NAME: Genevieve Vivian Diaval
NICKNAME/ALIAS: Jeanie, Henrietta, Evie
ABSTRACT: a phrase that describes your character
AGE: She was thirteen when she was put into the stone. But now she is physically around nineteen.
GENDER: Female
SNARE ABILITY: Her ability pertains to dreams and illusion. She can enter and control other peoples dreams when they are asleep. There is no sense of time inside the dream world, so leaving others dreams only happens when the person wakes up, she can hop into someone else's dream, or somebody shakes Jeanie back to reality. Inside the dream world she can control and create everything she can imagine. Outside the dreamworld and back in the reality she can only create illusions. Her mother liked to call them hallucination and daydreams. These illusions are similar to holograms, as they are harmless and intangible, but look solid and real. Jeanie can see your dreams, nightmares, and sometime even abstract, or forgotten memories.
Genevieve parents Leda Orson, and Henry Diaval met in Mapleton City. Her mother was a performer for a traveling theater troupe called Raven's Rave Theater. Her father was the newest to join the crew. The troupe was in truth a guise for a Snare and Magic rights extremist organization, that both her parents were devoted to even before Genevieve was born. The troupe traveled around preforming, all the while secretly helping harbor and relocate Snares and magic users. They also left a string of crimes all pertaining to their rather extreme activism ideals like, burning down government buildings, braking Snares out of the labs, and threatening officials.
Two years before Genevieve was born the troupe was almost caught, so they had to dial down the criminal acts and stick to peaceful protests and handing out informative flyers, till the government got off there back. Her mother only found out she was pregnant when she was already seven months along. Henry immediately proposed to Leda and they were going to get married in a month. But a week before the wedding Jeanie born. She was a whole month early, and a beautiful wee little thing. Unfortunately Genevieve was born a Snare, so the midwife who was helping with the birth, left in repulsion after seeing the newborns glowing yellow eyes. The midwife ran off to report the birth of a Snare to the officials.
Henry quickly wrapped little Genevieve up in a blanket, handed Leda their newborn, and went after the midwife to stop her from reporting. Thing quickly got out of hand, and Henry accidentally murdered the old hag when trying to keep her quite. Two weeks pasted, and the police had him in multiple time for questioning. He slowly decided to turn himself in because he knew that it was only a matter of time until the police had enough evidence. He didn't want his family to always have to be on the run. So with a heartbreaking goodbye Henry left Leda and Jeanie under the care of the troupe, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Genevieve's tiny horns started growing in when she was six months old. Her yellow eyes glowed in the dark like a cats, and when her teeth came in the pair of sharp canines followed. Leda wanted Jeanie to have a happy normal life, but she knew all to well about the persecution, and unjust laws that came with being a Snare. She didn't want to lose her only daughter to the stone when she turned 10, all because she was born different. After much deliberation among Leda and the troupe, they decided that the best why for Genevieve to lead a normal life in this unfair world, was to make her appear fully human. Irene, one of the founding members of the troupe, was a witch, and was able to create a potion that changed someones eye color to brown. Uprooting a Snare's horns was an illegal surgery, but after three years of searching Leda finally found a willing doctor to do it for a fee, he even shaved down Jeanie's canines.
As long as the light didn't catch Genevieve's eyes in such as way to make them shine, she looked as normal as any other child walking down the street. The scars from where her horns once were healed nicely, and hid perfectly under her hair. By the time Jeanie was five, she and her mother had left the troupe for a safer life in Rock Bridge city. Leda got a job at flower shop, and also preformed at the local theater. They lived above the flower shop where they rented a room. Jeanie went to school, spent her days playing with the other children around the city. She liked to help her mother at the theater. It was happy and no one suspected anything.
She was seven years old when her Snare powers started manifesting. After going to sleep, she would find herself in other peoples dreams, and nightmares. Not that she or her mother knew that they were other peoples dreams. She became terrified of going to sleep for fear of the nightmares and monsters that seemed to be waiting for her when she closed her eyes. Then one night Jeanie entered her mothers dream. The next morning she told her mother about the whole thing. Overtime her powers became stronger, and she learned to control parts of the dreamworld. Unfortunately, entering the dreams of others was still terrifying to Jeanie, so she would try and stay awake for days on end. Leda had to start putting a sleeping drought in Jeanie's dinner.
She was only seven and keeping the secret that she was a Snare was already hard enough, but now anytime she was around someone she had to make sure she didn't mention anything about their personal dreams she had seen. Life kept on moving, and Jeanie's became weaker and weaker as she only slept a little as she could. Her teacher sent her home one multiple occasions for fainting spells, and passing out at her desk. Leda decided that school was not the safest place for Jeanie to be anymore, so she pulled her out. Genevieve spent her days with her mother at the flower shop and around the theater. Dark circles under her eyes, and low energy became a constant.
Due to the extreme lack of sleep and the typical rainy weather that was Rock Bridge city, it was only a mater of time before Jeanie got sick. She contracted pneumonia and a horrible fever. Her mother called for the doctor, and during the examination the doc discovered that Genevieve was truly a undocumented Snare. He gave her medication, and then told Leda that he would have to report her and Jeanie. After he left, Leda quickly packed a bag with their essential, and took out the emergency money, and the forged identity papers she had hidden under the floor broads. They ran.
They ended up at a old inn, just a days journey from the border. Jeanie was to sick to keep going, and Leda felt safe enough at last. Three weeks later Genevieve was finally well again. Leda had procured a job at the Inn as a barmaid and was payed with free room and bored. Genevieve, now went by the name Henrietta, and her mother was called Lynda. This was to be their life now. During her time being sick and mostly asleep, she had found that she could control what happened inside the dreamworld. This made it much easier for her to sleep, as she could just turn the nightmares into fairytales.
When she was nearing nine years old,Raven's Rave Theater came to the nearby village. Her mother reunited with her old friends and colleges. They were all happy to see Jeanie doing well. Irene even helped Genevieve learn more about her abilities and how to control them safely. They ended up leaving the Inn, to travel with the troupe. It was a different world to Jeanie, living in the caravans, traveling from place to place, and eating outside around a fire. Her favorite thing was that everyone in the troupe knew her secret and didn't care that she was a Snare. Leda had always been over protective and slightly paranoid that everyone was out to get Jeanie and lock her in the Stone, but among the troupe she seemed happier, so Jeanie was too.
The next three years was spent traveling around the kingdoms with the troupe. She even began singing in some of the little musicals. She loved to explore all the new cities and towns they came across. The whole group became like a big family to her. She would help Irene cook up potions. She would help paint sets with Bruce and Tomlin. She would stitch up costumes with her mother, and Harriet. She ran around helping Vaughn, Greta, and Dexter with the backstage work and shopping. Nights after the shows, were spent dancing and singing around the campfire till late. She helped with the morning puppet shows, and told stories to the townie children.
Sadly good things can't last. The troupe was traveling through the borderland to get to a city called Ballorie. The famous festival of arts was being held there this year, and the troupe never missed it. They had been preforming at the little villages along the way, but it had been a week since they passed the last town, so they were out of food, and needed to stop to hunt and rest. Camp was set up just off the forest road. Genevieve snuck off to explore the forest as she always did, instead of helping Harriet and Greta cook. Near midnight she was climbing a tree next to the river far off from the camp. But even from the distance she could hear the screaming coming from the direction of camp. She ran as fast as she could to see what was wrong. Just as she reached the edged of the camp a raider man grabbed her from behind.
She struggled to get free, but all she could do was watch as they raided the caravans, and wagons and her group tried to fight them off. Irene used her witch magic, but after taking two of the raiders out she became depleted and fell to the ground. Her mother, Harriet, and Greta, were already captured and tied to a tree. Tomlin and Bruce did the best they could, but were quickly slaughtered by the much stronger raiders. They raiders burned the wagons, after stealing anything of value, they took horses, and shouted and laughed as they talked about selling the woman to slavers.
In a rage Genevieve unconsciously used her illusion ability, creating a nightmarish swarm of monster bats that surrounded one of the raiders as if attacking. He ran screaming, and impaled himself on a tree branch. Jeanie's eyes turned back into there original yellow color as the witch potion that made her eyes appear brown burned out of her system. The raiders took her for a Snare, and in a matter of seconds knocked her to the ground and barbarically slit her throat. She could hear her mother screaming as Jeanie laid in the dirt bleeding to death. Her mothers cries sounded further and further away, as the raiders road of with there haul and the girls.
The fire and ash of the caravans, and Bruce and Tomlin dead bodies were the only things left other then unconscious Irene and the dying Genevieve. Irene using the last of her magi, and was able to save Jeanie from bleeding to death at the cost of her own life. Genevieve awoke to the noon sun shining down through the forest canopy. The smell of cinders and blood, was accompanied by the cheery tweeting of birds in the tree above. She would never see her mother again.
Over the next year and a half she lived on her own, and survived, her only thoughts were ones of revenge and finding her mother and the others alive. The raiders had been apart of the Falcon clan, and so began Jeanie's falcon hunt. She killed seven Falcon clan raiders before she was caught by the police. Her eye gave her away as a Snare, and after finding the scars on her scalp from where her horns once were she was immediately sent to the Stone.
During her time in stasis she had been living within the dreams and nightmares of the people in the coffins. Jumping from dream to dream with in the criminal minds of the stone was not something for the faint of heart. She was only thirteen when she entered the Stone.