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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krom didn’t have the patience to deal with this and just wanted Aito to back off, but of course he wasn’t going to do that. He was the kind of guy who hated having things held back even if it was none of his business. He wasn’t in his circle, he had no reason to know more than what he already knew about it and if he wanted to know more then he had to investigate just like everyone else who found out about it. He knew not to take Aito lightly when it came to his power, though, he was trained well enough to know it was a bad idea to dismiss him just because of the way he looked. “Stolen? My subjects?? Don’t treat me like I’m the damn scientist here!” Without much warning it was Aito who made the first move as he immediately went for his throat, his hand going to Aito’s wrist immediately until he was let go. Stumbling back a few steps he gave Aito an angry glare, rubbing at his neck briefly before clenching his fists again. “You’ll destroy more than you’ll save by interfering now! That is too much work to sacrifice just because you don’t like it!” Going in immediately himself he threw a punch straight at Aito’s face, not letting him get away with assaulting him like that.

Shu knew it was probably something to do with training or food if it was back at the base, it was the only explanation when they didn’t have any fun activities like they did earlier over at the base, plus it was only something they had over there too. There was probably other places they could go for fun, but if it was the base it was most likely those facilities that would be part of the surprise. While it was fun to tease Takeshi about his ability to think of good surprises for him the energy outside was a little bit of a concern, but Shu was still a little too hyped to feel too bad about it. “Ooh! Maybe it’s a fight! Not good at sensing energy yet so not sure…” Frowning when Takeshi told him to stay he remained where he was, tilting his head as everyone was gathering around the window.

Viral was having a great deal of trouble at this point remaining in a deep sleep, the energy Aito and Krom were giving off was causing a fair amount of interference. Trying to ignore it all he simply couldn’t, proving to be not strong enough to keep it back. It was as if a wash of colour was just taking over his mind, confusing him and causing him to feel dazed and feverish. Struggling to breathe he slowly moved his hand to his chest, clenching his teeth as it only got worse. The voices that were making all the noise was getting through into his mind too, managing to catch only bits of it which were then changed into vague memories of the past. They were becoming incredibly bothersome and as the panic rose so did his heartrate. Struggling to settle down he tensed up until it all became too much, causing him to jolt up in alert mode before rolling on out of the hammock from the momentum, landing on his shoulder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"You aren't, but you have the answers!" And he was going to get them dammit, he had to. Frustrated and impatient with Krom he stepped forward and grabbed the man's throat, intending to keep a firm grasp until he finally revealed what was wanted of him. Narrowing his gaze as the Elite grabbed at his arm he finally relented his grasp, his annoyance only building when he was continued to be denied. "What do you care of sacrificing the work, it's not yours!" the doctor shot back, stepping to the side and raising a hand to block the punch intended for his face, "There are other ways to do this without uprooting innocent lives! I will not allow you people to ruin others existences for the sake of your little projects!" Pushing Krom's fist out of the way he then tried for a punch of his own right into the man's gut, "I won't ask again, tell me!" In his rage towards the former Elite he became absentminded of Viral's presence, completely unaware of his son growing uneasy by the second by their fighting.

"Just wait here a second buddy, okay? Let me go check what it is..." Yumi and Vegeta were already pressed against the glass as it was, and peering between them he found he couldn't see anything at all. Even when Vegeta moved to the door he wasn't able to spot anyone, though it was fairly obvious that it was a fight by now no one could actually see it from here. So long as things weren't being blown up he supposed it wasn't that big of a problem. Damn it, and just when Shu was finally getting to be in a really good mood too. Rubbing at his head Takeshi tore himself from the window, heading back to his brother and dropping down on the couch beside him. "I'm sure it's nothing serious buddy, we don't have to worry about it," he lied, smiling to try and convince his sibling otherwise, "So uh... Should we get something to eat after this?" There was a brief pause as another slight spike in Ki was felt outside, someone was clearly agitated. "Er... Or should we just go right to training?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krom was not willing to talk and he wasn’t going to take the abuse, even if it was simply a matter of talking about the project. Compromising it completely would endanger so many lives and someone like Aito would never get that through their thick skulls. There was just no way he could tell him where it was when it meant so much to so many people even if they weren’t aware yet. Throwing a punch at Aito he growled when he simply blocked it, glaring at Aito before his own fist was pushed away with his immediate response being to punch down at Aito’s attempt to wind him. “Their existence isn’t ruined! They’re going to save lives and you want to take that away from them!” Furiously he swung his fists around again, trying to get the man to back off. “You’re assuming their lives have been ruined when they’ve only just begun! You wouldn’t even know what to do with them if you got your hands on them!”

Viral was disorientated and suddenly in pain, not only physically but mentally stricken by what he just witnessed in his head. The images didn’t go away immediately, but as he slowly pushed his face away from the ground he held onto his shoulder at first before holding his head, trying hard to connect everything together before he might take his temper out on the trees. As everything continued to swirl around and the sickly feeling wouldn’t go away he was starting to hear what had managed to disturb him. It sounded like Aito and Krom and the pair of them were having an argument of some sort, but trying to place it together was proving difficult right now. Feeling terribly disorientated he slowly moved over to the tree, digging his claws into it as he pulled himself up as he continued to hold his head.

Shu didn’t know what was happening or whether he should be completely concerned, seeing how it was fairly close by and nobody else was reacting badly to it. Everyone just appeared to be getting on with everything and if he was to get all anxious about it he might just be the only one. Bouncing on his seat a little bit he watched as Takeshi headed on back to the couch, flinching when he almost bounced into the air as Takeshi dropped down. So everything was okay, it seemed, so that was good. “Ooh! I don’t know! Might be bad to go outside just now! Is there things in house? Maybe things in house!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Normally nonviolent, Aito was wanting to harm Krom dearly right now. His selfishness was dooming who knows how many people to experimentation, tests and practices that none of them every likely asked for. Yes he had done the same with Viral, but that was one life, and it had been born that way; changing someone like Yumi who had known themselves to be a normal human or Saiyan all their lives wasn't right, there were risks and complications that came with it. "You mean you'll have them do as you demand! Again they're nothing but tools for you!" the doctor shouted back as his fist slammed into Krom's, gritting his teeth angrily in the process, "I would help them adapt or reverse it entirely, I'd let them live the lives they want! Not what someone else has decided for them!" As he wished to do with Viral, when he was healthy enough not to need a guiding hand. As his anger towards Krom continued to build so too did his Ki, to a point where his hair began to almost pulse, a light blond color changing his hair now and again. "Tell. Me. Where. It. Is."

Without knowing exactly what was going on outside it was difficult to say if they should be concerned or not. The amount of Ki being given off said they should be very worried, yet nothing was really coming of it. If anything this was more trying to intimidate one another, again something Takeshi couldn't explain. Whatever was going on outside had a very real chance of escalating, but until it did they were better off staying put and keeping out of it. Returning to where Shu was sat he dropped down into the couch, smiling at his brother as he kept going on about things to do. "In the house? Uh, sure, there's got to be something..." the older boy responded, a wistful smile crossing his face as he thought about him and Shu watching television back home. There had been some stuff his sibling really liked, and while he couldn't care much for it it made Shu happy. They don't have those channels here though, he was sure of that. "Uh... Anything you really want to do buddy?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krom was struggling to come up with the correct response, but how could he when Aito was refusing to listen or understand his side of it. There was going to be no way to get through to this man other than to give him coordinates to where the project was, but who knew what he’d do the ones that weren’t ready. He could end up trying to split the bestial genes away and end up killing them; in fact, that sounded exactly like what he’d try to do. This man knew nothing and that lack of understanding was going to end up killing many whether he intended for it to go that way. Throwing his fists at Aito to defend himself having Aito block them had him backing off, giving him a hardened glare. “I am not part of the army anymore, but I know damn well disturbing the project will do more harm than good!” Aito really was thick in the head, or rather he was one hell of a stubborn man. Holding his ground for a moment he did start to notice the increase in Ki along with something else too, something he was fair familiar with. Backing off a few steps he tried to remain unintimidated, raising his Ki as he got ready to defend himself. “So you’re one of those? Don’t think I’m intimidated! I can’t let someone like you get anywhere near them!”

Viral was trying to get around all the thoughts and voices that were going through his head at the time, his eyes still trying to focus on what was in front of him. Feeling terribly out of it his first objective was to try and find his way to the source of that energy, his awareness increasing with each step he took. In the not too far distance he could hear Aito and what sounded like Krom, but once his eyes and mind finally focused he was confused by the scene and what was possibly going on. Staring at them he remained out of their sight, his paw going to his chest as he remained unable to shake off the feeling the energy was giving him. Slowly his eyes drifted over to Aito who appeared to be leading the assault on Krom who was trying to defend himself, but Aito’s aura was definitely managing to affect him the most.

Shu didn’t know what to make of the energy, even if it was increasing. He was sure that everything would be settled one way or the other so he didn’t want to have to worry about something that didn’t affect him and probably didn’t affect everyone else. It could easily be an escalated training session for all he knew. Sitting patiently as Takeshi tried to think on what could possibly be done between them he tilted his head a little when he was instead asked, curious as to what could be accomplished by asking him. “Huh? Ooh! I…don’t know, really…” he spoke before sighing, raising his shoulders as he looked in the direction of the window again, “They must be having a…lot of fun outside, yes? How to even get that much energy? Hope everything okay…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"And how could you possibly know that? You are not a scientist, you've said so yourself!" Aito shot back, his jaw taught as he tried to reel back his anger, realizing just how out of control his Ki was becoming. "Your work is all based off of Viral, of of my own work! If anyone is qualified to handle this it's me!" He was not going to be lectured by some pigheaded grunt that he had no business here. The entirety of the Beastman project originated from his own creation, he likely still had a far greater understanding of it than any of their scientists did. Yet Krom refused to yield, as though somehow these people were better off at the mercy of scientists dabbling with matters they knew nothing about. Between the anger directed towards Krom and the project itself Aito's Ki had spiked, and with a heavy gust his Ki shot through the roof, his hair turning almost platinum blond as his energy visibly swirled about him. "So why step away then? Seems you've been intimidated," the doctor commented, glaring at the Elite as his energy swirled erratically, "Final chance Krom, I am tired of repeating myself. Tell me where the project is being conducted!" Slamming his right foot off the ground Aito shot forward, throwing a straight punch propelled by his own energy.

Takeshi was trying to think of something for him and Shu to do, but boy was it tough thinking with all that was going on. Just beyond the thin walls of this house two Saiyans seemed poised to go at it, with Aito's Ki reaching shocking heights. Krom's was no laughing matter either, though comparatively it seemed like the doctor had a decent edge on him. If a fight was going to break out between them then deciding on what game to play would be the very least of their worries. "Uh yeah... They're definitely having something outside," Takeshi said with a halfhearted laugh, rubbing at his neck then as he looked towards the windows. If it was anyone else he'd think it was just some playful show, but this was Krom they were talking about, a guy who everyone was convinced was some bad guy. If Aito was getting this riled up then obviously something was wrong, and things could take a very bad turn quite quickly. "Hey Shu, uh... How about we check out some music?" he asked as he tried to get his brother distracted again, pulling him close with an arm around his shoulder, "You like music buddy? I bet they have some good stuff here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krom wasn’t too sure as to how he might handle this kind of energy, nor did he have particular faith in himself. This guy was very obviously a Super Saiyan and while he had seen it before having it in front of him threatening his existence was way too much for him to put up with. This guy just did not know how to control himself, he wasn’t even trying to be civil from the start though so maybe he never planned on treating him like another being from the start. He was already showing resistance to his demands so surely he knew violence wasn’t going to work. “You just want to destroy it! You have no interest in preserving the project or care for what good it will do!” Krom didn’t know what else to do, he was out of options and all he could do now was keep up his defences and hope he could take it. Raising his arms as the energy coming from Aito rose he could only glare at him when it was evident that Aito was not willing to be the better man. The most he could do was keep his own power up and hope for the best, throwing up his defences immediately as Aito came straight for him.

Viral didn’t know what was happening but as Aito’s energy level’s continued to rise he couldn’t help but draw his eyes to Krom. Something about himself and Krom refusing to talk about it could only mean it was what he thought it was. He didn’t want Aito to get involved in this, but as Aito continued to push his energy up and Krom looking ready to defend himself it could only mean Krom was going to end up paying for his silence. Slowly moving around to the side of the argument Viral kept his eyes on Aito but soon had to dig his heels into the ground and raise his arms to keep on his feet as Aito transformed into a Super Saiyan. Viral didn’t know what to make of it but what he was sure of was Aito was completely in the wrong and Krom was in trouble. He was suddenly furious at Aito. To show off that power to intimidate the Right Hand was hardly any better than what Yamate does with his own, only Aito was actually threatening Krom with serious physical injury. Glaring at Aito, the moment he saw his foot move he wasted no time with running in as fast as possible. It was as if it all happened in slow motion and as Aito threw his punch Viral threw himself at Krom, forcing the man out of the way as he threw his arm up. His own energy could only create a shield against Aito’s attack for only a split second before it was completely broken through. From the sheer force alone Viral was sent flying back, his claws only managing to stop him from going flying off into the distance as he came to a screeching halt.

Shu didn’t understand what he was supposed to do concerning being trapped in a house while Aito did his thing, especially when a lot of energy seemed to be getting used outside. He did hope T’charrl was okay with that all too, seeing how the guy was often affected by energies like that. It would probably be inappropriate for him to ask how T’charrl was while Takeshi was wanting to do something with him, plus the others were there if they noticed anything wrong with his friend. Giving Takeshi a smile he made a quick glance to the window before back again, shrugging. It was definitely best to not worry about what was happening and for all they knew they were just showing how high they could raise their power. Looking back to the window again he squeaked when Takeshi spoke once more, mentioning music before he pulled him close. “Ooh! Music? What music? What that? Can we check it out?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"The same objectives can be achieved without ruining lives! I will not abide by people callously experimenting like this!" Krom had said it himself, he wasn't a scientist. There was no way he would know that if the genome wasn't coded properly how the individual's body might deteriorate, or they may become unstable and frenzied at the drop of the hat. One only had to look at Viral's own condition to see what happened when it was done incorrectly; they wanted a small army of these people, what if they were unusable or erratic? Would they just try again with another batch, dispatch the first? He wouldn't give them that chance. Infuriated Aito moved in to strike Krom down, one way or another he would make the man reveal what he knew. It wasn't even a pride thing that his own work was being duplicated, he didn't care about that whatsoever. It was the incomplete nature of their works, of undoubtedly the trouble that the subjects were being put in because of work that their scientists could never possibly grasp in its entirety. It wasn't as simple as reverse-engineering, it took a lot of effort from a group of brilliant minds to create Viral.

It would also take Viral to stop Aito from potentially going on a rampage, and he would do just that. For some unfathomable reason his son intercepted the blow meant for Krom, knocking him aside and instead taking the brunt, being knocked back a ways before stopping himself. As soon as he'd struck Viral the doctor calmed down, enough so anyways that he could appreciate what he had done. Though he was still in a Super Saiyan state he was far from the rampant lot of their race, perfectly reasonable even with his Ki surging. Looking at Viral perplexed for a moment he frowned, standing upright and bringing his power back down to its regular levels. "Viral... Why did you stop me? I'm trying to save people that the Saiyans are subjugating to experiments, like how Yumi was. Don't you want to stop that too?" When did he awaken anyways? Had he seen that entire display? Suddenly Aito felt ashamed of himself, getting carried away with his anger towards Krom like that. Moreover... How had Viral blocked that strike and was none the worse for wear? Sure he hadn't put his all into that punch but it was still designed to do a number, yet his son looked perfectly fine. Impressive.

Seriously though, should they be doing something about this? Everyone had to be feeling those energies by now, even June seemed to be somewhat uneased by the sheer pressure the two men were giving off. Vegeta was stood at the door not letting anyone out, his own face one of worry as he probably tried not to run out and investigate for himself. Sighing to himself Takeshi wondered if Krom's coming here was going to ruin everything, what with Shu now feeling happy and Viral actually sleeping. If that guy screwed it all up he was never going to forgive the creep. "Music? Uh... You know... Music... Er... Yeah I'll play some for you." Provided they had any in this place at all. Getting up he went to the television in the room, amazed for one they had a set, and after some dabbling with the buttons managed to turn it on. Someone had graciously set it to their language before they had moved into the home it seemed, and as he'd suspected before none of the channels made any sense whatsoever, even in their tongue. As if by accident though while skimming the channels he managed to find a song being played over some kind of video, some cartoon by the looks of it. Hey, it worked for him. "Hear that stuff Shu? That's music!" Takeshi announced proudly, grinning as he gestured to the television. Then the audio and video cut for a second, and the powers that were raging outside dwindled down to almost nothing. Furrowing his brow as the television came back he looked towards the window confused, wondering what in the hell had happened.

"That's it, I'm done waiting to find out!" Clearly something was going wrong outside and Yumi wanted to know what that was. Plus Viral had to be awake by now, she was concerned what that all might have done to him too. Storming over to the door she glared when Vegeta refused to move, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him aside before throwing open the door. Both Krom and Aito were getting an earful from her for disrupting Viral like that! "Whatever you two men are doing out here, take it somewhere else! Can't you see Viral is trying... Trying to..." Huh? She expected to find her friend asleep and Aito and Krom at each other's throats, but instead she found Aito and Viral staring each other down and Krom off to the side. Just what in the heck happened here? "Viral...? What are you doing...? What are you doing Aito?" Yumi asked as she glanced between the men, groaning before stomping her foot on the ground, "Someone explain what's going on!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krom didn’t even see who had hit him away, he thought he was going to have to take a pretty forceful punch there but he was soon on the ground after that shove. Dazed for a moment, he pushed himself up and looked to the source, seeing Viral behind a fair dust of cloud and some lengthy claw marks on the ground. “Viral??” He didn’t understand what brought the Beastman to do such a thing, he could’ve been killed; in fact, it was surprising he wasn’t killed. Pushing himself up to his feet he looked between Aito and Viral, curious to how this was going to end seeing how Aito had powered down and Viral looked incredibly angry. Just how much had he heard? That look could’ve been pain too, but who knows since he didn’t look like he was going to stand down.

Viral had barely managed to get his claws into the ground before he might end up flying away, his glare on the ground at first before slowly moving to Aito. He was still alive after taking a hit like that so that was encouraging, only problem was the attack not only shattered his energy but it rattled through his entire being as well and continued like a surge of pain. The fact Aito was staring at him so plainly like he hadn’t done anything wrong only made him question the man’s morals further. Growling lowly when Aito started to speak he slowly moved to stand up, feeling almost like he was going to shatter but managed to keep his gaze focused on Aito. Opening his mouth to speak, he stopped when he heard Yumi berating from the side-lines before she noticed he was standing there and definitely not sleeping.

Yumi was certainly angry and made sure to show that off with her actions, his claws raising slightly in response before he looked away. He didn’t know how to explain himself or what was going on, he wasn’t even awake for the first part of the fight but he knew what it was about after everything that was said and done. Giving Aito a strong glare he slowly stood up a little straighter, his claws still looking like he was ready to attack him. “…You…you dare to become the monster in all of this??” he snarled, his nose beginning to trickle blood, “He would take it to his grave and you already know this, yet you beat him anyway! Yumi…this man was trying to beat sensitive secrets out of an already defeated warrior. Full of spite and pride over his own confidence that he’ll even be able to reverse damage that’s already been done! It’s disgraceful…”

Shu was certainly confused but he wasn’t going to let it bring him down, seeing how Takeshi was happy that he was happy. His curiosity was only peaked when Takeshi mentioned something named ‘music’, a strange word he hadn’t heard yet seemed so normal for Takeshi to suggest as an activity. Shaking his head quickly he was soon getting all excited and curious about what it could possibly be, giving him a smile as he attempted to get something set up for him. Following on behind him he sat in front of the television too, staring at it before squeaking when the television came to life. Watching it curiously he twitched whenever the channel had been changed, finding it hard to focus on what was going on each time until Takeshi focused on one particular channel. There was lots of colours on this one and they were strong too, something he only saw a little of when he was on Earth with Takeshi. Squeaking in excitement he bounced on his spot but stopped when Takeshi told him to listen, hearing the music in the background. “Ooh! Music! I see!” he giggled, getting all excited before confused when nothing really seemed to be on it anymore, “Ooh! There it goes! Too bad!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Why... Why had Viral taken that hit? Had he put any more strength behind that and struck his son he could be seriously injured from it. Immediately Aito's will to fight vanished, his energy receding as he looked at Viral in confusion. Moreover his son even seemed angry with him for some reason, was it for trying to attack Krom? That made absolutely no sense as the Elite should be their enemy, even with his change in allegiances as of late. Being called a monster as well certainly was strange, what had he done to deserve such a malicious title? "Even if we cannot reverse it, we must prevent further experimentation!" the doctor argued his case strongly, looking to Yumi as he spoke, "They are conducting tests like they did on you, tests to turn more people into their weapons! We cannot allow this to continue!" It was unethical, it was dangerous, it flew in the face of everything that a scientist and doctor should respect. Turning his gaze back onto Krom it hardened again, his mouth pulling in a thin line before he scoffed. "This man is trying to defend his King and his pet project despite the damage its causing, its disgusting that-"

Yumi wasn't here to listen to arguments, she wanted to know why everyone was fighting. They were supposed to be here relaxing for everyone's sake, Viral's especially. Storming over to Aito as he yelled at Krom she reached up and smacked his cheek hard with the flat of her hand, staring up at him in disapproval as he reeled slightly from the unexpected hit. "And how is pummeling him going to help those people? I understand you're angry about it, I went through it, I'd want to stop it all too. But beating answers out of him isn't the way to do it." Letting out a sigh she shook her head before looking up at Aito again, then to Krom disapprovingly. "Men, always eager to fight over every little thing, you're unbelievable sometimes..." Now then, if these two boys were quite through with their fight there were other things she wanted to see to as well. Looking over at Viral and seeing his bloodied nose she frowned worriedly, walking over and easing her shirt off, having just a plain black camisole beneath it. "Sorry they woke you Viral, here, use this for your nose," Yumi offered as she held up her shirt for him to take, "I want to ask... What do you think about all of this? It concerns you too, and I've made my position clear."

Maybe some nice music or television would help distract everyone from the nonsense outside. Yeah, that would be nice, as everyone was still a bit agitated from the scene. After fiddling with the television for a bit Takeshi finally managed to find a channel with some music and even a cartoon to boot, just what Shu might need. It only lasted a few seconds though before a power surge knocked out the station, sighing when Shu commented on it vanishing. "It was just here though! Hang on a second..." Banging on the top of the television seemed to do nothing, nor did wiggling the wires or pressing the power button repeatedly. Huffing in frustration Takeshi watched Yumi storm outside before shrugging it off, more engrossed in this task now. "Come on you damn thing, work!" Pressing the power button a few more times on the remote it finally turned back on, a few seconds later than before but onto the same channel. Smiling triumphantly he tossed the remote onto an empty seat, dusting his hands off as though he'd worked hard and taking a seat back beside his brother. "There you go buddy, enjoy the show!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was furious at Aito for acting so dismissively about the whole ordeal, seeing it as nothing better than what Yamate would dish out to their own subjects. Krom was the one who was just trying to protect the fate of his own people with these experiments and it was Aito who saw the only way to change the man’s mind and see that it was bad for those involved was to beat the hell out of the man. He knew that would never change his mind and yet he did it anyway. Giving Aito a fair spitting at with anger in his voice he glared at him when he only furthered his excuses for such behaviour, flexing his claws when Aito only got mad about it. It was as if more of what he was running around the galaxy was disgusting to him. Aito always seemed to be concerned with preserving his research for only himself and when somebody else did it the project had to be shut down by his own hands. Viral didn’t know what to make of it himself, but he knew he was furious at Aito for how he treated the subject without knowing much about it.

Then there was Yumi who immediately stepped in and slapped Aito right across the face, his eyes staring at her for a moment before he looked away. She didn’t have to do that, she could had just left him to rant since he ‘always knew what he was talking about’. Aito didn’t even care about anything else otherwise, he just wanted to always believe he was in the right all the time. Already feeling much worse for wear compared to how he felt when he woke up, he slowly raised his paw up to his chest before turning his hand over as blood dripped across his palm. Only having a moment to contemplate over it Yumi soon came over to him and stripped herself of her shirt, causing him to feel rather confused for a moment before realising what it was for. Sighing, Viral took the shirt from her and held it up to his face, turning red as he looked away. This was incredibly awkward and it wasn’t as if the blood was blocking the smell of her clothes, but he didn’t appear to be able to do much about that for now. “I…don’t have a say in any of this. I am one-sided with this…and to know it actually worked…I just-…”

“He wanted it to exist, is what he’s saying”. Krom spoke up finally, rubbing his ribs momentarily before sighing. “Viral was the one collecting DNA for the experiments when he was still with us, even if he was doing it with that collar on. All that testing and pulling him apart that Yamate had done was to see how his genes and body was constructed and how durable it actually was. You would think he would be much more furious and unruly for what was happening during the experiments, but he just took it knowing what it would lead to. It wasn’t until his genetic makeup was showing signs of becoming unstable did we have to install a collar, it also helped to make sure he would loyally follow commands when collecting ‘volunteers’, so there was that aspect…” Krom so no reason to keep quiet over it. A whole year of experimenting, torture and enslavement couldn’t be kept out of focus for too long. Sighing lightly he rolled his shoulder, looking to Yumi. “There’s only a few others like you, the rest are completely artificial beings. It wasn’t possible to create one like Viral, but the ones that are closest to him are just like you acting as commanding officials”.

Shu didn’t get what television was all that much, all he knew was sometimes it was real and sometimes it was not. He was pretty fascinated by this kind of entertainment that appeared on the box, but when it disappeared like that he did get a little confused and started wondering why it happened. Looking to Takeshi as he decided to abuse the television he tilted his head, wondering if doing any of that was going to help before he squeaked when everything came back to life. “Yay! You did it!” he giggled, clapping his hands together. He wondered if it had something to do with the energy that was happening outside and since it seemed to had calmed down everything had returned. “This nice. This what everyone watch?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

This entire project was wrong, why couldn't anyone else see that? Subjecting people to experimentation in such a way wasn't allowable regardless of the intent of the practice; creating a Beastman from scratch was one thing, they were born that way and it was all they knew. In Yumi's case however she'd been forcibly changed with no regard for herself, how could anyone abide by that? Despite his firm stance against the work it seemed like Aito stood alone on the matter, with even Viral coming to Krom's defense for refusing his demands. Having Yumi slap him and ridicule him for his actions was just the bitter icing on the cake that was dejection, even if he knew her words to be true. In his anger he had overstepped his boundaries, yet how else would he make Krom speak? The man was clearly too stubborn to divulge anything, and the risk that the subjects were at because of this project was simply too great to ignore.

This fighting between them had to stop if anyone was going to get anything done. After handing Viral her shirt to use as makeshift gauze she furrowed her brow as he began to explain himself, curious that he was so passive about his answer. Before she could press him further Krom offered a much more in-depth explanation, and it was one she wasn't expecting in the least. It didn't make sense, why would Viral who was so bitter over his enslavement help these people? In part it made her sick to know that this whole business had been done both knowingly and willingly, and the other part of it was she was angry, angry at the Saiyans for ever carrying out the project in the first place. "Okay, fine, I'll accept that Viral somehow had a part in it, for now. But answer me this question then," Yumi began as she stared down Krom, "Before we ever fought those... Things, there was no way anyone knew that Viral's power was strong against them, right? But you started this project when he was captured over a year ago, so then what was the point of it at first? It couldn't have been to fight the monsters, the only way I see it was you were building yourselves more soldiers." That reason was enough for her to want to abolish the project as well, it just felt wrong that they were more or less growing Beastmen to fight. Maybe that was Aito's reason behind it too, it certainly didn't seem fair.

Stupid television cutting out, why couldn't things just fricken work? Banging on the set a few times Takeshi grew impatient with it, about ready to give up until the picture finally returned along with the music. He knew smacking it hadn't done anything but hey, he'd take credit for it! Taking a spot beside Shu yet again he leaned back into the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table to relax. "I mean... I think so? They don't have the same stuff here that they do back home," the older boy pointed out, "And there's loads of different stuff on television, you know? They play stuff like this, there's news, and there are games they play too. Never understood any of the games though, bunch of grown men throwing a ball to each other like idiots." Then again he and Shu did the same sort of stuff didn't they? Albeit without all the rules, and they didn't always keep score even though he tried to sometimes. "What do you think squirt, like music? Nice stuff huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Krom saw no reason to be indulging so much of this information to Aito when he would just abuse him some more for using his creation, but when it came to Yumi at least she was being civilised about it. It was the little things that made him want to talk, plus having her slap him across the face like that was pretty golden. Listening to Yumi who was being a lot more reasonable about it all compared to Aito, he sighed lightly before shaking his head. “You’d have to ask Yamate about that, I was only doing what I was told to do when getting him and his sons”, he shrugged, not having much more of an explanation other than that, “It took several months before Yamate was positive it would work. Shu was also having his ehh…’unique form’ tested, but Viral insisted on taking the blows for him. It was a case of not knowing until proper tests were conducted. You know the drill when it comes to scientific experimentation! I’m sure Aito would’ve tested on Viral too when it came to his use as a destructive force…seeing how he obviously built him to be a weapon…”

Viral really hated how he was being talked about so casually when it came to what happened and how everything happened, but it wasn’t as if it was his own fault for being the way he was. He had to compromise somehow and to have the Saiyans willing to be just a little bit gentler with him by saying he’d help might had been desperation speaking at that point. He felt he was unable to speak the truth from his side because of his shame for thinking he could spare himself some pain by helping the Saiyans. He was desperate back then and now that he looked back he could only scorn his cowardice and inability to handle any more experimentation. “…It’s my fault you were taken and experimented on, Yumi. Not his. Krom is as much of a dog as I was, he just didn’t need a collar to hold him back”. Maybe the reason he agreed to collect subjects and DNA was he was desperate for some company, but they couldn’t know that, that was even worse than having to compromise to limit the testing he was going through.

Shu didn’t mind if things were malfunctioning since he was pretty new to all of these things, so having Takeshi fix it all was just a little extra icing on the cake for him. He was excited by the new things Takeshi and the others probably didn’t care much about because they were always around these items. It was a whole new world for him so of course it was going to be exciting. Squeaking happily when it came back on he gasped at the mention of games, looking back at the television quickly. “Ooh! Games? Ball? Ooh! So much excitement to see! Ball isn’t for idiots!” he spoke quickly, giving Takeshi a nod when he asked him about his opinion on the television. He didn’t know why everyone was so nonchalant about it, he thought it was pretty great. “I like music! Fun for ears! Like this too! No sure what it is about, but I like it!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

That didn't make sense to Yumi at all, and apparently it didn't make sense to Krom either. They knew now that Viral had a special means of fighting those monsters but there was no way they could have known that beforehand... Right? The way it sounded though everything traced back to Yamate, maybe he knew even more than he was letting on, even to the likes of Krom. That was worrisome, just how much did that man know about what was truly going on? "It's not fair for you to assume things about Aito, just like its not fair we assume things of you," she said calmly, trying to be a voice of reason among the tidal wave of testosterone going on, "Either way that's behind us, we should focus on making it right now," she added as she glanced back at the doctor, "And not attacking each other for things we can't fix in the past." It was strange, speaking to Aito in such a way. When she was a child she had nothing but respect for the man, and while she did still she could see he was flawed just as everyone else was. Something about Viral being involved in this no doubt had pushed him to the edge, otherwise she couldn't see him losing it like that.

How was Viral feeling about all of this? He couldn't be too pleased with all of this being shared as it might make him look bad. Not that Yumi thought so, he must have had his reasons for doing it. Hearing too that he'd taken some punishment on Shu's behalf more than absolved him of any guilt there might be in her eyes. "It is not your fault Viral, not at all. You didn't order Kai, Choi and Kabocha to come and kidnap me. You didn't put me through the tests or try to make me fight, none of that is your doing," she reassured, smiling as she reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, "So don't blame yourself for any of it, okay?" He couldn't blame himself, he'd end up going back down into that pit just when he was starting to seem a little better. If Viral felt guilty about her being tested on though, and maybe about others too, there was some way they could fix it. Turning back to Krom she approached him slowly and cleared her throat before pointing to him sternly. "We should at least give those people who were experimented on a chance to decide for themselves, don't you think? If they want to fight then they can fight, but they shouldn't be forced to, none of them should. It doesn't matter how useful they are for others, it matters what they want more than anything."

"Eh... The kind of ball I'm talking about is kind of a drag buddy, you know? Tons of rules, a bunch of idiots trying to score or throw it in a net or something, it's a lot of nonsense and crap we don't need when we play." You could have perfectly good fun without having to use numbers to show who was doing better, even someone as competitive as him thought it was ridiculous. Yet humans seemed almost intoxicated by sports, if their time in the World Tournament was any indication of that. Smiling in amusement as Shu gushed over television Takeshi regarded it with a bit of a dismissive shrug himself, not finding this show to be anything particularly impressive. "Maybe we can get music for our room on the ship, how about that squirt? There's loads of kinds of music too, not just what you're hearing. Maybe there will be something you like even more, you know?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral had held a lot back about his experiences with the Saiyans, but it was all necessary. He saw no reason to end up having to tell them everything that happened unless it was unavoidable. It had been a whole year he had been gone for and it wasn’t as if Takeshi remembered him to ask what he was doing or what squad he was with. He did wonder if he would ever be dragged into that life once more, his inability to see a future that didn’t end with a loss for him was not giving him a whole lot of confidence. Just now he was angry at Aito for how he acted towards Krom. The man had already surrendered and if he wasn’t willing to talk it wasn’t as if he was going to accept Aito’s rage in defeat. What if he was a Beastman from the project but wasn’t willing to talk, would Aito beat them up until he told? Feeling pretty angry with all that had happened he frowned when Yumi tried to give him the benefit of the doubt that he never meant to hurt any of them directly, touching his cheek in a slightly embarrassing moment. Frowning, he didn’t know how to feel about any of it or whether he should blame himself, seeing how he didn’t know why they wanted him when they picked him up in the first place. To him it sounded like she really hated what had been done to her too. Staring at her when she decided to approach Krom he slowly stepped back, finding the steps to be much more difficult as the realisation that he was trying to move after being hit by a Super Saiyan punch.

Krom wasn’t sure what he wanted to say after all that, knowing he was already talking too much about it. Yumi certainly seemed rather understandable to Viral’s activities regarding the project while Aito was pretty silent, then again he had been hit pretty embarrassingly by Yumi with that slap. Frowning when Yumi decided to approach him he folded his arms, disliking what she was suggesting. “They will want to fight, but whether with you or with Yamate I don’t know. There’s a lot of them, so you would have to be prepared to accommodate them more than simply letting them go”, he spoke calmly, rolling his shoulder slowly, “You do realise that simply saying you’ll let them go isn’t going to be enough? You have to figure out what to do with them. They’re not going to be used to the same society you’re used to either. Even your friend Viral has expressed his inability to integrate into normal society”.

Shu didn’t understand, he thought ball was a fun game to play but Takeshi didn’t seem to like it at all. “Ooh, net? Rules? I don’t understand! What to score? I don’t know, might be fun I think!” He would play any game so long as it was fun, but Takeshi didn’t seem to like anything or seem interested in things that was probably going to be a fun new experience for him. Everything seemed to be boring to Takeshi so it was definitely hard to see him show any of these things. Gasping at the notion of having music on the ship he happily bounced on his seat. “Yeah! Would be nice! Maybe relaxing? What other music you saying? What might I like? What can music do?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Viral couldn't be blaming himself for this, it was out of his control regardless of whether he'd volunteered or not. The ones to blame were the people who actually carried out the experiments themselves, not the person they got the information from. In some way Yumi thought her friend had been forced into agreeing too and worried that those in the project now were being forced as well. So how could they help that? Giving them a choice seemed like the only reasonable decision, they should get to pick what their fate would be. "Why can't they go back to society? I've gone back, I've changed and I can get on with people just fine," she argued on their behalf despite knowing it was moot; Viral did have trouble in some settings, and if these people had half the issues he did then they would struggle as well. "We can... Well... What if we helped them get used to it again? Someone could be there to show them what to do, they could go back home, be happy again..."

"They can have their own society," Aito interjected, furrowing his brow in thought as he rubbed at his chin, "They can have their own civilization with just their kind, they won't pose a risk to other people then and will have those similar to themselves around to cope. Given what they've been through it might be more damaging to separate them now than to keep them together." But where to put them? He almost considered bringing them here to Uuonoe, but did this world have the space needed for a whole new race of peoples to take up lives? True the world was larger than just this metropolis they were in and there were undoubtedly other cities like it, but what about living space or them? "Or... We have the best of both worlds, put a halt to the project and give the subjects those facilities and that world to live on," Aito mused aloud, looking to Krom as he spoke, "I don't know numerically how many you have by this point but it should be enough, I'm positive it is. There is no reason for these experiments to continue then and the scientists and whoever else is there can move off planet. It's only fair that those people be given the world, its resources, to rebuild their lives. You Saiyans owe them that much."

"Well if you think it might be fun... I don't know, maybe we can try it sometime. Would need to find loads more people to play with though, you know? They have big teams for that sort of stuff." That would be interesting, unless they got everyone in their group to play they would have to turn to humans to join them. Somehow Takeshi figured humans playing sports against Saiyans wasn't the most fair thing in the world. "I don't know what its called buddy, I'm not a musician you know? I just have heard different types is all, there's loads of kinds of music. We can see what sorts you really like when we get back on the ship." Though they would need something to play the music in their room wouldn't they? He remembered people carrying around big boxes back home that played music, could they find something like that here? "I mean... I don't know, music can make you happy I guess? Or excited, it kind of did now didn't it?" Takeshi asked, smirking as he reached over and ruffled Shu's hair, "We'll find out when we play it later won't we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krom was not willing to talk to Aito but talking to Yumi was by far a lot easier when he knew she was more entitled to know more about it. She was the one who was part of the project and even though Aito was standing around there was little reason to hold anything back from her. She was the one who was part of the experiments and Viral did help him out along with her. Viral didn’t seem too happy with what had happened, he was leaving the scene but he couldn’t really blame the Beastman after being punched by Aito so hard. If that flash he saw out of the corner of his eye when Viral pushed him away something had properly shattered. “They can’t go back to society because most of them are not like you. Most of them are more beast than man if you get my drift”, he spoke, frowning when Aito decided to push himself into the conversation with a rather naïve suggestion. Smirking at first he soon chuckled, shaking his head with a sigh. “You can’t just take everything they’ve known away from them and expect them to fit into society! Not even I can do that”, he shrugged, “You two are very naïve and childish in your way of thinking. You can’t just take a wild animal and expect it to be your pet! Either they fight like they’re supposed to or you force them to integrate into society by means of if they don’t behave, they’re getting locked up. Maybe you should learn you can’t place a killer into society and expect them to act like that part of them doesn’t exist”.

Viral felt like his entire being had been broken, even though he was still physically together. It was difficult to move nevermind walk like nothing had happened. His energy really was weak, if his shield was destroyed that quickly then how would he stand a chance against another strong foe. All of his skills were based on his energy and seeing it break as if it was a thin sheet of ice made him wonder if he was ever going to compare with a real warrior. Sure, Aito was a Super Saiyan when he punched him, but even he was expecting Krom to take that hit with only a bit of damage. It angered him, he was angry at Aito now too for ever being so vicious to Krom who wasn’t at fault. Deciding he had done his job he was off, not really knowing where he was going but he wasn’t going to go back to the house, dropping the top as he walked. If he was going to collapse in pain he certainly wasn’t going to do it here after such a spectacle.

Shu found that thought to be awfully exciting, he didn’t even know where to start with it all. It would be great to be able to play this game with the ball and it would be great to find out about all sorts of music and whether he would like all these types of music. This was certainly an exciting time for him, almost like the time he had been taken in by the people and shown everything he had been missing while being in the jungle. “Musician?? Ooh! That person of music? But already knew you weren’t because you’re Takeshi”, he spoke quickly, nodding in confirmation, “I would like to have music that make me happy. Can music make you sleepy too? Would like to be able to sleep through night, I mean. Wanna know if music helps…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Hearing those people could never return home, or others might not even be fit to crushed Yumi. When she was being tested on for as briefly as she was the one thing she wanted above all else was to see a familiar face again. If she wasn't able to do that? She probably would have lost it, as she worried now those people might be. There had to be a way for them to make this work though, Aito sounded like he might have such an idea even. Yet Krom again shot that down, sounding like he knew an awful lot about killers not fitting into society. Funny, speaking from experience? "Well... What if someone was there to help them adjust? We get rid of the scientists and someone else is there in place, to help them with the change? And then once they're okay, whoever is there can go?" Yumi suggested, smiling uncertainly at her own proposal. It was asking an awful lot of everyone involved but then it might be the only way to make it work. It really should be one of the Saiyans if they did go with such a plan seeing as they were the ones responsible for the project in the first place.

"We should see the state they're in before we put a plan in place, don't want to make too many assumptions," Aito cautioned, looking at Krom again with a disapproving frown, "That being said there's no reason for this project to continue, not if you have a sizable number of Beastmen. The program should be discontinued and the subjects allowed to lead some semblance of a normal life, at least until they are called on, if they ever are." He had been admittedly rash in his effort to totally dismantle it all earlier, they had to take into consideration what the change in lifestyle would mean for the subjects as well. If all they knew were the facilities, or they became so dependent on the attention and care given by the scientists then removing that could cause serious problems. They had to free these people, that remained a certainty, but perhaps it should be done in a more staggered effort. "So then Krom, that just leaves you. If we can ensure that these people are given proper care and attention I can't imagine you have any reason to protest. I see no reason for this to go on any longer and trying to maintain it is moot."

Weird that something as simple as music had Shu all giddy and hyperactive. Was it honestly that special to him? Come to think of it however Takeshi couldn't recall one time his brother had been around music with him, so he guessed it was something new for the little guy. Funny how something so simple had him this excited, really kind of reminded him of just how out of touch Shu was when it came to stuff like this. "Yeah that's right, musicians play music. Look at you using your little brain buddy," the older boy teased, smirking when Shu called him out as not being a musician. He could probably play something if he tried, playing guitar looked cool and pretty easy to pick up. "Huh? Oh uh... I mean yeah music can make you happy. If it's all upbeat and happy and stuff, you know? As far as it making you sleep is concerned..." Uh, did it work like that? Furrowing his brow confused Takeshi looked over at Vegeta who was still at the window, grabbing a pillow and tossing it at the boy to get his attention. "Hey Vegeta! Shu's wondering if music can help him sleep! And be happy and all that!"

Hm, it seemed like the powers had been dialed back finally, thank goodness. Yumi was out there now as well so hopefully she could keep everyone in line for the time being. Sighing to himself Vegeta shook his head, reaching back as a pillow was thrown at him and catching it blindly. "You can just ask for me Takeshi, don't have to be a child," he chided, turning back and lazily tossing the pillow onto the edge of the couch, "And yes, there is plenty of research showing that music can influence mood, as well as help someone relax and sleep. You have to be very selective about the music though, anything too loud, too high in tempo or otherwise will disturb Shu too much. You also have to put into consideration the lighting of the room of course, as too much stimulus will rouse him from sleep," he added, beginning to get much too into it now, "And you should be particularly careful to turn the music off when asleep, you're still hearing it and prolonged exposure can lead to hearing loss, regardless of volume. I'd recommend it though, it's easily done and can have numerous benefits."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Krom didn’t think either of them were getting the gist of it, but that was their problem for being quick on the draw and not willing to understand just what they had been working on here. They were quick to assume just what the Beastmen were like and thinking they were all like Yumi was just silly. That was their own problem though, he wasn’t going to be saying what they were really like if they were so ready and willing to believe he was responsible for taking away the social lives of others and have them all be like Yumi. That already proved to be too silly a notion and to believe that all those Beastmen could happily go to a society like theirs was just childish. But whatever, he wasn’t going to be compromising the mission when it meant the survival of many more without them being taken away. Looking to Yumi he soon sighed, shaking his head. When neither of them knew what it was like there everything they were suggesting was just coming out as almost laughable to him.

“Look, either you give them a job to do or you try and introduce them to society like the ruffians they are compared to you ‘civilised chumps’”, Krom spoke up, waving his hand, “You lot don’t even trust me to be civilised”. Looking to Aito who decided to pitch in again he frowned, making them sound like they were all disabled somehow with that. He really disliked how they all assumed everything the Saiyans did was evil and disgusting. “Look if it makes you feel better we couldn’t recreate what Viral is, but that doesn’t mean there’s not some strong Beastman too”, he spoke, looking away as he waved his hand, “Most of them are subordinates, anyway…simple soldiers”. He really disliked how Aito wanted to reduce the project into nothing after all that effort, not to mention how he was treating it like a massive inconvenience for it to exist. Technology was much more advanced than what Aito had been used to using back whenever he was last around with Viral so he saw no reason for it to be considered hazardous or anything like what Aito did to make Viral. Looking back to Aito when he spoke again he frowned, disliking how he was laying that on him as a reason for the project to come to a halt. “My protest comes from the number of lives that will be endangered because of these monsters and the inability to combat them effectively. I only want to protect those that can’t protect themselves. The only way I can see a compromise around this is if you were to destroy the monsters complete instead of lazing around and running away all the time”.

Shu had no idea what it was like to have music in his life up until now and by the sounds of this one piece of music he had been missing out on a lot. Who knew how many types of music there was out there and why it sounded like that, or maybe Takeshi did and he wasn’t willing to say what made the music and what other types there were for him to enjoy. Getting all excited over the thought of the music and more of it he hoped maybe it was possible to help him with his sleep patterns, maybe even give him some nice dreams instead of those haunting ones he often had that freaked him out. Smiling at him he squeaked when he asked Vegeta, looking to him curiously to see what he had to say. It was a little odd that Takeshi threw a pillow at him, but if it was going to get him attention then maybe it was normal behaviour. Smiling at Vegeta he soon slowly tilted his head, feeling confused about the stuff they had to be careful about when it came to the music. There seemed to be a lot to music if all that could make it hard to sleep. Staring at him as he spoke he soon scratched his head, squeaking lightly. “Ooh! Really? Don’t want to not lose hearing…is that actually a thing?” he questioned him, finding it hard to believe such a condition existed with his limited understanding of the body, “I wanna have nice sleep and good dreams. Don’t wanna feel tired a lot during the day, wanna be able to bounce all times of day…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"We'd find a way to make this work, whether its keeping them among themselves or easing them into society at large. Anything is better for their well-being than being isolated and kept under scrutiny like some curiosity." Viral was a Beastman and maybe he wasn't the easiest person when it came to interacting in public spaces, but he'd proven he could do so. There was no reason to think these people, both those modified like Yumi and others wholly made from scratch couldn't learn to do well. Even if they were simple soldiers as Krom suggested that shouldn't take away from their basic rights to live as they pleased, not on call to battle at the drop of a hat and nothing more. Soldiers had lives too, even Viral had things outside of combat. Hearing Krom's concern struck a skeptical chord in Aito, having a difficult time seeing a man responsible for so much trouble having such a desire. "If that's your priority then we can fight the monsters, we know how to kill them and we'll exterminate any and all we come across," the doctor said firmly, "If we agree to help cull these beasts then you have to agree to let us give these people some semblance of freedom, its only right."

"And the war is technically on hold, right? So that means the rebels can start helping too!" Yumi suggested hopefully as she stepped in, "Between us, the rebels and the Saiyans there's no reason for the Beastmen to have to fight all the time, or for anymore to be made. We can let them learn how to get used to society again and be comfortable, and then we can let them decide what they want to do." There were plenty of people who could help with this too, anyone from their group would do just fine, albeit to varying degrees. If they wanted just enough to get on though then she could even help with it, she was far from high class but then she doubted any of the Beastmen cared about that. And there was someone else who could help her with that as well. "I'm kind of a Beastman now, so it just fits that I do what I can to help these people. And Viral can help too! No one knows what it's like better than he does," Yumi added, looking to Krom expectantly, "Neither of us are going to hurt them or do anything bad, and we're the best choices you have for helping these people. Why not let Viral and I do it?"

Music for therapy was a novel idea yet not greatly supported by research, but it could just do the trick for Shu. His mood was undeniably better today than it had been in ages and giving him music to sway his emotions one way or another could prove invaluable. "Well yes... Any of the senses can be lost if not careful, it happens very often actually, especially with old age," Vegeta explained plainly, not taking into consideration how it might unnerve Shu to hear such a thing. Meeting Takeshi's angry gaze then he cleared his throat, putting on a small smile as he added, "But for someone your age its very rare, and as long as you take care of yourself you won't have to worry about a thing." Definitely didn't want to end up giving the kid even more things to be worried about. Music could actually do wonders for Shu and once they got back to the ship, whenever they did, he would look into outfitting their room with a sound system. Shouldn't be terribly hard, there may even be something here on Uuonoe that would serve the same purpose. "Well I'll set up a music system in your room on the ship, and you'll be able to select whatever music you want," Vegeta said, "Well... Given whatever we can get from these people."
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