Agents Of Olympus is an action/anime style RP in the Sci-Fi genre. The story is reminiscent of DC's Suicide squad mixed with Red Vs Blue Free Lancer Program.
You are an agent of Olympus in the year 4404, a secret organization that works outside the rules for the betterment of man-kind. Your missions and equipment are top of the line and your failure is not something you are allowed to easily accept. Each mission may very well be your last, and each enemy may very well be your killer; take heed with every skirmish because you are in the middle of a war. Remember, as a member of the human race thought too dangerous, thought too strong; you are here to defend everything you want to get back!
If any of these confuse you, I've started on some explanations for what you need to know about each category
It'll start mission to mission, me giving small events that each person can choose to participate in, your performance level on each one will help garner favor with the intergalactic council.
When a mission isn't going on, you can choose to search the ship for secrets (cause there are some good ones), just talk to people, or spar with someone (if time permits)
Along with these there will be chances to try to leave the ship or become an informant for outside forces looking to shut down the Olympus project (Super Human Eco-Terrorists who find the lock down and weaponization of stream users to be inhumane)
Here is where I'll put everyone's CS so that we can keep track of our characters.
This is still a work in progress but this is just an Interest check so I feel like it's okay for now.
You are an agent of Olympus in the year 4404, a secret organization that works outside the rules for the betterment of man-kind. Your missions and equipment are top of the line and your failure is not something you are allowed to easily accept. Each mission may very well be your last, and each enemy may very well be your killer; take heed with every skirmish because you are in the middle of a war. Remember, as a member of the human race thought too dangerous, thought too strong; you are here to defend everything you want to get back!
Alright soldiers, move out!
It was the year 4359, Earth had just completed a war with an alien race. Two years later, a strange phenomenon occurred called "The Wave" which caused 20% of the people on earth to have their blood switched out with something later called "STREAM", a bio-substance that causes supernatural abilities to manifest in people.
Taking this chance at super soldiers, mass war broke out across the many planets that humans had resided on and destruction the likes of which you've never seen began. After the massive death count, people started realizing that humans with Stream were too dangerous and so the leaders of the galactic alliance created a facility that could train (and contain) people with stream so that they could be used to stop people the higher up's deem "too dangerous" to exist.

The Trident is the main headquarters and home for all Olympus Agents; it holds all of their equipment and is their main mode of transportation through the voids of space.

This was the first attempt at recreating the feeling of Earth, as the war with the alien race had brought about a lot of problems for earth and had happened under the Galactic Council's watch, the group of advanced life forms gave the humans their backing and immense resources to create a perfect replica of earth through terraforming. This backfired however due to this earth having all of (if not better) resources and technology than the original but without any of its pollution which threw the "normal" humans up in arms. This backlash caused the Galactic Council to allow non-stream users to join in on the move from Old Earth when the Relocation Act was put into place.

A small beach planet, mostly uninhabited and kind of the complete opposite of "New Earth" this planet is a beautiful land of vast oceans and small islands. Most people get around by ships and the fish here are surprisingly delicious. Only problem is that a lot of the lower depths are home to some pretty vicious monsters and the jungles can be equally treacherous...essentially, stay in your designated area.

A once beautiful metropolis with wide grass lands in the east and several areas of different climate, this nameless planet was going to be the second New Earth but fell to in-fighting and is now just a mess of city streets and highways. As this place has some loose laws, many suspect it to be the home of some "rebel scum" who aren't all too happy with being forced off of their own planet. Rumors have spread that a secret group of Stream users and non-stream users are trying to start a war and are trying to procure weapons for a full on assault.
Taking this chance at super soldiers, mass war broke out across the many planets that humans had resided on and destruction the likes of which you've never seen began. After the massive death count, people started realizing that humans with Stream were too dangerous and so the leaders of the galactic alliance created a facility that could train (and contain) people with stream so that they could be used to stop people the higher up's deem "too dangerous" to exist.
In an astonishing event known to most scientists of the era as “The Wave”(4361), a great power arose which changed everything. Twenty percent of the population's blood was replaced with a strange and mysterious substance, noted special by its unusual color. It was a true epidemic and the world did not know how to deal with what could very well have been the disease of a lifetime. It caused a great panic when people began reporting that their children were bleeding greens and blues instead of the normal red.
Not knowing what the cause of the strange phenomenon was, scientists around the world gathered together to research the substance's origins.Thousands of people were recruited for testing, most of which were prisoners from death row while some were volunteers who were“persuaded” by the government to assist in this grave endeavor.
At first glance, the liquid that replaced the red flow in the bodies of human beings seemed to work just like the original but experiments showed that there were a number of differences between normal homo sapiens and those with the new substance known today as“stream”. Those with stream were healthier; the new “blood”flowed easier through their veins than normal blood and the antibodies were superior to the ones found in normal humans, making them far more resistant to natural diseases.
Super Natural Abilities
Along with this, it came to be known through further investigation that those with stream running through their veins (or S. B's as some have come to know them as) had the potential to manifest super natural abilities like enhanced strength or psychic powers. The first to begin showing signs of this was a young girl named Zoey Allison, a five year old from California who,with a slight bit of provocation from her older brother, blasted a hole through her bedroom wall with a single thought(4368). This incident spurred on the scientific movement and garnered much more attention from those with less than peaceful ideas for the new gifts coming to the world.
With the ever growing potential for war-fare already at its highest and with intergalactic travel no longer an illusion, the new element of stream gave both sides of every conflict the power to devastate whatever world they happened to start fighting on without the need for any power-source except for a few human beings. It was a troubling time to say the least(4369-82). Thousands of S.B's died, some were teens, some were adults but so many more than that were just children. In the aftermath, those few alive were scarred beyond repair, some came home lifeless while others threw themselves into insanity just to escape the memories.
The Silent Night
The worst of these wars was The Silent Night(4381), a campaign on a that had thrived until it was decimated by two factions of human “world conquerors”. There had been no end to the carnage that day, but the general of the forces moved ahead without any rest for those already mentally drained by the onslaught due to a report that their enemy was held up in an occupied city somewhere near the mountain.
Despite the many protests and warnings he received from his army, the general would not be swayed and so, on a dark summer eve, a group of child soldiers and a large battalion trudged through the snow without a moments rest so that they could obliterate their enemy. When they reached the base point, all seemed normal until a man in a black suit appeared before them. He was alone and yet, with a smile, he proceeded to destroy everything in an instant. When the response team arrived, they found a dead planet with over 2 billion corpses littering the landscape. There were more citizens then there were soldiers.
The United Intervention Act
After the aftermath of what could only be described as the world's worst massacre, The Galactic Council and UN held a meeting (4383)and decided that there could never be another Night like that, the S. B's were too strong, too unpredictable and using them was far too inhumane. It was decided that anyone using S.B's as weapons or any kind of weapon with that kind of power would not be tolerated.
The Grand Relocation Act
As a counter measure to any illegal use of S.B's and as some form of apology for their lives, the Galactic council worked with the planet of earth to scan and relocate all Stream users on earth to new planets that they could call their own(4383-92). This act separated many from their friends and loved ones though a few families did get to make the trip with those who were too young to fend for themselves. It was a sad goodbye but the Council had to take precautions.
Olympus Rises
Through the years(4384-88) the international agency,Olympus had tried to get a contract with the Council. Despite being a former business, they were willing and ready to use their resources to train Stream users to do combat thus forming a response team capable of handling large threats before they got out of hand. The Council was weary of trusting a private faction to run such a team but were convinced that it was necessary for the greater good. And so, this response team, these agents of Olympus, were sent on the spaceship “Pantheon” to the far reaches of the galaxy where other human beings had set up shop. In this way, they regulate,terminate, and disable any and all threats to the human population as ordered by the Galactic Council.
Not knowing what the cause of the strange phenomenon was, scientists around the world gathered together to research the substance's origins.Thousands of people were recruited for testing, most of which were prisoners from death row while some were volunteers who were“persuaded” by the government to assist in this grave endeavor.
At first glance, the liquid that replaced the red flow in the bodies of human beings seemed to work just like the original but experiments showed that there were a number of differences between normal homo sapiens and those with the new substance known today as“stream”. Those with stream were healthier; the new “blood”flowed easier through their veins than normal blood and the antibodies were superior to the ones found in normal humans, making them far more resistant to natural diseases.
Super Natural Abilities
Along with this, it came to be known through further investigation that those with stream running through their veins (or S. B's as some have come to know them as) had the potential to manifest super natural abilities like enhanced strength or psychic powers. The first to begin showing signs of this was a young girl named Zoey Allison, a five year old from California who,with a slight bit of provocation from her older brother, blasted a hole through her bedroom wall with a single thought(4368). This incident spurred on the scientific movement and garnered much more attention from those with less than peaceful ideas for the new gifts coming to the world.
With the ever growing potential for war-fare already at its highest and with intergalactic travel no longer an illusion, the new element of stream gave both sides of every conflict the power to devastate whatever world they happened to start fighting on without the need for any power-source except for a few human beings. It was a troubling time to say the least(4369-82). Thousands of S.B's died, some were teens, some were adults but so many more than that were just children. In the aftermath, those few alive were scarred beyond repair, some came home lifeless while others threw themselves into insanity just to escape the memories.
The Silent Night
The worst of these wars was The Silent Night(4381), a campaign on a that had thrived until it was decimated by two factions of human “world conquerors”. There had been no end to the carnage that day, but the general of the forces moved ahead without any rest for those already mentally drained by the onslaught due to a report that their enemy was held up in an occupied city somewhere near the mountain.
Despite the many protests and warnings he received from his army, the general would not be swayed and so, on a dark summer eve, a group of child soldiers and a large battalion trudged through the snow without a moments rest so that they could obliterate their enemy. When they reached the base point, all seemed normal until a man in a black suit appeared before them. He was alone and yet, with a smile, he proceeded to destroy everything in an instant. When the response team arrived, they found a dead planet with over 2 billion corpses littering the landscape. There were more citizens then there were soldiers.
The United Intervention Act
After the aftermath of what could only be described as the world's worst massacre, The Galactic Council and UN held a meeting (4383)and decided that there could never be another Night like that, the S. B's were too strong, too unpredictable and using them was far too inhumane. It was decided that anyone using S.B's as weapons or any kind of weapon with that kind of power would not be tolerated.
The Grand Relocation Act
As a counter measure to any illegal use of S.B's and as some form of apology for their lives, the Galactic council worked with the planet of earth to scan and relocate all Stream users on earth to new planets that they could call their own(4383-92). This act separated many from their friends and loved ones though a few families did get to make the trip with those who were too young to fend for themselves. It was a sad goodbye but the Council had to take precautions.
Olympus Rises
Through the years(4384-88) the international agency,Olympus had tried to get a contract with the Council. Despite being a former business, they were willing and ready to use their resources to train Stream users to do combat thus forming a response team capable of handling large threats before they got out of hand. The Council was weary of trusting a private faction to run such a team but were convinced that it was necessary for the greater good. And so, this response team, these agents of Olympus, were sent on the spaceship “Pantheon” to the far reaches of the galaxy where other human beings had set up shop. In this way, they regulate,terminate, and disable any and all threats to the human population as ordered by the Galactic Council.

The Trident is the main headquarters and home for all Olympus Agents; it holds all of their equipment and is their main mode of transportation through the voids of space.

This was the first attempt at recreating the feeling of Earth, as the war with the alien race had brought about a lot of problems for earth and had happened under the Galactic Council's watch, the group of advanced life forms gave the humans their backing and immense resources to create a perfect replica of earth through terraforming. This backfired however due to this earth having all of (if not better) resources and technology than the original but without any of its pollution which threw the "normal" humans up in arms. This backlash caused the Galactic Council to allow non-stream users to join in on the move from Old Earth when the Relocation Act was put into place.

A small beach planet, mostly uninhabited and kind of the complete opposite of "New Earth" this planet is a beautiful land of vast oceans and small islands. Most people get around by ships and the fish here are surprisingly delicious. Only problem is that a lot of the lower depths are home to some pretty vicious monsters and the jungles can be equally treacherous...essentially, stay in your designated area.

A once beautiful metropolis with wide grass lands in the east and several areas of different climate, this nameless planet was going to be the second New Earth but fell to in-fighting and is now just a mess of city streets and highways. As this place has some loose laws, many suspect it to be the home of some "rebel scum" who aren't all too happy with being forced off of their own planet. Rumors have spread that a secret group of Stream users and non-stream users are trying to start a war and are trying to procure weapons for a full on assault.
- POWERPLAY- No hit makes contact, you let the other character decide how he/she reacts to something, not your call. Just because you think you might be able punch someone in the face, doesn't mean you will; a guy could just as easily catch your fist, back flip over you therefore bending your arm the wrong way over your shoulder before releasing your arm and back kicking you into a furnace....or ya know, they could also take the hit....whatever your specialty allows.
- And never say a person reacts to a statement or a comment in a certain way. We're all soldiers of some degree in this game, so whether or not Agent Aqua starts to tear up, or become enraged, or smiles at you telling her she's pretty is totally up to the person controlling Agent Aqua; let's be respectful okay?
- GODMOD- As you can tell, there are going to be some real chances at OPness in this game. Please, try to remember that any level of purity you decide on will have some draw backs (especially if you don't choose any balancing powers) and even if you choose a low purity, you won't be able to use your powers constantly or you'll burn out big time.
- PLAY NPCs NOT IN YOUR CONTROL: There are many NPC's in this RP, mainly grunt guards that we get to beat the tar out of( I LOVE fight scenes so that's gonna be fun for me)! Grunt workers are fine to control, you may freely beat the tar out of them....BUT ALWAYS CHECK OOC FOR SPECIFICS!!! It changes a little with each mission and there may be some guards that are special and you really shouldn't kill those ones plus there are numerous other NPCs that will be under my control so you obviously don't have any control over those unless advised otherwise.
- MAKE EVENTS: There are many Events in this game, none of which should be of your own design(unless asked). Simply put, don't make up missions or events out of the blue for obvious plot reasons.
- AVOID GRAMMAR CHECKS- Always check your grammar, you don't have to be perfect, you just have to try. You're human so I expect errors but with that said, be ready to hear from me if you slip and don't spaz if I do. No one is trying to make you feel bad, don't take simple comments personally.
Real Name:
Real Name:
- Specialty:
- Others:
- Manifestation:
- Purity:
- Armor:
- Weapons:
- Other:
If any of these confuse you, I've started on some explanations for what you need to know about each category
Codename: Every operative of the Olympus agency has a codename, the codename goes off the theme of the greek gods(your powers and abilities don't have to perfectly match whoever you choose....though it'd be cool if they did).
Real Name:Everyone has a name, but due to the nature of your birth your character may not know it, so feel free to either put “Just goes by Codename” or put a nickname if you want your character have some mystery.
Appearance:This is self explanatory but there are a few special things you should know about your appearance and how your field of expertise should have a large part in things like physique, each specialty calls for a certain amount of dedication to the craft so it wouldn't make sense for, say, a medical specialist to have giant muscles because they're hitting the gym instead of working on their field of expertise.
If you're not a word's smith, just use a picture or do both, I don't care as long I know what you mean.
Skills:All agents have a set of skills that can be put to use in the field,each has their own specialty along with other abilities that they sharpen when they have the chance. You should list your specialty first, going into detail on just what that means is good but not mandatory.
Example:Agent Neptune
Note that while a person could indeed be someone who studies medicine and is good with a sniper rifle, you would be less in both of those categories because you split your time and effort (unless your stream let's you do something crazy).
Also,feel free to add non-combative stuff in there, your character can have other skills (you will have SOME free time...some)
Stream:As part of this ship's purpose is to contain people with stream, it's a pretty big deal that you all have it instead of blood running through your veins. This also means that all agents of Olympus are Homo Sapiens.
Manifestation:Please tell me how your ability (or abilities) manifest themselves.Whether it be in the form of telekinesis or the ability to throw lightning.
For a reference on each level, let's use speed and strength
It is for the reason above that people with physical streams often have secondary enhancements to balance out the effects it would have on a person's body
Sometimes though, a person just has an incredibly low stream purity and therefore low energy output. That's fine too, I don't care as long as the sum of the purities don't go ABOVE 10 (Values subject to change)
Equipment:All agents of Olympus are equipped with a set of basic equipment that go as follow

Anything that isn't what I listed above or some form of modification to what I listed above is what should go under “equipment” meaning your equipment entry should look something like this-
For not having anything special.
Basically,any weapons, armor, or any other equipment that I haven't said is standard, should be listed here.
History:Tell me what transpired before your character was put on this ship, before he/she was recruited and boarded the Trident for the first time
- Example: Agent Neptune (Taken, he's mine!)
Real Name:Everyone has a name, but due to the nature of your birth your character may not know it, so feel free to either put “Just goes by Codename” or put a nickname if you want your character have some mystery.
- Example: Agent Neptune goes by the name Holden or Nep (he's not a fan of the nickname).
Appearance:This is self explanatory but there are a few special things you should know about your appearance and how your field of expertise should have a large part in things like physique, each specialty calls for a certain amount of dedication to the craft so it wouldn't make sense for, say, a medical specialist to have giant muscles because they're hitting the gym instead of working on their field of expertise.
- Example: Agent Neptune is a martial arts specialist buts like to be stealthy. This means, he would have a pretty slender build as to not attract attention but with toned muscles to release a lot of power; basically, he'd be someone with a deceptively strong build.
If you're not a word's smith, just use a picture or do both, I don't care as long I know what you mean.
Skills:All agents have a set of skills that can be put to use in the field,each has their own specialty along with other abilities that they sharpen when they have the chance. You should list your specialty first, going into detail on just what that means is good but not mandatory.
Example:Agent Neptune
- Specialty: Martial Arts (Primarily bare handed but is proficient in many different forms of combat)
- Others: Stealth, Linguistics(can speak many languages), Sniper rifle proficiency, acrobatics
Note that while a person could indeed be someone who studies medicine and is good with a sniper rifle, you would be less in both of those categories because you split your time and effort (unless your stream let's you do something crazy).
- Example:If you did medical and sniper; yeah, you'd know exactly what to shoot at because of your medical training but you wouldn't be able to shoot with the precision required to hit that mark from as great a distance as someone who specialized in sniping only.
Also,feel free to add non-combative stuff in there, your character can have other skills (you will have SOME free time...some)
- Example:Agent Neptune can play the violin
Stream:As part of this ship's purpose is to contain people with stream, it's a pretty big deal that you all have it instead of blood running through your veins. This also means that all agents of Olympus are Homo Sapiens.
Manifestation:Please tell me how your ability (or abilities) manifest themselves.Whether it be in the form of telekinesis or the ability to throw lightning.
- Example: Agent Neptune is super fast and has enhanced strength with an unusually sharp reflex.
- Purity:The reason why a person may have multiple abilities is due to their stream's purity level. Stream has ten levels of purity, 1 being the lowest(Defined as the most a human could do on their own) and 10 being the highest (Defined as "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!"). The higher the stream purity the more powerful you are but also, the more unstable you are.
- Example: A person with a purity level of ten could potentially destroy a city without trying but they'd probably kill themselves in the process.
For a reference on each level, let's use speed and strength
1)27 Mph(The fastest running speed recorded)
2)57.6 Mph
3)86 Mph
4)114 Mph
5)140.8 Mph
6)180 Mph
7)250 Mph
8)300 Mph
9)430 Mph
10)600 Mph
2)57.6 Mph
3)86 Mph
4)114 Mph
5)140.8 Mph
6)180 Mph
7)250 Mph
8)300 Mph
9)430 Mph
10)600 Mph
1)500 Kilograms (1072.54891 pounds, the most a human has ever lifted)
2)650 Kilograms
3)800 Kilograms
4)1050 Kilograms
5)1260 Kilograms (1.36 metric tons)
6)1389 Kilograms
7)2000 Kilograms
8)2500 Kilograms
9)2890 Kilograms
10)3900 Kilograms
2)650 Kilograms
3)800 Kilograms
4)1050 Kilograms
5)1260 Kilograms (1.36 metric tons)
6)1389 Kilograms
7)2000 Kilograms
8)2500 Kilograms
9)2890 Kilograms
10)3900 Kilograms
It is for the reason above that people with physical streams often have secondary enhancements to balance out the effects it would have on a person's body
- Example: Agent Neptune has Super speed (purity level 6) to balance the effect it would have on his body to suddenly accelerate and then suddenly stop, his stream developed low level super strength (Purity level 1) and low level clairvoyance (Purity level 1)
Sometimes though, a person just has an incredibly low stream purity and therefore low energy output. That's fine too, I don't care as long as the sum of the purities don't go ABOVE 10 (Values subject to change)
Equipment:All agents of Olympus are equipped with a set of basic equipment that go as follow

- The standard armor for a Olympus agent uses nanobot fibers to resonate with a bullet and displace its impact throughout the whole body so each shot feels like a tinge instead of a forceful blow. The suit's heating and cooling system along with it's breathable fabric will make any climate livable for the duration of the mission it also optimizes the flexibility and mobility of it's wearer without sacrificing any of it's defensive capabilities. The suit also slightly enhances the strength and speed of the wearer, the nano-fibers stimulate the cells and produce short bursts of energy without destroying the user's body.
- The leg's are equipped with gravitational reinforcement, allowing for combat in areas with low gravity and the arms are equipped with a high grade computer for communication and low level analysis of foreign substances and structural integrity of buildings(the sophistication of your software is dependent on your specialty).
- The helmet has a built in navigational system and on-board computerized targeting system along with a connection to The Trident so it can receive any and all information that the ship receives. The helmet also acts as the suit's main processing unit, all of the suit's functions go through it to make sure everything is running smoothly. Along with these, the helmet can filter in oxygen and act as a bio-hazard protection device so short-term deep sea travel is possible to a degree.

- Standard side-arm for the Olympus Agent is a Modified version of the US Beretta M9; this version of the standard pistol reduces recoil while maintaining the firing force and increasing the rate of fire by four seconds. It's Range is 60 M, 10 M more than the original side-arm. Unlike specialized weapons, this gun has very few technological advancements, meaning it lacks the voice commands that some other guns may possess. This also means that this gun won't short out in the presence of an EMP, a fact that should never be overlooked

- The standard grenade for the Olympus agent. It has an effective casualty radius of about 15 meters (49 feet) with an interval of five seconds between activation and detonation, though if calibrated before hand, your suits can act as a wireless detonator. It's fairly light with plenty of destructive capabilities but like most weapons in war, its true effectiveness is only presented when used with a strategic outlook.
- Each agent is equipped with three of these grenades along with two stun grenades and a flash bomb. While that's the norm, a person can choose to carry more of whatever type they choose.
- Every agent carries a knife for close combat situations, the blade is composed of a synthetic metal designed by Olympus Industries, allowing for incredibly clean cuts.
Anything that isn't what I listed above or some form of modification to what I listed above is what should go under “equipment” meaning your equipment entry should look something like this-
- Weapons:Standard
- Armor:Standard
- Other:None
For not having anything special.
- Weapons:Kunai, throwing stars
- Armor:Standard
- Other:Grappling hook
Basically,any weapons, armor, or any other equipment that I haven't said is standard, should be listed here.
History:Tell me what transpired before your character was put on this ship, before he/she was recruited and boarded the Trident for the first time
1. All agents of Olympus are homo-sapiens(human)
2. You are allowed to have your stream cause some type of small mutation(blue skin, gills, etc.)
3. All agents have some level of stream
4. All stream has a risk to it
5. Bullet dodging is REAL (Action anime style)
6. No character is strong enough to one hit quit someone (for more details go to the Powerplay Section of the Rules)
7. No godmodding (more details below)
8. All agents have the same security clearance(I'll tell you where you can and can't go with a red flag)
2. You are allowed to have your stream cause some type of small mutation(blue skin, gills, etc.)
3. All agents have some level of stream
4. All stream has a risk to it
5. Bullet dodging is REAL (Action anime style)
6. No character is strong enough to one hit quit someone (for more details go to the Powerplay Section of the Rules)
7. No godmodding (more details below)
8. All agents have the same security clearance(I'll tell you where you can and can't go with a red flag)
Missions are the main / most important thing about this game; they all vary in difficulty, location and persons involved and players have the choice to sign up for them OOCLY or not.
When not on a mission, players are free to move around the ship, searching for clues that reveal hidden depths about this Stream Project and the organization they work for.
First, the director of the program will give you a report and tell the mission specs Icly
Then, in the OOC I'll give you the OOC specs which will tell you what NPCs you're in control of, their skill level and what each of you needs to do for each part of the mission. This'll also tell you what NPCs you're not aloud to curb stomp!!
"Hello agents, today we've just received Intel that a shipment of illegal class ten weaponry has just reached the ice planet compound on Earth 215; your mission is to break into the compound, retrieve the shipment and eliminate the organization's leader who will be there to check on the weapon's quality."
Que rise of holo-screens showing specs and such.
"The compound is wide spread, fifty guards spread out throughout different areas. We don't know where they're concentrated but we've confirmed that they do have low- level energy weapons and at least one class five bomb. You'll have 30 minutes to disable the security and take down the leader. Alright, report to the docking bay at 0900."
Que rise of holo-screens showing specs and such.
"The compound is wide spread, fifty guards spread out throughout different areas. We don't know where they're concentrated but we've confirmed that they do have low- level energy weapons and at least one class five bomb. You'll have 30 minutes to disable the security and take down the leader. Alright, report to the docking bay at 0900."
Then, in the OOC I'll give you the OOC specs which will tell you what NPCs you're in control of, their skill level and what each of you needs to do for each part of the mission. This'll also tell you what NPCs you're not aloud to curb stomp!!
We've got 50 NPC's, 46 of which you control, have fun with beating the tar out of them.
This is a four man mission; 1 person procures the shipment, 1 person eliminates the leader, 1 person disables the security and another one guards the plane.
The compound takes the shape of a circle comprised of three buildings and a residential mansion in the center. The eastern building is for security, the west is the warehouse where it receives and stores shipments and the north is the entrance which you won't be using.
Depending on what you choose, this is what you'll have to deal with.
We've got 50 NPC's, 46 of which you control, have fun with beating the tar out of them.
This is a four man mission; 1 person procures the shipment, 1 person eliminates the leader, 1 person disables the security and another one guards the plane.
The compound takes the shape of a circle comprised of three buildings and a residential mansion in the center. The eastern building is for security, the west is the warehouse where it receives and stores shipments and the north is the entrance which you won't be using.
Depending on what you choose, this is what you'll have to deal with.
Mission:Whoever does this needs to upload a drive into the central computer so that the video runs on an endless loop. You are not to be caught or a wide spread alarm is going to sound, eliminating our chance at stealth.
- NPC:10 guards moving in a pattern as they move around the area protecting the control box. Take down as many of the twelve goons as you want but I WILL call you out if I think you're making too much noise. The guards are armed with a type of proton gun meaning that it shoots watch out for that.
- Bonus NPC: The 2 NPC's not in your control are the one's watching the video in the control room, they see you it's over, so avoid the cameras at all cost. I'll tell you OOCly when you're in danger of being caught before doing anything so you should be fine.
Mission: The compound's warehouse is in the west, when the security is taken care of, whoever does this part will need to move into the wide open space and use their armor's scanner to find the crate with the highest read out and then place a digital anchor inside (a large metal triangle that you'll be wearing on your back like a back-pack). The ship's tractor beam will take care of it from there.
- NPC:19 guards will be under your control, 4 are guarding the area around the warehouse with 15 guarding the crates inside, I suggest whoever do this either be a sniper or a close combat fighter.Out of the 19 guards, 7 have proton guns (2/4 outside 5/15 inside). Feel free to use to the crates as cover just know that some of them contain bombs so I would try to take down the one's with lasers BEFORE they start shooting. I'll tell you when a crate with grenades has been hit so you can RP accordingly.
- Bonus NPC: 1 NPC is not in your control; a mysterious white haired guy with silver eyes and a pair of nun-chucks. The opponent is a martial artist, his weapon can deflect bullets and it's very heavy. He won't appear until you've beaten every one else so feel free to be as loud and scurb-stompy as you want with the weaklings. But know this, when he does show up POWERPLAY RULES APPLY, so no "I'm awesome so he can't do anything against me" bull-crap okay.
Mission: Somewhere on the compound, the leader of this organization is getting ready to depart; whoever does this one needs to get past his three guards and kill him before he can cause any more damage. This old man was part of the Intergalactic war that used stream users and threatened to destroy dozens of planets; he's a war criminal and a monster.
- NPC: 2 guards are under your control mainly because you'll be taking them on in a hallway; like most NPCs they're light weights but you should have some trouble with them seeing as they're the personal guard of the head of this criminal organization. The two guards are armed with a samurai sword, each capable of cutting through solid steel. Have fun.
- Bonus NPC: 1 NPC is not in your control, a martial artist with a spear that can break up into a chain. He's incredibly fast and versatile but won't attack until both his lackeys are gone. Take heed that the target does not escape while you fight the spear using assassin, remember who your target is!
Mission: Protect the ship being used for the extraction. As this ship's pilot, you need to guard it from any and all enemies while staying at the extraction point.
- NPC: 5 NPC's are on the roof where the extraction needs to take place, they are all armed with Proton Guns and they need to be taken out without alerting the guards below so you can safely land the plane on the roof. Set the craft to hover in stealth mode and then just hop down to the roof. 5 NPC's should be pretty easy to handle so you won't have any problems. I'll tell if you're being too loud and have alerted the other guards which will double the number of them and cause problems for the extraction plan.
1. Stay with the specs I provide
2. You are free to curb stomp whatever NPC is placed in your control(Unless I state otherwise)
3. Know that even though this is an anime(you can pull off crazy moves) that doesn't mean you can do things that are Way off from your skill set(IE: choosing a medical specialty and then taking down fifteen guys with your black belt in
Know that death is a possibility if you do too many things wrong, mission failure is always an option
2. You are free to curb stomp whatever NPC is placed in your control(Unless I state otherwise)
3. Know that even though this is an anime(you can pull off crazy moves) that doesn't mean you can do things that are Way off from your skill set(IE: choosing a medical specialty and then taking down fifteen guys with your black belt in
Know that death is a possibility if you do too many things wrong, mission failure is always an option
It'll start mission to mission, me giving small events that each person can choose to participate in, your performance level on each one will help garner favor with the intergalactic council.
When a mission isn't going on, you can choose to search the ship for secrets (cause there are some good ones), just talk to people, or spar with someone (if time permits)
Along with these there will be chances to try to leave the ship or become an informant for outside forces looking to shut down the Olympus project (Super Human Eco-Terrorists who find the lock down and weaponization of stream users to be inhumane)
Here is where I'll put everyone's CS so that we can keep track of our characters.
Real Name: Unknown, close friends call him Holden (he has no friends)

Specialty:Martial Arts
Others:Weapon proficiency, stealth, acrobatics.
Manifestation: Super Speed, Enhanced Strength and Enhanced Intuition.
Purity: Speed(6) Strength(1) Clairvoyance(1)
Personality:A skilled agent and powerful combatant, Holden can keep a perfectly cool head in any dangerous situation. While in the midst of combat, he is an aloof killer, always staying on mission and doing whatever it takes to complete the objective. This cold attitude changes when faced with the charges of communicating with his teammates. When not fighting, Holden speaks very little, replying to most things with a quiet nod or few words to get his point across. It's not because he thinks he doesn't need to answer it's just that he's not use to talking to people and prefers silent operations. A bit of an introvert and just a little shy, don't expect to hold a conversation with him.
History: Holden has always been Neptune, more than anything else.
Not much is known is about his life before the Director, he was born on a planet that had been left behind by Earth during the colonization era. Abandoned by his parents, he survived through theft and luck, managing to stay one step ahead of death through desperation and a cool head. Life for everyone was like that, people walked with the reaper and no one expected to live for very long. The child's fate seemed to be a forgone conclusion.
And then he came.
A man with blonde hair who said he was “giving out second chances”. He needed someone young, someone sturdy, resilient, and he saw that in the black eyes of the dying youth. From that day on, that child was Agent Neptune, he'd always be Agent Neptune, he didn't have a past anymore. All that mattered was the mission.
His training started with conditioning, both mental and physical, to bring him to the peak of his abilities. He was monitored every day with tabs being kept on his mental state throughout the process. He felt so much stronger than when it was over, and calmer. It felt like his mind had been “fixed”
After the conditioning came the martial arts, training against bullets and knives and men twice his size. Olympus' medical staff was one of the greatest in the universe, capable of repairing broken bones should anything go wrong, and in the beginning things often went wrong. But he learned and soon his margin of error began to grow smaller. Day after day, night after night, they put him through his paces and then some to forge a blade as cold as ice, as fast as lightning.
By twelve years old, he was going on missions, simple at first and then gradually growing in danger with each passing year. He never questioned what the training was for. He never wondered why he was being asked to do the things he did. He, the boy who once faced death, only knew he had to get faster, stronger, better than he was before, and he had to do it for his savior's sake. He was Neptune, it was simply how he had to live. But he didn't care. “Negatives” and “positives”, “good” and “evil”, “cruelty” and “kindness”, those things didn't exist, they were just words, pointless fades of an emotional species that lets them do horrible things for reasons they think are “right” or “wrong”. What the Director was doing, Neptune was supporting it, and he would live with that choice because that is the debt he owed.
Eventually, after a decade or so of pushing himself, the next phase of the Director's plan was put in place and Neptune was paired with another, someone who was his opposite in personality. They were at odds at first but Neptune slowly came to accept his presence and began to understand the wild one's importance to their dynamic. He began to see a lot of things differently with each mission they went on before he was faced with a choice he wasn't willing to make and they parted ways.
That was the first me he had ever been betrayed.
It was also the first time he had started thinking “what's on that person's mind” so was born his curiosity concerning human emotion and his apparent lack of it.
Time moved on, obviously, and the Director eventually assigned him a new team. The Olympus Project was going to be "a whole new experience" as the director told him, it was going to require even more of the raven haired agent than the last missions. Neptune was told he would have to do what needs to be done now more than ever and he agreed. He would always agree.
Because he would always be Neptune...
Real Name: Unknown, close friends call him Holden (he has no friends)

Specialty:Martial Arts
- Agent Neptune specializes in hand-to-hand combat, his martial arts style is reminiscent of Wing Chun and Taekwondo with a focus on short bursts of the hands and kicks. His movements are sharp and precise, like himself, he doesn't leave room for much error and uses his honed reflexes to process information around him and react accordingly. His skill level is high enough that he doesn't require his stream ability.
Others:Weapon proficiency, stealth, acrobatics.
Manifestation: Super Speed, Enhanced Strength and Enhanced Intuition.
- Agent Neptune's abilities manifest in the form of super-human speed, allowing him to reach up to 300 Mph before causing cell deterioration. To keep this in check, his body is stronger than normal and the stream developed a form of low level clairvoyance so he can stop and go without hurting himself or crashing. Unlike most stream users, Neptune is “defective”, and is unable to use his ability very often at all. It's for this reason that he hones his martial arts abilities to such a degree, to make up for his lack of raw power.
Purity: Speed(6) Strength(1) Clairvoyance(1)
- Armor:As pictured above, Agent Neptune's armor differs from the standard gear. As required for his method of combat, Agent Neptune's armaments are lighter and sleeker than the original design, taking away the resistance that the standard uniform can cause. The suit maintains some of the original features but mainly acts as a support for his combat techniques. For whatever reason, despite the need for one, Agent Neptune's suit lacks a stream stabilizer.
- Weapons:Throwing knives
- Other: Grappling wire device.
Personality:A skilled agent and powerful combatant, Holden can keep a perfectly cool head in any dangerous situation. While in the midst of combat, he is an aloof killer, always staying on mission and doing whatever it takes to complete the objective. This cold attitude changes when faced with the charges of communicating with his teammates. When not fighting, Holden speaks very little, replying to most things with a quiet nod or few words to get his point across. It's not because he thinks he doesn't need to answer it's just that he's not use to talking to people and prefers silent operations. A bit of an introvert and just a little shy, don't expect to hold a conversation with him.
History: Holden has always been Neptune, more than anything else.
Not much is known is about his life before the Director, he was born on a planet that had been left behind by Earth during the colonization era. Abandoned by his parents, he survived through theft and luck, managing to stay one step ahead of death through desperation and a cool head. Life for everyone was like that, people walked with the reaper and no one expected to live for very long. The child's fate seemed to be a forgone conclusion.
And then he came.
A man with blonde hair who said he was “giving out second chances”. He needed someone young, someone sturdy, resilient, and he saw that in the black eyes of the dying youth. From that day on, that child was Agent Neptune, he'd always be Agent Neptune, he didn't have a past anymore. All that mattered was the mission.
His training started with conditioning, both mental and physical, to bring him to the peak of his abilities. He was monitored every day with tabs being kept on his mental state throughout the process. He felt so much stronger than when it was over, and calmer. It felt like his mind had been “fixed”
After the conditioning came the martial arts, training against bullets and knives and men twice his size. Olympus' medical staff was one of the greatest in the universe, capable of repairing broken bones should anything go wrong, and in the beginning things often went wrong. But he learned and soon his margin of error began to grow smaller. Day after day, night after night, they put him through his paces and then some to forge a blade as cold as ice, as fast as lightning.
By twelve years old, he was going on missions, simple at first and then gradually growing in danger with each passing year. He never questioned what the training was for. He never wondered why he was being asked to do the things he did. He, the boy who once faced death, only knew he had to get faster, stronger, better than he was before, and he had to do it for his savior's sake. He was Neptune, it was simply how he had to live. But he didn't care. “Negatives” and “positives”, “good” and “evil”, “cruelty” and “kindness”, those things didn't exist, they were just words, pointless fades of an emotional species that lets them do horrible things for reasons they think are “right” or “wrong”. What the Director was doing, Neptune was supporting it, and he would live with that choice because that is the debt he owed.
Eventually, after a decade or so of pushing himself, the next phase of the Director's plan was put in place and Neptune was paired with another, someone who was his opposite in personality. They were at odds at first but Neptune slowly came to accept his presence and began to understand the wild one's importance to their dynamic. He began to see a lot of things differently with each mission they went on before he was faced with a choice he wasn't willing to make and they parted ways.
That was the first me he had ever been betrayed.
It was also the first time he had started thinking “what's on that person's mind” so was born his curiosity concerning human emotion and his apparent lack of it.
Time moved on, obviously, and the Director eventually assigned him a new team. The Olympus Project was going to be "a whole new experience" as the director told him, it was going to require even more of the raven haired agent than the last missions. Neptune was told he would have to do what needs to be done now more than ever and he agreed. He would always agree.
Because he would always be Neptune...
Codename: Agent Ares
Real Name: Allan Spencer
Appearance: A stocky, highly muscular man with the looks of someone used to the battlefield, with scars criss-crossing his tanned arms and a particularly noticeable patch on his face from a burn, he is quite frightening to look at of first glance. He has black stubble on his face and a military-style buzz cut on the top of his head. His facial expressions are hard to read, but he has warm brown eyes that show that he may be a little kinder than he lets on.
•Specialty: Tactics – Agent Ares is skilled at manipulating the situation on the battlefield to his advantage in the heat of the moment, allowing him to claim effective strategic positions during operations and use them well.
•Others: Shotguns – Ares is skilled in using shotguns at close quarters to hold off large groups of enemies
Distraction – Ares is able to draw attention on the battlefield away from his more stealthy and offensive comrades
Card Games – Ares is incredibly good at almost any card game you could name, especially poker.
•Manifestation: Force Field, enhanced strength
He can create a force field in from of his body that is capable of stopping most physical blows such as kicks and punches, as well as bullet fire and small explosives. The enhanced strength given by his stream allows his body to withstand the force as it is dissipated by the force field.
•Purity: Force field (5) Strength (1)
•Armor: Slightly bulkier than standard issue armour, slows for better protection but slower movement.
•Weapons: Shotgun, flash grenades & standard issue knife
•Other: None
Personality: While he is a powerful, skilled adversary in battle who doesn’t hesitate to take down his opponents, outside combat he is a warm, caring man who looks after his teammates, despite trying to seem stoic and serious. When one of his teammates is injured, he will frequently lose sleep over their condition, and blame himself for not protecting them. During combat, he acts to keep his teammates calm, and is a comforting influence for others when they are in danger, maintaining a rational, cool head in a bad situation.
History: Ares is a hardened combat veteran, who was a rookie member of a unit during the last couple of years of the war. He prefers not to speak about the time he spent on the battlefield, but it is known that he was the only one from his unit to make it out alive. His official kill count is unknown, but it is thought to be fairly high. His actions lead to him being wracked with guilt over the people he killed, and he searched for a way to make up for what he’d done. He grew apart from the friends he'd had on Earth, and went willingly to Dallha during the relocation.
On Dallha, he tried to find a way to feel whole again, trying to help others to adjust to the planet and helping to keep any wanderers in their designated zones, hoping to make up for his actions by stopping more deaths. His efforts to help the people in adjusting to the planet and military skill were noticed by Olympus, who contacted him with the opportunity to be an agent. He gladly accepted, hoping that he could stop anyone else from ending up the same way as him.
Real Name: Allan Spencer
Appearance: A stocky, highly muscular man with the looks of someone used to the battlefield, with scars criss-crossing his tanned arms and a particularly noticeable patch on his face from a burn, he is quite frightening to look at of first glance. He has black stubble on his face and a military-style buzz cut on the top of his head. His facial expressions are hard to read, but he has warm brown eyes that show that he may be a little kinder than he lets on.
•Specialty: Tactics – Agent Ares is skilled at manipulating the situation on the battlefield to his advantage in the heat of the moment, allowing him to claim effective strategic positions during operations and use them well.
•Others: Shotguns – Ares is skilled in using shotguns at close quarters to hold off large groups of enemies
Distraction – Ares is able to draw attention on the battlefield away from his more stealthy and offensive comrades
Card Games – Ares is incredibly good at almost any card game you could name, especially poker.
•Manifestation: Force Field, enhanced strength
He can create a force field in from of his body that is capable of stopping most physical blows such as kicks and punches, as well as bullet fire and small explosives. The enhanced strength given by his stream allows his body to withstand the force as it is dissipated by the force field.
•Purity: Force field (5) Strength (1)
•Armor: Slightly bulkier than standard issue armour, slows for better protection but slower movement.
•Weapons: Shotgun, flash grenades & standard issue knife
•Other: None
Personality: While he is a powerful, skilled adversary in battle who doesn’t hesitate to take down his opponents, outside combat he is a warm, caring man who looks after his teammates, despite trying to seem stoic and serious. When one of his teammates is injured, he will frequently lose sleep over their condition, and blame himself for not protecting them. During combat, he acts to keep his teammates calm, and is a comforting influence for others when they are in danger, maintaining a rational, cool head in a bad situation.
History: Ares is a hardened combat veteran, who was a rookie member of a unit during the last couple of years of the war. He prefers not to speak about the time he spent on the battlefield, but it is known that he was the only one from his unit to make it out alive. His official kill count is unknown, but it is thought to be fairly high. His actions lead to him being wracked with guilt over the people he killed, and he searched for a way to make up for what he’d done. He grew apart from the friends he'd had on Earth, and went willingly to Dallha during the relocation.
On Dallha, he tried to find a way to feel whole again, trying to help others to adjust to the planet and helping to keep any wanderers in their designated zones, hoping to make up for his actions by stopping more deaths. His efforts to help the people in adjusting to the planet and military skill were noticed by Olympus, who contacted him with the opportunity to be an agent. He gladly accepted, hoping that he could stop anyone else from ending up the same way as him.
This is still a work in progress but this is just an Interest check so I feel like it's okay for now.