Okay, to summarize, GATE is a Japanese Franchise in which a magical portal opens in Ginza, Tokyo, spitting out an army of Roman Style-Legions that ransack Ginza before being counterattacked and destroyed by the JDSF, who then counter-invade the other side of the Gate and claim the land beyond as Japan's. So, yes, a nationalistic, jingoistic, 'work of dubious quality'.
But, it leads me to wonder; what if the Gate opened somewhere else, like in a country that is not powerful enough to realistically claim an entire other world, but still stands to benefit from the Gate's location? Somewhere like the Philippines?
So, basically, yeah, I need Fellow Filipinos and people who've watched GATE (Edit: to help me Co-GM).
Also, fair warning, the RP will be both mature and allow for both hetrosexual and homosexual relationships. If anyone objects to the latter, they shouldn't post here in the first place.
Note: Knowledge of Tagalog is optional (Edit: for prospective players).
But, it leads me to wonder; what if the Gate opened somewhere else, like in a country that is not powerful enough to realistically claim an entire other world, but still stands to benefit from the Gate's location? Somewhere like the Philippines?
So, basically, yeah, I need Fellow Filipinos and people who've watched GATE (Edit: to help me Co-GM).
Also, fair warning, the RP will be both mature and allow for both hetrosexual and homosexual relationships. If anyone objects to the latter, they shouldn't post here in the first place.
Note: Knowledge of Tagalog is optional (Edit: for prospective players).