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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Digimon: Digital Journey

-:system by @Tobiax, Remastered by: Iatos.


Several youths ages 13 to 17 are set to travel to summer camp by buss. Even thought most get on at different stations through out town, their all set for the same destination and while some have travelled further than others all have eventually ended up at this single buss there. The journey goes smoothly, everyone pack their bags into the buss's storage and take their seats. With their different oppinions and seat selections being of little importance at this time, the much greater issue still lay in front of them. It seems like this buss is about to take a pretty large detour through the digital world just as they enter the mountains on the way to the summer camp. On one side the normal world bids you farewell as you pass through the tunnel, bright flashes from lamps quickly turns into a briliant blaze of the sun as evening quickly seem to jump to bright day, and mountains turn into a grassy wide field.

The Buss you all ride on stops rather suddenly shaking anyone not strapped down to their seat out of it. A bunch of now confused somewhat hurt youths come to the realization that this buss now have reached its final destination, and that that destination is not where they intended to go... its a place that is not part of your world, and that you now play by different rules are appearent. As you regain your bearings you find a new object on your person, namely a weird device you never seen before. It have a display, a handle and somewhat reasemble some kind of gaming device... at the screen of it as it boots up there's but an single egg that make you think of some kind of tamagochi... it dosen't take long however before this egg seem to fly straight out of the device and into your hands... This is your Digivice, and your Digimon egg of course.

Here our story begins... But whom will be the Hero's of our Tale?.

*Remaster Changes so Far.

-All Human and Digimon stats start at 1, with 35 points to spend instead of 45 on the 10 stats. All stats including generation need to have at least 1 stat in them or heavy penalties will be suffered including character elimination.

-Changed the passive 'weight' stat, into a 'health' stat. which basically control the same thing but accounts for more factors and adds less worry about what digimons should or shouldn't weight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Resources: Long thing to read really

[Character Sheets]


Name: (Given, Nickname, or what they call themselves)
Species: (Currently what the Digimon is)
Level: Baby-1
Appearance: (Variations from standard)
Height: (Size and numerical height of the Digimon)
Personality: (Include all Narative elements like behavior here.)
Family: (List all Families the Digimon has earned)
Attribute: (Data, Virus, or Vaccine)
EXP: 0 (Used/Total)
-Name: Type: (Such as Common Physical or Simple Ranged. Roll and Bonus can be put here if you need them.) Element: Effect:
-(List all this Digimon's active features and any choices that can be made, as well as flourishes the Digimon Provides)

Hit-Points: (Current/Max) 'Vitx5'
Energy: (Current/Max)

===Core Stats===
'Freely Distribute 35 points'
Power: 1 'Physical power, meelee range'
Endurance: 1 'Physical resistance'
Force: 1 'Ranged power, any range limited by technique'
Fortitude: 1 'Ranged Defence'
Dexterity: 1 'Nimbleness of body and mind during, Object usage, and reaction speed'
Agility: 1 'Avoidance and Initiative'
Vitality: 1 'Resistance towards disease, poison, etc. '
Wisdom: 1 'Resistance towards Confusion, deception, among other things'
Cunning: 1 'Ability to cover your own weakness and/or exploiting the ones of your foe, etting traps etc.'
Generation: 1 (Used/Total) 'Ability to learn Techniques, adapt new to new families and traits'

Health: 3 (Starting value 3. 'min 1, max 6') 'This stat represen how healthy your digimon is. Keeping them fed is essential to their survival. and many things can effect their health'
Equipment: N/A


Name: (Full name. Given first, then Family)
Bio: (A bit of Back-story and the personality)
======Core Stats====
'Distribute 15 points freely'
Morale: 1 'Your ability to lead or command. it can help you snap your digimon out of confusion or tell them to ac against their instincts'
Athleticism: 1'Your ability to traverse unnatural terrain, climbing, grappling and swimming etc.
Spirit: 1 'Your ability to act, and you drive during events'
Knowledge: 1 'Your ability to figure out puzzles or gather the information you need among other things'
Psychology: 1'Your ability to figure out whats real or not. Your mental capacity and health.'


Inventory: 'What you carry'

BITS: 0 (Currency)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@IatosFirst, I would like to say that if you are going to house-rule things, please clearly communicate that up top so every player's on the same page. I know I'm not the DM, and I'm not trying to be, not looking to step on anyone's toes, but at the same time, everyone needs to be on the same page so we have no confusion from anyone. Yes? [And I if I can make a suggestion- just for testing purposes, and this can be voted on, but I feel testing the battle and stat systems vanilla would be beneficial? But, by all means, put it to a player vote if you feel that's necessary.]

Now, as for the game, I'll pick a Nightmare Soldier, and use Punimon as my Baby Digimon, with the stats listed below.

Power: 1
Endurance: 2
Force: 8
Fortitude: 3
Dexterity: 9
Agility: 5
Vitality: 9
Wisdom: 5
Cunning: 3

Generation: 0
Weight: 5g
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I actually removed the weight stat and replaced it with the 'Health' stat.

You have already used too many stat points as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Stating that up front would be helpful, although I do wonder why, may I ask? And maybe explain what the Health stat does exactly? [The Weight stat had been added because there are Digimon with minimum weights for their existence, and, based on their build and apparent size, I'd assume Weights could be extrapolated out from there. Plus, how else do you explain giant Greymon? Like, from the movie.[And the Digimon Next manga.] Did you see how much they fed that thing? Chocolate and liver sticks?] Either way, I'd like to track Digimon Weight myself, even if it's not necessary, if you don't mind? And who knows, it may help you pick Digimon forms for me, or smaller or larger sizes, yes? Because I even rolled which Family I was going to use, 1-8 in the order presented in the corebook. [Also, I want to add, that I may have forgotten to change it in the book, but human stats are more rate 1-5 rather than distribute 20. I think I added that it's not a strict limit, but, again, if you're adding that limitation, more power to you, just make it clear what's intended. Because it'd be weird if it looked like someone was breaking a rule only for it to be fine, or vice versa.] Also, may I ask about the notation after the format for Hitpoints? Perhaps players could vote on that as well as the health stat? I'm only suggesting that as a player though.*

You sure? Because according to my math, I have the appropriate total of 35 points if everything starts at 1, or 45 points if everything starts at 0, with no Generation points. I will admit that I did roll my stats, then shave off the excess, because then I actually was at 50 total, but I took two off Power and three off Agility. (I am not trying to be critical. This is just the only way I know how to express the thoughts I'm having. I hope it's not coming off wrong. Tone's hard to detect over the internet and all. I do appreciate you taking the role of DM, as the system can be a bit hefty. I just want to make sure everyone in the game can enjoy what they're doing, and that the system can be tested in its entirety.)
Anyway, I'd like to express my enjoyment of Cyclomon (although he's not technically a result of the best care) and DarkTyrannomon, as well as Gaiomon.

(*But then again I rolled my stats and Family, and am okay with playing most Digimon, aside from the exceptionally goofy ones like Dogmon, or the piles of goop, or Etemon.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well Health basically Regulate the same things as Weight does but accounts for more factors. If you stuff too much food into your digimon it won't feel very good that's for sure. It just a stat I invented to make it a lot easier to keep track of a Digimon's health... instead of keeping track of how much they must weight and what not.

-Vit x 10 = Vitality times 10. So far. 9=90 Hp.

Actually scratch that, I think I came up wrong when I counted. But You still need to put at least 1 point into your Generation stat, or you can't exist. its really that simple.

And Well, you'll notice if I become annoyed. Because then dark clouds will start to gather by your characters head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I mean, sure, you can keep track of it like that, or the DM can keep notes that are more specific? I dunno. I feel like if you're doing that route, you may as well have a (hidden or not) likeability stat or friendship or mood or whatnot. Just my two cents.

Isn't that a lot for a Baby Digimon, most of which are gooey slimes?

I'm not sure Generation's required, because it does not increase with level, and you can play a game with no generation, only using the default Techniques and those that naturally transfer for each Digimon form. Or, at least, that's possible in the unmodified system. Also not sure if one Generation does anything? Plus I don't have any points left.

I'd rather there be communication before it comes to that, m'kay? Like, we're a team, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Iatos I should use the mentions more often. Anyway, where is the starting location/country of this RP? Btw, what do our Digivices look like? A custom design, or similar to an existing one? Because I wouldn't mind making custom colored images for everyone's characters' Digivices. And I think I'll change my Baby form to YukimiBotamon.
Also, I'm gonna dump my character here as I edit and complete it.
EDIT: Now it's done. I stayed up too late.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Guess so.

Depends on the type of slime... but whateve .

Well as I stated earlier you need at least one Generation otherwise you can't exist. Its like 1 bit of data you need... xD

But sure... if you want your digimon to try to tackle your foes for the rest of the Rp, be my guest... especially when you got 1 power.

The digivice design look like... the ones in Digimon adventure 2. Hand held thing really...

Besides if Generation is such a useless stat and you can survive without it. I suggest removing it completely and Use Experience or something to buy Techniques.

On another note. Who the Hell... packs a Winter Jacket and Gloves for summer camp?... ITS SUMMER!... SUMMER..... like 25 celsius. Its not like your going skiing anytime soon except on the off chance you visit the mountains far far away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Generation's more additional complexity. And, as they're just hatching from eggs that came out of the Digivices, I don't think they'd have been recycled or extant enough to gather extra complexity.

Default Techniques. You get one Technique commonly used by the Digimon upon level-up, and all compatible ones from previous forms are kept, like Spitfire being able to be used by a Meramon or Greymon who Digivolved from an Agumon. Plus level increases. I've got food, food gives EXP at low levels, i.e. Poyomon Digivolving to Tokomon when eating.

Okay. I can still do the color thing. Or not. I do like the D3.

It's not useless. It depends on play style. I'm not giving myself it because I'm being hard on myself, to an extent. But no, I'll not remove it. It's sort of the point, and what makes it a Digimon specific system and not a generic anime/action/elemental combat system.

Overprotective parents. That's who. He walks around at night anyway. And winter jacket to distinguish from a really light jacket. It's basically not a spring jacket or windbreaker type jacket.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lets take this back to pm...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Will type up and read rules tonight
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Good luck Natsu xD...

May the force be with you.

The Dragon force.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

So, anyone have an idea as to what Baby Digimon they will be using? @Windicator?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So, anyone have an idea as to what Baby Digimon they will be using? @Windicator?

Well, having said already that I'll be busy for at least this week I've gone ahead picked Pupumon as the Baby 1 though bare with me on the CS as I'll get time to commit to hobbies (this site on the front) after Friday.

I did though have this idea of going Wind Guardian as base family and leveling gen to get Metal Empire as 2nd but on the other hand, I think that would spearhead the whole evolution thing. This is subject to change however as I'll be skimming over the rules a few times before picking anything too solid.

TLDR: I'm thinking I'll go with Pupumon and rambling about evolution, system and being busy. Everything in this post is subject to change.

(This post was meant to be quick done and over but it seems I can't just drop it can I... Just the reason I don't really commit to RPs (outside of OOC commenting) when I have something I need to prepare for (It keeps getting longer -_-'))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
Avatar of Iatos

Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

What a cutie xD.

But according to Tobiax rules you can't simply level Generation up. You have to gain it as a reward or something. Or die at a high level.

Oddly enough.

I'm also supposed to pick what you evolve into. Even if some stages are more fun or obvious than others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What a cutie xD.

But according to Toxiax rules you can't simply level Generation up. You have to gain it as a reward or something. Or die at a high level.

Oddly enough.

I'm also supposed to pick what you evolve into. Even if some stages are more fun or obvious than others.

sadly enough, that really is the reason I'll skim over the rules to actually try and make a valid character tbh.

Been into Digimon Heroes lately though (how uncharacteristic of me to play a mobile game)
(ID in DH: 726971782 (android if it matters))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
Avatar of Iatos

Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yep, I might try to set up a side Digimon rp without dm ship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I should not even open this site and just focus on important stuff instead but:

I actually found where I indeed got the idea to invest in Gen to begin with.
The latter half of the rules on page 4 Reads as follows:
Thus leading to my misconception (or just plain reading from rule book) that one would (and probably should) invest in gen to begin with.

That said; @tobiax has a (kinda) point
Generation's more additional complexity. And, as they're just hatching from eggs that came out of the Digivices, I don't think they'd have been recycled or extant enough to gather extra complexity.

It's just maybe some would indeed be more complex coming from (probably?) a data stream, while fresh, some "base code" is more complex than others but I'll drop it at that and go with generation value of 1 (I guess?)

I just might end up changing the Baby 1 too though (as said, I've only give some thought for this)
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