Raptorman, what have you done! 

Raptorman, what have you done!
<Snipped quote by VATROU>
Two sex starved virgins engaging in a lecherous union, one freshly diced heretic, and a plate of cookies. -_^
Honestly though they coulda gotten me with the cookies. >.> <.<
<Snipped quote by Paper Angel>
That's mild.
<Snipped quote by VATROU>
Two sex starved virgins engaging in a lecherous union, one freshly diced heretic, and a plate of cookies. -_^
Honestly though they coulda gotten me with the cookies. >.> <.<
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
Nah man, wasn't me. Blame NMS, he did the ritual.
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
Ohz. ?.? Wellz I can totally be worse. ^^ Though I am kinda careful now. >.> I got in trouble on old guild for stuff.
*hides her whips, chains, torture equipment, skinning knife, ect ect*
<Snipped quote by Paper Angel>
Man, I could so help with that first part.
Barron "You ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe. You should just grow a pair then you wouldn't have problems with the ladies. Oh and could you clean up in here a little, it's getting cramped."
That. That's super harsh man. I just got dissed by my own OC.
<Snipped quote by VATROU>
I dunno, twas a pair of female virgins. -_^ Though I'm not picky. If you're good I'll even let your borrow my whips. ^-^ I like both to give and receive sooz you better be ready for some fun. -_^
*Flutters over and sits on Vatrou's head perching there*
<Snipped quote by Paper Angel>
I know that feeling all too well. Trust me. My family's got a raunchy sense of humor which was passed onto me, though I also have a morbid sense of humor. While you're hiding those... could you hide these for me?
*passes tassels, clamps, leashes, leather straps and other... non PG13 rated items within a black bag*
I have a Paper Angel on my head. You know, somehow that doesn't sound right, I always thought it'd be a red devil of sorts.
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>
Totally. -_^
*opens her extradimensional storage space and puts all the gear in.*
Here's a key sooz you can access it. Just press the button. Tis camouflaged for convenience. ^^
*poofs a garage door opener into fallen's hand*
I have a Paper Angel on my head. You know, somehow that doesn't sound right, I always thought it'd be a red devil of sorts.
You guys are quite...special. Yes, that's the word I'm looking for. Special.
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
Come join us! ^-^
*Chants "One of us, One of us, One of us, One of us."
You guys are quite...special. Yes, that's the word I'm looking for. Special.