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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Name: Arden Barnett
Age, Gender: 25, Male

An even six feet tall and rather handsome, Arden strikes a noble figure. His hair is a dark brown, his eyes a vivid green, and the steel of his armor burnished lightly with a dark blue gloss. Signs of wear here and there are a testament to his experience, but he keeps his equipment well maintained. He has a slight pallor of the face, but is otherwise hearty and hale.

He often wears a grim countenance, and his gaze seems far away. But when they return to the present, more often than not it is with a kind of intense focus that makes meeting his eyes a daunting task. When he does smile, it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

Personality: Despite his gloomy demeanor, Arden is what one might call a "perfect example" of the chivalrous and honorable nature of a knight. He does what is right no matter the cost to himself...and sometimes, to others. This is his primary flaw: he sees the world in stark contrast between good and evil, and values the order of law above the more realistic concerns of the common man. Against a direct threat, meeting the forces of the Night in the pitch of battle, he is a stalwart ally. But often he misunderstands the plights of others, and his attempts to help are too heavy handed. Nor is he quick to forget a grudge, and when his ire is roused he acts without thinking and--hypocritically--takes the law into his own hands. One might say, however, that he has another flaw of being too generous. Despite his hard stance on evil, he treats others well. He often refuses a reward for a good deed, and is willing to give what he can to those in need. Often times this leaves him with an empty purse, or lets others take advantage of him.

Backstory: The son of a noble knightly lineage going back for generations, Arden held himself to a standard set impossibly high by his forbears. Their line had loyally served the Kingdom and the Church for centuries, and long ago had been given a mission they carry out to this day: delivering the righteous judgement of the Crown upon those deemed to be oathbreakers, those most foul of nobles, knights, and other men of high standing whom the lesser magistrates could not bring to trial. In cases where the watchmen could not seize a criminal of this standing, or when the King could not risk a civil war, the men of House Barnett would seek honorable challenge, or serve the Crown's interest in Trial by Combat. It is for this they are not well liked by the rest of the nobility; those who call them friends merely try to stay within their good graces with honeyed words, and those who have too much pride for such groveling decry them as no better than assassins or hired thugs.

Not long after Arden came of age, he married a beautiful young woman named Diantha. They were deeply in love, but as time went on Diantha never became pregnant. Arden didn't love her any less for it, but with such a standing as his it was vital that they conceive a child. They tried many medicines by the royal doctors, visited the cathedrals all over the kingdom to receive blessings and prayers, and did as best they could. Still Diantha remained barren. She began to fear that Arden would leave her, or else take a mistress. No matter how much he reassured her, the gazes of his relatives from their lofty arrogance bore down on her more and more heavily.

Late one evening, though she feared the Night, Diantha covered herself with hood and cloak and made her way to a lonely cottage to speak with an old, withered woman. When she returned, before Arden could ask where she had been she coerced him to the bed. Within weeks they came to know that she was with child. For a time the two could not be happier, though Diantha began to make trips out into the town on errands later and later. Soon Arden began to fear that she would encounter some foul Nightkin if she stayed out any later, and he left in pursuit when she had not returned by sunset one day.

He found her, dancing in circles in the forest around an alter covered in blood, alongside others all dressed in black. Crying out to her, he charged forward with drawn sword in hand to strike down those that had kidnapped her. Though he felled one, the others all fled. They screamed for Diantha to follow them. Arden reached out to her, though only now did he see that she had begun to change into something horrible. With a wicked smile she embraced him, kissing his cheek.

He screamed as he felt her lips brand him. He pushed her away, and pointed his sword at her. Each saw the betrayal in the other's eyes.

Arden hesitated. Diantha ran. And so the quest began...

Equipment: Arden wears armor of plate steel and chain mail, along with a thick gambeson and a tabard bearing his family crest. Slung across his back is a wooden heater shield, also bearing the coat of arms, reinforced with strips of metal along its edges.

Theme: Ron Morina - The Fallen

Other: Arden has quite the reputation as a warrior, and a rumor about him says that he once fended off a dozen armed men on his own when a treasonous knight tried to have him killed before the trial set later that day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Name: Malkai
Age/Gender: 31/Male


Personality: Malkai is a strong-willed individual with his own code of honor. Often stubborn and determined, but also naive and petty. Malkai can be a kind man who will come to the aid of others without cause or reason, but he's also quick to anger and slow to calm. While he doesn't consider himself such, he often acts out of idealistic heroic notions, risking life and limb for himself or others for no reason other than that the person is in trouble, or whoever is causing them trouble is wrong for doing so. Not that he isn't pragmatic and selfish; while he may be kind he is not generous, and does not give his belongings freely. He involves himself in the affairs of others regardless of their wishes, often getting in the way of things which he has no business to be in. Malkai has no issues with stealing from the poor or the rich, young or old, needy or not. While his actions may result in some good, he himself is not a good person, as he'll lie, cheat, and steal as it suits him, and at the same time defend someone's honor and put a stop to more vile villains on principle or simply because he wants to. He can easily chose not to if he so desires.

Backstory: Malkai was born beyond The Grinds, in a land known as the Planescape. A land of wild nature and powerful monsters, were mortal men lived transient live styles, forced to either flee from the beasts or become the monsters themselves. They were called the Kharnates, who were excellent beast tamers and could often turn a simple metal pot into workable piece of armor, and one Kharnate could take on an entire company of men.

Of course this was rumor and hearsay, and Malkai himself wouldn't know the truth of it. He was only a babe when his father left the Kharnate and ventured through the Grind, living as travelers and occasionally mercenaries. The reasons were simple enough: His father was marked by a demonic creature known as a Succubus. These devilish women prey on men's base desire for sex, but use that desire to sire more of their own and to eat the souls of mortals. The succubus sought Malkai's father specifically because he and his ancestors have had a long history of being preyed upon by this specific demon, and some would even say that she is an ancestor to Malkai as well.

Malkai's father was caught by the demon when he was eleven years old. He and his father had returned from a bloody battle, where his father had lost a leg due to arrow infections. He was hallucinating and in his dying moments, thought back to more pleasant times with his wife, who died while birthing Malkai. It was then that the succubus attacked, taking on the illusion of Malkai's mother to elope with his dying father, impregnating the demon as well as absorbing his father's soul. Malkai did not discover that this happened until it was too late, when he walked into the tent and saw the demon straddling his father's lifeless corpse. He didn't even have time to scream when the demon pounced him and put her brand at the base of Malkai's crotch. When he was older and more of a man, he too would be sought after by the demon, and his future would be abruptly taken from him for the pleasure of the she-demon.

Since his father's death Malkai knew to do very little beyond fight and run, and he did more running than fighting. He ran into the forest hoping that perhaps he would get eaten by a monster or wild animal, to die quickly before letting the demon toy with his body and soul. But instead of finding despair, he found a friend. A little pup, sucking from the teat of his slain mother. The dog was barely larger than Malkai's own hand, and yet there was a certain kinship with the pathetic beast. They both were survivors of a violent tragedy. Perhaps together, they could survive their brutally short future.

With the pup in tow, Malkai roamed the lands. He raised the dog, which he named Pup, to protect and hunt with him. Together they roamed the Shadowed Vale, facing men and beasts together, growing stronger and richer each battle. But little did he know, Malkai's growth and success were being watched by the very same demon that slew his father. And soon he'd discover that the strength that carried him so far won't be enough to defeat this demon...



Other: Malkai is illiterate, though he knows how to do some math, such as multiplication and division. While not famous, he's fairly well known outside of Valeton, at least if you're a mercenary or tribal. Whether or not it's good or bad depends on who's asking, as he has made as many allies as he's made enemies. He is something of a criminal due to engaging in acts of thievery, burglary, robbery, and at least one confirmed murder of a caravan guardsman. Has not actually been in Valeton, though he knows where it is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Ahori Valkairus
Age, Gender: 27, Female


Ahori is a rather cheerful lass, almost too cheerful as most people would put it in most cases. She seems to have an extremely optimistic attitude about her despite that fact of what is happening. Though, all the happiness that she has seems to be a mask to hide how she truely feels about everything in general. This is her flaw: she will lie so that nobody is to worry about her, wanting simply to be left alone. Though her mask is also one of her greatest assets as she will not falter when things seem to be unfavorable, instead seeking to push on. That being said, she is also a very cold person as she does not seem to care much about the lives of others unless are to do something to gain her friendship and trust. Ahori is the type to avoid confrontation if she can, being afraid of breaking down in front of people. When it comes to helping people, she does purely to get rewards from it so that way she does not have to be considered poor, plus she is a bit greedy when it comes to money.

Ahori had been born under a house of fallen nobles, ones who have lost all honor to their family for an unknown reason to her. This had lead to her family being very angry towards one another and her, thus causing her coping mechanism to come into play at an early age. No matter what, she had a positive outlook on the future despite knowing full well that it may not happen anytime soon. However, do to the violence that her family had towards one another she had to mature faster than most kids would want to.

At the age of ten, she had already made a name for herself as a petty thief who stole bread, coin, and various other valuables that people had. This had not gone over well with her family in the slightest and it lead to many severe punishments. On a near day to day basis, she was locked within her room and not allowed to have dinner. This only reinforced her will to go and steal in order to survive in her own household. Ahori then took up a different interest in her life, dancing, while not a true job she could make bits of money off of performances. While at first she was not the best, she quickly grew in her talents as she wanted to further develop this. By fifteen, she was considered a master at her art, though still not the best that could be found in the city. Another plus is that she incorporated her dancing into her theivery so that she would not get in as much trouble in a fight.

Continuing her career was her top priority and when she hit the age of twenty-six it became even more important as she had actually started to make a good income, bringing her family together once more. However, there was one thing that began to haunt her at night, a small imp who continously followed her though no one but her could see it. It beckoned her to join it for a lifetime of power and infamy, but she refused and it had respected her choice. Though, every night it would come to her and ask to for her to join it and every night she refused. Except one night, Ahori had questioned it instead, asking why it had been doing this. It had answered that it merely wished to inhabit a new body so that it could gain power that no mortal could comprehend. After that, something began burning her stomach, a mark had appeared. When she asked why, it answered with "So I don't lose you. You will become my host even in death. I chose you so because of your skills. You are able to dance, literally, dance around attacks. If you wish to live a normal life then kill me, but know that I am always watching." With that her vendetta began.

Ahori became consumed with trying to find the imp and kill it. She drove away her friends, family, even her audeience. Her fame began to dwindle within a year, but she refused to give in and began a wider hunt for the imp, only catching glimpses of it or hearing it speak to her.

-Iron Dagger
-A loaf of bread

Theme: Os Trabocos - Amarcatu

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