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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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For the most part, this was a relaxing night for Charlotte. Sure, the rest of the day earlier was tiring, and that her mother had to leave the house earlier for a night shift. Yet, it felt peaceful, the silence of the house eased her. Not only was it a clear night sky outside her bedroom window, but there was an apparent meteor shower. It was a little weird that no one predicted a meteor shower to happen, but it happens. "Well...might as well get some rest. Can't be looking out to the night's sky too much," she says to herself as she turns away from the window, falling onto the bed with exhaustion. Being in her snug blankets on her bed, she was slowly closing her eyes for a good night's rest. That was, until a loud and adrupt crash could be heard coming from the backyard. "Huh?..." Charlotte immediately sat up, her first thought was that the meteor shower must had hit the backyard. Curious, she peeps out the window, frozen to see a crater ruining the grass of the backyard. Importantly, she could see a figure that resembled a person within the smoky meteor. Curious to see what was there, Charlotte got on a jacket and rushed down the steps and towards the door to the backyard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Dante sat at his desk. His laptop was open and he was drawing his last comic page for the night. he finally finished, and went over to his wireless printer, scanning the page in and then shooting it to his laptop. He looked out his window, there was a meteor shower happening outside. Dante turned on his TV to the weather channel. "..unlike anything ever experienced before, a completely random shower of meteors, scientists are baffled by the influx of meteors from space, as it is very unlikely that a shower usually hits the Earth, the question on everybody's mind should be, where did they come from? all this month, it seems they will be hitting all around the Earth. Please take caution in the roads and in your homes, as it is likely to to get hairy in small neighborhood's. And now, in other weather related news-" Dante shut off the television. He yawned, going over to his computer and uploading his newest comic page to his website. He quickly went to Twitter. "New Comic Page is up, finale is upcoming, stay tuned" he typed, hitting the submit button. Just then, he heard a woosh and then a crash. He ran to the window. A meteor had crashed in the middle of the street. Immediately taking action, he put on his coat and went out his bedroom window, towards the meteor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Stepping into the backyard, Charlotte squinted her eyes at where the crater had appeared on the lawn. I should had brought a flashlight with me, it is a little dark. she thought as she cautiously got herself close to the crater, the edge of it at least. Even without a flashlight, she could barely make out on what there was inside the crater. Instead of a regular meteorite...what she found resembled a little girl in a very oddly designed dress...something about that dress was familiar. This girl seemed asleep, despite how rough the fall appeared to be. Worried that this girl could be hurt, Charlotte carefully makes her way down the crate, it was only 3 feet down deep, and walked over to the girl. "Hello? Can you hear me?" Charlotte asked, her finger ready to poke the sleeping girl, but something abruptly broke the tension. "Hey! Watch it bub! Elly's not feeling well!" A voice that sounds like a child, and at first she couldn't see where it was coming from. Charlotte takes a closer look to see a purple doll-like toy floating near this girl, "Elly," and something did click in Charlotte's head in realization. Though...she wondered if this was for real.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Dante sneaked over to where the crater was. Thank god his parents hadn't decided to come home from there date early, or they could have been in that. He tried to wave away some of the dust, to no avail. There was a meteorite, he knew he probably shouldn't touch it, but from inside he saw a faint figure of a person, presumably human, for some odd reason. Wasting no time, Dante reached in and pulled out the body. It was warm, so the person was still alive. He carried the body through his windiw and on to his bed. He quickly went over and shut it, pulling the curtains up so no one could look inside. Walking up to the bed, he came to a slow realization. He recognized the person. "This has to be..a joke, no way!!" Dante said. Freaking out, he stumbled back and landed on his butt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"...are...are you real?" Charlotte stuttered with her words, all of this rushed through her head rapidly. None of this was making any sense, but the more she would try to think about this, it continued to jumble her head. "Real? Listen here stranger!! We don't know you, and I'm sure that Elly would feel weird around you." the purple toy started to tune up it's voice, getting louder. This wasn't going to end that soundly. "Shhhh!! Can you try to be a little more quiet? The neighbors would hear you..." Charlotte quickly hushed the toy from talking anymore. This was already strange enough that she was experiencing this. Any more people put into the mix of this mess, and it will be worse for these two. Not wanting to provoke the purple toy anymore, Charlotte gently cradled the girl in her arms, heading back into the house. As expected, the purple toy followed her in, and surprisingly hasn't said a single word when Charlotte had carried the girl in. Knowing that her mother won't be home until the next morning or even tomorrow lunch, Charlotte laid the girl onto the couch. "See, I'm not a bad stranger. So...erm, do you know how Elly got here?" Charlotte asked, turning attention to the purple toy. "Nope, I never go to sleep, but I'm drawing a blank on that question," the purple toy sighed, not knowing itself. Surely the girl wouldn't know as she had been out. Plus, Charlotte didn't want to bother the girl, so she decided to let her rest until she eventually woke up. However, her thinking was cut off as she heard something going on outside. Dammit...some of my neighbors probably heard..Teepo, was it? Never mind, I just have to convince them that there's nothing wrong, and I'm off the hook for now. Charlotte thought, her eyes fixed on the front door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Calming himself down for a minute, he took a big sigh. He pinched himself, just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. "Nope, not dreaming. And I don't think that cosplayers fall from meteors. So that boy over there, on my bed.." Dante trailed off. He was a character he recognized from Dragon Ball Z, he even had the spiky hair and everything. He wasn't really sure how this was possible. How does something you perceive, and know as fictional just suddenly come crashing down from a meteor, right on the street? it just seemed a little too strange to believe. Well, he needed answers if he was going to get through this. He walked over to his laptop and sat down. He started to search on the Internet for anything strange related to the meteors. Surely, if they were an occurrence being reported on like the meteors, it would be studied by a scientist or something.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Regaining her composure, Charlotte takes a deep breath before opening the front door. It was their next door neighbor, Mrs. Haloway. Of course it would be her, she's the type to be annoyed by any disturbing noise... she thought, expecting some reaction to Teepo making noise. "Is everything alright Charlotte? I thought I heard someone yelling from your backyard," Mrs. Haloway asked with a curious eye brow raised. "You must had heard my TV. Sorry if it was a little too loud, you know how I like to watch anime," Charlotte reassured with a lie, at least it was a normal thing for her. Plus, nothing did seem strange from this, so it was obvious that she would get away with this misunderstanding. "Oh, that's fine. I happened to think too much of it. Just don't stay up too late, it's 9 PM," she let a sigh of relief, and then turned to leave. "Alright, I'll see you later Mrs. Haloway," Charlotte smiled before closing the door, feeling relief that she had avoided a little mishap. Now it was back to a more important matter at hand, Charlotte headed back to where she had left the girl and the purple toy, Teepo, and saw that the girl was now awake. "Hey...before you start to jump to conclusions, I only helped you inside my house," Charlotte told the girl, at least get on this girl's good side for a start. "See Teepo, she isn't bad," the girl says, starting to slowly confirm that this girl was really a character Charlotte knew from a game called "Tales of Xillia." If she really is Elize...those meteors can't be that normal...there were a ton...if the same happening with the rest of the meteors... she thought to herself for a moment, all of this didn't seem to add up, like how was this even possible.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Finding nothing as of now on the Internet, he sighed, leaning back in his chair. And then he had an idea. Dante tweeted out to his followers "streaming on YouTube live in a minute or two, urgent matter needs discussion." he typed, then sending the tweet. He went to YouTube and began to set up a livestream session. Starting it up, he sat in front of his web camera. People were slowly starting to join, and Dante waited for a good amount of people before he would speak. Perhaps someone out there was going through the same situation as him, but just keeping quiet about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"So...what's your name?" Charlotte asked. She didn't want to tell her about knowing all about Elize and Teepo because of a video game. At least she tried to avoid the awkwardness of that certain situation. "I-I'm Elize, and my friend Teepo," the girl stuttered. As expected, she seemed rather shy as she was in the actual game. Charlotte was about to ask on how they got here to figure something out, but her cell phone rung in her pocket. Charlotte quickly answered the call, wondering who this was. "Hey, Lucy, what's going on?....a livestream now? And why are you telling me this exactly?....alright, sure. I'll check it out. See you," Charlotte spoke to her friend on the phone, who was telling her to check out a Livestream that was about to start on YouTube. "What's happening?...did something bad happen?" Elize looked worried, either that charlotte seemed too serious or that she did not know what cell phones were anyways. "Yeah!!!Tell us!" Teepo exclaims in to back up Elize's question. "It's fine, just some stuff to check out " Charlotte says with reassurance as she takes out her laptop and turned it on. Once started up, she quickly signed into YouTube and found the livestream her friend told her about, and joined it right away. "Whoa...that is so cool!"Teepo abruptly says in surprise on seeing the laptop, trying to get a closer look.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Okay, so it seems like a lot of people are here, so let's start. I know it was quite sudden and for some of us, it might be late at night but this is important and I'd like to thank my loyal followers for joining. Now, I'd like to move on to what I wanted to talk about. I am sure all of you are aware, that there is a massive meteor shower, and they are landing all over the world. I would like to reveal to you all something that happened to me tonight. I actually had one land right on my street." Dante said. He read the comments, seeing a bit of skepticism from some people. "Yes, tomorrow morning I will take a picture of the meteor, as proof. I am not a liar. But, even more strange..well, actually I want to bring up that. Has anybody encountered one, and found anything strange about it? like, a certain quality or an event that occurred, that distinguished it from a normal meteor? just write it down in the comments, and I'll reply to you." Dante asked, hoping he would get a good response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"So I was right...these meteors...other people must had witnessed similar things happen," Charlotte mumbled to herself as she heard Dante bring this up on his livestream. This actually reminded her of something that she had forgotten to ask, turning her attention over to Elize and Teepo. They were just standing next to her, curiously gazing at her laptop as if it were the distant future for them. "Sorry if this is a little sudden and stuff, but do you remember what happened exactly? Like the things that led up to you being here," Charlotte asks gently, knowing that Elize was a very shy and fragile girl. "Me and Elly don't know! We just got here, it's not like I know this stuff," Teepo takes the first response, seeming like it never noticed the "transfer" until crashing into her backyard. "Yeah...I just fell asleep in an inn after a long day with Jude, Milla, and Alvin...and then I'm here..." Elize stuttered a bit ,but got the information that deemed the most helpful for now. Charlotte only gave a nod of understanding, taking a deep breath to calm herself. All of this seemed to stress her out, since she didn't want to trouble her family and friends just to protect Elize and Teepo, and that she didn't also want to get the two in trouble as they don't even know how this happened. Her mind cleared out for now, Charlotte typed up a quick comment on the livestream, double checking that she got the right idea on there. She was slightly stressing out, it was best to check if there was no mistakes. The message was :Same here. A meteor crashed in my backyard not too long ago. Strangest part of this meteor, it looked like two meteors mashed together. Hope that makes sense. By the time she hit "enter", Charlotte waited for a response, staring at the laptop screen for that response. She decided to go with the "inside meaning" of meteor, as she knew when Dante had said he found a strange meteor, it couldn't had been just some weird meteor, it had to be the same as her case with Elize and Teepo.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Dante looked at the comments, most of them said that they had only seen a meteor from afar, and were told to simply not go near it, or never had the chance. But he spotted one that was out of the ordinary. The way she worded, could only mean one thing. Definitely makes sense. Send me an email, we could talk privately over that. It's on my YouTube about page on my channel. Dante typed, hitting enter. Sitting back, he yawned, stretching. "Okay guys, since it seems like everyone except that person has gotten close, at least in my user base, I'm gonna end the stream. Have a good night, everyone." Dante said, and then the feed promptly cut. He knew whoever that was would email him, so there was no need to keep it going. He quickly opened his Gmail and patiently waited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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After some time of waiting, there was a response that said that she could email him for a more private conversation. "Good idea. We could figure out what in the hell is going on," Charlotte said to herself as she heard that the livestream was ending. "So...are you going to try to talk to this guy?" Elize asked shyly, managing to figure out that this stream was used to find people that found these meteors. "Yeah, and we'll figure out more on this if we meet up with others that are in this situation too," Charlotte reassured the young girl as she copied the email address from his Youtube page, and switched into another tab which was already on gmail. Pasting the email address to the new email, Charlotte began to type right away, knowing that no one but themselves would know of this private conversation. Before hitting send, she looked over the email one more time. It read: So the same thing happened with you? The meteor was no meteor, that's for sure. The thing I said about there being "two meteors stuck together," I actually found two people that I know from some video game I've played in the past. It was a good start for now, Charlotte hit the send button, wondering what he would reply to her with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Dante refreshed his inbox, noticing there was a new email. He clicked on it. Smiling as he read the email, he wrote up a quick reply. Well, I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I have a character from an Anime and Manga in my house right now. Whatever is going on, this is not normal. But it does tell us one thing: Every fictional character that we think is fictional, is real, but in a parallel universe. So that also confirms the theory of parallel universes. I realize this is a lot to take in right now, especially in an opening email we just started, but it's easy to understand if you think about it. This may sound cool, but it's really a bad thing. Right now, thousands of those meteors are coming into our reality. Inviting heroes, villains, and anything in between into a place they should never belong in. Drop any normal responsibilities you have. Because as of now, we are the only one's who can stop this. So, we need to devise a plan. This can't wait until tomorrow. I need to know who you are, straight up. So I'll go first. My name's Dante Black, I go to the local High School in my area, I make web comics and YouTube videos. I'm 17. Tell me about you, and give me your address, and I'll come to you. Dante typed, then hitting send. Hopefully, she would simply accept and not be creeped out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"You know, you two could sleep for now. It's late and I suppose that you need the rest," Charlotte calmly said, feeling it was natural for them to be sleeping by now. Actually, it did feel weird that both what she felt as "normal" and what she felt as "abnormal" were now clashing together, becoming a single strange reality happening in what was supposed to be a "simple" life for Charlotte. Well, this was starting to feel like her life wasn't going to be "easy" at all. "Oh, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me," Elize tried to make a point, but Charlotte only gave a dismissing wave as she went to type up her response to the new reply after refreshing the inbox many times. It is a lot to take in, and it's really going to affect the world around us if we don't something to resolve it. There's probably a ton of meteors out there, found by others or not, but at least I know I'm not going crazy. My name is Charlotte Lowell, I'm 16 and a junior at high school not too far from my house. I'm also a part-time cashier at a local Best Buy. I actually live in two places, but the address of the place I'm at now is 325 Cayuga Avenue, plus I'm alone at my house right now and it's probably going to be like that for the rest of the night. After a moment of thinking it over, she hit the "send" button and eased herself by sitting back at her chair. This was certainly a lot to happen in under an hour. She certainly never asked for this to happen, but it did, so she might as well go along with it until it's over. Charlotte only let out a tired sigh and gulped down some water as she waited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Okay, I will get directions from my phone and be over as soon as I possibly can. Expect knocking, and be ready. Dante typed, and then hit enter. After that he exited out of Gmail and shut and closed his laptop, taking out his smartphone. He went to his GPS app, and entered in the directions she gave him. Then, he had directions. He put his phone in his pocket, and then stood up. He looked over at Gohan, there would be no need to wake him up right now, but he left a note on his computer desk explaining everything to him. Leaving out the door, Dante got on his bike and rode down the street.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"So you're going to have this person come over. Are you sure?" Elize mumbled, seeing the laptop screen with the emails. Even if she was young and unfamiliar with these "modern" assets, Charlotte knew she would adapt. She knew how intelligent Elize was in the game. "It's fine. I know it, because he's also in the same dilemma as I am. Plus, we'll be able to figure things out from here if we're talking face to face," Charlotte reassures the little girl, placing the laptop on the couch as she walked over to the window. Surely it seemed like the meteor shower ended, but she felt a little unsure as some of the meteors seen are definitely scattered in different places, near and far. Hopefully we'll find a way to straighten things up, or I'm not really sure what to do... Charlotte thought as she glanced back at Elize and Teepo, apparently testing out her laptop. Seeing that the meteor shower was done for the night, Charlotte went for the front door and sat at the chair nearest to it, might as well wait for Dante to come over.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Dante drove on his bike down the road, checking his phone every couple of miles to make sure he was going the right way. It wasn't exactly safe to ride on his bicycle out at night like this, but he didn't really have a choice at this point. After awhile of riding, Dante finally arrived at his destination. He laid his bike down gently on the front lawn. He slowly walked up to the door, and knocked on it. Dante took out the phone and checked just to make sure. "Yeah, this is the place alright.." Dante muttered to himself, putting his phone away. Though, deep down he knew this was the place and he was simply nervous. He waited for someone to answer the door, standing out in the dark.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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it seemed like a bit before she actually heard that there was someone at the door. It's gotta be him... Charlotte thought, feeling a nervous feeling wash over her. She didn't know what would happen once she would figure this out with Dante, but it was going to be a rocky road when trying to get things done. Especially figuring out about these meteorites more... She knew that Elize and Teepo were occupied with her laptop, so Charlotte went over to unlock the door and opened it to see Dante. They both roughly seemed the same age. "Er...come in so we can talk about this..." Charlotte almost stuttered but got her message though, seeing that no one would see them from outside.
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