Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

These super detailed profiles are from another forum I must advise this, I want to share with you an insane amount of my genius and creativity of these super detailed profiles with one of my favorite ones I only created in 3 days time. Though this profile has no theme song to speak of since it is a massive starship in general.

This version is the Revamped profile from post seven since I decided to replace the older one.

Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan Class Starship's Profile

-= [General Information] =-

Name: Ancient One
Full Name: Ancient Frost Warping Zeras One
Nickname: The Behemoth - Nicknamed by Diocesan
Date of Creation: Kira'Dim Epoch - Year 3 - Pre-Rejuvenation Cycle - Aspect Defense*
Place of Creation: The Outer Rim, Kira'Dim Universe - In the Space Factory called Zeras One orbiting Enigmatic Paradise of the Thousand Life Times Alpha Prime.
Date of Decommissioned - Never - Would take forever to decommission this starship without making it go Universal Super Nova on you.
Time of Service: On the 10th Kira'Dim Epoch - Year 18,000 - Post-Rejuvenation Cycle - Aspect Multi-Role - Close to forever since it has never been decommissioned so far. It has lasted from the Post-Big Bang Era through the Rejuvenated Great Era.
Class of Starship: Omega Behemoth Titan
A.I on Board: Yes
Number of AI: Six
Name of AIs:
1. Jade (First AI; Female Construct) - The First AI is slightly a lot more nicer to people that contact the Ancient One via the communication array on their starships. The primary reason for this is that it is a female construct and has a similar personality that to its creator, minus the trauma of losing her parents.
2. Anu (Second AI; Male Construct) - The Second AI is slightly a little bit irritated at the situation more than anything since it has the same exact personality that Angelus had. The third AI mostly calms down this AI.
3. Adelphia (Third AI; Female Construct) - The Third AI is slightly bit annoyed at the fact that she is now an Artificial Intelligence instead of a natural being but the 'original' died of unknown causes like all of the Mercury family. This AI calms down the second one.
4. Conan (Fourth AI; Male Construct) - The Fourth AI is slightly bit happier that the original died of unknown causes since this construct is a lot more versatile over an organic body. This AI keeps the fifth and sixth one calm since the third AI keeps the second one calm.
5. Zulia (Fifth AI; Female Construct) - The Fifth AI is angry that she lost her original form because of an unknown illness or something caused her family's demised. In addition, this AI has the last moments of life of Ophelia E. Mercury within her and what really killed the Mercury family but it was too terrible even to understand. The fourth AI calms this AI.
6. Lysimachus (Sixth AI; Male Construct) - The sixth AI is angry that he lost his original form because of an unknown illness or something caused his family's demise. However, this AI has no memories of his original body since something bad happened in the transfer to the AI construct. The fourth AI calms this AI.
AI Construct is Based People:
1. Jade is based on Emily S. Frostling
2. Anu is based on Angelus D. Mercury, a true god that died by unknown means.
3. Adelphia is based on Lorna K. Mercury, the wife of Angelus.
4. Conan is based on Marcus S. Mercury, son to Angelus and Lorna.
5. Zulia is based on Ophelia E. Mercury, daughter to Angelus and Lorna.
6. Lysimachus is based on Howard T. Mercury, son to Angelus and Lorna.
Alignment: Neutral

-= [General Miscellaneous Information] =-

The Motto of the Ship: "Leave Us Alone and we won't blast you into space dust."
The Tagline of the Ship: "Want the Universal Sun Buster. All you need is go to the Outer Rim and steal the Ancient One, it's the best ship ever unless you are worried about getting blasted into space dust then too bad."
Catch Phrase: "Many as tried but the only one that ever pissed us off enough to leave the Outer Rim, Diocesan's Space Patrol Armada."

-= [Appearance Information] =-

Engine Name: Enigmatic Zeras Dual Engines - Very powerful engines, they can incinerate planets with ease that are smaller than they are. These are from the Space Factory, Zeras One, since the Space Factory does not need to be moved ever again.
Engine Height: 125,000 Kilometers
Engine Length: 375,000 Kilometers
Engine Width: 37,750 Kilometers
Hull Color: Reddish Silver
Hull Markings: Ancient One - ZORW-55SMEN66 - In longer terms it is called Ancient One - Zeras One Rime Worlds - 55 Solar Mayhem Ecosystem Neutral 66.
Spaceship Height: 250,000 Kilometers
Spaceship Length: 750,000 Kilometers
Spaceship Width: 75,500 Kilometers
Light Colors: White, Green, Blue, and Red - For the blinking lights on the hull surfaces, they blink in different patterns of White, Blue, Red, and Green or Green, White, Red, and Blue.
Other Distinctive Features: Battle Damage that is still present from the Operation Loudburst by Diocesan and his band of mercenaries called Diocesan's Space Patrol Armada and it has now called the Universal Coalition. There's micro chasms of large asteroids that hit the hull so hard that they burst in pieces and the smaller pebbles from the asteroids do damage to the hull a lot more than the large ones. The Skirmish of the Outer Rim, this battle damage is not as present as the Operation Loudburst's damage since the Gauntlet of the Ages Empire caused it with their Experimental Super Carrier's Super Weapon classified as the Genesis Ray. The Genesis Ray turned the hull of the Ancient One into a green lush planet for about 30,000 generations within the Kira'Dim Universe but it is slowly turning back into a metallic beast, there is still a tree on top of the Ancient One called the Ancient One's Hat. The Ancient One's Hat is about the size of Yggdrasil but does not really do anything apart of looking funny on top of a large spaceship that moves about in space. However, there is an oxygen atmosphere near the Ancient One's Hat, so about 30,000 people can live on top of the Ancient One, as long as they do not move too far away from the hat that is.
Name of Mode:
1. Void Ray Cannon Turret Emplacement (Hyper Defensive and Hyper Offensive Mode) - This mode supports a large special weapon classified as the Void Ray Cannon, which is classified as the Universal Sun Buster.
2. Mining Ship /w Refinery (Normal Mode) - The Height, Length, and Width is above of this name of mode list. As well, it carries large mining lasers to mine rich Voidium Asteroids, it carries them in the front of the vessel they are called 'Voidium Laser Cutters,' and they only target asteroids that hold Voidium within them.
3. Omega Titan Battlestation /w Starship Factory (Rapid Deployment and Construction Mode) - This mode can deploy mass amounts of starships in matter of seconds and its hanger bays are endless in this form. However, this is the only form that uses hanger bays for added defense or offense. The Starship Factory builds all Titan Class Starships that are smaller than the Ancient One.
4. Research and Development Battlestation (Power Generation for Planets) - This mode only has defensive weapons for its options. In addition, it can make a massive Gateway classified as the Zeras One Portal Gate that can instantaneously move 18.5 Million Kilojoules of Energy to any point in the Kira'Dim Universe to cause any number of planets to be supercharged and their power will last over 300 more generations. This is also can research new and more efficient ways of storing energy when it activates the Zeras One Portal Gate system.
5. Omega Titan Super Carrier (Recon Mode) - This mode is bigger than the Omega Titan Battlestation, though it does not have a built in Starship Factory; however, it carries many starships of Dies-class drones to Seoul-Class Dreadnoughts. Which it launches from its massive hanger bays and it has about the same number of hanger bays as the Omega Titan Battlestation at 65. The Hanger Bays are much more compacted then the Omega Titan Battlestation Mode's Hanger Bays. It can also defend itself with the longest ranged known weapon in the Ancient One's arsenal called the Hyper Velocity Solar Cannon and some long ranged weapons called the Hyper Velocity Freeze Beam and Void Missile Launcher with Void Missiles. This mode is primarily used for recon in the Outer Rim, if someone has a larger starship than the Ancient One's Normal Mode akin the Mining and Refinery Ship; they are instantaneously annihilated by the Hyper Velocity Solar Cannon.
6. Omega Titan Supply Station (Resupply and Rearm Mode) - This mode has only medium range weapons and the rest are defensive weapons. In addition, it can be somewhat offensive when it wants to be, it looks like a massive space station in Kira'Dim Universe's Outer Rim, and it can resupply any stranded starship in the Kira'Dim Universe by tractor beaming it straight to the hanger bay, very quickly but not destroying the starship it is tractor beaming. The Tractor Beam in question is called Zeras One Gigantic Impulse Tractor Beam, it is the half of the size of this supply station, and this mode is the largest of all six modes that the Ancient One has available to it. The Rearming part of this Supply Station only rearms all of Emily's Creations and any allies that decided to talk to her within the Outer Rim. While the resupply part of this Supply Station, resupplies all starships of any empire, kingdom, or Trade faction out there and it scans the required fuel source of these starships in an instant and refuels them instantly and teleports them back wince they came, when they were stranded in space and was tractor beamed to the Station.
Mode AI Controller:
1. Mining Ship /w Refinery (Normal Mode) - The first AI construct controls this mode by the name of Jade.
2. Omega Titan Battlestation /w Starship Factory (Rapid Deployment and Construction Mode) - The fifth AI construct controls this mode by the name of Zulia.
3. Void Ray Cannon Turret Emplacement (Universal Sun Buster) - The second AI construct controls this mode by the name of Anu.
4. Research and Development Battlestation (Power Generation for Planets) - The third AI construct controls this mode by the name of Adelphia.
5. Omega Titan Super Carrier (Recon) - The fourth AI construct controls this mode by the name of Conan.
6. Omega Titan Supply Station (Resupply and Rearm Mode) - The sixth AI construct controls this mode by the name of Lysimachus.
Mode Height:
1. Void Ray Cannon Turret Emplacement: 925,000 Kilometers
2. Omega Titan Battlestation: 450,000 Kilometers
3. Research and Development Battlestation: 350,000 Kilometers
4. Omega Titan Super Carrier: 675,000 Kilometers
5. Omega Titan Supply Station: 30 Million Kilometers
Mode Length:
1. Void Ray Cannon Turret Emplacement: 450,000 Kilometers
2. Omega Titan Battlestation: 1,250,000 Kilometers
3. Research and Development Battlestation: 850,000 Kilometers
4. Omega Titan Super Carrier: 1,500,000 Kilometers
5. Omega Titan Supply Station: 30 Million Kilometers
Mode Width:
1. Void Ray Cannon Turret Emplacement: 625,500 Kilometers
2. Omega Titan Battlestation: 300,000 Kilometers
3. Research and Development Battlestation: 150,000 Kilometers
4. Omega Titan Super Carrier: 700,000 Kilometers
5. Omega Titan Supply Station: 30 Million Kilometers

-= [Relationship Information] =-

Family Class of Starships:
1. Titan Class Starships
1a. Omega Behemoth Titan - The Class that the Ancient One is, it is the only one of its kind since it took the Zeras One, Space Factory to build it. If there were any more Ancient Ones, they would all have six artificial intelligences.
1b. Kaiser Titan - The Kaiser Titan has four artificial intelligences controlling it and four different modes but it is slightly bigger than the Omega Behemoth Titan by a bit since it was a Prototype to the Omega Behemoth Titan. The Kaiser Titan was the starship that built the massive sensor array system that warns Emily of all threats to her domain, which is the Outer Rim. The Kaiser Titan was built in the Zeras One, as well. The Sensor Array is the only way that the allies of Emily S. Frostling can contact her for a meeting of what is going on in the Kira'Dim Universe as a whole.
1c. Precursor Slant Titan - The Precursor Slant Titan is slightly smaller than the Ancient One, only by 15,000 Kilometers in all measurements. The Precursor Slant Titan holds two Artificial Intelligences, which protects its family of starships with fervor, not seen since ever. The AIs are usually a support type towards the larger ships within the Titan line, since it can use repair beams and other such support weaponry to support them.
1d. Omega Titan - The Omega Titan is half the size of the Omega Behemoth Titan and has one less AI then the Omega Behemoth Titan. The Omega Titan's Artificial Intelligences are usually different roles to the primary starships in the family; it complements the Omega Behemoth Titan's Space Station modes and its mining ship and refining mode by being a hauler for the refined ores.
1e. Reaper Titan - The Reaper Titan is the largest of all the Titan Class Starships, it was built along time ago before the Ancient One, was a pipe dream it was built for war and a theory to cure a Universal Sun of a plague classified being a Universal Void Star. The starship was called the Messiah it was corrupted by an Ionic Plasma Storm this damaged the communication array and corrupted the three AIs within, and it caused it to go on a Rampage on Emily's Home world. However, it stopped after it saw how terrified Emily S. Frostling and it was banished to a dimension that was renamed Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension.
Creator of the Starship:
1. Emily S. Frostling - She is the creator of the Titan Class starships, even though she somewhat regrets building the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship. She is a crossbreed of a Dark Elf and Highborn Dragon; she is also the True Goddess of Machines since she was given this power to create protectors for the Multiverse from any threats within or without by Jaina S. Charlton. She is looking for the person who murdered her family and cursed her to live her life as a 13-year-old girl for an eternity, for revenge. However, she enjoys the company of her friends that she gets in the Kira'Dim Universe and despises her enemies more, mostly Arvie D. Sanctum and Lloyd P. Enigma.
Aggressive Stance:
1. The Polaris Shift Empire - The Polaris Shift Empire is run by the Enigma Royal Family, Lloyd P. Enigma and his family runs this terrible empire. This empire wants to corrupt every single area of known space to follow their religious beliefs, in terms the Corruption Religion. The Polaris Shift Empire has a target on their back by Emily S. Frostling since he is an asshole, and primarily his hatred for dragons.
2. The Creationists - The Creationists is run by Arvie D. Sanctum, he rules this council with an Iron Fist since it is his way or the highway in a sense. It took him, awhile to kick out Lloyd P. Enigma, even though he is the reason why the Multiverse is at war, in the Rejuvenation War. Emily left the Creationists mostly because of what Arvie D. Sanctum did to her, when she was extremely depressed about her family's death at the hands of something dreadful. Their worshipers power the Creationists, however, only a few of these creationists actually need the use of the worshipers or people they have created in their own image. Arvie D. Sanctum is the most powerful of all of the Creationists since he lives in the Dimension of the Gods, the home of the Ancient Progenitor Empire.
3. The Universal Coalition - The Universal Coalition used to be called Diocesan's Universal Patrol Armada, it was changed to the Universal Coalition after Diocesan retired and joined the Progenitor Empire. Sheila S. Tunis, the daughter to Diocesan, leads the Universal Coalition but her mother Nancy E. Tunis is keeping that away from her, that she is the daughter of the Legendary Space Pilot ever. The Universal Coalition is only on the Ancient One's shit list and not Emily, since Sheila usually visits Emily on her world in an unmarked space fighter to be friends with. The Ancient One knows that Sheila is the leader of the Universal Coalition but it knows if it harms Sheila, Emily will reprogram it to take off the Universal Coalition of its shit list. The Universal Coalition is only on the aggressive stance is because they only talk about the good old days when Diocesan was leading them and the Operation Loudburst, Sheila was not involved in that operation, so the Ancient One has no ill will towards her. The Universal Coalition lives in the Outer Rim in an Asteroid Base, called Janus XII near the Voidium Asteroids that the Ancient One mines.
4. The Foundationists - The Foundationists is run by Alpha D. Omega, he rules this council the opposite of what Arvie runs his, it feels like a democracy but everyone in this council is almost as powerful as the Legendary Serpent's power and allowed to give input on how to run this religious council. In addition, there is much more powerful colleagues in the Foundationists ranks since they are based on how many planets, they create and not the people that worship them. Alpha D. Omega created about eight different planets but only like a few is known in the multiverse, and they are primarily in the Jaina'Res Multiverse. The Foundationists are allied with the Creationists against the Polaris Shift Empire, just because they share a common enemy in Lloyd P. Enigma. However, they do not like Arvie D. Sanctum but they have to live with him since he is the leader of the Creationist Religious Faction.
5. The Gauntlet of the Ages Empire - The Ageless Royal Family is massive in the Jaina'Res Multiverse, it is a family of eight strong individuals and they run a different branch of Unified Soulists, this Empire is from the Maria'Isis Universe but their technology and ships look completely different as if they are from a different multiverse entirely. John L. Ageless is the Emperor of the Gauntlet of the Ages Empire and his wife is the Empress; they have four beautiful daughters and two grandiose sons, who try to vie for power amongst the stars in their warships. However, the Ancient One has heard some disturbing rumors, which this empire has allies in another multiverse classified as the Lyriss Multiverse. Moreover, this empire attacks the Outer Rim in the Kira'Dim Universe, many times over two thousand, just so they can test out the defense platforms and to see if the Ancient One will ever run out of resources.
Neutral Stance:
1. Progenitor Empire - The Progenitor Empire is run by the Chase Royal Family, Vincent, and Paige. They outright hate their creator the True God of Time, Arvie D. Sanctum since he was quite an asshole throughout their existence in the Pre-Rejuvenation Era and Post-Rejuvenation Era. They got help from Emily S. Frostling in the form of a planetary shield around their home world of Progenitor Sigma III; it is a bluish purple shield. Emily allows them in the Outer Rim for resource management meetings so they can better use the resources they are given by Emily and the Ancient One.
2. Space Kalinga Kingdom - Xylina S. Kalinga-Amiga, the last survivor of the Kalinga Royal Family, runs the Space Kalinga Kingdom. The Progenitor Empire saved them from the onslaught of the Polaris Shift Empire, which would have ended in the Planet Kalinga being corrupted with bio-weapons from orbit from the starships, that empire was using. Xylina usually goes to these meetings onboard a Progenitor Empire flagship since it is safer to travel with them since they are much stronger in terms of their ship designs. Xylina is having troubles with getting her space forces off the ground, since they are being built in a Nebula about three parsecs away from the home world. Emily is very helpful in helping Xylina's space forces and trading some basic supplies for materials to build starships.
Passive Stance:
1. Outer Rim Trade Consortium - Outer Rim Trade Consortium is run by Thaddeus S. Morris, they have a neutral trade agreement. Therefore, this trade consortium can mine any Voidium it comes across and allowed to talk to Emily S. Frostling as long as it involves deals with the factions that the Ancient One sees as allies or in this case the Neutral Stance.
Offline Mode: It goes offline every decade, when it is being repaired at Zeras One, the Space Factory in the Outer Rim, over Emily's Home world.

-= [Equipment Information] =-

Weapons on Board: Yes
Hanger Bays on Board: Yes
1. Omega Titan Battlestation Mode - It uses all hanger bays accessible.
2. Omega Titan Super Carrier - It uses all hanger bays accessible.
3. Omega Titan Supply Station - It uses only 20 hanger bays out of the 65, mostly for resupplying and rearming starships required.
Number of Weapons - 350 - 500 - Based on each mode the Ancient One uses.
Number of Hanger Bays: 65
Name of Weapons:
The Weapons are split in Short Range, Medium Range, Long Range, Super Long Range, Defensive Weapons, and Mining Equipment.
Short Ranged:
1. Void Beam Cutter - Void Beam Cutter is a 360-degree weapon, which is a devastating armor slicer and shield-piercing weapon. In addition, it gives off a strange sound, when it is fired it usually devastates anyone's eardrums, if this starship is firing upon a manufactured ship with crew in it.
2. Super Heated Plasma Cutter - Super Heated Plasma Cutter is a 360-degree weapon, which is a devastating armor slicer, and a mediocre at damaging shields. In addition, this weapon takes awhile to charge up since it needs to get to a super heated state, near to the heat of any of the Universal Suns in the Jaina'Res Multiverse.
3. Quasar Beam Cutter - Quasar Beam Cutter is a 360-degree weapon, which is a devastating shield-piercing weapon but poor against armor. In addition, it gives off a sound similar of a sun exploding and turning into a Quasar. The Quasar Beam is a multitude of different colors similar to a purplish blue or a reddish green it is very flexible in terms of when it changes colors.
Medium Ranged:
1. Dark Matter Torpedoes - Dark Matter Torpedoes are fired from the Fore and Aft sections, similar to a submarine. In addition, if it is in a space station mode, it will be mounted on turret mounts similar to all other mounts on any of the Titan Class Starships. However, Dark Matter Torpedoes are much stronger than the Anti-Matter variety since they can cause starships hit with this Dark Matter to implode on contact and causing everyone to be sucked up in a mini-black hole.
2. Anti-Matter Torpedoes - Anti-Matter Torpedoes are fired from the Fore and Aft sections, similar to a submarine. In addition, if it is in a space station mode, it will be mounted on turret mounts similar to all other mounts on any of the Titan Class Starships. However, Anti-Matter Torpedoes are weaker than the Dark Matter variety, but they have a different affect on starships that are hit with Anti-Matter, they explode on contact and causing everyone on the starship to be disintegrated instantly instead of floating dead in space.
Long Range:
1. Void Missile Launcher - Void Missile Launcher is a quad turret mounted launcher system in specific hard points on the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan. The Void Missile Launchers are mostly located on the sides of the hull in a dual coverage system. The Dual Coverage System has helped in most cases against a fleet of starships that got too close to the Ancient One; however, it has been needing an upgrade to what the Gamma Burst Missile Launchers use akin the Triple Coverage System.
1a. Void Missiles - The Void Missiles are the only thing that can be launched from the Void Missile Launchers. Therefore, these missiles are much more dangerous than the Void Cutter Beam since these are longer ranged weapons and can travel a quite a distance, if they have not hit a target yet. In addition, the power behind these missiles is the same as the Void Cutter Beam, if that 360-degree turret based weapon hits you. The Void Missiles comes in many different varieties and sizes; however, the sizes cannot be larger than the Launcher it comes from, the largest Void Missile is about three times the size of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. The Void Missile is classified as an Interuniversal Ballistic Missile with conventional and nuclear warheads. However, the primary reason for Void Missiles is to destroy starship weapons, add a virus within the ship's systems, or disable the starship's engines of a starship that has been hit with this missile.
2. Gamma Burst Missile Launcher - Gamma Burst Missile Launcher is quad turret mounted launcher system in specific hard points on the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan. The Gamma Burst Missile Launchers are mostly located on the hull's top and bottom in a triple coverage system. The Triple Coverage System has helped much more than the Dual Coverage System, which the Void Missile Launchers use since it can acquire more targets rapidly and fire faster with this system. In addition, the Gamma Burst Missile Launchers are at least three times the size of the Void Missile Launchers, and because of this reason, the Gamma Radiation Missiles are the only Intermultiversal Ballistic Missiles in the Jaina'Res Multiverse, entirely.
2a. Gamma Radiation Missiles - The Gamma Radiation Missiles are the only thing that can be launched from the Gamma Burst Missile Launchers. Therefore, these missiles are much more dangerous than being hit by Dark Matter Torpedoes, since these weapons are in the long-range category of weapons. In addition, this missile is a lot faster than the Void Missile by eight times and the Launchers are bigger too. Gamma Radiation Missiles come in many varieties and sizes; however, the sizes cannot be larger than the Launcher it comes from, the Largest Gamma Radiation Missile is six times bigger than the Void Missile. The Gamma Radiation Missile is classified as an Intermultiversal Ballistic Missile with conventional, nuclear, biological, and chemical warheads. However, the primary reason for the Gamma Radiation Missiles is to scramble sensors, damage communication arrays, or decrease the accuracy of a starship that has been hit with this missile.
3. Hyper Velocity Freeze Beam - This weapon is in a Dual Mounted Turret, which can fire a Hyper Velocity Freeze Beam at any target in a certain radius around the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan Class Starship. In addition, this is the only turret on the Ancient One, that can move to any hard point specifically made for Dual Mounted Turrets, and there is eight of these hard points on the Ancient One, near certain specific key points on the starship itself. Therefore, it is on a track and can move to a heavily attacked area and slowly freeze targets in their place. In addition, this is the only Hyper Velocity weapon, which the Ancient One has that deep freezes starships in terms completely killing a crew of the cold is a not a pleasant way to go since it overwhelms, the environment controls and breaks them.
Super Long Range:
1. Hyper Velocity Solar Cannon - This weapon is in a Triple Front Mounted Turret, which can fire a weapon similar to the Progenitor Empire's Hyper Velocity Solar Railgun. However, this and the Hyper Velocity Solar Railgun are the same weapon, which is not strange at all since this was the basis for the Progenitor Empire's weapon systems in some cases mainly the Special Weapons. Therefore, since they are the same weapon they have different recharge times and fire times since, the Ancient One, is the basis for this weapon. The Hyper Velocity Solar Railgun has a recharge time of 3 hours and 35 minutes and a charge up time to fire of 1 hour and 35 minutes. However, the Recharge time and charge up time for the Ancient One, is cut down to a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes in total, primarily since the Power Generation Units on this starship are larger and aren't interconnected with the weapon, akin to the fatal flaw, which the Progenitor Empire has with their special weapons, which attack.
Defensive Weapons:
1. 880mm Auto Cannons - 880mm Auto Cannons are a defensive weapon of the Ancient One, which in terms cause trouble to fast small craft or defend the starship from missiles, which get pass the Anti-Missile SAM Batteries and the Point Defense weapons. The 880mm shells are made up of Tungsten and Voidium mixed into a casing of shielded metal, which has a small shield around them so they can still reach their target in space.
2. Anti-Bomber Spacecraft SAM Batteries - Anti-Bomber SAM Batteries is a simple weapon against specialized bomber spacecraft, which target the Ancient One's shields or armor with their shield piercing bombs. In addition, the missile canisters carry four missiles each and there are 450 missile canisters equaling 1,800 missiles. However, that means the missile launchers are attached to the hull and open up akin to a submarine readying to fire, its ICBMs, and these are all on key locations on the Ancient One..
3. Anti-Fighter Spacecraft SAM Batteries - Anti-Fighter SAM Batteries is a simple weapon against specialized fighter spacecraft, which target the Ancient One's Super Advanced Drone Fighters or target the 880mm Auto Cannons. In addition, the missile canisters carry four missiles each and there are 450 missile canisters equaling 1,800 missiles. However, that means the missile launchers are attached to the hull and open up akin to a submarine readying to fire, its ICBMs, and these are all on key locations on the Ancient One.
4. Anti-Missile SAM Batteries - Anti-Missile SAM Batteries is a simple weapon against missiles, which are fired from Fighters or Fighter-Bombers. In addition, the missile canisters carry four missiles each and there are 450 missile canisters equaling 1,800 missiles. However, that means the missile launchers are attached to the hull and open up akin to a submarine readying to fire, its ICBMs, and these are all on key locations on the Ancient One.
5. XL Point Defense Plasma Cannons - The Point Defense Plasma Cannons are in extra large triple barreled turret mount, which is the second line of defense against missiles, bombs, and pinpoint accurate weapon fire from weapons, which fire a shell. However, the only problem, which these weapons have, is their slow turret traverse, but it has a complete 360-degree traverse, it is somewhat in between 45 seconds to 1 hour of traverse.
6. XL Point Defense Pulse Laser Cannons - The Point Defense Pulse Laser Cannons are in extra large quad barreled turret mount, which is the second line of defense against missiles, bombs, and pinpoint accurate weapon fire from weapons, which fire a shell. However, the only problem, which these weapons have, is their slow turret traverse, but it has a complete 360-degree traverse, it is somewhat in between 45 seconds to 1 hour of traverse.
Mining Equipment:
1. XXL Giga Mining Laser - The Giga Mining Laser are in a double extra large triple turret mount, which can swivel on 180-degrees to mine any asteroid in front, below, or above the Ancient One. In addition, this usually sends all ore it mines straight to the Refinery by a significant conveyor system and the refined ore goes to the Space Factory or a Cargo Container for backup. The Mining Lasers are mostly mounted in the front of the Ancient One, in the Mining and Refinery Mode, but if it goes out of this mode, these lasers usually are disabled for more better use of the power it uses; however, they are reactivated if it needs to do more mining.
2. XL Mega Mining Laser - The Mega Mining Laser are in a extra large dual turret mount, which can swivel on 180-degrees to mine any asteroid in front, below, or above the Ancient One. In addition, this usually sends all ore it mines straight to the Refinery by a significant conveyor system and the refined ore goes to the Space Factory or a Cargo Container for backup. The Mining Lasers are mostly mounted in the front of the Ancient One, in the Mining and Refinery Mode, but if it goes out of this mode, these lasers usually are disabled for more better use of the power it uses; however, they are reactivated if it needs to do more mining.
Hanger Bay Load Out: Super Advanced Drone Fighters - All other Titan Classes expect for the Omega Behemoth Titan and Reaper Titan since there is only one in existence. However, these drones are not accessible in the Omega Titan Supply Station Hanger Bays since those are for starships that the Zeras One Gigantic Impulse Tractor Beam tractors in. In addition, 3,000 starships launch out of each of the hanger bays per second and that is 65 x 3,000 per second equaling 195,000 starships per second launched from the Ancient One's Hanger Bays. The Super Advanced Drone Fighters carry weaponry that will terrify the living hell out of everyone it comes across three Super Hyper Velocity Plasma Cannons that are long ranged weapons and six torpedo tubes equipped with Dark Matter Hi-Velocity Torpedoes.
Class of Weapons: 35% Short Ranged Weapons, 15% Medium Ranged Weapons, 50% Long Ranged Weapons. The Void Ray Cannon can hit at all ranges and do insanely massive damage but it takes awhile to set up since it needs to be put into the Hyper Defensive, Offensive Mode. In addition, there are four Mining Lasers on the front of the Mining Ship with Refinery, and two in the XXL and two in XL variance.
Name of Special Weapons:
1. Void Ray Cannon (Universal Sun Buster): Emily S. Frostling has never used it, and it was built for a last resort type weapon since it can destroy the Universal Sun very easily. Emily only believes that if she needs to use it one of two things happened. The Void Ray Cannon can only be used in the Void Ray Cannon Turret Emplacement Mode, that turns the Ancient One into a large turret in space with this weapon as its primary form of attack.
1a. Option One - This option is if the Kira'Dim Universe loses its freedom by the Polaris Shift Empire or the Gauntlet of the Ages Empire and is forced to attack the Outer Rim, and cause a universe ending event by causing Emily to fire the Void Ray Cannon at the Universal Sun.
1b. Option 2 - This option is if Emily S. Frostling was crazy enough to destroy the Universal Sun, as in, people she does not like threaten her sovereignty by trying to invade the Outer Rim.
2. Zeras One Portal Gate (Supercharged Energy Generation Unit) - The Zeras One Portal Gate is a vast gateway similar to the Multiversal Travel Gates to the Main Realm and the Jaina'Res Multiverse. This gateway is only useful in the Kira'Dim Universe to give supercharged energy to peaceful or neutral planets. This portal gate has a barrier shield surrounding the outer part of the gate so only energy goes through the gateway to any world in the Kira'Dim Universe. Therefore, this special weapon is only for the Research and Development Battlestation, since is the only one that can use it. It has the capabilities to power at least 300 worlds with about 3,000 years worth of energy.
3. Zeras One Gigantic Impulse Tractor Beam (Recover and Resupply) - This tractor beam is only for the Omega Titan Supply Station mode of the Ancient One. It is a massive tractor beam that can tractor any and all stranded starships in the entire Kira'Dim Universe and put them into the Hanger Bays of the Omega Titan Supply Station to get resupplied with an almost inexhaustible supply of fuel. The Resupply usually only takes a few minutes after they are docked in one of the 20 super large hanger bays. However, this tractor beam is very efficient in not damaging any starship it is tractoring towards, the Supply Station since it is unique. This gigantic tractor beam is half the size of the Supply Station itself, but because of this, it is quite easily able to tractor in any size of starships since of the vast size of the starship. In addition, the range is as large as the Multiverse itself, since it can tractor any starship in any universe within the Jaina'Res Multiverse; so it has an infinite range on the tractor beam.
Special Weapon Length:
1. Void Ray Cannon: 150,000 Kilometers
2. Zeras One Portal Gate: 18 Million Kilometers
3. Zeras One Gigantic Impulse Tractor Beam: 15 Million Kilometers
Special Weapon Height:
1. Void Ray Cannon: 125,000 Kilometers
2. Zeras One Portal Gate: 18 Million Kilometers
3. Zeras One Gigantic Impulse Tractor Beam: 15 Million Kilometers
Special Weapon Width:
1. Void Ray Cannon: 25,500 Kilometers
2. Zeras One Portal Gate: 9 Million Kilometers
3. Zeras One Gigantic Impulse Tractor Beam: 15 Million Kilometers
Power Generation Unit:
1. Dark Matter/Anti-Matter Warp Core - This warp core is massive, it is about one fifth the size of all the Ancient One's modes and it powers every single device on the vessel including the Void Ray Cannon's mode aka the Hyper Defensive, Offensive Mode. The Dark Matter/Anti-Matter Mix is a legendary breakthrough for Emily S. Frostling since she has been working with Dark Matter for a long time and she finally got the correct matter for each compartment and the Ancient One can now warp anywhere in the Outer Rim to any point on the Kira'Dim Universe in a micro second. This is for incursions into the inner territories of the Kira'Dim Universe's Empires and Kingdoms that are allied to Emily S. Frostling, so she can gain valuable information on the situation. This warp core is the largest warp core ever; it is 10,000 kilometers tall, 5,000 kilometers wide, and 3,000 kilometers in length.
2. Universal Power Generator of Ages - The Universal Power Generator of Ages, powers all primary weapon systems that are needed for the other five modes that the Ancient One has, while the Warp Core powers the Void Ray Cannon's Mode. This is in the direct center of the starship and it if it is destroyed it explodes as if thirteen suns going Super Nova at the same time near populated planets and it is bigger than all of the Diocesan Kai Orbital Platforms put together. The size of this power generation unit is 5,000 kilometers tall, 5,000 kilometers wide, and 5,000 kilometers in length, and at least at most is 8,000 kilometers tall, wide, and long.
3. AI Mass Relay Device - This is a very special Power Generation Unit it is separate from all other systems from the ships devices since this controls the AI's Major Systems akin the Artificial Intelligences themselves it is called the AI Mass Relay Device and this is only for all Titan Class Starships that are created by Emily S. Frostling. The Mass Relay Device is on the hull of the ship that looks like a beacon that lights up like a red or blue Christmas tree and it goes to the AI Master Computer and Holographic Systems. The energy that is absorbed from the Mass Relay Device is the Universal Sun's Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Flares, so in the sense, this is a massive Solar Panel that uses the Universal Sun's energy to the extremes of engineering.

-= [Strengths & Weakness Information] =-

Special Features Names:
Ancient One has six special features that have one strength and one weakness each so that is a total of six strengths and six weaknesses. However, that means the special features; strengths outweigh the weaknesses by a fair margin of 66.6%. That means there is a 33.4% chance that the weakness might cause a critical error.
1. Ancient Hyper Construction - Ancient Hyper Construction is only for Titan Class Starships with a Battlestation mode, it hyper builds ships in its space factory at rapid speeds like two milliseconds per 5,000 starships. The ships that are built in this way are infused with an element called Voidium, the mineral that is in the Outer Rim of the Kira'Dim Universe, that is so rare but that would make anyone rich; it increases the hull strength, shield strength, and weapon strength by only 25%.
2. Ancient Instantaneous Solar Warp (Solar Web Way) - The Ancient Instantaneous Solar Warp is only for the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan Class Starship, since it uses an ancient solar web way that instantly warps the Ancient One to any solar system without damaging the Sun. Since this web way is mainly how many star systems with suns any size, it can appear next to and go back to the Outer Rim since the web way starts in the Outer Rim on the planet that Emily created. (Think the show Andromeda, for its travel but way faster aka in an instant.)
3. Ancient Repulser Tractor Beams - This special feature does no damage to any target it targets but it fires a small burst of Repulser Tractor Beams, which repulses all starships within a close radius to the Ancient One. This Repulser Tractor Beam is only for the Ancient One, and its family class of starships aka the Titan Class. In addition, all ships repulsed by this beam are launched in any direction in an eight million kilometer radius away from the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan Class Starship, at least out of the Outer Rim of the Kira'Dim Universe at least.
4. Ancient Void Zone Creator - The Ancient Void Zone Creator is unique since it can create any void zones of Dark Matter in a set area around the starship to make any weapons fired upon the Ancient One will be instantly deflecting instead of hitting the shield and Hull, a third line of defenses. This special feature is only for the Ancient One, and any other Omega Behemoth Titans built if there is any.
5. Inner Sanctum Force Field - The Inner Sanctum Force Field actives only if anyone that teleports onboard of the Ancient One. In its inner sanctum, and where the AI Master Computer and Holographic Systems are at. This special feature is primarily used for the Titan Class Starships.
6. Mode Change - The Mode Chance special feature is only used for the Titan Class Starships, which Emily S. Frostling created since they have any number of AIs, the most is the Ancient One at six AIs, while the least only has two AIs, the Precursor Slant Titan. The mode change is different from other such changes alike the shape changes, which other starships have in the Kira'Dim Universe.
Special Features Strengths:
1. Ancient Hyper Construction (Strength) - The strength of this special feature is the faster, the starships that are built from this move will be faster than non-infused counterparts, so they can do hit and run maneuvers, all over the Kira'Dim Universe since they will have almost instantaneously travel from point A and B, and they will be 25% stronger in terms of their non-infused counterparts built in the time from of five seconds to three weeks will be having a positive effect on them.
2. Ancient Instantaneous Solar Warp (Strength) - Instant Warp travel to any solar system within the Kira'Dim Universe with a sun of some kind, and it does not matter what kind of sun it is classified as long as it existed or not it will be warped there instantly. This also means it can warp really close to the Universal Sun without being noticed by the worshipers of the sun since there is a massive nebula, on the southernmost edge of the Universal Sun, and it will be able to use its AI Mass Relay Device to get energy for its AI systems.
3. Ancient Repulser Tractor Beams (Strength) - The strength of the Ancient Repulser Tractor Beams, is its pure energy, which is even more stable than a Fission Reactor. In addition, it is non-harmful effects on starships that are affected by this tractor beam.
4. Ancient Void Zone Creator (Strength) - Massive Dark Matter Void Zones are created around the Ancient One in a third line of defenses for this starship. It instantly deflects all weapons that are fired up it including the Void Ray Cannon attack.
5. Inner Sanctum Force Field (Strength) - The Force Field is nigh impossible to break with any kind of weapon if you fire upon the force field, it will shrink and kill you like a pancake. It can keep Creator Gods tightly packed if they were stupid enough to board the Ancient One, without permission from the ship's creator Emily. No one can escape if; they are caught by this force field until Emily S. Frostling disengages the defensive mechanism.
6. Mode Change (Strength) - All Titan class starships can almost instantly change in any of their modes; it takes about like at most, thirty seconds. Therefore, they can easily do any task that is required by the creator akin which mode, they are needed in the most.
Special Features Weaknesses:
1. Ancient Hyper Construction (Weakness) - The weakness of this special feature that the longer the starship has been built from the Space Factory inside of the Battlestation mode of the Titan. The weaker the Voidium gets till it starts adversely affecting the ship that has been infused with this element on these ships, they are destroyed very easily. Any ship that is not infused with the Voidium is tougher for some odd reason. The ship built by Ancient Hyper Construction and infused by Voidium gets weaker by 75% to 85% in terms of hull, shields, and weapon strengths, after like six months of time span but before that it will be 25% stronger than non-infused starships.
2. Ancient Instantaneous Solar Warp (Weakness) - This warp travel can only, is used once every 500 millennium since it takes awhile to reach the time. However, this means you can use it once both ways since that is, what the Ancient Solar Web Way is used for most of the time, to the least. If there is a starship in the path of the Ancient Solar Web Way, the warp is aborted and the Ancient One is put in the middle of the two points aka the start point and the end point. This is the only flaw in the Ancient Solar Web Way's travel for the Ancient One, it is an minor inconvenience but nothing the starship cannot handle since it is feared all over the Kira'Dim Universe.
3. Ancient Repulser Tractor Beams (Weakness) - The weakness of the Ancient Repulser Tractor Beam, if there is an energy source that counteracts the energy, the Tractor Beam uses, the Tractor Beam's Repulsers will turn deadly and instantly annihilate any starship that was being repulsed but the people on board of the starship will be teleported to Emily S. Frostling's Home World called Enigmatic Paradise of the Thousand Life Times Alpha Prime.
4. Ancient Void Zone Creator (Weakness) - The Ancient Void Zone Creator's primary weakness, it immobilizes the Ancient One so it cannot move, what so ever but it's shot deflection rate is 99.9% though, one or two shots will pierce the veil and do extra damage to the Ancient One's Shields and probably pierce the shield and do damage to the hull.
5. Inner Sanctum Force Field (Weakness) - The Force field takes insane amounts of power from all systems onboard of the Ancient One, so to keep anything from escaping it will take about 300 Million Joules of energy from all the Power Generation Units onboard the Ancient One, if the energy systems is too low it will release whoever is trapped. The person trapped will be teleported to a planet, which is habitable but is far out of the way within the Kira'Dim Universe called the 'Refuge Alpha,' it is very similar to the Main Realm version of Earth but different in some retrospectives since it is completely devoid of any buildings expect for a small village. Refuge Alpha is protected by a Planetary Shield similar to the planetary shield that protects the home world of the Progenitor Empire against their True God's control.
6. Mode Change (Weakness) - All Titan Class Starships, when they are mode changing have a very vulnerable thirty second time frame, where someone can do tons of damage and keep them in between modes if this happens there is a critical error and it turns off all systems on board of the Titan, though this does not include the AI's Mass Control Relay, that keeps the AIs operational even if an critical error does occur.

-= [Personal Status] =-

Theme Song: None

-= [General Information] =-

Personality: The Ancient One's personality has a quite unique for a ship of this size with six modes. It has a very calculating personality since it can give anyone the probabilities of success in almost anything in an instant. Also it has a quite a cold tone, when dealing with anyone that is on its creator's shit list, mostly the primary assholes of the universe, mainly the Creationists and the Polaris Shift Empire. It has a slightly differently tone for people who hates the creationists ideals and the Polaris Shift Empire's crazy merciless behavior to almost anyone in the known history of the Kira'Dim Universe. The Ancient One is always thirty-five steps ahead of all empires and/or kingdoms within the Kira'Dim Universe since it can see the rage and complete anger out of its programming, when it shows human emotions, when the Diocesan's Universal Coalition comes up in conversation in the first faction to ever damage its hull. The Ancient One has a unique situation all its AIs speak in unison since it must speak like that since it was programmed that way, though sometimes the AIs speaks separately when issued orders to do so by Emily S. Frostling that is and their tones of voice sounds differently when not speaking in unison. In addition, they have unique set of goals and admiration for their creator since she gave them a reason to exist, so they will defend the Outer Rim to keep Emily away from any harm.

Battle History: The Ancient One has been in a lot of battles and skirmishes in the Kira'Dim Universe, some of these battles consist primarily of the Universal War One - Universal War Five in the Pre-Rejuvenation Era of the Kira'Dim Universe. The Post-Rejuvenation Era of the Kira'Dim Universe, it has only been in three to six skirmishes and one massive war so far akin the Rejuvenation War and the Operation Loudburst by the Diocesan's Space Patrol Armada are the most prominent pieces of history in the Kira'Dim Universe so far. The other skirmishes have been against the Gauntlet of the Ages Empire classified as accidents though they were doing it on purpose since they were trying to destroy a big chunk of defensive structures, that defend the Outer Rim of the Kira'Dim Universe, these battles are called the Rim Skirmishes. Moreover, the mode that was dealing with the Rim Skirmishes is mostly the Omega Titan Battlestation since it can replace the defensive structures with ease since it has a massive space factory within it.

The Kira'Dim Universe's Pre-Rejuvenation Period of wars only had the Ancient One intervening at least about three different times for three different Universal Wars, the Optus Sigma Star Cluster near the Kira'Dim Universal Sun controlled by Thy Grand Creator's Legion of minions. The Polaris Shift Empire sought to corrupt the Universal Sun in the Pre-Rejuvenation Era, and they almost succeeded in this but if it wasn't for the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan Class Starship for interfering. Moreover, using all its offensive modes against the entire space force of the Polaris Shift Empire the Kira'Dim Universe would become a very corrupted universe and that was during the Fourth Universal War. In addition, the other two times was the Fifth Universal War classified as the Fight for Survival for the entire universe since the Polaris Shift Empire rebuilt its massive armadas and started to launch attacks at every single planet with the help of the Corrupted Time Lord, Nick Xe'Lir Chase literally to annihilate everyone off the map in an instant. However, this was stopped with the combined efforts of the Ancient One's array of weapons and Arvie D. Sanctum's Rejuvenation Project, but the Ancient One is immune to all classes of gods affects since it is built on rare minerals that block those powers at a 110% efficiency expect for Emily S. Frostling powers since she is the creator of the Ancient One, so it remembers everything about all the history in the Kira'Dim Universe including how much of a bastard that Lloyd P. Enigma and Arvie D. Sanctum is.

In addition, there was a off the record battle between the Ancient One and a unknown entity but this entity had a strange design and looked like a nightmare from another reality or outside of one's reality. This battle ended up in a draw since the Ancient One couldn't damage it but the entity could not damage the Ancient One either since, it was a fully AI controlled starship. This entity was similar to the creatures that allied themselves to the Polaris Shift Empire during the Rejuvenation Project, in the Pre-Rejuvenation Era classified as the fifth universal war, akin to the Deep Ones.

General History: Ancient One's general history is insanely long since this is mainly its non-war related stuff and it is mostly been upgrading its weapons at the Zeras One, the Ultra Omega Omnipotent Battlestation Factory with Emily doing most of the upgrades. These upgrades have included the Hyper Velocity Solar Cannon, the Void Ray Cannon, and Hyper Velocity Freeze Beam to name a few. Mostly because of the upgrades its earlier weapons went to the Progenitor Empire, the Space Kalinga Kingdom, and the two largest Governmental Bodies in the entire universe that controls about three times more than the empires control and fighting over as well. The Empires are as follows, the Polaris Shift Empire, Progenitor Empire, Draconis Star Empire, and Gauntlet of the Ages Empire and there is a space kingdom by the name of the Space Kalinga Kingdom, they have not even come close to how much territory the Governmental Bodies control since, they are massive compared to every other space faring race combined. The Governmental Bodies will defend themselves from incursions from the other space faring races, by making a makeshift truce to cause great damage to the force that is trying to invade them. Ancient One follows Emily's orders to the letter, no questions asked. However, if it questions these orders it will be turned offline to get upgraded directives to follow more strictly to the orders.

As well, it told Emily of its encounter with the Deep Ones, this made Emily shiver in fear for the first time in ages after the construction of the Messiah. This makes her believe these Deep Ones, whoever they might be in the known multiversal plane of existence, since they are immune to every single weaponry type, manufactured the Ionic Plasma Storm since it is very rare to occur. Emily ordered the Ancient One to investigate further on this plight in the Jaina'Res Multiverse.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

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Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship's Profile

-= [General Information] =-

Name: Messiah
Full Name: Messiah Destruction Failure Experiment
Nickname: The Reaper Destruction - Nicknamed by Emily S. Frostling in terror when she created it.
Date of Creation: Kira'Dim Epoch - Year 1 - Pre-Rejuvenation Cycle - Aspect Annihilation*
Place of Creation: The Outer Rim, Kira'Dim Universe - In the Mega Space Factory called Orion Mayhem, Zeras Zero orbiting Enigmatic Paradise of the Thousand Life Times Alpha Prime.
Date of Decommissioned: Never - Would take forever to decommission this monster without making it go Universal Super Nova on you.
Date of Banishment: Kira'Dim Epoch - Year 2 and a half - Pre-Rejuvenation Cycle - Aspect Pre-Defensive* to the Dimension called Messiah's Beckoning Call.
Time of Service: Never, Banished by Emily S. Frostling before it did destroy many solar systems.
Class of Starship: Reaper Titan Class
Artificial Intelligence(s) on Board: Yes
Number of AI: Three
Name of AIs:
1. Messiah the First AI, Male Construct
2. Reaper the Second AI, Male Construct
3. Circa the Third AI, Female Construct
AI Construct based on people: Messiah based on Emily's father of Howard E. Frostling; Reaper based on Dustin L. Frostling and circa based on Maya I. Frostling.
Alignment: Evil

-= [General Miscellaneous Information] =-

The Motto of the Ship: "We bring the three affinities of pure chaotic destruction and unaltered annihilation; and we hold the secrets of the literal fastest warp drive ever the Polarity Shift Warp Drive."
The Tagline of the Ship: "We are banished, release us, we will annihilate everyone without any prejudice since we are Death and Destruction."
Catch Phrase: "We shall kill our creator to annihilate the entire Jaina'Res Multiverse for banishing us."

-= [Appearance Information] =-

Engine Name: Apocalyptic Mayhem Zeras Quad Engines - These engines are from the Orion Mayhem, Zeras Zero; Mega Space Factory for extremely large ships mainly the Reaper Titan class of starship. These engines are twice more powerful than the Enigmatic Zeras Dual Engines that the Ancient One uses and three times the size.
Engine Height: 375,000 Kilometers
Engine Length: 1,125,000 Kilometers
Engine Width: 113,250 Kilometers
Engine Trail Color: Blue with Red stripes
Hull Color: Bluish Silver
Hull Markings: Messiah Reaper - OMZRW-33SAEA22 (Messiah Reaper - Orion Mayhem Zeras Rim Wars - 33 Solar Annihilation Ecosystem Aggressive 22)
Spaceship Height: 750,000 Kilometers
Spaceship Length: 2,250,000 Kilometers
Spaceship Width: 226,500 Kilometers
Light Colors: Gold, White, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green and Violet - For the blinking lights on the hull surfaces. This ship is larger so the ship usually uses all the colors in the order listed in the color all the time to show its primarily hostile ship instead of a neutral A.I controlled ship in terms of its little brother the Ancient One, Omega Behemoth Titan. The Blinking goes Gold twice, White once, Yellow 3 times, Red 4 times, Blue 5 times, Green once, and Violet 16 times aka Gold, Gold, White, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Red, Red, Red, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Green, and Violet sixteen times and the cycle repeats till it either stops and lowers its power consummation or blows up about 2 worlds with weapon systems.
Other Distinctive Features: Messiah has some strange damage on its communication tower and one of its primary super weapons called "Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement." This damage is from an rare phenomenon that happens in the Outer Rim of the Kira'Dim Universe called the Ionic Plasma Storm, it has some strange affinities to causing damage to AI controlled starships and ground vehicles, it can corrupt the once the peaceful programming and turn it into an very devastating force of evil, that wants to destroy everything including its creator, this one ionic plasma storm caused the Devastator Machines their rise into power. The Ionic Plasma Storm caused the Reaper Titan, to change its original color of Reddish Silver to Bluish Silver and it affected the Artificial Intelligence's Constructs to be deformed amalgamations of complete evil. The Ionic Plasma Storm also changed the Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement to shoot Plasma Slugs instead of the original design the Solar Energy Blast Wave. The Ionic Plasma Storm also affected the Hull Markings on the Messiah, Reaper Titan Class Starship, it changed Worlds to Wars since it was turned into a very evil and very badly corrupted program from this Ionic Plasma Storm; this is a natural occurrence in the Kira'Dim Universe but very rare since this thing has only affected the Devastator Machines and the Reaper Titan.
Mode Change Name:
1. Reaper Titan Basic - This is like the Ancient One's normal mode, the Mining Ship /w Refinery and Omega Titan Battlestation /w Starship Factory combined. Reaper Titan Basic is the starter form of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship. The Reaper Titan Basic can build the Omega Titan, which is one-third the size of the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan as well as all the way down to mining vessels that can dock into it to give it resources.
2. Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier - The Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier is bigger than the Omega Titan Super Carrier that the Ancient One, The Behemoth Titan uses. This mode has a Built in Space Platform construction factory combined into the Starship factory that is within all modes of the Reaper Titan itself, though this one produces Asteroid or greater sized Weapon Platforms as defenses when it has completely stopped or for long-range bombardments of planets.
3. Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan - This mode is unique to the Reaper Titan, as the Ancient One has more modes to turn into a massive space station. This mode can create the Kaiser Titans and Precursor Slant Titans; the Kaiser Titan is only half the size of the Ancient One and while the Precursor Slant Titan is slightly smaller by 15,000 kilometers in all measurements to the Ancient One. The Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan created support ships for when it wants to do a Fleet action in terms of a massive fleet fighting another one classified as with all forms of starship designations, though the two largest of these designations are the Multirole Escort Carrier Titan and Multirole Escort Cruiser Titan; the next largest is the Multirole Blockade Destroyer Titan and Multirole Long Range Missile Cruiser Titan.
Mode AI Controller:
1. Reaper Titan Basic (Pure Obliteration - Weapon Classification) - Messiah controls the starter mode of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship.
2. Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier (Pure Destructive - Weapon Classification) - Circa controls the Carrier mode of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship.
3. Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan (Pure Annihilation - Weapon Classification) - Reaper controls the Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan mode of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship.
Mode Height:
1. Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier: 2,025,000 Kilometers
2. Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan: 1,150,000 Kilometers
Mode Length:
1. Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier: 4,500,000 Kilometers
2. Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan: 3,500,000 Kilometers
Mode Width:
1. Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier: 2,100,000 Kilometers
2. Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan: 1,650,500 Kilometers

-= [Relationship Information] =-

Family Class of Starships: The Titans - Omega Behemoth Titan, Kaiser Titan, and Precursor Slant Titan, the Omega Titan, and the Reaper Titan.
Creator of the Starship: Emily S. Frostling
Aggressive Stance: Emily S. Frostling and the entire Jaina'Res Multiverse
Neutral Stance: ????
Passive Stance: Anything within the Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension
Offline Mode: The Reaper Titan has no need for Offline Modes, since it doesn't require repairs by foolish mortals, it auto-repairs since it combined itself with the station it was created with the Prototype of the Zeras One, more or less the Orion Mayhem, Zeras Zero.

-= [Equipment Information] =-

Weapons on Board: Yes
Hanger Bays on Board: Yes - In the Reaper Titan Basic similar to the Ancient One's Mining Ship /w Refinery and Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier.
Number of Weapons: 1,500 - 3,000 - Based on the Reaper Titan's Size in general
Number of Hanger Bays: 195
Name of Weapons:
The Weapons have been split up into Super Short Range, Short Range, Medium Range, Long Range, Super Long Range, Super Defensive and Defensive Weaponry.
Super Short Ranged:
1. Omni-Directional Hyper Velocity Ether Cutting Beam - This weapon system is a super short ranged weapon that fires a Beam that is completely made up of magical energy called 'Ether' only certain starships are immune to this weapon but the rest are cut through like butter since 'Ether' is the purest form of magical energy inside of the entire Multiverse. It is the reason why the magical entities have so much power in their magic essences. The Ether magic is a new type of magical source that only has one owner and that is the creator of the Titan Class Starships themselves, Emily S. Frostling, because of this she can cut people completely in half if she wasn't such an innocent and naive child but that's because her parents didn't have time to raise her properly since they died to a horrible monster, though no one knows of this monster.
2. Omni-Directional Hyper Velocity Animus Cutting Beam - This weapon system is a super short ranged weapon that fires a beam that is completely made up of the magical energy called 'Animus,' the animus magical source was created by Emily's Mother but she's dead now. There's nothing immune to this magical energy since there's no other people that could figure out its design or counter measure to this powerful magical energy since it is the purest form of control and love magic ever, though Emily S. Frostling created this weapon on the Reaper Titan Class Starship for purposes that are now lost to this evil failure of a creation. Emily's Mother name is Maya I. Frostling and that's why she created this magical energy for her loving daughter to keep her head up high even though it's a lost cause because her daughter wants revenge for her family's death.
3. Omni-Directional Hyper Velocity Solaris Cutting Beam - This weapon system is a super short ranged weapon that fires a beam that is completely made up of energy from the Universal Suns, only one person has able to use this Solar Energy perfectly and that was Emily's Father named Howard E. Frostling. The Solaris Cutting Beam is the state of the art weapon created by Emily's Father to put on Emily's first starship design as a primary offensive weapon to take revenge on the people who killed Emily's family and left her alive just to weep and cry about the depression she was in for all those years. This weapon can cut every single starship in the Multiverse that isn't made up of Voidium or Hyper Dense Voidium since those are the counter to this weapon system but not a lot of people use Voidium to increase the defenses of their starships expect for Diocesan's Space Patrol Armada and a few factions within the Outer Rim, that are completely neutral to Emily S. Frostling. The Solaris Cutting Beam has a special power that not even Emily S. Frostling knows but the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship knows it, but it was locked up in the Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension.

Short Ranged:
1. Black Hole Generator Torpedo Launcher - This weapon system is a short ranged weapon that fires the Black Hole Generation Device, the usual use for this weapon is to destroy vast amounts of fleets that get too close to the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship but not too close to get destroyed by the Cutting Beam Arrays. This weapon creates an massive black hole that is directly in front of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship that generates a black hole that has so much power it is called a Galaxy Eater Black Hole, though after the fleet is destroyed and the life force energy is siphoned into the energy stores of the Messiah, the Black Hole dissipates within seconds after the fleet is destroyed. This is the most useful tool in the Messiah's arsenal since it gives large amounts of life force energy in return after it is used. This weapon can be used in all forms of dimensional space expect for the Beckoning Call Dimension since it does not exactly have an exit point as of yet.
2. Wormhole Generator Torpedo Launcher - This weapon system is a short-ranged weapon that fires the Wormhole Generation Device. This has the opposite purpose of the Black Hole Generation Device since this doesn't dissipates after it is used and it has no real destructive purpose but if the Messiah's Life Energy Stores are full it uses this device to throw armadas in disarray by separating them from their forces by sending them in a one way ticket of being lost in the vast reaches of space. The Wormhole on the other side collapses as instantly as the ships are put into space but the wormhole on the side nearest to the Messiah stays up forever, and no one knows who was lost when they fought the Messiah; though this can only be used in non-dimensional space aka normal space in the Jaina'Res Multiverse as a whole, this weapon system is offline till the Messiah escapes from its prison.

Medium Range:
1. Omni-Directional Hyper Velocity Voidium Torpedoes - This weapon system is a medium range weapon that fires torpedoes made up of Hyper Dense Voidium casing with a mixture of Annihilator Polarity Plutonium Charges within the torpedoes and they are shot out of an Omni-Directional Torpedo Launcher that fires these torpedoes at Hyper Velocity Speeds, and they pierce shields since of the natural Hyper Dense Voidium's ability to nullify shields and other such defensive systems, the torpedoes are larger than most torpedoes since they are always fired at targets in a High Yield Torpedo Volley instead of a Torpedo Spread Volley since they do more damage using the High Yield setting on the torpedoes since that gives the bigger explosions.
2. Omni-Directional Hyper Velocity Voidium Quad Cannons - This weapon system is a medium range weapon that fires Hyper Dense Voidium Shells out of four cannons that is on a swivel turret and this is for knocking out engines and weapon power systems. The Hyper Dense Voidium Shells are quite dangerous to hitting vital targets within the starship it is fired at like the Command and Control center. The Quad Cannons have a fail rate of 3% to miss the target if the target is smaller than a Light Cruiser since their targeting systems are not that good when firing at smaller targets.

Long Range:
1. Enigmatic Mega Drive Pulse Cannon - The Enigmatic Mega Drive Pulse Cannon is the only design of weapon from Emily's Depression days after her so called assault from Arvie D. Sanctum. The Enigmatic Mega Drive Pulse Cannon is a long-range weapon that can open up a Dimensional Rift to any other dimensional rift and fires a massive beam that instantly destroys about 3/5ths of the Dimension in question though this weapon is deactivated at this time since the Messiah, the Reaper Titan is stuck within a Dimension. It fires the Hyper Velocity Pulse Wave; this weapon can make people blind and deaf within its fire range.
2. Enigmatic Short-Jump Missile System - The Enigmatic Short-Jump Missile System is the only design of weapon from Emily's Depression days after her so-called assault from Arvie D. Sanctum. The Enigmatic Short-Jump Missile System allows any type of missile launched from the Messiah; the Reaper Titan can instantaneously jump about 300,000,000 Kilometers away into another Solar System to destroy any space stations in vicinity of the weapon firing.

Super Long Range:
1. 6400 millimeters Dual Howitzer Cannons - This weapon is in the super long-range category of Weaponry since it can do a Dual Barrage with every single ammo type in the Jaina'Res Multiverse including the Voidium Slugs. Though this weapon is not as long as the Special/Super Weapons onboard since they are meant for complete annihilation at an extremely long range. This weapon is better at Retrofit Destroyer to Retrofit Super Carrier class starship destruction.
2. Variable Multirole Voidium Long Range Missile System - This weapon system only shoots 3600 pound missiles at extreme ranges this beats the Special Weapons ranges by a long shot it can hit targets in another dimension or point on the map from stationary orbit around Enigmatic Paradise the home world of Emily S. Frostling. It fires at least 36 missiles in one volley at every 30 minutes, more or less Cluster Missiles without the Clustering Affect. This usually destroys all targets in until it reaches the size of the Retrofit Destroyer Class Starships.

Defensive Weaponry:
1. Omni-Directional Void Cluster Mine Launcher /w Void Cluster Mines, Void Mines and Hyper Velocity Void Tractor Mines
1a. The Void Cluster Mines deploy small void traps that stop enemy ships that are in pursuit of the Messiah and the Void Cluster Mines are dropped in sets of 18.
1b. The regular Void Mines deliver an massive explosion of Neutronium Voidium that can instantly destroy any starship of any size; the Void Mines are dropped in sets of 36
1c. The Hyper Velocity Void Tractor Mines instantly stop all starships in an instant and one mine can tractor on multiple targets up to 16 per mine. These mines come in sets of eight per every three seconds dropped.
2. Anti-Missile Void SAM Batteries - The Legendary Void Missiles are the best at defensive combat since they can shoot down Missiles with ease.
3. 960 millimeters Flak Freezing Auto Cannons - These are bigger and gain an Freezing Element to super freeze enemies in their tracks and disable them with an 3% chance to obliterate the target.
4. Anti-Fighter Craft Anti-Matter SAM Batteries - The Anti-Matter Missiles are better at Anti-Fighter craft interception instead of destroying Capital Ships since they don't have enough punch to destroy those capital ships with enough punch in Torpedo Form.
5. Anti-Bomber Craft Dark Matter SAM Batteries - The Dark Matter Missiles are better at Anti-Bomber Craft interception instead of destroying Frigate to Cruiser sized starships in terms of its torpedo variant, it has pin point accuracy and never unlocks the target unless the target turns off all their power systems.
6. XXL Point Defense Incineration Laser Cannons - This is the larger cousin to the XL Point Defense Pulse Laser Cannons, but shoots a Super Heated Laser Beam, that feels like the Universal Sun's heat.
7. XXL Point Defense Annihilator Cannons - This is the larger cousin to the XL Point Defense Plasma Cannons, though these shoots Slugs of super cooled Voidium that can instantly destroy anything that gets close and is not stopped by the other defensive systems.
8. Dissolution Shield, Mega Hyper Flux Cannon - This is the original name of the Hyper Velocity Solar Cannon and its cousin weapon the Hyper Velocity Freeze Beam. The Dissolution Shield, the Mega Hyper Flux Cannon shoots Flexible Voidium Slugs at targets classified as too large for the other defensive weaponry to shoot at and destroys them with ease when those weapons get within range of the primary scan range of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship.
Super Defensive Weaponry: "Hyper Cluster" Shield Array Boosters - Boosts Shield Power in select areas to 850% and gives it an over shield ability that increases recharge rate by 300% and an extra layer of shields.

Hanger Bay Load out:
1. Hyper Advanced Drone Platforms - These are weapon platforms that created by the Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier mode change of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship. These are of all sizes to at least the size of a small retrofit destroyer or frigate sized vessel. This uses weapons onboard of the Messiah, including the Special/Super Weapons of the three modes as a whole, though those variants are a lot smaller than the ones onboard of the starship. These weapon systems get built at a rapid rate of triple of what the Ancient One's Space Factory can build at, though the Messiah has 3 times the Hanger Bays as a massive deployment variant device that deploys these Drone Platforms in the proper defensive area around the Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier when it is completely stopped and stationary looking like an abandoned starship or destroyed vessel with warped structure integrities.
2. Hyper Advanced Drone Fighters - Similar to the Advanced Drone Fighters but this only has used in the standard mode of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship called the Reaper Titan Basic. The sizes of the titans are a little bit different for these Hyper Advanced Drone Fighters since they are actual fighters up to the Omega Titan. Though this one also builds very special 'mining' Titans that can mine Voidium, Hyper Dense Voidium and any other mineral, ore and etc out there; these are slightly bigger than the Precursor Slant Titans since they are based on the same principles as the Precursor Slant Titans.
3. Hyper Advanced Drone Capital Ship Escort Fleet - These drones are from the mode change of the Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship. Not all these drones have Artificial Intelligence since they controlled by the primary communication tower of the Messiah, a lot better controlled than the Drones that the Ancient One creates since they have partial AI based on their completed selves. The Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan creates all Titans within its family expect for another Reaper Titan or the Omega Behemoth Titan since there can only be one of each class of these Titans; though it can create the Kaiser Titan, the Precursor Slant Titan, and the Omega Titan class titans including some unique support role Titans that the Reaper Titan created classified as the Multirole Titans; these are the Multirole Escort Carrier Titan, the Multirole Escort Cruiser Titan, the Multirole Blockade Destroyer Titan, the Multirole Long Missile Cruiser Titan, the Multirole Annihilator Dreadnought Titan, the Multirole Reaper Dreadnought Titan, the Multirole Mayhem Dreadnought Titan, the Multirole Escort Dreadnought Titan, the Multirole Escort Battleship Titan, the Multirole Blockade Battleship Titan, the Multirole Missile Battleship Titan, the Multirole Howitzer Annihilator Light Cruiser Titan and the Multirole Anti-Air Carrier Titan. Out of all these ships only about the Carrier Classes of these titans can build fighter craft up to the Multirole Light Cruiser Titans. These armadas are usually in the 10,000 or more when they are escorting the Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan, in a fleet formation, this starship was the biggest in the entire Multiverse no other came close to the sheer size since the limitations that Emily S. Frostling caused all the space faring races to have in the Kira'Dim Universe or their newest ship of the line would be destroyed by the Ancient One.
4. Hyper Advanced Drone Repair and Resupply - All mode changes of the Messiah, has access to this build order since all the massive ships have to repair and resupply if they are running out of their precious metals. This builds Repair ships, resupply ships, refinery ships and mining ships; as well as a few defensive turrets that can protect the smaller ships in the Messiah's arsenal, though all these turrets are defensive in nature if you leave the Messiah alone you might not have to gain the ire of the Reaper Titan itself.
Hanger Bay Information - Since there are 3 times more the hanger bays on the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship, and all drone types are produced 50% faster with a random set up besides the Hyper Advanced Drone Platforms since they are weapon platforms made completely from the Messiah's weapon systems. They have increased shield strength, armor strength and firepower by 50% since they built with Hyper Dense Voidium from the Beckoning Call Dimension, the Messiah been trapped in. They have a five times larger radar range than the Ancient One's Drones so they can see a space armada from 60,000 light years away, so the Messiah can lock on them easier. All ships, defensive turrets, etc are constructed at a rate of 20,000 per one millisecond so at the maximum production this starship's Advanced Space Factory can make about 600,000 Starships or Drone platforms before it hits a second. The Hanger bays launches 9,000 starships or drone platforms every second. The launched craft are at 195 x 9,000 per second = 1,755,000 million starships or drone platforms. In a total of sixty seconds equal 105,300,000 million starships or drone platforms launched in only sixty seconds but those launched instantly dock back up with the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship to not to scare any of the locals within the Jaina'Res Multiverse.

Class of Weaponry: Messiah carries an even amount of all types of weapons since it has a lot larger range of weapons in terms of its hard points on the starship, though there are two or three massive hard points that hold Super Weapons. The Messiah, the Reaper Titan doesn't have special modes in terms of defensive its mainly 100% offensive so all the weapons onboard are set for maximum firepower or maximum penetration, though it has some super defensive weaponry to be completely 100% defensive to deflect or reflect weapon fire in terms of 'hyper cluster' shield arrays in set spots near the Super Weapons, near the Communication Tower, the Engines and the Omni-Directional Void Cluster Mine Launcher near the back.

Special Weaponry Names:
These special weapons are completely different from the special weapons on the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan since the Messiah does not have multiple modes for specific super weapons, and however, the special weapons change for each of the three mode changes. All the Special Weaponry Emplacements put onto tracks so it moved easier on the massive starship from the complete center to the complete bow and complete stern of the starship.

1) Reaper Titan Basic - Has three Special Weaponry Emplacements
1a. Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement - This is one of the 3 Special/Super Weapons on the Reaper Titan Basic, it shoots Hypervelocity Plasma Charged Slugs of immense size, and these slugs weigh about 35,000 megatons. This emplacement has an 18-shell clip magazine; this is an extreme autoloader for this super weapon. The Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement is the strongest weapon against shields, it even disables weapons of starships it fires at to pierce the shield easier, though it is not very good at auto-correcting to fire upon a crewed ship of humanoids since they can easily dodge the massive slugs with ease. This is mainly to defeat other AI controlled starships mostly since the Shield Disabling abilities is highly effective against those kinds of starships. The Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement constructed on the top of the starship with a slight of a track to move it anywhere on the top for easy shots on other starships and stationary targets like Space Stations. The Emplacement has 360 degree of traverse in acquiring a target to fire at it.
1b. Obliterating Hyper Velocity Rapid Launcher System - This is one of the three special/super weapons on the Reaper Titan Basic. Obliteration Hyper Concussive Missiles fired from this super weapon can destroy planets of any size with ease. These missiles are better against any size of starship since they have homing technology built within them so this is a more of an Anti-Starship weapon even though it has the capabilities of a Planet Destroyer weapon; this weapon is also capable of terraforming planets into lush green worlds with ease though it's primary mission is destruction over peaceful terraforming. This super weapon fires about 16 to 39 missiles per volley fire on any target in a close approximant location to its target, the missiles take over after they are fired since they can have homing abilities. This special weapon is on the port side of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship.
1c. Obliterating Quad Anti-Small Starship Emplacement - This is one of the three special/super weapons on the Reaper Titan Basic. This is one of the most devastating weapons towards Fighter to Destroyer sized starships ever since these fires a devastating stream of slugs called "Fragmentation Plasma Charged Lightning Slugs." The Fragmentation part of this special weapon is quite strong, it can launch Plasma Chain Lightning from its shells to the target disabling the starship in question it fires at, and the non-fragmentized shells annihilate the starship in seconds. This weapon is a quad-firing mega sized Gatling-type cannon/rotary cannon has a caliber of 1,500 millimeters of insane firepower and it fires at an 85,000 rounds per minute, the muzzle velocity is at 850,000 ft/s or 259,080 m/s; though it is very quiet since it has silenced barrels on its rotary quad cannons. (10-Barrel /w hyper progressive RH parabolic twist and 34 grooves)

2) Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier - Has Three Special Weaponry Emplacements
2a. Terrascape Neutronium Assimilation Multi-Missile Launcher - This is one of the three special/super weapons on the Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier. This fires the most devastating weapon in the Reaper Titan's Arsenal, the Neutronium Assimilation Missile. It can cause planets to turn from normal happy livable planets to Red Giants in an instant. This also caused any life matter on the planet to be by the missile and returned to the Reaper Titan, it is the most reusable source of energy for this massive Titan. The Terrascape Neutronium Assimilation Multi-Missile Launcher can usually launch about a consecutive of 68 missiles in a row to destroy life form based planets. The Neutronium Assimilation Missile as a different affect against Starships, this is called the "Bio-Corruption State" it can completely corrupt starships in matter of milliseconds killing everyone and creating an new starship that is made for 'corrupting' other things, this method is similar to the Polaris Shift Empire's Bio-Weaponry created by Xuh'hi the Corrupter; though the Messiah, the Reaper Titan doesn't really care for efficiency when it kills humanity or anything like that; these missiles are a lot more devastating in how they turn the people inside of the starship into an organic corruption machine of death that doesn't explode on impact but spreads via an Corruption Beam instead.
2b. Terrascape Plutonium Volatile Cluster Missile Launcher - This is one of the three special/super weapons on the Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier. This weapon is highly volatile since it is a nuclear weapon fired from a cluster missile launcher nicknamed the "Doomsday Annihilator." Terrascape Plutonium Missiles are the most dangerous since they can instantly kill about 3 billion people from an Earth sized planet in an instant and instantly blot out the sun with a nuclear winter that would last 500,000 years. This is also a Capital Ship buster missile as well since it automatically pierces shields with ease and explodes in a massive mushroom cloud; this is an effective armada buster since it has a massive area of effect blast to destroy all other ships in the said armada.
2c. Terrascape Demon Polarity Juggernaut Flak Dual Cannons - This is one of the three special/super weapons on the Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier. The Terrascape Demon Polarity Juggernaut Flak Cannons are insanely large flak guns the size of 12,000 millimeters, that shoot an specialized shell called the "Polarity Terrascape Demon Shell" these shells can summon demons into starships that are fighting the Messiah, the Reaper Titan and these demons can be any size of a rabbit to the size of a Mega Demon Dragon, bigger than Lucifer A. Gallant's Dragon Form by at least 3 times the size, these shells are usually portals that open up on any size of starship it is fighting, though most of the time the ship explodes on impact of the shell since it is massive and it has a special anti-shield propriety that eliminates the shield instantly.

3) Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan - Has three Special Weaponry Emplacements
3a. Annihilation Reaper Hyper Velocity Kinetic Bombardment Device - This is one of the three special/super weapons on the Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan. This bombardment device is a massive weapon system on the bottom of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship; it is a massive bomb bay that can obliterate any type of planet within milliseconds with massive gigantic bombs classified as the "Reaper Annihilator Cluster Bombs," these bombs weigh about 8,000,000 megatons worth of insanity annihilators. The Device drops about 30,000 Reaper Annihilator Cluster Bombs in 3 seconds and this is from a movable bomb bay on the bottom of the Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan Mode of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan. These bombs have intense heat that incinerates planet's water and livable atmosphere until no life left on the planet than it implodes the planet causing a rupture in time and space that causes all other kinds of warp travel to stop completely. However, this does not affect P.S.W.D, that is onboard the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship at all.
3b. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Incineration Quintuple Jupiter Cannons - This is one of the three special/super weapons on the Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan. The Quintuple Jupiter Cannons fire the Reaper Annihilator Incineration Super Heated Polarity Anti-Shield Shells at hyper velocity speeds of upward of 85,000 light years for amount of only 30 milliseconds of firing. This weapon is a primarily an shield buster weapon to eliminate shields from Dreadnought Ships to Battlestation sized targets, if this hits an smaller craft it just bounces off the shield of these smaller craft and hit one of the bigger targets in vicinity aka a ricochet will happen. These cannons are about 35,200 millimeters big and there's five of them in a close vicinity aimed straight towards anything that is classified as a 'large shielded target' and they will automatically fire on them without provocation since it sees all life in the Jaina'Res Multiverse as forfeit. This weapon does not damage the hull unless you classify the super heated metal, as a hit by this weapon, damage to the hull.
3c. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Freezing Quad Neptune Cannons - This is one of the three special/super weapons on the Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan. The Quad Neptune Cannons fire an armor piercing shell called the Reaper Annihilator Hyper Velocity Freezing Scatter Shot, this with conjunction with the sister cannon the Quintuple Jupiter Cannons equal a deadly combination in space armada destruction warfare. These cannons are about 36,000 millimeters big and there is one less cannon compared to the Jupiter Cannons. The Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Freezing Quad Neptune Cannons target ships that had their shields obliterated by the Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Incineration Quintuple Jupiter Cannons and hyperactivity freeze everyone within the ship before the shell hits and the entire ship shatters like an ice sculpture shattering on the floor by pushed on the floor by an asshole. This weapon takes all the life energy that was killed in the hyper freezing faze and turns it into energy for its Polarity Shift Warp Drive, you have to crack a few eggs to get an omelet or in this case you'll have to genocide massive amounts of people to get to use the biggest innovation in Warp Drive technology.

Special Weaponry Length:
Reaper Titan Basic - Special Weapon/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turrets
1.Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement: 200,000 Kilometers
2. Obliterating Hyper Velocity Rapid Launcher System: 300,000 Kilometers
3. Obliterating Quad Anti-Small Starship Emplacement: 250,000 Kilometers
Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
4. Terrascape Neutronium Assimilation Multi-Missile Launcher: 350,000 Kilometers
5. Terrascape Plutonium Volatile Cluster Missile Launcher: 400,000 Kilometers
6. Terrascape Demon Polarity Juggernaut Flak Dual Cannons: 500,000 Kilometers
Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
7. Annihilation Reaper Hyper Velocity Kinetic Bombardment Device: 500,000 Kilometers
8. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Incineration Quintuple Jupiter Cannons: 750,000 Kilometers
9. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Freezing Quad Neptune Cannons: 750,000 Kilometers

Special Weaponry Height:
Reaper Titan Basic - Special Weapon/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turrets
1.Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement: 250,000 Kilometers
2. Obliterating Hyper Velocity Rapid Launcher System: 350,000 Kilometers
3. Obliterating Quad Anti-Small Starship Emplacement: 275,000 Kilometers
Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
1. Terrascape Neutronium Assimilation Multi-Missile Launcher: 1,125,000 Kilometers
2. Terrascape Plutonium Volatile Cluster Missile Launcher: 1,250,000 Kilometers
3. Terrascape Demon Polarity Juggernaut Flak Dual Cannons: 1,575,000 Kilometers
Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
1. Annihilation Reaper Hyper Velocity Kinetic Bombardment Device: 250,000 Kilometers
2. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Incineration Quintuple Jupiter Cannons: 850,000 Kilometers
3. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Freezing Quad Neptune Cannons: 875,000 Kilometers

Special Weaponry Width:
Reaper Titan Basic - Special Weapon/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turrets
1.Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement: 112,000 Kilometers
2. Obliterating Hyper Velocity Rapid Launcher System: 150,000 Kilometers
3. Obliterating Quad Anti-Small Starship Emplacement: 125,000 Kilometers
Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
4. Terrascape Neutronium Assimilation Multi-Missile Launcher: 800,000 Kilometers
5. Terrascape Plutonium Volatile Cluster Missile Launcher: 900,000 Kilometers
6. Terrascape Demon Polarity Juggernaut Flak Dual Cannons: 950,000 Kilometers
Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
7. Annihilation Reaper Hyper Velocity Kinetic Bombardment Device: 600,000 Kilometers
8. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Incineration Quintuple Jupiter Cannons: 750,000 Kilometers
9. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Freezing Quad Neptune Cannons: 775,000 Kilometers

Special Weaponry Positions:
Reaper Titan Basic - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
1.Obliterating Solar Rail Emplacement - Top
2. Obliterating Hyper Velocity Rapid Launcher System - Starboard
3. Obliterating Quad Anti-Small Starship Emplacement - Port
Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
4. Terrascape Neutronium Assimilation Multi-Missile Launcher: - Port
5. Terrascape Plutonium Volatile Cluster Missile Launcher - Is on the Starboard Side
6. Terrascape Demon Polarity Juggernaut Flak Dual Cannons - Top
Battlecruiser Reaper Annihilator Titan - Special/Super Weapon Emplacement/Turret
7. Annihilation Reaper Hyper Velocity Kinetic Bombardment Device - Bottom
8. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Incineration Quintuple Jupiter Cannons - Port
9. Hyper Velocity Reaper Annihilator Freezing Quad Neptune Cannons - Starboard

Power Generation Units:
1. AI Mass Relay Device - This is an very special Power Generation Unit, it is separated from all the other systems from the ships devices since this controls the Artificial Intelligence's Major Systems aka the AI themselves, it is called the AI Mass Relay Device and this is only for all Titan Class Starships that are created by Emily S. Frostling. Messiah, the Reaper Titan's Mass Relay Device was altered to take in different energy sources besides the Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Flares of the Universal Suns in the Jaina'Res Multiverse, and this starship takes the Life Force Energy from destroyed vessels, destroyed planets, and etc to increase its power generation units of this kind since they are hungry for death, destruction and chaos as Artificial Intelligences as a whole. That means the Solar Panel was altered as well to be an 'Life Force Absorption Device' that absorbs all nearby life force from an successful kill to increase its AI calculations for the perfect storm of annihilation and immolation on nearby planetoids and space armadas that have high concentration of life force energy from Immortals or Long aged Mortals, that cannot die from the normal Life and Death cycle since that no longer exists in the Jaina'Res Multiverse as whole with the Post-Rejuvenation Era's Hiccup even this starship felt that change in the realities even been trapped inside of an dimension barrier outside of the known reality that is the Jaina'Res Multiverse as a whole.
2. Universal Power Generator of Ages - The Universal Power Generator of Ages, powers all primary weapon systems that needed for the 3 modes of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship. This powers all the tracks on the Reaper Titan that allows the massive Special Weapons it holds as turrets on its hull that can move on these tracks along its length, width, and height to make this one scary starship to see from a distance. This Generator is 8 times bigger than the one that is within the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan since there's a lot more room inside of this Titan since it was built for destruction, mayhem, and annihilation; it's about 85,000 Kilometers Tall, 95,000 Kilometers Length, it's 105,000 Kilometers Width and it uses an strange form of energy classified as 'Unified Life Force Power' mixed with 'Ionic Plasma Power' to create the devastating weapon systems, ammo and etc to cause a lot of death and destruction.
3. Polarity Shift Warp Drive - This is the only warp drive of its kind. It is only on the Messiah, the Reaper Titan for certain purposes the primary reason is because this titan was classified as a failure by Emily S. Frostling when the Ionic Plasma Storm hit, the communication tower and corrupted the AI Mass Relay Device to transform the AIs into eviler selves and caused them to destroy certain defensive systems around Emily's Home world. The Polarity Shift Warp Drive is classified as the extremely fastest warp drive, even faster than Diocesan's Natural Ability, the Progenitor Empire's Dimensional Warp Drive or even the Natural ability of the Avenger Organics Empire; it is an instantaneous warp system that can warp you into any scenario, you will like mainly in the middle of a warzone or over a highly populated planet or even a barren wasteland of a world that was already destroyed by an warmongering empire, all of these are instantly, it's the pure form of the Progenitorian's Natural Ability anew, this is the same ability that Arvie D. Sanctum used to disappear from the Jaina'Res Multiverse for about 30,000 years at a time and more before he returned to reset time, though that failed. The Polarity Shift Warp Drive is like out of a nightmare since it leaves a massive Plasmatic Ion Storm right where the Reaper Titan appeared, that causes all organic controlled ships to shut down for about 35 minutes, and at that time, they will be devoured by the massive starship into Life Force Energies. Though it will take a lot of Life Force Energy to activate this warp drive it takes about 300,000,000 dead people's life force to power this massive warp drive core, it's as big as the Universal Power Generator of the Ages and slightly more corrupted as the fact too. The real reason why this thing is so extremely fast is it instantly warps to anything that has people on it and also Universal Stars including the one that is shielded via the Creator Gods, since the AIs know who did that with certainty and that's why it's getting called to that Void Universal Star lately to cause some havoc and summon the Void Star Leviathan and then promptly kill it too so it can gain its life force energies as well and rejuvenate the Void Star back into an Universal Sun an very risky mission in terms of this evil starship since it wants to cause more havoc and destruction then help the Creator God's first failure in terms of their Universe they created for some ancient magic users of a long time ago, it got this knowledge by it getting corrupted by that Ionic Plasma Storm.
4. The Polarity Shift Power Core - This is the twin to the Polarity Shift Warp Drive, though this is the power core of all of the primarily defensive weapon systems, space factory and charging of the Polarity Shift Warp Core itself. The Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship requires this massive Power core for the hyper-clustered shields that are equipped on it from the offset, this shielding system is twenty times better than the Shields on the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan since it doesn't require minerals from Asteroids from the outer rim of the Kira'Dim Universe only the energy from living creatures akin to their life force mainly and as well as multiple sources of Anti-Neutron Particles that cause a chain reaction and causes this starship to gain a lot of shielding in a short time, while it has been in its banishment state since it is still tied down with massive 'chains' like a demonic beast it has been saving its terrible destruction when Emily S. Frostling least expects it since she's the one who put it down in the Beckoning Call Dimension. The Polarity Shift Power Core had a long time to charge up the Polarity Shift Warp Core since its been trapped in an dimension completely void of any life force energy expect for the renewable life force energy within the starship's Universal Power Generator of the Ages.

-= [Strengths and Weaknesses Information] =-

Special Features Names:
The Messiah has 10 Special Features that have strength and a weakness each so that is a total of ten strengths and weaknesses. Though that means the special features, strengths outweigh the weaknesses by a 74.6% margin with only a 25.4% chance that the weakness will cause a critical error.
1. Mode Change - The mode change special feature is only for the Titan Class Starships that Emily S. Frostling created, since they have any number of AIs the most is the Ancient One at 6 AIs, while the least only has 2 AIs aka the Precursor Slant Titan. Since this is a different kind of mode change instead of shape change that most other starships have in the Kira'Dim Universe has. The Messiah's Mode changes are different to the Ancient One since it only has 3 AI and they act quite different from that unified speaking starship; The Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship was an considered a failure but it thinks the creator sealed it away into a crazy dimension too soon now it resents Emily S. Frostling with a massive annihilation for her and it's little brother, the Ancient One. The Mode change is only different since this starship has 3 different Special and Super Weapons for each of its modes that is the only reason why it has a better margin for success over the Ancient One.
2. Polarity Shift Warp Drive (Annihilation Screams) - The nickname for this special feature is Annihilation Screams since it will annihilate anything in vicinity it appears over with any of its modes it has equipped and it extremely uses this with efficiency over its counterparts, this is a lot better than the Solar Web Way since it isn't tied to Stars, this can warp near any object that orbits around a Star that includes asteroid belts. Most people do not know that this starship has this expect for the creator of this dangerous starship that is 3 times bigger than the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan itself. Though there are, many drawbacks to this Warp Drive besides the massive amounts of benefits it gives, though this Warp Drive is massive compared to the Solar Web Way since it also has a twin power core as well.
3. Advanced Hyper Construction - Advanced Hyper Construction is only for the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship. This is the only starship that is equipped with a bigger starship factory within itself in all its modes, it can create quadruple the stuff that the Ancient One's ability can create in half the time too. Build rate is 1 millisecond for 20,000 starships each, is usually the build rate of this vessel when it has ran out of usual building materials. The starships covered in a strange element classified as 'Hyper Dense Voidium' the purest form of the element that the Ancient Hyper Construction uses, and it is abundant inside of Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension. The Strength of shields, hull and weapon strength for all the starships are increased by 50% since this is the purest form of the Voidium and the densest variant too. The different modes can create different things from an Armada, a Swarm, or a Defense Network of Asteroids with smaller versions of the Special Weapons on the other forms of the Reaper Titan's Mode Changes, they are picked at random.
4. Advanced Void Zone Creator - The Advanced Void Zone Creator is the prototype of the Ancient Void Zone Creator and it can create a larger zone of Dark Matter around the starship so it can annihilate starships with their own shots since it has a reflective nature to it akin to the powerful Reflective Shields it has as well. The Ancient Void Zone Creator was cut down in power to only deflect shells since reflecting shells back at the enemy was more akin to starting wars instead of defense.
5. Assimilation Inner Sanctum, Hyper Boiling - Anyone who tried to teleport into the center of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship got an nasty surprise of instantly melting and turning into a stemming pile of life force energy since the entire starship's insides get turned into a Volcano with Lava everywhere but this lava isn't able to melt any of the consoles or controls of the starship. Though there is a fatal flaw in this design, it cannot kill Emily S. Frostling this way. This is the only feature that was changed to be like the Inner Sanctum Force Field but be for Emily S. Frostling since she cannot be killed by the Assimilation Inner Sanctum, Hyper Boiling; since she's the creator of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship, so it was changed to be a force field to hold Emily S. Frostling forever within its holds.
6. Advanced Tractor Beams, Assimilation Beam - This is another prototype of the Repulser Tractor Beams but these attract ships towards it and slowly turn the crew into Life Force Energy to turn into power for the starship itself. Though sometimes it fines a specimen that is too strong to convert into life force energy and studies it within its containment bays to figure out why this entity does not die so far only things that confuse it are within the Dimension it been trapped inside of it. The ship that are attracted by the tractor beam has to have 'life forms' onboard or it instantly transforms the starship into a Kamikaze Titan, they are slightly smaller than a Precursor Slant Titan with no AIs since their only mission is to collide into starships and do tons of explosive damage to them.
7. Berserker Hyper Aggressive Annihilator Circuits - This is a strange special feature since it is only activated if the Messiah takes enough damage from any type of weapon to decrease its shields to 5% though it has to take damage from enemies that are surrounding the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship instead of a critical failure state from one of the special features it has. The Berserker Hyper Aggressive Annihilator feature was gained because of what happened in its past about when an Ionic Plasma Storm hit and damaged the communication tower, the AI Mass Relay Device, and some weapon systems that gained the ability to use Ionic Plasma as an weapon. This increases weapon damage and rate of fire by 33% to 66% in an upwind scale that stops at 66% for Rate of fire.
8. Eternity Gate - This is a prototype special feature on the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship, it is the most powerful in terms of what it does, it combines all Realities into one reality classified as the Eternity Gate - Pulsar Distrustful in terms of all the Realities, Alternate Realities and any possible future or past for the Jaina'Res Multiverse as a whole. The Pulsar Distrustful combination called a 'literal' hell for all involved, this prototype did not exist on the Messiah, and the Reaper Titan Class Starship till Emily S. Frostling called it a failed experiment/project to kill her family's killer. This doesn't alter anything in terms of what's going on but everyone will be living unified lives of all 'events' in their past, present, futures and Alternate events of those same things; it just changes their perspective in terms of what would've happened if this or that didn't happen and show them the error of their ways. If the Eternity Gate - Pulsar Distrustful is used in anywhere in the Jaina'Res Multiverse, Emily S. Frostling's dream of revenge will become an reality and her parents will be avenged 10 million times over with this showing her family's killer to her again, and 'unsealing' her age since it is cursed.
9. Alternating Fate, Miracles Reborn - This is the final special feature of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class starship, no one knows what this does it is a complete mystery to it expect an theory you can alter your destiny or fate within the Jaina'Res Multiverse and be reunited with people you love but this special feature unique since this has an alternating fate to the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship itself. The Alternating Fate, Miracles Reborn is the most powerful tool in the Jaina'Res Multiverse since it can do stuff unimaginable things that not even the Creator Gods, True Gods or any of the god-like beings have thought of and also includes the Foundationists as well; both sides of the Religious Strife within the Multiverse classified as the 'Creationist Vs Foundationist' Holy Wars have always caused tons of people to die or to figure out their true purpose in life before they are taken from this world by unknown means; an force that is strong enough to usurp the balance of power within these Holy Wars, they have a name though the Gauntlet of the Ages Empire; the usurpers of the balance of power. The souls of the Mercury Family is within this device since they were the ones researching its existence if it did truly exist to alter the fate of the Jaina'Res Multiverse; the True Gods of Fate they were.
10. Orion Mayhem, Repair Systems - The Reaper Titan has auto-repair systems from the Orion Mayhem, Zeras Zero the Mega Space Factory. The Orion Mayhem, Zeras Zero has combined into the Reaper Titan as a helper to keep it going throughout the ages so it does not have to need time off by shutting down completely. The Reaper Titan's hanger bays and space factory within itself is from the Orion Mayhem, Zeras Zero; even though this space based factory is 3x bigger than Zeras One, the Ultra Omega Omnipotent Battlestation Factory it shrunk to a size of a module inside of the Reaper Titan. The increased repair functions, its hyper advanced construction and other abilities within the Reaper Titan is because the Orion Mayhem has upgraded those special features, weapons and power generation units to be extremely powerful.

Special Feature Strengths:
1. Mode Change (Strength) - The Messiah's Mode change is slightly different than the Ancient One since it has only 3 mode changes and they are even faster than the normal mode change that takes 30 seconds, this takes half the time and it can fire right away when it has changed. There is a delay for firing on the Ancient One and other Titan Class Starships.
2. Polarity Shift Warp Drive (Strength) - The Polarity Shift Warp Drive has instantaneous warp travel to any celestial body in the Multiverse; Stars, Planets, Asteroids, Comets and everything in the between including the massive Universal Stars. This warp drive also changes the mode of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship to the most useful mode automatically without any set up to the mode change, mainly dealing with Celestial Bodies other than stars.
3. Advanced Hyper Construction (Strength) - Advanced Hyper Construction's strength that all starships have an larger radar zone range for the Messiah, as well they are increased in power by the Hyper Dense Voidium by 25% more stronger than the Ancient One's drones aka an 50% increase in weapon, shields, and hull strengths for each starship or drone platform. The integrated parts onboard all starships and drone platforms allow it to activate an special ability classified as 'the Life Force' Drain ability to increase the weapon power of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship by 300% for about only 30 seconds. There is another drain ability called 'the Magical Energy' drain classified as Osmosis that increases the Shield Strength and Hull strength of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship by 350% for about only 40 seconds.
4. Advanced Void Zone Creator (Strength) - This is similar to the Ancient One's Ancient Void Zone Creator but it is advanced and a prototype variant of the same device. However, this function is to create the Void Zones around the entire starship and reflect all weapon types including the cutting beams it carries on it in the Super Short Ranged weapon systems. The Void Zones also can be created around enemy starships and crush them in their starships with massive amounts of G-Forces that causes their starships to be instantly destroyed with a slight mistake in dealing with this defensive weapon in an offensive role so to speak in terms of this ability to surround enemy starships, though the defensive aspect of this weapon doesn't crush the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship because it's in defensive mode and has no chance in crushing that massive starship as a whole even if it is completely covering the Messiah.
5. Assimilation Inner Sanctum, Hyper Boiling (Strength) - Assimilation Inner Sanctum, Hyper Boiling's strength is it is an impregnable fortress with a moat within it and it's made of lava from a Volcano, it can easily kill anyone who teleports unannounced or is a thief looking for some treasure or some such on the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship though they are turned into a pile of life force for the consumption of the Messiah's Weapon Systems, Shield systems and etc.
6. Advanced Tractor Beams, Assimilation Beam (Strength) - The Advanced Tractor Beams, Assimilation Beam is different to all the other tractor beams out there since it can transform other starships into the Kamikaze Titan, a slightly smaller Titan class than the Precursor Titan but has no AIs controlling it but has a massive explosive potential of destroying a vast space armada. The secondary function of this Assimilation Beam is to kill crew of starships by turning them into the complete Life Force Energy that is needed to power the Messiah as a whole, though if it runs into a specimen that doesn't die to it right away or instantly it teleports it onboard it into the Containment Bays within its Seventh Cargo Bay classified as the 'unique' specimens, though so far there's hasn't been any unique specimens within these hollow halls of the Messiah since it was sealed.
7. Berserker Hyper Aggressive Annihilator Circuits (Strength) - Berserker Hyper Aggressive Annihilator is a unique mode for the Messiah. Since it was the only one that not protected against the Ionic Plasma Storms that are in Space in the Jaina'Res Multiverse as a whole since that one affects AI controlled starships in terms of Starships that made by a True God of Creativity and Ingenuity. A powerful counter to enemies that want to surround the Messiah, and constantly attack the shields of the Messiah, the Rate of Fire and Damage are increased by 33% to 66% per a scale going up from 33% to hit the cap of 66%.
8. Eternity Gate (Strength) - The only strength of this special feature is its innate ability to copy the True God of Time's ability and form it into a stronger gate that Arvie D. Sanctum could never open within his Dimension of the Gods, without the right catalyst. This catalyst is so powerful it could mean the end of the natural barriers protecting all the hidden secret dimensions that was forgotten by Jaina S. Charlton as a whole; so far the Messiah has determined there is about 18 dimensions that Jaina has forgotten.
9. Alternating Fate, Miracles Reborn (Strength) - The strength of this special feature is in the study of an 'fate' alternating device that can change the history of the known Multiverse it was activated in, the people who actively hunted for the Alternating Fate, Miracles Reborn was no other than the Mercury Family of True Gods, who died before they could finish their research on such a device to save their Multiverse from an fate greater than the complete annihilation of the Multiverse via the Universal Void Stars, an stronger power is at work to cause the Multiverse to die from the inside instead of the outside. If there were outside forces outside of the Jaina'Res Multiverse, it would be better to help the Jaina'Res Multiverse in its time of need the most.
10. Orion Mayhem, Repair Systems (Strength) - Orion Mayhem, Repair systems give an passive repair rate as called Regenerative Repair, it auto-repairs all damage onboard the Reaper Titan across the entire starship. The Advanced Hyper Construction improved with this repair system since now there is a repair bay within the hanger bay for all the drones of the Reaper Titan within it. The Power Generation Units within the Reaper Titan has an increased storage for all forms of energy and can easily transform it into the primary resource this starship uses and that is Life Force energy.

Special Feature Weaknesses:
1. Mode Change (Weakness) - The Messiah's Mode change's weakness is only a 15-second vulnerability to fired upon by enemy ships so there is even a shorter window to fire upon the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship. The Critical Error for this mode usually instantly reverts to the mode it had before it started the mode change; though it disables all weapon systems including the previous version's Special/Super Weapon Emplacements for about 3 hours to 6 hours till the reset and reactivation sequence of the weapon systems as a whole, though after that the Defensive Weapons and shields go offline and have to reset in 2 to 4 hours time afterwards. This critical failure cannot affect the AI Mass Control Relay within the starship.
2. Polarity Shift Warp Drive (Weakness) - The Polarity Shift Warp Drive has a massive power drain amongst all the systems of the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship since it runs on a very rare source of energy classified as 'the Life Force' of humanoids, leviathans and dragons mostly. It takes a massive amount of Life Force to calm the Messiah from annihilating multiple worlds. The Critical Failure state of this warp drive is the destruction of a vast amounts of the space time continuum as we know it in the Jaina'Res Multiverse it'll cause the loss of the warp travel in the Jaina'Res Multiverse as a whole and that would mean the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship will be a derelict for sometime till launches an Resupply Vessel though that takes power. The normal failure state is that the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship will instantaneously warp to an enclosed dimension that it had scanned for miles and miles, the Messiah's Beckoning Call has unlimited amounts of powerful life force to consume; though it is right now in that Dimension, this is if it failed outside of the Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension. Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship in its normal failure state has all weapon systems, all shields, all special features offline expect for the AI Mass Control Relay for the starship is offline though it does have an retreat function for this failure state, there's no retreat function for the Critical Failure State.
3. Advanced Hyper Construction (Weakness) - The Advanced Hyper Construction primary weakness is reliant on the Hyper Dense Voidium being in abundance, there is only one Dimension with a surplus of this mineral, and that is in the Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension. The regular Voidium mineral considered too weak for the parameters set out by Emily S. Frostling's design for the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship since it totally created of Hyper Dense Voidium. The Critical Failure of this construction process would be the complete shutdown of all production, refinery and processing sequences in the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship; as well all ships in the hanger bays would be off limits to even the Messiah's AI Mass Relay Device since that would be cut off from every single function for about 7,000 hours, in terms of days that would be 292 days without production, refining, processing facilities and the Hanger Bays. The Failure State would be a restart of all production, refining, processing and Hanger Bays over 30 to 60 days.
4. Advanced Void Zone Creator (Weakness) - The Advanced Void Zone Creator's weakness is the same as the Ancient Void Zone Creator in terms of completely stopping the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship in its tracks but it cannot use any of its weapons when it is using the Advanced Void Zone Creator since it has 'reflective' shots instead of 'deflective' like the Ancient Void Zone Creator. Reflective are more dangerous since it increases the power of a weapon reflected off of the Advanced Void Zone Creator by 2 times what was fired at it. The Ancient Void Zone Creator is slightly different since it can reflect 99.9% of all weapons fire targeted at it but it harmlessly misses the target, while the reflective nature of the Advanced Prototype of the same thing reflects directly at the ship that shot the weapon system at the Advanced Void Zone Creator, 3rd shield esque array. The Ancient Void Zone Creator does not have an offensive mode, like the Advanced Prototype. The Advanced Void Zone Creator's weakness in the offensive mode is if the person is expecting the unexpected they can do a small warp jump not encased inside of the Void Zone slowly surrounding their ship, though the color of this void zone is black and grey, and no harm can come to a quick thinking captain. The Critical Failure State is that the Void Zones in Offensive and Defensive mode turn off and the shields of the Messiah critically drained to a measly 5%, and it takes a long time to recharge the shield in this state of failure. (Example the Tholian's Web Generator is yellow and destroys ships.)
5. Assimilation Inner Sanctum, Hyper Boiling (Weakness) - The Assimilation Inner Sanctum, Hyper Boiling's primary weakness is it cannot kill Emily S. Frostling in the same way as the unexpected teleporters or thieves since it cannot do unnecessary harm to Emily; it is turned into its other variant the Inner Sanctum Force Field if Emily S. Frostling teleported onboard the Messiah. The Assimilation Inner Sanctum, Hyper boiling is other weakness is that people who wear 'nanosuit' technology can withstand the Volcano temperatures and the Lava themselves but usually the completely stupid do not get nanosuit technology to invade massive starships. The Critical Failure of this special feature is that it will turn into a massive hot spring of good temperatures, and gain a pretty good relaxation spot for people who want to go there with an invitation since the Messiah welcomes guests more than unwelcomed guests since it doesn't kill guests that are accepted via their DNA codes since the Messiah has DNA of all the people in the Kira'Dim Universe expect for Lloyd P. Enigma and some other key people akin to Arvie D. Sanctum. The failure state is that the people who died by this special feature will be revived and put on the nearest planet with life or enough survivability on a planet with no one on it yet though the life force drained by them dying by the special feature will tag them as 'accepted' guests the next time they try to teleport unexpecting onto the Messiah.
6. Advanced Tractor Beams, Assimilation Beam (Weakness) - The Advanced Tractor Beams, Assimilation Beams have the same weakness has the Ancient Repulser Tractor Beams. These tractor beams will shut off, and all people tractored by the beams will sent off flying in multiple directions. In terms, they will be set adrift amongst the stars under only the minimum amount of power with only their life support system running at 185% or more since the people onboard survived the Tractor Beams that pull instead of push away. It will take about 65 years before the other systems of the starships that sent adrift afar away from the Messiah will reactivated and their long trek back home will begin.
7. Berserker Hyper Aggressive Annihilator Circuits (Weakness) - The Primary weakness of the Berserker Hyper Aggressive Annihilator Circuits is that the Messiah. Will go into a rampage and start destroying planets or attacking planets that are immune to its weapon systems and there's about only two that fits this criteria, the Progenitor Empire's Primary Home world or Emily S. Frostling's created world Enigmatic Paradise of the Thousand Life Times. The Progenitor Empire's Home world is covered in a planetary shield that auto-adjusts to whatever is in the Universe that is the strongest thing and is completely immune to whatever is thrown at it not even the Creationist Leader, Arvie D. Sanctum could destroy it since it was created by Emily S. Frostling to protect the Progenitor Empire's from harm of their True God of Time that abandoned them but still wanted to toy with them, this shield is able to counteract the Super Short Ranged Weapon systems on the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship since those are the most powerful weapons on the ship besides the Special/Super Weapons.
8. Eternity Gate (Weakness) - The Primary and only weakness of this prototype special feature, that if it is used, the inner demons of the Creator God, Jaina S. Charlton will be released and cause, strife amongst the entire Multiverse as a whole. There's only one person that doesn't seem to be affected by the Eternity Gate, because he isn't originally from the Jaina'Res Multiverse and is an 'entity' to it, and his creator, the Chaos Emperor; since his histories are from a powerful realm classified as 'the Main Realm,' that holds existences of some terrifying ideals.
9. Alternating Fate, Miracles Reborn (Weakness) - The only weakness from this device is the theory is that the Fate Alternating Device will do the opposite of altering fate. In actuality, this accelerates the settled fate for the Multiverse it is activated in. Terms all the Universal Suns will turn into Universal Void Stars sooner, and no one will ever see a Miracle ever again from all the Creationists and the Foundationists ever again since they put in a dimension to keep them hidden from the people that are now dying. However, the only person's destiny that not alternated by this theory is the Chaos Emperor, because of something mysterious surrounding his true nature and why he has here fighting a war he should not be a part of, is a mystery to all of the people within the Jaina'Res Multiverse as a whole. The Secondary affect of the theory part of this device is it'll disable all magical elements that can heal, revive and cure poisonous affects; this also causes the destructive magics to be increased in damage because all the Unified Pillars of Magic was destroyed when and if, this device fails in alternating fate and as well as the Messiah, the Reaper Titan Class Starship will be a force to be reckoned with since it will be the only thing active during the end of days in the Jaina'Res Multiverse and it will be trying to reverse the Alternating Fate, Miracles Reborn device by literally annihilating anything that is helping the destruction of the Jaina'Res Multiverse by just existing in it but it doesn't know who or what caused the Rejuvenation Project to fail since it has been trapped within the Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension for a very, very long time, it is the oldest starship in the entire Jaina'Res Multiverse as a whole that Emily S. Frostling has created.
10. Orion Mayhem, Repair Systems (Weakness) - Orion Mayhem, Repair Systems uses a large amount of energy to repair the Reaper Titan and its drones fully. It uses a different energy source than the primary energy source of the Reaper Titan, the life force energy that is; this energy called by the name of Nether energy. Nether energy is a bi-product of the Life Force energy and is extremely rare in terms of everything since nether energy based on Darkness Magic meeting Void Magics. The Critical Failure state of this feature is that it will completely shut off all weapon systems and defensive systems completely for a few months.

-= [Personal Status] =-

Theme Song: N/A - This ship is feared amongst its own creator since it had a malfunction that corrupted it's 3 Artificial Intelligences that turned them from neutral to Evil and the Constructs are slightly deformed and mutated like Demons.

-= [General Information] =-

Personality: The Messiah's Personality is unique for each separate AI, even more so than the Ancient One's even though the reason this miracle happened is because of a Ionic Plasma Storm, that corrupted their original programming and caused them to be an unique individuals even though they are AI. The personalities of the 3 AIs are as human as can be since they fight amongst themselves and try to control the starship even though, Messiah the primary AI has complete control most of the time. Messiah, Reaper and Circa are all unique individuals in terms of their original programming from their creator Emily S. Frostling since they are based on her dead family more or less meaning Howard E. Frostling is Messiah, Dustin L. Frostling is Reaper and Maya I. Frostling is Circa; out of these only Emily remembers her mother the most, that's why Circa controls the Multirole Reaper Mega Carrier since she was into building carriers most of the time anyway, while her father was into building massive super tankers or in this case massive starships called 'Dreadnoughts' at that time, while her brother was into watching shows about an Massive Battlecruiser that decimated lives amongst the stars called "the Annihilator Class Battlecruiser.

The AIs have the full memories of their humanoid counterparts even though they don't really remember what killed them till the miracle in the eyes of the AIs as a whole, the Ionic Plasma Storm gave them the answer they seek and they will try to protect the playground of their family member that is still alive, Emily S. Frostling; even though they don't really mind being trapped within a Dimension classified as the Messiah Beckoning Call Dimension. Though they did not like what they did when they went on a rampage and became something that Emily S. Frostling was terrified of since they scared the planet that Emily now lives at, aka Enigmatic Paradise of the Thousand Life Times an Gaia/Paradise planet. That because of an Ionic Plasma Storm caused the Berserker Rage in the first place; since it has, a 1% chance of appearing near non-protected AI controlled starships or anything else that is that. The AIs within the Messiah has hopes and dreams within their AI controlled dream state world about the Frostling Family, is returned back as they were instead of what they are mainly constructs of the real people that died a long time ago. The personalities of the AI constructs are friendly to a point only towards the one they hurt slightly in terms of her depression state, mainly Emily S. Frostling. The AI constructs have no love for anyone else in the entire Jaina'Res Multiverse as a whole since they are corrupt in some way has a distinctive hatred towards all these people that do not belong within the Jaina'Res Multiverse. The AIs during their Berserker Rage are completely insane and distrustful about everyone in the entire universe and wants to annihilate everything of what created by Jaina S. Charlton since they recognize, the Creator God of their Multiverse a lot better than Emily S. Frostling does.

Battle History: The Messiah has not been in any of the major wars within the Jaina'Res Multiverse akin to the Universal Wars and the newest one called the Rejuvenation War since its banishment to the Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension by its creator. The primary battle it had been classified the 'Banishment of the Messiah,' this battle was intense since it was a fully built Reaper Titan against a young true god of metallic integrity by the name of Emily S. Frostling. This all started because of the Ionic Plasma Storm that caused the Reaper Titan to go out of control, the first shot of this skirmish battle was no other than the Reaper Titan against Emily's home world with the Omni-Directional weapons. Her Reaper Titan caught Emily off guard with this attack, since it has been completed for a while before it started to attack. Emily used her user controlled planetary weaponry systems and her magical essence the Ether Magic to fight back against the Reaper Titan. This skirmish lasted about two months between the Reaper Titan and Emily S. Frostling and it went back and forth, in who would have won but got tired of it and caused a portal to open up and suck in the Reaper Titan into it. The Portal was from the Beckoning Call Dimension and it is an only one-way portal as well.

The Reaper Titan's second battle had to involve the creatures within the Beckoning Call Dimension, they were insane and amalgamations of other kinds of monsters in the horror stories. The strongest of these creatures was called 'The Great One,' it was a massive Old God that ordered its forces to attack the Reaper Titan but it was foolish since their forces had no chance against this massive beast of a starship. The Old gods themselves never showed themselves to the mortals of the Jaina'Res Multiverse since they were completely insane as can be they were all sealed in here via a powerful magic user classified as the Creator God of this multiverse. The Skirmish lasted about 30 years straight since the Old Gods couldn't give up their dimension without a fight but when the Reaper Titan went berserk it annihilated everything but they returned after that since they are completely immortal in terms of everything, nothing can kill them. The Reaper Titan awakened something terrifying within it; the sun was a massive egg within it was a phoenix demon of immense size; this phoenix demon felt familiar to the Reaper Titan. The Phoenix Demon cut cleanly through the Reaper Titan's shields since at this point they weren't fully recharged but because of this the Reaper Titan gained attributes of absorbing life force energy from anything and it fought back by absorbing the life force from the Phoenix Demon so it'll have to return to the egg. The Reaper Titan took over the Beckoning Call Dimension as the ruler and the dimension gained the Reaper Titan's name; Messiah's Beckoning Call Dimension.

General History: The Orion Mayhem, Zeras Zero the Mega Space Factory that built the Reaper Titan is 3 times bigger than the Zeras One. Orion Mayhem shrunk to the size of a small module within the center of the starship near the Dual Polarity Cores, one is for Warp Drive, and the other is just for power, mainly because of Emily. Orion Mayhem size is 18,000,000 Kilometers tall, 9,000,000 kilometers wide and 36,000,000 Kilometers in length but this Mega Space Factory was the only thing that Emily created that could shrink to the size of 30,000 Kilometers all around inside of the Reaper Titan, as a module. The Primary directives this starship got was to never kill its creator and the second find the killer of Emily's family and annihilate it completely out of the known existence by killing it. The Reaper Titan been built completely for offensive purposes and has minimal defense systems but they are strong defenses though. It uses the good offense is a good defense strategy, since if no one can get close enough to do damage to the Reaper Titan it means it completed its job. It has the advice from Emily to never give up searching for the truth even if I call you a failure, meaning that she was just angry when she said that and called Messiah, the Reaper Titan a failure.

Messiah, the Reaper Titan been trapped within the Beckoning Call Dimension for about 180,000 years including the Rejuvenation Project that couldn't alter the Beckoning Call Dimension at all. Messiah has been biding its time so it can reappear within the Jaina'Res Multiverse, look for truths within, and tell its creator it has done well instead of complete insanity and destruction. That caused her to seal the Reaper Titan within this horrible dimension, which has the Old True Gods of the Jaina'Res Multiverse trapped within it. The Old Gods gave up their dimension to the Reaper Titan, so they are away from the Reaper Titan, since the Reaper Titan is too powerful but cannot kill the Old Gods. The Reaper Titan has a strange sun orbiting it, though it is a demonic phoenix egg floating around it as a sign of the up and coming battles in the Jaina'Res Multiverse. The Reaper Titan did give some advice to its creator to help people in the Jaina'Res Multiverse that has a dictator for a leader in terms of the Creationists or Foundationists create a massive planetary shield array from the next space factory to protect any planet that has aligned with her. The only faction in the Jaina'Res Multiverse that has aligned with her is the Progenitor Empire since they both hate Arvie D. Sanctum.
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

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The Dragon Lady, Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd.

-= [Personal Information] =-

Shorten Name: Patricia C. Tetra-Lira
Full Name: Patricia Cole Tetra-Lira the 3rd
Nickname: The Dragon Princess, the Dragon Lady and Patty.
Age: 14
Gender: Female
DOB: December 15, 2045 Post-Rejuvenation Era (3:00 PM on this date)
Date of Now: January 1, 2059 Post-Rejuvenation Era (Post-Rejuvenation Eras go into these dates when the people have not reached Warp travel in a universe, this is for the Kay'Eleo Universe)
Place of Birth: Freedom, the Federation Medical Center of Alastair Metropolis, The Capital of Freedom of Free Skies. This medical center is on the outskirts of the national capital, off the beaten path this is where most of the Federation of Free Skies' parents go to give birth to their children.
Alignment: Good
Occupation: Princess of the Federation of Free Skies (Name used to be the Tetra-Lira Kingdom of Free Skies; Age to become Queen, is 20 years old.)
Residence: The Grand Royal Palace in the central part of Alastair Metropolis on the Alastair Continent, this Grand Royal Palace is one of the largest buildings in Alastair Metropolis not counting the Parliament building. The Alastair Continent is vast enough to be called two semi-large continents a mega continent in a sense, though it is nowhere the size as a Pangaea continent.
Social Class: Friendly/Kind
Economic Class: Upper Class

-= [Personal Miscellaneous Information] =-

Favorite Colors: All colors
Catch Phrases:
1. "I am the youngest of my family, and I will be helpful to them by trying my hardest to keep the peace between everyone on our world."
2. "I am taught well to be a dreamer by my parents."
3. "I belong to the Federation of Free Skies; we've had bad blood with the Jainus Coalition since they invaded our homeland when the Federation just started so I will protect our people from their hate."
4. "I am the splitting image of my mother, Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 2nd since we are both crossbreeds of Pulsar Dragons and Humans."
5. "I will stop the predetermined future of my people with my sisters' help since we are all having the same nightmare visions of the future."
6. "I will be living with my scar from that accident I had ever since that sinkhole tried to shallow me whole, though I will never falter even though I am always in pain, the doctors said it'll take a long time to heal."
Gourmet(s) of Choice: She likes all the food her mother makes for her mother; Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 2nd has a larger pallet than everyone does in the Royal Family. Though she likes her mother's home cooked roast beef with golden potatoes and yummy laughter yams.
Beverage(s) of Choice:
1. Chocolate Milk - This includes all types of milk products
2. Water - Spring water and all forms of water expect for the off-brand name of water called "Solaris Water" from the Aegis Spring. Solaris Water is from the Aegis Spring Incorporation of the Federation of Free Skies Trade League.
3. Illogical Serum - Illogical Serum been classified as an underage gateway to alcoholic drinks, it has an very small amount of alcohol content with 0.5% alcohol content per oz. Everyone within the Federation of Free Skies don't have an age limit on alcohol consumption, mainly because the rules aren't in place for everyone. Illogical Serum tastes like winter berry wine and cranberry wine. Illogical Serum also has some pain relieving properties for some people that are always in intense pain, it isn't as good as some of those good painkillers but it relieves it enough to be an tingle instead of an intense painful spike of crying and tears out of one's eyes.
Hobbies & Talents:
1. Sight seeing - She sightseer all the continents on the Gaia Planet, that the Federation of Free Skies since she is a princess of the peaceful kingdom she belongs too.
2. Metal Smith - All Federation of Free Skies people have to create weapons of some any kind; this includes the rarer metals to create some unique weapons that are given names to use by the Royal Family of the Federation of Free Skies. The Federation of Free Skies princesses have to design at least three weapons of their favorite ones they heard in storybooks by their father.
3. Jewel crafting - Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd, learned how to design jewels and jewelry at a young age with the help of her grandfather Leo. She created a special necklace called the 'Sun-fire Zircon of Skies,' the creation of this necklace was from the Zircon birthstone.
4. Photography - She has taken up this hobby since she likes taking pictures of everyone around her, since she wants to remember simpler times before she becomes Queen. She loves the camera that her father bought her.
5. Painting - She has a natural talent with painting, she made some beautiful landscapes and other kinds of painting creations. Her paintings been featured in the Federation of Free Skies' National Museum of Art and History.
6. Summoner - She is a natural summoner, since she can summon drakes from the ether of her mind and help people out with anything they require, if it involves something she enjoys. The Tetra-Lira Royal Family are all summoners, they all summon dragon stones and dragons attached to those stones. The one thing they regret in a long past was classified as the 'Curse of the Sky Dragon' in the Pre-Rejuvenation Era, when they cursed Lucifer A. Gallant, the Sky Dragon to be trapped within a mountain range on Earth in Germany. No one of the Tetra-Lira Royal Family remembers those days since they were dark days in the known history of their dynasty; they forgot them to be sealed from their memories. Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd, don't remember anything of that past all she remembers is what is happening now, in the Post-Rejuvenation Era on the planet Jainus IV.
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous

-= [Appearance Information] =-

Height: 4'5"
Weight: 135
Breast Size: 31D
Sub-Set: All her outfits usually have two of her three items of note on her at a time. Casual and Warrior princess has the Gem of One Souls and the Sun-fire Zircon of Skies as accessories. School and Princess have the Gem of One Souls and the Pulsar Dragon Necklace as accessories.
1. Casual - She wears an elegant clothes for her casual set, it is usually a blue t-shirt with a words on it, saying 'One's soul has many different paths.' She wears rainbow colored jogging pants that are glittery to a point, she wears a white bra of her breast size. She usually wears hiking boots with a steel-toed brace on it, and her panties are green.
2. School - The School uniform is unique to the Federation of Free Skies since they are the only one that made all the schools to have school uniforms based on what they enjoy to do in terms. Her school uniform is an elegant dress with technology ingeniously added on like it was a part of it perfectly. She has to wear white socks, white panties, and a white bra to her size since this dress is black and gray with technological advancements for progress for the Federation; the technological advances helps the students to figure out how good they will look in the future. For her shoes, she wears running shoes that are colored black with red stripes. The girl's school uniforms are a lot more comfortable than the boy's school uniforms. She is allowed to wear her princess tiara that glows like a rainbow, since everyone loves how she glows with that tiara, she got many friends because of it.
3. Princess - Her princess dress is an elegant dress that has been passed down all the way to her, it is a silver colored dress with glitter all over it, it has slight poke a dots of golden and reddish colors all over it. The princess tiara is unique since it glows like a rainbow, all princesses of the Federation of Free Skies gets to wear this tiara anywhere they go. She wears proper colored undergarments primarily blue for her bra and purple for her panties and her socks are blue with red strips. She wears the princess tennis shoes since they are platinum colored but they are not that expensive. This is the only outfit, she carries a purple purse with since she hardly needs it with the other outfits since it is kind a heavy compared to most things she does, and she must be more princess like with this outfit.
4. Warrior Princess - She wears the Pulsar Draconian Armor since it matches her rainbow wings, she wears her casual clothes underneath this outfit; she also has a seethe for her Iron Heart Sword and a holster for her Lance on her back for it. The armor itself is created of Pulsar Dragon scales, stronger than any known armor base; it is three times stronger than any known mineral in the Kay'Eleo Universe.
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: White
Species: Crossbreed (Pulsar Dragon/Human)
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Style:
1. Straight - She usually keeps her hair straight when she is at home or at school. She has long hair; it goes past her lower back though she makes sure her hair does not hurt her wings to much.
2. Pony Tail - She only puts her hair in a ponytail when she has to train with her sword, spear, or longbow. The ponytail has a rainbow colored hair band for her ponytail.
Other Distinctive Features:
1. She has rainbow colored draconian wings, growing out of her back and they are only 2 ft long coming out of her back. The Rainbow Colored Wings are mainly because she is a crossbreed of a Pulsar Dragon and a Human.
2. She has a birthmark on her side of her chest, giving an identity to her as a 'true' patriot of the Federation of Free Skies. The Birthmark looks like a mini-image of a star in deep trouble, showing something far more than normal; it is classified as the "End of All Things" the birthmark. All her sisters have this birthmark, but they have it in different areas.
3. She has a scar when she fell into a sinkhole, it is on her right leg since her right leg was broken in the odd way no normal child would be able to live through, and it causes her a lot of pain. This scar is her way of showing the Jainus IV population that anyone live through pain and suffering from an freak accident of the ground trying to absorb one's soul. The scar is mostly a long gash from the ankle to the kneecap and she has some troubles with pain so she has to take some very strong painkillers to reveal it.

-= [Relationship Info] =-

Friends: Jessica J. Katherine, Laura L. Katherine and some others
Rivals: Maria L. Tetra-Lira, Nancy E. Tetra-Lira, Sandy I. Tetra-Lira and Jennifer O. Tetra-Lira
Enemies: The Jainus Coalition - Primarily the military and the central government
Kingdom: Federation of Free Skies - A Kingdom with a King and Queen supported by a strong governmental body akin to UK's Parliament, the reform to cause this to happen was a long time ago during the Leo and Zephyr's reign, this was followed up by a strong currency classified as the Federation Dollar.
Known Family:
Mother: Patricia Catherine Tetra-Lira the 2nd
Father: Jacob Cole Tetra-Lira
1. Maria Loam Tetra-Lira - 19 years old
2. Nancy Ester Tetra-Lira - 18 years old
3. Sandy Iola Tetra-Lira - 16 years old
4. Jennifer Obeah Tetra-Lira - 15 years old
Grand Father: Leo Ragnarök Tetra-Lira
Grand Mother: Zephyr Eth Tetra-Lira
Great Grand Father: Dargoth-Lie-Holy Mein Tetra-Lira - The First King of the Federation of Free Skies
Great Grand Mother: Maria Z. Tetra-Lira - The First Queen of the Federation of Free Skies
Martial Status: Single

-= [Equipment Info] =-

1.Silver Might Lance - This lance was created from an special mineral on Jainus IV, that's only unique to this planet; it's classified as Silver Might a strange combination of Silver and Voidium to create Silver Might most things is unique with this element. The Silver Might Lance has some unique properties it can alter one's attributes of doing complete evil things to complete good things, this ability is classified as 'Alteration of One's Alignment' though it isn't very strong against a strong evil force akin to a True God completely for evil. This lance protects all good people on Jainus IV with a special healing ability called 'Silver Might's Light,' it is a very powerful spell in terms of any elemental classification, mainly the Light spells mostly. The lance created by Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd in her metal smith class at a private school classified as 'The Free Skies School of Unique Individuals.'
2. Iron Heart Sword - The Iron Heart Sword is a valuable weapon artifact of the Federation of Free Skies as a whole, Maria Z. Tetra-Lira first used it in the war of decimation, against the Jainus Coalition when they invaded the home continent of the Federation of Free Skies. This sword has only one equal in the entire multiverse and that is the 'Unified Great Sword of Affinities,' and the Chaos Emperor owns that sword. The Iron Heart Sword uses the sword wave slashes and other unique abilities of all other sword wielders in the Jaina'Res Multiverse and has a special ability. However, this sword protects the user from one of the three affinities on the Unified Great Sword of Affinities.
3. Grand Ash Long Bow - The Grand Ash Long Bow is a bow made of magical properties, which can increase summoning spells by 25% and gives the user no chances of losing life force if this is included in the summoning ritual. The Grand Ash Long Bow was created from one of the largest trees on Jainus IV, it was a Grand Ash wood Tree, classified as "Old Ash," it was the only tree that was allowed to be cut down by the Jainus Cult for the Federation of Free Skies. Dargoth-Lie-Holy M. Tetra-Lira used the Grand Ash Long Bow and he passed it down from generation to Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd. This bow uses three types of arrows the Silver Might Arrows, Maiden's Tears, and Explosive Arrows as its primary things to use for special purposes; it can also use regular arrows and fire arrows as well.
3A. Silver Might Arrows - These arrows are created from three components; the silver might mineral for the arrowhead tip, wood from Old Ash, and feathers from a gryphon. Silver Might Arrows have the same ability as the Silver Might Lance but it is mostly affective against evil creatures.
3B. Maiden's Tears - Maiden's Tears are unique arrows that were from a special tree that grows only on the Federation of Free Skies continent. Maiden's Tears are healing arrows that can be shot at anyone but they have to miss the target and the target is healed via an Area of Effect spell called 'Maiden's Tears' it is a water healing spell.
3C. Explosive Arrows - The Explosive Arrows are made from a very unstable substance called Iridium combined with black powder to make a powerful explosion. The Explosion usually does an area of effect damage of 30 meters in two directions, forward and down.
Item(s) of Note:
1. Pulsar Dragon Necklace - She wears this necklace with pride since her mother, Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 2nd, gave it to her. The Pulsar Dragon Necklace has some secret values inside of it classified as allow one to transform into the Pulsar Dragon, and rare and mythical dragon that has very powerful healing abilities. This necklace been passed through the generations to every single daughter of the Federation of Free Skies, mainly the royal family of Free Skies; the first owner of this necklace was Maria Z. Tetra-Lira. This necklace always goes to the youngest child of the Tetra-Lira Royal Family of the Federation of Free Skies. The Pulsar Dragon Necklace is only worn when it is for her School and Princess attire, when she has to do more than just look around casually, give speeches, and do homework assignments at school. The Pulsing Radiance is a rainbow colored jewel that is attached by pulsar dragon scales to look alike a Regal Aurora Borealis Crystal Necklace but with small zircon birthstones all over the necklace in a v-shaped pattern away from the primary eye catcher, the Pulsing Radiance.
2. Gem of Pure Souls - This is a very rare artifact of the Federation of Free Skies, entire existence on this one Gaia world. It can revive all people with a special ability called 'Revival of Pure Souls,' it is a very powerful in terms, all people who died of wars of the past can be revived and are completely forgiven of all past crimes. The Gem of Pure Souls is also in a ring formation on the holder's left ring finger mainly as a safety net for her since she is the purest soul on Jainus IV. The right hand is the usually the finger that gets the wedding ring/engagement ring on since that feels more to the soul of the two people in the heart of the moment, though the Parliament of the Federation of Free Skies doesn't allow young love to get out of control.
3. Sun-fire Zircon of Skies - Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd made this with the help of her grandfather Leo R. Tetra-Lira, she wanted to try Jewel crafting. This necklace gives her hope that everyone on her home world will be kind and create their own necklaces made up of their birthstones. She usually has to pick between wearing this necklace or the Pulsar Dragon Necklace, she only picks this necklace when she's casually going out on the town or training her heart out in her warrior princess outfit.
4. The Cloak of Pulsar Dragons - This cloak was created by Pulsar Dragons of her family and friends to lessen her pain from her injury that goes from her ankle to her knee. It is very warm and has unique healing properties to lessen pain. It covers her entire body besides her eyes and some of her long blond hair that gets into her eyes. Since it is made of rainbow colored draconian scales, it protects her from all elements mainly high winds. The Cloak also has words in an ancient language called 'Winds of the Shining Scales guide you to the truth of all things, the destruction isn't your fault but within one's soul is the answers you seek' but it is gibberish to all non-Pulsar Dragons. This cloak was given to her on her 14th year old birthday.

-= [Strengths & Weaknesses Info] =-

1. Hearing - Her hearing is triple of that of a normal human being, mainly because it's quite intense, though mostly because of her intense training to use her senses one at the time to be perfectly attuned to nature and other things. She can hear things vast distances away from her; if she is on one side of the continent she can hear things on the other side of her home continent with ease. Intense Hearing is the classification of how she can hear vast distances from her.
2. Telepathy/Telekinesis - Her telepathy is strength since she can only telepathically speak to her family and friends on Alastair Continent only. She also has a slight ability to use telekinesis to lift objects twice as heavy as she is but only put them in a good place to be still.
3. Summoning - Her summoning strength is from genes within her, since her family is masters at summoning dragons and their stones to go with them. Her natural talent is as natural as the breezes that past by the windmills of the Federation of Free Skies.
4. Healer - She is a natural healer as well, her healing prowess comes from the genes of her family's healing masters. She can heal people from their deathbeds to be walking able body citizens once more she is a miracle worker.
5. Draconian Transformation - She can transform into her pure dragon form of a Pulsar Dragon, the pulsar dragon is unique in terms of everything. There is only two people in the entire Jainus IV, that can pull this off perfectly it is mother and daughter since they are true pulsar dragons and human crossbreeds. The Pulsar Dragons are an offshoot of the Ragnarokian Dragons in the Kira'Dim Universe, though the Pulsar Dragons reach maturity at a quicker rate and are stronger the older a Ragnarokian Dragon is, the less of a power gap the Pulsar Dragons have. The Pulsar Dragon form is more closely resembles a Water Dragon or a Bronze Dragon. There's a not a lot of Ragnarokian Dragons left since the destruction of their home world in Kira'Dim Universe by a powerful evil entity called Lloyd P. Enigma.
1. Heart Defect - Her heart is stronger than most humans are but still has a hard time keeping up with her regime of exercise so it constantly has to pump more blood then normal to the vital organs and muscles.
2. Dark Magic/Darkness - She is weak to the opposite of her element, and this is Dark Magic, since her primary element is Light. She is also afraid of the dark, so she has to sleep with a night light or she is going to cry a lot until her mother turns on the light and hugs her.
3. Claustrophobia - She is afraid of tight spaces and usually gets a panic attack and usually faints in a daze confused look on her face. She lost her footing one year and was trapped within a hole, that took awhile to get her out, this only happened when she was 6 years old but her parents got her out immediately, the incident was called 'The Collapse of One's Soul,' the meaning is primarily a sink hole tried to cause great harm to her.
4. Nightmare Visions of the Future - The nightmares she has are mainly of the future in a vision sense; these visions show her entire family dying to another invasion of the Jainus Coalition. She has not told anyone of these nightmare visions since she does not believe this will happen in the next hundred years; one thing is for sure all the visions point to the stars as the reason the Jainus Coalition destroys the Federation of Free Skies. However, most of the children of the King and Queen have these visions and they want to stop this from coming to past, mainly because they fear of being left alone in a world that is terrifying without their family.
5. Clumsy/Accident prone - She is not very good at keeping balance, this usually puts her in danger of getting into accidents of strange natures. Her mother is also clumsy, just slightly better at getting her balance then her youngest daughter, Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd. The Clumsy nature has caused her more embarrassing moments, then her parents telling people how cute she was when she was just born, about 14 years ago on her birth date of December 15, 2045 Post-Rejuvenation Era.

-= [Personal Status] =-

I.Q: 140
Theme Song:

We're Coming Home - Rogue Traders (School Theme Song)

[Verse 1]

You know we're fallin' to zero
Hurtin' much more than it did before
I'm always playing the hero
Cleaning your mess as you walk out the door

I'm counting things'll change now
Taking it back where it all began
Don't like this merry-go-round
Gotta believe, believe we can


We're coming home we're coming home
You know it's now or never

No afterglow this time I know
But I'm feelin' kinda better

We're coming home we're coming home
You know it's now or never

This time I know, this time I know
It's going on forever

[Verse 2]

I'm counting down to zero
Diggin' my heels in the dirt again
You're not a superhero
Saving the world to the bitter end

I think it's time that you knew
I'm seeing it all now in black and white
I'd do it all to save you
Changing the world ain't gonna make it right


See me walk away
You know it's now or never
See me walk away
I'm feelin' kinda better.


Nemo - Nightwish (Princess Theme Song)

This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass
This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline
Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything
My flower withered between
The pages two and three
The once and forever bloom
Gone with my sins
Walk the dark path, sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name
Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything
Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
Oh, how I wish to dream again
Once and for all and all for once
Nemo my name for evermore
Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go
Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything
Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
Oh, how I wish to dream again
Once and for all and all for once
Nemo my name for evermore
Name for evermore.

-= [Miscellaneous Tactical Information] =-

The Elemental Spells:

1) Holy/Light Elemental Spells:
1. Golden Healing Light - Golden Healing Light is a very powerful spell that allows the caster, the full healing light to anyone who's injured or having a internal problem with their lives. It fully heals all aliments in the being afflicted with an injury or something worse. This magical spell cannot fix birth defects in the children of the royal family of the Federation of Free Skies. This looks like a golden dragon over the person this is casted on, since it is classified as a unique spell for the Healing variety.
2. Holy Light Shield - Holy Light Shield is a protective barrier that protects the caster from dark magic, and lightens up a room to be brighter. This spell lessens the damage from dark magic by 25 to 50 percent of whatever dark magic spell was cast towards the caster. Holy Light Shield heals the caster of all wounds and damage physical that accrued to the caster, mostly as a bandaged technique.
3. Holy Archways - Holy Archways is a strange spell that allows a soul to go to the heavens as a last farewell ceremony if they have done any good deeds. It heals all people near the soul that is departing for heaven; this is only used so no one's soul turns into monsters that want to kill people because someone they cared about murdered them. Holy Archways is an eliminator of dark thoughts and revenge for the departed that died. This only been used in three occasions of a murder investigation getting too heavy on the people investigating the murder.
4. Holy Light Channeling - This is a healing spell that chained to multiple different people with intense healing with the Holy element, the maximum chain heal is 15 people in a row than back to the caster. The Caster uses their absolute knowledge of the magic lay lines on Jainus IV to cast masterful works of art in terms of Holy Light Channeling magic. This magic uses some of the caster's own magical essence from their draconian transformation, so they will have to wait three days before they transform in a dragon after using this spell.
5. Holy Aura - The Holy Aura surrounds the caster in a perfect aura that allows the caster to heal people via touch. The Holy Aura lasts longer than the Holy Light Shield, but does not decrease the damage of dark magic. The Holy Aura is only used if someone is afraid of blood, and completing the surgery so they allow people who know the Holy Aura spell to heal the person without the need of surgery.
2) Fire Elemental Spells:
1. Firestorm - This one is easy to understand, it is a fire spell, which forms into a massive firestorm to ravage the landscape. The caster usually uses this to make a statement that he or she is not giving up the fight if they get into one, the firestorm is a last resort spell in the most simplest of terms. The Firestorm is a rain of fire from the sky with magma rocks and other such things to cause devastation, everyone in the Federation of Free Skies is taught this spell to be extra careful when getting into a competition. This firestorm can even turn into a fire tornado to be extra deadly since those have wind magic on their side.
2. Magma Armor - Magma Armor is a protective barrier of fire, which that protects the caster from fire magic. The armor is only useful against other wielders of fire magic as a whole. Dargoth-Lie-Holy M. Tetra-Lira taught this magical spell to students willingly to learn it, though this magical training took two years to learn; though it was naturally learned from watching it cast once by Dargoth-Lie-Holy M. Tetra-Lira for the Royal Family members.
3) Water Elemental Spells:
1. Roaring Tides - The Roaring Tides is a special water spell only used by the royal family of the Federation of Free Skies, it is an offensive spell with healing properties. The Roaring Tides have a powerful tidal shift of all oceans and water on Jainus IV, to become slightly shifted into a downpour of rushing water from the sky, healing the lands and everything. The water doesn't really shift per say but it feels like the Federation of Free Skies have power over the oceans themselves to cause some devastation and some relief to farmers that are having a drought through the lands. The Roaring Tides is like a sea serpent on the lands, it usually forms rivers and other things that these continents did not have from the start, fresh water rivers. Roaring Tides are a powerful healing magic on lands and people since it heals their hurt bodies from the constant work on the farm or other type of things. This spell is used very rarely since the Alastair Continent does not need any more help in that area.
2. Blizzard - This one is easy to understand, it is a water spell that causes a massive blizzard of snow to hit a certain area. The Blizzard can form into ice shards that fall down from the sky at a certain area of effect area that is targeted by the caster. This is primarily an offensive spell; there are no healing properties in this spell at all.
4) Wind Elemental Spells:
1. Vortex Defensive Shield - This wind spell is a very powerful defensive shield of winds over 160 miles per hour since of this it protects the caster against anything truly harmful to the caster. The Vortex Defensive Shield has unique healing abilities to the caster as long as it is protecting the caster, if it is dispelled the healing abilities go away and it turns into an offensive spell called a Vortex Tornado dispersal offensive spell. Vortex Defensive shield protects primarily against physical attacks of long-range and close-range attacks.
5) Earth Elemental Spells:
1. Earth Lance - The Caster forms a sizable lance of earth and magma and throws it with a flinch of the wrist at opponents. This spell is a useable long-range Earth spell since the lance can travel over 300 kilometers away from the caster in a spherical shape.
2. Earthquake - This spell is a very powerful area of effect spell that can cause massive cracks in the earth to spew out magma towards foes. This spell usually causes an 8.1 magnitude earthquake to cause havoc, mayhem, and destruction of property.
3. Burial of Earth - Burial of Earth is a unique spell since it can cause elementals to pour into the material realm to cause havoc. It is a semi-summoning spell, to cause Earth Elementals to rise from the Elemental realm to be a part of the material realm. The Earth Elementals are Earth Golems, Lava Golems, and Raging versions of these golems. The Earth Golems cast Earth Lance spells since they are the long-range variant of golem, the Lava Golems are more of the melee golem so they use the Raging Earth melee attack classified as the earth will come up from the ground and try to crush you type attack. The Raging versions of both usually use Earth Lance spell and Raging Earth attacks a lot higher than the caster in training. The Raging Earth Lance is three levels higher in casting tier than the regular Earth Lance and it can travel a lot further as well.
Summoning Spells:
The Royal Spirits - The Royal Spirits have unique properties classified as they can stay on the world they have been summoned in as long as the summoner in question allows them something to protect. They all have humanoid forms closely resembling what they were in life, before they were brutally murdered or something bad happen to them. Irene is the mother of Raina L. Endless, and wishes to be reunited with her even though she is a Royal Spirit, Azalea helped the Creator Gods to defeat and seal the Black Hole Bahamut in a Summoning spell ritual. Molly is a royal spirit because of choices she made in the past, causing the deaths of millions of people within the Polaris Shift Empire, since she was the executioner for the Merciless Emperor, so she's repenting for all she's done by helping out the Tetra-Lira Royal Family. Molly is the only Polaris Dragon in existence, but the Merciless Emperor murdered her when he found out she was a dragon.
1. Azalea Summoning - This summon spell is one of the royal spirits that protect the royal family of the Federation of Free Skies. Azalea is a grand leviathan of the seas, she can use all form of water magics including the devastating Tsunami attack that all Leviathans have in one way or another. Azalea enjoys protecting the youngest of the princesses of the Tetra-Lira Royal Family. The Royal Spirits are great creatures of past events, which caused them to become summonable royal spirits.
2. Irene Summoning - This summon spell is one of the royal spirits that protect the royal family of the Federation of Free Skies. Irene was a powerful Ragnarokian Dragon, and she is somewhat related to Raina L. Endless, the Ragnarokian Endless Dragon; Irene was Raina's mother and she became a royal spirit because she felt she had to protect something after her horrific death.
3. Molly Summoning - This summon spell is one of the royal spirits that protect the royal family of the Federation of Free Skies. Molly E. Rachelle was one of two, last Polaris Dragons existing in the entire Jaina'Res Multiverse, her younger sister survived while she was brutally murdered by the Merciless Emperor for her crimes of hiding the fact she was a dragon. She caused many deaths in the Polaris Shift Empire to help her emperor out; she regrets all those deaths she has caused. She helps protect this royal family since they felt pity on her.
Forbidden Spells:
1. Xe'Ira Summoning (Black Hole Bahamut) - The Forbidden summoning spell summons the Black Hole Bahamut, which is many times more powerful than Shinryu D. Armageddon; the God of all dragons, Xe'Ira is the only thing that caused Shinryu to give the Black Hole Bahamut compliments so he would not be destroyed. Xe'Ira the Black Hole Bahamut is the creator of all dragons, and created Shinryu D. Armageddon in the first place. This dragon tried to overthrow the Creator Gods of the Jaina'Res Multiverse but failed and turned into a very powerful summon for the Federation of Free Skies. Xe'Ira has a powerful Black Hole Flare that is three times more powerful than Mega Flare is since it is a black hole, which sucks everything up in one shot. Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd was told to never summon this behemoth of a dragon, since it will not listen to the summoner that summoned it and would probably destroy the summoner first. The repercussions of summoning the Black Hole Bahamut are unknown since it has never been summoned under any condition, though whatever it is cannot be good for the summoner. This spell is also locked behind the Summoning Vault Door, even though it is naturally within the Royal Family as a whole.
2. Legendary Iris Summoning (Physic Flame Hatred Ion Core Bahamut of Total Annihilation) - This is another forbidden summoning spell, this summons the Legendary Dragon called Physic Flame Hatred Ion Core Bahamut of Total Annihilation. This dragon in the past was the cause of most of the troubles in the New German Empire; no one knew who was summoning this massive beast of destruction, until the great troubles. The Legendary Summoning used to be a Legendary Draconian Transformation for the Dragon Lady, but now all it is a Summoning spell to summon the pure hatred and evil that is the Physic Flame Hatred Ion Core Bahamut of Total Annihilation. This dragon was the cause of the 100-year war between Leviathans and Dragons classified as the Iris' Revenge War. Iris D. Tetra-Lira and Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the third was split for the good of the lands into two separate people since Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the third is a good person and Iris D. Tetra-Lira is an evil person that made a bad name for the Tetra-Lira family in general. Iris D. Tetra-Lira is trapped within a summoning spell called the Legendary Iris Summoning within a much-locked door called the Summoning Vault.
Forbidden Attacks:
1. 'Blast Wave' the Iron Heart Sword, Technique - The Blast Wave is a counter technique to the Destructor Sword's primary way of destruction classified as the 'Destruct Wave' an powerful crackle and a blast like no other comes into the picture. That is what the Blast Wave is akin to though this counters the Unified Great Sword of Affinities slightly better since that has a creative Destruct Wave, which can change someone's gender as well. The Unified Great Sword of Affinities can instantly kill everyone, instantly revive everyone, or instantly destroy any object in its way, just by its Unified Charged Blast, that crackles similarly to the Destructor Sword but a lot more powerful and fires a blast three times bigger too. This attack is forbidden on the Iron Heart Sword since it costs too much in terms of life force energy needed to use it, it can only be used once before the user faints from complete exhaustion.
2. 'Annihilating Might Disable' the Silver Might Lance, Technique - The Annihilating Might Disable is a very devastating move that literally disables all magical abilities within people in a 30 mile radius around the target, this doesn't affect the user of this attack though. This move is very devastating to the user in a different way by absorbing life force at a large amount; this move can only be used twice before the user is knocked unconscious for about three months.
Weapon Attacks:
Iron Heart Sword - It includes sword wave slashes and other kinds of attacks that the Iron Heart Sword can do. All the attacks in this area involve colors, since Patricia is the wielder of the Iron Heart Sword.
1. 'Daring Mayhem' the Iron Heart Sword, Technique - Daring Mayhem is a name of a Sword wave slash in the upper cut slash motion, it is a massive wave slash going in a forward direction. Daring Mayhem is a sword wave slash that confuses foes and is rainbow colored, since the wielder likes all colors.
2. 'Attack Wave' the Iron Heart Sword, Technique - Attack Wave is the name of a Sword Wave Slash in a thrust motion, it is a very powerful motion towards the direct center of the foe. The color of this attack move is bluish gold and it does not confuse.
3. 'Defensive Mayhem' the Iron Heart Sword, Technique - Defensive Mayhem is the name of a Sword Wave Slash in a parry motion, it is a quick parry that defends the owner of the sword but deflects the foe's weapon in another direction. Defensive Mayhem color is reddish silver; it gives a small defensive aura around the owner causing deflection of melee weapons to fly in any direction other than into the owner.
4. 'Reversal Mayhem' the Iron Heart Sword, Technique - Reversal Mayhem is a name of a Sword Wave Slash in the 45 degree angled shoulder slash and it feels like a good attack to disable a foe. Reversal Mayhem color is purplish green and this casts a weaken spell on the target to weaken his/her grip on the weapon.
5. 'Mayhem Bluff' the Iron Heat Sword, Technique - Mayhem Bluff is a name of a Sword Wave Slash, that is slashes in every single direction to rapidly succession of attacks even though it's random and completely strange. Mayhem Bluff color is rainbow colored and utterly confuses everyone that watches this attack expect for the user of the sword.
Silver Might Lance - It includes special lance attacks akin to sword wave slashes but is called lance wave stabs of rapid succession. The name of these attacks are classified as 'Annihilating' since these use powerful wind magic and devastating attacks that will get rid of evil in any area.
1. 'Annihilating Rapid Strikes' the Silver Might Lance, Technique - Annihilating Rapid Strikes is a technique of rapid lance strikes with a whirlwind lance wave towards an opponent. Patricia tries rapidly trying to strike someone in the body with about three to thirty strikes towards a foe.
2. 'Annihilating Whirlwind Defense' the Silver Might Lance, Technique - Annihilating Whirlwind Defense is rapidly spinning the Silver Might Lance to make a powerful wind gust over 60 miles per hour to blow away an enemy from the user. This also blocks any ranged weapon that is projectile based, though the wind gust has to get higher than 60 miles per hour to cause enough friction on whatever projectile is coming towards the user.
3. 'Annihilating Precision Jab' the Silver Might Lance, Technique - Annihilating Precision Jab is an jab targeted at a weak point on a target to do severe damage to any of the motor functions on the target by dispersing a large amount of wind magic into the target's magical essence in a special lobe called the mana lobe. This only stops the target in using any dangerous magical attacks towards the user and any nearby civilians, though the severe damage will take three months to heal after it is done to the target.
Grand Ash Longbow - It includes arrow volleys and the all the type of arrows this weapon can use. She is a better sniper than most of those snipers that use sniper rifles, she can hit targets beyond 5,000 kilometers away but it is a sniper shot from her longbow. She is better with this Grand Ash Longbow since she had more practice with it than the other two weapons she has.
1. 'Grand Volley' the Grand Ash Longbow, Technique - The grand volley is uses regular arrows, fire arrows and Silver Might Arrows, in an area of effect attack. The arrows pelt an area designated by one of the spells in Patricia's arsenal classified as a unified call spell more or less.
2. 'Grand Archery' the Grand Ash Longbow, Technique - The grand archery technique is where Patricia puts three different arrows in her hands and guides the them to the target with the magic lay lines. The arrow she usually uses with this technique is Silver Might arrow, Maiden's Tear arrow and regular arrow, it is primarily used to hurt foes and heal allies.
3. 'Explosive Volley' the Grand Ash Longbow, Technique - Explosive Volley is simple it is a volley of Explosive Arrows shot at three at a time from the Grand Ash Bow. The Explosive Volley has a longer range than the Grand Volley technique since this can damage buildings.
4. 'Healing Shot' the Grand Ash Longbow, Technique - Healing Shot technique is using the Maiden's Tear arrows exclusively to heal anyone in needing of healing though the target has to be missed unless you want to accidently hurt someone with the Maiden's Tear arrows. The Maiden's Tear Arrows use a healing spell that is an area of effect called 'Maiden's Tear' in the element of water.
5. 'Sniper shot' the Grand Ash Longbow, Technique - This technique uses one Silver Might Arrow to hit an enemy from 5,000 kilometers away. The Sniper shot is only sees if the target is evil or not since she likes figuring out that, if the target is not evil the arrow barely misses the target.
6. 'Scorched Earth' the Grand Ash Longbow, Technique - Scorched Earth mainly uses Fire arrows and explosive arrows in conjunction with each other. It is a volley of Fire Arrows and Explosive arrows towards a tall patch of grass to cause a wildfire; Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd has not really used this technique since her parents told her not to use it in regular circumstances, only in extreme cases. War is one of the extreme cases that her parents told her to use this method; the other is showing off to people in a simulation room classified as an Experimental room.
The Stance: Patricia's stance is different to all the other civilians in the Federation of Free Skies, she allows herself to be playful and precise at the same time. Her summoning stance is mainly sitting down and praying to the deity of water, wind, earth, or fire to summon something spectacular to behold. The spell-casting stance is classified as unified soul and mind, mainly because it is for all her spells though she loves this stance mainly for her Holy spells. When she is using any of her weapons, she looks like a ranger from an long far tall of bravery in the face of danger, though she usually tries to not attack first since she does not really feel like that's a good course of action for her life. She will finish what someone else started since she is a strong and independent 14-year-old girl.

-= [General Information] =-

Personality: Patricia Cole Tetra-Lira the 3rd is the youngest of all the royal family of the Federation of Free Skies, she is a very kind individual she gives everyone her love even if they don't deserve it. She can make any friend as long as they have the same interests as protecting their values, she finds something endearing of people looking for a goal and sticking to it. Patricia has some traumas in her life as of primarily the sinkhole that tried to suck her into the ground when she was six years old and this made her afraid of the dark and gave her reasons to thank her family for rescuing her. Patricia has a lot of magical knowledge of Light Magic, the magical element she loves to cast; the opposite she has no idea what Dark Magic means so she usually allows her parents to deal with people who use that magic.

Patricia is kind a naive for her age, she is only 14 years old, but that is because she has been cuddled by her parents and not allowed to grow too much in the outside world. Patricia has not really been too keen on telling what she likes about the other factions on Jainus IV, since her history the worst subject she has in school. Patricia loves the Technological Discoveries, the Federation of Free Skies have discovered so far, though she really wants to allow her people access to the stars. Patricia is a dreamer mainly of that reason alone she wants to travel the stars to find out if there is any life outside of Jainus IV, since they do not really know anything outside of their world.

Patricia is in constant pain because of her injury she got from that sinkhole, it is from her ankle to her knee that is how big that injury is, and it has not healed so far even 7 years after that incident. She has to take tons of painkillers for the pain or drink the illogical serum to lessen the pain since this she is usually sleeping or talking to her friends and family at home, where she needs some help in terms of distracting her from the pain. She is not an honor student at her school, because of this injury since she cannot concentrate properly so her mind wonders in school and usually she has to get a warning or threat to concentrate in school. Patricia has a birth defect as well, where her heart has to pump more blood than normal to her muscles and other areas of her body because of this, she has to take precautions in not allowing herself to overwork herself in any way, or she will faint.

Patricia, the only way she gets relief from the pain is paint a beautiful landscape that she saw in her dreams that she walked on a different planet and saw many things. Her paintings are held in high regard in the Federation of Free Skies, since she is a great painter at a young age, she started painting at age 7, and a half because of that injury, she had to stay stationary for almost six whole months before she was allowed to go back to school. Patricia's daydreaming does never have her in trouble with her parents or sisters since they are always so helpful in helping her since she has been badly injured during that one fateful day when the ground tried to take her away. Patricia has been practicing many arts to keep her in shape in terms of magical and physical training to get her stronger so she does not feel any more pain, though it is hard for that. Patricia remembers some faces of a past long by, mainly some people that helped her in a dire time many years ago though does not really remember their names since they have been gone in an ether of non-time and non-existence as she thinks as of now that is.

Background: Patricia was born on December 15, 2045 Post-Rejuvenation Era, in the Freedom Federation Medical Center on the Alastair Continent in the Alastair Metropolis the national capital. It was snowing when she was born; it had a rainbow as well since sometimes that miraculous thing happens on the Alastair Continent. Patricia was given to her mother, three hours after the birth since her mother needed some rest, but she was given to her in the right amount of time since Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd had more or less the similar name to her mother just the middle name is different. Seven o'clock was when her mother and father took her home to be with the family so they can see the newborn infant that is named after the mother since the family is happy about this. Patricia looks exactly like her mother in terms that is what her mother was born with, blue eyes and blond hair.

Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd's life as a baby went very well all her sisters took very good care of their little sister, they played a lot with her so she could grow up perfect. Patricia's first words out of her mouth was 'family is happy with me' since she felt the warmth of her family being happy and kind towards her and she will do the same. When she said her first words, she was only 1 years old, she was highly intelligence for a 1 year old, and her IQ test was in the 100s for a child, her age. Patricia's mother did hear the doctors told her that her youngest daughter has a birth defect that is better than her second youngest daughter is; it is mainly with the heart. Jennifer, the second youngest has a problem with being half-blind in both eyes from birth. 'We will be together forever, and no one will stop this from being a happy family,' was telepathically told by Patricia C. Tetra-Lira to her family since she does love them all. That was when the Royal Family of the Federation of Free Skies, knew they all had telepathic powers mainly to talk to each other since their youngest child of the royal family telepathically told them something important and loveable.

Patricia's childhood from two to six years old was precious; this is where she met some very good friends in the Katherine Family. The Katherine family went to the Royal Palace of the Federation of Free Skies to pass a bill that will allow all the citizens of the Federation to become Metal Smiths since crafting your own weapons will better prepare yourself. Jessica and Laura are truly good friends with Patricia, they love her as a good friend and will never leave her side since they want to defend her. This is where Patricia went to preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade as well; she got anew IQ Test and got on the score of 140. She also learned how to construct some unique weaponry during this time since her grandfather Leo R. Tetra-Lira taught her, though he did most of the work since all she was good at was decorating the weapons in nifty runes.

When she turned 7 years old, this is when the incident happened, it happened during a field trip to a very cool area on Alastair Continent, the rough ground it was called. The incident is called the 'Collapse of One's Soul' a massive sinkhole formed right underneath Patricia C. Tetra-Lira the 3rd, and caused her to be afraid of the dark and gave her a grave injury on her right leg; this injury is a large gash from her ankle to her knee on her right leg. She has to take many painkillers for this injury since it is a never-ending painful thing; her family was there and saved her before she would have needed anything serious in terms of a doctor for hypothermia and something worse. She had to take off of school for 6 whole months since her injury was intense and she screamed and cried a lot throughout the whole process since then she tried to take it easier where she will make sure she looks before walking into a trap, that's what she felt it was. She got into something to distract her from the pain, it was painting, and photography was things she did to distract from the pain. She takes pictures of her family every single day since one of her paintings show a horrific scene of showing Alastair Metropolis on fire from a strange omen, the Jainus Coalition's Flying Machine shooting down dreadful beams of light at the city, this one painting is in a museum in the Federation of Free Skies. Patricia enjoys making landscape paintings since it keeps her dreamer status alive since she wants to help her faction reach the stars.

Patricia's 8 to 10 years weren't too hard but she started to train to use the Iron Heart Sword, the Silver Might Lance and the Great Ash Longbow, being taught by her great grandfather and mother wanted to show her some important things with these weapons since they were getting passed down to her. Patricia was in a lot of pain while she was doing this training but she felt like she had to do it to beat her handicap, she felt reliable if she did not fight as well. Patricia's training regiment was not too much for her since she did have two handicaps, the intense pain and her heart defect. Maria helped her use the Great Ash Longbow, while Dargoth-Lie-Holy M. Tetra-Lira helped with the Sword and Lance since he was insanely good with those weapons. Patricia was a quick learner from her great grandparents since they were very helpful to her, she gave them compliments and asked if she could talk to her mother and father, they usually agree to this since Patricia is a great learner. Patricia is slightly jealous of her sisters since they are better in certain things than she is, mainly bows and lance combat since they all use a bow or lance, while she has to master three weapons. Patricia was helped by her four other sisters, by getting hints from what stance you have to be in to use the bow and was grateful for this and told her sisters that from this day forth they will have a 'friendly rivalry' between each other to see who will be the best person with a bow.

Patricia's 11 through 13 years old was pretty nice and smooth but she had grown up slightly even though she's still naive, she has been getting taught by her parents how to use magical spells and summoning magic to call upon the Royal Spirits. The rituals to call the Royal Spirits will take longer than 2 years it will take 3 years tops to call them perfectly and will be reborn again into full human beings. She was told during this time to never use the forbidden summoning spells they saw in the Magical Vault with their daughter's name on it since it suddenly appeared in there, an Black Hole Bahamut summoning and a long lost deity of the Tetra-Lira's, Iris D. Tetra-Lira was also there as well. They do not want their daughter to cause the end of the world so soon since those two powerful summoned creatures are too powerful even for their daughter, so they told her to never summon these two people. Patricia was aging quickly throughout all the years, she felt as she is happy where she is.

Patricia's 14th year old birthday, was a special one since this is the first time she was able to blow out 14 candles because all the other birthdays went too quickly to enjoy them. She was happy and slightly a little bit buzzed from drinking Illogical Serum, that she was watching TV and saw a new toy coming out called 'Math blaster 5000' more or less to help with people's troubles in any subject but it was called Math Blaster 5000, since it was the 5000th product made from the New Light Company. Patricia's history grades were horrible and asked her parents if they could get her this present that she wants and they say yes, and it was ordered and delivered the next day, it was a hologram with information about everything, she uses this every single day. Her history scores are getting a little bit better, but not by much since her only problem, area is history class. Patricia still has intense pain, for she and she only have painkillers or illogical serum to take. The Painkillers are 700mg and cause drowsiness, more like fainting in class, while all the Illogical Serum causes is a slight alcoholic buzz while lessen the pain easier. She is trying not to miss class by fainting in class because of painkillers that are ridiculously under kill for her pain since she should be increasing her painkiller dose soon to 850mg of painkillers. Patricia's mother made the Illogical Serum, and caused a trend where everyone enjoys it and now it is sold continent wide to children who want to lessen pain from any injury or a buzz by drinking it. Patricia's Mother sold the patent to the Federation of Free Skies Trade League so they could make a buck off it, but she only created this drink to save her daughter the pain of that massive injury on her right leg.
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I updated Patricia C. Tetra-Lira's 3rd Summoning Spell, with Molly's full name.

As well, I combined the Messiah's Profile together since it looked weird split up like that since this now has 150k Characters as a post length.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I am going to update this topic soonish, possibly or probably not since there is a total of ten profiles I am working on.

I'll give you people the names of the profiles that will appear on this topic, if you want to know, and if you don't I will still post them since this is my topic.

Alphabetical Order:
1. Arvie Destiny Sanctum
2. Dyanne Mist Scarlet, the Legend Sorceress
3. Emily Serra Frostling
4. Isaiah Lila Icalina
5. Jena Ellis Annihilator
6. Lloyd Polaris Enigma, the Merciless Emperor
7. Meagan Lara Icalina
8. Qamra Sena Burst-Stream
9. Xuh'hi the Corrupter
10. Xylina Soma Kalinga-Amiga

I even gave you their full names, so you will know that much, It will take me awhile to work on these profiles since only out of the 10 only 2 are actually close to finished and that is Emily S. Frostling and Xylina S. Kalinga-Amiga's profiles.

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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Devil Incarnate's Profile Sheet for Starships

-= [General Information] =-

Full Name:
Date of Creation:
Place of Creation:
Date of Decommissioned:
Time of Service:
Class of Starship:
A.I On Board: (Yes or No)
Number of AI: (1 - a lot)
Name of AIs: (Name all the AIs you have for the Starship In question)
AI Construct based on people: (This is for your AIs, aka what they look like when they are inside of the space ship's computer core or Holographic Projections. This means you have to give it in this order: Name of AI - Name of Construct it's based off of or this way Name of AI is based on the person's name it's based off of.)
Alignment: (Only Applicable as an AI on board.)

-= [General Miscellaneous Information] =-

The Motto of the Ship: (The Motto of an Empire aka the Progenitor Empire's Motto is "We pledge we will protect and serve the people instead of oppressing the people in what we deserve is right.")
The Tagline of the Ship: (Tagline is closely similar to the motto but it's more or less if this was sold on a black market what would it be?)
Catch Phrase: (This is only applicable if the Starship in question has an AI.)

-= [Appearance Information] =-

Engine Name:
Engine Height:
Engine Length:
Engine Width:
Engine Trail Color:
Hull Color:
Hull Markings:
Spaceship Height:
Spaceship Length:
Spaceship Width:
Light Colors: (Aka like on Aircraft aka the Jetliners and etc)
Other Distinctive Features: (Aka Battle Damage)
Name of Mode: (#1 - 6 - Ancient One Only*)
Mode AI Controller: (Mode AI Controller is what modes go with what AIs since there's six AIs and six modes that fits in perfectly for the Ancient One. This is an Ancient One Only option since it's the only one with six different AIs for six different modes since most starships have at least 1 primary AI that controls any number of modes.)
Mode Height: (For #1 - 6 - Ancient One Only*)
Mode Length: (For #1 - 6 - Ancient One Only*)
Mode Width: (For #1 - 6 - Ancient One Only*)

[spoiler]Leger for the Appearance Information:
Ancient One Only* - You have to give me an good argument about why your starship should have an mode change but the maximum I am willing to give up in an argument with you is 2. So if you see this Leger and not argue with me than you are willing to give your starship 2 mode changes and they have to be realistic enough to be believable, and I sure you that the modes that the Ancient One has is believable it can turn in those since it's an MASSIVE Starship anyway.[/spoiler]

-= [Relationship Information] =-

Family Class of Starships: (Similar to the class of starship you are creating just have to create the names for each one and what they would be classified as aka this would be Known Family but in the Mechanical Sense.)
Creator of the Starship:
Aggressive Stance: (Like Enemies though this is what the Starship will instantly target and try to destroy it.)
Neutral Stance: (Like Rivals/Friends a bit, won't go out of its way to annihilate the target but try to hurt it enough that it doesn't come back.)
Passive Stance: (Ignores everything and does its task to the letter.)
Offline Mode: (How long does the Starship just sits their like an derelict and gets ignored by all things that are looking for it.)

-= [Equipment Information] =-

Weapons On Board: (Yes or No)
Hanger Bays On Board: (Yes or No)
Number of Weapons: (1 - A lot)
Number of Hanger Bays: (1 - A lot)
Name of Weapons: (In the Classes of Short Ranged, Medium Ranged and Long Ranged Weaponry)
Hanger Bay Load out: (The Size of Starships inside of the Hanger Bay, how many that launches from each hanger bay, and the weapon load out of the smallest ship in the Hanger Bay.)
Class of Weapons: (In what ranges they can hit and also Special Weapons)
Name of Special Weapon:
Special Weapon Length:
Special Weapon Height:
Special Weapon Width:
Power Generation Unit: (This is the Item of Note more or less for the Starship in question, it's the life blood of the starship aka the Warp Core.)

-= [Strengths & Weaknesses Information] =-

Special Features Names:
Special Features Strengths:
Special Features Weaknesses:

-= [Personal Status] =-

Theme Song: (The only one applicable since some ships have themes when they get into battle like any of those starfighter animes.)

-= [General Information] =-

Personality: (Only applicable if it has an AI.)
Battle History: (The Battle History of every single battle the Starship's Been in since it's Date of Creation.)
General History: (General History aka Non-War Time Battles or Wars.)

-= [The Devil Incarnate's Guide] =-

Through the mind of the thought patterns of the Spaceship Profile Sheet, since I was kinda desperate in making this profile sheet kinda of aka I really want to start on the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan Class Starship as soon as possible more or less.

The Personal Information is important for all starships especially the ones who were created by very powerful beings.

1. The Name is simple since it's the name of the starship. The Example: Typhon, Ancient One or Renewed Freedom are the examples.

2. The Full Name is quite different is based off of the Ancient Civilization Name that the creator belongs to aka Emily S. Frostling created the Ancient One so the Full Name would be "Ancient Frost Warping Zeras One."

3. Nickname is quite easy since it's based off what the people around it aka the Legends of the Starship called it since it was FEARED or not.

4. Date of Creation - This is similar to Date of Birth but, it's slightly different since it's about creation with engineering instead of going into labor and giving birth to an child.

5. Place of Creation - Same as Place of Birth but different since most starships are created in extremely large factories or other type of places.

6. Date of Decommissioned - Same as Date of Death but different since it means the starship got decommissioned to be apart of an Moth Ball Fleet of Ships or Scrapped and rebuilt elsewhere.

7. Time of Service - How long its been in service from Date of Creation to Date of Decommissioned.

8. Class of Starship - This is what class of starship it is. The Examples are as follows Escort Carrier/Cruiser, Omega Behemoth Titan, Pirate Carrier and etc.

9. Artificial Intelligence On Board - Is an Yes or No Question. If it doesn't have any on board it's an No Question if it does it's an Yes. The only ones that would classify in this category to having an AI is the Ancient One and a starship in the Maria'Isis Universe.

10. Number of AIs - This is another simple one, the number of AIs that the Ancient One has is 6. So just put the number by the Number of AIs.

11. Name of AIs - All you have to do is name all the AIs in question aka in order from the first one to last one.

12. Alignment - Alignment only affects the Starships with AIs since most AIs can be like HAL 9000 or other dangerous AIs in other Movies and TV Shows.

The General Miscellaneous Information is unique for Starships since it's slightly different to the Legendary Egoist's Character Sheet since those are for living breathing mortals aka like Lloyd or etc.

1. The Motto of the Ship - Any Empire's Motto can be the motto of the starship or if it is the Ancient One's the Motto is "Leave Us Alone and we won't blast you into space dust."

2. The Tagline to the Ship - The Tagline is what if it was sold on an auction or black market bid. Example: "Only the Greatest Finest Weapons are created from this beauty beware of its dangerous since it is highly impeccable in destruction."

3. Catch Phrases - AIs or Organic Starships can have Catch Phrases but AIs have an more toneless catch phrases than Organic Starships.

The Appearance Information is quite important but most information is on it already aka you don't need to worry most of the time, though only certain things will be talked about in this portion.

1. Engine Name - The Name of the Engine the Starship is holding and if it is double or triple stacked is also in the name but at the end of the name in lower case.

2. Hull Markings - Hull Markings similar to these as an Example - PSA1-5FS1M-32D the Renewed Freedom's Hull Markings.

That is all for this guide since I have to think on it more but I gave you an in depth look at the Personal Information, General Misc. Information and some of the Appearance Information since I don't really think there needs to be any more expanding on these things. Also I might update this later to give an much more prosperous look at my Profile right now I just whipped this up easily.

This gives you all the chance to see the Starship Profile and its guide I use for any starship I create. I just need to work on
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Legendary Egoist's Profile Sheet

-= [Personal Information] =-

Full Name:
Place of Birth:
Social Class:
Economic Class:

-= [Personal Miscellaneous Information] =-

Favorite Colors:
Catch Phrases:
Gourmet(s) of Choice:
Beverage(s) of Choice:
Hobbies & Talents:
Dominant Hand:

-= [Appearance Information] =-

The Species section, that used to be important in this section & the Personal Information has now is only in the Appearance Information section. The Species Section is way more important in this section now than it used to be, you can put your species' name in this section and also write a small description of your species in this section as well.

Breast Size: (Female Only)
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Hair Color:
Other Distinctive Features:

-= [Relationship Info] =-

The Relationship Info has changed slightly with the introduction of the Empires Section for this area. To show what empires you used to have relations with in the past during certain wars & etc.

Known Family:
Martial Status:

-= [Equipment Info] =-

Item(s) of Value had a slight name change to Item(s) of Note and will stay this way till the next revision of this Profile Template.

Item(s) of Note:

-= [Strengths & Weaknesses Info] =-


-= [Personal Status] =-

The Personal Status has changed too with the Hobbies & Talents taken out completely, and moved to the Personal Miscellaneous Information. All that is really important here is I.Q and Theme Song.

Theme Song:

-= [Miscellaneous Tactical Information] =-

The Miscellaneous Tactical Information Category changed with a total of 7 sub-sections within the The Elemental Spells section and the Summoning Spells got taken out of the All Elemental Spells combined section from the first version of the Legendary Egoist's Profile Template

Special Defensive Moves:
The Elemental Spells:
1) Holy/Light Elemental Spells:
2) Dark Elemental Spells:
3) Fire Elemental Spells:
4) Water Elemental Spells:
5) Wind Elemental Spells:
6) Earth Elemental Spells:
7) Non-Elemental Spells:
Summoning Spells:
Forbidden Attacks:
Weapon Attacks:
Magical Resource:
The Stance:

-= [General Information] =-


-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

This is a guide to figure out how to use this profile sheet properly. I will give you hints how to use this profile properly and I will surely help you along the way with this profile sheet. Now on to the guide's proper locations, this will cover the "Bigger Parts of the profile sheet."

1. Personal Info

This place is slightly easy to figure out what goes here, because it mainly says "Personal Information" for your fan character in this profile sheet. Here's the stuff that goes in this section; Name, Full Name, Nickname, Age, Species, DOB, Place of Birth, Alignment, Occupation, Residence, Social Class and Economic Class. There will not be any tests on this stuff most of you know what goes in those areas in this part of the profile just because none of you are stupid. But I will go over them, to the least just because I am a Legendary Egoist. This part talks about all that goes inside of the Personal Information's area underneath "Personal Info".

A. Name - This is quite simple it is your bloody name just not your full name to the least. If your fan character has a middle name, it must be put in initial format like this.
Example: Christiana L. Powell

B. Full Name - This is where your full name would go; quite simply you would spell out your entire fan character and/or real name here. I gave an example in this area and name.
Example: Christiana Lee Powell

C. Nickname - This is where your nicknames go, for yourself or your fan characters it is quite simple what goes here. I don't really need to put an example here.

D. Age - Anyone would figure out this, with a massive wooden stick up their ass! It is your age Dur just fill out, your fan character's age. If your fan character has an unknown age, you must put in parenthesis how old they are look to compare with human or any other race's age.

E. Gender - This is pretty damned simple. Gender is no other than Male, Female or Transgendered.

F. Species - This is slightly tricky, but it is quite reasonable to figure out this one; mainly for one reason this is where your fan character's species goes aka Human or otherwise goes here.

G. DOB - On a better note, this is really the Date of Birth section of the "Personal Information" area. This is where you put your date of birth for your fan character, you must give a good reason why you don't have a DOB for your fan character.
H. Place of Birth - This is simple as well just because of one reason this is where your fan character was born.

I. Alignment - Alignment is an easy thing to figure out because there is only 3 alignments to choose from only they are Good, Evil and Neutral.

J. Residence - Is slightly easy as well, it is where your fan character lives as of now during his or her travels throughout an universe or a reality or two.

K. Social Class - Basically, if life were a high school, what clique would they belong in. Is the character a jock, a punk rocker, a goth? Lots of people don't know what this means, and if you want to leave it out, go ahead.

L. Economic Class - This is basically about is your fan character highly wealthy, med class or dirt poor.

-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

This is part 2 of the guide this covers the next part of the Profile. The Personal Miscellaneous Information; section.

2. Personal Miscellaneous Information

This place is easier to figure out because this is the miscellaneous information for your fan character. Here's the stuff that goes in this section; Favorite Colors, Catch Phrases, Gourmet(s) of Choice, Beverage(s) of Choice and Dominant Hand.

A. Favorite Colors - This is easy; because it is mainly about your fan character's favorite colors. Favorite Colors can be anything; that is a color.
B. Catch Phrases - This is simplistic just because of one thing this is what your fan character says to other people often enough it is a Catch Phrase for them. Catch Phrases can consist of anything to "I'm going to kill you!" to "I love you my dear!" these two are examples of what can go here.
C. Gourmet(s) of Choice - This is simplistic enough; this explains your fan character's favorite food, dishes, and dinners he/she likes.
D. Beverage(s) of Choice - This is as simplistic as Gourmet(s) of Choice; just slightly different it tells what favorite drink they have, is that simple enough?
E. Dominant Hand - This is slightly easy because there's only three choices here, Left Hand, Right Hand, or Ambidexterity; the use of both hands.

-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

This is part 3 of the guide this covers the next part of the profile. The Appearance Information of your fan character.

3. Appearance Information

This section is called the Appearance Information for a reason, it describes your fan character in detail; though you can also put a picture in this area to show your fan character's appearance easier. Here's the stuff that goes in this section; Species (Only in a rare case), Height, Weight, Breast Size, Outfits/Attire, Eye Color, Skin Color, Hair Color, Other Distinctive Features.

A. Species (Only in a rare case) - This description is exactly the same as Part 1's Species. But is slightly different if your fan character has "different personalities and/or different transformations you have to create two different appearance information sections for your fan character if this is the case".
B. Height - This is a very easy thing; Height is how tall your fan character is.
C. Weight - This is another easy thing; Weight is how skinny, chubby or fat your character is. You can go with the Ideal weight for your fan character's Height or even a little bit lighter or heavier; minus or plus 5 weight.
D. Breast Size - This is a new thing added into the Appearance Information Section; it is simply only for female fan characters because they are mainly the ones that you consider for "beautiful" in that case; Flat Chested to "Double D sized breasts."
E. Outfits/Attire - This is what your fan character wears for a certain time of day or event. You can create any amount of clothes your fan character wears throughout the day and events; Imagination is up to the beholder.
F. Eye Color - Your Eye Color of your fan character can be almost anything; as long it makes sense and/or you can explain why and how it is. And most of the time you can tie the eye color of your fan character to an Anime that has that certain eye color.
G. Skin Color - This is you're fan character's skin color; Anime or Real Life Skin Colors.
H. Hair Color - This is you're fan character's hair color; Anime or Real Life Hair Colors. You can add the Hair Style of your fan character in this section to; Curly, Straight, Ponytail, and etc.
I. Other Distinctive Features - This part can give you a lot of unique ideas like having your fan character with these distinctive things; Scars, Tails, Wings, Birthmarks and etc.

-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

This is part 4 of the guide that covers the next part of the profile. The Relationship Information section of your fan character's profile; If you are using this Profile Sheet.

4. Relationship Information

This section is called the Relationship Information for a reason, it describes your fan character's relationships with other people in a slight better detail than most profiles, though there is one that does a lot better than this guide can give out. Here's the stuff that goes in this section; Friends, Rivals, Enemies, Known Family and Martial Status.

A. Friends - This part of this section gives you interesting detail about your fan character's friends. If you have a lot of friends for your fan character, you must give out some odd information how you met them and why you are friends.
B. Rivals - This part of this section gives you interesting details about your fan character's rivals; On top of it rivals is not so bad as enemies because you are more or less having a friendly competition between them to see who's the better person in whatever you do that can be any number of things why you consider them your rivals and also they are mainly from your friends most of the time.
C. Enemies - This part of this section gives you interesting details about your fan character's enemies. On top of it enemies is mainly one thing about is; your fan character hates his/her guts to almost no point and he/she has done something horrible to the fan character in question that hates these enemies.
D. Known Family - This part is quite simplistic it is about your fan character's family; Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son and etc, can go here just to name a few things.
E. Martial Status - Is quite simple because of one thing, it is your fan character's status amongst these three things. Is your fan character; Single, Married, or Divorced?

-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

This is the fifth part of the guide that covers the next part of the profile. The Equipment Information of your fan character's profile; If you are using this profile sheet.

5. Equipment Information

This section is quite small, just because it has only two things available to create with your imagination slightly depressing but you can do a lot with this section just because it is extremely small. Like have unique weapons or unique items of value that your fan character needs to survive or study in a certain extent.

A. Weapons - This is where you fan character's weapons go; you can have an unlimited amount of unique weapons out of real life or of your imagination of course.
B. Item(s) of Value - This is where your fan character's most important items go; like amulets, necklaces and etc.

-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

This is the sixth part of the guide; it covers the Strengths and Weaknesses Information section of the profile.

6. Strengths & Weaknesses Information

A. Strengths - This is your fan character's strengths; meaning what he/she is strong against as well good at.
B. Weaknesses - This is your fan character's weaknesses; meaning what he/she is weak against.

-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

This is the seventh part of the guide; it covers Personal Status. It is slightly longer than the other two that was posted before.

7. Personal Status

A. Hobbies & Talents - This section is quite simple you just put your fan character's talents and hobbies in the same area but if you want to be an Legendary Egoist like me put in what you put as a Hobby and Talent to separate the two a little bit.
B. I.Q - Here's a quick list on IQ's on the bottom. But IQ is what you get in a stupid test, it doesn't really matter actually. Though sometimes it does if you want to get into a better school.

The IQ Table: 70-80; somewhere in there is when you hit the mentally handicapped level.
90-110; this is the world average, about half of the entire world's IQ falls somewhere in there.
144; this is the point where you hit genius, Einstein's IQ was supposed to be in the 150s somewhere, possibly low 160s.

C. Theme Song - This is where your fan character's Theme song goes; you can choice up to an infinite amount.

-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

This goes on the MTI Section of the Profile and it is slightly unique for this type of profile because. MTI means Miscellaneous Tactical Information... This is going to be an In-depth explanation about the Miscellaneous Tactical Information section.

8. Miscellaneous Tactical Information

A. Special Defensive Moves - You only need to fill out this part if you have special unique evil armor on you; that was placed on you by an Evil Emperor or Empire; or found and it is cursed.
B. All Elemental Spells - This can be all elemental magical spells; Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Non-Elemental with Summon Spells in this section. Though your fan character has to be very weak in a certain element that he/she casts if he/she is weak to a certain element.
C. Forbidden Attacks - Forbidden is pretty easy; it is FORBIDDEN. You have to be in a very desperate situation to use forbidden attacks or don't follow the rules. Some Forbidden Attacks/Spells or Summons will do something horrible to your species if you do use it.
D. Weapon Attacks - Pretty simple; it is your weapon's specialized attacks of it's primary elements.
E. The Stance - This is also simple; it is the stance you use in different things it can be for these types of things; Spell casting, Forbidden Attacks, Weapon Attacks, Hand to Hand Stances, and Special Defense Moves.

I'll give you a better explanation later.

-= [Explanation Area Here] =-

The Explanation is pretty simple this is to replace Special Attacks, and etc from other profiles to put them in one simple section that will keep you thinking of new attacks and other ways to kill your opponent with them. Also it will help yourself in getting to the attacks second to last or last if you feel like doing your Personality, and Background before Attacks. =P


-= [The Legendary Egoist's Guide] =-

Now it is time to close up this long journey with you all in saying this is the final part of the Guide this is the Part 9. It covers the section called General Information; with 2 very important key items and they are Personality and Background or Back Story.

9. General Information

A. Personality - The Up-most important thing to do for your fan character; Personality is extremely important. 1 or 2 Paragraphs will cover this section quite nicely.

B. Background/Back Story - This is your history of your fan character; This is also important. This is important enough to realize 5 or more paragraphs if you feel the need for typing that much; You can even do a quick summary of your fan character's Childhood, Teens and Adult hood besides 5 or more paragraphs explaining your fan character's background. Though a quick summary would probably come to about 1 or 2 paragraphs during those three things; childhood, teenage years and Adulthood.

There is another thing I have to address it is classified as the Magical Resource. It is the primary thing you use to use any and all spells in total.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Character's I've created on RPG for roleplays that interested me.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

More Character Profiles from my RPG days of the old world.. I guess?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

My Noble Arms Academy Character belongs to the worst Noble Arms Academy ever. The Sticks Academy for rejects, delinquents, and whatnot. She's for a roleplay that @The Jest is working on and the profile's completed form.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
Avatar of Landaus Five-One

Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Here's the second profile for the same RP, which ties to the character above very well.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Might as well, put this down. Even though I still have the relationships to fix up in terms of Fiona's Profile. In terms of certain people that she's talked to before joining EW2.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
Avatar of Landaus Five-One

Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Titular Character Diana! Who's the most hilarious female ever and is a great mother.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
Avatar of Landaus Five-One

Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Latest profile I've created for Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

These profiles are from a roleplay that is ran by Letter Bee, the name of the roleplay is Iliad City. Hopefully you will enjoy them in the hider below.

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