Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Agents Of Olympus is an action/anime style RP in the Sci-Fi genre. The story is reminiscent of DC's Suicide squad mixed with Red Vs Blue Free Lancer Program.

You are an agent of Olympus in the year 4404, a secret organization that works outside the rules for the betterment of man-kind. Your missions and equipment are top of the line and your failure is not something you are allowed to easily accept. Each mission may very well be your last, and each enemy may very well be your killer; take heed with every skirmish because you are in the middle of a war. Remember, as a member of the human race thought too dangerous, thought too strong; you are here to defend everything you want to get back!
Alright soldiers, move out!

It'll start mission to mission, me giving small events that each person can choose to participate in, your performance level on each one will help garner favor with the intergalactic council.

When a mission isn't going on, you can choose to search the ship for secrets (cause there are some good ones), just talk to people, or spar with someone (if time permits)

Along with these there will be chances to try to leave the ship or become an informant for outside forces looking to shut down the Olympus project (Super Human Eco-Terrorists who find the lock down and weaponization of stream users to be inhumane)


Here is where I'll put everyone's CS so that we can keep track of our characters.

This is still a work in progress but this is just an Interest check so I feel like it's okay for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eirene
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm definitely interested!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Woo hoo! I got a bite!!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh, sorry for double posting!! Just wanted to say now that if you pick speed, remember that friction is a thing so you won't be able to turn on a dime which means you'll have a hard time using it in corners and hallways.

Also, sorry for all the grammar farts, I wrote this up a while ago but It'll be fixed before I post it in OOC land. I'm kind of big on grammar, that won't be problem with anyone right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 4 days ago

Interested, would love to make a Dude which i can use for fighting
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here's some specialties to give people an idea of what you should look for. A specialty can't be vague and all encompassing so here are two examples of fields you might want to have a foot in but are too vague to be specialties on their own.

Like if you wanted to specialize in-
Medical Science
you could go with

1. Psychology
2. Neurology
3. Physician (You know about the human body in general, which bones are hurting etc but nothing specific)
4. Toxicology(Overlaps with “Poisoning” but you'll be less deadly and you'll more often have the antidote than the poison)

or if you wanted a specialty dealing with-
you'd probably go with-

1. Sniping
2. Martial Arts(Hand to Hand or Armed(specify weapon))
3. Stealth
4. Poisoning(Can overlay with toxicology)

Remember that just because you have 1 specialty, that doesn't mean it's your only skill. In fact, you can use your specialty to give more power to other skills. Like Neptune's skill in acrobatics is strengthened by his specialty, Martial Arts, because of the honed balance and agility Martial Arts gives you.

This is why it's important to pick skills that compliment your specialty and vise versa.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eirene
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Kouki I'd be interested in a Specialty related to Explosives. I hope this idea takes off, I really like it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Eirene Hmm, good choice!

  • Specialty:Sniping(Your character has the ability to shoot things from an incredibly long distance away, your sharp eye gives you an amazing shot with any firearm but your bread and butter is the sniper rifle.

Since you wanna be an assassin and since you're thinking of using "Sniping" as your specialty, here are a few secondary skills that would compliment a sniper-

  • Others:Stealth(for hiding), Ballistics(for gun upkeep) and....hmmmm..I'm not sure on a third one, maybe CQC:Knife(Close Quarters Combat:Knife(just in case))

Remember though, it's not just about skills. Your Stream ability will also have a major role in your character's life expectancy on missions.

If you ever wanna practice or anything, I made a few simulations for people who wanted to see what mission's would be like and what to expect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eirene
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Kouki Awesome, thanks for the ideas! I'll work on a CS and maybe send you a draft to see what you think!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Still accepting characters? I've got an idea for an anti-personal/infiltration guy
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@xGoblinKingxHmm, yeah, we're still excepting, I'm thinking of stopping at 6.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This is my first character sheet in years so be gentle, but let me know if you want me to change anything.

Zephyr (God of the West Wind)

Real Name:
Erik Warner
Appearance: Erik stands at about 6'5 and is athletically built, he has tan skin and black hair that he keeps buzzed short. He has a crooked smile that is accented by silver caps he wears over his top and bottom canines, one of his most defining features caused by his stream are his semi pointed ears and his deep completely white eyes, giving him the appearance of an otherworldly being.

Specialty: Infiltration. Agent Zephyr specializes in stealth. While at times goofy and casual, he can sneak through the shadows without anyone noticing with light feet and a controlled breath.

-Survivalist: Able to survive in the wilderness for extended periods of time.
-CQC:Hatchets: He is extensively trained with his hatchets in close quarters combat.
-Limited Medical knowledge (can set broken bones, stitch up cuts and gunshots)

Manifestation: Line of sight teleportation, If he can see the location (photographs excluded) he can instantaneously teleport there, the further it is from him the more it strains his body, he usually prefers to keep them less than 75ft but he is fully capable of "jumping" up to a mile away but it makes him extremely tired



Sometimes he takes throwing knives on missions as well

Erik is always up to have fun and clown around, sometimes it carries over into the missions even when he tries his hardest to focus, thankfully he is usually able to prioritize. Erik is not the type to give up easily.

History:Erik grew up in a log cabin secluded up in the upper peninsula of Michigan this is where he learned most of his survival skills like hunting, fishing and trapping. Erik discovered his abilities at a young age and his parents where able to help him channel it, gradually increasing his range and stamina. He enlisted to Olympus as soon as he was old enough because he always wanted to be able to use his abilities to help his country advance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Got room for one more? I'm thinking of making a character focused on healing, if that's alright.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@xGoblinKingxAlright, remember that you only have 1 specialty, this is what you are most efficient in which you just said was stealth also remember that what you use your stream isn't a skill so you wouldn't use your Stream in the description.

Everything else, those other skills are listed in "other" so your skills piece should look like-

Specialty: Infiltration. Agent Zephyr specializes in stealth. While at times goofy and casual, he can sneak through the shadows without anyone noticing with light feet and a controlled breath.

-Survivalist: He's not a trained medic but if needed he can stitch himself up
-CQC:Hatchets: He is extensively trained with his hatchets in close quarters combat.

As for your Stream, everything you listed for your Skills should be here. What you use your stream for and its limitations should go with manifestation, giving us a short description of just what you mean. It should look something like this-

Manifestation: Line of sight teleportation- Agent Zephyr's stream allows him to easily gain access to well guarded locations undetected. With the ability to move instantaneously across short distances, Zephyr can execute irregular combat strategies and take out several enemies at an amazing speed.

I also need to know how far you can teleport because, with how you plan on using it, you might not want to have a purity of 7...that might kill you..

Really, the only fault I see with this is, essentially, where you put your information, not even the information itself. So, good job on the CS, I think he'll be a fine addition.

Though, I might give a little more meat to his backstory. I plan on doing the same with Neptune.

@FubsyWe still have room for more!! YES!! MORE PEOPLE!!!YAAAAAAYYY!!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@xGoblinKingxAlright, remember that you only have 1 specialty, this is what you are most efficient in which you just said was stealth also remember that what you use your stream isn't a skill so you wouldn't use your Stream in the description.

Everything else, those other skills are listed in "other" so your skills piece should look like-

Specialty: Infiltration. Agent Zephyr specializes in stealth. While at times goofy and casual, he can sneak through the shadows without anyone noticing with light feet and a controlled breath.

-Survivalist: He's not a trained medic but if needed he can stitch himself up
-CQC:Hatchets: He is extensively trained with his hatchets in close quarters combat.

As for your Stream, everything you listed for your Skills should be here. What you use your stream for and its limitations should go with manifestation, giving us a short description of just what you mean. It should look something like this-

Manifestation: Line of sight teleportation- Agent Zephyr's stream allows him to easily gain access to well guarded locations undetected. With the ability to move instantaneously across short distances, Zephyr can execute irregular combat strategies and take out several enemies at an amazing speed.

I also need to know how far you can teleport because, with how you plan on using it, you might not want to have a purity of 7...that might kill you..

Really, the only fault I see with this is, essentially, where you put your information, not even the information itself. So, good job on the CS, I think he'll be a fine addition.

Though, I might give a little more meat to his backstory. I plan on doing the same with Neptune.

@FubsyWe still have room for more!! YES!! MORE PEOPLE!!!YAAAAAAYYY!!!!

Alright, I'll start working on some edits, as far as the bacstory I just kind of tried to match your character close as I could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh! Don't forget, you shouldn't be on Earth!

Stream users are banned from Earth after the events that take place before Olympus's creation and all live off planet. Here are a few of the planets that exist now-

New Earth- This was the first attempt at recreating the feeling of Earth, as the war with the alien race had brought about a lot of problems for earth and had happened under the Galactic Council's watch, the group of advanced life forms gave the humans their backing and immense resources to create a perfect replica of earth through terraforming. This backfired however due to this earth having all of (if not better) resources and technology than the original but without any of its pollution which through the "normal" humans up in arms. This backlash, caused the Galactic Council to allow non-stream users to join in on the move from earth.

Dallha- A small beach planet, mostly uninhabited and kind of the complete opposite of "New Earth" this planet is a beautiful land of vast oceans and small islands. Most people get around by ships and the fish here are surprisingly delicious. Only problem is that a lot of the lower depths are home to some pretty vicious monsters and the jungles can be equally treacherous...essentially, stay in your designated area.

Rebellion- A once beautiful metropolis with wide grass lands in the east and several areas of different climate, this nameless planet was going to be the second New Earth but fell to in-fighting and is now just a mess of city streets and highways. As this place has some loose laws, many suspect it to be the home of some "rebel scum" who aren't all too happy with being forced off of their own planet. Rumors have spread that a secret group of Stream users and non-stream users are trying to start a war and are trying to procure weapons for a full on assault.

So those are a few(you can make your own if you want), there are also some space stations and of course an Olympus facility or two. It's actually a major plot point for later in the story when we find a stream user born on earth and it's like whaaaaaaat?

By the way, here are a few of the missions we'll be going on, you guys get to choose which one we do first.

1) Train Caper: Arnold, the businessman from the opening, is being offered another dangerous case of unknown substances; he's decided to take his private train through the mountains but the Olympus agents will intercept the train and take him out before he reaches the next station.

2) Attack the Ice Compound: A war criminal is receiving a shipment of weapons of mass destruction; the Agents of Olympus will need to procure the weapons, destroy the compound and assassinate the war lord responsible for all this.

3) The Sad Clown: A famous member of the Galactic Council is being targeted by a troupe of assassins that call themselves "Death's Circus", the Olympus agency is to perform security detail for him and his family as he goes to retrieve a series of important documents that could bring peace to a warring world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, I'll start working on some edits, as far as the backstory I just kind of tried to match your character close as I could.

You don't have to add more if you don't want to, I'm only adding more to mine because it felt lacking. If you don't feel the same way about yours than don't worry about it, we'll learn more about you as time goes on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Already made my edits. Also I noticed the name of the ship was subject to change, what about The Pantheon? It's like the throne room for the gods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Specialty: Infiltration
-Agent Zephyr is well trained in getting from Point A to Point B undetected even without his stream he is a master of espionage and CQC with multiple combatants
-He's not a trained medic but if needed he can stitch himself up

Manifestation: Line of sight teleportation, If he can see the location (photographs excluded) he can instantaneously teleport there, the further it is from him the more it strains his body, he usually prefers to keep them less than 75ft but he is fully capable of "jumping" up to a mile away but it makes him extremely tired

Okay, but again, you get one specialty.

Alright, remember that you only have 1 specialty, this is what you are most efficient in which you just said was stealth.....

Everything else, those other skills are listed in "other" so your skills piece should look like-
Specialty: Infiltration. Agent Zephyr specializes in stealth. While at times goofy and casual, he can sneak through the shadows without anyone noticing with light feet and a controlled breath.

-Survivalist: He's not a trained medic but if needed he can stitch himself up
-CQC:Hatchets: He is extensively trained with his hatchets in close quarters combat.

Your specialty is stealth, you've said that. So, again, everything else is other. Neptune is also a stealth guy(I mean look at him, he's a ninja) but his specialty is Hand to Hand combat. While he's good at stealth, he's best at fighting.

So, your skills should look like-

Specialty: Infiltration(Stealth)
-Agent Zephyr is well trained in getting from Point A to Point B undetected even without his Stream.

-He's not a trained medic but if needed he can stitch himself up
-He is extensively trained with his hatchets in close quarters combat.

PS: Your stream ability is about at a strength of 5 maybe even 4.5, not 6. I know that probably sounds overly specific but since Stream and Purity play such a huge role in the story, I gotta be as close as possible with the numbers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I see infiltration as different than stealth, stealth is based on going in undetected while infiltration is more about getting in and dealing with the situations as they arise, if he can do it stealthily it's all the better but his specialty is just getting in and getting out as quickly as he can, even if he has to crack a few skills on the way, if it still bothers you I'll change it but I just see the twonas different skill sets
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