Accidentally posted this in the Characters Tab!
Name: Alexander Sky
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Personality: Alexander is someone who, though a kind person, is also bitter, cynical, and only outwardly optimistic - he puts on a happy face in front of everyone, is brave enough to fight for his friends and what he wants, but at the same time, also highly disappointed at himself for past failures and mistakes.
- - - - (Power Matrix)Abilities: - Alexander is a Stunt Pilot for a Gyrocopter (Steampunk Airplane/Helicopter equivalent), but said Gyrocopter got destroyed in the beginning of the game, making this irrelevant unless a new Gyrocopter is found.
- Sunny Day: Alexander can make sunlight appear out of nowhere, even in dark places.
- Shield of the Sun: Alexander can create a Magical Shield.
- Fireball: Exactly what it says on the tin; a fireball that explodes with the same force as a grenade.
Weapons and Equipment:- Jian
- Pistols
- First Aid Kit
- Money
- Food and Water