Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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This isn't my second CS so much as it is me having a cheeky laugh. I'll get my actual one up soonish.


Wade "MrStealYoGurl/Guy/Bonsai Tree" Wilson, AKA Generalissimo Maple Leaf, AKA Captain Deadpool, AKA Deadpool

”Be careful that when eating pussy, you yourself do not become a pussy, for when you gaze long into the vagina, the vagina gazes also into you”-Mahatma Gandhi



The Delicious People’s republic of Chimichanga

Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In some place in Canada born and raised

In the juvie was where I spent most of my days

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool

all shootin some d-bags outside of the school

When some government boys who were up to no good

Started making trouble in my neighborhood

I got in several hundred several one little fight and as a result was horrendously and emotionally scarred beyond recognition, to the extent that it shattered both my mental health and my ability to connect with my fellow man. Please help me.

Supporting Cast:
It's just a prank bro

Post References:

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Morden Man Actually think I'll let you and @Gowi have Superman. I think I actually want to be Luthor this time around. Mark me down for interest on Lex. I'll make a Marvel character too, probably Captain America or Wolverine.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 6 days ago

I'mma let you finish but this is still the best joke application of all time. @Kingfisher

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Getting in the zone!!!

None of this hacker Doom we saw recently, I'm talking badass traditional Doom who speaks in CAPITALS!

You missed one.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I'm honestly surprised that there hasn't been a real play for Deadpool yet. And here I went and made my Negasonic Teenage Warhead sheet for nothing! (Speaking of which, where my mutants at?)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm honestly surprised that there hasn't been a real play for Deadpool yet. And here I went and made my Negasonic Teenage Warhead sheet for nothing! (Speaking of which, where my mutants at?)

I did consider it, but I decided I'd run out of ways to break the fourth wall too quickly.

Plus villains, bro.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 27 min ago

Can't Deadpool be played as a villain?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 6 days ago

It has been a long, long time since I have seen Deadpool played well. In all honesty, I don't think he translates well to a non-visual medium.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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I'm honestly surprised that there hasn't been a real play for Deadpool yet. And here I went and made my Negasonic Teenage Warhead sheet for nothing! (Speaking of which, where my mutants at?)

I had half of an awesome Xavier CS (you can't argue as you haven't seen it so nyah!) before I realised it would be difficult to play him as the eternal optimist (in terms of mutant rights) given the world's history so far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 6 days ago

@TimeMasterX I'd argue that the opposite was true - the New Frontier world needs an optimistic Charles Xavier more than ever.

But you might want to hold off on Xavier until there are some other mutants? Otherwise you could end up in a position where you're playing Xavier in a game where the X-Men are NPCed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm honestly surprised that there hasn't been a real play for Deadpool yet. And here I went and made my Negasonic Teenage Warhead sheet for nothing! (Speaking of which, where my mutants at?)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@TimeMasterX I'd argue that the opposite was true - the New Frontier world needs an optimistic Charles Xavier more than ever.

But you might want to hold off on Xavier until there are some other mutants? Otherwise you could end up in a position where you're playing Xavier in a game where the X-Men are NPCed.

Also why I went for different characters. Although at some point I would love to revisit Charles Xavier, Agent of SHIELD (Totally a direction I was considering.) But if I do Xavier, yeah he'll totally be the almost fanatically optimistic supporter of mutant/human coexistence.


Almost there...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

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<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>


He's the best he is at what he does... and what he does is get included in family-friendly films and TV shows where his character has to be neutered... (But provides amazing pics and GIFs, so it all works out.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 3 days ago

Honestly, if I applied with Thor, I'd probably team him up with Aquaman and have them go on adventures to the Savage Land or Skartaris. Captain America would end up fighting nazi super scientists and The Ultra Humanite, and Luthor as kind of a jerk.

So yeah, probably sticking with Ghost Rider.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I'll kiss anyone full on the mouth who does a Donald Blake/Diana Prince 'ship. (Actually, that might dissuade people. I won't kiss anyone who does that!)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Today, I make no demands... no threats! But, one day, I shall voice demands -- and all shall obey them!
-Victor Von Doom

Name: Victor Von Doom

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Affiliation: Latveria

Victor Von Doom was born in the hills of Latveria to a mother and father who travelled with a group of Romany gypsies, on the night of his birth there was a terrible storm and lightning struck the camp, some said it was a bad omen and talked of casting the newborn babe out but Doom's mother proudly declared that the Gods themselves had failed to kill her son and that no mortal would do any better.

Victor was raised in the travelling group for a few years, playing with another child of the group, a girl called Valeria; Victor was also taught basic arcane tricks by his mother and, being a child, he thought nothing of this. It was a happy existence until local soldiers came for his parents. It transpired that his mother had been arrested for practising witchcraft and she, along with Victor's father, had been sentenced to death. They were executed on the spot. Victor left both those he knew and Latveria itself, heading to America.

Victor spent many years in the states, his mind proved well-suited to learning the sciences and he greedily absorbed all the knowledge he could. Upon attending college he found himself sharing a room with another up and coming prodigy, Reed Richards. The two worked well together but their attitudes contrasted enough that, when a lab accident caused Victor's face to be scarred horribly, he bitterly blamed Richards and left the states shortly after.

Victor's life consisted of travelling during this period, he explored many areas of the world where no one had documented and learned many teachings from the wise figures he found; not limiting his education to (as he saw it) Western science, Victor broadened his understanding of the Arcane and Magyks of the world. It was here he began to refer to himself as 'Doctor' and clad himself in hooded garments to hide his deformity.

Victor ended up in Latveria and, seemingly without reason, launched a coup and took over the kingdom in quick succession. Within weeks he reorganised the country into a thriving and productive nation. He maintained a cordial if distant relationship with the United States, preserving Latveria's independence while maintaining an embassy in Metropolis. For its part, the US publicly decries the dictatorship of Von Doom whilst privately maintaining his diplomatic immunity and purchasing his weapons which have ended up in the US military and the black market alike.

Supporting Cast:
Kristoff Von Doom - Shortly into his reign Doctor Doom decreed that he would require an heir. All the Latverian villagers were required to bring their children to Castle Doom; Doom chose a boy from the crop of children and renamed the child 'Kristoff'. The boy has been kept in Castle Doom ever since and has remained at Doom's side, learning what he can. After years of exposure to Doom's personality Kristoff is a product of Doom's ideology and will often be left to rule Latveria if the monarch leaves the country.

Valeria - Victor's childhood friend grown up, Valeria made the mistake of not leaving Latveria. When Doom became ruler he had the young woman brought to him. It is said he proposed on the spot and, at her refusal, has kept her locked in the castle ever since; others say that she is under house arrest but serves as Doom's conscience when he will listen. Either way the public of Latveria know better than to speak of her anymore, Doom's ears are everywhere.

Boris - Doom's faithful servant. Not much is known about the elderly figure who sometimes appears by Doom's side but it is clear that Doom uses him for all sorts of functions in Castle Doom. He has known Victor longer than anyone else, having been present for his birth as part of the gypsy group that Doom's parents had joined.

Doombots - The mechanical facsimiles of Doctor Doom have been used in circumstances where Victor could not risk his own safety or had no interest in being present for. They are indistinguishable from the original Doom until their destruction, with the emergence of superpowered beings Doom has spent even more time making his creations appear human under the armour.

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:
In a world where characters like Superman and Thor can work together and Lex Luthor is currently a benevolent figure Doctor Doom, who typically works alone, needs to be a credible threat. So I shall focus on Victor's political skill as head of a sovereign nation, granting him diplomatic immunity, along with his considerable skill with magic.


Castle Doom, Latveria
The shadows shook when Doctor Doom returned. As though anyone hiding within had taken a breath to steady their nerves at the sight. But no one was hiding in the shadows, no one would dare, Doctor Doom was back and no one could hide.

Doom knew the castle as intimately as he knew each and every inch of his armour, they were both made to his exacting specifications. Unforgiving and cold.

Doom had barely walked through the great doors of Castle Doom's entrance when the servants arrived. They busied themselves with the task of taking their master's cape, checking his armour for any imperfections and providing updates on anything, anything at all that had occurred in Latveria while he had been away. Doom barely noticed them anymore, they were performing their duty and doing so well, that was all that was needed. Not waiting for them to keep pace or remove themselves from his path Doom strode through the small mass of menials and made his way purposefully to his throne room.

The throne of Latveria was a marvel of technology, like all Doom's creations, it allowed a single person to activate and use all the means Doom had installed to run Latveria. From that throne one could quite literally control the entire country with the touch of a button. Like a great deal of the technology in Latveria the throne was imprinted to Doom's DNA and quite fatal to any who attempted to gain access without Doom's express permission.

Which is why Doom was beyond stunned to see another figure sitting atop it.

The figure was facing away from the room's entrance towards a giant screen that illuminated the room. The screen showed a very detailed map of Metropolis, the very place that Doom had returned from; as with all Doom's surveillance the map showed key points of interest labelling the city along with key and vulnerable features marked in notable hues. The indication was clear, whoever was trespassing in Doom's throne was clearly intending to use the resources he had accrued in a pointless attack on the American city.

The figure gestured and the large throne swivelled to face Doom. The figure on the throne wore Doom's signature armour, green garments and even his iconic mask accompanied by a green hood. In short, Doom was facing one of his own Doombots.

'What is this?' Doom's voice was cold and held the metallic tint of a voice obscured by a mask.

'Excellent, you have returned. Update me on the progress of our work in Metropolis.' The sitting copy's voice was richer and resonated with more force than Doom's own, a clear sign of a duplicate.

'Rise, you have forgotten your place.'

[color=ADFF2F]'I-'[color] The copy appeared momentarily confused. 'You dare question me?'

This was always happening, Doom mused under his mask, Doombots allowing their programming to make them forget that they were Doombots in the first place. Clearly a problem he would need to address.

'I order you now, speak! Detail the progress!'

'Enough of this charade.' Doom raised his arm, preparing to unleash an electronic pulse that would render the Doombot incapacitated. The Doombot did not move, it would be unable to anyway, Doom had installed many safeguards in his creations including programming that rendered them unable to attack their creator.

Doom activated the electronic pulse and...nothing happened. He tried again and still nothing. Now he was genuinely mystified; perhaps his armour had been hacked somehow or some virus that interfered with his weaponry.

Indeed, Doom was so confused that he didn't notice the copy rise from the throne and raise his arm in exactly the same fashion that Doom himself had done moments before.
What Doom did notice was the shock of electricity that ran through every nerve in his body, his armour shut down immediately and he felt himself fall to the floor, numbness setting in. His senses dulled and he found it difficult to see through his mask.

But he heard the laughter.

The copy stood before him. 'You, like many before you,' it spoke drily, 'are just another failure born of Doom's brilliance.'

With that, the standing Doom, for that was who he was, reached down and wrenched the head of the Doombot, for that was what it was, from it's shoulders. He held it aloft, almost fondly, before turning and striding back to his throne. With a simple movement he deposited the Doombot's head onto an arm of the throne.

Immediately information of the Doombot's progress filled the screen, days of work and many activities were compartmentalised and given order in nanoseconds before appearing on the large screen. Doom analysed the information in silence before rising once again from his throne and beckoning to Boris. The old man stood to one side of the room, out of distance of any potential danger that the Doombot could have caused, at Doom's gesture he approached the throne.

'My Lord?'

'The time has come Boris, prepare my private jet.' Victor Von Doom surveyed his map one last time and knew that the pieces had all fallen into place. 'Today we fly for Metropolis!'

Boris nodded hurriedly and turned to leave.

'And Boris,' the old man stopped, Doom gestured to the ruined Doombot on the floor, 'Have that cleaned up.'

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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“I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I'm changing the thngs I cannot accept.”

Diana Prince, AKA Wonder Woman

Chaotic Good


Wonder Woman has been in a constant flux, her memories telling her so many stories of who she is and what she represents. She’s been told she’s the daughter of Zeus, a warrior princess of the Amazons, a student of the martial arts, an elite operative for the agency known as SHIELD, and a herald of justice. She isn’t one of these things— she is all of them. Born Diana Prince in Gateway City, the girl that became Wonder Woman had three lifetimes worth of trials.

From her beginnings in Team 7, a black ops unit operating under authority from the agency known as SHIELD, to her awakening as an amazon and demi-goddess Wonder Woman has found herself tested by many as injustice plagued the planet. Challenged by gods, warlords, corrupt governments, gangs, corporations, mystics, and monsters Diana has refused to back down where evil overshadows good and she refuses to let it go unpunished. Her values have had many people unite behind her as they coined her a “superheroine” alongside many others of her ilk. But few of them have shown themselves to stand with her when things looked the most bleak… at least for a time.

In 2012, Diana returned to Gateway City and to America and began fighting injustice as she had in Eastern Europe, but it was here that she became in full-view of the media and the public as she defeated a sea monster summoned by Circe to destroy the pacific seaboard. She was coined “Wonder Woman” and the rest becomes history. Following this event she would go on to fight many who aligned themselves with evil and sin such as Silver Swan and Cheetah. As time would pass she would come to side with Superman and Charles Xavier on the Mutant Rights issue, assertively opposing assertions of a law that would bring more suffering and injustice. Nobody listened. When Magneto attacked the White House Diana aided in defense, but did not do it out of sympathy for President Kelly.

Declining Luthor’s JLA initiative, Diana has fought independently, continuing to spread her ideals. However these ideals have marked Diana in a bad light as conservative media paints her a ruthless intolerant extremist; and after her most recent encounter with business savant and medical expert, Cylvia Cyber, more people are starting to be wary of Diana and her brand of justice. As things turn up… SHIELD Director Amanda Waller looks to Diana with familiarity, confusion, and dread.

2016 is going to be hell.

Superhero Associates & Wards

Other Friends & Allies
    Steven Trevor - Former lead operative of SHIELD’s Team 7 and Diana’s former comrade. Given he is a special agent directly under Amanda Waller, Diana’s relationship with Steve is often times complicated and Diana doesn’t feel like she can entirely trust him.

    Edward Indelicato - Lead Detective on Gateway City Police Department’s Special Cases Squad and oddly an ally Diana has come to trust.

Enemies & Rivals
    Circe - Diana’s nemesis. Similar to Thor’s nemesis, Loki, Circe taunts Diana with countless schemes for apparently no reason. She’s completely hard to predict and much more difficult to deal with. Diana fears the day when Circe and Loki work together.

    Amanda Waller - The current Director of SHIELD, and the former Commanding Officer of Team 7. Diana has a checkered relationship with Waller whom she believes in completely untrustworthy given her support to unjust laws and actions. Often times Diana does see her as a mirror of herself; the individual who is as ruthless and uncompromising as she is but on the opposite political plane. For years Waller believed Diana Prince to be dead until Diana’s reappearance as Wonder Woman.

    Cylvia Cyber - A genius businesswoman, politician, and medical expert that continues to elude consequence. A co-funder of the Justice League of America, Cylvia is a cunning foe for Diana much like Lex Luthor is for Superman. Diana swears one day all of her ills will catch up with her and then the people will refuse to turn a blind eye. That will be a good day.

    Cheetah - A former archaeologist that mutated into a anthropomorphic Cheetah; a mutation that darkened the once ambitious and eager woman into a monster of sorts. A monster Diana has had to put down on several occasions.

    Ares - The Greek God of War finds himself at odds with Diana due to his attempts to manipulate the citizens of Gaia like he did in ages past. Diana has put a stop to his plans on several occasions.

I did a brief shot at Diana in Henry’s “Shattered Justice” game, but it sort of teetered out before I made a second post with her (it took me awhile to figure out how to go with her). I want to properly incorporate her in this game and run a Diana without as many walls for other players who might want to play Donna or Cassie. I’m taking my love of Greek Mythology and reading back up on it to reinvigorate my focus with character and plot ideas as well am looking forward to dealing with Marvel characters such as Thor.

I’m not going to lie, this Diana is different than the one most of us grew up with in the DC Animated Universe. But there is aspects of her mainstream continuity that I am using as a central point of development. Unlike my first go at Wonder Woman this one is a lot more amazonian and olympian but without removing the “Agent Diana Prince” aspect I’ve enjoyed every since I read her run where the writers made her depowered and more focused on her wit and tenacity rather than her artifacts and superpowers. Still, Diana is here. Believe me.


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Eddie Brock This needs to happen.

I'm looking through some sheets at the moment.

@TimeMasterX I don't like the Neron angle for Doom. A small part of what motivates Doom is that his mother's soul is owned by the Devil. It seems a little against the spirit of the character for Doom to have sold his own soul. As I said before, this is not an Ultimate game. So let's try to avoid reinventing the wheel. Stick with Doom's normal origin where you can.

Similarly with your Hulk application, I don't think there's a need to tie Superman and Hulk to one another if the way you have. If you want to go with the Hulk as a failed attempt to recreate a super soldier I'm fine with that, but his feeding on yellow sun radiation and the Kryptonite thing are a step too far. Similar to your Doom application I would say - don't try to reinvent the wheel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@TimeMasterX I don't like the Neron angle for Doom. A small part of what motivates Doom is that his mother's soul is owned by the Devil. It seems a little against the spirit of the character for Doom to have sold his own soul. As I said before, this is not an Ultimate game. So let's try to avoid reinventing the wheel. Stick with Doom's normal origin where you can.

I had a feeling that such an angle for Doom might be a step too far so I've just gone and removed it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

By Odin's beard, @Gowi. At once you've taken one of the characters off my shortlist and moved the needle towards another...
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