Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

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<Snipped quote by Shorticus>

That sounds like labelling yourself/your friends as something you have no idea what it actually means. Like saying that you're "salacious" since you think it means charming but haven't looked it up to know what it actually means.

That said, it literally says on the front page:

<Snipped quote>

One would expect someone to see that at some point in their RPing carrer or figure make the connection that Nation RP =/= RPing in a fantasy nation.

The thing about these things is that they get blended pretty easily. Many of them are pretty indistinguishable from regular RPs because they revolve around characters on the ground doing stuff, as narrative vehicles to plot the course of that nation. Sometimes many people are in the same nation. Sometimes all of them are. It really does get blurry. I've seen it happen many times in my years, but I suppose I take a fairly loose interpretation of these things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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Self Inserts.

The moment I see somebody submit a character sheet with their user name or the same name of every character they've ever roleplayed because it's the same person who is just a fictionalized version of the player, a part of me dies screaming inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

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Self Inserts.

Was dealing with one of those recently and had to dodge that bullet real quick.

As for my bitching, it's recently been when people are 'craving' something, you pm them, and they don't respond. Minor, but after the first several times it begins to be upsetting.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 13 days ago

<Snipped quote by Rekaigan>

Was dealing with one of those recently and had to dodge that bullet real quick.

As for my bitching, it's recently been when people are 'craving' something, you pm them, and they don't respond. Minor, but after the first several times it begins to be upsetting.

Oh I had that as well. Someone posts up an interest check, you pm them, and then a few hours later they bump their check saying "anyone?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

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<Snipped quote by Blue Demon>

I've seen that before. I've seen people leave the game because the OOC gets so much activity that people feel they are missing if they can't check it daily, even if the IC is updated only every other day.

I dunno, I see both sides to this. I love talking to people, so I use the OOC frequently, but I can also get behind seeing a large amount of text you missed. I don't think you should be singled out and booted for it though. If people have a problem with it, take it up with you or set up Skype or some other chat service if it becomes a huge issue.

For things like this, I include an important announcement thing on the front page, as well as twist any important posts in the OOC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AtlasRedfox
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AtlasRedfox Temporarily lost.....

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Oh I had that as well. Someone posts up an interest check, you pm them, and then a few hours later they bump their check saying "anyone?"

Yep, had that one... I mean how hard is it to say 'No thanks'
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

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Honourable mention to the people that write like this:

"Tim would walk across the road." instead of "Tim walked across the road."

It doesn't sound like a much, but when you read three paragraphs of it, you end up confused... like, thinking you've just read a hypothetical outcome to a character's situation, as opposed to what's actually happened/going to happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 18 days ago

<Snipped quote by Obscene Symphony>

Honourable mention to the people that write like this:

"Tim would walk across the road." instead of "Tim walked across the road."

It doesn't sound like a much, but when you read three paragraphs of it, you end up confused... like, thinking you've just read a hypothetical outcome to a character's situation, as opposed to what's actually happened/going to happen.

That type is actually future tense, which I understand if they're denoting future actions. But writing shit like "Time walks across the road" especially when EVERYONE ELSE is writing in past tense is just painful to read.

First person as well. Unbearable in any case, but in RP? It's just stupid!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

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<Snipped quote by Frengo>

That type is actually future tense, which I understand if they're denoting future actions. But writing shit like "Time walks across the road" especially when EVERYONE ELSE is writing in past tense is just painful to read.

First person as well. Unbearable in any case, but in RP? It's just stupid!

"Tim would walk across the road, and he would go into the cafe. He would sit himself at a stool, and he would order a coffee from the waitress. The waitress would smile at Tim and nod, and she would get him his coffee. Meanwhile, Tim would pick up a news paper and he would read the sports section."

And you're all o.0 .... "So has Tim done all this stuff? Or is he going to do all this stuff in the near future?" It causes problems because poor old Tim looks like he's operating outside of time (other characters, as you say, using past tense), but in all occurrences of this, it turns out that the writer actually meant present/past tense.

I dunno, I can work with people using first person and present tense, but future tense really F's up the continuity of an RP. It's hard to interact with a character that "would", as opposed to those that "did" and "are doing".
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think present tense only really works in free-rp's. One you start putting paragraphs together, it sticks out awkwardly. That's literary tradition really, since books and stories aren't usually written in present tense. Goes back to the days when novels were treated like fictional accounts being repeated to the reader. If instead of coming into RPing through literary tradition you come through via gaming tradition where things are usually present tense, that's going to be what you find normal
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

On that note, one thing that kind of confuses me a bit is when people have half of their post be "what if" scenarios. Like, um, "If X happens I do Y, if Z happens I do W, if A happens I do B", etc. etc. I've only seen a couple of people do it but it's... I dunno, part of me feels it kind of misses the point of roleplaying being all about reacting to stuff rather than preparing for every eventuallity in advance.

I mean sure, pre-planning things you're going to do in advance is all well and fine, but this is ridiculous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 13 days ago

I think present tense only really works in free-rp's. One you start putting paragraphs together, it sticks out awkwardly. That's literary tradition really, since books and stories aren't usually written in present tense. Goes back to the days when novels were treated like fictional accounts being repeated to the reader. If instead of coming into RPing through literary tradition you come through via gaming tradition where things are usually present tense, that's going to be what you find normal

I was going to mention that as well. Most stories rarely use future tense as it's more of a planning aspect for what the characters may do, but it might not turn out the way they intended way. Using it in a roleplay is just suicidal because you are telegraphing moves that may not even happen or controlling the scene. "Gary will open the door", means that no other characters may have a chance to perform that action and they have to play catch-up posts for what he is about to do.

Most stories though would use past tense for their main and present tense as a suspense trick or unique trait. Deathnote: Another Note uses this as the story is a recollection of Mellow's account but written a bit from his point of view.

"It did not particularly matter to him whether it succeeded or not. Beyond Birthday simply shrugged, and took out a knife...
No, no, no, no, no.
Not this style, not this narrative voice - I'll never manage to keep up this arch tone all the way through. The harder I try, the more bored I'll get and the lazier the writing will be."

It works really well because the perspective shifts from third to first and past to present throughout the novel, building up suspense during Mellow's recaps and shifting to story telling during the past tense parts. That's where present tense has it's biggest advantage. It can be used to create so much drama and tension by making you feel like every word takes you closer to the climactic point. So if any player can't seem to wrap their head around that logic, they'll never be able to create a post that will engage the other players as people naturally want to read about what happened, and not what is going to happen where they have the opportunity to think about the repercussions of any actions.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I can't stand people who ask to join and but in before being accepted just for attention. They are also usually the ones who can't write a complete sentence either, so what they dropped into the middle of an RP that they don't belong to doesn't even make any sense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

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People that refused to have fun and let the RP play out. Holy shit, people like this straight up COULD NOT play D&D. Their damn head would explode...minor problems and issues can be role played out easily and its honestly more fun for everyone that way, stop fricking worrying about everything that doesn't immediately add up. You're the people in the movie theater that stop every 5 seconds to ask who the bad guy is. Let the RP play out. Who gives a shit, if the smallest details aren't either immediately apparently or something was mistaken. If it isn't plot critical, it's not something to bring up...

Also my internet crashed last night when I was having a super awesome time, which annoyed me...and then the cable lady (who was nice but didn't actually do anything to fix my problem) tried to sell me something, thanks sweetie...but no...never...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

When you are messaged about a 1v1 and respond to that person. Without getting a response back. The person then goes offline never to be seen again.
If and when you have an idea for something, state it. Don't hint towards it unless its supposed to be something to find out. Its annoying when you see a person clearly unhappy bout something, but to afraid to say anything. Even when everyone else is saying something.
Those who kiss up to anyone just for perks. Its annoying and if you do it to me I want to drop kick you.
When someone tries to correct someone else and is wrong about their correction. Like seriously Brut get your facts straight, or they have worse grammar/ more errors than you and really have no right to correct which ' too' you use.
When I state something I was thinking for my character and get ignored. Especially in 1v1's its annoying because you cater to their character wants get nothing in return
6.) Keeping on the started above. I am fine with present tense, if you use it right, but talking future tense gets very confusing and annoying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Engel
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Engel Wonderland Psychotic Wonderland Perfection

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When several people post in your 1x1 thread, despite that it clearly says don't post here. PM me. The worst are those who straight up tell you to PM them. Are you serious...? Thanks for making it clear you didn't read the thread.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 13 days ago

When several people post in your 1x1 thread, despite that it clearly says don't post here. PM me. The worst are those who straight up tell you to PM them. Are you serious...? Thanks for making it clear you didn't read the thread.

That's also what makes you think, "Hang on... Why do I have to PM you when it is you that should be PMing me?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 13 days ago

So a GM appears with an interesting RP idea. They start the RP, collect players, critique the CS to the point where everyone has successfully created a top notch character that is skilled and unique. We all set out into the world, write our first couple posts (in one RP I was in) or few posts (like another I was in)... and then the GM simply abandons the RP with no warning or message.

What makes this worse, and it's the part that angers me the most, is that the GM then went ahead and created a new RP straight away with some other poor suckers!!!

I cannot understand this. Are these people taking us for a ride? Us as the players were all committed in creating a unique and special RP, and then the GM just destroys it. I have entered so many RPs and spent countless hours creating characters only to have them end because of these GMs who ditch them for no reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 2 days ago

So a GM appears with an interesting RP idea. They start the RP, collect players, critique the CS to the point where everyone has successfully created a top notch character that is skilled and unique. We all set out into the world, write our first couple posts (in one RP I was in) or few posts (like another I was in)... and then the GM simply abandons the RP with no warning or message.

What makes this worse, and it's the part that angers me the most, is that the GM then went ahead and created a new RP straight away with some other poor suckers!!!

I cannot understand this. Are these people taking us for a ride? Us as the players were all committed in creating a unique and special RP, and then the GM just destroys it. I have entered so many RPs and spent countless hours creating characters only to have them end because of these GMs who ditch them for no reason.

Makes you wonder what people's really after; spamming characters or actually developing them. To satisfy users' CS impulses, the guild needs contests/activities (maybe even a dedicated sub-forum) for just making characters.

For your RP, mutiny the GM. If the GM can't serve the players, then the players should serve themselves. The game no longer belongs the original creator if players' interests outlive theirs. Elect a new GM, reboot, shuffle the cast; a great story is not always created by one person.
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