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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“We have to get inside so we can find those in charge and shut it down safely. We would only get ambushed by those that can fly if we stay outside”, Viral sighed, looking back over at Yumi, “Saiyans can easily fly in and shoot us from the sky. I don’t see how I can defend myself from fire in the sky…” He didn’t have all the advantages the rest of them had, he was going to be stranded and unable to do much on the ground. Just because they could fly didn’t mean they should only think about tactics that would be best for them. He was going to be slowing them down no matter what he did, even if he ran as fast as he could through the place he was still not going to be able to dish out the damage they could whenever it was required. Obstacles were going to be harder for him and that was just a matter of fact. Letting out a groan he turned back to the controls, setting everything up for taking off. “Fine. I’ll land it on an island somewhere, but I hate how you’re forcing me to be carried...”

Shu did wonder what the Beastmen might look like, whether they were going to be like Viral or more like animals. It was weird how calm Viral was over all of this and certainly didn’t make him feel nervous that he knew something they didn’t. Viral had only a few months in the labs before being allowed out for longer periods of time, but after that he was never really the same. He had the collar on by that time and was very quiet when sitting in his cell. Looking to Takeshi he smiled at the offer, feeling a little bit more comfortable but still nervous about the flight. Taking the spot beside Takeshi he twirled his thumbs. “Ooh, well just in case it was going to be a bad thing for me to be near you all the time, is all…” Looking up to Takeshi again he smiled at his confidence, finding it to be quite encouraging that his brother was so sure that everything was going to go according to plan. It was going to be hard but he believed they could do it, so long as everyone else was sure of it too since surely he was wrong after being wrong so many times before. Feeling pretty confident now he squeaked when the ship started to move, grabbing hold of Takeshi’s arm quickly. It seemed Viral had started the take-off, starting their mission to the island. “Ah! S-Save people and make them happy! They be happy…hopefully…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Oh I know, I'm only saying worst case we can protect the ship while you land it. And they can't fly around if we're inside, and when they can't fly that's when you have an advantage," Yumi said, winking as she sat in the co-pilots seat, "There's not a lot of people who might beat you in a straight fight, the Saiyans aren't going to know how to handle you." Now that he was healthier as well there was a serious possibility that Viral might the the strongest out of them once again, even if he may not necessarily feel it. They would all fight of course but a small part of Yumi hoped perhaps she, Viral and Takeshi would do most of it; sitting in the cockpit she could just feel Shu's unease about what was going on, sparing him from having to get too involved would be a blessing for him. Watching as the ship was prepared to be launched she smiled slightly at his complaint, fastening her belts and shrugging her shoulders. "You can always swim across if you want to," she joked, "But really it's our only option, and I'll set you down as soon as we get to the island, I promise. I know you don't want to have to be given a lift."

Maybe he should just keep Shu behind him while the fighting went on, not have the little guy throw any punches even. It would probably upset him to not be helping but it didn't look like fighting was going to do him any good either. "Nah, don't worry about it buddy. I wouldn't dream of making you go off on your own, you know?" Doing up the straps of Shu's harness as well Takeshi gave it a slight tug to make certain it was secure, ruffling Shu's hair then before strapping himself in to boot. Feeling the shuttle then rattle a bit he knew they were beginning to take off, unable to see much out of the tiny windows along the sides of the shuttle. Chuckling when his sibling clutched then to his arm Takeshi grinned, nodding in agreement with Shu before looking towards the cockpit. "They will be. Maybe not at first, you know? Like Vegeta and his old man were saying they might be angry or confused or whatever, but they'll come around. There's way more for them than just whatever stuff they got them doing here, I don't see any reason they wouldn't be happy about it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral shook his head, not looking too convinced. “The Saiyans know my weakness and will probably readily have weapons on hand for any Beastmen that might be less than willing to follow under their command. I can’t suppress my energy like you can to lessen the effect”, he spoke, making sure all systems were go and that the hatch was opening fine, “They’ll know how to handle me just fine. The fact that Vegeta confiscated my weapon is what’ll pose the most problems. I won’t have any means to manifest weapons using my energy without the connection I share with that blade”. The most he could do was fire sunbeams but even then that was going to prove near impossible inside unless he wanted to tire quickly. He was going to have to rely on his own close combat skills, but who knew whether he would be able to get close to the Saiyans without having them flying around and trying to blast him from far away. Giving Yumi an annoyed look when she decided to joke about his mode of transport he sighed and looked on, sending the ship off the moment he was clear for setting off. He was determined to not lose during this, that much was certain but he didn’t know whether that was going to be enough to win. “Sometimes I wonder if I should just get a jetpack to avoid being humiliated by you people…”

Despite being scared of the vehicle he was being carried away in, Shu was sure he could manage once he was down there and hopefully not getting in the way of everyone. He did wonder how much faith Yumi and Takeshi had in him, he couldn’t say whether he wondered if Viral had faith in him though. With all the times Viral went on about how many times he had lost he felt it was best for him to wonder how much faith Viral had in himself instead. While he personally hoped everything would go as planned, he still had that feeling in the back of his mind that he was personally going to have a difficult time. Holding onto Takeshi when Viral started to pilot the ship he looked around quickly before sighing, his eyes going to Takeshi as he listened to him carefully. “Well…it can be scary going from one place to the other without knowing what it might be like in the end”, he spoke as he lowered his gaze, “You don’t know what is happening or where you’re going…no even know if everything is going to be okay. Everything is new and everything is scary, they maybe even think they going to be locked away forever! Must be hard for many to feel that all at same time and tell them to be good and say it all going to be better…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Well we'll just work around that. If we know they're going to try using their weapons on you, we know what we're up against. They probably have some too for keeping the other Beastmen in line," Yumi said thoughtfully, nodding to herself, "So if we get rid of those weapons they lose their only advantage, which shouldn't be hard." Sure they had a counter for Viral and even their own creations, but when that didn't effect either Takeshi or Shu there was good chance they'd fight someone it was useless against. What about her? Being only a fraction of a Beastman she couldn't say how they'd fare against her, and she preferred not to find out if possible. "We should get it back to you after this is done, I don't even know why he took it away. Seems kind of ridiculous honestly." It was obvious by now Viral was healthy enough and not going to go berserk or anything, it was time they stopped tiptoeing around trying to make sure not to accidentally set him off. Watching as the hull of the ship split open and the vacuum of space revealed to them Yumi eased back in her seat as they moved out, cutting through the void and heading down towards the atmosphere. "I mean... They could probably make you one, if you really wanted," she mused, glancing over with a smile, "Or... What if you learn to use that suit of yours? Maybe that can fly?"

Settling in his seat as the shuttle bounced on take off, Takeshi leaned his head back against the cushions and let out a low sigh. This was probably going to be one heck of a fight even if he was confident they could win, given the numbers they were probably going up against. The last fight they'd had was against some mindless monsters and that giant freak of nature, he almost forgot what it was like to fight an actual Saiyan. It would be even worse if they somehow ended up having to fight the Beastmen, he didn't know what they would do if it came to that. Hopefully Yumi and Viral had a way to stop that from happening because he was completely out of ideas. "Well... I mean you get in a crappy place and it's hard to think of it being better, right? I mean we've both been there you know? But you just gotta give them a little hope, kinda... I don't know, show them a glimpse of what's in store for them. If they have a reason to want to leave then they will," Takeshi explained, smiling thoughtfully as he looked up at the ceiling, "It's like the doc said, they need to know what else there is to want to leave. So... I don't know, we'll think of something to show them, yeah?"

Whatever they were going to say or do should be decided on quickly, because it wasn't that far of a trip to the facilities. After breaking through the atmosphere the group was greeted with a seemingly endless ocean, broken up occasionally by a cropping of islands or mountains peeking out from the ocean floor. From high above it was impossible to tell what might be below the surface, though Takeshi found himself thinking of the giant fish from Uuonoe. At the very least they might get a decent meal while here, he thought with a smirk. Of course there would be no eating until they went and kicked the Saiyans out, and then handled whatever fallout came from releasing the Beastmen. Maybe that was a way they could get their trust, give them a nice big meal to snack on. After all it always helped calm them down by snacking on some tasty food, it would probably work for these people too.

It was awfully nice that the shuttle came equipped with a radar, shame Yumi hadn't a clue how it worked or how to operate it. There was an occasional blip on it as they flew along yet she couldn't make heads or tails of what it was, guessing by the shapes though it was the islands being picked up. "This world is huge, I really hope we're not on the completely wrong side," she muttered, leaning forward in her seat as though it would help seeing better, "I guess we're moving fast enough it's not such a big deal though. I wonder if there's something in here that we can use to help find the place..." Plenty of buttons and yet she hadn't a clue what any of them did, now was a good a time as any to find out. Tilting her head curiously she reached forward and flipped one switch, her ears perking up as flaps on the wings outside opened up, creating slight drag that slowed them down. Smiling apologetically she hastily flipped it back, leaning into her chair and folding her hands across her lap. "I won't touch anymore, sorry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“You say that like they’re just going to have a few weapons. You might as well think an army only has one gun per soldier”, Viral sighed, flipping a few of the controls, “I just have to be wary at all times. If they have them built into the facility itself, then I’ll just have to find a way to deal with that myself”. He didn’t want to be dragging Yumi into the way of all these things, he didn’t know if she might end up being affected or end up getting hurt because of his poor judgement. Looking to her when she complained about Vegeta’s actions he sighed and looked back out the windshield. “He didn’t want me killing someone accidentally if I blanked out again”, he spoke calmly, shaking his head, “He also didn’t want me killing myself with it. Being in that much constant pain easily gives you that urge no matter how dishonourable the action may be”. Moving out on their way Viral spent very little time looking at the guidance systems, his attention being on the planet below as if trying to spot the island without it. “’That suit’? You mean Enki? I only know how to repair it, I’ve never tried changing it…”

Shu didn’t really know how to handle the shuttle being all bouncy and moving around just before take-off, but once it settled down he slowly started to ease off while still feeling pretty unsettled about the actual mission instead of only the trip down. He didn’t mind fighting, but it was who they were fighting and where that was the problem. The place was probably giant too which made it all the more unsettling for him, knowing it was going to end with them all trying to find their way through a massive laboratory. Hopefully the Beastmen won’t be a problem, at least while they deal with the Saiyan soldiers. “A little hope…and everything be okay? Oooohhhh, I don’t have anything to show them. Have to just tell them it all good and hope they think so too…”

As the ship continued its descent Viral kept a careful lookout for what might be on the horizon, scouring it carefully for any signs of something that might appear out of the ordinary. The radar wasn’t showing off much that was strange, just the islands that they continued to pass and nothing was really showing up on the horizon. Side glancing at Yumi when she spoke he frowned, disliking her lack of faith in his navigation skills. Passing it off as her being bored he concentrated more on the horizon, watching it carefully before becoming alerted when the ship suddenly bore more weight and started to slow, his eyes quickly going to the console before to Yumi in annoyance. “You’re lucky that wasn’t the emergency hatch…” he mumbled, taking the ship a little closer to the water, “I’m going to land this soon so get ready to leave. It’s too hazardous to go any closer to the larger landmasses without them potentially being dummy islands. A few of these islands are not naturally shaped so I’m guessing there was some upheaval in the area which could be the Saiyans trying to create land large enough for this place. I’m guessing a lot of it will be underwater too”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Well now that wasn't fair, Yumi knew it was going to be more complicated than just having one or two weapons to deal with. In a place where they were making Beastmen she knew the facility had to be filled to the brim with ways to handle them, otherwise keeping them in line wouldn't be easy. There were ways of doing it that didn't involve violence of course but then she doubted the Saiyans to use any of those methods. She wouldn't leave him to handle it all on his own regardless of what he said either, though she'd try to be as hands off as she could if only to not injure his pride. Frowning at the mention of ending one's own life Yumi fidgeted briefly in her seat, casting a sidelong glance out the window as she let out a sigh. "Not doing it and being here now shows you're strong Viral, I firmly believe that," she uttered after a moment, looking back and giving him a smile, "And yeah, Enki. If there's a way to do it I'm sure you can figure it out, and that would be amazing if you could. Nothing would be able to stop you then."

The ride down was proving to be a little jolting, but it did steady out some once they punched through the atmosphere. Shouldn't be long now until they were on land, and from there it was just minutes to the facility probably. There was a little nervousness on Takeshi's part, thre always was going into a battle, but really he was more excited than anything. Excited for his brother and his first two friends to be at it again, excited to be doing something actually good, something they wanted to do instead of being someone else's errand boys. Even still he was excited to see Viral back in action, knowing the guy had been out of it for quite a long time. "We have food, everyone likes food right buddy?" Takeshi asked, grinning as he patted his own stomach, "And I mean we have Yumi and Viral to help too, don't forget. Yumi's a people person, when she's not hitting you anyways, she'll figure it out. And Viral's one of them, if we can't do it then I'm sure he can." They had a way to win this fight even if they didn't know what that was yet, he was positive of it. Giving his brother a gentle punch in the shoulder he smirked, giving a slight gasp then when the ship shook briefly before glaring towards the cockpit. "Hey, watch it up there will ya?!"

Yumi immediately undid her mistake and placed her hands firmly in her lap, smiling apologetically as Takeshi shouted and Viral made a comment about her goof. "Heh... Sorry, just trying to help out." She hadn't a clue how the shuttle worked though, probably best to just remain completely hands off for the time being. Besides it looked like they were heading down now, landing was only minutes out if she had to guess. Looking out the window at the landscape she began to notice what Viral was pointing out, how some of the islands looked just strangely out of place or too perfectly shaped to be natural. So if they were looking for an island in a sea of fake ones, or as Viral said even underwater, how were they ever going to track it down? "And we have nothing to go off of, nowhere to begin looking other than a guess it's on an island," Yumi remarked with a sigh, her ears folding as she looked back at the radar, "Can we... I don't know, find a signal or something? Does the shuttle have anything like that, we can track something with?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t see anything that he did as particularly impressive regarding his own inner strength. It was probably wise for Vegeta to remove his weapon from him when he didn’t have control of himself sometimes when he was ill. Sighing at her words he shook his head, seeing quite a few problems with her statement immediately. “If I could figure it out, I would had. I think there is definitely a way to stop me while I’m in Enki as well. I don’t know what I could possibly do to improve it…” Things like contemplating over the seemingly impossible would have to wait for now. It was time to get focusing on the task at hand and see what he could do in terms of landing this thing. It was terribly depressing knowing the only reason they had to land it so close was because of him and his inability to fly. If it was just them then all they would have to do was have the ship on any one of these islands and fly around until they found the place. Knowing he was going to have to be carried made him feel more like a burden than anything. Looking between the islands he made a glance to Yumi when she asked a fairly sensible question. “The problem is once we find a signal, they will too. They’ll find ours and attack pretty quickly”, he spoke, looking at the islands carefully, “If we’re close by though then we shouldn’t have much to worry about when it comes to finding the place now. Just help me find a place to land if you’re going to be finding yourself wanting to touch the buttons…”

Shu did let out a frightened squeak when the ship suddenly jolted but when it appeared that Viral had everything under control his fears did subside just a little, but he was still quite nervous. They were getting pretty close to the water and if anything like that happened again they could easily crash into it and then he had no idea what he was going to do. He wasn’t a good swimmer as demonstrated before, he hadn’t gone swimming in a very long time to try and get used to it again so falling into deep water would be a problem. Staring at the cockpit curiously for a moment he let out a sigh, keeping close to Takeshi. “Miss Yumi doesn’t hit me…Shu is good! She hit you a lot! Hopefully everything be okay once we over there. Think everything be good once we start fighting! Saving people…I want to save people! Fight bad people! Do we have to take the Saiyan guys too…? Since we going back to the rebels after this and such…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

There had to be a way to improve Enki, it was just like any other skill a person could have. Granted not many people were making giant mechanical suits appear out of thing air but Yumi figured anyone could improve if they tried. Whether Viral could or couldn't anyways didn't matter much at the moment as now was not the time to be practicing techniques. Shame they hadn't the mind to think of it before though, could make this whole job of theirs much easier. What could also make this easier was knowing just where in the heck to go, seeing as they didn't even have a location for the facility yet. "But how are we going to know if we're close by? If it's underwater like you said then we're never going to spot it up here," Yumi commented, frowning as she peered down at the ocean below. Flushing slightly when Viral took a small jab at her she sighed and gave a nod, trying to find an island that was large enough for them to both land and hide the shuttle on. "Oh, right over there! That one looks good!" she declared, pointing to a well grown island just up ahead, probably one of the few natural ones. There was plenty of tree coverage to keep their ship concealed, and so long as they could find it again on their way back it shouldn't be a problem leaving it so hidden.

"Yeah you're just a little saint buddy, lucky you," Takeshi mumbled as his hand absentmindedly nursed his head, reminiscing about the constant smacks he was given. "Things will be just dandy when we start fighting, it's not like we're new to this stuff you know? And I have no clue, we probably gotta ask Aito what he's planning to do, I mean we could just leave those guys here after we're done." That might be a bad idea though, nothing would be keeping them from starting another project. Even he could figure unless they blew the whole place into pieces there was probably some way for them to restart, simply taking the Beastmen away wasn't going to cut it. There had to be some sort of risk with destroying the place too, he could definitely see it going badly if it came to that. "I mean really we're supposed to be having some kind of truce right now, not fighting each other and all. I bet our old man isn't going to be too happy when he hears about this," Takeshi said with a grin, "But screw him, I don't care if he likes it or not. I guess taking his men back to Uuonoe would just be the icing in the cake, you know? An extra kick in the pants after we ruin his project."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t know how he could change Enki or if it was even possible. It was already impressive enough he was able to form a machine using his own energy and for it to actually exist as it did with functioning machinery. Sometimes he wondered how much Yumi expected from him, whether she thought he was more impressive than he actually was or she was just trying to be flattering. Even if he had Enki he knew it was still going to suffer when it came to attacking those with powerful Ki, seeing how quickly Takeshi took it out when they were enemies. He was still going to try and improve, but it still felt pretty difficult and might possibly be near impossible if he wasn’t built to improve. “We’ll know we’re close by when we start getting attacked”, he sighed, hoping it was obvious to her, “It’s not like dropping me is going to do me harm if you have to fight, anyway. I can swim, of course…” Since Yumi seemed to be a little fidgety giving her the task to look for a suitable island to land on seemed like a good idea, even if he could do that himself, simply making sure they weren’t going to be ambushed at all he looked in the direction Yumi pointed to before turning the ship in the island’s direction. “Fair enough, I suppose…” Flying on over he soon slowed the ship down into a hover, staring out the window as he tried to figure out the best way to land the ship. “Clear a tree or two for me, will you? And don’t use Ki to do it or you’ll blow our cover…”

Shu smiled up at Takeshi, not looking completely sure if he knew what Takeshi meant or not. “I am not very lucky…I mean many bad things happen to me”, he mumbled, feeling a little unsure about Takeshi’s mood, “I am pretty new to fighting! Fighting only done umm…I don’t know how many, I don’t count very well…but not that many times! You done all the fighting when I was no around, remember?” He could probably count how many times he had fought on his hands a few times, but he didn’t know what the number for it was. He had trained a lot, but fighting seriously like they all did was something he wasn’t really used to yet. “Truce? Like…not fighting?” he questioned him, feeling confused, “Rebels and Father not fighting…we no rebels. That how I see. Or maybe he want this to happen, I dunno. Ooooh! Father confuse me! What even he think of me? Do I disappoint? Why he keep me for so long if I am bad at being a warrior?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Hopefully we find it without having to be attacked though, I'd prefer if our ride back isn't ruined by this," Yumi commented with a slight smile, "And I won't drop you, don't be ridiculous. We don't know what's in the ocean here either, for all we know its filled to the brim with sharks. Or... Alien-shark... Things." What even lived on this planet anyways? Considering it seemed to be mostly water she could assume there were loads of big fish, and some of those fish were liable to eat them if given the chance. Yeah, swimming wasn't the safest idea then. It made more sense of them to land the ship and then fly towards the facility, provided they could even find it. In order to land though they needed an island for it, and after a brief search they spotted a dense island not far off, perfect for concealing their shuttle. "You want me to go clear some trees? Sure, easy enough," Yumi agreed as she undid her harness and slid out of her chair. Winking at Viral she stepped into the back of the ship, pulling the door wide open and giving the brothers a wave before jumping out to do her work.

It wasn't super easy convincing Shu that things were going to be alright, especially when there were little voices of doubt in his own mind. "Bad things happen to everyone buddy, and good things happen to everyone. I mean you gotta take the good with the bad, you know? That's life," Takeshi answered back, "And doing more fighting isn't always a good thing Shu. Just means I piss off more people than you do," the older boy added with a laugh, rubbing at his neck, "And what's it matter what dad thinks? He's a jerk, you shouldn't worry about what he thinks about you. Uh... And Krom said something about that before, why he kept you. He said it was because they were trying to get you to control your Oozaru. But know what? They did it in a really shitty way, there's other ways to help that other than doing what they did. We'll do it ourselves, right? And it won't be half as bad as what they did." They didn't need their father or any of those scientists, they had Vegeta and Aito, and Shu had him and all his friends. Speaking of why was Yumi coming back here? Glancing at her curiously he furrowed his brow as she threw the door open, raising them slightly then when she simply dropped out of the ship. "Uh... Okay then..."

So Viral just needed some trees cleared right? No problem, she could manage that much! Landing on the forest floor she was surprised by just how cool it was down here, expecting it to be a bit more like a jungle, hot and humid. The air was pleasantly crisp and untainted by smells that came with civilization though, it was shockingly refreshing. She wasn't here to sight see or appreciate the wilderness however and had to snap to the task at hand. Waving to Viral in the shuttle above she gave her knuckles a crack before sizing up the trees immediately around her. Most were fairly tall and thick, and it wasn't like knocking down saplings would do any good anyways. Taking stock of her first tree she cocked her arm back and threw a punch, splitting it on the point of impact and causing it to topple over with a resounding crash. Kicking the stump into bits she proceeded to do the same thing to another tree, and another, until there was a landing site large enough for the shuttle. With a triumphant smile she looked up again, waving to Viral to signal it was clear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“I’m part shark! I don’t need to worry about other sharks!” Viral grunted, eventually letting out a groan, “Just concentrate on staying alive and don’t worry about me if you have to drop me. I can look after myself”. He wasn’t too fussed about his own health and was more concerned with getting the mission over with so. He knew there was going to be dangers within the facility and what was worse was they were going to be incredibly outnumbered unless they got everything together and done pretty quickly. He didn’t see that happening, especially when the people inside likely knew how to handle him and could neutralise him very quickly. Since Yumi wanted to find a way to keep herself busy he gave her instructions to go and see to the landing area, watching as she exited the ship before letting out a sigh. She was certainly enthusiastic about this given how unknown everything was right now but maybe this was just her way of coping. Looking back out the front he simply watched as she cleared some of the larger trees with little effort, not feeling entirely sure as to whether he should be concerned or not before she finally gave him the signal to land. Looking back to the console again he flipped some switches before slowly easing down the ship, making sure to land it without causing too much damage to the shuttle itself.

Shu let out a groan, slowly shaking his head before shrugging. “Fighting not a good thing, fighting a bad thing sometimes. Still would like to do good over the bad and get a lot of good in the end too, right?” He didn’t really know how to conquer his inability to see the good when so much could go wrong at once, seeing how it was pretty common for such things to happen. He was concerned that he was going to screw up so badly one time that it affected everything with nothing turning out good for a very long time after that. Glancing up at Takeshi when he tried to put down their father’s opinions he sighed lightly, shaking his head. “More wonder why he wanted to have me, is all. Could had ignored me or not had me at all, right? Then no problems after that”. When Yumi passed them he looked up and stared at her for the moment she was there for, curious to what she was doing until the sounds outside said it all. Covering his ears at the initial strike, he soon eased off and let out a sigh. “Ohhh…maybe those were someone’s home…wonder where they go live now…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"You're an Earth-shark, we're not on Earth. Besides, don't sharks attack sharks?" Yumi asked quizzically, not sure whether that was even true or not. Rather than argue with Viral any more or play trivia she opted to go ahead and secure them a landing spot, and to do so she had to clear some trees below. Not a problem, something as simple as that she could do in no time. After just a moment of picking out the perfect site for it she went ahead and knocked down one tree after another, maybe even getting a bit carried away as she made sure there was more than enough room for their ship. Once satisfied it was large enough she flagged her friends down to join her, stepping away as the shuttle set down on the soil. "See, nothing to it! Our ship should be just dandy as long as we keep it hidden here," Yumi declared with a smile, walking up to the cockpit and hovering before it, playfully knocking on the window before Viral, "Think we should try hiding it some more? Maybe... I don't know, put some branches over it? I mean its kind of exposed now that there's no trees here."

"Yeah fighting can be bad, but sometimes you gotta do it, you know? I mean if there's bad guys hurting people then sometimes its the only way to stop them. If you want to just do good then fight the bad guys, and keep people safe and all that." Seemed fairly straightforward to him when he put it that way. There were good and bad ways to do anything, not just fighting, and Shu always fought for good. The little guy didn't have anything to worry about, it wasn't like he had a track record of doing bad things as the older boy did. "I mean... I don't know buddy, I really don't. If he was trying to make it so you could control yourself then maybe that's why?" It was beyond them to explain why the King did what he did, and frankly Takeshi couldn't care less what the reasons were: conscripting and torturing your own children and their friends was a shitty thing to do, no reason would justify what had been done. Watching Yumi leave the ship he went silent for a moment before blinking curiously as the sound of trees crashing sounded off, glancing to Shu as he expressed his worry over it. "Uh... Well there are other trees down there, yeah? They'll find another home, that's all!" he chuckled nervously, silently wondering why of all things that was what had Shu bothered.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was having none of Yumi’s snark, it was a case of either her shutting up on her own or having to put up with it all and just ignore her in time. Just having her carry on with what she had to do he soon started to send the ship down, landing it carefully to try and not keep the ship suspended in plain sight for too long. Shutting down the engine and locking the controls he looked up to see Yumi hovering around, giving her an annoyed glare before he stood up and started walking out. “Just start covering it, and don’t bang on the window again”. Heading on out the door he looked around slowly, feeling rather relieved that he was out here without Aito or Vegeta but also taking in the strange scented air and the cool forest air. It certainly smelled like freedom alright, but the sound of the others talking reminded him that freedom was something he wasn’t going to have for very long. Turning to look to them briefly he soon huffed and headed on towards one of the fallen trees, standing over the branches before he started to pull them off the tree and throwing them onto a pile.

“Got to fight to stop the bad people! Got to be strong, yes?” Shu spoke quickly, shaking his fists but still looking a little unsure of himself. He knew he had to fight to protect others, but everyone else did the fighting so much better than him so all it managed to do was make him feel terrible when he couldn’t do anything helpful. He never really had his own fight that didn’t end with him changing and tearing stuff up so it was pretty discouraging when he had little he could do to help save people when everyone else was just better at what he did. “But why have me if I was just going to be hard to control? I don’t know…” While he was confused over his own existence he probably shouldn’t focus on that just now. Once the ship was landed he frowned as he watched Viral get up and exit the ship, knowing that was their signal to leave it now. “There may be many trees but only one tree gets called home! I had a tree sometimes, but we moved a lot too because bad animals always wanting to kill us. It was really scary sometimes, sometimes people no surviving”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Sorry about that, I'll be nice to the windows," Yumi said with a smile, floating down and beginning to tear limbs free from the trees. She wasn't sure how well this would work either, it would be pretty obvious after all it was just a pile of branches on the ground. Their only hope was no one would bother coming to investigate it thoroughly and discover the ship buried beneath them. With Viral piling up branches as well she began taking from his pile too, doing her best to make their obvious pile seem as natural as possible. "So do you have any idea how we're going to find this place? I never saw anything while we were flying," Yumi mentioned as she set down a branch and dusted her hands free of chips, "I'd say let's try that signal thing now, it's maybe our best chance. And they're only going to find us if they're looking for us right? Maybe we can do it quick enough they don't notice?" Otherwise she didn't know how they found find it save for flying all over the whole planet. That would work, but it would mean using loads of Ki just moving around trying to find the building. If it was under water too they might never find it, hopefully Viral had some other plan in mind.

Shu was going to have to get comfortable with the idea of fighting pretty quick here, they weren't going to be able to put it off forever. Of course to fight they were going to need to find the damn place first and so far they hadn't a clue where to look. With the ship setting down Takeshi got himself out of his harness before beginning to do Shu's as well, sighing when he continued to press the subject of their father. "I don't know buddy, you'd have to ask him yourself, I can't tell you why he did what he did," the older boy answered, throwing the straps aside for his brother to get out, "Anyone else I'd say he was trying to help you, but I mean... This is our old man, he's not exactly the nicest guy around, you know? If he wanted to help he picked a really crappy way of doing it." Waving Shu along to get out of the shuttle as well he shut the door behind them, raising an eyebrow as he saw Yumi and Viral covering their ship up in branches. "Well... Maybe there was nothing living in these ones then. Maybe they left because of that reason, because some predator wanted to eat them. So who knows, we might have just done them a favor," Takeshi mused, shrugging his shoulders before giving Shu a smile and ruffling his hair, "Don't worry too much, okay buddy? There's loads of trees here, I doubt we took away the only home they could have."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was sure the ship wouldn’t be detected with cover like this, finding it to be much more effective than simply lifting the tree up and placing it over the ship. That would look too obvious whereas having it covered in the same colour as the natural flora it would appear as an optical illusion to the normal viewer who didn’t know what shape to look for. Snapping the branches and throwing them to the pile he looked over to Yumi when she questioned his navigation skills, frowning before he shook his head. “Do you just not trust my navigation skills? It shouldn’t even be a question if I decided this area was fine for making a landing”, he grumbled before standing up straight, rubbing his paws, “It’s somewhere in this area. The coordinates were an estimate but it still doesn’t mean they were going to be very incorrect, especially with so many fake islands. The moment they know it’s us, they’ll pop out, okay? I just don’t want them popping out near the ship! Send out a signal if you want, so long as we’re not near the ship when they find us…”

Shu wanted to get into gear, he really did, but he found it hard to find confidence in his abilities versus a real opponent. He was fine with fighting for fun and to protect himself, but when trying to fight for other people he felt he was causing great disappointment otherwise and might end up causing more harm than good with his unstable transformation. Takeshi’s suggestions were making him feel very uncomfortable too, especially when it was a suggestion that his father was probably his best bet when finding help right now. Staring down at the ground as he got off he gasped at the sound of breaking branches, looking between Yumi and Viral before he sighed, squeaking when his hair was suddenly ruffled up. “Ah! I no worry! Try not to worry! Just maybe thinking and such and maybe just…someone might miss the trees…” he squeaked before sighing, giving Takeshi a smile back, “You no know much about trees! Trees home to many and give food sometimes! These trees no look like they have food, though…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"N-No, I don't doubt that Viral! I'm just saying it's a big planet, and we really didn't have too much to go on to start with. I mean sure we had coordinates, kind of, but can we check those now?" She wasn't completely sure how all of that worked, she knew what coordinates were and that was about it. As far as signaling went she didn't think it was such a good idea considering it now; even if they moved the signal would have come from the ship, if they moved then the ship would still be in the same spot, didn't matter where they went. She would just have to trust Viral knew where to go and follow his lead then. Continuing to lay down branches on the shuttle they made certain to cover every square inch they could, with Yumi being particularly uncertain about this camouflage of theirs. Shy of digging a hole and burying their ship though it wasn't going to get much better than this.

Takeshi wished he could give Shu the answers he wanted, but he wasn't going to pretend to have them either. Their father had to have reasons for what he did and while they were never explicitly stated he was sure they were lousy ones; kidnapping your sons and their friend, subjecting two to experimentation and the other into conscripted service, nothing justified that kind of treatment. It was a miracle Shu was even as cheery as he had been recently given how much had been done to him, he had every right to be as bitter and angry as his older brother. "Well know the nice thing about trees? Give it enough time and they grow back, so they won't be gone forever. And like I said there's loads more, so it's not like we got rid of them all," Takeshi explained, pausing and pulling Shu aside as Yumi came over and laid branches over the door to conceal it. "I doubt they're eating leaves, huh? Probably something growing in here that whatever lives here eats, or maybe they eat fish from the water, who knows." Did people even live on this planet? They hadn't seen the entire world to be fair so there could well be a city somewhere, though the world felt oddly empty to have one.

There, that should do it! From here on the ground it looked out of place but a quick glance above reassured Yumi their cover wasn't nearly as bad as she feared. If anyone got close enough they would obviously notice something was amiss, especially if they checked the recently overturned soil where she'd uprooted the trees, but it was as good as they'd get. Dusting her hands off again she smiled at the three men of the group, going to Viral's side and grabbing hold of his arm with a wink. "That does that, which means its time for us to fly. How do you want to do this, ride on my back or I'll carry you?" she asked, tilting her head as she sized her friend up, "If I'm carrying you I'll probably hold you under your arms, if that's okay. Otherwise it could be a little awkward."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral gave Yumi a glaring at before he groaned, rolling his eyes. “What part of trusting me is so hard to do? If you didn’t trust me then you could had easily flown the ship…”He wasn’t having any of the nonsense today, he was much more concerned with getting this done and getting moving so that he might go back without any problems. He would be fine with never finding this place, but he wasn’t going to lie about the possible location and hide the possibility that they might end up finding Beastmen. He didn’t want such a place to be found, it would be his shame that the place even existed simply because he knew it existed thanks to him existing in the first place. Throwing the remaining branches up and over he turned to Yumi, staring at her as she approached him before twitching when she took hold of his arm. Staring down at her with slight embarrassment he soon groaned and looked away. “It’s going to look awkward no matter what you do! I’m still going to be hanging in the air from someone who is shorter than me! I’ll be fine once we get this over with or until you drop me in the water…”

Shu didn’t know where he might find all the information he needed, especially when nobody else was like him. He was pretty scared of himself and he found it hard to think he might be able to fix himself up and get rid of his problems, seeing how it was all a part of who he was. Trying to put on a brave face despite his fears he gave Takeshi a smile, trying to change the subject by directing it to the trees. “They grow back?? Ooh! That good, and grow big again? Must take a long time, not seen them grow without Friend T’charrl. Friend very good at growing trees!” Seeing Yumi getting all close to Viral he wondered if it was time for them to go, his eyes quickly looking up to Takeshi. “Ooh! Time to go?? We fly and fight like we did on Namek, yes? Bang, bang! No tried to fly and attack at same time so we do that together, yes?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Yumi was just trying to keep the mood light with a little joking around, but clearly Viral wasn't having any of it. Being all stern and overly serious was just exhausting, you had to know when to laugh or relax. She supposed though carelessness was bad here too given what they might be getting themselves into, but still cracking a smile wouldn't be awful. With the shuttle properly concealed they should be on their way with their search as the longer they stuck around the greater chance they might be spotted. But where did they go? Other than vague coordinates they had nothing do go on, and with islands so sparsely spread out it wasn't as though there were many markers to go off of. They would find it though, Viral would somehow pick it up even if it was hidden. "What does my height have to do with any of this? That's awfully rude you know," Yumi teased, adopting a faux-offended expression as she released Viral's arm. "Or is it because you're humiliated to be helped by a woman? I get it, you don't want my help because of that." Huffing she turned around briefly and folded her arms, suppressing a giggle before turning back and grabbing hold of her friend by his sides, slowly lifting them up into the air. "You're coming with me no matter what, unless you want to fly with Shu or Takeshi?"

If Shu wanted answers he'd have to talk to someone a bit smarter than he was, all he could do was try to dismiss problems or distract him. Doing just that Takeshi tried making trees the big topic for them and was relieved when Shu bought into it. "Yeah they take a while, but they'll grow back and that's what's important, you know? And who knows how the trees grow here, maybe they grow really fast!" Whatever helped Shu sleep better at night, though of all the things to fret over why did it have to be a handful of trees? Talk about some weird priorities. Seeing Viral and Yumi preparing to get a move on he figured they should as well, getting ready to piggyback his brother until the little guy brought up another idea. "Huh, you wanna do that again? Sure, I mean it worked really well and all so why not?" Made it a bit easier on the both of them and if nothing else it was practice for Shu. Copying what Yumi was doing he linked his arms beneath Shu's and held him against his chest before slowly flying up, smirking as he met their friends in the air. "Alright, let's go kick some Saiyan ass!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was feeling pretty agitated and Yumi wasn’t helping in the slightest with her little banter, only making him feel pretty terrible about having to do all of this with any of them. He might end up being a much harsher fighter with a lot less mercy when it came to how he might deal with the people who worked there, but a lot of that would be out of anger and the stress they’ve caused to him personally. He didn’t know if he would be able to hold back, he might end up going off the rails and becoming uncontrollable. Yumi wouldn’t be able to understand that as evident by her lack of understanding from how much stress he was under as she tried to joke around. Staring at her as she tried to make a big deal out of what he said he only grew confused when she brought gender into it. “What is ‘that’ exactly?? Gender makes no difference in anything!” he spoke quickly, not quite understanding Humans and their strange obsession with gender. Feeling more confused than anything he looked to her again when she decided to cooperate and pick him up, already disliking the journey he was going to undertake. “How would flying with them better suit me?? One can barely fly and the other is an idiot!”

Shu was not entirely sure about the concept of copping down a tree but he was still going to try and understand from a point where he might understand why people did it without a care in the first place. It certainly made him feel pretty annoyed that people didn’t really care much for trees, but that seemed to be what life was going to be like if he was going to be part of this civilisation with the rest of them. “I care about trees without much care to how they become trees! They good trees because they always give”, he smiled, bouncing on his toes as he got ready for leaving. Nodding quickly when Takeshi thought it was also going to be a good idea he raised his arms quickly, waiting until he was held before wrapping his tail around him as they prepared to leave. “Yeah! Kick some Saiyan ass? What that again?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Clearly her joking around and light-hearted banter wasn't calming Viral quite as she'd hoped. Everyone was stressed over this mission but they should really try to laugh or smile, it made things less stressful. Still she should try to joke around a little to help everyone relax even if it wasn't working out initially. "Uh... Actually gender makes a difference in a lot, now that you mention it," Yumi retorted, holding up a hand and counting off her fingers, "Body shape, plus I guess women and men are better at some things than the other, like oh I don't know... Having kids?" Suppressing laughter as she no doubt just disturbed Viral to no end she grabbed hold of him beneath his arms and lifted him up, getting well over the trees so they could pick a direction to head in. "I never said it was better, I said you could do it if you'd prefer. I can't know what it is you want," she answered back before looking over at the brothers. Seeing them in the air as well she smiled and glanced at her passenger curiously, "Well, which way do we go? Just point it out and I'll get moving."

"Well... But what about folks who don't use trees, you know? Just saying buddy, because you like trees doesn't mean everybody does. They're not like smoothies, everyone loves smoothies." Takeshi didn't mind trees as long as they weren't in the way of his house, which he figured was probably the reason anyone got rid of a tree, to make room. There were probably loads of trees back where East City was ages ago, now it was all buildings and roads, that was just how things worked really. Not every planet could be like T'charrl's and overflowing with trees. Grabbing Shu as Yumi and Viral took to the air he waited for his brother to get a secure hold, smiling amused when he used a curse word. "Heh, uh well kicking Saiyan ass means-"

"TAKESHI! Don't teach him that word!" Yumi screamed across the way, narrowing her eyes at the eldest brother, "I'll come over there if you keep talking like that!"

"And do what, your hands are full!" Takeshi shot back, feeling somewhat bold today. That bravery was quickly washed away when Yumi started coming over, quickly clamming himself up and shaking his head which to his relief staved off her fury. Exhaling as she turned away from them he smiled in exasperation before looking down at Shu, his eyebrow twitching in mild irritation. "Ah... Saiyan butt buddy, don't use that word. Just because I use a word doesn't always mean you should," he pointed out dutifully, though there was no small degree of annoyance towards Yumi in his voice, "It means we're going to go fight them and make them pay for the people they hurt and all that, you know? And it doesn't mean we'll actually kick their butt, it's uh... Something you say when you're going to fight someone."
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