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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


For a minute or so Liz lied there, one last look at that lovely body she couldn't wait to get a hold of again. Everything about Jennifer just captivated her, her looks, the way the sun just radiated off her skin, that perfect smile.

She sighed kissing her again on the lips before pulling herself out of bed and slipping on her panties and her tank top. "Yeah. I should probably check on my friend and see if he's okay." Shit, she forgot about Mike. The guy knew how to take care of himself. It was just when he got into his panic attacks, he was a little unpredictable. Liz had hoped he didn't get picked up by the cops or worse.

Pulling up her jeans, she flopped back down on the bed happily, wrapping her arms around Jen's waist and kissing her neck so many times, a sultry giggle, "So, why don't we meet up here again, after you're done working?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen chewed her lip a little.
"I might be gone a while," She said, "Most clients prefer if I spend a night with them. Also, even if I did, I probably wouldn't be up for sex or anything."
She wished that she could just stay with Liz, but she had to make money somehow. And she didn't see a proper job coming along any time soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Roxy watches the boy confront the 'cops' they weren't real cops but her guess that they might have been at one time. She didn't get involved. It didn't look like she needed to the boy handled them with ease. She was impressed. She was pretty sure she could have taken them but not as easily as he did. The was no ordinary street kid. Her curiosity in him went up. She wanted to know more about him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


*He would continue onwards to where he was going, not bothering anyone or anything for that matter. Heading more outside the city, looking around more as he doesn't want anyone to follow him. Even at times turning around randomly midwalk to check for people. If she blended in enough he would continue to the abandoned little shack of a house. Looking around once more before closing the door behind him. Heading for Rebecca as he starts to take of the cap to the medicine, making sure she has water first. She is asleep so he wouldn't have to explain himself yet*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Liz frowned slightly, a bit disappointed. "Oh." She mumbled slipping her arms away and sitting on the side of the mattress. "Umm...it's cool. We don't have to have sex all the time either. Maybe we could just, you know, talk about our days and get to know each other more."

What was this she felt? A sharp, stinging pain in the middle of her chest. As much as she wanted Jen to stay with her, the two of them wrapped up in nothing but their own body heat, the girl...she was a slave to the night. Tonight, some other girl would have her. They would treat her as nothing but an object, something they could get off on, fuck her and leave her.

Liz sighed deeply, throwing on her sneakers and giving one more kiss to Jennifer. "Just...be careful. Okay? I'll see you around."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Roxy followed the boy into the building. She tired to stay out of sight but she wasn't as careful as she could be been but he was distracted so that probably worked in her favor. She watched as he entered into a room where a girl slept on the floor. He must care about her a lot. She figured now was as good as any to ask him a few questions. She didn't expect him welcome her though. "She is lucky to have you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


*The moment Roxy spoke up was the moment he quickly got up, turned around and held a knife in one hand and several smaller throwing knives in his other hand. None of them having handles to avoid snagging anything. He looks at her hard, and she can tell he isn't going to back down or walk away from this one. He has that cold look in his eyes still but his face shows a bit of anger now. He wasn't expecting her to have followed him here, but if she was with anyone that can cause them problems... he will deal with her to avoid them* "Who are you? Why did you follow me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leo won the race and had given his winnings to his boss as usual. He was now at a bar with his friends using the little money they had been given in return. His friends cheered and clinked glasses. "congrats to the best of us all." his friend said. Leo chuckled and said "well thankfully our friend only got a broken leg from the crash." His other friend said "yeah, let's just hope we don't have to race for a bit"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Easy there. I am not going to hurt you or your girl. I just want to talk. If you want to fight I will fight. From what I saw earlier it would be a draw between the two of us. I cant guarantee that your friend wont get hurt in the fight." Roxy said nodding to the girl. She showed him her knife. She had others but she wasn't going to show him everything. Let him think she was a light weight the way most men did. She didn't care.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


*He didn't show anything but his cold gaze, he held his ground there. It was unnerving a bit, it looks as if he doesn't care. His face and eyes show nothing as he stares her down. After several moments of unease, he speaks up* "Then you don't know me... good. Let's keep it that way." *He slowly lowers his knife, putting the throwing ones away on his belt slowly. But he kept the bigger one out* "But you still better answer..." *It's clear he doesn't trust her, but for some reason he backed down. He knows to himself he shouldn't as he picks up the bottle of medicine. Him looking it over as he tries to take off the cap, taking a moment to do so before turning back to Rebecca. A few pills being placed down on the stand nearby though she on the floor. Sighing a bit as he'll have to help her with getting the medicine and canteen when she wakes up for all he knows*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"I'll try my best to stay safe," Jen said, standing up and pulling on her clothes, "And yeah, that sounds good. I don't have a lot of friends, it would be nice to have someone to talk to."
'I will stay safe. After all,' She thought, 'I have something to come back to now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Liz smiled, her blue eyes seeming to shimmer,even in the dimness of the old apartment. "Yeah, me neither really." She replied. "Plus, I think I'd rather be friends with you than anyone else. You're a really great girl." One final kiss before she left, a gentle, lingering touch of her lips to Jen's before parting. "Try not to have too much fun, you naughty thing. Bye."

And with that, she grabbed up her bag and guitar and left the apartment....and left Jen to be taken by the night.

Chapter 2: Bondage


Another day beginning in the city, and she felt as though nothing had changed, well...except for one thing.

She had met someone, and pretty much slept with them too, a beautiful girl who gave her a night, a memory she would never forget nor forsake. The more Liz thought about it, that wonderful evening, the two of them entangled together in such a passionate heat, the more it made her tingle inside with an exciting chill. It wasn't just the sex that was great to her, it was everything. Tenderly her finger traced across her lips, remembering all those kisses Jen gave her, how warm they felt, how sweet they tasted upon her lips.

But to think, tonight, some other girl would be getting those kisses, getting to hold that body and do whatever they wished to her...for the right price. Even so...she said she liked it better with me. Liz thought, a sigh as she continued through the empty street, lugging her guitar on her back. Jen...she couldn't stop thinking about her. She could close her eyes and still...she could see that warm smile, those captivating eyes gazing into her own with such a frisky, affectionate expression. Is this how she was with every girl that fucked her? Or...was it just Liz? She didn't want to think that tonight Jen would be sleeping with some other girl, but she couldn't stop her from doing such. It was...her job after all.

But then again....did Jennifer even enjoy it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen sighed as the girl left. She quickly finished getting dressed, before heading out herself. She headed back to her usual hangout spot, a sleazy nightclub closer to town. Eventually, she managed to catch the eye of a rich looking girl who looked nervous. She walked over, swinging her hips and took a seat next to her.
"Hey sexy. First time in a club?" She asked with a purr.
The girl gulped and nodded.
"Well, how about I show you all the different ways you can have fun," She said in a hungry voice, drawing herself closer to the nervous but excited girl.

Jen woke the next morning, seeing a note in the empty space next to her.

Dear Jen,
Thank you for last night, It was really fun! Unfortunately I had to go to class, but I left your payment on the bedside cabinet.
From Christy
PS Feel free to take a shower and make yourself breakfast

Jen smiled at the last part, before turning her attention to the shower.
"I'm going to enjoy this far too much," She said to herself as she almost ran at the glorious piece of machinery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Mike wasn't in his usual spot, the alleyway behind the arcade, when she got there, so she figured he had already gone back to the VA shelter. Sighing to herself, Liz just kept on walking. By the time she was at the end of Carver Street, she had come across a bar of sorts. Really it was just some kind of seedy looking club, the place some were looking to go for a bit of action.

The only reason Liz was here, she was thirsty and that was all.

Walking into the club was like being blindsided. Nothing but the sordid sort, prostitutes, strippers, and hustlers, all dwelling within this den of vice. Hell, the place even smelled like sex.

"Vodka on the rocks." She said to the bartender, a tattooed biker chick who gave her a hungry look with a toothy grin. She paid for her drink. About that time Liz had caught someone's eye, one of the other whores, a slightly older brunette with curvaceous hips.

"Hey cutie~" She purred swaying her hips, sauntering towards Liz's direction. Liz paid her no mind, eyes front towards the bar while she downed her vodka. "I'm Selene. You looking to have a good time, baby?"@Carlsberg

Liz shook her head, muttering indifferent, "Actually I'm just looking for a friend." She was thirsty, that much was true, but she was also wondering if this was where Jen had gone all the time.

"Awww poor baby~" The woman cooed inching closer to Liz. Then, she put her hand on the girl's thigh, stroking her rather lustful. "I'll be your friend, sweetie. You and me can have so much fun together~"

"Hey fuck off!" Liz growled shoving her away, a few surprised gasps erupting. "Why can't I just finish my fucking drink?"

The woman glared at her, turning her nose up at Liz and leaving. Liz just flipped her off and downed the last drop of her vodka.

But...when she got up to leave...she spotted her in the crowd...Jennifer.

She would've called to her, would've said hi, but...Jen was too preoccupied with another client it seemed. She just sighed, hoping Jen didn't see her as Liz left the club and went back to the park to sleep.


"Hey punk. Get your ass up."

Liz's eyes fluttered open, her vision blurred somewhat. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and blinking a few times, again the man's harsh tone assaulting her ears. "Did you not hear me? Move along or I'll have you hauled in. This is city property. You can't sleep here." Cops, the both of them, big burly looking guys, one already with his baton out.

Liz looked at them a moment, flinching slightly towards their intimidating presence, then got off the bench she was sleeping on, silently walking away. "We better not catch you here again!" They hollered after her, Liz ignoring them.

Fuck....so this is how her day was gonna go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Benji missed the race which he knew was gonna happen. Him and Rus just decided to crash at this college party that a friend of Rus threw. When they got there Rus instantly disappear among the countless teens and young adults that were there. Benji just went inside of the large house and sat on a couch. To the right of him some people were making out while the left of him others were doing drugs. Benji just exhaled and continued to look around the party as things seem to get more chaotic. "Fuck this!" He shouted standing up and walking out of the house he pushed a few people out of the way to make his way to the door. Once outside he sat on a random motorcycle and smoked a cigarette looking at the sky. After a few minutes a guy walked out pissed no reason. Turns out he's the owner of the motorcycle and doesn't appreciate how Benji's chilling on it. Ben doesn't move and stays where he is smirking the whole time he was cursed and spit at. Ben just pat the guy on the shoulder and he stopped for a few seconds. There was a brief silence before Ben started beating the shit out of the guy. He was too drunk to even fend for himself all he can do is beat Benji's fist up with his face. After a few screams Ben stopped his knuckles read and the guys face bruised as if he was beaten with brass knuckles. He was out cold in a small puddle of blood that seeped from his mouth. "Respect your elders....bitch." Ben said as he checked his pockets and took the keys to his motorcycle. He drove off soon after getting the keys.

Next Day

Ben awoke under a bridge a soft cosy card board box being his pillow another his blanket. The motorcycle was gone and $750 dollars took its place in Benji's pocket. Maybe he can go halfies on a small studio apartment with someone. But he didn't know anyone and there aren't many people who friend them self's with someone like Ben. He got onto his feet and walked the city streets. Maybe some other homeless person can go halfies on a studio apartment with him. That's gonna be tough though homeless people were homeless for a reason. Ben walked through the whole city starring at every possible candidate he thinks he can share a place with that wouldn't later fuck him over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen stepped out of the shower with a sigh, tussling her hair a little. She quickly got dressed and ate some cereal, wolfing it down. After putting the bowl next to the sink, she left a small thank you note on the fridge before heading out of the house, her wallet a few notes heavier. She decided to make her way back into town to see the views, content at the moment to just wander.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Roxy didn't believe is I don't care act. Not after he had taken the time to steal and prepare the medication for the sleeping woman. She shook her head. "Now I am not going to tell you my name if you aren't going to tell me yours. That is hardly fair. I don't care who you are or why your here. I saw what you did for your friend. She is lucky to have you. I was curious why you were going to so much trouble. Now that I have satisfied my curiosity I will leave."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


"Took all that time to follow me just to see what I get to in the end? Must be more to it then that.." *He looks at her as she stirs in her sleep, sighing and looking back at Roxy* "Why drive your curiosity my way, there are more interesting people..." *He crosses his arms as he looks at her, one eye showing at the moment as he looks at her hard. He bet Rebecca would tease him with 'bringing a girl home' if she woke up. But as long as Roxy was here, he wasn't leaving anytime soon. And she knows where they are, which makes him even more paranoid about leaving her alone in her state* "And to answer you, we've been together with thieving and such for a year now. Been stuck together after certain events."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

. ((Double post my bad)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Guess she couldn't sleep in the park anymore, and the bus depot was out of the question too, since the cops kicked her out of there a few weeks ago.

For the time being, Liz just wandered, aimlessly, no direction at all besides wherever the road took her. She took a moment to rest sitting against a wall outside a record store. If she had some weed, now would be a good time to probably blaze up. At least it would keep her mind off what else occupying her thoughts...but Jennifer. But....why did it bother her so much? It didn't before, and she knew Jen was a prostitute. She knew the girl was gonna have sex with other women besides her, and yet Liz wasn't okay with it now?

Who was she to say what Jen wanted to do with her life?

Bothersome she sighed, curling her legs up to her as close as she could and resting her head on her knees, a vacant stare towards nothing but the small cracks in the sidewalk. Get a hold of yourself, Liz. She chided herself. It's just what she's going to do. If she wants to fuck other girls, fine. It's not like she feels anything for them. Of course not...

But Liz...what if she was just one of those girls?

She needed something to distract her. Music maybe, so she grabbed her guitar and fished her pick out of her gray jacket, strumming the strings and playing a few chords.
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