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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve looked up at the two men and said, "Yes I was hoping to go into town. Do you know how long we will be here for?"

Eve poured Tarquin a cup of ale and handed it to him. She smiled at Cedric who was finishing his up.
"Excuse me sir, but why would we be meeting the constable? Is there something amiss?"

She waited for Cedric's answer and thought about the other passengers. Were any of them in trouble? She wondered silently and refreshed Cedric's drink. She looked at Cedric and couldn't help but notice that he was very handsome. She blushed and hoped he couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

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Rockmar heard the call to get ready. He looked into his empty mug, then at his pack and greataxe nearby and then at Wimena. He said. "Well, I may need to wait for that second mug of ale. I'm heading to the shore to meet the Constable." He hoped that bit of information might impress the woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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Nora had arrived to the ship sooner than the other adventurers, however she got bussy taking care of a sailor who had a high fever and vomits, Nora made him drink a tea made of 4 different herbs and orange juice. Once the man started to feel better Nora returned to the deck just in time to hear the captain telling everyone to get ready.

''So that is the island...''

Nora talked to herself, her voice did not show any excitment, she knew the clan would find her if she stayed in that place
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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The tall elf bowed his head slightly to Eve and downed the ale with one go like a true sailor. To his great amazement Tarquin felt just a little bit better afterwards. In fact he felt just about good enough to pull out his flute. After a while he was playing a warm and catchy tune.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Eve looked up at the two men and said, "Yes I was hoping to go into town. Do you know how long we will be here for?"

Eve poured Tarquin a cup of ale and handed it to him. She smiled at Cedric who was finishing his up.
"Excuse me sir, but why would we be meeting the constable? Is there something amiss?"

She waited for Cedric's answer and thought about the other passengers. Were any of them in trouble? She wondered silently and refreshed Cedric's drink. She looked at Cedric and couldn't help but notice that he was very handsome. She blushed and hoped he couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Cedric shook his head slightly, glancing around at the others that were gathering around the ale. "Nah, nothing amiss. Just not a lot out here from what I understand, hardly worth calling a town really, and he's in charge. Fairly hospitable chap, I hear and likes to treat visitors from the mainland to dinner. I've got a missive from Lord Rolf to deliver and I expect they'll be wanting us to help transfer a few supplies the Elfleda brought along, as well as top off our own food and water stores. Nothing too terribly exciting, I fear."

The ship slowly came to a stop in the bay and the crew dropped the anchor.

"You lot need to gather anythin' up before we put down the dinghy?" Captain Thorne strolled over to the gathered group and clapped the elven bard on the shoulder in a good natured gesture. "You seem to be feelin' a might bit better, lad. Mighty fine shanty, that could be."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

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"The Constable?" Wimena couldn't hide her awe. This Constable seemed like a mighty important man, the way most of the crew talked about him. "I hope I get to meet him."

The captain's announcement caught her attention, a shiver of anticipation runnin down her spine. The sky seemed clearer. The water seemed bluer. The whole world seemed to rejoice in this new land. Even one of the crew members, an eleven bard, was adding to the excitement with his dainty tune. Wimena laughed lightly. Gripped by the thrill of it all, or perhaps the ale she had downed, the young woman gave a twirl of joy before glancing over at the large half-Orc. "Come on, then! To the Constable!" Flashing a grin, Wimena went to join a the gathered group of adventurers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

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Rockmar beamed a smile back at Wimena. She was such a funny tiny woman. But her joy was radiating. He grabbed his pack and axe and followed the hafling to the gathering group. He had a feeling he would follow her almost anywhere.

As an added bonus he saw a sea wrench pouring ale. With a grin, Rockmar presented his empty mug and asked, "Can I have some more, pleaze?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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Nora slowly walked towards the group, he looked at everyone into the eyes and bowed her head slitghtly. She was hopping no one started asking many questions as she always gets nervous everytime she has to answer, maybe the fear of answering wrong.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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The adventurers gathered whatever supplies they would be taking to shore and the sailors carefully lowered the dinghy and dropped a rope ladder over the side of the ship, helping as needed to get the group into the small boat. Once everyone was settled they headed toward the shore; one of the sailors in charge of the little vessel so that he could return it to the Elfleda for the other sailors to use later.

As the boat approached the small dock where various fishing boats were anchored, the residents of Avery's Isle were gathering to catch a glimpse of strangers. One man stood out from the others, both in his dress, which was cleaner and of higher quality than those around him, and in his stance that held an air of authority.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve smiled at Cedric and nodded. "I would be quite pleased to join the group for dinner with the constable."

She followed as the group was boarded into the dinghy and rowed ashore. She was certain that there would be no chance of anyone recognizing her here. Even still she pulled her cloak up higher to cover much of her hair. Vibrant red hair was the first thing that someone would notice and she didn't want that.

"May I join you sir?" She asked of Cedric.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin had politely nodded to the captain before heading to the smaller boat. He remained silent for the duration of the boat ride and seemed very much relieved to have proper, solid ground under his feet. On land the tall elf took on a completely different way of carrying himself. He moved nimbly, with the agility of a dancer or a swordsman. His right hand rested gently on the pommel of his rapier and his left hand moved to brush few loose locks of hair away from his face. "Maybe I'll have a chance to play a song or two after the dinner. If we are not in too much of a hurry that is." Tarquin stated hopefully, he was more just thinking out loud than directing his words to anyone in particular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

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Wimena was bundle of twitching feet and tapping fingers, her activity growing as they neared the shore. On arrival, she practically leapt out of the dinghy. Days of sea travel left her legs as wobbly as a newborn foal, but that did little to hinder her as she thirsting gazed around.
"I'd be happy to hear you play," she spoke, overhearing the Elven bard from earlier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

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Rockmar climbed down the rope and was ready to assist Wimena if she needed help. He sat next to her in the dinghy. In the boat to shore, at one time Rockmar put his hand on Wimena's shoulder, "Please, try to stay calm. We will be on shore soon enough. Don't ne nervous, I'll keep you safe."

Once at shore, Rockmar took up his normal position from habit of being a bodyguard. He stood near the edge of the group, watching for any sign of danger. Nobody was approaching the Constable. Who is charge of this goat rope?

Rockmar stepped to the Constable and made an awkward little bow, "M'Lord, hmm. I'm Rockmar Roughneck and I bring greetin's from Captain Thorne of the ship Elfleda. We have supplies from the mainland. He also hoped we could get some fresh food and water from you before we sail on." When he grinned, only a little of his tusks showed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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"May I join you sir?" The lady with the fiery red hair asked him. For a moment he looked surprised to be asked, but quickly replaced that look with a cool smile. Who was he to refuse an offer like that from such a beauty!?

"Of course! Of course!" he moved over hastily, rocking the craft a bit to make sure there was room next to him. He cursed himself slightly for not already knowing her name. "I'm Cedric, by the way."


"Well met Rockmar Roughneck," the man replied. He seemed friendly enough, but his expression belied a worry. "I am Constable Leofwine Botwright. I must admit I did not expect Lord Rolf to send a group so quickly to aid us, but I am grateful for it. Please, won't you have your crew join me at the hall?" He gestured up the hill toward the largest building around, which was still rather small by the mainland standards.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eve sat next to Cedric and replied, "I'm Eve. I love to go ashore to see what there is to see and gather some herbs and things. I use some of them for teas and some for medicinal uses." He smiled at her and she thought he seemed very kind.

Once ashore she nodded to Cedric and thanked him for his aid in getting her off of the dinghy. She saw Rockmar speaking to the constable and decided to introduce herself and see if he was a kind as they said. Maybe he could tell her about the town.

"I am Constable Leofwine Botwright. I must admit I did not expect Lord Rolf to send a group so quickly to aid us, but I am grateful for it."

This was a little disturbing to her. What aid did they need here and how was a ship full of people supposed to help? The constable was already going up the hill so she waited for the others with Rockmar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin did not quite like the mention of the constable needing their 'aid' in something. "A pleasure to meet you, m'lord Botwright. Before we begin to enjoy the meal I'd like to politely inquire about this 'aid' you need." As the tall elf spoke he moved to walk next to the constable. "So, what is this all about?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

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"Am I still on the Elfleda?" She said getting out of bead, getting dressed, and walk to the upper deck. Well she didn't realy walk she levitated. Once on deck she saw she had slept half the day away "damn" she said under her breath. Beginning to float across the water to the dock where the smaller boat was "no point is slouching around even more than I already have" she said getting closer to the dock.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eve walked up next to Tarquin and waited. "I am also very interested to know what aid is needed here and why were the passengers of the ship not told about it?"

She looked at Tarquin and noticed he was looking at the constable with an unwavering stare. She wondered if he was capable of any extra powers. She had heard that sometimes elves could do extra things. She pulled her cloak tighter and looked back at the group. Most of them had caught up and were waiting as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 21 days ago

Rockmar just shrugged when people started asking about the 'aide'. He's been hired enough times to provide 'aide' or 'muscle' plenty of times. He wasn't too worried. He just wished there were more warriors among the group.

Rockmar did stop and stare at the newly arriving woman. He saw her on the ship, and she wasn't on the boat. So, how did she come ashore? Her clothes were dry, so she didn't swim. It was just too confusing of a puzzle for Rockmar to worry about. He looked among the group to mke sure Wimena wasn't forgotten or stepped on. He felt rather protective of the tiny woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Aid?" Wimena snapped to attention, no longer transfixed on the scenery. Her eyes focused on the constable and stepped closer to the group. She clutched onto the hem of Rockmar's shirt in order to keep from getting lost in the crowd of larger bodies. That and the large Orc was an excellent crowd-parter. "What kind of help do you need?"
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