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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


*He nods in agreement to the first part, doctors force people to pay a lot just to even be looked at on short notice. The moment he heard the man say he would check on her, he froze in his place. That was an idea he didn't like, this is a guy he didn't know anything about. Taking a few minutes to think it over before looking at the man* "I don't like the idea of some random guy looking her over for what she's sick with... I don't trust it." *He looks back from the man and at the alleyway, the idea was tough for him here. She may need help, but he also doesn't want some random guy to be around her. I didn't sound right to him*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Cute name, Liz. And cute body as well," Jen said with a purr, before taking the girls hand and tugging it towards a side street, "I know an abandoned apartment with a sofa bed in it. If you follow me, I'm sure we can play a duet of sorts."
Jen winked at the girl, before licking her lips a little. This should be fun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"What? Whoa! Hey!" Unexpected of the girl to just take her hand and drag her off somewhere, she pulled her hand back, an apologetic look to Jen. Liz hoped she didn't hurt the girl's feelings in some way, but...she just wasn't that type. "L-look I mean uh...you're cute and all, but I'm not really looking for a good time right now, plus I don't have any cash to pay you and my friend's probably wondering what the hell's taking me so long." She sighed after that, deeply, her eyes filling with concern. "I'm totally sorry if I offended you, Jen."


Michael shrugged sitting back down. The kid didn't need to say anything. He figured it was the usual. Why ask some greasy ass bum to help you out. "Alright. Suit yourself then." He mumbled fishing from his jacket a crumpled cigarette, clenching it in his dry lips and lighting it. "I'm just saying, I used to be a combat medic back in the day. I know it ain't exactly a doctor, but I know enough about diseases and shit." He paused after a long drag, a wisp of smoke exhaled in a sigh. "Well like I said, pharmacy ain't too far from here. Hope your friend gets to feeling better."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


*He sighs and turns his head a bit, not to look at the guy but to motion he is talking to him* "She coughs hard, her chest is in pain. She said it's a sharp pain in sections for short periods of time, and she said her stomach hurts as well." *He stays where he is, saying that to the guy. He is probably making a mistake, but it is true. If this guy can give him an idea of what they are dealing with, it will help him with figuring out what he should get for her* "It's been a few days already, she said that now she feels cold. Maybe that was cause we didn't have a place at the time..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Oh," She said, stopping.
She paused for a second, looking a little down.
"You wouldn't have had to pay. I just wanted a little stress relief and you're really cute. But if you don't want to thats ok," she said, a smile sloely returning to her face, "If you want we can just hang our for a while."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leonardo then finished his car and hopped back in it and drove off. He looked at his watch. "I've a got a couple hours" He said as he drove to the edge of city. He parked in a parking lot that overlooked the area that the race would take place. He sat on his car's hood and just stared out at the view. "hopefully soon, I'll win enough to pay off my debt." He said as he leaned back and relaxed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"I-it's okay." Liz murmured shuffling her feet in the dirt, or rather just the small patch on the concrete. A habit of her biting her lip when she was either nervous or distressed. "Umm...what about later? Hanging out I mean." She said managing a small smile. Nothing much to show she did feel bad for upsetting Jennifer.


"Hmm....nausea, soreness of the chest and other areas, fits of coughing and chills..." For a moment or so he pondered scratching his chin. He knew what it was alright. It was common on base all the time, and damned he be to get it, especially out in the desert while wearing thirty pounds of gear in the hot sun. He looked to the young man, an assuring nod, "Sounds like your friend's got a touch of the flu. It ain't too bad, but if you leave it untreated, then it'll certainly be hell on her. My suggestion, just make sure she gets lots of rest and lots of fluids. You don't want her getting dehydrated. The pharmacy should have some flu medicine still in stock, just to keep down the symptoms, but the main thing is to make sure your friend gets plenty of sleep. That always takes care of the flu, well, it did for me when I got it on my last tour of duty. Damn, that was fun." He said with a light chuckle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


*He waited patiently, wanting to see what the man has to say. He's getting a strange feeling being here, like he's being watched. Might be nothing but with his past he has more then enough right to be paranoid. As the man speaks about it, he turns around. If it was the flu then it might be a tad difficult, but it wouldn't be anything too serious* "The flu? Are you certain that it would be that?" *Him listening to what the man says to help with dealing with it. Getting the medicine might be a tad tricky though. He'll have to deal with that and make sure she gets the treatment she needs* "Water, rest and flu medicine... lovely. Ok then." *He looks at the man quickly as he tries to think of what else to say here, he's never been a peoples person. He wouldn't know exactly what to say here besides* "Umm... thanks then..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen smiled.
"Yeah, that sounds good," she said.
Her original grin finally resurfaced, the glint in her eye having returned.
"I'd never say no to hanging out with someone with a body like that. You should be proud of yourself," she said, giving the girl a wink.
Maybe she would be up for something later on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"Okay, great." Liz let out a timid giggle, already her face feeling like someone held a hair dryer to it on full blast. "So I'll uh...I'll see you around I guess." She didn't really think she looked that great herself, but apparently Jen was attracted to her. Maybe Liz was just the girl's type or something. It couldn't have been her personality or anything, since well...she was a bumbling mess just speaking to one girl. With a small wave she bid Jennifer goodbye and carried along, her cheeks still blushing at all those compliments the girl gave her. Damn...must've did something right. That chick was crawling all over me pretty much.


"Mhmm, no problem." Michael gave a short nod, taking a drag off his cigarette still in his mouth, about burned down to the filter at this point. He discarded it flicking the ember off the tips of his fingers, a brief exhale of smoke. "You need anything else, I ain't too far. Chances are I'll still be in this here alley, just drinking the day away." He grinned. "Hope your friend gets to feeling better. Oh and one more thing... be careful trying to get that medicine for her. Cops around here aren't too friendly." But his smile faded a tad, as if he knew well what the police did to the homeless around here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen waved the girl goodbye, before lowering her arm and continuing on her way.
'Damn that girl was hooooot. I hope she wants to do more than hang out later on. Though I suppose I should statt trying to find a client for tonight,' she thought, sighing a little at the last part. She blinked and looked around for a moment, realising she was in a part of town she rarely visited, opposite a parking lot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


"Alright, I'll remember that." *He turns to leave but stops before taking a step at the man's words. Nodding as he speaks up* "Noted, if they try to stop me. I'll stop them instead. And if you were right for her, I'll make sure to return the favor if possible." *And with that, he heads out of the alleyway and into the street. He never liked cops, but finding out that the cops here aren't just friendly was something new but could be noted. He saw some corrupt cops in the past that helped gangs and whatnot for their own benefit. Well if any of the cops tried anything, he would be more then happy to show them who's in charge in a fight. Walking back out on the streets and looking around at the people, thinking a bit before turning for the direction of the pharmacy*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leo sat up from his car when he heard foot steps. He looked around and saw a girl, he thought this was weird because no homes are in this area. He got up and said "Aren't you a little young to be wandering this side of town this late"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen raised her eyebrow at that.
"And who are you tell me that?" She asked cautiously, not sure who this guy was, "I'm an adult, I know how to look after myself."
She noticed the car, admiring the bodywork.
"Nice ride. Where did you get it?" She asked, curious, "Looks expensive."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leo said "I built it, with a little help" He then said "I'm telling you that because in about 10 minutes there will be about 30 other people arriving here for a big race" He then looked at her right in the eyes and said "These other people aren't going to be as nice as I am."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


@LiegeLord @Carlsberg

It had been a while or so since she met Jennifer, or rather bumped into her, when Liz returned to the alleyway, some guy passing by her. She didn't know him, nor had she seen him around this part of the slums much. Kinda looked like your typical gang-banger, but she wasn't one to judge just by appearance alone. Besides, she didn't think a prostitute would be such a welcoming person.

"Heyyy." Michale greeted Liz with a wave. "Bout time kid. I was thinking I was gonna have go looking for you. Run into any trouble?"

"Nah." Liz shook her head, sitting beside Mike, her back propped against the brick wall decorated with years of gang tags and graffiti until it was nothing more than a canvas of abstract art, still pleasing to the eye in some way. "Well, they had donuts, but no coffee, which sucks." She frowned, taking a chocolate donut from the crumpled paper sack to her side and shoving it in her mouth. It was about the only food she's had in a while. "So, a friend of yours?" She said with her mouth full of donut, a few chocolate smears on her lips.

Mike shrugged, "Eh, you could say that. Kid was looking for some help. A friend of his is sick. I told him it was probably the flu, but you know what got me?"

"What?" Liz asked while taking another bite. Mike sighed answering, his tired, gray eyes looking a little misty as he spoke, "All these young kids out here, it's just...sad really. They have their whole lives ahead of them, and yet here they are, out here on these cold and lonely streets wasting them away. Shit, I'm no different. I've been out here for years, thinking I could get away from everything just by abandoning it. Even still the past continues to haunt me. Some nights, when the cops didn't kick me out of the bus depot, I'd lie awake and think. I wonder if any of these other kids are running away from something too, giving up their lives and selling their souls to a bleak and meager existence, getting caught up in this swirling storm of drugs, sex, violence, and death...and you know what, it's more than I can count."

Liz.... for the time being she was hungry, so hungry she could eat an entire horse hooves and all, but hearing Mike's words...and the way he spoke, she didn't really have that much of an appetite any more. She set aside her half eaten donut, curling her legs up to herself and resting her head on her knees with a sigh. Mike, it was hard to believe how wise he was for a thirty year old, but Liz knew one thing. He wasn't just talking about any other kids...but her as well. She stood up, patting the old man on his brawny shoulder, whispering, "All roads lead somewhere, Mike. Some just aren't as smooth as the others."

Lightly Mike grinned, a soft chuckle, "Heh, I'll drink to that. Well..I would if I didn't run out of booze already."

"I'll snag you a bottle after I score some more cash." Liz replied grabbing her guitar and slinging it over her back. Michael asking, "You headed to the park?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Oh, forgot to tell you, I um....I met someone today."

"Really now?" Mike said raising an eyebrow. "Who's the lucky lady?" Teasingly he laughed.

Liz rolled her eyes and giggled. She just had to tell Michael that she was into girls, but then again, he was the only person she could be open to about it. It was one of the reasons her foster douche slapped her around and called her shit, one of the reasons she would never return home. "Her name's Jen." Liz said, blushing a bit as she mentioned her name. "And I didn't really meet her, much less bump into her when I was grabbing food. She's really cute, I mean like really cute. I'm kinda hoping I see her again soon."

"Hey, ya never know." Replied Mike with a light shrug of his shoulders. "The city's a big place, but people always manage to stay in touch some way. Well, I guess you better go along, bring the music to the people. I'll be here if you need me."

"Alright." She smiled, giving Mike a short, friendly hug. "See you around, Mike."

"You take care of yourself, kid." He spoke warmly, returning the small but welcoming hug. "And let me know how it goes with Jen."

She laughed as he hollered after her, pulling her hood back over her tousled black hair, walking along the concrete path beside the street.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Benji sat in a poorly lit alley accompanied by 3 other men. They sat in a circle in the center of them a small cardboard box can be seen. "Boom! Three of a kind!" One of the man shouted attempting to reach for a somewhat large pile of money centered in the middle of the box. "Wait!" Ben shouted with a wicked grin on his face. Angered stares and frightened looks appeared on the faces of the men as Ben slowly laid out his cards. "Full House Fuckers!" He laughed sliding all the money he won into his pockets. One of them stood reaching for his pockets but stopped when Benji stood quickly tapping his forehead with the head of a pistol. "Hey hey....calm down you snooze you loose..." He laughed running out of the alley. 50 bucks didn't seem like much to your average person but today Ben hit the mother load. He continued to run until he made it back home. By home been his park bench. He laid on the bench kicking his feet in the air like a happy child counting the money in his palms. Of course the one eyed hobo that's laughing at money like a mad man got some odd stares from the people that happened to be there or passing by. They didn't matter to him though all that matter was money and revenge. After laughing for a good five minutes straight he sat up on the bench looking at the park his facial expression dying down a bit. "Damn...." His all he was able to squeeze out. He didn't have enough money to rent a studio apartment let alone for himself. Ben clenched the money but eased up on his grip. There wasn't any other choices of income. This was the only way with someone of his particular background to survive in this cruel unforgiving world. He looked at the money again. "Prostitution... Won't work either..." He whispered to himself. People aren't into fucking on eyed weirdos so he was definitely out of the prostituton category. Ben exhaled heavily shooving his money into his pockets and leaning back on the bench looking up at the sky.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Roxy slowly made her way downtown. She had money but she didn't want to have to. Money wasn't something that came easily to those on the streets. She didn't like to steal but she would do what she had to survive. She would put off her next hit as long as she could. She looked around as she walked the streets were fairly calm. Which was good. It meant nothing be happened recently nor was anything likely to happen soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


*He would be walking along the street, he notices some people walking by. Some rushed for work, others not even paying attention to him thankfully. So this was Downtown? Doesn't seem all that interesting. He looks around as he tries to look for the Pharmacy, noticing the building the man describe. He nods and heads for it, bumping into a girl that walks by. He looks at her for a second as he continues walking, not saying a word. He didn't want to deal with people right now. And she looks like trouble as it is, his mind one thing right now. To figure out how much this medicine will be*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Roxy pulled her knife the minute someone bumped into her. She kept the knife low and out of sight. She had learned after her year on the street not to overreact or to be unprepared. She glared at the boy that had bumped into her. He wasn't much older then she was. But he didn't look like a regular teen. He was definitely a street kid. "You need to watch where your going." She growled low in her thought. She waited ready for him react.

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