Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Overwhelming dread spurred on by the flecks of blood hitting the ground and the sheer hope of the future. That's what drove the remaining few on. No one remembered why they were fighting. Which of the four kingdoms the other's came from was a fleeting thought in their minds. Their reasons; suppressing or preserving individuality had been lost a long time ago. Only four now stood, each with a different mask over their faces bearing the symbol of their respective kingdoms that had been covered in blood, making it impossible to distinguish who was from where. Did it ever matter in the first place?

The four crept around each other, their weapons drawn and pointing it at each other in fear. In anticipation. Grimm surrounded them, their comrades corpses they stepped on and across. They all stopped, panting and shaking, the exhaustion of their long battle having taken their toll. Seeing the weakness and fear spreading between the four, the wolf-esque Grimm lunged with roars that shook the ground around them. All four warriors turned as they were upon them. One, however, was able to react. She used her staff to pole-vault out of the way, allowing the Grimm going for her to crash into the monster attacking the warrior across from her. The staff-clad warrioress and the fist fighter she had saved went back to back for a moment before running in the opposite directions, the fist fighter leaping off the ground into the Grimm attacking the third, an archer. His fist cracked into the Grimm's skull and sent the monster flying. The Archer shot three arrows into a small Nevermore approaching the fist fighter from behind, sending it crashing into the ground. The staff wielder flung her impressively sturdy weapon like a spear into a wolven Grimm whom the dagger-wielder warrioress was backing away from on the ground. The Staff warrior offered her hand to the dagger warrior, and she took it.

For hours, the four fought back against the legion of Grimm going against them, forgetting their causes and joining forces somehow. They fought bravely. They fought hard. They were steeled, but they were not enough. The Staff wielder had broken her leg and shrieked in pain with every motion. The dagger warrior had suffered impalement and was bleeding out even as she fought with rage on her breath. The fist fighter had suffered a slash across the neck and was now holding the wound tightly as he fell to his knees and gasped for air. Above him, a bear-like Grimm was rearing up slowly. This was the end.

And in the center, stood the archer. Behind his mask he looked between them all. Their kingdoms were forgotten. Their names were forgotten. He knew none of them yet fought against them and beside them all at once. His hands trembled... and then they didn't. With a determined, and sick feeling in his gut, he knew what he had to do. He pulled out one arrow and pulled back, aiming, with a silent calmness to his form.... and let go.

The arrow went straight through the temples of the fist fighter just before he was eaten alive by the Grimm.

The archer turned, looking at the staff wielder who met his gaze. She did not rise, and did not look away. She simply nodded. The arrow went through the center of her forehead, and her body slumped to the side. The dagger wielder turned just in time to see the life fading from the staff clad warrior, the staff rolling away peacefully down the sheer crags of the mountain they fought on.

Panting, angry, confused, tears and blood and sweat all rolling down from the contents of her mask, the dagger warrior screamed and ran for the archer, her weapons high in the air. He looked to her and unleashed an arrow. It hit, right in the center of her chest. The warrior stumbled, gasping in pain... and then raised her blades and ran for him again, screaming bloody murder until another arrow hit her in the chest. This one caused her to fall to her knees, and she quivered in pain. The warrior dropped her daggers--she no longer could feel her fingers. The Grimm grew closer, feeling her fear.

When she looked up at the archer, he stood directly before her, arms at his sides. An awful gurgling sound filled the suddenly still and silent air. The dagger warrior reached up, her face hidden by her mask, her fingers clawed and desperate and covered in blood as she reached for the archer. This all continued for a moment... and then the archer quickly pulled back his bow and unleashed an arrow through the center of her forehead. The gurgling warrior was cut off, and her head his his feet with an unceremonious 'thud.'

The Grimm watched. They reached out to sense fear only to find none. The archer stood alone, his shoulders slumped as he stared down at what he had done. At what they all had done. Miles around them, as far as the eyes could see, weapons and bodies and traps made up the gray landscape. The rocks he stood on, were gray. The sky was overcast and filled the world with a sense of dread.

The Grimm, still intrigued, approached the archer with a snarl. The Archer looked over the edge of the cliffs they had fought near, ready to accept his fate.

The clouds broke.

The rising sun shone through, causing the overcast sky to illuminate with purple, blue, orange, red and several other variants of color. Seeing this, the archer removed his mask slowly, his eyes wide. His red hair matted around his face and his freckles pale from lack of sunlight. Reflecting in his eyes, he saw the end of the war. The end of the gray looming over his entire generation. Tear streaked cheeks, which looked to have aged several years ahead of how old he truly was since the war began, cracked into a small smile. He closed his eyes as the Grimm approached him from behind, and turned his back to the dawn. The creatures upon him the archer slowly reopened his lids, revealing silver eyes shining beneath them. The world around him shook and filled with a light so blinding it consumed the land before him.


The Colors of Dawn

Chapter One: Palette


Several Years Later...

Professor Ozpin stood on the very cliff the archer had those many years ago overlooking what was now the Emerald forest. The wind blew his silver hair slightly as he stood rigid, his cane in one hand and his coffee in the other. The students arriving today had all arrived late to the school year and were the only ones able to work together for their team challenge. His student assistant, Glynda Goodwitch, approached him from behind, her long blonde hair down and her spectacles rectangular. Even from a young age, she had worked for the clockwork professor.

"Ozpin..." She began to speak in her usual motherly tone of voice. Ozpin, before she could continue, closed his eyes and smirked.

"Glynda, I know what you're going to say." He took a sip of his coffee as he spoke while behind him Glynda folded her arms patiently with her riding crop in hand. "I assure you that even though this batch of students are a little... rough around the edges, I think they could become the best representations of Beacon yet. After all we've so many recognizable faces, with a little team balancing I'm more than certain even the most difficult of them will be able to become an exemplary students in time." Satisfied, he fell silent and rested his eyes. Glynda slowly raised an eyebrow.

"I was going to say, you didn't tell them what time they needed to meet here for and some of them haven't even arrived at the school yet."

"...Oh." Ozpin opened his eyes, surprised. With the opening ceremonies, set ups for the Vytal Festival and working with his staff he'd been very preoccupied. "...That... could be a bit of an issue."

"I will handle it." Glynda sighed. As she spoke, she flipped open her (at this time a bit of a prehistoric version of) her cellphone, sending out a message to all students in question to meet at the Emerald Forest border immediately or risk their opportunity attending Beacon Academy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bonny Mako

Vytal Festival grounds

There comes a time in every sailor's life where every last ounce of strength, of spirit and fire, is challenged. Where wills are tested and found either wanting, or adamant.

Bonny stared down her nemesis, the great leviathan, through eyes clouded by exhaustion, by weakness, and by the steam rising off the dread creature's body. It had been a long battle, and she knew not how much strength was left in her, while the creature's seemed neverending. Yet she would not back down.

She stared at it, as it stared back at her. It had lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes, its fish lips fixed into a permanent rictus smile. Mocking her. After all she'd fought for... after all she'd lost, and after the pain of battle...

She reached for her flask of liquid fire, unscrewing the top and taking a big, huge, monstrous swig, until it felt like she'd drown before she could come up for air. She gasped as she swallowed, and slammed the flask down.

"Yea shan't defeat me, ye foul beast!" she screamed. "I who descend from a long line of mer! Do yea know who ye done pick 'ta fight with, yea dumb basserd? My name be Bonny Mako, pirate queen of the seven seas of Remnant! And I cannae be felled by the likes of ye!"

Bonny lifted the bowl and started devouring the old man's #9 special, horking it down whole fish and all. The shopkeeper, for his part, did not judge. He wasn't the judging type, nor did he speak much. He merely provided whatever his customers asked for, and he served all kinds. Still, he couldn't help but wonder, same as every disbelieving onlooker who had crowded around the booth.

Who the hell was this weirdo fish girl?

Bonny finished the bowl, down to the last drop, and collapsed on top of the noodle stand counter, weak in the knees.

Softly, she said, "There. I done completed yer challenge, old man. Now where tha hell..." she gasped, "is me booty?"

Not sure which way to respond, the elderly shopkeeper pointed to the anchor tattoo on Bonny's lower back. The one that pointed to, well...

She laughed, a pained sound that more resembled gasping for breath. "Very funny. Don't hornswaggle me, ye salty seadog. I mean me prize. I beat yer infernal gauntlet, now I want me prize. Hurry, before I send ye to feed the fishes down in Davy Jones' locker..."

The shopkeeper dusted off an old box of free meal tickets, the prize for completing the full #9 special. The box had gone untouched for so long because no one had been mad enough to think they could finish a whole bowl of mackerel fish-head noodles in one sitting, let alone nine. It was by far his most disgusting dish! The only ones who had ever liked it were Faunus...

The shopkeeper took notice of the girl's abnormally webbed fingers and gills around the same time the audience that had gathered did. Some backed off.

Bonny, to her credit, still had the strength to answer her primitive flip-Scroll when it started to ring, the sound like jackhammers to her equally stuffed and dog-buggered brain.

"Hello? Yea, this be she," she mumbled into the Scroll. The tinny voice on the other end apparently said something very important, and Bonny sat right up. "What?! Then why didn't ye tell me?!"

She flipped the Scroll shut, mumbling something about "blasted scallywags" while she lifted an old brass cannon onto her back like a schoolbag (in fact there was a schoolbag hooked to the cannon with the little colorful hook things that snapped shut when you let go). Still mumbling to herself, she slapped a few bills on the counter, taking the ticket box and waving goodbye to the elderly shopkeeper as the crowd parted around her.

"I'll be seeing ye tomorrow too fer lunch, ye salty seadog," she said, grinning. "This isn't the last you've seen of the shark queen Bonny Mako!"

Pressing a button on the cannon's metal rig, Bonny fired the cannon down at her feat and rocketed into the sky. The crowd scattered, staring up at the sky as the bizarre girl who thought she was an actual pirate quickly became nothing more than a twinkle in the sky.

The Emerald Forest

@ReaptheMusicBonny huffed as she ran over the crest of the hill, doubled over as she tried not to vomit. Her lower intestine shook as it rearranged itself into an anchor bend. Was this the captain's revenge?!

"Sorry... if I be... late... sir," she said to Ozpin. "Yea should've told me... we were doing this now... else I wouldn'ta... had such a big lunch... oh no..."

Bonny looked around frantically for a place to disgorge her seafood lunch privately, before she had to swallow it a second time like some preppish schoolgirl. But there was nothing. Just a flat expanse ending in a giant... cliff...

The shark Faunus rushed over to the side of the cliff and vomited up a tidal wave of chum where no one could see where it would land. She wiped her mouth clean once she was finished. Oh by the gods of the sea that was sour. But it should last her... for a while. She just hoped no one besides Glynda and the headmaster had seen that...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka

Vladimir received the message from the blonde teacher- he assumed Glynda was a teacher, at least- a few minutes after lunch. It was fine, for foreign cuisine - not quite on par with his own preferences, but edible at least. Regardless, he was just clearing his plate when my scroll pinged, telling him and a few other students to meet her and Ozpin at the Emerald Forest, or risk immediate expulsion. He'd anticipated this for a while. From what he'd been told, Atlas Academy tended to form its Hunters-in-training into teams of four, for some reason naming them after colours whenever they could, something to do with the war from a while back; there was no reason that the same wouldn't apply to Beacon, since it was a world-spanning war, and so the only thing left to consider was the process. This, he believed, would be "it", so to speak. He'd had his armour on every day since he'd arrived in anticipation, so he headed off toward the forest mere moments after the text was received. In his mind, there was no time to be lost, and nothing to gain from stalling. At that moment, he felt it was his time to make his big first impression.

And now, considering the fairly large clearing before him, devoid of notable life save for the teachers and one other student puking their guts out over a cliff- "Ugh, Faunus," he muttered under his breath at that sight, noting the fin-like ears coming from the sides of her head- he feared his pride in wanting to prove himself the top dog here had been... misplaced? Perhaps not quite the right wording, but it seemed like it would be a touch easier than anticipated. Just a touch.

"Alright," Vladimir said in a rather louder voice, calmly strolling over to the teachers and bluntly ignoring the Faunus girl (who, he now noticed, was showing off rather more skin than he personally considered acceptable), "so I'm here as requested. I assume this has something to do with proving ourselves; pray tell, what manner of task will we be put up against for that?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eirene
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sage Burnet


I heard you were accepted into Beacon - you're probably heading there as I'm writing this letter. You're probably wondering how I know about that. I have my ways, and even though I've left Vale, I've got some of my friends looking out for you. I know letters are a second-rate surrogate for a brother, but they'll have to do for now. They're harder to trace, and I'm trying to stay off the grid if you get me.

I've gotta say, you never struck me as a Hunter. I sort of saw you as owning a florist's shop and spritzing bonzai all day to be honest. You're a bit scrawny and you're still awkward as hell, like a fawn learning how to walk. But you'll do, I suppose. You have an edge to you that can't be denied, now you've just gotta sharpen it. I have to go now - they've been keeping me busy here. But it's nice not to be the only Faunus. I feel like I belong here and that I finally have a purpose. Sorry for being vague, I hope you understand...

Anyways, good luck Sage. Don't get a big head - if you can manage. (Actually, maybe you should focus on growing those antlers, they're a bit scraggly as I recall.) Remember where you came from. You may be a Hunter in Training now, but you're still a Faunus and that will always precede you in the eyes of others. You have a lot to prove.

No pressure,


Sage rolled his eyes, but couldn't suppress a faint smile. Sage's older brother was never one to mince words, and this was as close to a vote of confidence that Sage would ever get from him. He was sitting in the grass outside of Beacon, and the early morning sun was finally beginning to break through the clouds. Hailing from Vale, Sage had arrived early to Beacon, and had been using his spare time to explore the grounds.

The school was still magnificent, but signs of conflict, hard times and war could be seen - cracks in the institution's otherwise stately veneer. Being a hunter was already hard, but now that public opinion towards hunters was tepid at the very best, it had been even harder to convince his Aunt and Uncle to allow him to attend Beacon. They worried a lot, but he hoped to prove to them that he had made the right decision. However, something about the place made him feel like he belonged. Maybe he was feeling the same way Forrest was feeling - wherever he was.

Sage's phone buzzed in his pocket, and when he read the message, his stomach turned. He was being summoned to the Emerald Forest. Though he was sure he would feel at home in the Emerald Forest, he was certain some kind of trial awaited him and the thought of one afternoon defining his entire future at Beacon was daunting to say the least. He was uniformed for battle, his bow was well strung, and his quiver was full. He was as ready as he'd ever be.

As he approached the cliff looking over the forest, he noticed a gathering of students. Inwardly he breathed a sigh of relief that he had made it to the right place. He spotted a girl with fins protruding from her the sides of her head. Another Faunus! His remaining misgivings dropped away and he felt comfortable. He was used to being the only Faunus in a crowd of humans and thus was acclimated to the pointed stares many gave him as they glanced at his antlers. Here he would not be the only one. However, looking at her closer, he realized she looked familiar. He wracked his brain, and remembered a time long ago when his parent's fishing boat was confiscated by Vale's government. Some bullshit about Faunus's not being allowed to hold permits. The very next day, the boat had reappeared in the dock with a note, sealed with a skull and crossbones, telling his family that they didn't need to worry about permits. In the distance a ship was sailing away, and a blonde girl with the distinctive fins was standing at the helm. Was it the same girl? Not wanting to bring it up in public, he made a note to himself to ask her later - maybe he'd get a chance to thank her for what she'd done for his family those many years ago.

The other student that was there was a tall, dark haired human with startlingly red eyes. He was conversing with Glynda and Ozpin. The way he held himself, and the confidence emanating from his voice implied that he was not one to be trifled with. Sage counted himself fortunate that they were on the same side.

Instead of engaging with any of the other students, Sage opted instead to gaze out over the forest. It was vividly green and signs of life were everywhere. He took out his bow, the gold glinting in the sun, and he began checking the tautness of the bow string. It was compulsive behaviour and it revealed his impatience. He hoped the other students would arrive soon so that the trials ahead of them could finally commence.



Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Olivia Verde

Opposed to silly things like preparing for the Festival, Olivia was hanging out in a boxing gym.

Two sharp blows went into the punching bag, Olivia's hands were guarded by the bright red boxing gloves. Sweat tricked down her hands as she sent in blow after blow. Leaving in deep dents - just the way she liked it. If she can't leave a mark while practicing, then how will she leave a mark in her enemies? Honestly, her style was more of an all out attack. Destroy the enemy before they get a chance to get a hit in.

Olivia heard some footsteps behind her, and the distinct sound of two boxing gloves being punched together.

The young huntress grinned as she turned around and saw a redhaired girl with similar boxing gloves. "Hey," The girl said, grinning slightly. "Wanna box?"

"Heh, sure, sure." Olivia said as she walked away from the bag and towards a padded mat. She got into one corner, and assumed the stance - fists up to the temple, feet slightly shoulder length apart. Facing down her opponent who got into the opposite corner. She had to fight aggressively. Hit hard. Don't retreat.

"Three," Olivia started off. "two, one... Ding!"

She quickly pushed in, her feet speeding and her fists were thrown up. Olivia quickly moved in with some jabs to check, keep her eyes centered up. The girl quickly threw her hands up to block them. She quickly countered with a kick to the girl's side. Sending her stumbling back a little bit. Olivia was about to laugh a little, and go a little bit heavier - when the phone in her pocket started ringing. She quickly took a step back, and threw her hands up to guard.

"Hey, wait up." Olivia said as she took a step back, wrestling her hand out of her glove and reaching into her pocket to pull out her phone. By the time she got it out, the other girl, a little mad about the beatdown, came up and sucker punced her in the stomach with the glove on. Didn't hurt that much but it made Olivia drop her phone and stumble a few steps back. Olivia started crackling with electricity, ready to give this broad the shock of her life. However, she disappeared in a black vortex. Probably some teleportation semblance.

"Okay, that was cheap as hell..." Olivia said, shaking her head as she looked into the phone. A text from Glynda telling her to get to the Emerald Forest. Her eyes shot open.

She is soooo not ready for this.

If only they told her ahead of time. Olivia quickly hauled ass over to her bag, grabbing it as she ran straight to the door. She found out where she had parked her motorcycle, quickly hopping on it and speeding off towards the Emerald Forest.

Olivia managed to run over the hills of the Emerald Forest - a great view, she'd love to explore this place later - and eyeballed the growing group of students. She was trickling with sweat, still somewhat annoyed she wasted her energy boxing. Oh well. A little handicap won't hurt. With her nunchucks at her side, Olivia saluted Ozpin (Being a smartass), as she stood near the rest of the growing group. With her hands behind her back.

Olivia leaned in towards the group and got a good look at them. A fish Faunus (That was dressed like a stripper), a real tall pale looking boy, a pretty boy... and who else? More people need to show up! She could already see herself being the leader of these three! Well, if she's going to get leader... then she'll need to prove herself as one. And the most important part of leadership is cohesion!

So, Olivia scrolled over to the most interesting person here - the shark - and nodded, "Hey," She said, smiling and standing on her near tip toes. "You don't look too happy to be here, huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Half Pint
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Half Pint

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Platinum Kray

Platinum stared blankly into the horizon as another new student she had just become acquainted with by the name of 'Pandora' somehow managed to gobble down food by the dozen while at the same time talk so much it had essentially replaced white noise. A strange name to say the least, especially with the normal naming conventions about, probably some hippy dippy stuff that Platinum cared not to get into. In all honesty, she had no idea what the girl was talking about, but she seemed cheerful enough and was kind enough to follow Plat around like a puppy after she had merely said sorry for knocking her bag on accident.

Platinum hadn't eaten a bite of her lunch. She wouldn't dare admit it, but the nerves were getting to her, and in a bad way as well. It had surpassed mere butterflies in her stomach and was now escalating to the dreaded stamping foot. Luckily enough, she received a message from, Glynda, luckily was overstating it a bit as it only made, Plat more nervous, but at least it was an excuse to get going.
"I gotta go, see you around" Was all she said to, Pandora, leaving before she could hear her answer.

Platinum arrived at the Emerald Forest a lot more confident than she felt. She was never one to show any fear, always managing to portray herself as brave and confident even when she felt the opposite. Her gauntlets hung on her belt, no use in putting them on just yet, for all she knew this could be a mental aptitude test of all things.

It seemed she had arrived slightly late, a small group had already formed, but very few were socializing between each other. She wandered over to the teachers, and consequently Vladimir as well.
"Am I in the right place? Everything seems a bit desolate..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rowan D. Valinn

Rowan stood in the center of a decent sized crowd. His juggling performance had piqued the interest of several spectators, who now looked on in amazement as he transitioned flawlessly from trick to trick. Spending his entire life alone led to some unique hobbies. Fortunately for him, not all of them were entirely useless. At this point, Rowan was already juggling five balls, with two resting on the tops of his shoes. He kicked one up, adding another level of difficulty to the juggling. The colorful balls flowed seamlessly from one hand to the other, producing quite a few noises of excitement from the crowd. The grass in front of Rowan was disturbed by the landing of a coin.

“That wasn’t my intention here, folks. I simply wanted to entertain today,” he said through a smile, while still maintaining his throws. Rowan gave the last ball a slight kick, sending it directly into Rowan’s hand. This was his first time attempting a seven-ball cascade (The standard, basic pattern.), which he completely expected to fail. Luckily, his performance was interrupted by a buzzing in his front pocket. Instead of catching the balls still in mid-air, he simply let them fall as he pulled out his cellphone.

“I’m sorry, everyone. This should only take a moment,” he said. It was a message from his new professor, Glynda Goodwitch. The professor’s message instructed him to urgently meet at the edge of the Emerald Forest, at Beacon Cliffs. Begrudgingly, Rowan packed away his juggling equipment. He never even got to juggle the daggers he had prepared, which disappointed him. They were always a crowd favorite. He sputtered out an apology to the crowd, most of which had already dispersed after he failed his cascade.

Rowan was set up right in the heart of the Vytal Festival grounds. Instead of immediately heading for his destination, he took what a more scenic route. He stopped by a particularly small food stand, and ordered their special. He had never been here before, but it appeared to be the home of a myriad of fried foods. His food arrived in a timely manner, the chef only taking a few minutes to present him with his fried kebab. It was the perfect meal for the walk to Beacon Cliffs. After biting into the first item, Rowan quickly realized that he had no clue what he was consuming. Not that it really mattered to him; if it tastes good, then it goes down.

The walk to the Cliffs was much shorter than originally anticipated. After a quick head-count, Rowan realized he was not the only one to be summoned by Goodwitch. There were five others that arrived before him. Rowan jogged his memory, trying to recall what he was told his first day would be like. He faintly remembered something regarding initiation, as well as the forming of teams. He assumed that this must be his initiation.

He was eager to form teams, especially with this group of students. He studied some of them more closely, making note of the Faunus girl, who was conversing with another student. There was a lone boy overlooking the forest, tinkering with his bow. Standing before the two professors were a pair of students who appeared to be questioning the professors, presumably regarding the task at hand.

Not entirely sure what he was supposed to do, Rowan pulled out his gloves. It was dangerous to leave the gloves imbued with Dust when they were not in use, which meant he had to go through the laborious process of applying it every time he wanted to use them. Without the Dust, they were just a pair of black gloves. The gloves faintly glowed red when they came into contact with the Dust.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bonny coughed, wiping the spittle from her mouth and rubbing it off in the grass. Hundreds of feet below them, there was a faint wet splat, followed by the sound of a Grimm howling in anger.

"The beast tried to do me in," she said, referring to her fish lunch that was all over the forest floor below. "But I wouldn't let the bastard win. Just a bit of bad chum is all. Don't let it get to ya. Though by the looks of it, they caught ya all shanghaied with yer panties around yer ankles too, didn't they?"

The shark Faunus rose to her feet, dusting herself off. She held out her hand. Honestly she was surprised any of the human students were talking to her on her first day here, but if she wanted to chat, she owed her the courtesy.

"Name's Bonny Mako, pirate queen of the seven seas. We're both here in misery, so let's get along, yeah? Else I'll have to keelhaul you." She waited for a second before remembering this was a prominently anti-Faunus environment and that the girl might have actually taken her seriously. "That was a joke, by the way. I ain't actually gonna keelhaul ya. I didn't bring enough rope for that."

She burst out laughing, thinking she was the funniest thing since an Ursa tap-danced with a monkey. Everyone else probably thought she was just crazy. Or drunk. Maybe both. Probably both.

Bonny took another swig from her flask, sighing with refreshment.

"Say, you have any idea what the deal is with that pasty-lookin' bloke over there? You know, the one who looks like he ain't ever taken a proper shit before in his life? He looks a bit like sharkbait. We sure he ain't gonna be spontaneously combustin' soon as the sun starts touchin' his skin?"
1x Like Like 1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka

The sound of loud, raucous laughter drew the attention of the tall, pale boy- or man, as some may be intimidated or otherwise fooled into believing- and, of course, the one it was emanating from was the shark Faunus. Actually, she was quite a loud person in general- loud laughter, loud drinking from what looked for all the world like a bottle of alcohol, then loudly discussing the flaws of another student, an apparently "pasty-lookin' bloke" who "looks a bit like sharkbait" and... hold on, was she pointing at him? Was she talking shit about him, of all people?! The outrage on his face was evident, but apparently vanished the moment he turned back to face the two teachers, all smiles and charm.

"Pardon me, Principal Ozpin, Ms. Glynda, and, uh, you whose name I haven't had the chance to acquire yet," Vladimir said, unfortunately interrupting whatever explanation the teachers were about to give, "I just need to deal with something very quickly, and then I'll be right back." This was all said in a calm, even graceful tone; the moment he turned away from them all, his expression reverted to fury, as he stalked over to the Faunus girl and her human companion, moving until he was mere inches away from oh God her breath stank like fish and stomach acid- moving until he was mere feet from the sharkgirl's face. Teeth gritted, he ground out the words "Care. To rephrase. What. You just. Said. About me?" at the Faunus specifically, for the most part ignoring the human next to her. If she wanted to involve herself in this, then so be it, but best not to make too many enemies early on unless they'd already made themselves a target.

@Crimson Clover@Turboshitter@Mr Allen J
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Shark-Girl sounds kinda cool... though, that sounds racist.

Olivia had nothing against Faunus people. In fact, she treated them no differently than other human beings. Olivia put her hands on her hips and just watched as her new friend vomited off the edge of the cliff. Only laughing a little bit, and saying, "Nice."

"Name's Bonny Mako, pirate queen of the seven seas. We're both here in misery, so let's get along, yeah? Else I'll have to keelhaul you. That was a joke, by the way. I ain't actually gonna keelhaul ya. I didn't bring enough rope for that."

That was when the Shark-Faunus introduced herself as Bonny, the "Pirate of the Seven Seas". The title served little more than to amuse Olivia. Oh? She's a pirate. Olivia thought to herself as her outfit started to make a lot more sense. Though, Olivia herself briefly wondered what her title should be. Storm Green? No, that sounds lame. The Raging Wind? Kinda sounds like The "Raging Boner". The Wind of Destruction - Oh! That's a good one, Olivia's the wind of destruction.

When Bonny laughed, Olivia laughed with her.

"Sure thing, Bonny." Olivia winked at Bonny. "Wasn't planning on getting into a sword-fight with a pirate today anyway - and you seem fun anyway."

Since it was a formality, Olivia figured that she should give Bonny her name too. "Olivia!" She put her hand out. "The Wind of Destruction." She laughed a little bit.

"Say, you have any idea what the deal is with that pasty-lookin' bloke over there? You know, the one who looks like he ain't ever taken a proper shit before in his life? He looks a bit like sharkbait. We sure he ain't gonna be spontaneously combustin' soon as the sun starts touchin' his skin?"

That's when Olivia turned her head right towards the person she was ignoring the whole time. He did look weird as hell. Olivia started laughing as she started cooking up a little tease - but that sarcastic genius didn't go to work because they accidentally caught the attention of the dude - Bonny should use her inside voice. Olivia looked at him as he scrolled over to them, and rolled her eyes up into her head when he opened his mouth.

"Care. To rephrase. What. You just. Said. About me?"

Tough guy, eh? Olivia knew where this is going, and she'd hate to ruin this nice forest. Though, she knew he wouldn't have the guts to do anything in front of Glynda and Ozpin. Though... that didn't mean she couldn't have a little bit of fun with him. Just see how far she can push Tall-Dark-And-Edgy. Olivia shrugged, putting her hands up, and putting a shit eating grin on.

"You're a touchy one, huh?" Olivia started off. "So, in that little head of yours, it must be true if you're coming over here tryna pick a fight."

Olivia remembered that she had her weapons on her hips. One bonk outside the head would send this kid crying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bonny Mako

@Mr Allen J @BCTheEntity

Bonny made a face as she saw the pasty-lookin' bloke walking towards them with his shoulders hunched in that "I'll kill you bitches!" pose. She turned to whisper to Olivia.

"Ah shit, I think he mighta heard us, Liv," she said, completely missing the point.

Bonny steeled herself, fully prepared to apologize if that's what it took to stop a fight. A Faunus like her didn't need that on her record, especially not on her first day. Then she caught a whiff of his breath.

She covered her nose with her sleeve. "Shiver me timbers, what the bloody hell didya eat?! Yer breath smells like someone stuck a candle up yer ass and lit it! Makes me want to dance the hempen jig, cripes!"

Bonny knew full well this wasn't helping her case. Then again, maybe she didn't. But god almighty, that smell was awful! It's like he brushed his teeth and bathed himself every day or something! And it was right up in her face!

Her eyes started to water. Gently, she pinched her nose shut and took a deep breath.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kingdom of Vale
Rozen Cafe

The high society district in Vale's kingdom occupied a good dozen miles from Beacon's location was bustling with waiters and waitresses all in black tie attire. This wasn't just some hodge-podge coffee house that anyone could walk into, no, unfortunately those unsuspecting few usually walked in and received both a hearty welcome and a heart attack when seeing the ridiculous prices for their teas and sandwiches. On the upper floors which were exposed to the open air, in an unbuttoned suit and distinct lack of a tie sat a certain blonde haired von Rah. The young man stared into the dark, reflective surface of the coffee in the quaint tea cup before him with a slightly stressed look staring right back at him. His head was full of static silence. He wasn't listening to the person who sat across from him.

"...Do you understand, Rood?" The sudden assertion of his name caused the blonde to look up at the woman across from him. Her hair was dark and pulled back into a concise bun and she dressed as a secretary. Probably because she was. As a matter of fact, she was the secretary of the person he was actually supposed to meet today.

"Yeah..." He mumbled, averting his gaze. That was a lie. After the point of the conversation had passed, he had stopped listening to the woman altogether. It was just fluff, mindless fluff at that. The secretary knew this and heaved a large sigh. She was about to launch into a huge rant until Rood's phone went off. She glanced at the scroll, then back at him.

"You should get that..." She muttered angrily. Well, that was obvious. Rood already had it open as soon as she said it. Glancing over the text, he tossed the expensive scroll over to the secretary, who read over the words and sighed again before standing. "I see. I best arrange for transport..." She stood and walked away, already dialing a number. Rood continued to stare into the dark, overly sugared coffee before him for a moment longer before taking the scalding liquid and tossing his head back to down it in one gulp.


@Turboshitter@BCTheEntity@Eirene@Crimson Clover@Chickn@Mr Allen J

A riding crop smacked between the two, hitting first Bonny and then Vlad across their chests. Glynda, looking quite annoyed with BOTH their behavior, took a step back and folded her arms. Amused, Ozpin took a sip of his coffee as he surveyed everyone that had come. Two faunus. Uncommon but not unheard of. A shark faunus was certainly different from the usual breed of mammal faunus that come through. One rather placid girl with a green hue shining off of her clothing seemed to make the air around her crackle with electricity. He noted the two silver haired students that had arrived as well, Platinum Kray and Rowan Valinn. These names were going to give him a headache during the team naming process for sure, but that was nothing new. He noted that Platinum wasn't acknowledged when she asked Vladimir a question, so he approached her himself and put a hand on his shoulder.

"The activity will be announced shortly. There's still more students to come and I'd rather speak to them all when they arrive. Or at least, when one more arrives..." Ozpin trailed off as the loud sound of an aircraft approached, causing him and Glynda to look up.

A small aircraft with the hatch open on both sides flew quickly towards the cliffside before stopping just above everyone present. It turned slowly, and from the shadows within stepped out Rood von Rah. He placed his chain-clad arm on the ceiling of the craft as he looked down at the other from where he stood within the craft's interior. Wind blew in all direction, causing the grass beneath them to have a rippling effect. Rood paused long enough for his red eyes to lock with everyone else's gaze before leaping out of the aircraft, swinging his arms as he dropped to the ground below.

He landed with a heavy CLANK, his golden armor appearing to weigh quite a bit as he swayed downward, his palm flat on the ground before him. As he slowly stood up, the aircraft turned and departed into the distance. He walked up to the group, arms stiff and swaying at his sides, a very aggressive swagger painting his footsteps with an air of regality. The sunshine shone off his caramel toned skin and reflecting slightly off of barely wet red paint decorating his torso. As he approached, Ozpin stepped up to greet him, outstretching his hand which Rood took.

"Rood von Rah, good to see you could make it afterall." Ozpin greeted politely, shaking Rood's hand before going back to his coffee.

"Yeah... Sorry for being late. I look forward to the task ahead...." Rood slowly turned his head, his eyes locking onto Sage's. He went to the faunus, his arms folded. The atmosphere he cast seemed overbearing, so when he stepped up to the smaller man he seemed to loom over him. As he leaned down, a bit of a scary shadow was cast on his face. "...Do these fall off?" He asked suddenly, gently poking the faunus' antlers, his tone surprisingly light and genuinely curious. "My dad used to keep stags around and their antlers would fall off and regrow every spring."

Ozpin, seeming satisfied, turned to Glynda to begin preparations. Worst case scenario, the last huntress in training would be a no show and they'd simply have to find a way to fill her spot.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rowan D. Valinn

Rowan finished applying the Dust on his gloves. He put them on, curling his fingers over the warm fabric. To give them a little test, Rowan punched his hands together, setting off a small explosion. The Dust wasn’t meant to be the power of his attacks; it was simply meant to knock his opponent off guard. It was, however, his only viable way of fighting Grimm. His Semblance only activated against creatures with an Aura, which Grimm severely lacked. This meant his fighting style changed depending on the nature of the battle. Against Grimm, he offered more raw strength. Rowan handled humans with much more finesse than the Grimm.

Satisfied with his gloves, Rowan started to approach the two professors, intending on getting some answers as to what they were going to be doing. He was turned off of that idea, though, when Professor Goodwitch cracked her riding crop at the two students in front of her.

“Probably don’t want to get on her bad side,” He muttered to himself. The professor was surprisingly intimidating. She didn’t immediately come across as threatening, but Rowan developed a sense of fear after witnessing her so casually disciplining the two students.

Rowan felt a sudden breeze, followed by a loud humming. It gradually grew louder, causing Rowan to look up. The sight of a large aircraft made Rowan bring his arms up to shield his face. Loose leaves and sticks flew from the source of the gust. The aircraft turned to have its side face the group of students, revealing a young man hidden behind shadow. The shadow was not able to completely mask his appearance, though. His lower half was covered in armor, but his upper half was completely bare, save for what appeared to be red paint. The man jumped from the aircraft, his armor producing a loud clatter as he landed. The man walked with a purpose, and that purpose was probably to commit unspeakable acts upon the group in front of him.

“Hey, anyone know if this guy is going to kill us?!” He half-shouted over the sounds of the aircraft. As if he were answering his question, Professor Ozpin went up to the student and shook his hand. Rowan lowered his arms as the winds from the aircraft settled.

“Aw man, I kind of wanted to fight,” He said. He didn’t intend for anyone to hear it, but he made no effort to say it quietly. Rowan started getting antsy, itching for a fight. Whether it was Grimm or human, he anticipated the moment he would be able to release some steam.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bonny Mako


The shark Faunus laughed as the pasty-lookin' bloke took a beating at the business end of Glynda's whippin' stick, but quickly became quiet when the auestere student-teacher set her sights on her.

Bonny yelped as Goodwitch smacked her with the riding crop, flinching and hugging her chest. The pain was sharp, blistering, and most importantly of all, emanating from a very sensitive place.

"Aw god, right in me tits!" she yelled. "The hell is wrong with you?!"

That's when Bonny felt the slight breeze pick up into a tempest, and looked up. The wind whipping at her face had a nice cooling effect on the welt she was sporting around her chest, like a salve on a hot burn. But the helicopter landing just a few feet away from them was what caught her attention (kinda hard for it not to unless you're blind and deaf).

"Who the hell is it gonna be now?" she said to herself. "James bloody Ironwood?"

What she got was something quite else entirely. A bare-chested, sculpted young man about her age, tattooed from head to toe and decked out in heavy golden armor. He shook hands with the professors.

Bonny rolled her eyes.

Oh great, another rich kid sharkbait momma's boy landlubber who probably hasn't seen any actual fightin' outside the gym. Bet his dad bought him that armor.

She squinted to take a closer look.

It is nice armor though. Nice chest too. Maybe I'll steal it out in the forest and let ol' sharkbait walk back to Beacon naked. That'd show 'em. Let em walk the plank a lil' bit, heheh...

Realizing what she had just been thinking, Bonny shook her head and slapped her cheeks a little.

No! We don't do that anymore! We ain't in the business of punishin' people, and stealin' from the rich is only okay if they deserve it!

She took a second or third look at the rich kid.

It is nice armor though...

That's when the rich kid, who had the courtesy to introduce himself as rude, walked over to the only other Faunus here in the group. Given her experience with how the rich elite treated Faunus, Bonny felt like she had to do something to stop him. But...

"...Do these fall off?" He asked suddenly, gently poking the faunus' antlers, his tone surprisingly light and genuinely curious. "My dad used to keep stags around and their antlers would fall off and regrow every spring."

She stopped. She hadn't been expecting him to ask something like that.

"Well, I dunno about him," she said, trying to get his attention, "but me teeth fall out every couple o' weeks. See?"

Bonny opened wide (uncomfortably wide for some), revealing rows and rows of razor sharp teeth. Reaching in to her own jagged maw, Bonny grasped a loose tooth and yanked it out. Then she spat out some blood, and held the tooth out for Rood to see like a souvenir.

"Innit that cool? Tell me that's cool," she said almost proudly. "I got enough old teeth stored up to make me a couple necklaces made out of 'em! You can have one if you want."

Now why the hell didya go and say that fer, ya chuckleheaded ninny? she chided herself. Cozying up to people to get them to trust you was nice and all, but hornswaggling had to have its limits.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Before anything could escalate, Professor Student Assistant Glynda came in and bitchslapped both of them with her little whip. Olivia was fortunate enough to escape the whipping (Even though she was just as involved as everyone else - but oh well). Looks like she didn't need to put her nunchucks to use after all. Heh.

She put her hands on her hips, ready to resume her little discussion with Bonny.

But the freakshow sure as hell didn't stop there. Right before her vocal cords could produce the soundwaves to say "that guy was a freakshow," a god damn aircraft just show up to the side of the cliff. It was creating one hell of a wind just by being close. Blowing her hair, clothes, weapon, and just about everything else away. "Whoa, don't blow me away now!" Olivia shouted, as she threw her arms up. "Who the hell is showing up now?!"

This aircraft was stealing her schtick! She was the queen of destructive winds, not no stupid hunk of metal.

Someone else mentioned something about the newcomer being an enemy - and Olivia loudly snorted, following it with laughter. "Only if they got a deathwish!" Olivia cockily said to the guy - right as the Aircraft docked and let out a nice little ramp for the pampered douche to scroll right out on.

The door opened, and this shirtless lad just scrolled on out like he was the king of Vale. Olivia wondered, briefly, just who the hell this guy is. And why the hell did he have to make a grand entrance? In that case, Olivia would have done something cool, too. Like fly in using her nunchucks. That'd be cooler than scrolling off a VTOL like you're James Fucking Ironwood. Olivia had to cross her arms as she sized up the newcomer as he walked over to the other Faunus of their group. Asking about his antlers.

Olivia had to say;

That's kinda racist.

And Bonny walked over to him. Well, Olivia had to say that the newcomer was kinda hot - with his sexy chiseled abs, and his golden hair, and his tattoos and his loincloth! - but not that hot. Well, maybe he'd be really hot after taking a few million volts of electricity... hehe.

For now, Olivia was going to let Bonny do her thing... which apparently included tearing her own damn teeth out like it was nothing (Ew). Olivia just hated to see what Bonny's like during a dental appointment.

There's other people to chit-chat with, and plenty of fun to be had here. Olivia didn't need to hang off Bonny like a parasite. So, her brown eyes scanned for some more interesting people. There was Fighty-Mc-Fighter over there the brown hair - but Olivia figured that the only thing he'd want to do is try to punch her. Which is funny, since he's the shortest person here.

She noticed another girl within their group with silver hair, standing there all in her lonesome. Oooooh, kinda cool. Well, Olivia was alone, too, so why don't they just chat until Ozpin decides to get off his old ass and let them fight a Grimm or something.

Olivia walked over to the girl, and put her hands on her hips.

"Hey," Olivia started off. "Saw you just standing here alone and figured I'd start a conversation." Olivia put her hands on her hips as she gave the silverhaired girl a disarming smile. She threw a thumb in the direction of the newcomer. "What do you think of Golden boy? Just showing up here in a ship like he owns the place!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka

Vlad, to be frank, was quite shocked at the extreme reaction from the shark Faunus. Shocked enough, in fact, that he did little more than stare slightly slack-jawed at her display after the fact, barely noticing the hit to his chest with a riding crop. How dare she claim his breath smelled bad? Maybe he had just finished lunch, but the lingering smell of it certainly wasn't anything to recoil so violently from! He might've made a rude comment, then, about having just eaten shark fin soup (he was reasonably sure it wasn't that... or he half-hoped it wasn't, anyway) for the sole purpose of angering her further, since she'd clearly decided in advance to burn down the entire forest just to ensure no bridges between him and her were built, if not for the abrupt arrival of an aircraft of some description, out of which dropped- from quite a distance- some half-naked prettyboy with armour covering his lower half and nothing but paint on his upper half, making a scene of his presence as though he were the king of the world. About as regal as a rock off a cliff, it occurred to Vladimir, or perhaps like James "Douchebag" Ironwood.

In any case, Vlad now counted seven students, including himself. Six, if one ignored the frankly rude Faunus who was now oooooookay, he was just going to pretend he didn't just watch her yank out a tooth like it was nothing. Well, maybe it was. Sharks lost teeth at a rapid rate, so he presumed it was the same for her. Nonetheless, he had no interest in further communication with her; she was occupied with the newcomer and the stag Faunus, so all of them were out; the other two women were presently occupied with one another's company, it seemed... which left the brown-haired man in the red longcoat. That definitely appealed to Vlad's sense of fashion, so he strolled over to him, eyeing his hands as the fists, clad in fingerless gloves, were brought together, causing a low-key explosion. Very low-key. Vlad highly doubted such an attack would injure most Grimm, or do little more than slightly knock back the majority of human fighters.

"Please do tell me that that isn't your only weapon, sir," Vlad began quietly, "or you're going to embarrass whatever you throw your first punch at. Really, do they even... turn into, uh... oh my God, you're short..." the Blood Dragon quietly trailed off with a head tilt, realising at last just how much taller he was than his new conversation partner - probably a good foot or so, at a rough guess. Come to think of it, he realised, it seemed as though he was substantially taller and bulkier than everybody in the clearing, with the only person even coming close to the former being the newest member of the group and Professor Ozpin himself, and his musculature only being vaguely matched by the same golden-haired semi-nudist. Vlad's ego practically beamed as he recognised this, though his face continued to appear surprised as he looked round, and his combat-savvy side reminded him that neither of his physical advantages was necessarily so should he end up fighting any of the group, if they managed to use their reduced size to evade him effectively. Whether they would or not...

But where were his manners, and his attempts to make at least one new ally today? Vlad turned back to the longcoat-wearing character, all smiles and charm now, and politely said to him "My apologies for that. I forget myself and my stature sometimes... the name's Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka. Vlad for short. And yourself?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rowan D. Valinn

”Well, I dunno about him, but my teeth fall out every couple o’ weeks. See?”

Rowan, intrigued by the conversation taking place, turned to witness the shark Faunus reach into her mouth and rip out a tooth. What followed was a mouthful of blood, and the look of pure satisfaction on the Faunus’ face. He chuckled at the sight of the girl. He wasn’t too sure whether he was supposed to be impressed or disturbed, so he went with impressed. She must be tougher than James "Jack-ass" Ironwood to mutilate her own body like that.

The commotion from the newest arrival’s entrance settled as he became fascinated with the antlers of one of the Faunus. Rowan, unlike most of the wealthy in Atlas, never discriminated against the Faunus. Growing up, most of the staff in his house were Faunus. They were always kind to him, no matter the circumstances. In fact, until he went to combat school, many of the staff were his only source of social interaction. Friendships blossomed between him and the staff. His parents didn't approve, but they didn't stop it, either.

Rowan noticed the tall, dark-haired man break away from the group of students. He approached Rowan, taking note of his gloves.

”Please do tell me that that isn't your only weapon, sir, or you’re going to embarrass whatever you throw your first punch at.” The boy trailed off, mumbling something about Rowan’s height. Rowan was about to respond, but the man in front of him quickly regained his composure.

”My apologies for that. I forget myself and my stature sometimes… the name’s Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka. Vlad for short. And yourself?”

“I’m Rowan. Rowan Dmitri Valinn, if you want to get formal. I can’t even count how many times people have commented on my rather... lacking weapon," Rowan gave Vlad a quizzical look, "But what I don’t understand is why so many other Huntsmen feel the need to have such extravagant weapons. Are they compensating for something? Because let me tell you, I definitely don’t need to compensate for anything. I’ve got all I need, right here,” He said as he flexed his arms. While he was an ant compared to the giant standing before him, Rowan was well toned, and it showed.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Turboshitter@BCTheEntity@Mr Allen J@Chickn@Crimson Clover@Eirene

Before any more could be said, Ozpin stepped forward, preparations complete.

"Alright everyone, unfortunately we're short one person but I'm afraid we'll have to make due." To the right of the pale haired professor was a row of metal plated pedestals that rested on the grass near the cliff's edge. "Everyone, take your place on one of these metal plates and be ready for anything."

As Ozpin went on, Glynda sat nearby with her arms folded and a stern look on her face. Rood, in the meanwhile, had turned to Bonny to observe what she had said. His initial reaction was revulsion, flinching away from the blood spurting from the shark faunus's mouth. Revulsion quickly turned to intrigue and he took the offered tooth, his red eyes wide and examining the sharp bone. A somewhat child like fascination lit up his chiseled features. It was like one could see little stars sparkling around him as he turned the tooth over to examine it closer and looked up at Bonny with a slight smile when she said he could keep it. He opened his mouth to say something, but it was then that Ozpin had spoken up. For now, he gingerly placed the tooth into the folds of his cape against his waist and stood on the pedastels between Rowan and Vlad, not that he knew their names yet. As others went to stand on the pedastels, the golden haired boy crouched down, ready for anything as he waited for others to take their place. In the meantime, Ozpin explained what they were doing.

"You are to go to the other end of the emerald forest and retrieve a key piece that will be vital to you passing this examination. If you land and make eye contact with someone, then those you see will immediately become your teammates and it is up to you to make your team work."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

Vladimir Plasimov-Drakka

Vlad admired the short boy's physique for a moment after Ozpin had spoken, privately admitting that it wasn't half-bad for somebody of Rowan's height and that he might have been interested if he were female, but ultimately decided to point out the obvious as they walked over to the pedestals: "I believe the point of such "extravagant" weapons is that they provide multiple options. You are restricted to punching, and harder punching. Meanwhile," he continued, drawing Maw and Breath from their respective sheaths as preparation for his imminent launching (and partially for the sake of making a big impression), the sword in his right hand and the gun in his left, "I, for instance, have options to punch, stab, slash, shoot, or pistol whip, never mind what opportunities open themselves up to me when Maw and Breath here actually transform. But you'll have to see how that pans out in the forest, won't you?" he said, finishing the conversation by looking half-round, half-over the half-nude blond prettyboy from before. With that said, he turned to face the forest itself, weapons at the ready to do their thing, and himself ready for pretty much anything.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bonny Mako


Bonny couldn't help but feel a little happy when the blonde boy accepted her tooth not out of awkwardness or obligation, but genuine curiosity and gratitude. He liked her gift. That was a rare thing for a Faunus to experience in this world. Thanks.

Buuuuut that happiness couldn't quite compare to what she felt when she saw the launch pads, which could only be described accurately as "perverse glee". She shivered from excitement, her voice trembling.

"Ohohohoooo, I know exactly where this be going," she said with a shark smile that seemed way too big for a human mouth to fit. Without another word, the smiling shark girl pounced on the launch pad, adjusting Revenge so it fit around her shoulders like a backpack.

She turned to look at Olivia and the blonde kid behind her, giving them both a wave and a flash of her wide, bright smile.

"I be seeing ye on the other side, lads and lasses! Don't be givin' 'em no quarter now! Remember, no prey no pay, so give 'em hell!"

She said to Ozpin, "Fire her up, captain! I be ready to give me twenty-one gun salute."

Bonny stood there, itching and adjusting her weapon as she waited patiently for the fun to start. But then she remembered something she'd forgotten to say, and knocked the stinky tall bloke next to her with a light punch on the shoulder.

"Race ye there, landlubber."
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