Violetta Hyacin, but she prefers to go by Vi when asked for her name
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Vi is a average-looking girl, not stunningly beautiful but not truly that bad either. Her hair is cut in a somewhat messy fashion, and usually is something that she doesn't deal with until it starts to become an annoyance. In terms of her figure, she's rather slender and lithe in her build, with a somewhat larger than average bust and slight hourglass shape to her frame. She has some muscles and tone to her body, but not a lot due to it being hard for her to gain much with her body type, as well as a lack of real effort to build it up.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 155lbs
Clothing Style: Vi dresses to be as inconspicuous and unnoticeable as possible, tending to wear either black and/or dark purple clothes to assist in this. She wears a large black and purple zip-up hoodie, baggy jeans, and some sneakers before calling it a day, not really too particular about what she wears.He also wears contacts to help him with her vision, and while she isn't blind without them, they will definitely cause problems if she doesn't have them in.
Hair Color:
PurpleEye Color:
Black Needle: Vi's main weapon starts off as a
plain-looking, yet powerful railgun, made to pierce through the armor of even the strongest grimm with little difficulty, firing off a single reinforced bullet at insane speeds. However, in order to make the shot, the lightning dust has to charge up for a bit(about one post) before firing, which causes the gun to over-heat immediately and giving it a cool down time that's at least double that of the charge time(two posts). To add extra power, it can be over-charged, but the longer it's charged, the longer the cool down, as well as a chance for the weapon to possible over-heat while charging, resulting in the weapon exploding with the stored electrical energy. After every shot, the weapon needs to be reloaded with both another bullet and a lightning dust cartridge, as it uses up the whole thing in that single shot.
When there Vi is unable to use her weapon as the Sniper rifle she'd like it to be, she can shift the weapon into it's shotgun form, causing the barrel to expand and slide down towards her in order to shorten the length of the weapon and make it easier to handle. After a quick ammunition change, the weapon can now fire powerful slug rounds at the enemy, which can also be switched around for Dust rounds if needed, enabling her to deal quite a bit of damage to those who think they can take him up close. The effective distance of this weapon is a bit larger than most others of this type due to the slug ammunition, meaning that he can also take some foes by surprise if they thing they can play a game of keep away. The downside to this is that her weapon lacks the spread that shotguns normally have, and thus makes it hard to deal with speedy opponents, as she has to make every shot count instead of just going hog wild.
The name black needle comes from the appearance of the projectiles once they're fired from the railgun, as they strangely enough leave a thin trail of black energy behind the bullet for some reason. This has the unfortunate effect of giving away her position in a fight.
Now you see me . . .: Vi's semblance is the ability to turn herself and anything she's holding both invisible and intangible for a short amount of time. However, it takes about three seconds or so for this effect to complete, meaning he can't use it to avoid attacks if he;s in the heat of battle. The effect can last up to a full minute, though that can be fairly tiring, but it also ends the moment that she's about to launch an attack against a chosen target, resulting in a three second fade in that starts the moment he's cemented the idea in his head.(Ex. She sees a grimm, activates her ability, and then, after she decided to walk over behind the grim to initiate the counter attack, some part of her will instantly become visible, and over three seconds, the rest of her will follow up as he tries to walk over and commence the attack. The moment she attacks, she becomes fully tangible as well.) She tries not to use this ability consecutively, as it can really tire her out to keep going in and out of it like that.
During the fade-in and fade-out, there is usually some kind of effect that goes with it, either his body seeming to unravel, some parts fading out before others due, his eyes suddenly beginning to glow, or a unusually wide smile spreading across his face. He doesn't know the reasons for this, nor does he particularly care. From time to time, different effects will pop up other than those stated, but they are the most common.
Dust: Lightning dust powers his weapon while it's in its railgun form, and she tends to use all kinds of dust in his shotgun rounds, usually things like lightning, ice, and gravity to keep her foes locked down and give herself or her teammates time to go in for the kill. To further that goal, she also has special trap rounds that don't activate upon impact with a solid surface, instead burrowing into the ground or whatever living surface(or Grimm) they've been placed on, which she can activate by pressing a special button on the gun that sends out the signal, activating the dust to create an explosion of elemental energy underneath or around the target.
- Stealth
- Tracking
- Marksmanship
- Trap Setting
- Strategizing and Planning
- Curious
- Odd
- Mocking
- Calm
- Apathetic
- Reading
- People Watching
- Stalking
- Photography
- Sleight of Hand
- Stage magic
- Gambling
Background: Vi comes from a long line of Hunters and Huntresses, all of them masters of the arts of stealth and deception. From birth she's been expected to join the ranks of the Hunters and keep the people of Remnant safe from the horrors of grim, taking to the Shadows in order to hunt down the savage beasts and drive humanity forward. And while Vi has worked towards that goal, she's rather . . . unmotivated by it. She's rather unmotivated by most things really, looking at the world through the eyes of someone struggling to care about it. She does what her parents ask her to, and works just hard enough to meet their expectations, but anyone who watches her can tell she never really gives her best at anything.
Vi grew rather lonely, as her family has long been seen as a sort of boogeyman amongst the people of the world, as they tend to keep to themselves and the methods of some of their predecessors were known to be rather . . . disturbing, if effective, in how they disposed of the Grimm, not to mention the odd behaviors and mannerisms of some of the more notable hunters to have spawned from their brood. Left to her own devices all his life, never really interacting with anyone but her family, she developed some . . . odd coping habits to deal with her loneliness, like watching others from afar, and stalking those she found to be particular interesting and that she thought she could learn from. She took to copying the manner of other kids in attempts to fit in, but they usually ended in failure as people just found it weird and creepy. As she reached her teenage years, entering into the combat school of Signal like her parents wanted, she began to stop really caring about what other people thought.
As the years went on, she simply let herself be absorbed by the job and lifestyle her parents wanted for her, lounging around the near other people, some part of her still hoping to glean some information out of those around her, yet most of her not really caring so much about it. As she attends Beacon, she feels neither relief that she was accepted, nor worry for the new year. Instead, she simply preps herself for another year by herself as people label her off as the creepy girl in class you shouldn't talk to.
Character Theme: This character is based around the Chesire cat in terms of her semblance and some of her demeanor, though instead of a smiling, happy go-lucky personality, I decided to focus more on the strong sense of apathy and uncaring that the character seems to have in all of his incarnations, a lack of caring for the world around him except when certain people or events catch his interest. In those instances, she'll show more of her true self, a somewhat intrusive and obsessive personality that seems a bit off-kilter to the average person
Other:Has a pet cat named Alice that he takes with him nearly everywhere during his off days. She's a black cat with one blue eye and one green eye, and a strip of white fur that goes all the way down her back and up her tail.