"Be careful" Leofwine warned after giving Jason directions to the tomb. "If you go inside, there is a pit trap just past the hallway that would send an unwary soul to his death.."
Even with the Constable's directions, it was difficult on this dark, dreary night to find the hill where the others had been during the daylight hours. But eventually Jason would come to it... The heavy stone slab that had been barring the entrance still ajar just enough to allow a man to squeeze through. Inside is completely dark.
"humph"... Father Beacom frowned, but motioned the adventurers to come inside. "The hound will return ... retribution for the sins of men," he stated. Inside was dimly lit, but enough to see and navigate without issue. In the entry way was a small bench on one side and steps that descended into a cellar on the other. In the main body of the chapel there were several rows of pews and a door leading off to the left, presumably to the Father's sleeping chamber.
"As for Justicia..." he gestured toward the front of the chapel. There a large stained glass window depicted a woman as statuesque knight with long dark hair, holding the scales of justice in one hand and a gilded longsword in the other. "It was cracked in more than a few places when we arrived. But I had the replacement pieces commissioned all the way from the mainland...."