It’s a little past midnight when your character is abruptly awakened from a horrific dream. Throat parched, and beads of sweat cascading down the side of their face, they’re allowed only a single moment of reflection on what they’d just seen before
a scorching heat claws viciously at their eyes; the pain so unbearable that it feels as if they’ve been set ablaze. Droplets of moisture trickling down their cheek indicate that they’re crying, though they can’t be certain whether the tears are crystalline or colored crimson. Even when they attempt to discern their surroundings they’re met with complete darkness, forbidden to be assured the familiarity of their own room. The absence of light begs the question whether they’re still dreaming, or if they’ve suddenly succumbed to blindness. But as the prolonged seconds continue to consecutively fall one behind the other… your character is unable to cope, and blacks out.
Several days have elapsed since that dreadful night, and your character is getting increasingly concerned about the dark silhouettes that keep flickering in and out of their vision. At times they’re almost certain that they’re seeing the silhouette of a figure standing in the shadows, yet everytime they investigate they find themselves alone and confused.
To add to the confusion the town of Miyazawa has been gripped by a series of peculiar events that can only be described as disturbing. The usually peaceful town has suddenly suffered from a quadrupling of petty thefts in the past week alone, and things have been catching aflame without any warning. While animals have been found decapitated all over town, students of Kasugano High are more interested in the numerous rumours that are flying about; from UFO sightings to cases of the living dead abducting or slaughtering people. There’s even a rumour than an entire apartment complex somehow vanished overnight… though no one seems to know exactly where the apartment had stood prior.
As another school day comes to a close, your character starts to pack their belongings… only to discover an unusual letter slipped inbetween one of their textbooks. Looking the plain unmarked envelope over, they decide to open it…
Only to discover that one of the most popular girls within the school would like me them privately in an empty classroom! Further reading reveals that she wants to meet up in two hours to tell your character something really important…

Well it’s been an awfully long time since I last tried running an RP here on the Guild… but since I’ve got the time and motivation, as well as the idea to go along with it, I figured I’d give Group roleplays one more go.
To start off I’m going to state that this roleplay will be set in Kasugano Highschool, and will later spread to include the rest of Miyazawa town. As the names imply this roleplay will be set in a fictional Japanese town. I’ve decided to do this because this roleplay is heavily inspired by a handful of anime/games I’ve enjoyed over the past few years. Please note however that this is a “Fictional Anime Japan”… and characters can natively have names like Bob, John, Sue, etc.
Potential Applicants should be aware that this roleplay will sometimes include dark themes. Certain characters may die, and unimportant (nameless) side characters may be slaughtered en masse for the sake of gore’ious glorious plot! I don’t want people going around killing everything (obviously), but if blood and death in a roleplay makes you squeamish please think your application over.
As I mentioned earlier, this roleplay has been inspired by several different anime series. However I’d like to mention that prior knowledge is not necessary, and in some instances may actually be counterproductive. This is because I might borrow some aspects, but not everything. For example I’d like to emulate the theme and “Investigation Team” aspect portrayed in Persona 4 but all the complex stuff exclusive to Persona aren’t present here.
Ideally this roleplay will have it’s dark serious moments, as well as the more light-hearted (sometimes comedic?) moments.
The overall plot hence can be summarized as a group of teenagers that come to realize their town is under threat by mysterious “Shadow Creatures” who are slaughtering and abducting people. To counter the menace the characters are given ‘special powers’ to fight back… though not all powers will be combat oriented, and no one will be permitted to be a one-man army. I want more mystery than action after all~

Regarding Special Powers
Your character will be allowed one special ability in this roleplay.
The concept is borrowed from an anime called MekakuCity Actors and a list of example powers can be found here; kagerouproject.wikia.com/wiki/Heat_Haz..
The effects and magnitude of these powers can vary from character to character, but they all have these three things in common.
- Character's eyes will momentarily become an iridescent gold when theyir power is activated.
- Abilities will be activated and be based around ‘Sight.’
When a character activates their ability their eye color changes to an iridescent gold, and grant them the ability to perceive something, or change the target they are viewing.
For example a character might see through walls, make themselves invisible to others, or set something on fire if they stare hard enough.
If you want a certain power think it over; for example a character can not be super-fast… but they can have the ability to temporarily perceive the world around them in slow motion .
- Abilities will all have a daily limit which will be individual set based on the magnitude of the power. A character who can read the body language of animals for example isn’t going to be as energy draining as someone who can cause thing to levitate. When a character exceeds their daily limit they may pass out from fatigue, or even die.
I hate to sound like a bitch, but I’m going to state right up;
You might think you’ve come up with the most amazing idea ever…but if I don’t think it will fit into my roleplay, it will not be allowed. I’m happy to negotiate, and I’d like to think of myself as a reasonable person… but the objective of this roleplay isn’t for someone to go around slaying baddies, or one character to distort the fabric of time and become god. xD

Rules suck... but I'd rather have a bit of "Suck" than be cradling a dead RP in a few weeks time xD So yes, here we go~
1. Players should try and post once every day.
I don't mind if people miss a day or two here and there because of life circumstance, but I don't want to constantly be chasing people up for posts. If you know you'll be inactive for days, or even weeks at a time, I'm sorry but this roleplay is probably not for you.
2. This roleplay will include the "Wait (#) posts before you post again" rule.
I'd like this roleplay to be active, but I don't want to wake up each morning and find two people spamming two pages together. What the (#) is will depend on the number of players we get.
3. Players should be able to post at least one full paragraph.
A basic level of grammar and spelling is required for this roleplay. Please also note that I don't really count anything less than 150 words to be a 'full' paragraph. Though obviously you can supplement a short paragraph by writing two ;)
4. Post in the OoC and talk to your fellow RP'ers!
Communication is the basis for any good group, and this roleplay is no exception. Social people aren't always fun people... but anti-social people who keep to themselves and brood in their little corner are never fun.
5. Listen to the GM.
If I ask you to do something, please listen. I don't enjoy being a nasty/bossy GM, but if you don't give me a choice in the matter... well, lets just say Kanami is not a nice person when they're angry.
6. Character Reference Image Required.
This is more a Character Sheet rule, but I figured it could Make or Break the interest of some people... so I've decided to throw it in. Being an "Anime" Roleplay, I naturally expect face-claims that are anime/semi-anime in style.
Final Words
At the moment I'm just trying to see if there'd be any interest in something like this.
If people are interested they should notify me their idea for a power below or privately... cause it'd really suck for you to write up an entire character concept... only to be told you can't have that special-ability~
If you have any questions, just ask them~ I'm not that scary... on my good days
Character sheets will come once I manage to get sufficient interest. Ideally I'm hoping for 5~9 Participants.