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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jageroux
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"What." Shuana's words were more a statement than a question. Why was there sticky stuff on her boobs? Poking it, a look of disgust made its way onto her face when her fingers prodded the sticky goop. "Is... This fucking gum?" She questioned to no one in particular, partially disgusted and partially curious as to how so much gum had landed on her chest.

Looking around, she spotted two people fighting... And one of them was overflowing with gum?


"PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!" She snickered loudly before pointing to Roma. "Holy fucking shit, dude! Your powers fucking suck! I mean, gum, really?!" Shauna laughed obnoxiously, holding her stomach as she was more amused than anything.

"I've seen some really sad and pathetic shit, but you take the cake!" The girl giggled, barely able to keep herself from rolling around on the ground to laugh herself to death. Gum? Really?

Still holding her stomach, she attempted to catch her breath.

Under any other circumstance, she would have been pissed off.

But this was so ridiculous it was hilarious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FellbloodFool
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FellbloodFool The Doosh

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rendaz became frozen...

Get it?

Never in his life did he ever expect to find himself in a situation such as this. I mean, who'da thunk it, right? Did he? Nope. Definitely not. But here he was, once again, frozen in place. Stiff as a board. The only way that Olaf and Sven knew that he was still alive was the fact that Ren's eyes kept darting between the two men. You know, like that situation between chocolate and vanilla. Especially when you liked the two flavors equally and cannot decide which one to choose. A dilemma that was surprisingly a lot harder than what it appeared to be. It's a choice that could mean how your day is going to go.

Ren wished he had bought himself a pocket watch now. Even those counterfeit ones. Right now he jut wanted to know how long he had just been standing there, dumbfounded. He had to do it now. He just had to. He knew what he must do. Fate had it so that he was obligated to do so. There was no denying it. This was his test - his trial into acceptance. This was his birthright. To provide the world what it wanted in a conquest of joy. Oh, and killing every last one of his relatives. Right. Can't gloss over that important detail. The revelation overwhelmed his mind to such a state that there was no other choice but to acknowledge that this must happen.

Olaf and Sven took a step back when Ren took one deep breath, slouching when he exhaled. They took a quick look at each other before looking back to Ren. He had just been standing there for about ten minutes. They knew because Olaf had bought himself a new pocket watch here in Rum Town. A nifty one at that. Something in the back of their minds told them to hold their fire. At any point they could have just shot the man dead. He was a suspicious character, and it was their job to rid of suspicious people so that the plan would go out without a problem. Despite that, they waited.

"Sooooo..." Rendaz begn, straightening himself, "Olaf and Sven... Did I get that right. Just nod if I heard correctly. Really? Good, good. So I'm not going insane after all... oh, no no, I am. Ah jeez, how do I word this? Uuuuhhh." He walked forward, stopping when the two men he was speaking to aimed their guns. He raised both hands to the air in turn. "Whoa, whoa! Now hold on there, chief. I come in peace, so hear me out, yeah? I ain't here to harm you guys, okay? Boy scouts honor? No? Okay, okay, look."

Ren made two cautious steps forward. "There's this thing I'm going to do- OI! I mean no harm! Put'em down! You guys need to be cool. We cool? Yeah, that's it. Lower your guns. Okay we cool. Righty-o. As I was saying, there's this thing I'm going to do now. If you know this, then I encourage you to go along with it. I absolutely will not condone it. We cool? Yeah, yeah, of course we cool." The silver-haired man steadily moved one arm to his side while the other near his mouth in a closed fist as he cleared his throat.

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I'm the queen...

The two pirates widened their eyes in realization.

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried...

Knowing what was next, Olaf picked up where Rendaz left off, dropping his gun and moving to the assassin's left, placing his hand on his shoulder.

Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they knoooow!

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door!

Following up was Sven, who went over to Ren's right.

I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway

The pirates and marines that fought around them had already stopped at this point to hum out the melody. Ren grinned and continued to sing.

It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all!

It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me!
I'm freeeeee!

Next sung Sven.

Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry!

Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on!

Olaf then moved from Ren's left and began singing around him and Sven, twirling around with his hands to the air as he did so.

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back,
The past is in the past!

Reaching the end of the line, Ren and Sven followed Olaf's movements, all three now singing along as the people around them kept humming or whistling.

Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone!

Here I stand
In the light of daaaay
Let the storm rage ooooooooooon!
The cold never bothered me anyway!

Reaching the end of the song, Ren, Olaf, Sven, and the pirates and marines around them all cheered victoriously. Men crying out with enthusiasm all around, high-fiving each other or commenting on how amazing that was.

"Hot damn! That was a thing and I liked it! Great job guys! We didn't even rehearse that shit! Gives yourselves round of applause! You all deserve it!" Ren shouted,a and everyone else immediately complied. While distracted, Ren moved backwards towards the shadows with a smile. "I did good today." He said before disappearing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A chef, a chef, cookbooks, someone was talking about food! Jams looked over, identifying the fish as the source of the voice. Finishing washing off her paws frantically she stumbled over the ruble all the while quietly chanting 'food'. Atlast she was free of the ruble and standing pretty much right in front of the chef.

"Hey I'm Jam's, short for Jamita, you got any food? I heard you're a chef, like just right now. You said you're a chef, please give me food. You're not a chef if you can't feed people. Kitchens over there buddy." The bunny girl rambled, scrutinizing the fish for anything edible that he might be carrying before carrying on with her banter. "I got carrots, B T dubs, also I con't eat meat. I'm kinda a vegitarin sorta most days. It's complicated. What's your name anyway???" some people were so rude, didn't even introduce themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As he was finishing up his rant, this rabbit girl came waltzing up to him, assaulting him with her random, quips...? Was that the word, he wasn't exactly well educated. "Oh? You want to take a ride on the chef wagon!?" Chirachi grinned, This was his pride after all! "I'm Chirashi Sushimi! Best Chef in the... immediate vicinity." He coughed, then cracked his neck. "Alright, I'll ignore all transgressions and show you... Just how amazing my cooking skills are!" He laughed proudly with a Jajajaja! Then made way to the kitchen!

A vegetarian dish for a rabbit girl, hmm, hmm What would he need? Probably some sauteed carrots or something? Yeah that's it! "Yosh! Watch as I amaze thee!" He grabbed some carrots from the fridge, tossed a pan on the heat and threw in some white whine. Let that get nice and hot, while he chopped the ends of the carrots away and peeled the outer flesh. After a few moments, once the whine began to sizzles and bubble, he tossed the carrots into the pan.

"Hmmm~ Hmmm~" He sang and hummed letting them sizzles and boil away. "Little, Saalt~ Little Pepper pepper pepper...." Then... Dice onion! Mushrooms! Chives! A bit of celery leaves! and Butter! BLAM! The dish was done. "There. Sauteed Carrots in white whine sauce." He plopped the carrots onto a plate, poured the sauce over and cleaned the edged. "Enjoy." Chirashi bows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Classpet@Infichi@Great Sogeking@samreaper@Jageroux@FellbloodFool

"With the way you look you probably play bottom often, pretty boy." Roma hopped off Barbert back onto his two feet. He hardly gave the blonde any thought and looked for the fishman that threw the god damn oven on his head. The bastard had gone off back into the restaurant with that rabbit woman and even though he would've loved to punch his face in, he didn't have time to bother with him. He needed to get back to his boat before any shit happened to it. Well, he would've had rushed back, but a bitch was making fun of his powers.

"Those are fighting words, tramp. You wanna go?" Roma asked through a forced grin and clenched teeth while the woman was still laughing. He was going to shut her up with the same powers that she claimed to 'suck' though he was distracted by a sudden explosion on the other side of town followed by another series of deafening explosions. Just what the hell was going on in this town?! What was strange though was among the incessant explosions, singing could be heard. And they were singing...Let It Go? Hopefully Disney's copyright didn't extend as far as different dimensions and role playing games, otherwise the marines and pirates were the least of his worries.

Another explosion roared louder than any of the previous explosions. It wasn't any of the ones that The Doctor had set up previously, no, it was on the opposite side of the town where the port was located. "Oh shit..." Roma had sprinted towards the port as fast as his legs would let him. His worst fear had been realized as soon as he saw the sorry state the port was in; half of it was destroyed. Any transportation to get off the island was now obliterated into pieces of wooden planks or were beginning to sink. The marines and pirates' conflict had left no options of leaving this island. Actually, there was one option. There was a marine ship that had just docked with soldiers boarding the ship to go after other pirates that were trying to make their getaway. So there were actually two options: stay on Rum Island and get caught in the middle of the conflict or hijack the marine ship and get the hell out of their as fast as they could. To live or to die.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jamita didn't really follow what the fish guy was saying, his accent was kinda heavy. She gathered that he understood what she was say, and was going to make her food! While he babbled about spices or something at any rate he made a mean dish. She only added to this chatter with "uhhu"s and "oh wowie!"s, focused more on the food than whatever it was he was actually saying.

at last he was finished. She didn't even wait for him to say enjoy before she started eating, scarfing down the veggies. About halfway through the dish her ears perked, detecting the far off cry of...the ice princess song?? and explosions. The explosions were definitely the more immediately threatening of the two things.

Plate in hand she shot up, "I gotta go right now, immediately, Good food, you keep doi' this hun, gotta go. Explosions at the port by the way. She said hurridly, in between bites, as she was leaving. She wasn't about to be stuck on some dumb island because all the boats were destroyed. Un-destroying boats was literally her specialty right after talking and eating. She scurried her way through the streets at top bunny speed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chirashi heard the explosions, he didn’t need the rabbit girl to tell him about them. “Damn it… that’s my ride they are busting up!” He groaned, Man today was not a good day for the fishman… Let’s look at everything that’s gone wrong so far! -The World Freezes-

Alright! Bullet List time!

*No Recipes!
*Almost Died!
*Got punched by some guy with gum for a body!
*Got insulted!
*Got insulted by a rabbit!
*Lost out on a bunch of new cooking techniques!
*Possibly Just lost his ship!

Man that is quite the list of crap that’s happened to him today, Alright back to the story at hand. -world returns to Normal-

“Nnng…. Not a fan. Not a fan.” He grumbled to himself, looking around there were a few cookbooks, looked personal enough… That would work, yeah it’d work just right. He snatched them up and tossed them into his little rucksack he’ carried around. “Time to leave!”

The fishman dashed away with amazing speed, it paid to be stronger, faster… all around cooler than a human you know! He needed to make his way to the docks and hope there was something he could use to escape… I mean, he COULD swim, he’d probably be able to swim faster than any marine ship, hell any pirate ship! But, then his recipes would get wet… then they’d be unusable… then he’d have to hurt someone… Then he’d probably have to run away from the marines MORE…

That would not do.

--- The Docks ---

“Oh come on...”
Chirashi let out a groan, his fishman eyes witnessing the only REAL ship available… A marine cruiser, this wasn’t… No this was a terrible idea… “It would be incredibly irresponsible to-” A little angel and devil version of himself plopped onto his shoulder. “Chirashi, buddy.” The devil spoke, “Think about it… Recipes… Marine Recipes...” The fishman blinked, “Oh… good point...” He then turned to his angel self. “Angel?” He asked, “What are you doing lazying about! Get your fishy ass onto that ship and steal the recipes!” The angel barked. “Huh… I don’t have a good bone in my body...” He thought to himself, dashing for the ship!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

All sorts of shouts and screams came from below, nearly muffled by the crackling from the burning fires, though he did make sure all the spots were safe and deserted. These fires were nothing more than to flush out a certain target; assuming this person was even here to begin with and riling things up as an added bonus.

Head resting on his raised knee as he scoured the streets while bouncing his left foot against the building, but nearly ten minutes of searching with no result. A heavy sigh spilled from his mouth followed by an aggravated sigh.'Ugh...seems I might of wasted my time com- is that...singing?'lifting his head in confusion and rubbed at his ear to be sure of what he was hearing.'Is that..let it go? Odd choice of song and timing, though considering the situation I guess its..fitting?'Scratching at his chin to ponder this; thoughts cut short from the sudden explosion caused at the docks that set off a weak quake throughout the island.'Wait...'Counting the fires around him then looked towards the docks which were on the opposite side of the island.'Uh..ok that one was not me so no one can pin that on me.'Holding up his arms while shaking his head.

Deciding it was best to get down from her to avoid being spotted and accused of that one and hopped up onto his feet. Behind, the sudden crash of something huge wracked the building that nearly made The Doctor lose his balance.'Was that a cannonball?..unlikely as the marines wouldn't fire yet so..'Leaning back from the edge when a bone chilling growl reverberated in the air like a loud boom.'Ooook..no that sounds much..much worse.'A bead of sweat formed on his forehead as he snapped his fingers.'If I don't turn around then maybe it'll go away..yeah that should work.'He had seen several times in books how the moment the hero/heroine turned around that things turned real and were attacked; simply he wouldn't and just stood there trying to whistle, but his lips just sputtered and spat.

The spine chilling, goose bump forming, ear racking, blood freezing growl persisted and even drew closer.*....crap*Resigned that the thing wasn't leaving and hesitantly turned just as a monstrous shadow loomed over him.

Eyes bulged out through the shades after seeing the massive, bear sized wolf growling at him with rows of sharp teeth bared. A great hulking predator covered with bristling black fur where multiple battle scars were hidden, but it was those piercing dark red eyes, seemingly glowing from the sunlight glinting that showed off a vicious gaze of death. Its long, blade sharp claws digging into the cracked roof as its spiky tail swished side to side while even from halfway across the roof, its hot breath reeking of blood and rotten meat could be felt.

All The Doctor could do was gulp at the sight of this encroaching behemoth.*Oh..brilliant...absolutely fucking brilliant. Of all things and I go attracting one of Fenir's wolves!*He nearly screamed to himself in his head.

A single step forward nearly made the roof shake from both its sheer weight and overwhelming power, the growling a deafening threat to let him know it planned to hunt him.'Wait! just Wait!'Holding his arms out as he called out, which made the bulking wolf stop to tilt its head in confusion.'Just..let me work something out real fast ok?'Letting out a nervous chuckle; raising a hand to poke at the air, muttering to himself at first.

'Let's see...this wolf has
-A body the size of a bear
-Teeth and claws big or possibly bigger than my arm
-likely immense strength
-Incredibly enhanced sense of smell and hearing
-very powerful legs for great speed
-possible haki
-master skill at hunting
-Moderate to high intelligence
-ominous presence

Marking the air as he named all the possible strength and advantages the wolves had, each one making the dread in his stomach worsen. An angry growl from the wolf caught his attention in time to see it give a strong swing of its right paw and sending out a string of hair. That hair quickly changed into a round chakram the size of a softball flying at him; aimed for his chest as The Doctor nearly panicked and bent his body to the right to just barely avoid it. Still it left a long cut along the side of his chest before going on to cut straight through the building behind him, how far it continued on was his guess as it left a sizeable split.

-Chakram devil fruit...check

Likely that was a warning for the wolf could easily shoot one out too fast for his eyes to follow.'Ok..and I have

-Strategical mind
-small weapons nothing more than a hindrance
-little to none battle experience
-The strength of an average adult (more like that of a kid he sobs at)
-Quick thinking
-High stamina
-Moderate speed
-moderate salvaging skill
-A devil fruit that nullifies or increases sense of pain

Checking off his skills then started rubbing and poking the air as if working out a complicated equation.'That goes there and..no wait can't forget about this.'Muttering to himself then rubbed at his chin.'A chance of -99.99% chance of possibly beating it..no wait that's not right.'Going back over his calculation and noticed the decimal in the wrong place.'Oh there we go...so a -300% of beating it.'Staring at the non-existent equation of his then leaned forward with hands placed on his hips to let out an heavy exhale.

*yeah......I am utterly, completely, no snowball in hell's chance, royally blue balled to kingdom come screwed straight down the creek without a paddle.*Sweat dripping down his face; on the verge of tears nearly at this unfortunate turn of events.

Standing back up after taking a deep breath.'Alright...how about we don't fight..huh? I can give you all the steak you could want. What do you say?'Forcing a weak smile, thinking how odd it was trying to reason with a wolf.

A booming growl exploded from the wolf's muzzle before pushing with its front paws and in vanished leaving concave cracks on the roof. A second passed as the large paw made a powerful swipe at his chest, but The Doctor, knowing it was coming had jumped back just enough to avoid those blade like claws from being fatal.

His body got sent flying, his shirt ripped open with four horizontal long, deep bleeding gashes along his chest. The sound of glass smashing from him smashing through a window filled his buzzed head and soon landed on a wooden floor.

Gasping out for the wind was knocked out of him and his head swimming; struggling to breath and look around, but his vision blurry and ears ringing left him completely stunned. For a moment he blanked out before shaking his head to take in a long, drawling gasp of air before slowly shiting onto his side to cough up a gob of blood.*Ugh...thank god for..the stalling*Letting out a wheeze while all that talking and muttering had been to let him discreetly edge himself in front of a window for he saw the wolf's attack coming.

Hoping the wolf would leave or think him dead and slowly lifted himself up off the floor, mindful of the shards of glass all over.'Need..to get going.'The strength still not fully returned, though succeeded to get himself half standing and started to limp towards the stairs, his legs weak and shaking still. From behind came a loud crash with dust and bits of stone sent flying; turning his head, peering over his shoulder and there within the dust cloud hid the form of massive beast.

Clearly this monster wasn't done with him.'......Fuck...me
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What was that?!” Barbert angrily asked as he scrambled back up to his feet, intending to grab Roma by the collar and start something. (Un?)Fortunately for him Roma had already stalked off the way he came, preventing any rash decisions on his end. “Ugh… What an ass,” Barbert groaned as he patted the dust off of himself. Just as he was about to continue on his way, the explosions made him flinch and look back in the direction they came from.

“Oh… No! Wait… Yeah that’s!” Barbert stood in place as he imagined up a map to help visualize where he was on the island right now. On one side was the port with his boat… The middle was where the big riot was… And on the opposite side was Barbert stood. And the explosions just went off… Right at the port!


Bad that was bad that was the exact thing Barbert was afraid would happen.

Barbert just hightailed it straight to the port to see if his fears had come true… And they had! Where his ship once floated, it was now in several pieces! Ruination! Devastation! …Something-ation!

“DAMMIT!” Barbert sunk down to his knees and slammed his fists against the ground. And then he shook his hands in pain because they weren’t meant for striking solid rock. “Ow, ow, ow…” Barbert hissed in pain and surveyed the remaining ships in the port. The remaining ships being the sole Marine ship currently docked.

…Now. Barbert had no intention of committing crimes or whatnot, but… Who knows when the next ship would come in! Who knows if he could get on? Who knows if the island would even stand after what’s going on now, and if it did who knows if he could even buy a boat again?! He sure as hell couldn’t build one…

…It was a hard decision, but Barbert came to one. Hopefully he wouldn’t get caught, and hopefully nobody would notice… And hopefully the marine whose identity he was going to steal wouldn’t mind getting stranded on the island in his place. On that note, Barbert picked himself up and started back into town, looking for a marine that he could single out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FellbloodFool
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FellbloodFool The Doosh

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You know... there's uuuhhh... are you aware that there is a huuuuge commotion going on outside?" Ren asked from the front of the counter. Behind it stood a rather small man with a height that barely reached the lower part of Ren's rib cage. The short individual sported a blank look with stubbles over his upper lip and chin. He wore... leather pants and a jacket. 'Again, Rendaz ain't gonnna judge.' The midget only nodded in response to Ren's question. The assassin looked around the store just to make sure that it was only him and the dwarf. "Okie dokie then... uuuuhhhh... since your open, I guess I'd like to buy some ammunition then."

The tiny man nodded again, thought this time he finally spoke as he pointed to one end of the counter. "Take number." He said with a deep bellowing voice unfitting of his stature.

"Say what now?" Ren's eyes quickly darted over to briefly glance at the roll of tickets with numbers, then the array of weapons before going back to the little man. "Wait a minute. This isn't some sort of bakery, sir. Can't I just-"

"TAKE. NUMBER." Mini man commanded once again, leaving no room fr argument. Ren felt that he was almost pushed back due to the power in the miniature man's voice.

"... Okay. Fine, have it your way... fuckin' midget." Ren complied, muttering the last part.


"I didn't say anything, beautiful. Just keep on keepin' on." Ren went over to grab a ticket before finding a seat somewhere. Sitting down, he placed on leg over the other and checked his ticket. "... Seventy-eight... Make my day."


"Fuck this shit, I'm out~." Ren bounded from his seat, tossing the ticket aside and swiftly exited the gun shop and back into the chaos. Looking from left to right, Ren crossed his arms in annoyance at needing to find extra ammo elsewhere. "Where to, where to~." His attention then went over the newly docked marine ship that was almost vacated. A smile crept onto his face as he clapped his hands with joy, jumping down while suppressing the urge to squeal. He never liked the marines and he never cared what happened to them. And for those idiots to just leave their vessel practically unattended to was just asking for some trouble. Luckily, Ren had plenty to pass around. The assassin went from jumping up and down in place to zeroing in on the ship, speeding through openings he could easily find through the sea of pirates and marines. Moving through the side, Ren ran along the side of the wall before somersaulting to the other side street and running along another building.

"And at last I see the light. And it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light. And it's like the sky is new~." He begun to sing as he sprinted, because fuck Disney.

Reaching the marines' ship in almost no time at all, Ren carefully and silently navigated along the nearest building to the ship, making sure to remain unseen from all eyes. Dropping into an alley, the silver-haired man went over to the end of the building and cautiously peered out to find no one in the area. He darted to the hull of the sturdy boat and once again took a look around. Feeling safe enough, Ren crouched down and jumped, his hands then grabbing onto the edge of the main deck. He lifted himself up and took a peek. Discerning an armed marine nearby, Ren quietly climbed up the railings while the marine had his back turned to him and moved towards the man while he was none the wiser and took hold of his head, snapping his neck right as the man was about to turn around.

Ren had the dead man over his shoulder before the body could fall and tossed him right out of the ship and into the cold, unforgiving ocean. 'May you rest in sea... but not really.' He thought, venturing inside the ship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Ugh... fucking pricks." He groaned. He was just there, in the tavern, minding his own business. These fucks just had to go and cause a ruckus. Now it looks like the marines are getting involved. He quietly picked up his cache of weapons and stepped outside. Taking in the madness around him, he sighed and walked around all the debris scattered about.

He peered about, seeing the fact that marines seems to have targeted him as well, grouping him with the bunch that caused all the ruckus by virtue of his weapons cache. "Are you serious? Me? I just happened to own a few guns..." He sighed, seeing several...well...beings sprint towards a marine ship. "They really are fucking pricks. The whole lot of them...but not as much as the marines...Hm..." He said, unholstering his twin pistols. "Alright Liz, Patty, lets tango." He whispered to his guns as he took aim the the group of marines bearing down on them and the ship. As he back-petaled towards and onto the ship, he opened fire on the marines, not hitting any in particular, however.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Some O’clock, The Rumtown Docks.

Chirashi had made his way onto the marine ship, Luckily no stragglers appeared to be remaining. His head shifted left and right as he wandered the hallways. Yes, This was good so far, “Nothing to see here.” He muttered under his breathe, quickly turning a corner and dropping to the ground. Using his amazing Fishman agility he scurried along the wooden deck like a crab. “Yes… It’s here!” He exclaimed in a hushed voice, quickly cupping his hands over his mouth. “Shhh….” Chirashi spoke to himself.

Yes, this was the treasure he’d been seeking! With shaky hand, he reached for the doorknob. Behind this door, this very wooden door that stood before him, was everything he could want! Yes! Behind this door! WAS THE MARINE KITCHEN THAT HOUSED EVERY RECIPE HE COULD THINK OF! (possibly.) -Warning ShipMayNotContainEveryRecipeYouCouldImagine-

Yes! He grabbed the knob, throwing the door open and burst inside. “HELLO RECIP-” He stopped himself as he came to the quick realization, This room was not empty. Inside the kitchen was an entire cheffery, Cheffary… cheffe… A bunch of cooks! “Fffffffffffffffff-fish nuggets.” Chirashi grabbed a chef’s hat off the hook next to the door, placed it on his head and, with one quick turn of the heel, walked right back out the door.

“Good day Gents!”
He nodded back to them as he walked away.

“He’s tress-passing!”
“Grab the guns!”

“I’m sure we could talk about this!”
The fishman chef shouts as bullets whiz past him.

“You’re under arrest!”
“Stop resisting!”

He screams back.

“Dirty Fishmen, think they own everything!” One of the marines screams at him.
“Jesus Doug…”
“Take a chill pill man...”

Chirashi leaps from the deck of the ship and into the ocean. “I forgot for a second there. I can swim faster underwater… I’m a damned fishman.” He sighed, but looking back… “But… Those recipes...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jageroux
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hey, you bitch!" Shauna yelled out as Roma ran off, eyes narrowed. He had called her out then ran away. Like a little bitch. Eyes burning and with a sudden burst of adrenaline, Shauna took off after Roma. No one called her out then pussied out. She couldn't let something like that slide. One person does it, then everybody is doing it. This was a matter of respect - life and death.

Serious shit.

Skidding to a halt when they reached the docks, Shauna's eyes narrowed.

"Hey, asshole!" She exclaimed, pointing a finger at Roma. "We ain't through 'ere. Them's was fightin' words, ya said. So we're gonna have ta' throw down." Shauna explained, hands balled up into fists.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Jageroux @Infichi

"Smaller than the standard marine ship, which means there would be fewer marines. Which also means that I have a higher chance of getting caught though its not like bullets work on me..." Roma muttered to himself. So how would he go about this? Should he be straightforward and attack by the entrance though that would be drawing attention to himself. He could scale the ship and sneak attack the marines, trap a few of them with his powers and take them out one by one though he would probably get caught eventually. Stealth wasn't exactly his strongest of qualities. So what should he do to take that marine ship? Well, maybe he would've thought of something if it wasn't for a certain woman with breasts covered in gum.

He arched his brows wondering if she was serious. There were explosions popping up in the background and bullets flying overhead from both pirates and marines alike. But yeah, she was actually serious. She wanted to fight him even though the whole island was going to hell. "Are you for real? I would've been more happy to beat you into the ground, but in case you haven't noticed, things have gone to shit. Are you-?" He caught himself mid-sentence at the realization that this woman may actually be someone useful to him. Just by looking at her, it was obvious that she was a fighter and that she was probably strong enough back her challenge up. After all, when someone witnesses a person smashing another person through a wall and still challenges them to a fight, there is some strength to backup that confidence. In fact, it looked like she liked to fight.

Perhaps fate was smiling down on him, well, it's not like he believed in fate. It's just dumb luck though who cares what it's called in the end? "Okay there are two options laid out in front of you bubble tits: we can either fight and be left for dead on this fucking island or you can join my crew and help me commandeer that ship. Where I'm going, you'll never be low on faces to punch in. It's your choice."

Roma's arms stretched out and grabbed the railing of the ship, soon flying off towards the ship like a bullet. Meanwhile, there was a poor, unsuspecting marine standing very near where Roma was flying to, giving out orders to other soldiers. "Hurry the hell up! Arm the cannons! Open the-." Poor bastard didn't know what hit him. Roma's knee was rammed against his head, sending the marine straight off the other side of the ship.

"What the?! Get him!" Marines shouted, shooting at Roma in a panic. The bullets hit their mark, except instead of blood droplets coming out of him, his body indented and then rebound the bullets back at the marines. Half of the ones that shot at him were laying on the ground in pain after having their bullets pierce their bodies. "What the fuck? What is he?!" Others shouted as they tried to take down this single intruder

The pirate chewed a piece of gum in his mouth with a wide, shit eating grin on his face. "Eat this fuckers!" A cannonball sized bubble of gum flew towards a group of them at a high velocity, hitting them straight on and exploded with a powerful concussive blast of air.

Meanwhile on Chirashi's end, marines were raining like cats and dogs straight down towards the fishman. The Wilhelm Scream could be heard on repeat from the falling marines getting the crap beaten out of Roma.


Among the chaos that Roma has caused on the Navy ship, it wouldn't have been surprising if no one had noticed Ren on the ship though it seemed like he wasn't going to be lucky to get away with it. There was a group of marines rushing from the hull of the ship to the deck of the ship and a majority of the marines in that group didn't even notice Ren, except one. This one marine saw the white haired man from the corner of his eye and turned sharply with his rifle aimed towards the assassin. "There's another intruder! There's another intruder!"


"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" One of the marines shouted out during the confusion. There was ANOTHER intruder, making not one, not two, BUT THREE INTRUDERS! How shit was the security on the ship for crying out loud?!

"SHOOT HIM! SHOOOOOT HIM!" A marine shouted in a heavy German accent as a volley of bullets flew towards the mysterious gunner.

@Great Sogeking

"Move move move!" Barbert was pushed out of the way by another group of marines heading straight towards the ship. Mayhem had consumed the ship by the intruders that were easily overwhelming the marines, turning an already desperate situation to capture Fenrir and the pirates that had come to witness the execution, but now they had to deal with this mess too!

Straggling from the group of the marines, was a panting soldier that seemed physically exhausted from running around the town all day. He certainly didn't look fit; he was extremely scrawny, almost as if he didn't eat enough to gain any weight. Truly a pathetic existence of a man.


At this point, anything coming towards the general direction of the ship without a marine uniform was to be shot and a mink rabbit woman certainly did not fit the bill. From the edge of the ships deck, marines aimed their rifles towards the rabbit woman and began to open fire at her.

"Don't let non-marines get close! Kill if necessary!" The roar of guns and the cries of marines could be heard by anyone nearby, but it was muffled by the even larger chaos in the center of town.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

-The Doctor Hunt part 2-

Coming to this island truly did turn out to be a mistake.

Not only was he any closer to finding the one responsible for fucking things up for him; attracting instead this bear sized mutt who likely saw the scrawny doctor as nothing more than a slim jim. It seemed to be in no haste to end this hunt so quickly with how the beast stalked forward, growling heavily that left large globs to puddle onto the wood floor.

Every movement he made, the wolves eyes followed and in a small hallway several floors up from the ground, leaving few options.'Well..this is one predicament that's not going away is it?'Pointing at the wolf as if expecting an answer only to get a spine tingling snarl. The doctor slowly inched backward as a soft sigh escaped his lips.'Only one thing I can do here.'Lifting his right hand to grab the shard of glass embedded in his left shoulder and tugged it out, his face showing no sign of pain in doing so. Glancing down at the blood soaked glass before holding it the hand gripping it forward for the wolf to see.'I'm no fool to think this would hurt you..but...no matter how strong or tough someone is.'Slamming the hand against the wall and in doing so caused the glass to be crushed in his palm.'One thing they can't change is the sensitivity of their eyes.'The wolf watched as the pale human held his bleeding palm open flat and blew strongly; sending a small dust cloud of glass fragment straight into its eyes.

A loud, bellowing roar mixed with pain and rage rumbled out, nearly heard throughout the island if not for the screams and explosions muffling most of it. The wolf snarled, thrashing his body wildly against the ways while pawing at his eyes, though to a normal person the glass dust would ruin one's eyes. To this hulking predator it felt more like sharp sand singing his pupils; course the bit of solution The Doctor mixed in to increase the pain it felt helped.

Distracted, only for the moment, but still a chance as the doctor turn and charged down the hallway, swiping a rag from a table on the way. Using it to quickly brush any piece of glass in his palm, which was bleeding badly from all the cuts then quickly wrapped the rag around his hand to stop the bleeding. He could feel the wolf, pissed at that, thrashing behind him causing the walls and floor to shake from his large size heaving about.

Coming to a stop at the long set of stairs that lead down and poked his head over the railings to see just how high he was.'Ugh..it'll take too long and tire me out running all the way down there.'Taking a look over at the wolf to see it blinking rapidly with signs of its sight returning, the Doctor bit on the knot on the rag and tugged to firmly secure it.'Come on scruffy..the chase's just begun.'Grinning at the beast, who started running at him, but he had no intention of waiting and grabbing the railings, jumped over.

Propelling himself while letting his body fall to quickly grab the railings of the floor below; grunting from the grab as he heard the wolf crash into the wall.'Better get moving.'Exhaling slowly before pushing from the railings to fall and grab the opposite railing, again a floor below and repeated this process to quickly get himself to the ground floor.

Reaching the second to last floor, sweat coating his face as he let himself drop to the ground and tried to lower his body to prevent breaking a leg. A bit too slow with his left leg causing him to land on it in an slightly bad angle before falling onto all four.'Whew...some quick thinking on my part there...not many would think or attempt to do what I did.'He chuckled at himself while pushing up off the ground to move into a sitting position, where he could see the front doors leading outside. One thing he could tell was that the moment he stepped out, this chase would resume, but for now the doctor just sat there catch a breather, but mostly so he could think.

Alright...so this Fenir willingly turned himself in. Faking an execution all for the sole purpose of luring in pirates, mercs and other unsavory types.'Leaning back, arms folded against his chest as he pondered.'All for the sake of telling about some wishy washy legend parents tell kids to make them feel better?'Eyes closed under his scratched shades as he shook his head.'Bull...I've read some things about this guy and he's a showmanship. There's got to be more to all this.'Rubbing at the back of his neck thinking of all that was going on.

Outside were pirates fighting and marines surrounding the island with ships to prevent escape while letting his wolves run around. Then there was the whole dock being destroyed which meant pirates would likely be rushing to find a ship, any ship to escape fast as possible and yet out of all this chaos.'....where's Fenir?'

Pushing himself up onto his feet; dusting his pants off.'Something is definitely fishy here but..'A rumbling growl from above warned him the wolf ready to go.'Got to lose ole fluffy first.'Shrugging, he ran out through the doors.

No sooner than he did that a blast from above was heard and an odd whooshing sound could be heard. A huge, blurry form crashed onto the ground causing cracks to spread out from the indent, making the doctor skid to a halt and a sudden spin revealed the wolf snarling. Its muzzle pulled back, fully revealing two rows of hand sized teeth and its grey fur standing up like shark blades.'Crafty fella aren't you?'He took a step back, crouching his body some in the process.'Alright..then let's have a little..game if you will. Let's see which of us is craftier?'

For a moment both stood still....man and beast facing off, one with its overwhelming strength and hunting instinct; the other with his quick wit and indigenuity.

Anyone could tell this man was hopelessly outclassed, but there was one thing in his favor that just might save his white, pasty ass.

Its size. The Doctor quickly ran left down a random street as the wolf quickly gave chase; instantly on his heel and just as its wide maw was about clamp down on him, had suddenly banked right into a nearby alley causing the lurching beast to skid to stop itself.'That size of yours may be intimidating and perfect for hunting, but in a sprawling city with small pathways and countless obstacles...leaves your size to my advantage.'Looking back to see Scruffy forcing his way into the alley, though it being a bit of a tight fit made moving for the bear sized wolf difficult.

Waving back to him in an mocking manner before Scruffy swung his head to send globs of drool flying at him which turned into multiple chakrams in mid-air. Seeing this made the Doctor gasp and had to quickly jump and maneuver to avoid them, though one cut him deep along the left side of his waist.'NO FAIR! Even your spit!'Grumbling to himself, the elation at getting one up over the mutt deflated.

Sending barrage after barrage of spitrams at him; too many for him to dodge and dashed through the opening to the left as one scratched his back.'This animal is just full of surprises.'Sighing while pressing down on his waist as he ran out onto a street and looked down both ways trying to think of what to do next, but before he knew it Scruffy had lunged out at him from behind.

Just barely hearing his approach, he had dived forward to the ground, though its claws racked along his back.'Damn beast.'The wolf landed and started turning before crashing into a nearby building having built up too much momentum to stop properly.

Not bothering to wait for him; forcing himself back onto his feet, grateful for his devil fruit or he would be in too much pain to move as he ran left down the street. A quick look around to find himself in the shopping district as the Doctor knocked down any cart he passed by to try and slow the beast's pursuit. No sooner than he did that the wolf was on his trail, bulling right through everything in its path with a look of pure rage in those dark red eyes.'Just won't quit will you?'It seemed nothing would stop the monster's rampage, but the carts did slow it some.

This gave him the chance to run straight for the house ahead; throwing the door opened and slamming it shut before bursting down the hallway with a backdoor insight.

Moments later the wolf came crashing through the door, leaving a big hole in the wall with no sign of his target in sight. A quick sniff of the air and down the hall Scruffy went, barreling towards the backdoor and in its haste failed to notice the closet door near the middle of the hallway and waiting till it passed by before the Doctor jumped out. Running back down the way the both of them came from through the opening made by Scruffy who had heard the door open and tried to turn, but the hallway being too small stopped its movements.

How he wanted to cheer at fooling the mutt, but he knew it would be on his trail again and made his way into the nearest alleyway. His body starting to tire; still he ran for he couldn't give up the brief chance to make some distance as he zigzagged down any pathway, alternating in hopes to confuse and throw Scruffy off his trail.

It wasn't long before he felt the heavy thuds of its body charging recklessly and the horrendous growling that spoke of death. Already on the verge of catching up as the Doctor came out onto another street, this time immediately ran right when he saw the wagon.

An idea instantly came to mind at seeing it and made right for it to grab its handles and pushed it around till it was facing the slightly downhill direction. Set in place as he ran down a bit further than stopped and turned to wait which wasn't long for Scruffy came bursting right through a small bakery shop as a shrill whistle from him caught its attention.'Here boy..don't you want this fine leg of human?'Having tugged up his pant sleeve to show off his finely slim leg.

A shake of its body followed with a heavy snarl as it stampeded towards him as its body rammed the wagon sending it sprawling forward.

Just the thing he waited for, having positioned himself in front of it and jumped as the wagon reached him. Landing into the small pile of hay as it rumbled down the street; lifting himself up to poke his head up with a salute.'Thanks for the ride Scruffy!'Calling out with a wide grin.

His words pushed the wolf over its boiling point and let out an ear wracking howl before raising his body at its highest. A large chakram ring sprouted along the center of its body then sprung up, coiling its body to spin rapidly. Shooting forward like a rocket, the deep indent trail it left in the stone showing the chakram was sharper than even a steel blade.

Lounging against the edge of the wagon, taking this chance to catch his breath as well as enjoying having outsmarted the mutt.'Nice day for a ride isn-...'A rumbling sound from behind reached his ears.'....Oh please no...I better not turn my head and see it coming after me using a chakram.'Reluctantly he turned his head to see the massive chakram wheeling wolf quickly gaining on him as he looked forward.'FUCK! Can it get any worse'As if it wasn't bad enough already, the chakram took on a black tint and a second later caused fire to spark and cover the chakram in fire and again the Doctor turned his head after hearing the crackling.

Eyes bulged out through the shades as he screamed, arms raised up in shock.'A FLAMING WHEEL?!!!!! OH COME ON!!'Lowering his body; pressing against the wagon, sweating heavily while eyes searched frantically for something, anything to save him here.

Up ahead, a plaza waited; at first nothing helpful before his eyes spotted something.'...ok..this is stupid and reckless but..I got no other choice.'Gulping as carefully moved to the opened end of the wagon, careful not to fall unless he wanted to end up a smear on the pavement and behind felt the flaming chakram strike the back of the wagon. It cut through the wood like a saw, slowly splitting the wagon in half as every inch brought it closer to cutting the doctor up.'Come on..come on!'Moving himself as close to the opened edge as much as possible, nearly falling in doing so.'Here...goes nothing.'Gritting his teeth before shifting his entire bodyweight up just as the chakram hit a hole in the road causing it to jump back with the opened part of the wagon being knocked up and sent him flying forward.

The spinning chakram came to a skidding halt, pushing the destroyed wagon forward, barely standing still. Lowering the chakram to have its feet rest on the ground then shook his body to have the chakram shrink back into its body before stepping forward to knock the wagon out of the way with a great swing of its paw. Ahead it saw the empty plaza, his target nowhere in sight and started sniffing at both the ground and air, following the trail to a fountain set at the plaza's center. All traces of his scent vanished here as Scruffy sniffed frantically, but still no hint of him turned up and a growl of rage shook its massive body.

Small bubbles rose to the surface of the water, from within the fountain the doctor kept hidden. His fingers holding on the very edge of the inside to hold himself up s the water left him weak and feeling heavy due to the water and his grip being the only thing keeping him from drowning. The other hand rested over his mouth, struggling to hold his breath as he could barely see the top of the wolf sniffing just outside the fountain.

For over a minute the wolf kept looking and sniffing, pushing him to his limit as his cheeks puffed up; on the verge of gasping and giving himself up. Until, when he thought he couldn't hold it any longer, saw the wolf let a growling howl before running off.

Waiting a few seconds longer before weakly lifting his head from the water to gasp and sputter. Slowly, he struggled to pull himself up with the water threatening to drag his body down to drown. After several attempts of lifting and nearly slipping had succeeded in pulling himself over the edge to cough and spit out water then slowly crawled his way out to slide out onto the ground. An arm still draped over the edge of the fountain; coughing and gasping to catch his breath, water dripping from his soaked, bloody body.

It took all he had to keep from passing out as he slowly pushed himself up against the fountain in a sitting position.'H-holy...I..can't believe that worked.'Resting the back of his head against the cool stone to let out a faint chuckle with his arms resting limply on the ground at his sides. Body covered in bruises and gashes with three maybe four ribs broken and a twisted left angle likely caused by the bad landing earlier; assessment after his devil fruit ability was cancelled from the water leaving his body writhing with pain, luckily being one who was used to such pain that it prevented him from passing out right there.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Gah!” Barbert yelped as he was pushed aside from the rushing marines. “Geez,” he thought to himself, “Watch where you’re going you son of a….” Barb shook his head and focused on the task at hand. He wasn’t aware of the situation on the marines’ ship, though, why would he? He wasn’t even on it yet! Although, his ticket in was coming riiiiight into view and… Oh. Wow. How’d a guy like this make it into the marines with a constitution as poor as his?

Well, either way, Barbert saw him as someone he could take advantage of. His build seemed… close enough to Barb’s. He was sure nobody would notice. As he approached the exhausted man he pulled from his pocket… a pair of scissors. The actual blades were sheathed into a small case- can’t go stabbing yourself in the leg after all! He pulled the case off, pocketed it, and held the scissors out threateningly.

“I’m sorry, but… I need you to take a break for now,” he told the straggling marine. And with that, he rushed forward at him and pulled his arm back. He held that arm with his other hand and gathered strength in it so he could end the confrontation quickly. Once he came in close, he deftly swiped and sheared at the marine, moving fast enough for it to appear like a blur.

“One Scissor… Two Inches Off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jageroux
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

'Okay there are two options laid out in front of you bubble tits: we can either fight and be left for dead on this fucking island or you can join my crew and help me commandeer that ship. Where I'm going, you'll never be low on faces to punch in. It's your choice.'

'Where I'm going, you'll never be low on faces to punch in.'

'You'll never be low on faces to punch in.'

'Faces to punch in.'

The words echoed in her mind and Shauna stood still, unmoving as Roma boarded the ship and the sound of fighting filled her ears. Closing her eyes, a devilish grin made its way onto her face as she ran forward. Quickly approaching the ship, she leaped forward and caught the anchor, using it to climb aboard. Pulling herself over the side, she quickly noticed the marines seemed to be preoccupied with Roma to the point they didn't notice her.

Until it was too late of course.

Shauna's movements were fluid, her hits precise and brutal as she assaulted the marines who had only just begun to notice her. Every time her fists connected with a body and she felt the breaking of bone, she felt a wave of satisfaction. Yeah, this was why she was alive. As she punched her way through marine after marine, she seemed to ignore the blows they landed. She managed to avoid any bullets, but cuts had slowly began to show on her arms and body. It hurt, but it only seemed to serve as fuel for her fury.

Sidestepping a slash, her fist collided with the neck of a marine as she watched as it bent at a strange angle. Yeah, that guy wasn't getting up any time soon. Turning, she readied herself when she saw a larger man stalking towards her. He was a brute - big and burly with muscles that seemed to be about as big as her entire body.

A challenge.

Her grin widened as she rushed forward, hands balled up into fists. Slamming her foot on the floor, she swung her right fist forward with all of her force behind it. The situation was quite laughable - a scrawny girl was trying to punch a man that seemed to be the equivalent of a brick wall. The moment the marine saw what the girl was going for, he reared his fist back and swung forward to mirror her attack. The instant their fists collided, Shauna's grin turned into a malicious smile.

"Hey, you understand, don't you...? Just how much you fucked up." She whispered quietly as they both went still, her eyes staring into his. Tilting her head to the side, she could see the skin of his arm ripple. Then she could feel the bones in his fist breaking. Then she saw his shoulder dislocate while the bones in his forearm seemed to break through the skin.

"Get bodied." She said, venom lacing her words as she brought her left arm around for an uppercut, her fist burying itself in the man's stomach as he was lifted off the ground. Stepping back, she watched the marine fall to the ground.

"Alright, who's next?" She inquired, looking around casually, her fists ready to ruin some more peoples' day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chirashi watched as the marines bodies fell into the ocean like so many pebbles in a pond.


This is Chirashi, -arrow points at the young fishman- You see Chirashi is between a rock and a hard place right now. His face would clearly be known by those Chefs and then the chefs on the marine ship. Now the marines are raining down like cats and dogs… This looks bad on the young fishman, this would point towards him becoming a bit of a… Target. So what would he do now? What could he do now honestly but try to figure out the best way to get away…

Well unfortunately the best way out was to steal this ship. So it kind of looked like there wasn’t anything else he could really do…


The bodies continued to fall into the ocean, Chirashi used his enhanced strength and speed to blast through the marines, knocking them out and chucking them onto the docks. Yeah, fishman underwater, he was unbeatable right now baby! Then, he swam down till he could touch the ocean floor, pushed off the ground and launched himself like a rocket onto the ship.

Though as he blasted out of the water, an amazing stream of clear-crisp ocean water behind him, little jelly like orbs reflecting the sun… truly beautiful. He could see that most of the marines had been beaten by now...which kind of defused the entire point of him doing this in the first place…

THUD! He landed harshly on the ship, looking around and letting out a sigh. “Wellp you two go ahead and finish up, then get off. I’m taking this ship for myself and I don’t plan on helping anyone out. Also, don’t touch the kitchen. I’m taking the recipe books!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Aww come on boys, lets not be so serious now?" He yelled out to the marines coming towards him. As the volley of bullets whizzed by him, he thought to himself "Shit, these boys are shooting for real..." As he was firing back, he began scanning his surroundings, trying to discern friend from foe. As far as he is concerned, anyone that was not in a marine uniform is a friend right now. There is a mink-rabbit-thing using people's faces as punching bags. A person blowing massive bubblegums and spitting them at people. A fishman fighting in the sea, and many more. As far as he knew, they were all after the same thing, which is the boat...

As he drew in a deep breath, he decided on a course of action. He was going to become the captain of all these people and lead them on an adventure. Not really, but he is damn sure going to try and see what happens. He took quick aim at all the people he mentioned above and fired a bullet at each of them, being sure to let the bullets fly by and not harm them. That was sure to get their attention.


As he reloaded his pistols, he was hopping his way to higher ground, which just meant the second deck of the ship. Once he reached the location, he holstered his pistols. "Bring the rain..." He whispered as he took out his rifle. Taking aim, he fired off three shots. The first one hit the ground. That one was a warning, though falling on deaf ears. The next two connected. Both were headshots for the same, unfortunate, marine. The classic double-tap. "I'm not playing anymore boys. Back up or die." He said in a serious tone. Firing off two more shots, one more marine dead. He was quiet most of the time after that, preferring to shot rather than speak.

@Infichi@Jageroux@Great Sogeking@samreaper@hatakekuro@FellbloodFool@Classpet
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Hands grabbed for the sink as the Doctor lurched forward coughing up a mouthful of blood, leaving the sink a splattered mess. He leaned over the porcelain; struggling to catch his breath after dragging himself to the nearest house while the throbbing pain ebbed away to a numb tingling now that the water wasn't nullifying his devil fruit.

Water rushed from the faucet before taking a handful to splashed his face, washing off any bits of dried blood then lifted himself up to look in the mirror. What he saw was a torn up mess of his reflection with bruises and cuts covering nearly every part of his skin and four long gashes along his chest. Likewise on his back as well, though these gashes were shallow thankfully; unlike the one at his right waist which had gotten him pretty deep.'Ugh..talk about a shitty day.'Shaking his head, pressing a hand over his chest which caused him to wince in pain.'Hnn..yeup..4 ribs broken and not to mention this sprained ankle.'Standing up fully, running a hand through his damp, matted down auburn hair to slick it back and out of the way.'Guess I should get started on first aid.'Giving his neck a good crack first then reached down to search through the multiple pouches along his belt till he found the scissors.'Shame, but nothing in these pouches would of helped.'A shrug of his shoulders as he used the scissors to cut off the wet, shredded jacket caked in blood and the shirt soon followed.'My favorite jacket too...'Shaking his head with a sigh, he tossed it in the nearby garbage can then set the scissors down.

Ten minutes later he stepped out of the shower and used a towel to dry himself off.'A good shower always helps after a strenuous chasing.'Tossing the towel away to look at his reflection; body naked, cleaned of the dirt, blood and glass that made it easier to better assess his injuries. Soon finding that his legs were equally bruised and cut up, though other than a sprained ankle showed no sign of broken bones.

Now that he fully knew the injuries and damages to his body; fixing himself up was next and picked up the belt hanging on the toilet. From it he pulled out a spool of string, needle then searched through the cupboards taking out any bandage/gauze/cotton balls and gauze. Humming while using the rubbing alcohol to properly clean out the gashes along his chest and waist; tossing the blood soaked cotton into the trash for new ones. When finished, he poured the rest of the bottle down his back, cleaning the wounds on his back.'This pain devil fruit really is convenient. Most would barely be able to move with these kind of injuries.'Laughing a bit at his own musings.

Picking up the needle and tied the string to start stitching up the gash on his waist, though looked up after hearing another explosion.'The riot and fighting still going on huh?'Gradually working the needle along the wound closing it up.'Those pirates are lucky they only have to fight marines...while I had a yonko's pet on my ass!'His stitching picked up speed in his anger.'And he ruined my favorite jacket!'Tugging the string up and a snap of his teeth cut the string.'Worse yet..he got my shades scratched up...these are special made damn it!'He dropped the needle in the sink then opened a pouch on the far left which held four extra shades, each a different color. Using his fingers to pinch the bridge of the shades and a low chink was heard as he pulled off the ruined pair; eyes closed with small indents all along his eyes made by needles which kept the glasses from falling off. The Doctor snapped the orange shades then threw it away before grabbing one from the pouch and slipped it on and a click of the button set the needles into his skin.

Purple shades he saw after opening his eyes.'Ah well..orange was cool, but this seems sleek.'Giving that toothy grin of his to himself; working the gauze all along his chest down to his stomach then did the same to his arms and legs. He nearly looked like a mummy with all but his head and lower waist covered up as he finished with placing a few small bandages over his cheeks.

Finished with the first aid, The Doctor left the bathroom for what seemed the parents room and scrounged through the closet for clothes.'Whoever lives here has no style.'Everything he saw were plain shirts or beige coats; little option given to him and grabbed a simple light grey shirt and pair of dark blue jeans and slipped them on, though reluctantly. Making his way into another room, this one likely belonging to a teenage boy and looked through his closet.'Ah there we go..this is more like it.'Grabbing a black hoodie, throwing it on with a flick of the sleeves and went to inspect himself in a long mirror.'Perfect fit..and now there's just one last thing to do.'Adjusting the hem of the sleeve; gazing at the mirror with a serious expression.

Taking a big bite off the sandwich he made, now sitting at the kitchen table as he leaned back against the chair with a sniff. One second everything was hectic and dangerous and now here he was lounging in some deserted family house munching on a sandwich in their kitchen.

A yawn slipped his lips before picking up the glass of milk to take a sip as he pulled and turned the newspaper left on the table. He gave it a quick look over, but it was filled with nothing but stories of Fenir and his execution. Taking the sandwich to take another bite.'Welp..now that I got something to eat..bout time I decided were to go next.'Leaning his head back to ponder on what options were left him.

On one hand there was the center of town where a big riot going on so that was a no go. Then at one end of the island were the citizens likely being evacuated through lifeboats by the marines which he could slip into to get a ride off the island. Yet, that carried the risk of being recognized as an underworld doctor and locked up. This left The Doctor with two options...

-head for the docks where its most probable a band or group of pirates are hijacking a marine ship
-Try to find Fenir and figure out what his true aim is

Choices..choices. Which to decide.'Mumbling to himself while finishing the first sandwich and started on the next.
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