Avatar of TimeMasterX
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: TimeMasterX
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 388 (0.09 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. TimeMasterX 11 yrs ago


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After a period of different distractions in both my work and private life I am back! Hoping to throw myself back into RP and to help create some wonderful and memorable tales.

I am a dedicated and reliable RPer with a fondness for sci-fi, character study, fantasy and intrigue. I generally go for RPs that are in the casual to advanced ranges and have no problem posting a paragraph or two. I am easy to write with and am not precious about making edits or changes to a post to accommodate others. I don't have a preference as far as writing for a particular gender/sexuality/morality goes but I generally find writing child characters quite difficult.

I do my best to be available to post at most times but work nights for extended shifts so have to work around that. I won't abandon a story though and am usually very punctual at replying to messages so feel free to get in touch!

Most Recent Posts

@RyderTheWriter Sorry about my absence, unfortunately work and regular life have taken a busy turn so I don't think I'm gonna be able to keep up with the sheer volume of posts that this thread is building up. Good luck with the RP and I hope to be able to RP with you all again when I don't have as much going on.
@Deserted Sorry I've been super busy all week. I'll get something posted soon :D
Blont Merlin

Blont was not happy.

He had come to with a start and had found himself restrained to a large tree. Somewhat damp rope bound him tightly in a position that made his back ache with a dull pain. Then Blont felt a sharp pain shooting through his skull, his near-drowning immediately flung itself to the front of his memory and he realised that the human female who had caused this debacle must have pulled him from the water. She stood awkwardly away from him, not quite looking at him, she seemed to be unsure of what to do.

Blont opened his mouth to speak and pain shot through his skull once more, he let out a strained cry before shutting his mouth tightly and grimacing. He waited until the pain dulled down once more and forced himself to open his eyes, he had closed them tightly during the bout of agony he had endured, he stared at the human with bitter eyes. 'I hope you're pleased with yourself human.' He spat on the ground next to him, an ugly splodge of phlegm left his mouth and shot into the dirt and congealed in with the hard soil.
'What a glorious rescue,' Blont didn't even try to hide the bitterness in his voice. 'Just a few questions, who are you? Where am I? Why in Raha's name did you nearly drown me?' The last question emerged as a near shriek and Blont winced at a stab of pain that lanced through his skull; the pain threatened to dull his senses and Blont fought to keep his focus on the human and to maintain his rage.

To her credit, the human didn't appear fazed by his harsh tone and accusatory attitude. Blont wasn't sure if he liked that. He opened his mouth to say something else when-

'Well, if it isn’t the greatest thief in the world!...'

Oh...merk. Somehow the loud and obnoxious human had found them once more. Blont honestly didn't know whether or not to be surprised by that; after all there was every possibility they hadn't been carried too far by the river, the castle and its dungeons could be just behind the cover of trees for all Blont knew. However, the male human was armed and carrying...something. He had bundles in his arms, forgotten while he blustered and gloated at Blont.

Blont wondered whether he should revise his opinion of the human; in a short time, almost too short a time to be actually possible given the sheer volume of equipment he now carried, the male had not only escaped the castle but had somehow picked up a surprising amount of weaponry and other objects. Indeed, now he was brandishing a dagger and...advancing on Blont.

Blont forced himself not to wince as the human raised the dagger and only gave a marginal reaction of surprise when the blade was used to cut his bonds.

“Shoo, shoo, be on your way.”

Blont did glance in the direction that the male pointed. The possibility of escape, however slight, was incredibly tempting; however, Blont was a pragmatist, he knew the likelihood of getting out of Lempea as he was now: no food, armour, weapons or even coin was slim to the point of non-existent.

Instead Blont tried to see what the male had brought with him, the male was showing the female his possessions while keeping himself between Blont and any view of what they were. Blont caught the boy's eye and couldn't help but smile at the youth's self-righteous glare, the way he was coiled for a fight at any moment...Blont had worked with such people before, they never made it far before starting their own demise.

Blont sighed, 'Alright,' he placed his hands on his hips and looked up at the two humans. 'What is this? Some lovers' escape? Planning to run and elope somewhere?' He finally caught a glimpse of the dress and hat as the female studied them without making any effort to conceal them and grinned. 'To be honest kid, I think she looks better in the armour.'
He raised a hand before the boy could bristle and, more importantly, open his mouth again. 'Look, I don't care what you two are doing but your lady friend took me by force from the dungeons so there's no way I'm letting either of you abandon me in the middle of nowhere.' Blont eyed the packages and parcels, 'Just give me something to help me survive until I'm out of Lempea and I'll be on my way.'
@RyderTheWriter Just so I'm aware, what are the rules with regards to puppeting other people's characters in this?
There we go everyone, just a short post to get the ball rolling for my character. Enjoy!
Blont Merlin

Blont was a man of simple tastes. He liked gold, gems, wine, rum, whisky, women, comfort, power, strong knives, untraceable poisons, kittens, a good fight, the look of confusion on a guard's face when he had been outfoxed, good clothes, free things, leverage and a good time. What he did not like was a cell that he couldn't escape. However, this Lempean prison had bamboozled him... until the woman arrived.

Blont had been minding his own business in his cell (and imagining how the guard's face would look under his heel) when a young woman arrived in the cell block dragging a man with her. Blont had opened his mouth to make some remark about lawyers getting more attractive by the day but had been stunned into silence by her actions. First she opened his cell, odd, then she practically wrenched his arm out of its socket as she bodily dragged him along with her. As they ran Blont tried to get a good look at his rescuer; however, Gnomes are rather short as a general rule so he couldn't keep running and examine the girl. He got a better look at the young man who was also being dragged along. Lanky, short and with a surly expression, indeed the idiot was straining and shouting at the girl to 'let go of me!' If any guard wasn't aware of the situation before, thanks to the shrieking of this human they would be now... Blont decided then and there that he didn't like him.

The girl let go of the other man and continued along with Blont, he started hearing a commotion behind them as they ran. The girl practically lifted Blont off the ground and ran with him clutched to her chest, despite himself the Gnome grinned lasciviously at the eye-full he was getting. Distracted, Blont didn't hear what the girl said and so was unprepared for being thrown into the river.

Blont was many things, a good great thief, burglar, liar, conman, pickpocket, extortionist, brawler, lover, killer and occasional chef but was most definitely not a swimmer.

He screamed during the fall and shrieked at the touch of the cold water; he kicked and swung his arms about before being pulled under the surface and dragged along by the current. Somehow fate carried him to the surface again and Blont hungrily gulped in a lungful of air before the churning waters pulled him under again. He had no idea where he was or if anyone else was with him; the girl had jumped in after she'd thrown him...hadn't she? Blont prayed silently to Raha even as he screamed bubbles into the water. He felt himself starved of air and, out of habit, breathed in and felt water enter his body. Sheer terror gripped him and he flailed about underwater once again, however, the current continued to push him until his head struck something very hard and Blont fell into unconsciousness in the river's depths and remembered nothing more.
@mattmanganon Your Juggernaut reads like something from a Guy Ritchie movie, love it!

Your Name: TimeMasterX
Character Name: Stephen Strange
Character Alias: Doctor Strange
Character Allignment: Neutral Good

Skills: Before his accident Dr Stephen Strange was a well respected medical surgeon; his medical skills are still highly regarded by those in the know and he has a clear knowledge of the human body. Strange has a very good memory, able to retain vast amounts of knowledge in his mind through sheer willpower.

Origin Story: Doctor Stephen Strange was a well respected and brilliant medical surgeon with his own private practice in New York catering almost exclusively to the rich and famous. He was well known for his self-confidence that all-too-often manifested itself as sheer arrogance; he was one of the few people in the medical profession who was well known for his appearance at high profile parties and events, as much of a playboy as his well paying clients. However, it was this lifestyle that would ruin Strange. While making his way home from a very flamboyant and public nightclub a drunken Strange ended up in a high speed collision that left him critically injured and in hospital. While his general injuries were treated, Stephen found that his hands had been mangled beyond repair by the accident; leaving him unable to perform surgery.

Stephen left his practice and sunk into a deep depression, few of his associates would even return his calls and he certainly was excluded from any high profile soirees. Several months later Stephen, full of debts and self-pity, found himself atop a tall building; foot extended over a large fall. A voice filled his mind and, encouraging him not to give up, implanted a location where he could be made whole once more. Stephen felt himself be drawn to a deserted house in Greenwich Village; upon entering he was greeted in the old home by a young man who identified himself as 'Wong'. Wong escorted Stephen to the house's attic which was illuminated by a striking stained glass window; upon noticing a sigil in the glass Stephen found himself transported into a cold and unfamiliar place where he was greeted by more strangers, hooded figures and an old man.

The old man introduced himself as the 'Ancient One' and explained that he had summoned Stephen to his presence; the hooded figures with him were acolytes and students. The Ancient One was Earth's 'Sorcerer Supreme' and was responsible for protecting this plane of reality from interlopers; he could mend Stephen's hands with his magical abilities but would only do so if Stephen pledged to learn from him and to take his place as Sorcerer Supreme. Stephen scoffed at the idea of magic but, with a display of his power that boggled the surgeon’s mind, the Ancient One soon inducted Stephen into his tutelage.

Time blurred to Stephen during his training; his hands were mended over a period of sessions with the Ancient One and he had become adept at accessing the dormant magical energies that the Ancient One informed him existed inside every living being. It had become apparent that the Ancient One was preparing his acolytes (of which Stephen was now a member) until one was ready to replace him as Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. It also became apparent that there were certain acolytes who were trying to beat the system.

After a few years and several adventures Stephen completed his training and was named Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He returned to the empty house in Greenwich Village and was somewhat surprised to find it furnished and homely, replete with mystical artefacts and other items of power. Stephen found himself greeted by Wong who was remaining in the house, naming it the Sanctum Sanctorum, to be Strange's assistant and housekeeper.

Strange, invigorated by his new role, decided that he would not return to the life that he knew and would instead protect this plane of reality from all the horrors and maladies that he had discovered in his training. He would do so as 'Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme'.

Story Arcs: List the Arcs you have planned with a (brief) explanation.
House Calls: The Sanctum Sanctorum is a very powerful location in the mystical world and Doctor Strange's new tenancy has not gone unnoticed. As Doctor Strange settles into his new role he will soon discover that it is not only doctors who make house calls...

Hippocratic Oath: A dark figure from Strange's past turns up asking for the doctor's assistance. Will Strange obey his vow as a medical practitioner and give aid to someone who has only caused him pain?

The Doctor is Out: Doctor Strange does not exist. The world spins on and no one has ever heard of Doctor Stephen Strange. But in Greenwich Village there is a little girl living in an attic who is having nightmares of a man with broken hands.

Supporting Cast:

Wong - Doctor Strange's assistant and housekeeper; he assists Doctor Strange in his work. He is a serious man and places his duty above all else.

The Ancient One - Doctor Strange's mentor and former Sorcerer Supreme. He resides in another land only reachable with the application of magic but often advises his protege through mystical means, often through mirrors. An old hero who still has much wisdom to teach, his only desire is for Stephen to be better than he was and to avoid making the mistakes that the Ancient One was guilty of.

Baron Mordo - A mystical contemporary of Doctor Strange, Mordo was an acolyte of the Ancient One long before Stephen arrived and bitterly resents the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme passing to Strange rather than himself. He is a formidable magic user and has clashed with Strange on several occasions prior to this.

The Vishanti - A series of magical patrons who allow Strange access to their powers, spells and abilities. Among their number is Agamotto, Oshtur and Hoggoth.

Vlad Drake - A repo-man with an unfortunate ancestry; Vlad Drake (not his real name) is a hundred year old vampire who Strange rescued from vampire hunters early in his career. Vlad considers himself in Stephen's debt and has vowed to someday repay him.

Clea - Stephen... doesn't talk about Clea.

[hider=Sample Post:]

Hospital Morgue, Ellis Island

Jeff Davies was a slow man, 57 years old and with a gut to show for it, he was known by other members of the hospital as 'Slow Jeff' (they were hardly the most innovative bunch) on account of his wheeling bodies to the morgue in a manner that could only be described as 'dawdling'.

He was currently wheeling a member of the recently deceased into the morgue and was grumbling; the elevator had gotten stuck on the second floor of the hospital for half an hour and the corpse he was transporting, stuck in a small hot space, had begun to smell.
His sullen efforts to ease the gurney into the cool room of the morgue ceased when he cleared the door.

There was a man already in the room.

The man was shady, there was no other word for it, he was clad in a long dark maroon coat with a blue hoodie pulled up around his face, shadowing his features, Jeff thought he could make out a goatee and some piercing blue eyes but was unable to get a good look at him under the hood. Indeed, Jeff could not garner much of an impression from the man, other than he was bent over a corpse.

This was not unusual, nor was the fact that the stranger had a body laid out in front of him on its table. Families of the deceased were sometimes allowed to remain with a body after identifying it and were even allowed privacy with a loved one on occasion. No, what Jeff Daniels found odd was that the stranger appeared to be drawing on the pale skin of the corpse, Jeff couldn't see what was being illustrated but he was not impressed.

'Alright, I don't know who you are,' Jeff found himself surprised at the strength of his normally croaky voice, 'but if you don't stop that and get out I'm calling security.'

The stranger barely paid him any heed. 'Hmm, yes carry on,' his voice had an odd accent, almost like a British man mimicking a New Yorker's dialect and not quite succeeding. 'Don't mind me, just doing some post op.'

Jeff felt the blood colour his face with anger. 'Now look here!' He strode forward and actually grabbed the man's arm, pulling him away from the body. 'I heard about people like you, makes me sick, have some respect for the dead!'

The man angrily shoved at Jeff, causing the older hospital worker to fall backwards and nearly collapse to the floor. Jeff looked up at the man and was surprised at his height and lithe physique. 'Listen to me,' the stranger's voice was urgent now, 'there is something very old and very bad coming here and I'm trying to make sure it can't gain a foothold in this realm and it really would help if there wasn't some well-meaning idiot getting in my way!' This last part came out as a half-shout and the stranger stopped himself, a little embarrassed at his outburst, before turning back to the body and continuing with his drawing.

Now that Jeff was closer he could see that the stranger wasn't merely drawing on the corpse, he was using some implement to carve symbols into the very flesh of the cadaver.

'That's disgusting.' He said, more to himself but the stranger clearly heard.
'Believe me I take no pleasure in this.' The stranger sounded almost apologetic, 'but if I don't get this right we'll all be in a lot of-'

A crash sounded in the corner of the room as a door opened and closed, seemingly of it's own accord.


The corpse that the stranger had been carving into suddenly rose from the table as though it had merely been taking a nap. Jeff was stunned by this development and practically jumped out of his skin when the corpse began flail about; he had watched zombie films with his daughter and had laughed at her terror, the reality just didn't quite register.

The stranger did not seem in the least surprised by this turn of events, indeed his first move was to place his hand on the face of the corpse and to murmur a few words that Jeff didn't quite understand. The corps- the zombie (Jeff decided to just call it what it was) seemed to comprehend the stranger's words as it immediately quietened sown and lay back on the table.

Jeff crossed himself and felt foolish, he hadn't been to church since Catholic school. The stranger chuckled, 'we're not dealing with a devil don't worry. Just a visitor from another realm who really should know better.' He took his implement and continued to carve into the body.

Jeff remained silent as the stranger explained that there were forces beyond human understanding passing all around everyone and everything, most were harmless and content to observe humanity but others wanted to 'get their hands dirty'.

'The dead, the recently dead bodies anyway, are an easy means for certain beings to enter our world. They don't care about what might happen to it or anything around.' The stranger explained, 'like a child playing a video game and blowing up everything they can find.' He chuckled, amused at the comparison while Jeff tried to remember a video game later than Miss Pac-Man. 'It's all not quite real for them, the laws of reality treat them a little differently to us, beings like this one,' he gestured with his empty hand to the corpse that lay peacefully on the table, 'can do whatever it wants without fear of injury or death. You wouldn't really care about a used car as long as you stayed safe right?'

Jeff just nodded, convinced that as long as he didn't actually interact with the madness he would stay sane.

'I'm warding the body to keep the door firmly closed.' The stranger stood up, apparently finished with his work. The presence will leave the body when it gets bored and gives up.'[/color] As if to prove the stranger's point the corpse shook in an almost impotent manner before becoming very still once more. 'I've been going around all the morgues in the city, as long as I do this to a body every few months the effect will linger and keep the boundaries present without me needing to be involved.' The stranger paused, 'I got careless tonight though, nearly too late this time.'

The stranger appeared to consider Jeff carefully. 'Maybe...' He mused before suddenly placing his palm right against Jeff's face and murmuring something under his breath.

Jeff opened his mouth to object but was cut off before he could begin by a wave of affability that washed over him; so what if this total stranger was invading his personal space? It didn't matter in the long run.

'Now,' the stranger spoke in a flat tone, taking care to enunciate every syllable that passed through his lips. 'You will mark a new body that comes through this morgue every month in the same way as this.' He gestured to the body that he himself had been marking. Jeff found the symbols etched into the corpse's skin burning themselves into his memory, somehow he just knew he would remember them forever.
'Make sure you do it after the bodies have been cleared for burial, it is vital no one else knows.' Jeff nodded, the stranger made good sense and he would follow the instructions to the letter.

Clearly satisfied, the stranger pressed the implement that he had been using into Jeff's hand and gave one further command. 'When I leave this room you will forget you ever saw me. You will remember my commands as a personal mission but that is all.' With that the stranger removed his palm from Jeff's head and, making his way around the corpse that Jeff had been wheeling into the room, opened the door and left the morgue.

Jeff blinked, suddenly unsteady on his feet, he gripped the table next to him and looked at the corpse below. The markings were plain to see and he looked at the implement in his fist; he'd done a good job.

Aha feel free but it might be funnier if he's just been forgotten by people in power.
Wait, I thought Blont was just a thief? Why is Kate risking her neck for him? There must be something else going on behind the scenes then.

....JUST a thief?? Ohhh you and I are gonna go right now 😝

Anyway, so I'm NOT the guy in the dungeons now?
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