@Aisling "I'll take a double cheeseburger and a coke," Toma said.
The waitress came by. "Ce să cumpere?" "Un cheeseburger dublu și o Coca-Cola pentru mine, va rog. Fiona ar dori să aibă un cheeseburger fără murături și muștar, un shake de căpșuni și niște cartofi. Si Mystique ar dori să aibă un fraier ciocolată," Toma ordered. The waitress wrote everything down and then disappeared into the kitchen.
"I see them. Aren't they the coolest pictures that you ever did see, Toma?" Fiona's eyes were darting around the cafe.
"If you was to buy a toy to take home, what would you like to take home? Anything from a stuffed animal to a science kit is in the Gift shop." Mystique spoke as she was reading the material that she was given.
"Maybe one where you make bubble gum, a tornado, fountain and even dinosaur digs. There are chemistry sets too." Mystique spoke as she looked at the two children.