they refuse, our armies shall show them teach them the mistakes they have made. Our hordes shall arrive the day after his rejection - give them no time to prepare"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Upon the Domani request for negotiations, Nieldun gladly agreed to recieve one. If the Domani were willing to talk, there would probably be no need for fighting. While the Nastrondi were a proud people skilled in the art of war, Nieldun had no desire of trying to duplicate his ancestors' feat of holding off overwhelming numbers with limited men unless he absolutely had to. As such, it would be foolish to offend them. Besides, the Domani could make excellent allies if they were willing. With ancient threats rising up, Nieldun would greatly appreciate working alongside the vast cavalry hordes, since his own people were excellent warriors but not the best horsemen. With Shaan Tzien's betrayal or at the very least, poorly timed aggression, strong allies would be needed. The thought that the Tzieni were allied with the shadows wasn't so unlikely, after all, Nieldun was the direct product of an alliance between human and non-human. With all this in mind, Nieldun ordered the castle to be ready to entertain the diplomat. The tapestries fortunately, depicted great deeds and victories of all the nations on the continent even including the Demons and Shadows so the Domani wouldn't feel left out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Vermiculus saw the Domani messenger and was about to greet him, when he heard news of what had happened to the troops at the border. He glared at the messenger, then ran up to him, grabbed him by the throat and threw him against a wall. "Why?! Why have your people been attacking mine?! Is it war you lot want?!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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While preparations for the negotiations were under way, Nieldun decided that it was in the best interests of humanity to take action against the Shaan Tzien for what they had done. He began the task of assisting the Ashkanians by sending out a letter to Wolastra, Sylvanyr @Legion02, Toran, Airgiallne, Anqallyt @Lauder, Tar Sequinus @Catchphrase, Mtol Darask and Noatun:

Esteemed Fellow Leader,
I write to you because the Shogun of Shaan Tzien has quite possibly betrayed humanity. As you read this, the Ashkanian cities of Kamran and Shag-Ekur are occupied by the Tzieni and their vassals. In light of the recent meeting where the Grandmaster showed that the Shadows were clearly becoming a threat once more, this has rather sinister implications as to the Tzieni motives. Of course, they could simply be near-sighted fools who thought they could capitalize on the threat to Ashkanian and grab as much as they could, thinking they could contain the Shadows despite not actually possessing any weapons that can harm them. As an intelligent individual such as yourself may have guessed, I am requesting that we all send assistance to the Ashkanians. Regardless of whether anyone else helps, I will be sending 100,000 of my own men to fight this menace. Best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you.
Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue of Nastrond

Only four human nations (other than his own and the Ashkanians themselves) were not sent this letter. Vaalgard was not sent the letter because they were in no shape to fight a war, Shaan Tzien and vassals were out for obvious reasons and Nieldun hoped to discuss the matter personally with the emissary sent by the Domani. The Shalorni were excluded for now as they would probably demand to be in charge or underestimate the danger, relations with them were rather chilly. Ashkanian was sent another letter:

Dear Grandmaster,
The foolish treachery of the Tzieni angers me greatly, help is on the way.
Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue of Nastrond

Once the letter writing was done, Nieldun rallied a force of 20,000 veterans and 80,000 of the newer soldiers along with 600 Guardian Devils. Archy was also assigned to this endeavor as it was rather important and the Shadows feared half-demons at the very least. This army was led by Lord Dragonstar. Ahead of them was sent a messenger to Shaan Tzien with a simple message:

Attention Traitors to the Human Race,
Surrender now or face dire consequences.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue

Satisfied that he had taken action, King Nieldun went to go see what his family was up to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun chuckled and with mock-weariness said "No, little one, for the last time, we are not naming the retirement program for our veteran warriors 'Sociopaths Anonymous'."
"But father," said an attractive young lady in her early twenties "it fits so well with their loyalty and questionable moral compass! Also, must you call me little one? I mean really, I'm twenty-three years of age."
Playfully, Nieldun responded "Very well, Meriel Elizabeth Gildedtongue the Third of Nastrond, but you'll always be little one to me." Suddenly he became pensive "You know, now that I think about it, I'd say that you and your two brothers are ready to be shown to the world. It seems as if it grows more dangerous by the day but I can not hide you forever."
Meriel replied "Yes, we probably should get a little more involved in international politics. I mean really, we've been trained for such arenas for all our lives."
Nieldun nodded "Go tell Waldeal and Nasvell. They'll be rather interested to hear this."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Felreich held the letter in his hands, the Sha'an Tzien had betrayed humanity despite what the past told people. The King looked up and shouted out "The army shall mobilize once more!" A force of 30,000 men would move out with the force of 1,000 sun Knights to move against the Sha'an Tzien.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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The leader of Airgiallne responded to Nieldun's letter.

My good lord,

We have no care for such wars at the moment, with the Domani coming from the west and rumors of demons coming along with them, I think it's obvious why I would wish to spare my troops for a much more dangerous fight!

But I so wish you luck in this war, my good king, may win against a nation of fanatics.

With Respect, King of Airgiallne


My good king, my men are sailors, not warriors, you must understand that we wouldn't be of much help, plus with the Shalorni desiring to conquer us, I truly cannot spare any troops.

With Respect, King Markus Northwood, King of Noatun


My Good King

My nation is tens of thousands kilometers away and with the Domani poking around, I can't spare the few troops that I have , so I must apologize for this.

With Deep Regrets, Queen of Wolastra, Queen Marianna

No letter comes is response from the Caliph of Mtol Darask, but the lack of troop movement shows that they will not come to Nieldun's aid. The people of Toran, being pacifists, choose not to enter the war since Sha'an Tzien has not attacked them.

A letter arrived from Ashkanian, signed by the Grandmaster.

Good King Nieldun,

Our Capital was Kamran, where the previous Grandmaster was situated, he has most likely been killed by the Tzieni. Most of our Stygian Iron was there as well. I am the new Grandmaster and I'm thinking of offering peace to the Tzieni, maybe I'll be able to prevent more death that way.

With Respect the Grandmaster of Ashkanian, Antios Blackguard

And lastly, a letter from Sha'an Tzien comes, with the signature of the Shogun himself.

Wise King, Nieldun

I heard you wished to attack us, but tell me, if you were in my place, had you not done the same? Anyway, what I wish to ask of you, ally with us, we are the two strongest powers of our times, so, let us share the continent with one another, our armies will tear both the Shadow Fiends and the Demons apart.

If you accept my offer, then you may have the city of Shag Ekur as a show of my goodwill. However, if you will only say yes so you take the city without bloodshed, then you will regret it.

Since I am afraid this letter might be intercepted by others, I will convene in private overtures to learn of your answer.

With the Deepest Respect, Shogun of Sha'an Tzien


King Felreich

Do not prove me right. Do not attack me now that you have a reason, so please, get your head down from the skies and see logic, a war against me will end up in only misery for you.

With Respect, Shogun of Sha'an Tzien
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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The messenger is outright offended by Vermilicus's behavior and says disgusted.

"You clump us all together as if we were a kingdom, we are each a independent tribe, if another tribe attacked you, then do not blame us for it!" He says, clearly angered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Vermiculus threw the messenger to the ground, drew his sword, and pointed it at the mans throat, "I can't tell if this is a plot by multiple tribes, so, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna get up, you're gonna find this people who did it, and you're gonna bring me their heads." He then gave the man his sword and helped him back up. "Take what men you need, do this, and whatever your leader needs, he shall get, no questions asked. Can you do this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"We're not going to betray people with whom we have shared the lands of Kalak for you, at first, we wanted to ask you if you would receive us into your lands, we would help you all, but it is quite obvious that you will not receive us all." He says. "So I do not what my Khan will do, but I advise you shore up your defenses!" The Domani ambassador says and bows curtly despite what he just said and leaves the court room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Shogun of Shaan Tzien,
Actually, I would not have attacked the nation holding back the tides of darkness were I right next to them. Besides, I already gave my word that I would assist Ashkanian. So any talk of an alliance will have to wait until either you or the new Grandmaster decides to surrender.
The main issue you seem to be having is that you keep underestimating the Shadows and Demons greatly. You did not even consider acquiring weapons that could kill the first. As such I doubt your qualifications as allies against them.
In my eyes, removing your threat to Ashkanian seems to be in humanity's best interests and with creatures such as the Shadows and Demons rising, one must not only think of the nation's survival but the species as well. A war of aggression and ambition could not possibly be waged at a worse time.
-King Nieldun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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King Nieldun

Very well then, war it is my good lord. I do hope you will see your mistake in time and join the war on the side of the victor. My people have great respect for your own, prospering in lands so barren. See you on the field of battle.

The Shogun of Sha'an Tzien

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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Vermiculus had had enough. The treachery, the half truths of other nations. It ends. He gathered his advisors and spoke to them each in turn. They were all agreed. He had a letter drafted that would be sent to all nations.

To all nobles of the land.

For years, Tar Sequinus has suffered at the hands of others. Our husbands, our wives, our sons and daughter and our mothers and fathers have all paid the ultimate price. We have fought and died for every cause imaginable, including our own survival. And now, we fight again not just for our survival, but the survival of all humanity. The Shadow Army marches once again, and I fear for my children. The last time they marched, my people were nearly crushed into extinction. So that is why I beg all of you to cease your hostilities with one another, at least until this new threat is dealt with once and for all.

That is why I ask everyone to join me in my capital, so that all those who are warring can make peace, so that our children and our children's children, never have to worry about this evil ever again. We stand at a crossroads, we can continue warring with ourselves, and allow this evil to claim what's left. Or, we can stand united, and ensure that our race survives. All I ask, is for your time. Please consider the alternative.

Signed Lord Lucius of House Vermiculus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Dear King Lucius Vermiculus,
Currently, the only war I am in is to fight those who threaten the Ashkanians who have long held back the Shadows so that we may live free of fear from extinction. That said, we will attend your meeting but due to their very poor timing, I am considering the Tzieni as unintentional allies of the Shadows. I am always ready to listen.
Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue

And so, Nieldun and his children set out with their bodyguard to see what these talks would be about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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As your troops get ready to invade one of the Tzieni vassals, your scouts return, or rather scout. And this one is in a ragged shape, having lost his horse arriving with a report. He utters only one word before falling unconscious. "Dragon..."

To add to it, two messages arrive. One from the Shalorni King and the other from the Vaalgradi king. The letter of the Shalorni is brief.

King Nieldun,

My flee is ready to come down on the puny fleet of the Vaalgradi, join us tearing them apart and we promise that you will get to own all the Vaalgradi cities except Ullur, Ullin and Reyksalar.

You are with us or against us.

Emperor Darius Velicus of Gnyr Shalorn

The second letter is from Vaalgrad:

King Nieldun,

I know that we have been enemies in the past, but now I ask you to help us in this time of need. The Shalorni fleet is close to us and they will strike soon. My sailors and soldiers are ready to defend their homeland, but the enemies come in too large numbers to face them alone, so please help us and I will promise on my honor as king that we will reward you as you wish!

King of Vaalgrad and lord of House Grainwad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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At the scout's "report", Nieldun stroked his chin. "Well, Archy, I think we know what your Tzieni counterpart is."
At the letters he was a bit conflicted. He didn't trust the Shalorni as far as a soft Vaalgardian could throw Archy, but the offer was extremely tempting. The Shalorni were by far offering him the lion's share of Vaalgard but why would they offer that? If he did this, the Shalorni who wished to rebuild the Celestial Empire would gain a foothold when they were rich, probably numerous and not terrible soldiers. No, the best thing to do was to bottle up the self-styled emperor on his island by ruining his navy. It wouldn't even detract from his campaign against Shaan Tzien as he would only have to provide naval support. So he wrote a response to King Dorias.
King Dorias Grainwad,
Despite our recent war I have no hatred for Vaalgard. However the Shalorni have offered me your entire nation except for Ullin, Ullur and Reyksalar. Luckily for you, I don't trust the false emperor any farther than you could throw an archdemon. I will lend support to you and contact Noatun with this opportunity as it is clear that if the Shalorni lack a navy they will no longer be a threat to anyone and remain bottled up on their "Royal Isle". That said, I fully expect you to compensate Nastrond handsomely for your continued existence. Best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue

With that, he composed a letter to Noatun.
Dear King Marcus Northwood,
I'll be frank. The aggressive Shalorni are currently trying to take Vaalgard by force. Now, before you dismiss this as misfortune for Vaalgard, you should be aware of the opportunity that is available for you. I have decided to assist Vaalgard. With your naval prowess added to our fleets, this is the perfect time for you to help us remove the threat to your lands. Working together, I am sure that we can defeat them in naval battles and not have to fight a single land battle. If their navy is vanquished, they cannot transport soldiers. Without transport for their ground forces, they will be bottled up on their island like a caged beast. Thus trapped, your nation could sleep easy.

Nieldun sighed, he supposed courtesy demanded he send those arrogant Shalorni a response. However, that didn't mean he couldn't be misleading.
Emperor Darius,
Come to the mainland and have your answer. Vaalgard is a prosperous but weak nation. I have Nastrond's best interests at heart.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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My good King, Nieldun

I will offer you whatever you wish for your help, thank you very much! May the gods give you eternal life!

With the utmost respect, King Dorias Grainwad.


King Nieldun

It would do me a great pleasure to assist you in bottling the Shalorni up in their island. Even so, their soldiers might even equal yours in strength, so my ships and the Vaalgradi ships must avoid boarding the enemy ships at all costs as our soldiers aren't exactly the strongest

With Respect, King Markus Northwood


Good King, Nieldun,

Together we will rule this world and everyone will bow down to us as emperors of a New Celestial Empire! I cannot wait to fight by you and your men sides.

With reverence, The Emperor and Lord of Gnyr Shalorn.
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