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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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The constable's frown deepened as he began to suspect by their questions and surprise that these travelers had no idea what evil lurked here. "A great and dangerous beast that has stalked us these past 3 weeks," he said by way of quick explanation.

"It has..." he broke off as he saw the tall image of a woman gliding across the water toward them. "Angel to save us indeed! Truly you lot have been sent to aid us!"

"Now, come, come. Let us hurry inside before night falls, for that is when the beast returns." Before leading the group to the relative safety of the hall, Leofwine turned to address the sailor that was getting ready to depart back to the Elfleda. "Warn the crew, sailor, that it is not safe to be about from dusk to dawn."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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"Now, usually I'd just ask a few more questions - the most important one would of course be what would it be in it for us to aid you?" The tall elf tilted his head slightly to the left and fixed a haughty smirk on his face. "Though heroism is it's own reward I'd rather have money to send back to my family, maybe some rations and perhaps even a magical trinket or two." Tarquin let out a little laugh and shook his head. "Now, now, I merely jest. Comes with the profession you see. Now, perhaps we could have something to eat then and discuss this problem of yours in greater detail." Despite the little laugh there was no amusement in his voice, not even a little hint.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Wimena's grip on the Orc tightened. "Beast?!" she squeaked. She followed his gaze to a woman gliding over the ocean, her breath catching in her throat. It seemed, no, was magical. A tiny bit of assurance filled her. She was, after all, surrounded by hardy-looking travelers. Still, the unease from that cursed word persisted in her mind. "Perhaps you can tell us about this..." Wimena gulped nervously as she tried to keep pace with the Constable, "this Beast."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve, curious and worried asked, "Sir, what kind of beast and what exactly is it doing?"

She had to lift her skirts just so she wouldn't trip over her dress on such a steep incline. A couple of time she nearly lost her footing only to have the constable grab her arm at the last second. She looked over her shoulder to see others having the same difficulty. The terrain could be a serious issue at night if one was unfamiliar with it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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As Leofwine led the group of adventurers up the steep hill to the hall, putting their questions on hold until they were settled in the hall, they could get a better vantage of the village. There were many small homes scattered about, each with a garden plot and some with various farm animals in nearby fields. There were no shops or businesses to be seen, though from somewhere near-by came the familiar noise of a hammer striking iron.

On one of the closest homes a set of deep scrapes scarred the wooden door, as if something the size of a large bear had raked its claws across it. A studied gaze would show blood spatters across the front of the home that someone had tried to clean, but the wood soaked in the stain. And not far from the path was an obvious cemetery where 5 of the graves looked fresh.

The Constable pushed opened the door of the hall and invited the newcomers inside. The hall was mostly one large room and set along the floor near the wall were blankets and sheepskins made into temporary beds, some of which were currently occupied by residents of the island, who seemed to be settling in for the night. Others were empty yet, suggesting more people to come. "Some think it is safer here than in their homes," Leofwine said by way of explanation.

He took a seat on one of the benches, gesturing for the travelers to do the same. He looked tired, as if the weight of the world were upon him and he'd barely slept for the past few weeks. "Thelma," he said, addressing a young lass that seemed to stare in awe at the adventurers, "bring dinner for our guests, please."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Once she got to the dock she saw a group of people looking over at her in a funny way. "What? I overslept and got left on the boat" she said with her eyes getting heavy as she let out a yawn. "What did I mis?" She said looking at the group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve had no idea how they were supposed to help with a beast such as this. She automatically moved closer to the group of men at the constable's words. She looked at the building they were seated in. There were beams and the roof was pretty solid looking. The walls appeared to be well made and there were actual doors that seemed to work properly. She hoped they were as sturdy as she thought they were.

She wondered if it was just a large bear attacking the village at night. Possibly even just some other animal she thought. She hoped fervently that it was just something the men could quickly hunt and kill. She shuddered at the thought of it being an actual monster.

Eve sat and watched the young girl serve them all dinner. She seemed distracted. Eve thought to herself, she couldn't blame her she would be too if she were her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin took a quick look around the building before seating himself opposite of the constable. After adjusting his surcoat the elf spoke again. "Now, if we are to help you, m'lord constable. We need all the information of this beast of yours you can give." He knew all of them could just decline helping the small island with their problems, but there was just one little detail. Tarquin's brother was a great hero and perhaps even the greatest swordsmen in the world - unfortunately the bard was made from the proverbial same wood. Heroism seemed to run in their blood. The largest difference between Tarquin and his brother was perhaps the fact that his brother would have jumped in to action immediately without thinking the risks or rewards. The bard however did not like risks without rewards. In truth he disliked most kind of work that wouldn't get him at least some gain.

The tall elf took a little glance at Eve and flashed a little smile, like he was reassuring the red haired woman that everything would be just fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Cedric took a seat next to Eve, catching the looks exchanged between her and Tarquin, he couldn't help a small twinge of jealousy.

The girl Thelma brought each of the travelers a simple, but hearty meal of a variety of vegetables in a wooden bowl topped with a hunk of lamb and a large slice of bread, along with a mug of ale.

"Of course," Leofwine nodded to Tarquin and started filling the travelers in on their problem. He was tired, so missed pieces and had to circle back and would repeat bits, sometimes interrupted by residents trickling in for the night, but eventually the picture he painted looked like this:

Almost 3 weeks ago, a shepherd that had taken his flock to the far side of the island did not return at night. But being spring, his wife did not worry too much, assuming one or more of the sheep had given birth and needed tending.

She went out to search for him the next afternoon only to find his body nearby his grazing flock ripped and torn, mutilated almost beyond recognition.

The next night, a fisherman was attacked shortly after dark, this time nearby the houses. Witnesses reported a black hound with red eyes, as tall as a large pony, had ripped him apart savagely.

Now the residents lived in fear. Night after night the beast would return, often killing livestock and clawing at the doors of the terrified villagers. One night it managed to smash its way through a door and murder an old widow. In every case the hound tore its victims apart, but never ate them, as if it simply delighted in the kill.

Soon after, a group of men decided to ambush the hound and slay it. They circled the beast when it arrived and fought it, losing one man in the process and injuring several others. When one managed to plunge his spear into the beasts side, the hound disappeared into a mist. Thinking they had been victorious, the residents of Avery's Isle celebrated and let down their guard, but it was premature. The hound returned the following night, this time murdering a teenage girl.

It was after that the Constable sent the plea for help to Lord Rolf.

"Lord Rolf may not have even received it yet when you departed," Leofwine said, somewhat sadly. "So I understand if you cannot help. It was not what you came here to do. But if you can stop the beast, we will reward you with what little wealth we have. And if there is another way I can aid you, I will do so."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The halfling's listened to the Constable's tale with a mix of awe and horror. If this beast was capable of killing so many people in a span of a few weeks, it was no wonder these people were so terrified. "We'll try our best to help you," Wimena spoke up with a surprising amount of bravado. She was scared of this Beast, yes, but she knew what it was like to feel trapped and threatened. Never would she wish the same to another. "This creature...it has to have a weakness of some kind, or perhaps some place it returns to."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve noticed more people entering from the village as the sun was setting. Once the doors were locked down and barred she quietly got up and went to each door and performed a protection charm on them. She felt eyes on her as she did this. She had not told anyone that she could perform magic and she was very quiet about what she could do. People tended to ask for miracles when they knew one could do magic.

When Eve was finished she went back to the table and sat down. Expectant eyes were on her and she smiled. "Just a protective charm. Hopefully, it will strengthen the doors and help to keep us all safe." She smiled with what she hoped was a reassuring smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

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Rockmar leaned over to quietly tell Wimena, "If anything bad happens tonight, you stick close to me. Alright? Just stay close." He ate his stew as he watched Eve walk the room. He was confused about what she was doing. Once she sat back down, Rockmar had to ask, "If we need to, can we still get out the doors?"

"I have heard stories of creatures that can only be killed by magical or blessed weapons. Who knows what's true and what's the stories of an old drunk sailor? But is this creature of those?"

"Is there more ale?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin was more concentrated in thinking about the possibilities of what the beast could be than eating. He had heard many stories about many creatures. There were so many stories that he couldn't connect certain monster with a certain story. Then he had an idea. "Well, there is a small chance it could be a hellhound - though how one of those would end up in a place like this... Though I haven't heard about hellhounds just disappearing when you kill it..." The elf continued musing to himself and occasionally mumbling something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Cedric listened carefully to the Constable's tale, wondering if this was really the adventure he thought he was signing up for. Surely, they could simply thank the man, possibly help guard the hall for a night or two, and then sail on and let the crew Lord Rolf would send specifically to deal with this be the ones to face off against this hound.

"We'll try our best to help you," the halfling woman said. Cedric said nothing right away, but felt ashamed for his own cowardice. If the halfling was willing to combat this beast, how could he refuse? And what if Lord Rolf didn't send another crew, but assumed he and his companions were capable enough? And so he nodded his agreement and listened to both Rockmar and Tarquin muse about what the creature could be and how to defeat it. "If it were a hellhound, Tarquin, would a magical weapon defeat it?"


"Thank you, lass. I'm sure that will help everyone sleep a little easier tonight," Leofwine said to Eve after she explained about the protection charm.

He listened to the others as well, adding his own thoughts. "It has weighed heavy on my mind these last few weeks and I can't help but think that it might come from the far side of the island, where Gallen the shepherd was first slain."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve sat in quiet contemplation for a moment. She wondered if it was Fenrir, a hellhound or just a large wolf. She quickly ruled out a cerberus as no one had mentioned multiple heads. She spoke up.

"Constable you are very welcome about the charms. I am concerned though that without knowing exactly what it is that anyone who goes after it is in mortal danger. I would fear for my shipmates if they went out there without the knowledge of how to kill it. I'm certain you understand my concerns." Eve looked the constable in the eye then at Cedric, Tarquin and Rockmar and Wimena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin glanced at Cedric and shrugged his shoulders. "If my memory doesn't betray me killing a hellhound with ordinary blades and such is possible, but rather difficult. I'd rather not tangle with a hellhound with only my rapier - be it slightly enchanted or not. If we'd have a way to bless our weapons with a proper blessing..." He again went on to mumble to himself for a moment before he pointed to the ceiling "Ah! Some stories say weapons coated with silver or even some form of silver powder would greatly help us." The elf rested his left hand against his chin and tilted his head slightly. "Then again if we are NOT contending with a hellhound... well... We might be in a bit of a pickle."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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"I share your fears," the constable said to Eve. "The only reassurance I have to offer is that it has only attacked at night. It seems we are safe during the day. I wouldn't ask..."

"It's here!" shrieked one of the woman who had been sitting very near the wall, cradling a baby. Now she moved toward the center of the room and pointed toward the wall where she had just been. "I heard it! Growling!"

As the occupants quieted to listen, what sounded like the growl of a rabid dog could be heard. A few moment later something heavy slammed against the front door of the hall, shaking them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eve stood up and lifted her arms outward and started chanting a much stronger protection spell. Her eyes began to glow a soft yellow and a mystical wind picked her cloak and hair up and made them billow outwards. The door rattling stopped and the building held strong. The doors held but the growling was still heard inside and people were beginning to panic.

Eve looked to the others, "The building is strong but it won't hold forever if it keeps smashing into the doors. I can only hold it so long before the spell breaks." She kept chanting and the doors and building held. After about an hour or so she fell to her knees exhausted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 21 days ago

Rockmar grabbed his axe. "Stay back, Wimena" He took up position just inside the door. If the doors gave way, Rockmar would be the first thing the beast saw. He held his axe ready. It was clear he has used the axe before and regularly. He was excited to face a challenge. With each slam against the door, Rockmar's heart beat a little faster, his breathing quickened. Rockmar was beginning to want this fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin lifted his flute to his lips and began playing an old battle song. It began as a soothing melody which slowly turned in to a triumphant one. The song was woven with bardic magic and it began steeling the hearts and minds of those present, preparing them for the coming battle, boosting their morale and confidence. As he played the tall elf sort of wandered around the room, like he was searching for weaknesses in the building itself.
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