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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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"The ancients... they sailed westward too, ya know. Masters of the high seas, they was. Don't know what happened to 'em, but seeing as how they ain't here no more, it couldn't 'ave ended well for 'em, now could it? Only fools go looking for that kinda trouble." -local fisherman.

The "Elfleda", a lovely vessel recently commissioned by Lord Rolf to sail westward on an exploratory mission, had been stocked with almost two month's worth of supplies. It's small crew, along with the band of adventurers, had set sail just 3 days ago and were mostly in high spirits. The wind favored them and the first leg of this journey was expected to be easy. They were headed to Avery's Isle, so named for Queen Avery almost 20 years ago. Already it was visible in the distance and they should be there within a few hours time.

The large island had a small permanent population, made up mostly of poor folk who had jumped at the chance to have a plot of land to themselves. And while it was under Lord Rolf's dominion, Constable Leofwine Botwright was the local authority. A perfect place to replenish the supplies used over the last few days plus deliver Lord Rolf's quarterly missive to the Constable.

After that, the "real" adventure would begin as the Elfleda would be continuing westward, hoping to discover more islands filled with either fertile soil or lost riches just waiting to be claimed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karolus


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Vilkas boards the ship at port with excitement in his heart. He has been on the sea before and feels right at home onboard immediately. He offers up a quick prayer to the gods of his people and thinks of his contract: a small sum of gold up front and whatever he can loot from the natives in return for maps of the area. Life is good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anna Sachae
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Anna Sachae

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Hanging half-off the ship by one of the port lines connected to the mast, Charlotte eyed the horizon, and very much didn't turn her attention anywhere near the port they were approaching. An endless ocean had seemed like the perfect place to lose herself before she'd actually attempted to...well, lose herself. She reasoned that it would probably just take her some time to get accustomed to the idea of keeping her own company - the Order had provided her with a dozen or more peers to keep her occupied, and now she would very hopefully never see any of them again.

Especially not here. Not in the middle of nowhere.

Part of her almost pitied the men she was stuck on this ship with. How many of them would die when her shadow caught up to her? How many would simply suffer? How long would it take her to become this poor, unsuspecting crew's personal albatross? And when would she get over herself already? Jeez, all of that moping was going to give her a wart, or something. She'd have something to distract herself with in a few hours' time, and a perfect opportunity to field test how this new arrangement was going to work out. Hell only knew what a simple squatter's island had in store for her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 21 days ago

Rockmar stood by the railing of the ship, looking forward like the rest. However, he really wasn't concerned about what was before them. He was worried about what was behind them. He was sure that the merchant's body would have been found my now. He didn't mean to kill the merchant. But Rockmar was being cheated. An argument started. Before he really know what had happened, the merchant lay dead at his feet.

Rockmar has spent his whole life on the around the docks. The only he was skilled at was fighting. He was often hired as a guard or sometimes as a bouncer. He's even been hired to help against pirates from time to time. Rockmar was no stranger to bloodshed. But this time it was different. He didn't kill some gutter rat. He killed a wealthy merchant. He knew he could never go back. There would only be a hangman waiting for him if he ever returned. Might as well what the rest of the world and ocean had to offer.

He walked over to Charlotte and said, "Hello, it looks like we will be shipmates for some time. I'm called Rockmar."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Anna Sachae
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Anna Sachae

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Well, if that wasn't the friendliest half-breed she'd met since she started moving south. Non-humans were somewhat uncommon where Charlotte came from, but they seemed to be anything else around here. It'd taken her weeks to become properly accustomed to dealing with filthy sub-human animals wearing pants those of differing heritage, and it was still a work in progress, at that. She had to ponder for a long moment before answering, just to clean up her response to prevent any...unpleasantness.

"Have you ever considered the horizon, Rockmar?" She gripped the rope she was almost hanging from a bit tighter, her voice barely loud enough to carry back to the ship. "Infinite possibility, unspeakable danger, or possibly just a lot of water. No one can no until they arrive there, and simply discovering what it holds destroys the very concept of being a horizon." Her tone got a bit quieter. "Are we explorers, or destroyers?"

In another moment, she swung back around to the deck, landed firmly on her boots, and made eye contact (with the only eye she had available). "Charlotte, of Kaer," she introduced, holding a hand out for a proper, formal shake. Which she assumed, of course, that filthy monkies southern metahumans understood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When was the last time Wimena felt this free? With the salty wind pulling at her thick dark locks, and the cool ocean mist spraying her against her face. When did she feel this free, this alive, in the crammed walls of that cursed estate? Beneath the crushing weight of her former employer, the threat of starvation and poverty keeping her as a lowly maid? Never. And nor ever was she returning back. Not that she could, anyway. Once Lord Derillion discovered she ran off for a new life, there'd be no way he'd hire back. He'd humiliate her one way or another for fleeing from the "honor" that was working for a stuck up aristocrat.

Wimena leaned against the rail, her large brown eyes drinking in the sights. Not that there was much to look at, of course. There was and only had been nothing but sky and sea for the past few days. But for the Halfling, that was enough. The rich cerulean water with the occasional darting shapes. The clear azure sky painted with violet and orange and black when the sun met the waves. It was more than she had seen in Lord Derillion's cage-like manor. More than she had seen in a lifetime. And yet there was more to come. The faint outline of the islands in the distance stirred a deep sense of anticipation from within Wimena. Soon...

Reluctantly pulling away from the side, Wimena took a sweeping glance around the ship. Several crew members lingered about, none of which she knew the name of. A major omission on her part. The journey was still young, however, and it was better sailing with allies than strangers. Wimena casually strolled towards a blonde man, offering him the friendliest expression she could muster. "Exciting, isn't it?" she spoke, each step laced with a bounce. "Open sea, new land, and a whole world to discover."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 21 days ago

Rockmar shook Charlotte's hand. She had the hands of a warrior. He missed any sarcasm she might have voiced in her greeting. He was still a little confused by her words. "There has to be islands somewhere. That's where the pirates hide. Somewhere."

In reply to her last question, he replied, "We're explorers now. Makes no difference who or what we were before. We're explorers now, Charlotte of Kaer."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Cedric couldn't help but feel a small thrill of excitement as he looked out toward Avery's Isle. The island seemed to grow larger by the minute as the Elfleda drew closer, so that the travelers on board could begin to make out shapes of houses and other structures dotted around the bay, as well as a few smaller boats bobbing in the bay.

"Exciting, isn't it?" a female voice nearby said. "Open sea, new land, and a whole world to discover."

Cedric turned to look and realized the halfling was not addressing him, but another of their fellow traveling companions. Not that he'd let that stop him. "Here, here! I'll drink to that tonight when we're supping with the Constable! Just think... after sailing on from Avery's Isle, we may be the only ones alive today to see the sights we'll see!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve was having trouble moving the barrel in the belly of the ship. She had been told to bring up ale to the galley and she was unable to move the crates between the barrels. Wiping her hair out of her eyes she looked up and saw one of the heftier sailors giving her a strange look.

"Would you be so kind as to help me move this barrel?"

"Aye miss, I was wondering what you were doing. Being so little you aren't likely to lift anythin' at all in 'ere." Eve stepped back and let the sailor move the barrels around and she smiled, "Thank you." She disappeared upstairs carrying two heavy pitchers of ale.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A blossom of giddiness bloomed in Wimena's chest as another man chimed in. A whole world, and only to be seen by her eyes! The possibilities were virtually endless. "I can hardly wait," Wimena spoke brightly, turning to the man. "Wimena, by the way. It's very much a pleasure to meet you."

Her attention was distracted by a young woman carrying in pitchers of ale. A dash of curiosity stirred inside as she stared at the amber liquid. Never had her former employer allowed her to drink despite his weekly trips to the pub. Perhaps one sip couldn't hurt...
"Hello," she called to her. "Is that for the crew?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve looked up at the halfling and smiled. "Yes ma'am it is. Would you care for some?" Wimena nodded and Eve handed her a cup of ale and went about filling the cups of others who asked.

Eve loved being at sea. This was only her second trip, the first with this crew. She loved the smell of the ocean. The wind on her back during the heat of the day made her feel a satisfaction she wasn't sure how to describe. She put the pitchers down and went up to the deck of the ship and watched the waves. She could see some of the animals that lived in the water and thought they were incredibly beautiful. Glancing to her left she saw the captain and several others around the deck looking out to sea. She smiled. There were a lot of interesting people to talk to on this trip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Wimena gave the ale an experimental sniff, scrunching her nose at the smell. With growing hesitance, the half long brought the drink to her lips. The regret came near instantaneously. She gagged as the bitter taste hit her tongue and recoiled from the pitcher. Her head buzzed, her size and lack of experience doing little against the effects People actually drank this for fun?! Coughing out the taste of ale, Wimena gave the barely depleted glass a withering stare. There was no way she was going to finish it, but dumping it into the ocean seemed like a waste.

Her eyes sweepers across the ship before settling onto a half-Orc standing close by. Perfect. Forcing a nonchalant smile on her face, Wimena sauntered over and looked up as innocently as possible. "Hello, sir. Care for a glass? Fresh and most definitely undrunken!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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There were few things in the world that just weren't meant to be. Fish weren't meant to fly, orcs weren't good at chess and elves were not suited for shipboard travel. The usually quite handsome - if pale, like most his kind - elf leaned his forehead against the side railing of the ship and concentrated fully on keeping his light breakfast inside his poor stomach. Judging by his clothes the tall elf was a nobleman of some kind, or at least someone with enough money for a comfortable suit. The white fencing shirt fit well with the blue vest and gray surcoat with silver linings. From his belt hung a rapier on the right hip and a beautiful silver flute on the left. It was apparent that his boots were the only think keeping him standing on the deck - they were either really heavy or enchanted to ease his footing. Long unbound locks of ivory colored hair covered most of his face at the moment. Obviously he was very much regretting his decision to join in this whole debacle, but now there was no turning back.

"Oh gods, why have you forsaken me?" He inquired silently and finally straightened up. His emerald green eyes scanned the horizon. "A bard like Tarquin Corbanet should not be in a place like this... I should be in a nice tavern with some nice ladies by my side for company..." As he mumbled to himself Tarquin bound his hair on a ponytail and shook his head. "...Next time I'll just politely refuse..." The elf covered his mouth with his right hand and leaned his elbow against the railing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve was strolling the deck and she noticed a tall elf who looked bored. She decided to say hello. The breeze was cool but the waves were a little rough and she had to grab the railing right next to him or fall.

"Hello, My name is Eve." She blushed with embarrassment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin lifted his right hand in a cautioning manner. "My... gh... Apologies, m'lady. Seafaring is not one of my finest arts. I apologize in advance." He managed to flash a little bit haughty smile, like he was making a jest before again taking a rather sour expression. "Now, I mean not to be impolite - such is not fitting of someone like me." The elf took a step away from the railing, spread his hands slightly and made a very proper bow. "My apologies again, m'lady Eve. I am Tarquin Corbanet, a humble bard by trade. Hmm... Admittedly there is nothing humble about me, I am boastful, brash purveyor of off key tunes and at times downright horrible poems." Tarquin paused for a moment to straighten his surcoat slightly "At your service, m'lady." He added with a very roguish smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eve curtsied and chuckled slightly. "Mr. Corbanet you seem to be quite capable of many things but I would be surprised to find you guilty of all of those things." She smiled. "Where are you from and what brings you here? if I may ask." She grabbed the railing as the seas were surprisingly getting rougher.

"Maybe we should step inside? It looks as if the weather might turn." She offered looking up at the darkening sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 21 days ago

@FubsyRockmar took the offered ale with a smile. "Thank you, lass, very nice of you." He drank down the ale in a couple of gulps. Then he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Looking at Wimena, he noticed her curves. She was not a human child, but rather a full grown woman. A very short woman, but still, a woman. "Excuse me, miss. My name is Rockmar. That was a nice mug of ale. Can you show me where you got it, so that I might have another?"

Rockmar has been drinking ale almost since he stopped drinking mother's milk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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As the sky darkened, the strengthening wind pushed the Elfleda even faster toward the bay at Avery's Isle. But luckily, the storm seemed to be gathering mostly behind them. "Looks like it'll miss us!" cried out Captain Harris Thorne, almost sounding disappointed to miss the opportunity to battle a raging sea.

"Those that'll be going to shore, get ready," the captains voice boomed, easily heard above the sounds of the sea. "We'll be settin' anchor in the bay and you'll take the dinghy ta shore."

Already the sailors were working to lower the sails.


"Perhaps just one for me too," Cedric said, coming up toward the rather sea-sick looking elf and the beautiful lady who was the bearer of ale. He produced a wooden stein that was hung from a leather strap on his belt and poured himself a full mug. "Wouldn't want any to spill!" He took a gulp, the roughening sea making him lose a little down his stubble and onto his shirt, but he didn't seem to pay it any mind besides wiping it away with the sleeve of his shirt. "You two planning on going ashore to meet the Constable?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Well, m'lady. I do believe stepping inside might make me feel slightly less nauseous. Perhaps some ale might also make me feel better." Tarquin shook his head at the mere idea of ale, but silently hoped it would help. He gave Cedric a little nod of acknowledgement and smiled. "I fear that if I were to leave the ship I'd remain on land. That is however a risk I am fully willing to take. The more time I can spend on solid land before we set sail again the better."
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