Hey internet people! My names Serious Face and as you can probably tell from me posting here I'm new to this site! So now that I've introduced myself I would like to...to...umm Line? *Murmuring in the background* oh...I would like to give all you fantastic people out there fair warning! While I am an experienced Roleplayer and sometimes write as a hobby my grammar can leave something to be..desired.*Nervous chuckling* So grammar nazis out there beware! And I tend to describe any actions I "do" turning me just talking into a mini scene. It's not just on forums it's text messaging and in my journal to.
That about wraps up me how about you! Tell me about yourself and ask me any question...and don't worry about it being to weird trust me I can take any weirdness you people in the audience can dish out....This things recording right?*Taps microphone a few times causing a lot of loud feedback.* YEP IT IS!
That about wraps up me how about you! Tell me about yourself and ask me any question...and don't worry about it being to weird trust me I can take any weirdness you people in the audience can dish out....This things recording right?*Taps microphone a few times causing a lot of loud feedback.* YEP IT IS!