Meh, I've just been having a bunch of regrets with myself in this RP already, so this little incident just stacked on top of that since I was one of the people that tried to make the situation better.
EDIT: Posted. I think I'll probably edit it or make another post later down the line.
Added a small paragraph to that post. Dunno if you guys are okay with me making Serah so apathetic, considering the shift in personality, but it was something I did kinda want to do in advance.
@Penultimate_Pi I love your posts and the angle they're going for; the conflict of interest between Lora and Harold is especially interesting, and something I look forward to developing.
@Ammokkx I am a bit disappointed the Xenomorph Frame's jumpscare and gruesome destruction didn't have much of an effect on Serah, but I suppose that just shows her true colors of actually being a cold pilot in battle. Edit: nevermind, It did affect her in the last paragraph.
@AtomicNut I think Lora's currently THE Asuka of the group, since she now had the same kind of synchronization meltdown like what happened to her at the last stretches of NGE.
Name: Daniel Wilton Appearance: Gender: Male Age: 20 Experience: 47% Synchronization Rate: 71% Personality: He possesses a very calm temperment, reflected by his almost-cold analysis of his surroundings. Daniel is well aware that this can make him appear apathetic, and usually attempts to fight it in public settings, which generally leads to awkward jokes no one else understands. He is also extremely curious and thoughtful, which leads to abstract comments that can appear random (and rediculous) when in high stress situations. Background: Daniel was born and raised on an asteroid research station, where his father worked as an engineer and his mother as a scientist. As the Cruxi expanded their influence, the platform was evacuated in efforts to keep the research and personell safe. They had retreated to relative safety by the time he was fourteen, but Daniel's father and older brother immediately joined a defensive initiative within weeks of arriving at their new planet. Daniel became devoted to the concepts of engineering, particularly Framewerks. He had only ever wanted to work as a designer, until they recieved notice of his father's death on Daniel's nineteenth birthday. This spurred his research until his brother's death notice came a few months later. From that moment on, Daniel dedicated himself to becoming a pilot. Notable Deaths: Father (Edward Wilton): Daniel was very close to his father growing up, and was devistated by his death. Brother (Matthew Wilton): His brother was his playmate and hero. They had grown up particularly close because of the relatively few other children on the research station. His death cemented Daniel's resolve to join the war effort.
Number of Framewerk Systems: One Primary - One Secondary Signature Weapon System:Lightning ElectroLaser (LEL): Contained within its breastplate, Magus is equipped with a heavy ElectroLaser which fires in two stages; Stage one utilizes a strong laser to excite air particles in a straight line between the laser and the target to create a super-conductive path over the course of two microseconds. Stage two releases an extremely powerful electrical current through the channel. Each 'shot' is supplied by one or more of three super-capacitors within Magus, which must be recharged to initiate another blast. (At least one capacitor must be fully charged to use the weapon.)
It is important to note that this weapon is electrical in nature, and attempts to find the closest path to the ground in firing. This effect looks like this. (That is an image of a military prototype 'electrolaser'. These current tests have shown the ability to disable vehicles by melting sections of their engines.) In the case of Magus, the charge is of great enough power to melt portions of it's target (due to electrical resistance in metal) during the electrical currents path to the ground. As a side note, the larger scale firings have been said to sound like thunder.
Secondary Weapon System: Electrical Field Generator (EFG): When active, Magus' armor is super charged by connection to one or more of his internal super-capacitors. Enemies that come within arc-range will have the charge of any connected capacitors forced through their external systems. It should be noted that while active, this field disrupts signal transmission and reception- effectively rendering radar blind, and Magus deaf.
Weight Class: Magus is equipped with light-medium armor, due to the amount of internal infrastructure taken up by power storage and generation. He is capable of moderate speed. Special Ability:
@Gate Keeper Alright, a wizard mecha! Oh, this guy versus Zeus would have been an interesting fight to see. Accepted on the condition that you change the primary weapon's name to LightningElectroLaser (LEL). There's currently a fight going on so you can't join just yet. I recommend reading the thread while you're waiting.
We're all going to die! And it isn't my fault?! This is just weird... I thought for sure it would be my fault. I mean, I had plans an everything! I... I mean... Poor Pi, and on Pi day no less!
Anyways, don't know if my most recent attempt to control the flow of things is going to help at all.