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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Why is this silly fight going on when Ilunabar and Jvan have such an army of qt1.34s around?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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In other news, I've encountered a writers block. I can't seem to be able to write about the social traits of my dragons, their societies, if they form any. I've ruminated on this subject for a while now, but other than them being solitary - which is a little boring IMO - the only other idea that came up is to have them live under a sort of loose clan system where the hierarchy sums up to "Might is Right" and the strongest rule over the weaker ones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

Why is this silly fight going on when Ilunabar and Jvan have such an army of qt1.34s around?

Let's all be #sexysquad
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

Heeyyyy, I made two posts this week!

Although, overall I've only made 4, so I guess that's a good point :P

Well, It's not like I can say much considering that I only posted once last turn q.q
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Let's all be #sexysquad

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by KabenSaal>

Just read the stuff in the character tab for the lore and don't worry too much about reading all of the IC up to date.

As for post length, don't think you need to make them as huge as the collabs. Those are collabs, go figure. Just go with what you're comfortable with.

If it was just Collabs, then I'd be fine. But, the normal posts are huge as well. I couldn't do a fifth of that, most days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Dawnscroll Ordo ad Logos

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So... Arek hasn't been on since Feb 22. Julkofyr, Lord of Shadows, etc. Also, coincidentally, one who was foolish enough to claim the title of king against Logos.

If he doesn't show, and since there's been nothing said... can Logos kill a certain lord of darkness?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

bt-dubs @Kho, there was a buddy of mine already asking permission to pull the fire portfolio before KabenSaal popped up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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bt-dubs @Kho, there was a buddy of mine already asking permission to pull the fire portfolio before KabenSaal popped up.

Fire's a Domain, there can be more than one person in a Domain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@Vec, I happen to think that such kinds of dragon societies are pretty common nowadays. It's hard to make dragons interesting, since deviating from the norm makes them seem weird.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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For some reason tons of people have been asking about the most recent map lately, so I updated that character section post to include the new(ish) draft.

It still lacks some of the newest additions to the map, but with spring break I may actually have time to make a good map. (Nobody remind me of how many times I've already said that I'll finally make the map! )

I am being uselss. Can't find any sort of map, outdated or otherwise.

Also, equally useless. Can Demi-Gods use Might to increase their own level?

The map they reference is on page one of the character section, one of the topmost posts. Can't miss the two giant pictures that I didn't feel like putting into a hider

Quickly, Kabeen; you must read the gigantic OP! The answers to that question and many more are in that behemoth, and if Kho comes on and finds out that you didn't readt he OP he'll murder you!

To answer your question demigods can use Might to level and indeed this is the only way, barring unusual plot things that happen IC, like a god directly empowering a demigod for some reason.

Name: Legio

Alias: Legio uses the name 'Ine' when among others, much to Spitfire's chagrin.

Gender: Physically female, mentally, both.

Domain (Portfolio): Fire (Lava)

Domain (Portfolio) Description: Fire! It's hot. Used to kill things that are scary, like spiders. Lava, is also hot, but killing spiders with lava is a touch of overkill. Mostly Volcano Blood, Lava is actually really good fertilizer, since it does buggerations and then you can grow stuff really well.

Alignment: Neutral.

Personality: Legio has several Perosnalities, as she has several people inside her head. Most where condenced into a single being, but a few were to powerful to be subded, and so they share. Sharing with two is easier than sharing with two hundred, after all.

Spitfire, the self-proclaimed 'King of Fire' is a very proud, slightly narracistic man who loves to show off his powers, is generally extremely high-key, and loves attetion. He is slightly embarrased about the form of his host however, and so he doesn't speak often, since his glorious, powerful voice does not carry right in the womanly vocal cords. He helps people, when he believes they need help, but does not dominat another person, only helping when he believes the person's life is at risk, and instead allowing them to work out their own problems, to build character.

The other inhabitant, Ine, who calls herself the 'Mistress of Magma' is a lot more subdued, but speaks outwardly more often, feeling naturally at home within the female form. She is more active in her desires to help people, which can sometimes sometimes cause her and Spitfire to argue, while the host stands there and stares off into nothing. While possessing a firey temper and ability to be quite destructive, she prefers to use her Magma's ability to fertalize, by spawning it, and then rapidly cooling it, and allowing it to dissolve in a matter of minutes, rather than hours or days.

Both, however, agree that the world is beautiful, and interesting, and are equally eager to see all it has to offer.


Legio uses a hood most of the time to cover her intense crimson eyes, but occasionally throws it back when she wants to show off, or shock people into listening to her. In time of great concentration, or great distraction, her clothes seem to flicker like a flame would, betraying their nature and origin.
Musical Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=cRmwFBK0cyk

Description: A mortal attempt to touch the divine, Ine is a result of several hundred beings combining their essence into one, making a spirit soup in which great power was beheld. Unfortunately, they quickly realized that they where all still concious, coherent, and in control. Like four people trying to drive the same cart, it did not go over well, and so a fight brought out in the Mindscape of what was now Legio, over complete, totally control. Time, as a concept, was distorted in the Mindscape, but eventually most were laid low, and it ended in a stalemate between Spitfire, and Ine. The two tried to clash with each other, but realized they were far to equally matched, so begrudgingly stood together, not total domination as was expected, but much more than sharing with several hundred others.

Ine, had rather sneakily created the host while the others fought, so Spitfire was stuck within a female body, which brought about his ire, but he could do nothing, as previously proved, so he simply seethed, and grumbled. Eventually, they got around to, working together to a degree, to test out the new powers and explore the world in a way they never could previously.

Concealment Level: 1 (I believe)
Detection Level: 1 (I believe)

I won't unilaterally approve a character sheet; we'll have to see what @Rtron and @Kho think. But in the meantime, I'll share my thoughts.

You seem to have laid a solid foundation down. I can see the resemblance to Emily, and while keeping the general theme of fire-king inside of a girl's mind to create a pyromancer is good, certain details don't fit the setting of this RP. Specifically, what would Spitfire actually have been in the context this RP prior to becoming part of Legios? One of the really powerful fire elementals created by Zephyrion, perhaps? A demon made by Mammon? We'll have to iron out details like this.

Also keep in mind that humans are currently not numerous and have only just been given fire. No mortals currently wield magic with which they could try this, "Ine is a result of several hundred beings combining their essence into one, making a spirit soup in which great power was beheld." For those reasons most of what went into your description would probably have to be reworked. Honestly I think it'll be for the better though; instead of simply telling us all this stuff about Legios' creation, you could actually show us by having it be your first post.

Beyond that, if you're looking to make enhancements you could elaborate on her alignment and go into more detail about her powers/Domain (Portfolio).

I'm scared. Between the huge IC posts, and the already indepth lore of this RP, I feel I would suck balls at it.

The others have already offered words of encouragement, and I agree with them. You could do this; it isn't out of reach, and joining RPs like this is precisely how you can get better at writing.

That being said, make no mistake that the standard of writing and general expectations here are definitely a cut above that of Dungeon Keepers and Horde of Evil. It will be a jump up, but as I said before, I think you have what it takes to do this. Just be aware that this will take more effort (and time, considering the size and pace of this RP) before making a commitment.

I hope that none of my critique on your sheet or the word on this RP's standards came across as condescending or abrasive; I'm glad to see you here Kabeen. I was just trying to be frank in the interest of helping you out as much as I can, so don't get overwhelmed. Yet.


Consider making them a peaceful, agrarian society
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

bt-dubs @Kho, there was a buddy of mine already asking permission to pull the fire portfolio before KabenSaal popped up.

I also heard Mardox considering the Fire thing, at least briefly.

But fire has many sides: the warm and safe, campfire side. The destructive and violent, lava side. The passionate and emotional, bonfire side.

So I don't personally think there's not a problem with having a million fire gods. It's a big domain, with many potential personalities and uses hiding inside
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

In other news, I've encountered a writers block. I can't seem to be able to write about the social traits of my dragons, their societies, if they form any. I've ruminated on this subject for a while now, but other than them being solitary - which is a little boring IMO - the only other idea that came up is to have them live under a sort of loose clan system where the hierarchy sums up to "Might is Right" and the strongest rule over the weaker ones.

Here's an idea. Make them larvae of stars. When they get old enough, they fly into space and catalyse the birth of a star. Take the rest how you will.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I did read the OP! But it was so long, and I might have missed things!

Specifically avoided saying human, instead going for 'being' so as to be vague and not tie it down. But, for lore wise. Is this universe the only universe in all of existance? No, spirits lingering in pockets attached to the universe, or anything like that? If not, I could go for some ironing. And, once ironing is done, could certainly put my first post into how she was made, and her first ideas thereof. Saw the map. Is Valley of Peace off limits, or can she appear there? Otherwise, probably going to appear in the Savannah somewhere.

I'll try to write as well as I can, but length was never really my thing. I keep things consise, and I couldn't even dream of making a post more than 5000 characters long. None of your help is angry, it's all really nice and super helpful. So don't worry on that front.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

Fire's a Domain, there can be more than one person in a Domain.

Oh, good! Thanks mang
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Here's an idea. Make them larvae of stars. When they get old enough, they fly into space and catalyse the birth of a star. Take the rest how you will.

That sounds fly as hell
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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So... Arek hasn't been on since Feb 22. Julkofyr, Lord of Shadows, etc. Also, coincidentally, one who was foolish enough to claim the title of king against Logos.

If he doesn't show, and since there's been nothing said... can Logos kill a certain lord of darkness?

Maybe. The GMS shall confer and get back to you.

In other news, I've encountered a writers block. I can't seem to be able to write about the social traits of my dragons, their societies, if they form any. I've ruminated on this subject for a while now, but other than them being solitary - which is a little boring IMO - the only other idea that came up is to have them live under a sort of loose clan system where the hierarchy sums up to "Might is Right" and the strongest rule over the weaker ones.

You could make their social traits various rather than just one single thing. Say they're as varied as humans with (for example) Black Dragons being solitary, while Ruby Dragons live in clan where whoever is strongest rules and there is constant infighting, while Gold Dragons are much more communal, hoarding their gold together in large clans. So on so forth. Mention a few, but it takes the work load off of you and allows some of us, if we so desire, to make dragon cultures.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Dawnscroll>

Maybe. The GMS shall confer and get back to you.

<Snipped quote by Vec>

You could make their social traits various rather than just one single thing. Say they're as varied as humans with (for example) Black Dragons being solitary, while Ruby Dragons live in clan where whoever is strongest rules and there is constant infighting, while Gold Dragons are much more communal, hoarding their gold together in large clans. So on so forth. Mention a few, but it takes the work load off of you and allows some of us, if we so desire, to make dragon cultures.

Can Vulamera influence some of the dragons into the Violet Dragons, who hoard wisdom as much as gold? They won't be smart in the book sense, but very wise and meaningful Like if Vowzra tried to write poetry.

They'll still be violent, solitary, aggressive dragons, but they'll be sources of wisdom and deep knowledge to those who can find them without getting killed.

I could have my hero go on a legendary trek to find one of these dragons. It'd be a nice plot device.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

Why is this silly fight going on when Ilunabar and Jvan have such an army of qt1.34s around?

I don't know what this means, but Allure encountering Lifprasil is an idea I am more than willing to entertain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

I don't know what this means, but Allure encountering Lifprasil is an idea I am more than willing to entertain.

Let's do it boy, hit me up!

Any gods preponderating speaking to Lifprasil should PM me so we can make another fantabulous collab/novel

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